10th Trigonometry Lesson Plan

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Class: 10 Subject: Mathematics Name of the teacher: J. Visweswara Rao PGT maths

School: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Gurukulam, Kollivalasa, Srikakulam Dist.

Name of the Chapter Topic Number of Time Line For Teaching Any Specific Information
Periods From To
History of Hipparchus
AND 3 various fields


Prior Concept / Skills:

1. Knowledge of Pythagoras theorem and properties of triangles.

2. Knowledge about complementary angles
3. Knowledge about angle sum property
4. Knowledge about algebraic identities
5. Knowledge about specific angles
Learning Outcomes Number of Periods
Students are able to find
1. Identifying the opposite side, adjacent side and hypotenuse of a right triangle by given angle 1
2. Find Trigonometric ratios for given angle using right triangle 2
3. Convert on trigonometric ratio to other trigonometric ratio. 2
4. Find the trigonometric ratios of special angles 2
5. Students give reasons for given value exist or not for a given trigonometric ratio. 1
6. Find the complementary angles of trigonometric ratios 2
7. Solve and simplify the problems based on trigonometric identities 4
8. Connect the trigonometry to other branch of mathematics and solve problems 2


Introducing the chapter taking different examples from real life situations. For creating interest about trigonometry discuss about history. To tell about the
contribution of Hipparchus. For creating more interest explain various uses of trigonometry in different fields. trigonometry formulas have applications in
various fields such as construction, design, and other branches of engineering. It is even applied to crime scene investigations. In this article, we have come
up with detailed information on different real-life applications of Trigonometry in various fields of our life.

Experience and Reflection (Task/question that helps students explore the concept and connect with their life)
 Draw different right triangles and identify the opposite side, adjacent side and hypotenuse
 Find the values of specific angles of trigonometric ratios
 Students find heights and distances by using trigonometry.
 Students collect and analyze the uses of trigonometry in various fields.
 Connect the trigonometry to different branches of mathematics
Explicit Teaching/Teacher Modelling Group Work (We Do) Independent Work (You Notes
(I Do) Do)
INTRODUCTION: Introducing the topic by using Discusses with the students Ask the students collect 5 real life
various real life situations. about various uses of situations to find height ,distance
Example: Electric poles are present everywhere. trigonometry. etc.
They are usually erected by using a metal wire. By taking different examples
The pole, wire and the ground form a triangle. But, and discuss each other.
if the length of the wire decreases, what will be the
shape of the triangle and what will be the angle of
the wire with the ground?

Example 2: In a play ground, children like The above examples are

to slide on slider and slider is on a defined angle geometrically showing the
from earth What will happen to the slider if we application part of triangles in our
change the angle? Will children still be able to play daily
on it? life and we can measure the
heights, distances and slopes by
using the properties of triangles.
These types of problems are part
of ‘trigonometry’ which is a
branch of mathematics.

2. NAMING THE SIDES IN A RIGHT Draw different right triangles Do this page No.271
TRIANGLE : and mark an angle θ other
than right angle. And explain
about side opposite to θ, side Try this Page No.271
to θ and Hypotenuse of each
right triangle.
Here you observe the position
of side BC with respect to angle A.
It is opposite to angle A and we can call it as
“Opposite side of angle A”.
And the remaining side AB can be called as
“Adjacent side of angle A”
AC = Hypotenuse
BC = Opposite side of angle A
AB = Adjacent side of angle
3.TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS: Explain about the Explain about the activity.
activity page no.272. And also explain about sine
After performing the activity we can conclude that ratio, cosine ratio and tangent
the ratio of opposite side of an angle (measure of ratio by observing the results
the angle) of the activity.
and length of the hypotenuse is constant in all
similar right angle triangles. This ratio will
be named as “sine” of that angle.
we can also conclude that the ratio of the adjacent
side of an angle (measure of the
angle) and length of the hypotenuse is constant in
all similar right triangles. This ratio will be named
as “cosine” of that angle.
Similarly, the ratio of opposite side and adjacent
side of an angle is constant and it can be named as
“tangent” of that angle.

4.DEFINING TRIGONOMETERIC RATIOS Explain the definitions of Try this and think discuss page Definitions of trigonometric ratios.
AND Sin A, Cos A, and Tan A. no.274
TRIANGLE Also solve Do this page
Consider a right angle triangle ABC having right
angle at B as shown in the following figure. Then,
trigonometric ratios of the angle A in right angle
triangle ABC are defined as follows
There are three more ratios defined
in trigonometry which are
considered as multiplicative
Try this and Think discuss inverse of the above three ratios.
And also discuss reciprocals page no.275 Those are cosec A, Sec A and Cot
of Sin A, Cos A and Tan A A.
Multiplicative inverse of “sine A” is “cosecant A”. are cosec A, Sec A and Cot A Solve example problems and
Simply written as “cosec A” respectively. exercise 11.1. Take the guidance
i.e., cosec A = 1/Sin A of the teacher wherever necessary.
Similarly, multiplicative inverses of “cos A” is
secant A” (simply written as “sec A”) and
that of “tan A” is “cotangent A (simply written as
cot A)
i.e., sec A = 1/cos A and cot A = 1/tan A

