Sueños Lúcidos y Big Five 2016
Sueños Lúcidos y Big Five 2016
Sueños Lúcidos y Big Five 2016
Lucid dreaming frequency varies strongly among individuals and, thus, research has
focused on identifying what factors affect this phenomenon. The present study, an
online survey (N ¼ 2,492), focused on the relationship between the Big Five person-
ality dimensions and lucid dreaming frequency. Additionally, the personality correl-
ates of the age of the first lucid dream were investigated. In our sample, a small but
substantial portion of individual differences concerning lucid dreaming frequency was
explained by the Big Five personality factors. Openness to experiences correlated
positively with lucid dreaming frequency, whereas the correlation was negative for
agreeableness. The relationship between neuroticism and lucid dreaming frequency
disappeared when nightmare frequency was controlled. Future researchers should
examine the relationship of the Big Five factors with the attitudes toward and the
contents of lucid dreams. Moreover, longitudinal studies should investigate the lucid
dream socialization of children and the effect of age on the course of interest in lucid
lucid dreaming, personality, Big Five factors
Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim/Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Corresponding Author:
Michael Schredl, Central Institute of Mental Health, J 5, Mannheim 68259, Germany.
Hess et al. 241
The term lucid dream is defined as a dream in which the dreamer—while
dreaming—is aware that she or he is dreaming (LaBerge & Rheingold, 1990;
Tholey & Utecht, 1987). The lucid dreamer can then consciously steer and con-
trol some of the events or content of the dream (Snyder & Gackenbach, 1988),
such as flight, transmuting the body, summoning characters, and changing
scenes (Gackenbach & Bosveld, 1989; LaBerge, 1985). In addition to being a
fascinating experience, lucid dreaming can be a useful application for the train-
ing of complex activities (Erlacher & Schredl, 2010; Stumbrys, Erlacher, &
Schredl, 2016) and nightmare treatment (Brylowski, 1990; Zadra & Pihl, 1997).
In a representative German sample (N ¼ 919), 51% of the participants
reported that they had experienced at least one lucid dream in their lives
(Schredl & Erlacher, 2011). About 20% had lucid dreams regularly (once a
month or more frequently; Schredl & Erlacher, 2011) and can, therefore, be
considered as frequent lucid dreamers (Snyder & Gackenbach, 1988).
According to self-reports, spontaneous lucid dreaming could start as early as
3 or 4 years, although it seems to originate most frequently in 12 to 14 year old
adolescents (Stumbrys, Erlacher, Johnson, & Schredl, 2014). After the age of 25,
a spontaneous onset of lucid dreaming appears to be very infrequent (Stumbrys
et al., 2014).
The interindividual differences in lucid dreaming frequency are large (Schredl
& Erlacher, 2011) and, thus, research focused on identifying what factors might
affect the occurrence of lucid dreams would be of value. A variety of factors such
as a need for cognition (Blagrove & Hartnell, 2000), internal locus of control
(Blagrove & Hartnell, 2000), and parameters of the vestibular system
(Gackenbach, Snyder, Rokes, & Sachau, 1986) have been studied. The following
review focuses on the correlations between Big Five personality dimensions and
lucid dreaming frequency (see Table 1).
The two studies (Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Watson, 2001) failed to find a
consistent pattern: In two samples, lucid dreaming frequency was negatively
related to agreeableness and conscientiousness (see Table 1). A significant rela-
tionship between extraversion and openness to experiences and lucid dreaming
was found in one sample, while neuroticism did not correlate with lucid dream-
ing frequency in any sample. Schredl and Erlacher (2004) found that two of the
openness to experience facets (“fantasy,” “ideas”) showed small but significant
correlation coefficients with lucid dream frequency.
Other personality dimensions which can be conceptualized as subdimensions
of the Big Five factor openness to experiences (McCrae, 1994) such as hypnotic
suggestibility (Hoyt, Kihlstrom, & Nadon, 1992), thin boundaries (Galvin, 1990;
Hicks, Bautista, & Hicks, 1999; Schredl & Erlacher, 2004), creativity (Blagrove
& Hartnell, 2000; Zink & Pietrowksy, 2013), and absorption (Schredl &
Erlacher, 2004) were related to lucid dreaming frequency.
242 Imagination, Cognition and Personality 36(3)
Table 1. Correlations Between Lucid Dreaming Frequency and the Big Five Personality
To summarize, the findings indicate that there might be small but significant
correlations between some of the Big Five personality factors and lucid dream-
ing frequency. From a methodological viewpoint, it has to be mentioned that
most of the studies (Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Watson, 2001) recruited only
students. So, the question arises whether these findings could be generalized to
population-based samples.
