12th Marksheet - Dayanan
12th Marksheet - Dayanan
12th Marksheet - Dayanan
25.06.2009 10.10.2024
Enrollment No :A01248992
Course :12th
Candidates Name :Dayanand Arya
D.O.B 02.07.1992
Mother's Name Prema Devi
Father's Name Shiv Shankar
Examination Year 2009
Examination FEB-07-09/A
302 ENGLISH 34 20 54 P
301 HINDI 66 14 80 P
091 PHYSICS 42 17 59 P
092 CHEMISTRY 39 19 58 P
098 MATHEMATICS 45 18 63 P
Result - Pass
Note: Marksheet-cum-Passing certificate will be issued to only those students who have completely passed (minimum) 5 subjects
including minimum one language) for certification. Read the prospectus for details.