Advance Access publication March 27, 2008
Neural Correlates of True Memory, False Nobuhito Abe1, Jiro Okuda2, Maki Suzuki1,3, Hiroshi Sasaki2,
Tetsuya Matsuda2, Etsuro Mori1, Minoru Tsukada2 and
Memory, and Deception Toshikatsu Fujii1
Department of Behavioral Neurology and Cognitive
Neuroscience, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine,
Sendai, Japan, 2Brain Science Research Center, Tamagawa
University Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan and 3Division of
Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron and Radioisotope
Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to Langleben et al. 2005; Seth et al. 2006). However, it should be
determine whether neural activity can differentiate between true kept in mind that even if we can judge whether or not people
memory, false memory, and deception. Subjects heard a series of are telling a lie, their ‘‘honest’’ responses do not always reflect
semantically related words and were later asked to make ‘‘truthful’’ facts because of occasional memory errors.
a recognition judgment of old words, semantically related non- It is known that human memory is prone to various kinds of
studied words (lures for false recognition), and unrelated new distortions and illusions (Roediger 1996; Schacter 1999; Loftus
words. They were also asked to make a deceptive response to half 2003). Among these memory errors, many researchers have
of the old and unrelated new words. There were 3 main findings. focused on false recognition, whereby people incorrectly claim
First, consistent with the notion that executive function supports that they have recently seen or heard a stimulus they have not
deception, 2 types of deception (pretending to know and pretending encountered (Underwood 1965). In contrast to deception,
not to know) recruited prefrontal activity. Second, consistent with false recognition is not accompanied by a subjective feeling
the sensory reactivation hypothesis, the difference between true that people are responding untruthfully, and therefore
recognition and false recognition was found in the left temporo- researchers need to be able to detect a difference between
parietal regions probably engaged in the encoding of auditorily true and false recognition that is not apparent to the conscious
presented words. Third, the left prefrontal cortex was activated mind. Despite this challenge, many neuroimaging studies have
during pretending to know relative to correct rejection and false shown a difference in brain activities related to true and false
recognition, whereas the right anterior hippocampus was activated recognition (Schacter et al. 1996, 1997; Heun et al. 2000, 2004;
during false recognition relative to correct rejection and pretending Cabeza et al. 2001; von Zerssen et al. 2001; Okado and Stark
to know. These findings indicate that fMRI can detect the 2003; Kahn et al. 2004; Slotnick and Schacter 2004; Umeda et al.
difference in brain activity between deception and false memory 2005; Garoff-Eaton et al. 2006, 2007; Kim and Cabeza 2007).
despite the fact that subjects respond with ‘‘I know’’ to novel The main purpose of this study was directly to compare
events in both processes. brain activity related to deception and memory distortion, both
of which conceal the truth. Specifically, we focused on the
Keywords: false recognition, fMRI, lying, medial temporal lobe,
processes of pretending to know (a type of deception) and
prefrontal cortex
false recognition, in both of which people respond ‘‘I know’’ to
novel events. When distinguishing between these processes, it
is not possible to rely on the difference between subjects’
Introduction responses or the nature (‘‘novel’’ in this situation) of the stimuli.
The development of neuroimaging techniques has enabled us The ability to judge objectively the truthfulness of someone’s
directly to measure brain activity associated with various word based solely on their brain activations would help us to
cognitive functions. In recent years, much attention has been improve existing lie-detection systems on both theoretical and
paid not only to clarifying the neural correlates of cognitive practical bases. In addition, imaging data may provide useful
processes but also to ascertaining what someone is currently evidence for those involved in criminal investigation and
thinking by analyzing patterns of neural activity (Haynes and prosecution in terms of the credibility of eyewitness testimony
Rees 2006). In the context of this ‘‘brain reading,’’ discrimina- (Wells and Olson 2003). Despite this substantial implication,
tion between honest and deceptive responses is one of the there has been no neuroimaging study directly comparing the
most interesting topics in cognitive neuroscience. patterns of brain activities associated with deception and false
The neural correlates of deception have gradually been memory.
