Yuyun Case
Yuyun Case
Yuyun Case
and Murder
Savira Ramadhanty, Virgian Deswinta,
Andre Komala, Devin Derian, Joseph Bryan
Several Teenagers committed a crime
against Yuyun, which was only 14 years
old, they raped and killed the victim.
It happened in Kecamatan Padang Ulak
Tanding, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu.
There were 13 perpetrators however
one of them is still on the run.
It happened around 1 pm, Saturday, 2nd
of April 2016.
TW, 19 years old
S, 19 years old
B, 20 years old
F, 19 years old
Z, 23 years old
And 7 minors which are D(17), A(17), FS(17), S(17), DI(17),
EG(16), S(16)
S and EG who are both still studying in SMPN 5 Padang Ulak
Tanding, are the victims seniors.
The criminals were planning to kidnap and lay all of
their sexual desires on any one that was going to pass
their gathering spot, unfortunately, Yuyun was on her
way home and got abducted, tied and stripped.
It was unknown whether Yuyun was the target all
along, although Yuyun passed that road everyday and
the perpetrators were aware of it, they probably took
advantage and planned the crime beforehand.
Elements of Act
Article 340 criminal code regarding planned murder, juncto Article
80 paragraph 3, article 81 paragraph 2, article 76D law No.35/2014
on child protection.
Article 340 criminal code, five suspects are threatened with death
sentence or life-time in prison or within the period specified and
according to law No.35/2014 on child protection they are sentenced
with 15 years in prison.
article 354 paragraph 2 criminal code of persecution
Article 291 paragraph 2 criminal code of crimes against decency
Article 538 paragraph 1 of violation
7 under age children are sentenced with 10 years in
prison and 6 months of work training.
4 people, which are above 18, are sentenced with 20
years in prison and 1 person who is the main
perpetrator got a death sentence.
The criminal was savage at doing their acts, since
they didnt only kill, by hitting the victim repeatedly
on the head using wooden stick and also tying her
hands and legs together, but also raped her multiple
times (each criminal raped the victim 2 to 3 times).
One of the caused of the death was suffocation due to
the strangling of the victims neck during in which
the sexual assault occurs.
The raping cause the victims private parts to merge together
and also causing hemorrhage which was also one of the cause of
The event caused the victims family to be intensely traumatized
and chose to move out of their house to live in another place due
to being uncomfortable living near their daughters killer
After several incidents of rape, including this one, President
Joko Widodo signed the PERPU on sexually harassment to
children (Nomor 1 tahun 2016 tentang perubahan kedua atas
UU Nomor 2 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak).
Is it necessary to
give punishments?
For the kids who are under age, they deserve the
same sentence as the other perpetrators because what
they did was the same as the 5 adults, raping and
caused the victim to die in the vicinity of their
Zainal deserves his death penalty because he was the
person in command since hes the oldest. He is the
brain behind the death of Yuyun and was the one who
determines their action.
For us, rape is one of the ultimate crime that needs to
be punished with death sentences, since it causes
mental and physical problems to the victims. And for
this case not only did they raped the victim, they also
killed her in such a agonizing way which leads her to
suffer even more.
These punishments are, indeed, necessary to be given
since what the actors did was inhuman and not
justified at any cause. And if anyhow, according to us,
the punishments are not enough.