9 Logging

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=> The process of storing application execution details to a file.

=> To understand runtime behaviour of the application we will use logging in the

=> With the help of logging we can identify root cause of the exception.

=> To implement logging, we have several logging frameworks

1) log4j
2) log4j2
4) logback
5) logstash

Logging Architecture

1) Logger

2) Layout

3) Appender

What is Logger ?

=> Logger is a predefined class which provides several methods to perform logging.

Ex : trace (), debug(), info()....

=> We will use Logger methods like below


void m1(){

logger.info("m1() execution started....");

// logic

logger.info("m1() execution completed....");


Note: For every java class we will create one logger object.

What is Layout ?

=> Layout represents log msg pattern

Ex : <date time> <log-level> <thread> <class> <msg>

=> We have several types of layout

Ex: SimpleLayout, PatternLayout..

What is Appender ?

=> Appender is used to write the log msg to destination

Ex : ConsoleAppender, FileAppender, JDBCAppender

Spring Boot logging

=> Create springboot application with 'starter-web' dependency

=> Run the boot application from the start class and check console.

Note: We can see several log msgs on the console. That means springboot is using
logging to provide runtime behaviour of springboot.

Note: In springboot by default Pattern Layout and Console Appender will be used.

Note: To print log msgs in the log file then add below property in
application.properties file


public class MsgRestController {

private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MsgRestController.class);

public String getWelcomeMsg() {

logger.info("****** welcome () - execution started *******");

String msg = "Welcome to Ashok IT..!!";

logger.info("****** welcome () - execution completed *******");

return msg;
public class ContactRestController {

private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContactRestController.class);

public String getContactInfo() {

logger.info("***** getContact() - started *****");

String response = "Contact Us : + 91 - 9985396677";

logger.info("***** getContact() - ended *****");

return response;

Logging Levels

=> Log msgs will be generated based on log level

=> Logging having several levels like below


=> TRACE is used to store every line execution details

EX: logger.trace("msg");

=> DEBUG is used to store execution flow at low level

Ex: logger.debug("msg") ;

=> INFO is used to store execution flow at high level

Ex: logger.info("msg");

=> WARN is used to store warnings in code execution flow

Ex: logger.warn("msg");

=> ERROR is used to store execptions occured in code execution flow

Ex: logger.error("msg");

############ Note: In springboot, default log level is INFO ###########

=> We can change log level in the application using below property


Note: When we set log level, log msgs will be printed from that level to all higher
levels also.

Logging with Rolling

=> If we use single log file to store log msgs then after few days log file size
will become very very big.

=> If file size is keep on increasing then it will become difficult to open/read
log file data.

Note: To avoid this problem we will use rolling mechanism.

=> Rolling we can implement in 2 ways

1) Size Based Rolling

2) Time Based Rolling

=> Size Based Rolling is used to create new log file once old log is reached to
given limit.

Ex: 1 GB

=> Time based rolling is used to create every day new log file.

=> To configure rolling, we will use RollingFileAppender.

=> We can configure rolling in 2 ways

1) application.properties

2) logback.xml

What is logback.xml ?

=> logback.xml is used to customize logging in our application.

=> In logback.xml we will configure below components

1) Rolling File Appender with policy

2) Log Msg Pattern

3) Log Level

=> We will keep logback.xml under "src/main/resources" folder

------------------------------- logback.xml


<appender name="RollingFile"
<pattern>%d [%thread] %-5level %-50logger{40} - %msg%n</pattern>

<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="RollingFile" />



Log Monitoring

=> It is the process of reading or observing log msgs available in log file.

Note: In-Realtime log files will be stored in linux machines only.

=> To get log msgs from log file we have several tools.

1) Putty

2) WinScp

3) ELK (Elastic Search + Log stash + Kibana)

4) Splunk (Commercial S/w)

Note: Putty and WinScp softwares are used to connect with Linux VM.

=> In Realtime, operations team will share log server details like below

Log Server IP :

username : loguser

Password: loguser@ashokit

Log Files Path : /home/ubuntu/logs

=> ELK and Splunk softwares provides UI to monitor logs.

1) What is Logging

2) Why Logging

3) Logging Architecture

4) Log Levels

5) Logging in SpringBoot

6) Rolling Policies

7) Log Monitoring

- Putty
- WinScp
- SPlunk

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