Srikanth Batchu (SR - Ba)

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‭Srikanth Batchu‬

‭Business Analyst‬
‭+91 8374365121‬

I‭ aspire to obtain a leading position in a reputed company to productively utilize & enhance my‬
‭technical and analytical skills in various domains. An enthusiastic Business Analyst with overall of‬
‭6 years in IT industry in Domains like banking and Cards & Payments with expertise in business‬
‭analysis and working knowledge on SDLC, Jira, UML, MSVisio, Balsamiq ,Axure , Application‬
‭Support, Incident, Change Management, Bug fixing, Analysis, Design, Development,‬
‭Implementation and Management of projects.‬

‭●‬ I‭n my experience, I got the opportunity to work with different teams and technologies‬
‭which includes Business Analyst and Senior Analyst for BFSI and Healthcare domains.‬
‭●‬ ‭Expertise in‬‭diagnosing, reproducing and fixing Client‬‭software issues‬
‭●‬ ‭Expertise in‬‭Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation‬‭and Management of projects.‬
‭●‬ H
‭ ave excellent problem solving and analytical skills to design customized solutions and‬
‭perform‬‭gap analysis‬‭.‬
‭●‬ E
‭ xpertise in preparing various documents such as Business requirements documents‬
‭(‬‭BRD‬‭) and Functional requirement Document (‬‭FRD‬‭).‬
‭●‬ E
‭ xpertise in resolving complex business requirements and creating‬‭UML diagrams‬‭such‬
‭as‬‭use case‬‭diagrams,‬‭activity‬‭diagrams, and‬‭sequence‬‭diagrams to communicate the‬
‭Business requirements.‬
‭●‬ E
‭ xpertise in using leading industry tools like MS word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint,‬‭MS‬
‭Visio‬‭to develop various project deliverables‬
‭●‬ ‭Experience with various business process operations and change management projects.‬
‭●‬ E
‭ xpertise in analyzing documents and conducting brainstorming sessions and interviews‬
‭to‬‭elicit requirements‬‭from various stakeholders and‬‭reduce ambiguity associated with‬
‭the complex requirements.‬
‭●‬ E
‭ xperience in mapping business requirements, designing customized solutions with‬
‭strong analytical skills and ability to analyze business practices and define optimal‬
‭●‬ I‭n depth knowledge of various phases and methodologies of software development‬
‭Methodologies‬ ‭: Waterfall, Agile Scrum‬
‭Modeling Tools‬ ‭: MS Visio 2007.‬
‭Documentation Tools‬ ‭: MS Office,‬‭Google Workspace.‬
‭Prototyping Tools‬ ‭: Draw.IO, Balsamiq‬‭Mock-ups.‬
‭Tracking Tools‬ ‭: Jira, Azure Boards‬
‭Programming Languages‬ ‭: C, SQL.‬

‭Dedalus, Chennai‬‭- Business Analyst‬
‭November 2021 - November 2023‬

‭Project Description:‬
‭ prominent European healthcare software provider, specializes in developing and implementing‬
‭information systems for clinical and administrative processes. Their solutions, spanning electronic‬
‭health records, laboratory information systems, and radiology information systems, aim to boost‬
‭efficiency and safety in healthcare delivery. Dedalus collaborates with healthcare organizations,‬
‭hospitals, and laboratories to integrate IT solutions for improved patient care and overall‬
‭healthcare management.‬

‭●‬ A ‭ cted as liaison between business, sales and IT teams to refine the product and‬
‭incorporate features based on market demands.‬
‭●‬ ‭Created and maintained the solution vision, roadmap, and backlog of work through the‬
‭product's life cycle.‬
‭●‬ ‭Translated features into user stories within the team’s backlog while managing, ranking,‬
‭and prioritizing this backlog to reflect stakeholder’s requirements.‬
‭●‬ ‭Collaborated with stakeholders to understand business problem statements and convert‬
‭them into product backlog items.‬
‭●‬ ‭Articulated product vision and user stories in a way clearly understandable to‬
‭development teams.‬
‭●‬ ‭Managed backlog of user stories for 2 products simultaneously.‬
‭●‬ ‭Established user story acceptance criteria and refined stories with Scrum teams.‬
‭●‬ ‭Created Sprint Release Plans with input from development teams.‬
‭●‬ ‭Applied Agile methods and processes to promote a disciplined and transparent project‬
‭management process.‬
‭●‬ P‭ lanned‬‭and‬‭estimated‬‭3-week‬‭sprints‬‭in‬‭a‬‭realistic‬‭time-efficient‬‭manner‬‭that‬‭allowed‬‭the‬
‭teams to deliver 97% of the MVP according to the company roadmap.‬
‭R1RCM, Hyderabad‬‭- Senior Analyst‬
‭March 2021 - September 2021‬

‭Project Description:‬
‭ healthcare services company that provides revenue cycle management (RCM) services to‬
‭healthcare providers. Revenue cycle management involves the financial process of managing‬
‭healthcare claims processing, payment, and revenue generation. R1 RCM offers a range of‬
‭services to help healthcare organizations optimize their revenue cycles, including coding, billing,‬
‭collections, and other financial and administrative functions.‬

