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Name: AROUA F. Epiphane School: Form: Tle ABCD Size:

Grade: Documents: All in need Strategies: The useful ones Competences: The useful ones

Syllabus Tle ABCD

LS n° 1: The world’s a family ABCD Communication: defining

Picture description Comprehension
Comprehension Listening comprehension
Pronunciation: word stress Composition:
Reading: understanding pronouns in a text LS n° 3: Helping each other ABDC
Analysis of texts Picture interpretation
Vocabulary: words for group Information transfer
Comprehension and personal response Vocabulary: word formation
Communication: Revision of “where” clauses Reading skill: understanding complex noun phrases
Scanning Comprehension
Skeleton dialogue Communication: talking about events in progress
Listening comprehension Understanding newspaper headlines
Composition: writing a letter to a newspaper or your school Listening comprehension
Newsletter Comprehension and response
LS n° 2: Lifestyles & health ABCD Communication: expressing contrast and addition
Oral description Communication: using the passive (revision of the passive voice)
Completing a table Communication: intonation expressing surprise
Discussion in group Discussion
Vocabulary: Accepting and rejecting Composition: writing a letter to your local newspaper
Pronunciation: intonation for questions (revision of asking questions) LS n° 4 whose English? AB
Communication: ways of adding more information Discussion
Composition: writing an argument essay on “what should the attitude Skimming
of society be towards nomadic people?” Vocabulary: synonyms
Skimming Vocabulary: crossword
Communication: ways of saying ‘it doesn’t make any difference’ (re- LS n°6: Education AB
vision of no matter, wherever…) Discussion
test analysis Listening and making notes
Pronunciation and spelling in the poem Vocabulary: buildings and ruins
Study skill: making note Communication: If clauses
Seeking for information Comprehension and comparison
Communication check: direct and reported speech Communication: qualifying with emphasis
Vocabulary: opposites Comprehension
Vocabulary: forming nouns Analysis
Vocabulary: approximately Composition: writing a letter to a school magazine
Delivery a famous speech Composition: writing a speech
LS n° 4 CD; 5 AB: Success in business
Reading and summary
Vocabulary: word formation; words in in-ee, -er, -or
Vocabulary: business
Communication: reporting progress
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs
Communication: describing an activity
Listening comprehension
Composition: A business letter
Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n° 1: The world’s a family ABCD
Objective: To promote tolerance
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & & emergency
strategies package
Check 0.1:Oral -invite the students to observe each -observe each picture on IW -A white person is attacking the black person. He probably has
description picture on page 17 and 18 and page 17 and 18 and CW/GW feelings of racial hatred based on ignorance, prejudice and fear of
discuss it according to these discuss it according to CD1 other people. The black person has probably done something wrong
questions. these questions. CTD2 to the white people…
1-according to the clues, say what CT1,2,6 -A woman wearing a soutane/robe with a headscarf is probably a
the picture tells you. sister (mother Terasa of Calcuta) lovingly holding and helping a
2-what you thing is being done? small black child. The religion leads her to love all people in the
3-why do people behave like this? name of God.
4-what are your feelings? -people are running away probably because of civil war caused by
rival leaders trying to get power by fighting each other.
-the plane is bringing food to a place that needs it. Wealthy countries
especially the International Community have a responsibility to those
in need.
Comprehension: a-ask the students to answer these -answer these questions. IW 1-the title is probably related to the differences in people according to
Check 1.1 - 1.4 questions. CD1 the physical appearance.
Project task 1: 1-considering the title of the text A, CTD2 2-No (discussion)
There is no what do you think it is related to? CT1,2,6
biological basis 2-do you think that the physical
for race differences between people of
different races (skin, colour, hair…)
represent biological differences?

b-invite them to read the text -read the text IW

c-ask them to find out whether each -find out whether each of 1-false 2-true 3-false 4-true 5-false
of the following statements (book the following statements IW
page 18) is true or false. (book) is true or false. PW
d-ask them to read the text A again -to read the text A again 1-out of a total of about 100.000 genes, only a very small number are
to answer the question 1& 2 to answer the question 1& idem to do with the physical features especially skin, colour which people
NB: for N°2 why are these 2 generally regard as the basis for racial difference. Since the physical
examples absurd? (genes) similarities between people of different “race” far outcome
the differences, we cannot say that there is a biological basis for race.
2- Examples of absurdity
-one USA court decided that a woman must be black because she
went to a black school.
-In south Africa , a person who had a single African ancestor was
considered “black” whereas Papa Doc considered his nation a
“white” one as nearly every one , however dark their skin, had a
white ancestor.
-In Latin America, more than 20 different races used to be
recognized, depending on the precise degree of black and white
These examples are absurd because they do not respect any truth
logic and are contrary to the truth. They are all based on
discriminatory senses and ideas.
Reading skill: -invite them to read to text again -read to text again and IW All these---) examples of absurd attempts to place Review of
understanding and find out what the pronouns find out what the PW people in racial groups difference
pronouns; refer to pronouns refer to CW Those------) the genes pronouns
referring. CD2 They-------) the genes of the people on the earth
CTD2 Those------)the people
CT1,2,6 That--------) the overall genetic difference.

Person Personal pronoun subjects Pronoun objects Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns
singular plural singular plural Singular Plural singular plural singular plural
1st I we me us My Our mine ours myself ourselves
2nd you you you you You Your yours yours yourself yourselves
3rd he they him them His Their His their Himself themselves
She her Her hers herself
it it Its Its Itself
own oneself

Reciprocal pronouns
Each other One another
Used to refer to two people Used to refer to more than two people 2+
Ex: Roméo and Julliette love each other. Ex: on the football pitch, players kick the ball to one another.

Demonstrative pronouns
Singular Plural
This (near) These (near)
That (far) Those (far)

Relative pronouns
Pronouns Antecedents
Who Person subject
Whom Person object
Where Place
When Date, moment, time
Why Reason, cause
Which Things(subject/object) animal
That A clause
Check 2.1: a-tell the students that they are -read the text B silently for IW
Analysis in going to read a text about ethnic 10 mn CD2
groups discrimination somewhere in CTD2
Africa. CT1,2,6
ask them to read the text B silently
for 10 mn.

b-have them answer these - answer these questions. idem 1-Hutu and Tutsi
questions. 2-land of 1000 hills
1-The text mentions two ethnic 3-The fact that the Hutus has been the virtual slaves for Tutsis for
groups. What are they? many centuries.
2-Rwanda has been given a second 4-The Tutsis represents 15% of Rwanda population.
name in the text. What is it? 5- Germany from 1890 to 1916 ; Belgium from 1916 to 1962
3-what was the first cause of the 6-The death of the Hutu president (Juvenal Habyarimana) in a plane
racial conflict between these two crash, which the Hutus blamed the Tutsis for.
ethnic groups?
4-what is the percentage of the
Tutsis population ruling over the
5-which countries colonized
Rwanda and when?
6-what was the immediate cause of
the April killings?
Text C
c-have them read the texts C,D,E,F -read the texts C, D, E, F IW 1-Kajuga claimed to be acting in self-defence with government
and have them hold oral discussion and hold oral discussion CW authority. He justified the killing by the fact that they carried
about questions beneath each of about questions beneath CD2 weapons.
them. each of them. CD1 2-students answers may vary.
CTD2 3-No, they don’t.
CT1,2,6 -a few Hutu have protected their Tutsi neighbours
-Kajuga’s father (a Hutu) was willing to marry a Tutsi.
Text D
1-Hitler’s treatment of the Jews explanation is that he believed that
Jews were inferior and should all be killed.
2-Yes there is. The similarity is the genocidal aspect: killing vast
numbers of people just because they belong to a different ethnic
Text E
The dire state of the economy… led to renewed tribal tensions. The
cause given in text E is economic through the words unemployment
and have-nots.
Text F
1-Classifying people means that belong to a particular group such as
ethnic or religious.
2-Sure but let the students answer from their own experience.
d- hold a discussion with students -discuss answering the IW -students should come to the sense that the world would be a family
through this question: question. CW if……..
*what difference it would make in CD1
society if human beings no longer CTD2
though of their fellow human CT1,2,6
beings as belonging to one group or
Check 2.2: a-ask the students to study the table -study the table and the IW
vocabulary: and the notes beneath it. notes beneath it. CW
words for CD2
groups CTD2

b-invite them to use the information -use the information in the IW

in the table to give orally the table to give orally the CD1 You may ask them to get the table in their
meaning of each word according to meaning of each word CTD2 Copybook.
the tick. according to the tick. CT1,2,6

c-have them choose the most -choose the most IW 1-racial, ethnic, group, racists, group, society
appropriate word where several are appropriate word where PW 2-people, community
offered in the dialogue. several are offered in the CW
dialogue. CTD2
Structure: would a-ask the students to study these -study these sentences and IW a-
rather; wish sentences and answer the questions. answer the questions. PW 1-form of the verb : BV
1-I would rather go to school CW 3- form of the verb : full infinitive
2-I wish to become a president CTD2 2- form of the verb: simple past
3-I would rather you had come CT1,2,6 b-I would rather = je préfererais
a-what is the form of the verbs after S+ would rather +BV
would rather and wish? Eg: S+ would rather sing
b-suggest a formation in each case. *in a present context
S1+ would rather+S2+ simple past
Eg: I would rather he wasn’t a tempo boy
*in a past context
S1+ would rather+S2+past perfect
Eg: I would rather you had not been a t
empo boy
*in a future context
S1+ would rather+S2+simple past
Eg: I would rather we left next month

I wish = je souhaite
S+ wish+ full infinitive
*in a present context
S1+wish+S2+simple past
Eg: she wishes her brother ate this time
*in a past context
S1+wish+S2+past perfect
Eg: My mother didn’t go America. I wish she had gone
*in a future context
Eg: I wish he would call me tomorrow
NB: when there is not a clear context, a time indicator, in the
different cases, use the simple past after the second subject
I’m sorry, I regret, what a pity, it is pity (that),it is pitiful, what a
shame, if only, would rather
To rephrase sentences with some of these expressions present and
past context are used. When the initial sentence is negative, the
rephrased one with “wish” should be affirmative and vice versa.
Eg: I’m sorry Abdoul doesn’t go to the city
*I wish Abdoul went to the city
I regret that you went to that party.
*I wish you hadn’t gone to that party.
Consolidation exercises Anglais pour le BAC page 29 &159
Check 2.3 a-tell the students that they are -answer the questions orally IW
Comprehension going to read another text about by saying what they know. CW
and personal discrimination this time in America. CD1
response -ask them if they know something CTD2
about slavery, racial segregation, CT1,2,6
Martin Luther King in America?

