Angle of Internal Friction

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21/8/2014 Angle of Internal Friction on the Geotechnical Information Website


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Angle of Internal Friction
Friction Angle

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Angle of internal friction for a given soil is the angle on the graph (Mohr's Circle) Bearing
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of the shear stress and normal effective stresses at which shear failure occurs. Capacity
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Ask for technical help or Angle of Internal Friction, f , can be determined in the laboratory by the Direct Engineering
discuss geotechnical Shear Test or the Triaxial Stress Test. Compaction
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engineers Dams
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Typical relationships for estimating the angle of internal friction, f , are as follows: Excavation
Erosion Control
Geotechnical Software Empirical values for f , of granular soils based on the standard penetration number, (from Bowels, Field Testing
Download free software Foundation Analysis). Foundations
and links to geotechnical SPT Penetration, N-
software Geophysics
Value (blows/ foot) f (degrees) Geosynthetics
Technical Guidance 0 25 - 30 Laboratory
Valuable technical 4 27 - 32
information for 10 30 - 35
geotechnical engineers. 30 35 - 40 Materials
Your questions may be 50 38 - 43 Grouting
answered here. Instrumentation
Learning Center
Learning and training Pavement
resources for geotechnical
Relationship between f , and standard penetration number for sands, (from Peck 1974, Foundation Analysis
engineers. Engineering Handbook). Quality
SPT Assurance/
Career Development Penetration,
Tips for earning more Control
respect and more money.
N-Value Density of Reconnaissance
Market yourself. (blows/ foot) Sand f (degrees) Retaining Walls
<4 Very loose <29 Seepage
4 - 10 Loose 29 - 30
10 - 30 Medium 30 - 36
30 - 50 Dense 36 - 41 Analysis
>50 Very dense >41 Slope Stability
Relationship between f , and standard penetration number for sands, (from Meyerhof 1956, Foundation Investigations
Engineering Handbook). Tunneling
Penetration, Other Geotechnical
N-Value Density of Links
(blows/ foot) Sand f (degrees)
<4 Very loose <30 Other Geotechnical
4 - 10 Loose 30 - 35 Resources
10 - 30 Medium 35 - 40
30 - 50 Dense 40 - 45 Geotechnical
>50 Very dense >45 Forum
Other soil and soil related properties are listed below: Publications
Angle of Internal Friction Training
Bearing Capacity Factors Career
Cohesion Development
External Friction Angle Geotechnical
Factor of Safety Societies and
Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients Institutes
Modulus of Vertical Subgrade Reaction Teaching
Soil Unit Weights Resources
Young's Modulus or modulus of elasticity Services and
Other Quality 1/2

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