Performance A Critical Introduction
Performance A Critical Introduction
Performance A Critical Introduction
A critical introduction
Marvin Carlson
Second Edition
~l Routledge
~~ Taylor & Francis Group
Performance and the social sciences 9
Social constructionism 44
Erving Coffman and keying 45
Richard Schechner and restored behavior 46
Binocular vision and the actual 48
Performance and psychoanalysis 50
The art of performance 81
Performance and contemporary theory 135
Glossary 217
Notes 224
Bibliography 247
Name index 266
Subject index 272
III ustrations
When the first edition of this work was published seven years ago,
performance had already emerged not only as a particular new orientation
within the world of theatrical presentation, but also as a significant critical
metaphor within contemporary culture at large. During the intervening
years significant changes have taken place in both the microcosm of
performance art and the macrocosm of social and cultural performance in
general. The fairly clear division between traditional theatre and perform-
ance art that once existed has today largely disappeared, as techniques and
concerns once primarily associated with one or the other have been
developed and exchanged between them, in the inevitable continuing
exploration of new means that has always characterized performative activ-
ity. A growing interest in and utilization of technology and modern media
in both theatre and performance art has further blurred the boundaries
between these performative activities.
On the larger cultural level, "performance" has continued to develop as a
central metaphor and critical tool for a bewildering variety of studies, cover-
ing almost every aspect of human activity. Performance discourse and its
close theoretical partner, "performativity," today dominate critical discourse
not only in all manner of cultural studies, but also in business, economics,
and technology. The rise of an interest in performance reflects a major shift in
many cultural fields from the what of culture to the how, from the accumula-
tion of social, cultural, psychological, political, or linguistic data to a
consideration of how this material is created, valorized, and changed, to how
it lives and operates within the culture, by its actions. Its real meaning is now
sought in its praxis, its performance. Moreover, the fact that performance is
associated not just with doing but also with re-doing is important-its
embodiment of the tension between a given form or content from the past
and the inevitable adjustments of an ever-changing present make it an opera-
tion of particular interest at a time of widespread interest in cultural negoti-
ations-how human patterns of activity are reinforced or changed within a
culture and how they are adjusted when various different cultures interact.
Performance implies not just doing or even re-doing, but a self-consciousness
about doing and re-doing on the part of both performers and spectators, an
implication of great interest to our highly self-conscious society.
x Preface
The present book seeks, as did its earlier version, to place these develop-
ments in a general artistic and cultural context, to suggest their historical
development and their present and future implications. The rapid expan-
sion of performance discourse, especially in the area of culture studies, has
required an extensive reworking of sections of this book in order to provide
as comprehensive and as clear a discussion as possible of the current state
of performance studies.
The colleagues, friends, and artists who have provided information, sug-
gestions, and inspiration for this book are far too numerous to list here, but
my gratitude to them is nevertheless beyond measure. I must, however,
single out for special thanks Jill Dolan, Joseph Roach, and Richard Schech-
ner, whose own work in this field as well as whose friendship and sugges-
tions have been a constant source of inspiration and pleasure. Particular
thanks must also go to my editor at Routledge, Talia Rodgers, who encour-
aged me to undertake this complex project in the first place and who has
been absolutely unflagging in her support and encouragement. Her support
not only of this project, but also of the entire field of performance studies,
will be suggested by the many titles from Routledge that I have drawn
upon both in the first and second editions of this work. Finally, my warmest
thanks to Joshua Abrams, whose aid in the preparation of this second
edition was invaluable.
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What is performance?
Patterned behavior
Despite the currency of this usage, most of her audience probably considers
Ms Pritchard to be performing as soon as she greets them in the costume
and character of a long-dead Russian pioneer. The pretending to be
someone other than oneself is a common example of a particular kind of
human behavior to which Richard Schechner has given the title "restored
behavior," under which title he groups any behavior consciously separated
from the person doing it-theatre and other role-playing, trances, shaman-
ism, rituals. 6 Schechner's useful concept of "restored behavior" points to a
quality of performance not involved with the display of skills but rather
with a certain distance between "self" and behavior, analogous to that
between an actor and the role this actor plays on stage. Even if an action on
stage is identical to one in real life, on stage it is considered "performed"
and off stage merely "done." In his well-known response to the Queen,
Hamlet distinguishes between those inner feelings that resist performance
and the "actions that a man might play" with a consciousness of their signi-
fying potential. Although the common usage of the term "performance" in
the theatre (Olivier's performance of Hamlet, or the performance of a play
on some particular evening) might at first glance seem to be derived from
4 What is performance?
the association with technical skill, I think in fact it is based more upon this
doubled, repeated, or restored quality of the action. David Roman, dis-
cussing the shades of meaning in a number of "keywords" in the theatre,
makes a useful distinction between "performance" and production: "A
performance stands in and of itself as an event; it is part of the process of
production. A performance is not an entity that exists atemporally for the
spectator; rather, the spectator intersects in a trajectory of continuous pro-
duction. A production is generally composed of a series of performances."7
Although, as Roman notes, these performance are never the same, they are
nevertheless consciously repeated copies, and even their deviations are part
of the dynamic of "restored behavior."
Hamlet's response also indicates how a consciousness of "performance"
can move from the stage, from ritual, or from other special and clearly
defined cultural situations, into everyday life. Everyone at some time or
another is conscious of "playing a role" socially, and recent sociological
theory, which will be discussed in some detail in the second chapter of this
book, has paid a good deal of attention to this sort of social performance.
The recognition that our lives are structured according to repeated and
socially sanctioned modes of behavior raises the possibility that all human
activity could potentially be considered as performance, or at least all activ-
ity carried out with a consciousness of itself. The difference between doing
and performing, according to this way of thinking, would seem to lie not in
the frame of theatre versus real life but in an attitude-we may do actions
unthinkingly, but when we think about them, this brings in a consciousness
that gives them the quality of performance. This phenomenon has been
perhaps most searchingly analyzed in various writings of Herbert Blau, to
which also we will return later.
upon the performance, and on how the body or self is articulated through
performance, the individual body remains at the center of such presenta-
tions. Typical performance art is solo art, and the typical performance artist
uses little of the elaborate scenic surroundings of the traditional stage, but
at most a few props, a bit of furniture, and whatever costume (sometimes
even nudity) is most suitable to the performance situation.
It is not surprising that such performance has become a highly visible,
one might almost say emblematic, art form in the contemporary world-a
world that is highly self-conscious, reflexive, obsessed with simulations and
theatricalizations in every aspect of its social awareness. With performance
as a kind of critical wedge, the metaphor of theatricality has moved out of
the arts into almost every aspect of modern attempts to understand our
condition and activities, into every branch of the human sciences-soci-
ology, anthropology, ethnography, psychology, linguistics. And as perfor-
mativity and theatricality have been developed in these fields, both as
metaphors and as analytic tools, theorists and practitioners of performance
art have in turn become aware of these developments and found in them
new sources of stimulation, inspiration, and insight for their own creative
work and the theoretical understanding of it.
Performance art, a complex and constantly shifting field in its own right,
becomes much more so when one tries to take into account, as any thought-
ful consideration of it must do, the dense web of interconnections that exist
between it and ideas of performance developed in other fields and between
it and the many intellectual, cultural, and social currents that condition any
performance project today. These include what it means to be postmodern,
the quest for a contemporary subjectivity and identity, the relation of art to
structures of power, the varying challenges of gender, race, and ethnicity, to
name only some of the most visible.
Table of Contents
Name index Subject index 135 137 157 179 205 217
224 247 266 272
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