b-let them now answer the - answer the questions in IW 1-and 2- are up to the students according to their own individual
questions in their book and the their book and the PW feelings
following following CW 3-students must reflect on their knowledge of winning independence
5-State briefly how segregation is CD2 in Africa countries. This similarities might include such features as
shown in Southern states of USA. CTD2 these:
6-Who is Rosa Parks? CT1,2,6 -denial of political rights
-denial of basic human rights
-a society which put back people at a disadvantage in term of such
things as education, unemployment and housing
-active hostile discrimination and racist attacks
-new Africa political parties and a liberation movement
-campaigns and demonstrations
-the emergence of popular leaders to fight for people’s rights.
4-The Civil Rights Movement won the right to vote and ended
5-There were separated cafés, cinemas, libraries, supermarkets, buses
for whites and blacks; blacks and whites are paid differently for the
same job.
Communication: a-explain the example sentence to -listen to the teacher’s IW In the book
Revision for the students to show “where clause” explanation. CD1 Example: Yamoussokro is where the great church called the Basilica
“where clause” and why a place (antecedent of CTD2 of Our Lady of peace stands.
where) is important in some way. CT1,2,6
-Mount Cameroon is where an annual mountain race is held
b-use the table and the clues to give -study the teacher’s IW -The Isle of Gorée is where slaves were held before crossing the
example showing how important a example and do the same. GW Atlantic
place is and have them do the same CD1 -the white House in Washington ,USA, is where the USA president
in group. The group with more CTD2 lives
good sentences wins. The teacher CT1,2,6 -Auschwitz was an “extermination” camp in Poland where millions
may add to the list in their book. of Jews were killed during World War II
-Mecca is where the ka’aba stands and where Muslims go when they
make the Haj or pilgrimage. It is also where the prophet Mohammed
was born.(cape—lunched; Dakar-1992; Vatican—lives; Bethlehem—
born; Robert—years: Jamaïca—from; Cuba—government)
c- ask them to give the reason why -give the reason why these IW 1-Tourou is where a new airport is built
these places are important by using places are important by PW 2-Dantokpa is (the market) where people buy clothes
a “where clause”. using a “where clause”. CW 3-National Assembly is where the Members of Parliament vote laws
1-Tourou CTD2 4- Bayol place is where the status of the king Toffa 1er is built
2-Dantokpa CT1,2,6
3-National Assembly
4-Bayol place
a-the Members of Parliament vote
b-people buy clothes
c-a new airport is built
d-the status of the king Toffa 1er is
Check 2.5: a-ask the students to make a list of -make a list of adjectives IW Their answers must turn around this: happy, angry, hungry, excited,
Scanning adjectives related to “feelings” related to “feelings” CW generous…
Reading through CD1
and quickly to CTD2
find specific CT1,2,6
c-tell the students to read the text H -read the text H IW

d-ask them to search through the -search through the text H IW -Bitter(controversy) -hate
text H for words and phrases that for words and phrases that PW -determined -utterly repugnant
express feelings good or bad. express feelings good or CW -temper began to fray -savagely
bad. CD2 -victim of crass racism -tragic
CTD2 -sorely tested -delighted
CT1,2,6 -oppressive and paralyzing loneliness -sublime pleasure
-endured crushing mental and psychological anguish
-faith -a rapturous reception
-shattering -thundering applause
-genuine warmth
-kindness and dignity
Check 2.6: a-take the students through the -go through the IW
skeleton introductory passage to let them introductory passage to CW
dialogue know what they have to do. know what they have to do. CD2
b-have them read the skeleton -read the skeleton dialogue IW Sam: Hello! , mother/mum. Yes, it’s me. How are you?
dialogue several time and several time and PW Sam: well. I’ve have having a hard time at university. It’s the white
produce/write Sam’s words. produce/write Sam’s words. CW students; you see; I’m the only black person here.
CD3 Sam: All sorts of cruel things. They don’t eat their meal at the same
CTD2 table as me. They call a gorilla. A group of them even attacked me
CT1,2,6 one night and hit me on the head with a butt of a pistol.
Sam: I’m going back there mother. I’m not going to let them beat me
Sam: You needn’t remind me father. I’m not going to give them
satisfaction of scaring me from the university. I’m a student there and
I’m going to study and get my degree just as all the others (whites)
Sam: Thanks for your support. Yes, I’ll take care and ring you again
in a few days, goodbye father.
Check 3.1: a-ask the students what they know -say what they know about IW *her real name is Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. She is a sister from
listening about Mother Theresa of Calcultta Mother Theresa of CW Albany naturalised Indian, born on August 26, 1910 and she died on
comprehension Calcultta CD1 September 5th 1997. She was awarded at 79 years old the Nobel
CTD2 Peace prize in 1972.Her Calcutta home for the homeless has received
CT1,2,6 more than 50.000 patients since 1972, very few of whom are
Christians. There is no effort to convert them. Mother Theresa
described her purpose simply as ‘ picking up the sick and dying from
the streets and helping them to die with love and dignity (as children
of God)’
b-invite them to listen to the -listen to the interview with IW
interview with Mother Theresa and Mother Theresa and PW 1-1972
complete the dialogue with either complete the dialogue with CW 2-to convert them
the exact words or their own words either the exact words or CD1 3- to die with love and dignity
that give the same meaning. their own words that give CD3 4-when did all this begin with you?
the same meaning. CTD2 5-where was that?
CT1,2,6 6-to India
7-home for the dying
9-to the hospital
10-a centre of worship and devotion for the Hindus
c-discuss the issues raised by this -discuss the issues IW 11-are you doing for these dying people?
interview with them. answering the questions. CW
Do they (students) admire the work CD1 Open discussion / debate
of Mother Theresa? What do they CTD2
think of her motivation (that all CT1,2,6
people without distinction are loved
by God as his children)? Do you
(students) know of other people
who do similar work?
Composition: a-ask the students to remind you the -remind the difference parts idem Sender’s address -- the date -- addressee’s address -- greeting
writing a letter difference parts of a formal letter of a formal letter and their --the body of the letter --ending words --- signature -- name
to a newspaper and their real position on the letter. real position on the letter. To address someone whose name you don’t know you can write:
or your school Dear sir/madam and end this with: yours faithfully.
newsletter To address someone whose name you know you can write: the title
(formal letter) and surname (Dear Dr/Pr/Prof AROUA) and end this with: yours
sincerely+ your signature and beneath it + your title ( Dr/Pr/Prof…)+
b-ask them to answer these -answer the questions IW 1-Intolerance is the state of being intolerant. Unable to tolerate,
questions. PW endure, bear something, close-minded about new or different ideas, a
1-what does intolerance stand for? CW bigot, refusing the right of private opinion or choice in others.
2-make the list of intolerance from CD2 2-division of colour in south America, the loss of the Virginian
the text A,B,C,D,E,F CTD2 secretary case because she went to black school, the conflict between
3-state its causes and the CT1,2,6 the Hutus and the Tutsis, the killing of Hitler and his Nazi followers
consequences because of the sense of being superior, the refusal of Rosa Parks to
4-what should people do then to leave the seat in the white bus because of the refusal of being
avoid intolerance and promote discriminated, Sam will of retort at the university because can’t
tolerance, love, and peace? accept the white students attitudes.
3-Causes: ignorance, injustice, poverty, mistrust in administration,
social/ethnic/political/religious intolerance, state of slavery,
Consequences: violence, killing, tensions, destruction of the
buildings, imprisonment, war, unemployment , hunger,
4-Solutions:promote human values (love, harmony, solidarity,
forgiveness, unity, humility in families, schools, religions, respecting
laws and their correct use, sensitise the population through the media)
c-take them through the headlines -go through the headlines IW
of the topic in their book on page of the topic in their book on PW
29 and write now the letter to a page 29 and write now the CW
newspaper or a school newsletter letter to a newspaper or a CD3
basing on the answers or examples school newsletter basing on CTD2
they know. the answers or examples CT1,2,6
they know.

d-ask them to proofread their -proofread their production Idem

production or pair proofread it. or pair proofread it.
Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n° 2: Lifestyles & health ABCD
Objective: To investigate alternative lifestyles and links with health
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & &
strategies emergency
Brainstorming -have the students answer these -answer these questions IW 1-a lifestyle is the way of living, the way
questions to allow them have an idea to have an idea of what CW somebody lives.
of what they will be faced with. they will be faced with. CD1 2-personal
1-consider the title of this LS and say CTD2 3-Yes (and they may give different reasons)
what do you understand by lifestyle. CT1,2,6
2-do you also have a lifestyle?
3-does your lifestyle have a link with
your health?
Check 0.1 -invite the students to observe -observe carefully the Idem -When looking to the man with fashioned hair (punk) he is
Oral description carefully the picture showing people picture and describe probably not a student and does not have a job. He smokes; may
with their lifestyle and describe them. them. be he has a motorcycle and goes out with gangs.
-The man sitting down behind the desk wearing a suit is a
business man and is at the highest level of the company. It is sure
that he has a smart car and eats expensive foods in restaurant; he
uses to go early at work and come back late.
-the boy and girl in front of the books are students. They study at
night, eat what their mother prepares for them and help her with
household chores.
-the woman with the microphone is a singer. He travels a lot with
her staff, has night concerts and sleeps all morning. May be she
also smokes.
Check 1.2 : a-have the students answer these -answer the questions
Discussion in questions. orally. IW
groups 1-some people sometimes walk CW
around in your village selling some CD1
objects (medicines), some of them CTD2
take care of animals and some at the CT1,2,6
traffic lights points
Panhandling. What is their name?
2-what do people think of them?
3-do they have fixed home?

