Task 3

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TASK 3: Lead and facilitate outcomes

This task will require you to lead and facilitate outcomes for decisions on work tasks of individuals and teams,
improvements in organisational and workplace policies and procedures, and integration of global environment
and new technology into work activities.
Assigned individuals are individuals reporting to you, on whose work tasks you would typically lead and
facilitate outcomes on.
Team refers to a group of at least two people who work together to achieve common organisational goals.
Assigned teams are teams reporting to you, on whose work tasks you would typically lead and facilitate
outcomes on.
These workplace outcomes can be prepared and based on either an organisation/workplace of your choice or
the simulated business Bounce Fitness.
To complete this task, you must:
▪ Identify at least two (2) assigned individuals and at least one (1) assigned team:
▪ Make at least two decisions each on their work tasks, in accordance with:
o Work task timeframes
o Organisational policies and procedures
▪ Actively lead and facilitate:
o Improvements to at least two organisational policies and procedures, and at least two workplace policies and
Organisational policies and procedures refer to the policies and procedures applicable to the organisation as a
whole, while workplace policies and procedures refer to policies and procedures applicable to a specific
o Integration of global environment into work activities
o Integration of new technology into work activities
▪ Prepare an outcome document incorporating discussion points on all of the above and communicate with each
of the assigned individuals and teams. For each of the above activities, the following must be included in the
outcome document:
o Identification of at least two (2) assigned individuals and at least one (1) assigned team
o Steps taken to perform each activity
o Gathered information from any research undertaken and analyses of information from the research
o Outcome of each activity
You will need to review the template you will use to complete the Outcomes report.
If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, please discuss this first with your supervisor and
with the assessor. This is to ensure that the template covers all the criteria and the requirements that apply to this
Otherwise, you should use the Generic Outcome Document template which is provided either at Appendix Three in
this document or on the Bounce Fitness website at BSBLDR602 Forms and Templates
The outcomes report to be submitted for this task should incorporate any supplementary documents/sources used
to create the document and include the following:
▪ At least two (2) organisational policies and procedures and at least two (2) workplace policies and procedures
identified to facilitate improvements in, as part of the task
▪ Other relevant organisational and workplace policies and procedures such as internal communications policy and
procedures, documentation policy and procedures, policy and procedures for meetings etc.
▪ Document(s) from where work task timeframes are referenced
▪ Printed or online sources for industry and global standards for relevant organisational and workplace policies and
▪ Printed or online sources relevant to the global environment
▪ Printed or online sources relevant to new technology
▪ Printed or online sources for industry and global standards for relevant organisational and workplace policies and
▪ Printed or online sources relevant to the global environment
▪ Printed or online sources relevant to new technology
You must also submit evidence of leading and facilitating the outcome of each activity. Evidence must be at least
one (1) of the following:
▪ Evidence of consultation with different stakeholders before implementation
▪ Implementation plan
▪ Evidence of approval from stakeholders, if applicable
▪ Evidence of communication informing everyone affected by the changes
▪ Evidence of feedback on the changes implemented
For improvement in organisational and workplace policy and procedures, evidence must also include the following:
▪ First draft of the organisational or workplace policy and procedure with the proposed improvements
▪ Updated organisational or workplace policy and procedure
You must also submit evidence of communication of outcomes for each activity, with assigned individuals and
team in the organisation. Evidence must be at least one (1) of the following:
▪ Email correspondence
▪ Briefing document with signatures
▪ Meeting minutes
▪ Video recording of the meeting conducted with individuals and team

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