Investigating the relationship between lucid dream frequency and personality
has two aims: First, the simple question is whether interindividual differences in
lucid dream frequency are related to waking-life interindividual differences.
Second, this research can help to identify causal mechanisms, comparable
with genetics (Papatheodorou, Oellrich, & Smedley, 2015): If a risk gene, for
example, for schizophrenia, has been identified, research focuses on possible
pathways how this gene affects the phenotype of schizophrenia. Similar, a posi-
tive finding between a personality dimension and lucid dream frequency can
provide hints for possible causal mechanisms how waking-life behavior and
thoughts can affect lucid dreaming frequency. An illustrative example is the
relationship between video gaming and lucid dreaming with high end gamer
report more lucid dreams (Gackenbach, 2006). This finding supports the idea
that practicing controlling a virtual reality in which the gamer is very much
immersed also increases lucid dreaming. The next logical step would be to con-
duct experimental studies, for example, to train unexperienced persons in video
game playing and test whether lucid dreaming frequency is going up.
The aim of the following study is to examine the relationship between the Big
Five personality dimensions and lucid dreaming frequency in a sample with a
large age range and diverse social backgrounds. Additionally, the personality
correlates of the age of the first lucid dream were investigated.
Hess et al. 243
Research Instruments
For eliciting the lucid dream frequency, an 8-point rating scale was presented
(“How often do you experience so-called lucid dreams (see definition)?”
0 ¼ never, 1 ¼ less than once a year, 2 ¼ about once a year, 3 ¼ about two to
four times a year, 4 ¼ about once a month, 5 ¼ two to three times a month,
6 ¼ about once a week, 7 ¼ several times a week). To ensure a clear understanding
of the phenomenon, a short definition was given:
In a lucid dream, one is aware that one is dreaming during the dream. Thus it is
possible to wake up deliberately, or to influence the action of the dream actively, or
to observe the course of the dream passively.
The retest reliability of the lucid dreaming frequency scale was r ¼ .717 (Schredl,
Berres, Klingauf, Schellhaas, & Göritz, 2014), in a sample of students r ¼ .89
(Stumbrys, Erlacher, & Schredl, 2013a). Furthermore, the age of the first lucid
dream was measured (“If you have experienced lucid dreams, how old were you
when they occurred the first time” “__years”). To obtain the dream recall fre-
quency, a 7-point scale (coded as 0 ¼ never, 1 ¼ less than once a month, 2 ¼ about
once a month, 3 ¼ about two to three times a month, 4 ¼ about once a week,
5 ¼ several times a week, 6 ¼ almost every morning) was presented. The retest
reliability of this scale for an average interval of 8 weeks is high: r ¼ .85
(Schredl, 2004a). To assess nightmare frequency, an 8-point rating scale was
presented (“How often do you experience nightmares?” 0 ¼ never, 1 ¼ less than
once a year, 2 ¼ about once a year, 3 ¼ about two to four times a year, 4 ¼ about
once a month, 5 ¼ about two to three times a month, 6 ¼ about once a week,
7 ¼ several times a week). Retest reliability of the nightmare frequency scale is
high: r ¼ .75 (4 weeks retest interval; Stumbrys et al., 2013a).
The Big Five personality factors were measured with the German version of
the NEO-FFI-30, which includes 30 Items (Körner, Drapeau, et al., 2008). Each
personality factor (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeable-
ness, and conscientiousness) were computed as the sum score of the six corres-
ponding items. The internal consistencies (Cronbach’s alpha) of the five scales of
the 30 item version were comparable to those of the 60 item version of the NEO-
FFI and ranged from r ¼ .67 (openness to experience) to r ¼ .81 (neuroticism;
Körner, Geyer, et al., 2008).
The distribution of the lucid dream recall frequency scale is depicted in Table 2.
Among the participants, 58.8% reported that they had experienced a lucid
dream at least once in their lives. According to the terminology (Snyder &
Gackenbach, 1988), 24.7% of the participants are considered to be frequent
lucid dreamers (having a lucid dream once a month or more frequently). The
correlation coefficient between lucid dreaming frequency and dream recall fre-
quency was r ¼ .420 (p < .0001). In Table 3, the means and standard deviations
of the Big Five factors of our present study and the representative population
sample of the NEO-FFI-30 (Körner, Geyer, et al., 2008) are depicted.
In Table 4, the ordinal regression for lucid dream recall frequency using the
Big Five personality factors as predictors is depicted (adj. R2 ¼ .2129; N ¼ 2,491).
The Big Five personality dimension with the largest regression coefficient was
openness to experience. Small but significant relationships were found for the
agreeableness and neuroticism factors. Dream recall frequency showed a strong
Category f %
Table 3. The Big Five Factors of the NEO-FFI Representative Population Sample (Körner,
Geyer, et al., 2008) and Our Present Sample.