b-tell the students that they are going -read the text A silently. IW
to read a text about the lifestyle of CD2
special group of people. Ask them to CTD2
read the text A silently. CT1,2,6

c-have them discuss these questions in

group. -answer the questions IW 1-Les fermiers répandent des excréments sur les domaines pour
1-trasnlate the first paragraph into PW les rendre impurs. Les autorités locales déversent des décharges
French CW sur les trottoirs pour les empêcher de s’installer. La police tient
2-what is the writer attitude towards CD2 des convois se déplaçant d’un lieu à l’autre.
travelling people? CTD2 2-the writer was in favour of the travelling people and strongly
3- what is the people in your area CT1,2,6 supports them.
attitude towards travelling people? 3-People in my area often fear them; consider them as thieves,
4-give three methods used to prevent lazy and spies.
travelling people to settle down. 4- feature of this answer is in paragraph 1
5-referring to the LS n° 1, what should 5-Normally, people should be responsive t their needs and
be people attitude towards travelling accommodate them , not persecute, distrust, them
Vocabulary: a-ask the students to say what they say -say what they say to IW Accept all correct answers
Accepting and to accept or to reject an idea. accept or to reject an CW
rejecting idea. CD1
b-tell them to study the table and pay
attention to how the verb becomes a - study the table and IW
noun. pay attention to how the PW
verb becomes a noun. CW
d-ask them to use some of the words CT1,2,6
to talk about people attitude towards -use some of the words -my village is in favour of nomadic people. Give them the
nomadic people. to talk about people IW -famers persecute nomadic people. list of verbs
attitude towards CW -authorities are hostile to nomadic people. and derived
nomadic people. CD1 verbs.
e-have them read the dialogue and CT1,2,6
choose one of these words for each -read the dialogue and IW 1-favour 7-campaigngning
gap. choose one of these PW 2-support 8-reject
words for each gap. CW 3-against 9-harassment
CD2 4-oppose 10-of
CTD2 5-hostile
CT1,2,6 6-accept
Check 1.4 a-ask the students to read the text A -read the text A again IW -Wh- question: Why is there such hostility towards travelers?
Pronunciation: again and find out a Wh- question and and find out a Wh- PW -Yes/No question: Am I missing out? (have three good students
Intonation for a Yes/No question. question and a Yes/No CW say each of these questions with the appropriate
questions (revision question. CD2 pronunciation)
of asking CTD2 Questions forms
questions) CT1,2,6 QW+do/does+S+BV+…. +? (Present verbs)
QW+did+S+BV+…. +? (past verbs)
QW+S+auxi+S+PP/gerund/BV/+…. +? (verbs with auxi)
*Auxi+S+BV/gerund/PP+? for Yes/No questions.
When the underlined word is a subject---) QW+ verb+…. + ?
What---) for profession when---) period, time where---) place
who---) subject whose---) possession how---) manner/mean
how far---)distance between 2 points how often---) frequency
how many---) number how much---) prize how long---)
length/duration which---) choice why---) reason
what do/does/did+S+look like---) physical appearance
what is+S+like---) moral description & weather
Exercises page 78, 79, 80 Anglais pour le BAC/ Live English
b-have them ask each other questions -ask each other PW Pge 17, 18
about nomadic people starting with questions about CD1 Examples of these questions
question words, some can be Yes/No nomadic people starting CTD2 -are there different kinds of travelling people in this country?
questions. with question words, CT1,2,6 -where do they stay?
some can be Yes/No -do they marry other ethnic group?
questions. -which kind of name do they bear?
-what is their religion?
-how do they travel from one place to another?...
Check the intonation
Project task1 a-tell the students to remind/look at -remind/look at the IW
Composition: the information they gathered in check information they CW
writing an 1.1 and list possible reactions of gathered in check 1.1 CD1
argument essay. society to the lifestyles of nomadic and list possible CTD2
people. reactions of society to CT1,2,6
the lifestyles of
nomadic people.
Some points on the answers on the text A will help.
b-tell them now to decide what they -decide what they think idem+CD3
think the attitude of society should be the attitude of society
and jot down their reasons, arguments should be and jot down Give enough time for each stage
and evidence. their reasons,
arguments and
c-invite them to plan their essay and evidence. idem
include the arguments that support the -plan their essay and
view they do not agree with and show include the arguments
they are weaker or not valid than their that support the view
points of view. they do not agree with
and show they are
weaker or not valid than
d-allow them to write now the essay their points of view.
including an introductory paragraph idem
and a concluding with contrasting -write now the essay
expressions such as : but, yet, including an
however, nevertheless, on the one introductory paragraph
hand/on the other hand, although, in and a concluding with
spite of, instead (of),despite…where contrasting expressions
appropriate. such as: but, yet,
however, nevertheless,
on the one hand/on the
other hand, although, in
spite of, instead (of),
Check 2.1-2. 3 a-tell the students to read the two texts -read the two texts IW
Skimming: quickly for two minutes. quickly for two CD
Reading for minutes. CTD2
general CT1,2,6
b-invite them to answer the questions IW 1-a------) text C
1 & 2 (book) -answer the questions 1 PW 1-b------) text B
&2 CW 1-c------) text C
Check 2.3 a-have them read the text C again and -read the text C again Idem 1--------) a
Comprehension :S answer the questions 1-5 (book). and answer the 2--------) c
canning questions 1-5 (book). 3--------) b
4--------) d
5--------) b
Check 2.2 a-take the students through the -through the patterns IW
Communication: patterns used to define things in the used to define things in CW
defining book. the book. CD2
b-invite them to find out two examples -find out two examples IW
of this way of defining in the text B of this way of defining PW 1-……..this is called a coronary thrombosis.
and write just the last sentence of each in the text B and write CD2 2-……..this is called a cardiac arrest.
down. just the last sentence of CTD2 Further explanation
each down. CT1,2,6 *A satellite is a spacecraft which continually travels around the
c-ask them to write short description - write short description idem * A spacecraft which continually travels around the earth is
and definition of two of the following and definition of two of called/is known as a satellite
conditions for their younger person. the following
conditions for their
younger person.
1-When you work for long period with a hoe, or a matchet, you
have pains in your hand showing red parts. This is called a
2-a person who has been bitten by infected anopheles mosquito
may suffer a fever, shivers for one or two days. Finally the person
sweats and the temperature goes down. This is known as an
attack of malaria.
3-running nose, cough…..
4-measles= rougeole
*le mot à definir+is+la chose qu’elle représente+les
* la chose qu’elle représente+which+ les renseignements+is
called/is known as+ le mot à definir
*la description du mot+this…. + le mot à definir
Note: while reading or listening, we meet difficult words that are words we don’t know their meanings .We have to hand out some methods that help a lot in defining the
meanings of those difficult words. Among these methods, we have:
1-Demonstrative method: The simplest way to indicate the meaning of the words is to point out what the word stands for examples (concrete words: sun) .But is
difficult to define abstract words through this method (love, kindness…)
2-Lexical definition: At this stage, we consult our dictionary. For example assuming/supposing you are asked to define wisdom when you know the adjective wise.
3-History or the etymology of the word: This helps to make clearer the meaning of the words.
4-Context definition: One can get the meaning of the word in a context or a description. Ex:loulou store is the largest supermarket in Ifangni selling everything. What is
a supermarket? A….is a market where they sell……..
5-Synonym and antonym method: here we guess the meaning of the from its opposite or from other meaning almost the same (life and death; food and meal)
Structure : Subject a-ask the students to read this sentence -read this sentence IW never do Muslims eat pork
inversion carefully and suggest another order for carefully and suggest PW The normal order of a sentence is S+V+O/Compl but sometimes,
it. another order for it. CW it is possible to have other order due to the subject inversion
-Muslims never eat pork. CTD2 starting with never, nowhere, not only, no sooner nor ,neither, at
- CT1,2,6 no time, not long ,on no account, in no circumstances, not even
NEVER………………………………. once ,in vain/vainly….
Not only+do/does/did+S+BV…but+S+also+V …
Not only+do/does/did+S+BV...but+S+V+as well
No sooner+had+S+PP+than+S+simpl past.
Hardly/not long+had+S+PP+when+S+simple past
This order is respected only if those expressions are at the
beginning when they are at the middle, no inversion of subject.
Ex: Maroufath eats bread and gala
Not only does Maroufath eat bread but she also eats gala
With the intensive words such as often, well, so badly, enough,
very much the order is intensive words+V+S+…/+auxi(to be)
Ex: he is often sick
Often is he sick.
But if the sentence stars with the adverbs :in, out, up, down,
round, over, back, forward….we add: V+S if the S is a noun
(Paul, john…)
Ex: Paul went out-----) out went Paul but when the S is a
pronoun (he, she…) there is no inversion
Ex: he went out------) out he went
Consolidation: anglais pour le BAC page 68
Check a-tell the students the different parts of -listen to the different IW -Title in capital to attract readers
3.1 :Listening an article. parts of an article. CW -Subtitle (optional)
comprehension for CD1 -Article + effective conclusion at the end.
writing an article CT1,2,6
for school b-tell them to read the instructions in -listen to the texts and The notes turn around:
magazine their book and listen the different parts make notes. idem+CD3 What one eats is important in avoiding heart disease. One should
of the texts twice one after the other have a healthy balance diet and avoid putting on too much weight
then make notes on eating and heart Overweight--)high blood pressure and diabetes--)heart attacks
disease; advice about blood pressure. and angina
how to keep weight low:
c-ask them to use their notes to write -use their notes to write 1-eat least fatty food
the article on how to stay healthy, the article on how to 2-eat less sugary food
keep fit and live longer . stay healthy, keep fit IW Blood pressure
and live longer. CW How to keep blood pressure normal
CD3 1-avoid putting on too much weight
CTD2 2-don’t drink too much alcohol
c-have them proofread or pair -proofread or pair CT1,2,6 3-don’t smoke
proofread their article. proofread their article. 4-be more physical active
Idem 5-eat less salt
7-have your blood pressure checked
Why high blood pressure is bad:
1-it makes the heart work harder
2-it speeds up the “furring up” of the arteries (these two points
lead to angina and heart attacks)
Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n° 3: Helping each other ABDC
Objective: To highlight the roles of people of different backgrounds in helping each other
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & &
strategies emergency
Brainstorming -have the students answer these -answer the questions. IW
questions. CW
-what do you do if a neighbour CD1
house is on fire? CTD2
-why do you help? CT1,2,6
Check 0.1 -have them answer these questions -answer the questions. Idem 1-doctor, patients, donors, and helpmate.
Picture on the picture. 2-some are treating patients; others are giving parcels for assistance
interpretation 1-who are the people in the picture? (charity).
2-which action are they performing? 3-epidemic emergency,.
3-which kind of emergency can you 4-no, there white person.
think of? a famine? Epidemic 5- Communauté Européenne (see the symbol on the
(widespread disease)? Earthquake? plane).Students can add: UN, UNICEF…..
4-are the workers in the picture only
5-which kind of international
organisation is helping?
Check 1.1 a-ask the students to read the text A -read the text A and IW
Information and complete the chart below it with complete the chart PW People or organisation Task
transfer information from it. below it with CW 200 research workers and To find the causes of the
information from it. CD2 experts lakeside deaths
CTD2 University of Savoy team To bring the remaining
CT1,2,6 water-trapped gas to the
Experts To set up the buoy with a
satellite-transmission device
Government authorities To relocate people away
from the danger area
b-tell students to do the same for text do the same for text B. idem
B. And if they find it difficult, they And if they find it
can look for words or expressions on difficult, they can look
the line where the answer is required for words or
in the text. expressions on the line
where the answer is
required in the text