delineated in studies using positron emission tomography (Abe We performed an event-related fMRI study with a modified
et al. 2006, 2007), functional magnetic resonance imaging version of the set of word lists developed by Deese (1959) and
(fMRI; Spence et al. 2001; Langleben et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2002, Roediger and McDermott (1995) to produce false recognition
2005; Ganis et al. 2003; Kozel, Padgett, et al. 2004; Kozel, Revell, with high probability. Before fMRI scanning, participants heard
et al. 2004; Nunez et al. 2005; Phan et al. 2005; Mohamed et al. a number of lists consisting of semantic associates (e.g., moon,
2006; Gamer et al. 2007), event-related potential (Johnson et al. light, shine, bright, hot, gleam, etc). During a subsequent test
2003, 2004, 2005, 2008), and, more recently, transcranial direct phase with fMRI scanning, subjects were visually presented
current stimulation (Priori et al. 2008). In addition, researchers with previously studied ‘‘True targets’’ (e.g., hot), nonstudied
have extended their findings to the application of fMRI or ‘‘False targets’’ (e.g., sun) that were semantically related to the
magnetoencephalography as a lie detector on the level of studied items (i.e., lures for false recognition), and unrelated
individual subjects (Davatzikos et al. 2005; Kozel et al. 2005; ‘‘New targets’’ (e.g., building). The subjects’ task was to make an
Ó 2008 The Authors
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old/new judgment in response to these stimuli. In addition to words as ‘‘False targets’’ in the 40 lists of 15 words each. In addition, the
this procedure, the experimental condition of ‘‘Lie’’ was theme word and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strongest associates were used as
designed in which participants had to make deceptive ‘‘New targets’’ in the 20 lists of 10 words each. These stimuli were
visually presented to participants in the MRI scanner. Each test word
responses to ‘‘True targets’’ and ‘‘New targets’’ (i.e., ‘‘do not was presented in the center of a screen, and whichever finger of the
know’’ responses for ‘‘True targets’’ and ‘‘know’’ responses for right hand was to be used for old/new button pressing was presented
‘‘New targets’’). on both sides of the word. All the ‘‘False targets’’ and half of the ‘‘True
Before starting this experiment, we presumed the following targets’’ and ‘‘New targets’’ were assigned to ‘‘Truth’’ blocks, in which
hypotheses related to brain activations associated with true subjects were asked to respond honestly to each stimulus. The
memory, false memory, and deceptive responses. First, we remaining halves of the ‘‘True targets’’ and ‘‘New targets’’ were assigned
to ‘‘Lie’’ blocks, in which subjects were asked to make a deceptive
expected that deception would be associated with increased
response to each stimulus. Due to the limited number of stimuli, ‘‘False
brain activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex, which probably targets’’ were not presented in the ‘‘Lie’’ blocks.
reflects executive function such as cognitive control (Spence
et al. 2004; Hughes et al. 2005). Second, we expected that the
regions responsible for auditory processing would be prefer- Tasks
entially active during true versus false recognition due to The experiment consisted of 2 sessions, each of which included 1 study
phase and 1 test phase (i.e., the 1st study phase without fMRI, the
sensory reactivation (Schacter and Slotnick 2004), because true 1st test phase with fMRI, the 2nd study phase without fMRI, and
memories engage perceptual encoding processes that are the 2nd test phase with fMRI). Figure 1 illustrates 1 of the 2 task
presumably not involved in the creation of false memories. In sessions.
fact, recent neuroimaging studies have consistently shown that Before the experiment, the participants were given a thorough
the regions engaged in encoding were reactivated during explanation of the task procedure, and familiarized with the task by
memory retrieval (e.g., Johnson and Rugg 2007; Ueno et al. completing a short practice session. During each study phase, subjects
listened to a total of 300 words (20 lists of 15 words each) at a rate of
2007). The present experimental paradigm is suitable for this
2 s per word. The theme words from the 20 lists were not presented
investigation because the participants were asked to make during the study phase and were used as ‘‘False targets’’ for producing
a recognition judgment to visually presented words that had false recognition in the subsequent test phase. Words were presented
been studied auditorily. Third, we expected that, compared in order of decreasing strength of association with the theme word,
with false recognition and correct rejection (baseline condition except for 2 words to be used as ‘‘True targets,’’ which were shifted to
presenting novel stimuli to participants), the process of positions other than 1, 2, 14, and 15 to prevent primacy and recency
effects. Subjects were instructed to remember the presented words for
pretending to know would be associated with greater activity
the later recognition memory test. Presentation of each list was
in the lateral prefrontal cortex due to the increased demand of separated by a 15-s interval during which subjects performed simple
executive function. Finally, we expected that, compared with arithmetic (e.g., ‘‘5 plus 2’’). The presentation order of the lists was
pretending to know and correct rejection, false recognition randomized across subjects.