5.TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF SOME Draw right angled isosceles Find the values of cosec 45°, sec
SPECIFIC ANGLES: triangle .observe the sides are 45° and cot 45°.
TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF 45 in the ratio 1:1:√2.
Then find the values of
Sin 45°,cos 45°,Tan 45°,
by using definitions
trigonometric ratios.
Calculate the trigonometric Find the values of Sin 0°,
TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF 30O AND 60 ratios of 30° and 60°. To Cos 0°,tan 0°.and also find
calculate them, we will take Solve Do this and try this page Sin 90°,Cos 90°,tan 90°.
an equilateral triangle, draw a no.279. .
perpendicular which can
divide the triangle
into two equal right angle Solve Think –Discuss page no.290
triangles having angles
30°,60° and 90° in each. Try this page no.281
First to discuss how to find
altitude of an equilateral
triangle. then find the values Solve exercise 11.2 problems
of Sin 60°,cos 60° and tan
And also explain about the values of sin 0,cos 0, And also find sin30°,cos3.0°
sin 90,cos 90.
Think discuss page no.282.
Explain examples 4, 5, 6 and 7.

6.TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF Explain about complementary Think discuss page no.286

We already know that two angles are said to be Sin(90  x)  c0 sx
complementary, if their sum is equal to 90°. cos(0  x)  sin x
Consider a right angle triangle ABC with right
angle at B. Since angle B is, 90°. Sum of other two Tan (90  x)  cot x
angles must be 90°. ( since Sum of angles in a Cot (90  x)  tan x
triangle 180°) Co sec(90  x)  sec x
Therefore, ∠A + ∠ C = 90 Sec(90  x)  cos ecx
Hence ∠A and ∠C
are said to be complementary angles.
Let us assume that ∠A = x, then for angle x, BC is
Opposite side and AB is adjacent side.
Solve exercise 11.3 problems
Explain example problems
related to trigonometric ratios
of complementary angles

Solve example problems

using trigonometric ratios of
complementary angles
sin(90  x)   cos x
cos(90  x)   sin x

Explain examples 8,9,10,11 and 12 of page no.287 and

6.TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES Explain the proofs of Solve exercise 11.4 problems Various non textual questions
We know that an identity is that mathematical trigonometric identities by collected /prepared and explained.
equation which is true for all the values of using right triangle. Optional exercise problems solved
the variables in the equation. Also explain Think Discuss,
For example (a  b) 2  a 2  2ab  b 2 is an identity. Do this, and Try This page no (c) The following steps should be
In the same way, an identity equation having 290. kept in mind while proving
trigonometric ratios of an angle is called And also discuss and explain trigonometric identities :
trigonometric identity. And it is true for all the about auxiliary formulas. (i) Start with more complicated
values of the angles involved in it. Solve example problems by side of the identity and prove it
using trigonometric identities. equal to the other side.
1.Sin 2  cos 2   1
(ii) If the identity contains sine,
2.Sec 2  tan 2   1 cosine and other trigonometric
3. cos ec 2  cot 2   1 ratios, then express all the ratios in
Example 13,14 and 15 of page no.290 terms of sine and cosine.
(iii) If one side of an identity
cannot be easily reduced to the
other side value, then simplify
both sides and prove them
identically equal.
(iv) While proving identities,
never transfer terms from one side
to another
Check For Understanding Questions

1. Factual:
1. If Sin  then find Cos and Cot .
1  Sin 2 45
2. 
1  sin 2 45
3. If x tan 45°.cos 60° = sin 60°.cot 60°, then find x.
4. If x = sec θ + tan θ, then find tan θ.
If cos A  cos A  1, then find Sin A  Sin A
2 2 4
2. Open Ended / Critical Thinking:

1. Is Sin  exists. Give reasons.
2. Show that tan 2   Sin 2  Tan 2 . sin 2 
BC 2 A
3. If A, B, C are interior angles of ΔABC, show that Sec 2    1  Cot
 2  2
4. if Sin  Cos  2 sin(90   ) show that Cot  2  1
5. Prove that Sin 6  cos 6   3 sin 2  cos 2 

Student Practice Questions &Activities (Exercises from workbook / textbooks/ blackboard)

p2 1
1. If Sec  tan   p then show that Sin  .
p2 1
CosA 1  SinA
2. Prove that   2 SecA
1  SinA CosA
1  cos 
3. Prove that (cos ec  cot  ) 2 
1  cos 
4. Simplify  Sec 2 .
cot 2 
5. Evaluate: sin 15°. cos 75° + cos 15° . sin 75°
Assessment (Think of what children SAY, DO and MAKE while learning that can form the evidence of learning to be used for assessment).

2. 3TanA  4, then find SinA and SecA

3. If Tan ( A  B)  3 , Tan ( A  B)  1 where A  B, And A, B are actute angles The find A and B.
4. Simplify: (sec θ + tan θ) (1 – sin θ).
5. Evaluate : sin (50° + θ) – cos (40° – θ) + tan 1° tan 10° tan 20° tan 70° tan 80°


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