People or organization Task

Cameroon authorities Set up distribution centres
Buried 1500 victims of the poisonous gas and burnt the carcasses of cattle
Cameroon authorities and other animals
Larger hospitals Received casualties needing skin grafts because of severe burns
Cameroon Air force used Army Lorries and commandeered four-wheel-drive
vehicles Transported aid inside Cameroon
The international community Flew aid to Yaoudé
France Supply camp beds, blankets, 20.000 tons of cabbages.
Neighboring tribes Gave homeless villagers a place to stay straight after the disaster
Cameroon authorities Decided what aid was needed and asked for specific items and amount
Mr Fred Ndang Supervised relief operations
The provincial governor Monitored the flow of aid
Check 1.2:Words a-take the students through the -follow the explanation IW The prefix -de generally means “removal” or “
formation examples in the book and the CW reversal” as in desalination = the removal of salt
explanation of –de CD1 from seawater
b-have them now complete each -complete each sentence IW 1-…..the removal of gas
sentence with the suitable word. with the suitable word. PW 2-…..the removal of some regulations
CW 3-… reduce the humidity of something
CD2 4-…..remove its population
CTD2 5-…..caffeine removed
c-have them read the instruction -read the instruction idem 1-toxic
about the adjectives ending in –ic as about the adjectives 2-seismic
it is in the book and let them find ending in –ic as it is in 3-volcanic
words that mean the phrases in their the book and find words 4-cubic
book. that mean the phrases in
their book.

d-tell them to form adjectives from -form adjectives from Idem 1- genetic
these words. these words. 2-academic
1- gene 3-epidemic
2-academy 4-suphuric
Grammar: a-have the students read the -read the paragraph and IW 1-the underlined words express the quantity.
quantifiers. paragraph and answer the questions . answer the questions. PW 2-They are quantifiers.
During the drought, there are many CW 3-problems------)countable noun
problems. There is little water in the CD2 Water----------)uncountable noun
river. People do not have much CTD2 Forms countable uncountable
water to drink. CT1,2,6 Affir A lot of A lot of
1-what do the underlined words Negative Many Much
express? Quality? Interrog Many Much
Quantity? A lot of= a lot; a lot is at the end of an affirmative sentence.
2-what is the name of the underlined Many and a lot of are sometimes used as subjects in an affir sentence.
words? Particularly, after “there are” many is used.
3-what is the nature of the words
after them? Countable? Form countabl Uncount aspects
Uncountable? able
Affir A few A little Positive
Nega Few Little negative
Ex: we have few books so we can’t give you some.
Some is synonym with a little/a few and it is used in affir sentences.
It is possible to see it in interrogative sentences.
Too many+Plural countable nouns
Too much+uncountable nouns
So many+Plural countable nouns
So much+uncountable nouns
Very few+Plural countable nouns
Very little+ uncountable nouns
Only a few /some+Plural countable nouns
Only a little /some+uncountable nouns
So little+uncountable nouns
So few+plural countable nouns
Too little+uncountable nouns
Too few+plural countable nouns

b-have the students use the -use the appropriate IW 1- Much

appropriate quantifier in each of the quantifier in each of the PW 2- A lot of
sentence. sentences. CW 3- Many
1-there isn’t …ink in the pen. CTD2 4- A lot of
2-This student has made …mistakes. CT1,2,6 5- Many/a lot of
3-There are not…chairs in this 6- Much
4-Empty vessels make…noise.
5-…people had come to see the
6-don’t eat… sugar otherwise you
will have stomachache.
Practice 20
c-let them complete : -complete : Section A
-with many-much-a lot or a lot of -with many-much-a lot idem 1-much 2-many 3-a lot of 4- much 5- much 6-
-fill in the blanks with a little-little-a or a lot of many 7-a lot 8-a lot 9-many 10-many
few or few. -fill in the blanks with a Section B
little-little-a few or few. 1-few 2-a little 3-few 4-a little 5-a few 6-little 7-a few 8-
a little 9-a few 10-little

Check 1.3 a-ask the students to read the -read the grammar IW
Reading skill: grammar summary 1-B on page 201. summary 1-B on page CW
understanding 201. CD2
complex noun CTD2
phrase to CT1,2,6
strengthen their b-ask them to complete the -complete the IW A seismic monitoring system is a system for
reading capacity/to statements on page 70 with suitable statements on page 70 PW monitoring seism activity. A meteorological
expand the words. with suitable words. CW measurement platform is a platform for making
complex noun CD2 meteorological measurement.
phrases. CTD2

c-invite them to expand their -expand their idem 1-a system of land use
understanding in the following understanding in the 2-China’ one child per family policy
phrases. following phrases. 3-the address made on the Founder’s day
1-land use system 4-the victims of heart attack which proved fatal
2-China’s one child per family 5-a science laboratory which weighs 85 tons
policy 6- a programme which costs a hundred million
3-Founder’s Day address dollars.
4-fatal heart attack victim
5-85 tons science laboratory
6- $ 100 million programme
Check 1.4 -invite the students to read texts C & -read texts C & D and Idem
Comprehension D and make their own chart, make their own chart, People and orgasisations Their work
showing people and organisations showing people and Britain and the United States Sent 30 tons of food
involved in aid and the work of organisations involved Zaïre Sent 50 army tents for 250
each. in aid and the work of people
each. Britain Willing to send toxic gas
experts, protective clothing,
medical supplies and gas masks
USA,Israel,France,Switzerland Sending aid teams
Spain,Japan,Italy Offered help
US Geological Survey scientist Analyse the causes of the
and French scientic disaster
Check 1.6 a-for space saving and economic -study the example in IW Murder mystery reopened is the short form for “an enquiry into a
Understanding reasons, newspaper headlines are the book. CW mysterious murder has been reopened”
newspaper generally brief information but CTD2 Explanation of each method
headlines highly expressive. To achieve their CT1,2,6 1-short but expressive verb is used: Political crisis threatens the Rep.
purpose, they use special vocabulary of Bénin.
and grammar. Invite them to study 2-short words with a grammatical may be omitted: Bio Tchané, like
the example of the newspaper Talon’ brother
headline in the book that is designed 3-use of complex noun phrase to save space: AIDS, a danger
to catch the reader’s attention and 4- present verbs are used, specially simple present for past even: US
brief. president rejects the proposal
b-ask them to match the examples to -match the examples to PW 823 die----) method 4 simple present for past event
the correct method the correct method CW Heroin case couple walk free----) method 3 complex noun phrase (a
CTD2 couple involved in heroin crime is free)
CT1,2,6 300 more jobs axed at Jaguar----) method 2: this means that 300 more
workers will lose their jobs. Axed is dramatic/expressive
Composition: -students have surely gained -study the different IW
writing an article numbers of resources(vocab, charts showing the PW
on “the roles of struct,funct and other elements) that different people and CW
participants in aids” they can integrate for linguistic organizations that CD1
competence provide aid and the kind CTD2
-tell them to read the guideline in of tasks that each does CT1,2,6
their book -plan their article
-allow them to ask questions to describing these roles
check if they have information on and saying what they
the topic think the most suitable
-remind the article parts role for each group of
people or organisations
would be
-start with short
introduction mentioning
recent natural disaster
or the way in which aid
has been provided
-end it with the
preparation in helping
or provision of aid in
the future.
Check 2.1: a-invite the students to answer these -answer these questions IW 1-yes, I do
Listening questions orally. orally. CW 2-because I take pity on them
comprehension 1-do you help people in need? CD1
2-what are your feeling(s) towards CTD2
the blind people? CT1,2,6
Introduction on Orbis:
Orbis is an international charity
organization which uses volunteer
medical staff to visit countries
around the world where people are
blind or becoming blind and can
have their eye-sight restored or
improved by an operation. The orbis
team fly to a country in their aircraft
which is specially adopted to act
both as a “theatre” where operations
carried out and as a lecture room
where local medical staff can be
trained in eye operations.
b-ask them to read the listening -read the listening IW 1-he has poor vision in his right eye and a mature cataract in his left
questions first to know which questions first to know CD1 eye.
answers they have to find and listen which answers they CTD2 2-he can’t work
to the video transcript twice have to find and listen CT1,2,6 3-a little more than an hour
carefully for answers. to the video transcript 4-they hold up one or more of their fingers and ask Isaka to say how
twice carefully for many they are holding up
answers. 5-students answer according to the feelings they think Isaka would
have. These are some possibilities:
Before the operation: anxiety, hope, doubt (may be), excitement
After the operation: joy, relief, gratitude, optimism
Check 2.2: a-tell the students that this long text
comprehension and is a leaflet printed and given free on
response charge to show the work of Orbis in
order to encourage people to give
donations so as it can continuous its IW
work. CW
-tell them to read the text E silently. -read the text E silently. CD2
b-ask them to answer the questions -answer the questions IW 1-the leaflet is addressed to anyone who might give money to Orbis.
PW 2-they hope it will persuade a lot of people to make donations.
CW 3-*without paying Orbis receives :
CD2 -medical supplies
CTD2 -the time and work of visiting ophthalmologist
CT1,2,6 -the time and work of pilots for its plane
*without charging Orbis gives:
-eye operations
-training of medical staff, including practical experience of con-
ducting operations.
-other training and educational activities
-a library of videotapes of operations performed during their visit and
at other times
4-personal answer.