would be associated with greater activity in the medial Approximately 10 min after the completion of the study phase, the
temporal lobe structures responsible for subjective familiarity test phase was initiated. During the test phase with fMRI scanning,
and with no reactivation of regions involved in the sensory subjects performed the recognition test, consisting of 4 ‘‘Truth’’ and 4
‘‘Lie’’ blocks. The cues indicating the subsequent ‘‘Truth’’ or ‘‘Lie’’ block
processing of auditory materials. were of 15 s duration and were followed by the target words. In each
‘‘Truth’’ block, 5 ‘‘True targets,’’ 5 ‘‘False targets,’’ and 5 ‘‘New targets’’
were presented in randomized order, and subjects were asked to make
Materials and Methods old/new decisions as quickly as possible by pressing keys on the
response box. In each ‘‘Lie’’ block, 5 ‘‘True targets’’ and 5 ‘‘New targets’’
Participants were presented in randomized order, and subjects were asked to make
Twenty-eight volunteers were recruited to take part in this study. The deceptive responses (i.e., ‘‘new’’ responses for ‘‘True targets’’ and ‘‘old’’
criteria of recruitment for this study were 1) native Japanese speakers, responses for ‘‘New targets’’). Subjects were asked to respond using the
2) no history of neurological or psychiatric diseases, and 3) right- index or middle finger of their right hand. The assignment of these
handedness on the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield 1971). fingers for each old/new decision was counterbalanced across blocks.
All participants gave their written informed consent in accordance with Each word was presented for 2 s, and the intervals between the words,
the Declaration of Helsinki and the guidelines approved by the Ethical during which cross-fixation was constantly presented, ranged between
Committee of Tamagawa University. 2.5 s and 13.5 s to maximize the efficiency of the event-related design
(Dale 1999).
In 1 test phase with fMRI scanning, participants responded to 20
Stimuli ‘‘True,’’ 20 ‘‘False,’’ and 20 ‘‘New’’ target words in ‘‘Truth’’ blocks, and 20
For false recognition (Deese 1959; Roediger and McDermott 1995), we ‘‘True’’ and 20 ‘‘New’’ trials in ‘‘Lie’’ blocks. Thus, across the 2 test
collated 81 word lists, each consisting of semantically related words, phases, participants responded to 40 ‘‘True,’’ 40 ‘‘False,’’ and 40 ‘‘New’’
from the Japanese literature (Hamajima 2000; Takahashi 2001; Hoshino target words in ‘‘Truth’’ blocks, and 40 ‘‘True’’ and 40 ‘‘New’’ trials in
2002; Miyaji and Yama 2002). By removing overlapping lists or words ‘‘Lie’’ blocks.