Scale M SD M SD
Variable SS 2 p
Table 5. Linear Regression for the Age of the First Lucid Dream.
Variable SS t p
report an earlier age onset of lucid dreaming than men. Furthermore, the Big
Five conscientiousness factor correlated with the age of the first lucid dream
which implies that the later a person experiences their first lucid dream the more
conscientiousness they are.
The findings indicate that there are small but significant relationships between
lucid dreaming frequency and several Big Five factors, such as neuroticism,
openness to experiences, and agreeableness. This corroborates and also expands
the previous findings in student samples (Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Watson,
2001). Further, the age of the first lucid dream seems to be related to the Big
Five conscientiousness factor. Possible pathways that might underlie these rela-
tionships are suggested.
From a methodological viewpoint, the means and standard deviations of the
Big Five factors in the present sample were similar to the sample of the test
authors (Körner, Geyer, et al., 2008), indicating that the present sample is com-
parable to a population-based sample. Only the scores of the openness to experi-
ences factor were slightly higher in our sample, possibly due to the higher
interest in participating in online surveys.
Another methodological issue is the lucid dreaming definition, presented to
the participants. We focused on the basic feature of lucid dreaming (being aware
while dreaming) which is widely accepted in the literature. On the basis of pre-
vious experiences of our research group, we added the possible implications of
being lucid, like being able to wake up deliberately, control the action, or just
Hess et al. 247
witness the dream as it unfolds because it was helpful for participants unfamiliar
with the term lucid dreaming. In the present study, the personality correlates to
lucid dreaming in general were studied. As there are also large interindividual
differences what lucid dreamers do while been lucid (trying to control the dream
action, just witnessing the unfolding dream, try to awaking themselves if the
dream is too scary), it would be very interesting in future studies to investigate
whether persons with different approaches to their lucid dreams might also differ
in waking personality. Here, the continuity hypothesis of dreaming (Schredl,
2003) focusing on the thematic similarities between waking life and dream con-
tent might come into play, that is, persons who anxious about organizing their
waking life (high conscientiousness scores) might also be more often try to con-
trol the dream action.
The openness to experiences factor showed a stronger positive relationship to
lucid dreaming frequency than in one of the samples of Watson (2001), probably
due to the higher variance—our sample included a larger age range and more
diverse social backgrounds than Watson’s student sample. Our result is in line
with other studies (Blagrove & Hartnell, 2000; Galvin, 1990; Hicks et al., 1999;
Hoyt et al., 1992; Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Zink & Pietrowksy, 2013) showing
that personality dimensions such as hypnotic suggestibility, thin boundaries,
creativity, and absorption which can be conceptualized as subdimensions of
the Big Five openness to experiences factor (McCrae, 1994) are related to
lucid dreaming. A person with high scores at the openness to experiences
factor is described as being imaginative, artistic, sensitive for their inner life,
curious for new ideas and experiences, as well as adventurous and open-minded
(Ostendorf & Angleitner, 2004) and is, therefore, more likely to find out about
lucid dreaming and would eventually practice becoming lucid. Furthermore,
sensitivity for the inner life and imagination could help trigger lucid dreams.
In addition, openness to experience may also be related to an individual’s more
positive attitude toward lucid dreaming, which again would positively affect the
lucid dreaming frequency. This hypothesis should be tested in future studies.
In our sample, the Big Five agreeableness factor was negatively related to
lucid dreaming frequency, confirming previous results by Watson (2001). The
straightforwardness and altruism facets might illuminate this relationship. Lucid
dreamers are more likely to be focused on fulfilling their own needs (Stumbrys
et al., 2014) and less likely to reflect on the needs of others; they might thus be
less agreeable in waking life. To test this idea, future studies could investigate
whether specific contents of lucid dreams are related to waking-life
The neuroticism factor correlated with lucid dreaming frequency in the pre-
sent sample. This finding goes along with a study by Taitz (2011) who reported
lucid dreaming frequency to be related to depression, which is a facet of neur-
oticism. As the effect of neuroticism disappears when nightmare frequency is
included in the regression analysis, the relationship of neuroticism and lucid
248 Imagination, Cognition and Personality 36(3)
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
of this article.
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Author Biographies
Gabriela Hess is a bachelor student of psychology at the University of Salzburg,
Autria and worked as in intern of the sleep lab on the project “Lucid dreaming
and personality”.
Michael Schredl has been a dream researcher since 1990 and head of research of
the sleep laboratory of the Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim,
Germany. He teaches at the University of Mannheim and is also the editor of
the online journal International Journal of Dream Research.