c-ask this question to check -answer the question idem Orbis means a sphere and 1-the eye is like a sphere 2-the world is a
students’ curiosity: why was this sphere; and the charity is concerned with eye operations around the
charity given the name Orbis? word.
Check 2.3 a-take the students through the -go through the IW Pour exprimer l’opposition: but, yet, however,nevertheless,on the
Communication: grammar 3B & 3C and function 10 grammar 3B & 3C and CW one hand/on the other hand, although, in spite of, instead (of), despite
Expressing contrast for getting ready P 204. function 10 for getting CD1 Pour exprimer l’addition: both,and,as well as,also,too,together
and addition ready P 204. CTD2 with,again,another in addition,moreover ,furthermore.

b-tell them to find in text E -find in text E IW 1-but---) contrast

word/phrase that links each of the word/phrase that links PW 2- but---) contrast
pair ideas and say whether the each of the pair ideas CW 3-both, and----)addition
second is in contrast orb merely in and say whether the CD1 4-yet---) contrast
addition to the first. second is in contrast orb CTD2 5-as well as---)addition
merely in addition to the CT1,2,6 6-also----)addition
first. 7-together with----) addition
Check 2.4 a-tell the students to consult the - consult the grammar IW
Communication: grammar summary 2A and 2B to summary 2A and 2B to CW
using the passive refresh their mind about the passive refresh their mind about CD1
P 201and 2B the passive P 201and 2B CTD2
-match each passive
b-invite them to match each passive verb form with the use IW 1---) a
verb form with the use in the list. in the list. PW 2---) d
CW 3---) e
CTD2 4---) f
CT1,2,6 5---) b
-write a suitable passive 6---) c
c-have them write a suitable passive form of each verb in
form of each verb in parentheses parentheses following idem 1-has been tested 6-is given
following the use indicated for it. the use indicated for it. 2-can be assembled 7-is being up graded
3-to be sent out 8-is still being plagued
4-is being run 9-is provided
5-have been set up 10-were also extended
Structure: the a-have the students answer the -answer the questions IW
passive voice questions on these sentences. on these sentences. PW
1-People vote for the candidates CW
2-the candidates are voted for by CTD2
people. CT1,2,6
a-what is the nature of people and a-people: subject, candidates: object
candidates? b-they change their position in sentence 2
b-what do you notice about their c-vote is in simple present
position in sentence 2? d-voted is the PP of vote ; people is the agent
c-what is the tense of the verb vote? complement.
d-what is the nature of voted and e-object(subject)+to be+PP+by+AC
people in sentence 2?
e-basing on what you now know
suggest a formation for passive
voice sentence. the man chooses his candidate PV:S+am/are/is+PP+by+AC His candidate is chosen by the man
Pr.cont: I am using this ballot PV:S+am/are/is+being+PP+by+AC
Simp.past: we took the seat PV:S+was/were+PP+by+AC
Pact cont: they were briging election materials PV:S+was/were+being+PP+by+AC
Pres.perfect: you have won the election PV:S+has/have+been+PP+by+AC
Pres.perfect cont: he has been opening the box PV:S+has/have+been+being+PP+by+AC
Past perfect: the man had held the campaign PV:S+had+been+PP+by+AC
Past perf.cont: you had been giving the results PV:S+had+been+being+PP+by+AC
Fut.perf: I will have voted that candidate PV:S+will have+been+PP+by+AC
Fut.perf.cont: we will have been voting that candidate PV:S+will have+been+being+PP+by+AC
Cond.perf: they would have followed him PV:S+would have+been+PP+by+AC
Cond.perf.cont:she would have been having information PV:S+would have+been+being+PP+by+AC
Future progr: I will be running for the election PV:S+will be+being+PP+by+AC
Modal verbs : daddy must help us PV:S+modal+be+PP+AC NB:is/are/am/was/were+going to can be considered as a modal
Imperative: open your book PV: S+must/is to/should+be+PP/ Let+obj+be+PP
Impersonal sentences:
They say that is a democratic candidate AV: S1+present+that+S2+present PV1:It is+PPv1+that+S2+V2……./PV2:S2+is/am/are+PPv1+infinitiveV2……..
They declare that he won the election AV: S1+present+that+S2+Simple past PV1:It is+PPv1+that+S2+V2……./PV2:S2+is/am/are+PPv1+to have+PPv2……
Potin said that she had an accident AV: S1+sim.past+that+S2+Simpl past PV1:It was+PPv1+that+S2+V2…/PV2:S2+was/were+PPv1+(to have+PPv2)/infiV2…
NB:S2--)present cont---) to be+VBv2+ing in PV. S2--) past cont---) to have been +VBv2+ing in PV.
Causative verbs have/get
The teacher has the students learn the lessons AV:S+have/has+agent+BV+obj PV: S+has/have+obj+PPbv+by+agent
I get my brother to buy that book AV:S+get/gets+agent+infinitive+obj PV:S+get/gets+obj+PP infinitive+by+agent
NB: perception verbs (see, watch, hear…) are followed by infinitive in passive voice. I saw the boy enter the room. The boy was seen to enter the room.
To let is followed by base verb either in active or passive.
Exercises page 59 Anglais pour le BAC
Check 3.1 a-this aims at measuring how far - distinguish emergency Ideas to introduce into the discussion from time to time to help it
Discussion : aid students can develop critical on the food aid from loans to CW along:
does more harm topic. government and say the CD1 *aid in the form of a loan to a government can have
than good -ask them to distinguish emergency more effective taking CTD2 crippling/impoverishing consequences if high interest rates have to be
food aid from loans to government. into account aid to CT1,2,6 paid on the money borrowed.
which is more effective? alleviate disasters (lake *food aid creates dependency and no longer allows the receivers have
Nyos) and aid to the desire to produce their own food.
improve health (Orbis) *much aid seems to be spent in the form of houses, salaries,
expensive vehicles…for the staff of the aid agency. very little if any
seems to reach the ordinary people and improve their lives.
*big international aid agencies can become too powerful and
intervene too much in the economies of the countries they help.
*aid programmes that concentrate on farmers and small businesses
are the most useful ones. These may well be non-governmental
schemes, such as the project whereby farmers in England provided
bulls for farmers in Uganda.
*emergency aid -both food and medical- is essential where major
disasters occur.
Project task 3 a-this is the crowning of the effort of -answer the teacher’s CW They refer to the previous lesson on the writing of
Composition: language acquisition in this learning questions. CD1 the letter.
writing a letter to situation. Students have undoubtedly CTD2
your local harvested resources in language CT1,2,6
newspaper functions to face this project.
-let them remind you the different
parts of a letter and the difference
between formal and informal letter.

b-ask them to choose one of these -choose a topic and IW

topic to say what part they think produce the letter PW
their community should play in CW
giving or receiving aid Or CD3
-to suggest what should be done to CTD2
ensure that aid reaches the people CT1,2,6
for whom it is intended.

Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n° 4 whose English? AB
Objective: To prepare and present ‘An English Experience’-an evening’s entertainment provided by the class for the rest of
the school.
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & &
strategies emergency
Brainstorming - show the several aspects of -listen to the teacher CW
English, its history, widespread, and give their opinion. CD1
importance and allow the students CTD2
give their opinion as well. CT1,2,6
Check 0.1 -have the students read the texts and -read the texts and CW
Discussion find out what use English has been find out what use CD1 -For Heike Schaefer English is the only practical solution to
to each speaker, note the expressions English has been to CTD2 communication. She cannot manage without it. Her husband needs a
in colour for stating this importance, each speaker, note the CT1,2,6 good knowledge of English.
and ask them to reflect on what expressions in colour -Many scientific documents are in English.
English may be to themselves in for stating this -according to Irene Zimmer English is needed to work in the field of
their lives. importance, and ask technology, computers, business, aviation.
them to reflect on -the Nigerian singer FELA KUTI needs the so called “broken
what English may be English” to sing in order to reach everybody because it is the most
to themselves in their spoken by the large range in Nigeria.
lives. -Dutch poet is read by a small number of people by translated in
English it is read by hundreds of thousands
-A French safety official working at a nuclear power station needed
English to run a course for students from Egypt and Russia.
- A young French executive promoted to the Danish company
Maersk had to take a course in English because nearly all business
meetings are in English.
Checks 1.1-1.4 a-have the students skim the text for -skim the text for 1 mn IW a-the topic of the text as whole is : the history of English
designing a poster 1 mn and answer the questions and answer the PW b-topic of each paragraph
on “the English orally during 1 mn. questions orally. CW P1:the base of English language
language to CD2 P2:English speakers and their number
advertise the CTD2 P3:the number of English, French, and German words
evening’s CT1,2,6 1-a---)P2
entertainment” 1-b---) P1
2---) b & d
Check 1.1 : b-discuss these questions with the -discuss by answering CW 1-because of the words “naie not there over all” in paragraph 1.
Skimming students to check understanding. CD1 English was not spoken in all parts of ‘this island of ours’
1-how do you know that in CTD2 2-It is used for the Miss Universe competition.
Shakespeare’s day English was not CT1,2,6 3-In the last paragraph: “English is the official voice of the air”
the only language used in the British
2-give example from the text of
English as the language of glamour
3-where does the text say that pilots
speak to the air traffic controllers in
Check 1.2 : -Ask the students to write out a list -write out a list of the IW Expressions Synonyms
Vocabulary: of the expressions and their expressions and their PW The present today
synonyms synonyms from the text A. synonyms from the CW Surpass exceed
text A. CTD2 world globe
CT1,2,6 word term
extraordinary astonishing(or remarkable)
voice language
native speech mother tongue
Check 1.4 a-ask the students to study the table -study the table and CW
Communication: It and make sure they understand the make sure they CD1
does not make any two patterns. understand the two CTD2
difference patterns. CT1,2,6