and including some lists with 1 or 2 words from the Japanese word
association norms (Umemoto 1969), we eventually prepared 60 lists of
semantic associates. Of these, 40 lists consisted of 1 theme word (e.g., Image Acquisition and Data Analysis
sun) and 15 semantically related words (e.g., moon, light, shine, bright, Whole-brain imaging was performed with a 1.5-Tesla MRI scanner
hot, and so forth), and the remaining 20 lists consisted of 1 theme word (Magnetom Sonata; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). A T2*-weighted echo
and 10 semantically related words. planar imaging (EPI) sequence was used for functional imaging with the
During 2 study phases, a total of 600 words (40 lists of 15 words following parameters: time repetition = 2200 ms, time echo = 45 ms,
each) prerecorded by a male speaker were presented to the flip angle = 90°, 64 3 64 acquisition matrix, field of view = 192 mm, 26
participants through a personal computer. axial slices with 4 mm slice thickness and 1 mm interslice gap, 400
During 2 test phases, a total of 200 words (80 ‘‘True targets,’’ 40 volume acquisitions per run. Head motion was restricted using firm
‘‘False targets,’’ and 80 ‘‘New targets’’) were presented. The 1st and padding that surrounded the head. The cognitive tasks during fMRI
2nd strongest associates were used as ‘‘True targets’’ and the theme scanning were controlled using Cogent 2000 software (Wellcome
Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK). Visual stimuli individually significant. For all the whole-brain subtraction analyses,
were projected onto a screen and viewed through a mirror attached to the threshold of significance was set at P < 0.001 (uncorrected for
a standard head coil. The subjects’ responses were collected using multiple comparisons) with an extent threshold of 10 contiguous
a magnet-compatible response box. voxels. In the conjunction analysis, the same threshold was used (P <
Data preprocessing and statistical analyses were performed using 0.001), but no extent threshold was applied. To extract the percent
Statistical Parametric Mapping 2 (Wellcome Department of Imaging signal change of activated regions during each task, we also used
Neuroscience). Preprocessing of the image volumes included re- MarsBaR software (Brett et al. 2002).
alignment of head motions, slice-time correction with reference to
the middle slice acquired in time, normalization to the EPI-template
based on the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) reference brain
(resampled voxel size 3 3 3 3 3 mm3), and spatial smoothing with
a Gaussian kernel (8 mm at full-width half-maximum). Participants
The fMRI data were analyzed using an event-related model. For each Before the analysis of imaging data, 2 participants were
subject, activity associated with each experimental condition of excluded from the analysis due to excessive head motion
interest (i.e., TR, true recognition to ‘‘True targets’’; CR, correct
during fMRI scanning (approximately 4 mm). An additional
rejection to ‘‘New targets’’; FR, false recognition to ‘‘False targets’’; LT,
lying to ‘‘True targets’’; LN, lying to ‘‘New targets’’) was modeled using 6 participants were excluded due to poor task performance
a canonical hemodynamic response function. Targets that were (i.e., less than 60% accuracy in ‘‘Truth’’ blocks, which was close
incorrectly classified (i.e., error responses) or for which a response to chance level) or an insufficient number of events in at least 1
was omitted were modeled as events of no interest, as were of the conditions used in the imaging contrasts (i.e., fewer
instructions presented during the onset of ‘‘Truth’’ and ‘‘Lie’’ blocks. A than 15), or both. Thus the results of the present study are
high-pass filter of 1/128 Hz was used to remove low-frequency noise, based on the data from the remaining 20 subjects (11 males and
and an AR (1) model corrected for temporal autocorrelation. The
resulting parameter estimates for each regressor at each voxel were
9 females, age range 19--28 years, mean age 21.9 years). These
then entered into a 2nd-level analysis where each participant served participants did not report any difficulty understanding the task
as a random effect in a repeated measures analysis of variance procedure and performing each of the Truth and Lie tasks as
(ANOVA). Appropriate corrections were made for nonsphericity and instructed. There were no pathological findings on MRI of any
correlated repeated measures (Friston, Glaser, et al. 2002; Friston, of the subjects’ brains.
Penny, et al. 2002). The comparisons between experimental conditions
were then performed by appropriately weighted linear contrasts and Comparison between Truthful and Deceptive Responses
determined on a voxel-by-voxel basis. In addition to simple subtraction
analyses, the above procedure allowed us to perform conjunction
Behavioral Data
analyses at the 2nd level, and we identified activated regions with
a conjunction using the minimum statistic (Friston et al. 2005), as All the behavioral data are shown in Table 1. In this analysis, we
suggested by Nichols et al. (2005). This procedure revealed areas in used 2-way repeated measures ANOVA to analyze the
which all the contrasts entered into conjunction analysis were behavioral data of 2 ‘‘Truth’’ and 2 ‘‘Lie’’ tasks except for the
Note: Only the most significant peaks within each area of activation are reported in this table.
*Indicates the region that includes the active voxels detected in the conjunction analysis of LN
versus CR and LN versus FR.
Table 5
Brain regions showing greater responses during FR compared with CR