‭‬ R
● ‭ equirement elaboration‬
‭●‬ ‭List the user stories‬
‭●‬ ‭Use this knowledge to recommend processing changes that will create efficiencies, solve‬
‭problems, implement new product and product changes, and address regulatory‬
‭●‬ ‭Prepared Prototyping for understanding easily to Developers and others‬
‭●‬ ‭Updating and tracking project status in JIRA‬

‭KJ Systems, Vijayawada‬‭- Business Analyst‬

‭May 2017 - Feb 2021‬

‭Project-1 Description: EDMS – Enterprise Document Management System(IDFC First Bank)‬

‭ DMS is used to upload/View/Download the documents from multiple channels like SFDC,‬
‭Finneone, Omnidocs, Internet banking, External applications. Only admins/authorised users have‬
‭access to login to EDMS login page, remaining all will perform these operations directly from their‬
‭channel. When user want to perform these operations based on the request the screen will‬
‭populate, but the admin should login to EDMS to proceed. With these features admins can all‬
‭access the audit logs and Reports which are being introduced to document management system.‬
‭Earlier all the asset related documents will store in Filenet S3 storage and liabilities in Omnidocs,‬
‭But after the EDMS a centralised storage will be introduced to store all date together.‬

‭‬ W
● ‭ orked directly with the end users to capture and analyze challenges to their work flow.‬
‭●‬ ‭Worked on creating BRD.‬
‭●‬ ‭Prioritizes work within an agile team and maintain a backlog of future work for‬
‭●‬ ‭Requirement elaboration‬
‭●‬ ‭List the user stories‬
‭●‬ ‭Prepared Prototyping for understanding easily to Developers and others‬
‭●‬ ‭Ensures the product delivering should be accurate.‬
‭●‬ ‭Conduct sprint planning maintaining product Burndown charts on regular basis‬
‭●‬ ‭Updating and tracking project status in JIRA‬

‭Project-2 Description: EHRYOURWAY (Electronic Health Records YOURWAY)‬

‭ medical application, which is in the top 5 among the Health Care Product Applications in the‬
‭US. The project was to make enhancement to care radius which is a Point of care application‬
‭ hich supports organizations to manage all clinical and billing documentation, including‬
‭comprehensive assessments, physician orders, visit notes, medication profiles, labs and X-ray‬
‭reports, pictures and maintaining the EHR. Agile Scrum methodology was used throughout the‬
‭project. Chart streamlines awkward paper processes and eliminates duplicate data entry.‬
‭Messages, alerts, and reminders are automatically added to a patient's chart.‬
‭ his Application contains many modules like Patient Demographics, Appointments, Patient Notes,‬
‭Charge Capture, Billing, Reports, Manual and Auto payments posting.‬

‭●‬ I‭ handled Billing Module; our integrated Billing module provides a total billing package‬
‭that is seamlessly woven throughout other features of our EHR solutions.‬
‭●‬ ‭In Billing Module there are several categories which include Charge Creation, Payments,‬
‭Account Receivables, Patient Statements and Payment Receipts, Automated insurance‬
‭eligibility check, Bill to any clearinghouse, Auto-create claims & auto-post payments,‬
‭Patient ledger, Claim scrubber and batch uploading, CPT code customization, Accept‬
‭online credit card payments etc.‬
‭●‬ ‭I worked as a Team Lead in Charge Capture module – It consists of capturing data for‬
‭charges form different modules and that raw data is segregated based on components‬
‭(CC1, CC2) and creating the charge automatically (CC3, CC4) using charge master tables‬
‭and finally getting that data to claims creation.‬
‭●‬ ‭Did several phases of testing which includes Manual Testing, Functional, Integration,‬
‭Regression and End-to-End testing.‬
‭●‬ ‭Gathering of requirements from US Hospitals and developing the application based on‬
‭their internal workflow for Patient and Billing process.‬
‭●‬ ‭Analysis of data and Pre-processing with Analyze the Business Requirements and verify‬
‭with Development. Creates implementation and training plans.‬
‭●‬ ‭Proficient in Test Design, Test Scripting, Test Planning, Reviewing & Developing Test‬
‭Scenarios. Well versed in analyzing Results, Bug Tracking & Reporting, Detailed status‬

‭‬ B
● ‭ .Tech, NRI Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India (2013-2017)‬
‭●‬ ‭MPC, NRI Junior College, Andhra Pradesh, India (2013)‬
‭●‬ ‭SSC, K.C Public School, Andhra Pradesh, India (2011)‬

‭●‬ S ‭ uccessfully completed the '‬‭Product Management Certification+Agile‬‭Product Owner‬
‭+Scrum‬‭' course on Udemy, earning the corresponding‬‭certificate to validate my‬
‭●‬ ‭Currently enrolled in a‬‭Data Analysis‬‭course on Udemy,‬‭enhancing my skills and‬
‭knowledge in agile project management and product ownership.‬

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