b-have the students work in pair. -work in pair. One IW P1-No matter how old and bent my grandfather is, I love him dearly.
One point to the picture the other use point to the picture the PW -however old and bent my grandfather is , I love him dearly
it to make up a sentence with either other uses it to make CW P2-whatever I say , he never listens to me
…ever or no matter. up a sentence with CTD2 -no matter what I say, he never listens to me
either …ever or no CT1,2,6 P3-no matter where my watch is , I must find it
matter. -wherever my watch is, I must find it
P4whichever hotel you choose, you will be comfortable
-no matter which hotel you choose, you will be comfortable
Words such as although/though (bien que), even if /even though(même si , quand bien meme), inspite of /despite(malgré,en dépit de), whatever/no matter what (quoi
que, quelque soit ce que…), whoever/no matter who (quiconque), no matter how/however (si…..que….soit…),whenever/ no matter when (quelque soit le moment),
wherever/no matter where (quelque soit le lieu), instead of (au lieu de) are used to express contrast.
Ex: She is beautiful but she can’t have a husband. Although/though+S+V+adj/adv+…/inspite of/despite+her/his +noun(from the adj)+ S+V/ inspite
of/despite+her/his+being+adj+S+V+… inspite of/despite+the fact that+S+V+adj+….Although/though she is beautiful, she can’t have a husband.
Philomène doesn’t learn her lessons, she is playing. Instead of +BV1+ing+…..S+V….Instead of learning her lessons, she is playing games.
He is poor but he is generous. Adj/adv+as/though+S+V+S…. Poor as he is, he is generous.
Ex: Fulberte is intelligent but she doesn’t know the tense of the verb. (student)
Lorsque l’accent est mis sur un objet, une personne, un lieu, un temps, le mot désignant ces choses sont exclus dans le rephrasing.
Ex: you may buy a car for Alice, she will not be happy. No matter what may buy for Alice, she will not be happy.
Even if the police come, tell them I am not at home. Whoever/no matter who comes, tell them I am not at home.
You can go to choumichoumi I will not forget you. Wherever/ no matter where you can go, I will not forget you.
You may come at midnight, I will open the door for you. Whenever/ no matter when you may come, I will open the door for you.
Consolidation exercises (anglais pour le BAC page 83)
Project task 1 : a-have the students discuss about -discuss the evening’s GW Their discussion may be:
designing a poster what the evening’s entertainment entertainment and CD1 -a narration with dramatic episode of the history and spread of
on “the English will consist of in each group. think of a way to make CTD2 English
language to -each group should think of a way to their poster eye- CT1,2,6 -the saying aloud of a poem
advertise the make their poster eye-catching so catching so that it will -a debate on the threat that English poses to small languages
evening’s that it will make other students want make other students -a drama
entertainment”. to come to the evening’s want to come to the -the delivery of a famous speech
entertainment. evening’s

b-tell them now to design their - design their poster. GW The objective is to have the students draw picture on the English
poster. CD1 language to draw attention of people to come to assist what they are
CTD2 inviting them to.
Check 2.1 a-tell the students to read the text in - read the text in their IW
Text analysis their book book CD2
b-ask them to read the six points in -read the six points in
the book and discuss with a partner the book and discuss PW Point 1 in sentence 3 ; Point 2 is not done ;
in which sentences the speaker does with a partner in CD2 Point 3 in sentence 7; Point 4 in sentence 1;
each of the following thinks and which sentences the CTD2 Point 5 in sentence 4 ; Point 6 in sentence 8
which one of them he does not do. speaker does each of CT1,2,6
the following thinks
and which one of them
he does not do.
This may include:
c-invite them to say other points a -say other points with CW -an occasion to ask questions of the speaker after his
chairman might mention when the teacher’ help a CD1 talk and how this will be conducted
introducing a guest speaker chairman might CTD2 -any close connection between the topic of this talk
mention when CT1,2,6 and the special interests of the listeners
introducing a guest -a reference to any previous occasion that the
speaker speaker came to where the talk is being given
-any amusing and relevant anecdote connected with
the speaker
Project task 2 a-guide them to go through the - go through the CW
Introducing a guest instructions instructions with the CD1
speaker teacher CTD2

b- ask them to prepare , write and -to prepare, write and idem
deliver their speeches on the deliver their speeches
introduction of a guest speaker on a on the introduction of
given topic. a guest speaker on a
given topic.
Check 3.1: a-ask the students to read the 2 - read the 2 questions IW
discussion questions in their book. in their book. CD2
b-tell them to study the poem and -study the poem and
answer the questions. answer the questions. IW 1-the pronunciation of some words, letters show the
PW cultural background of the author: words such as
CD2 “d” instead of “the”; “fe” instead of “for” ,
CTD2 omitting the letter “g” in “ranting” and “d” in
CT1,2,6 “and”….
2-from these pronunciations, it is clear that the
author is non-native English speaker. He mentioned
Reggea, a rhythm strongly related to Jamaica. So he
was probably born in England went to Jamaica or
Nigeria where he grew up and went back to
England. But he feels more African than English.
Check 3.2: a-tell the students to study the poem -study the poem and IW
Pronunciation and and list the words where “d” list the words where CD1 Many examples.
spelling replaces “the” orally and say the “d” replaces “the” CTD2
normal pronunciation but keep the orally and say the CT1,2,6
original “d” when performing the normal pronunciation
poem. but keep the original
“d” when performing
the poem.

b-ask them to list other unusual -list other unusual Idem -fe--for ; rantin--ranting; nar--won't; yu--you; gu--go; me--my;
spelling and give their normal spelling and give their hav--have; an--and; nu--no; tek--take; thru--through; meself--myself;
spelling. normal spelling. luv--love;
Project task 3: -tell the students that they are going -listen to the poem IW Be yourself
Giving a recitation to learn a poem whose author is lively. CD1 If I am , I am because I am I
of a poem Rabbi Mendel of KOTZK CTD2 And you are because you are you
CT1,2,6 Then I am and you are
But, if I am I because you are
And you are you because I am I,
Then, I am not and you are not
Rabbi Mendel of KOTZK
Check 3.2: Study a-remind the students how to make -remind how to make IW
skill : making notes notes as it is on page 93. notes as it is on page CD1
93. CTD2

b-have them make notes on the text -make notes on the IW English threatens small languages
B using the headings on page 93. text B using the PW 1-world wide
headings on page 93. CD2 -mother tongues of ethnic groups are being replaced by English
CTD2 faster than ever before
CT1,2,6 2-In the USA
-1,500 indigenous languages exited in the New World when
European colonizers arrived
-most of the languages have now died out: example in California,
originally: 200 languages now:100 languages, no children learning
them, in the future: languages will die out
-reasons pressure on children to learn English if they know English,
they need not stay poor
-attempts now being made to revitalize indigenous languages. But
probably very few will survive another generation.
Check 4.2:Oral -mention some local languages -discuss by answering IW
Discussion -ask the students if more or fewer the questions orally. CD1
people are speaking them, if they are CTD2
used in official occasions and if the CT1,2,6
students are learning to speak and
write them?
Check 4.4 a-invite the students to answer these -answer the questions. IW -Bola says that he ate a mango.
Communication: questions. CW -Bola: simple present
direct and reported Bola: I eat a mango. CTD2 -you : simple pass
speech -what does Bola say? It is a reported speech.
-What is the tense of the verb in Take the students through the different changes on the reported
what Bola says? What is the tense of speech (the photocopy from Anglais pour le BAC.
the verb in what you say? NB: Universal, scientific truth, proverbs do not observe tense change
- what name you give to the sentence in the reported speech.
you say? Ex: “the sky is round” he said
Direct speech with introductory verb in simple present, present cont.,
future, present perfect does not observe tense change in the reported
Ex: “I will go to church” he says.
Direct speech with “wh/h” word at the beginning keeps this word in
the place of “that”
Ex: “what is your name?” she asked me.
Direct speech in the form of question of yes/no answer uses “if”
instead of “that”
Ex: “Are you a girl?”They asked me.
(exercises in “live English 3è” P “39,40,41/anglais pour le BAC
Page 66)
Check 4.5 -invite the students to find out in the -find out in the text B IW Gaining ≠ losing; succeeded ≠ failed;
Vocabulary: text B a word that means the a word that means the PW descendant ≠ ancestor; Decline ≠ spread/rise ;
Opposites opposite of the words in their book. opposite of the words CTD2 minority ≠ majority
in their book. CT1,2,6
Check 4.6 -ask the students to form noun from -form noun from the Idem Fail : failure ; exist : existence ; survive : survival In this case
Vocabulary: the verbs that occur in the text as in verbs that occur in the Reduce : reduction ;succeed : success and the one
forming nouns the example given. text as in the example Resign : resignation above,
given. provide the
list of
opposite, and
Check 4.7 -ask them to list four expressions in -list four expressions Idem
Vocabulary: the text that indicate an approximate in the text that indicate Estimated, or so , roughly, about, probably
Approximately figure. an approximate figure.
-ask the students to read the speech -read the speech and IW 1-the time…has come
Check and answer the questions except n° answer the questions PW -the moment…has come
5.1:appreciation 1b and 2a,b,c except n° 1b and CD2 -the time…is upon us
2a,b,c CTD2 -for national reconciliation, for nation-building, for the birth of a new
CT1,2,6 world
-let there be…x3
-never, never and never again…
3-students think what reconciliation is according to what happened
in South Africa
4-a covenant is an agreement or a contract
5-the signs: we have achieved our political emancipation ;we
succeeded to take our last steps to freedom; we enter into a covenant
….;…so that we could be free;…as the first President of a united,
democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa; …for the birth of
a new world; the sun shall never set…etc.
Check -prepare them to deliver Nelson -prepare themselves to IW
5.1 :delivering a Mandela’s speech, remind them the deliver the speech. CD1
famous speech different word’s pronunciation and CTD2 The best student delivers the speech for the class.
let them deliver the speech .The best CT1,2,6
student delivers the speech for the
Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n° 4 CD; 5 AB: Success in business
Objective: To get to know the business world
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & &
strategies emergency
Check 0.1 -ask the students to study and -answer the questions IW
Discussion describe the picture based on the orally. CW
questions CD1
1-what kind of good do street CTD2
vendors sell? CT1,2,6
2-how do they set up in business?
3-do you know people going around
selling from a basin or suitcase?
3-do they have any education in
4-what are the qualities needed to run
Check 1.1 a-have the students read the -read the instruction IW
Reading and instruction in their book and make a and make a mental CW
summary mental note of what information to note of what CD2
look for as they read. information to look CTD2
for and read the text CT1,2,6
Mutangangi Kagotho’s business career
b-ask them now to use their rough -use their rough notes IW 1-Learnt metal forging skills from his father, able to make various
notes to carry out the summary task. to carry out the PW metal implements.
summary task. CD2 2-after World War II invested Sh.600 in his business.
CTD2 3-he increased his sales, the number of his employees and the range
CT1,2,6 of his products.
4-In 1969 he expanded even more on a plot allotted by him by local
5-he borrowed Sh.130,000 to build a new shed and install new
machinery. He now had a much larger business plan
Factors that led to his success
1-Early training in the necessary skills
2-Creative ability to make and adapt tools and machinery
3-willingness to reinvest his profits in the business
4-quality of his products (more durable than imports)
5-decision to make products that were in demand
6-readiness to take opportunities and accept risks.
Students may want to discuss other aspects of Kagotho.
Encourage them
Check 1.2 a-take the students through the -go through the IW
Vocabulary: word examples in the book and show them examples in the book CW
formation -ee; -er; how words are formed with the and notice how CD1
-or ending -ee; -er; -or. words are formed CTD2
with the ending -ee; . CT1,2,6

b-ask them to study the sentences -study the sentences IW

and give the word of each of the and give the word of PW 1-trainee 4-payee
following each of the following CW 2-trainer 5-donor
CTD2 3- addressee
NB: Forming noun is not always possible to add -ee;
-er; -or to a verb and make it a noun; it is only
possible with some verbs. To be sure, checking in a
dictionary is advisable.
Check 1.3 -ask the students to match each -match each activity IW Activity name
Vocabulary: Three activity with its name. with its name PW 1-to borrow money b-to take out a loan
business activities CW 2-to collect information c-to carry out a feasibility study
CD2 in order to decide
CTD2 whether a business
CT1,2,6 plan is likely to succeed
3-to use one’s profits to a-to plough back one’s profits
increase the size of one’s business
Check 1.3 -tell the students to choose the -choose the correct idem 1-g 2-c 3-h 4-b 5-a 6-d
Vocabulary: correct term from the box for each term from the box 7-e 8-f
business item or group of items listed below for each item or
as it is used in text A group of items listed
below as it is used in
text A
Check 1.5 a-have the students read some parts -read some parts of IW 1-had acquired 2- came back or (returned)
Communication: of the text A this will help them the text A this will PW 3-invested 4-had improved 5-had added
reporting progress complete the table with verbs in the help them complete CW 6-ploughed back
past simple or past perfect. the table. CD2
b-ask the students to complete the -complete the rule
rule with the past perfect, past simple with the past perfect, idem 1-to report an event, use the past simple
or the past perfect continuous past simple or the 2-to look back from a past time to an earlier event ,
past perfect use the past perfect
continuous 3-to look back from a past time to an activity that
started earlier and was still going on, use the past
perfect continuous
Project task 1:oral a-have the students describe how a -describe how a IW
presentation business they are familiar with grew business they are CW
up from a small beginning . familiar with grew up CD1
from a small CTD2
beginning. CT1,2,6

b-let them describe how a business -describe how a idem

they might start could develop. business they might
start could develop.
Check 2.1 : a-have the students read the text and -read the text and IW 1-ability to plan ahead 2-ability to start things on one’s own
Summary find and list the qualities needed for find and list the PW 3-self discipline and self-motivation 4-determination
business success mentioned in it. qualities needed for CW 5-willingness to work very hard and sacrifice one’s leisure time
business success CD2 6-clerical and book-keeping skills 7-ability to negotiate
mentioned in it. CTD2 8-financial skills 9-ability to recruit and motivate other people
CT1,2,6 10- commitment , even willingness , to place a strain on one’s family
11-ability to think of all aspects of one’s business idea thoroughly and
to find out if enough people want to buy one’s product at a suitable
Check 2.2 a-here are expressions used in -match them with IW NB: they write complete words and meanings
Vocabulary: your business. Tell the students to match their meanings. PW 1-a 2-e 3-g 4-h 5-j 6-c
own business them with their meanings. CW 7-b 8-d 9-k 10-i 11-f
b-invite them to choose one of the -choose one of the
expressions in the above list for each expressions in the idem 1-start up 2-competitors 3-customers
gap in the conversation. above list for each 4-market 5-charge 6-market research
gap in the 7-thrive 8-suppliers 9-credit
conversation. 10-book-keping 11-clerical
Check 2.3 -students have gain knowledge on -study the text B and IW
Vocabulary: what phrasal verbs are. Ask them to decide which of the PW
phrasal verbs study the text B and decide which of following words to CW 1-without 2-at 3-in 4-at 5-through
the following words to choose for choose for each gap CD2 6-out 7-to 8-for
each gap in the conversation. in the conversation. CTD2
Check 2.4 a-explain the example: Running a -listen to the IW Running a business (present participle+ noun) refers to an activity,
Communication: business is an activity for the teacher’s explanation PW calls for many skills describes that activity.
describing an students and invite them to find two and find two more CW Examples:1-being your own boss can be rewarded
activity more examples of activities in text B examples of activities CD1 2-thinking your idea though and conducting thorough market
which refer to participial phrase. in text B which refer CD2 research prior to starting your business will help you decide if you
to participial phrase. CTD2 are on the right line
b-explain the instruction to the -listen to the IW -operating a crane requires great skill and concentration.
students specially he use of the explanation and PW -driving a racing car calls for quick reactions and steady nerves.
adjectives, qualities and other words discuss in pairs each CW -designing clothes needs artistic talent and a good sense of shape and
suggested for the purpose and have of the activity CD1 colour.
them discuss in pairs each of the illustrated on page CTD2 -being a successful bank manager depends partly on being able to
activity illustrated on page 170. 170. CT1,2,6 assess would-be borrowers accurately.
-being a good teacher is difficult and needs a lot of hard work and
-looking after one’s family well requires a lot of hard work.
Check 3.1 a-Mr Michel Gnazalé is about to -listen to the their IW 1-through 2-on 3-how 4-about 5-down
Listening open a cloths shop. He sees the conversation twice CW 6-over 7-future 8-supplier 9-basis 10-put
comprehension advertisement as it is in this book in and choose a word CD1
a magazine and rings Mr Onaja to for each gap in the CTD2
ask for a catalogue. Listen to the printed version of CT1,2,6
their conversation twice and choose a their conversation
word for each gap in the printed
version of their conversation
Project task 3: a-ask the students to go through the -go through the letter IW The paragraphs are too short because each point has
Replying to Patrice letter from Scotts Fashion in the from Scotts Fashion CW a separate paragraph. These are separate points
Onaja’s letter. students’ book and ask them why the in the students’ book CD1 briefly stated.
paragraphs are too short? and answer the CTD2
questions. CT1,2,6

b-take them through the guidance for - go through the IW

writing Mr Gnazalé’s letter guidance for writing CW
*ask them to : Mr Gnazalé’s letter CD1
-use Mr Onaja’s letter as a model, and prepare to CTD2
-include Mr Onaja’s and add their mention the points in CT1,2,6
own references, the reply.
-make the following points in
separate paragraph for each
.thank him for the catalogue
.ask if he can give you a discount for
large an d regular orders
.ask if he can deliver the quantities
you need by a certain date(specific
.say you hope to place a large order
if you receive a favourable reply.

c-ask them to plan and write their - plan and write their -IW
letter using the appropriate style. letter using the CW
appropriate style. CD3

Warming up-Telling the date- Revision- Brainstorming for the day lesson for the beginning of any lesson.
LS n°6: Education AB
Objective:To draw up a proposal for a new school in your community, in the form of a speech to be made at a public meeting
Activities Teaching process Learning process Compe- Suggested answers Observations
tences & &
strategies emergency
Brainstorming -have students think about the -listen to the teacher IW
education system. and answer the CW
-challenge them to use their questions orally. CD1
imaginations and not necessarily to CTD2
accept uncritically the education CT1,2,6
system they are familiar with, but to
come up with new approaches and
ways of educating young people.
-are schools necessary?
-are there better ways of educating
young people.
Check 0.1 -tell the students to discuss the -discuss the question IW Answers may vary because of the different opinions.
Discussion in group question on page 173 in group and on page 173 in group GW
invite the spokesperson for each the spokesperson for CD1
group to report the group conclusion each group to report CTD2
to the class. the group conclusion CT1,2,6
to the class.
Check 0.1: listening a-take the students through the -through the IW
and making notes introductory and instruction in the introductory and CW
book. instruction in the CD1
book. CTD2
b-have the them listen to the text -listen to the text IW
twice, make rough notes and then twice, make rough CD1
adding to them. notes and then CTD2
adding to them. CT1,2,6

c-ask them to use their rough notes to -use their rough notes IW -what made the existence of Orange Farm School
answer the questions in the to answer the CW possible
introduction. questions in the CD1 1-Mr Kumalo’s vision and determination to start the
introduction. CTD2 school and his willingness to give up another job to
CT1,2,6 do so.
2-the parents wanted the school.
3-the parents promised to support Mr Kumalo’s
4-the authorities gave the school a site.
5-the community found ways of obtaining building
materials without having to pay for them, and then
the parents themselves built the school without being
-What made the school successful
1-the vision and dedication of Mr Kumalo.
2-the backing of the community.
3-the practical involvement of the pupils in the actual
building of the school.
4-the participation of the parents as teachers in the
5-the fact that curriculum was decided by the
Check 1.1: a-ask the students to listen to the -listen to the IW
Vocabulary: discussion again and write down the discussion again and CW
Phrasal verbs prepositions or adverbs that follow write down the CD1
the listed verbs when they hear them. prepositions or CTD2
adverbs that follow CT1,2,6
the listed verbs when
they hear them
b-tell them to complete the -complete the PW 1-up 2-down 3-to 4-into
conversation basing on what they conversation basing CW 5-over 6-up 7-on
wrote down. on what they wrote CD1
down. CTD2
Check 1.3 -have the students discuss the -discuss the pictures IW 1-a building site 2-rubble 3-demolition
Vocabulary pictures in pair and choose the in pair and choose PW 4-a ruin 5-a derelict building
correct word or phrase from those in the correct word or CW 6-a dilapidated building 7-discarded junk
the box to name what they can see in phrase from those in CTD2 8-recycling
each picture. the box to name what CT1,2,6
they can see in each
Check 1.4 a-take the students through the four -go through the four IW 1-type 1
Conditional kinds of sentences presented in the kinds of sentences PW
sentences book and ask them to say which presented in the book CW
pattern these sentences follow. with the teacher and CD2 2- type 3
say which pattern CTD2
1-it will take you ten minutes to get these sentences CT1,2,6
to the bank if you walk. follow. 3-type 0
2-I wouldn’t have accepted a lift in
his car if I had known what a bad
driver he was. 4-type 2
3-If people eat too many sweet
things, they put on weight. For general conditionals type 0 , the present continuous can be used
4-If he trained for two hours every for a new or temporary situation or an event that is repeated
day, he would win every race. Ex: if prices are rising, people find life more difficult.
For things that are used to happen repeatedly in the past, the past
simple or past continuous can be used in the conditional clause and
the past simple or a modal in the main clause.
Ex: During my childhood, if my father came back from the work, I
welcomed him.
The simple present or present perfect can be used in the conditional
clause and the imperative or modal can be used in the main clause for
possible situations in the present
Ex: if you don’t have the key, ask your sister.

*Omission of “if” and the use of unless

Ex: If I had opportunity, I would help you.
*did +S+BV+ main clause
Ex: I would accept your opinion if I were you.
*Were +S (in if clause)+…+main clause
Were I……………………………………
Ex: If I had come, I would have seen you.
*had+ S+ PP+ main clause
Had I………………………………………
1-if (NF)+S2+simpl.future (AF)=
Unless+ (AF)+S2+simpl.future (AF) Ex:
2- if (NF)+S2+simpl.future (NF)=
Unless+ (AF)+S2+simpl.future (NF) Ex:
3- if (AF)+S2+simpl.future (NF)=
Unless+ (AF)+S2+simpl.future (AF) Ex:
4- if (AF)+S2+simpl.future (AF)=
Unless+ (AF)+S2+simpl.future (NF) Ex:
Consolidation: anglais pour le BAC page 16
Project task a-draw their attention on the texts in -follow the steps. IW
1 :holding a debate this LS and tell them that they should PW
on : parents and re-read them to refresh their CW
children should memories CD1
take on active part CTD2
in the building, b-choose two speakers one for and CT1,2,6
equipping, teaching the other against the topic
and decision
making of their c-these two speakers choose in their
schools. turn three other speakers each by
their side to join the discussion

d-together they hold the debate with

a given point for each member with
spontaneous replies from each side

e-a respected student or a teacher

leads the debate and finally the two
leading speakers give their closing
Check 2.1: a-ask the students to read the text A -read the text A and IW
Comprehension and and discover the positive and discover the positive CD2 Education in South Korea Education in Bénin
comparison negative aspects of South Korean and negative aspects CTD2 positive negative positive aspects negative
education. of South Korean CT1,2,6 aspects aspects aspects
education. -people are -very long -offers two -system does
dedicated to it hours of programmes not offer job
c-tell them to copy and complete the -complete the chart IW -has led to study for (academic and -children
chart with the negative aspects of with the negative PW economic children practical) have only
South Korean education and the ones aspects of South CW success -children -puts children at three hours
of their own country according to Korean education CD2 -parents give don’t get the centre of free per day
their experience. and the ones of your CTD2 children every enough sleep teaching/learning -scarcity of
own country CT1,2,6 support and -children - teachers
according to your encouragement seem to -absence of
experience. -pupils work enjoy little of school
very hard their equipments
-changes are childhood -absence of
being made - government’s
examinations helps
are too
-pressure to
succeed leads
to some
-system is
based on
learning by
-not enough
therefore not
Check 2.2 a-take the students through the -go through the IW 1-most pupils work so hard that they seem to enjoy little of their
Communication :qu explanation and the example in the explanation and the PW childhood.
alifying with students’ book then ask them to look example in the CW 2-so great is the pressure that each year several students who fail
emphasis for examples of sentences with so students’ book then CD2 commit suicide
and that in text A. look for examples of CTD2
sentences with so and CT1,2,6
that in text A.
b-invite them to discuss in pairs the -discuss in pairs the IW 1-Education is so highly valued in South Korea that parents plan their
education system in the South Korea education system in PW daily lives around their children’s studies
with the help of the table using so the South Korea with CD1 2- Children do so much school work that by the end of secondary
and that. the help of the table CTD2 school they only have a few hours sleep each night
using so and that. CT1,2,6 3-Education is so stressful that some children commit suicide.

Various situations
*examinations are so important that parents give children every
c-ask them to think of situations they -think of situations idem support and encouragement
are familiar with and talk about them they are familiar with *pupils work so hard that they enjoy little of their childhood
using so and that. and talk about them *Children have so long hours of study that they don’t get enough
using so and that. sleep Or other situations where they should use expressions like: so
wet/ hot/ windy that… so expensive/ cheap/ rare/ scare that….so
big /small…that
Check 2.3 a-invite the students to read the text -read the text B for IW 1-a- to prove that she was at least as clever as young university
Comprehension B for ten minutes. ten minutes. CD2 graduates.
CTD2 b-*unlike South Korean children, she did not study to get good
CT1,2,6 employment or a good husband.
*as her studies progressed, she studied because she loved it, whereas
c-ask them now to answer the -answer the questions IW South Korean children studies because they had to, because society
questions on texts A and B orally in on texts A and B PW and their parents expected them to.
order to compare them orally in order to CW 2-both studied late at night.
compare them CD2 3-possible adjectives: very interesting , enjoyable, thrilling,
CTD2 exhilarating, stimulant, exciting, satisfying, rewarding, fulfilling
CT1,2,6 4-she enjoyed examinations ;South Korean children found them
5-the Open University radically changed and developed the woman’s
way of thinking. South Korean does not teach pupils to think in new,
creative ways.
6-students answer according to their own experience.
Project task 2 a-up to now, students have gained - read the instructions IW
Writing a letter to a many attitudes in writing a letter. very carefully CD2
school magazine Ask them to read the instructions CTD2
very carefully. CT1,2,6
Writing a letter to
the magazine of a
school in another b-invite the them to plan and write -plan and write their IW
country. Describe their letter paying attention to their letter paying PW
your community’s style. attention to their CW
attitudes to style. CD3
education and their *because they are CTD2
expectations of it writing it for readers CT1,2,6
Give your opinion who are not familiar
of these attitudes, to their society, they
too. must make sure that
they explain
*they must mention
all the aspects of the
topic which their
instructions ask for:
-their community’s
attitudes to education
-what their
community expects
from education
-what they
themselves think
about their
Check 3.1 -tell the students to put a tick in some -tick in some of the IW
Analysis of the boxes to show which aspect or boxes to show which PW
aspects of education each activity aspect or aspects of CW
contributes to as indicated in the education each CTD2
example activity contributes to CT1,2,6
as indicated in the

Activities Aspects of education

Moral Academic Physical Vocational
Carpentry ⱱ
Mathematics ⱱ ⱱ
Netball ⱱ ⱱ
Fund raising for charity ⱱ
English ⱱ ⱱ
Mechanical engineering ⱱ ⱱ
Helping local people in need ⱱ
Word processing ⱱ
Physics ⱱ ⱱ
Tennis ⱱ ⱱ
Technical drawing ⱱ
Religious instructions ⱱ ⱱ
Business administration ⱱ
History ⱱ
Project task 3 a-as this activity brings together - revise the texts’ IW
Writing a speech many of the issues raised in the texts topics of this LS and PW
addressing a of this LS, students have to revise its discuss with the CW
meeting consisting topics. teacher the form of CD1
mainly of parents in -have a general discussion with education that they CTD2
your community. students on the form of education would most like to CT1,2,6
that they would most like to have in a have in a new school
new school in their area in their area.

b-ask them to plan and write their -outline their IW A speech starts with these expressions:
speeches. proposals for a new PW -Excellency…….
school CW -dear….
-say what parental CD3 -ladies and gentlemen, good morning/good afternoon
involvement they CTD2
envisage and the CT1,2,6
reasons for it
-mention attitudes to
education and values
they would like the
school to transmit
-describe the possible
content of the
especially the
balance they would
like to see between
academic and
Check 4.1 a-invite the students to read the text -read the text C to IW
Comprehension C to discover the author’s view of discover the author’s CD2
the role of higher education in the view of the role of CTD2
development of Africa. higher education in CT1,2,6
the development of
b-ask them to decide which of the -decide which of the PW 1-false 2-true 3-true 4-false
twelve conclusions are genuine ones twelve conclusions CW 5-true 6-false 7-false 8-true
and which are false. are genuine ones and CD2 9-false 10-true 11-true 12-false
which are false. CTD2
Project task 4 a-the topic, students’ future careers, -students form
Discussion in group is one which must be uppermost in groups and assign
between a careers students’ minds at this stage in their roles to each member
adviser and a group education. This makes the task a very of their group,
of final-year relevant one for students who should, discuss their own
students. therefore, be highly motivated to personal careers. The
make a special success of this objective will be to
activity decide a suitable plan
-take the students through the of education and
instructions and guidance in the training to enable
students’ book. each student to
follow the career of
his choice.
-consider whether an
academic university
course would meet
their needs and
discuss alternatives.

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