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Current Affairs August 2024

Current Affairs August 2024.................................1 WCC's Knowledge Exchange Program: A Boon
Index....................................................................... 1 for Kashmiri Artisans....................................... 16
Geography And Environment...............................3 Uttarakhand Pioneers Environmental Valuation
The Calamitous Consequence of Cloudbursts in with India's First Gross Environment Product..17
Himachal Pradesh: Understanding and Meeting and Submits.......................................... 18
Mitigation........................................................... 3 India's Participation and Diplomatic Efforts in
Declaration of Nanjarayan and Kazhuveli Bird Recent ASEAN Meet....................................... 18
Sanctuaries & Tawa Reservoir as New Ramsar A Collaborative Venture: Ayush Ministry and
Sites...................................................................4 WHO Donor Agreement.................................. 18
Understanding the Phenomenon of the Blue Accelerating the BIMSTEC Free Trade
Moon..................................................................4 Agreement: Significance and Outcomes......... 19
Economics............................................................. 5 India's Leadership at 3rd Voice of Global South
US Emerges as the Second Largest Supplier of Summit 2024................................................... 20
LNG to India...................................................... 5 India's Prime Minister's Historic Visit to Ukraine:
RBI Urges Banks to Boost Deposit Growth and Dynamics, Takeaways, and Impacts............... 21
Strengthens HFC Liquidity Norms..................... 6 Schemes and Initiative........................................21
RBI Governor’s Five-fold Vision for India’s "Million Designers, Billion Dreams” Initiative: An
Financial Future.................................................7 Innovative Empowerment Drive.......................21
The Introduction of Unified Pension Scheme: A The Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana: A New
New Era of Pension Policies............................. 8 Frontier for Young Philatelists..........................22
RBI discontinues Licences of 78 Urban Sweeping Upgrades in FloodWatch India 2.0:
Cooperative Banks (UCBs) From 2014 to 2024 9 An Efficient Tool for Flood Monitoring..............23
Defence and Military Exercises..........................10 Union Cabinet Approves the 'Vigyan Dhara'
Exercise Tarang Shakti - India's First Scheme........................................................... 24
Multinational Air Exercise................................ 10 Revolutionising Indian Cotton Culture - The
Tenth Edition of MITRA SHAKTI: Bolstering the Kasturi Cotton Bharat Programme.................. 24
India-Sri Lanka Defence Partnership...............10 Increasing Burden of Healthcare Costs for
A Deep Dive into India's Nuclear Submarine Senior Citizens under Ayushman Bharat.........25
Strength: The INS Arighat................................11 India's Solar Energy Boost: Omkareshwar
Celebrating Innovation & Advancements: Floating Solar Project...................................... 26
National Space Day 2024................................12 "Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Ghar Khadi" Campaign:
Polity.....................................................................13 A Revolutionary Approach to Increasing Khadi
Supreme Court's Ruling on Sub-Categorisation Use.................................................................. 26
within Scheduled Castes................................. 13 Promoting Sustainable Fertilisation and Skilling
Enhancing Governance of Waqf Boards through Youth: PM-PRANAM and NATS 2.0 Portal......27
The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024...................14 Power Sector's Technological Leap: PROMPT,
DNA Profiling in the Indian Justice System: Its DRIPS and JALVIDYUT-DPR Portals..............28
Role, Legal Provisions and Limitations............14 RBI Enhances Regulatory Surveillance on
Examining the Call for a Uniform Civil Code: NBFC-P2P Lending Platforms amid Regulatory
Panacea or Pandora’s Box?............................15 Violations......................................................... 28
State Current Affairs........................................... 16 Rank Report and Awards....................................29

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Review and Analysis of India's Performance at

Paris Olympics 2024........................................29
Introducing the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar
2024: A New Era Recognising Scientific
Achievements in India..................................... 30
Triumphs and Honours at the 26th CEAT Cricket
Awards 2024....................................................31
Indian Independence Day Gallantry Awards
2024: A Tribute to Indian Valor and Bravery....31
Insight into the National Film Awards 2022..... 32
Indian President Honoured with Fiji's Highest
Civilian Award: Strengthening Diplomatic
Timor-Leste Honours President Murmu with
Highest Civilian Award.....................................34
An Overview of the National Institutional
Ranking Framework (NIRF) Rankings 2024....34
Science and Tech................................................ 35
Attaining Criticality: India's Prototype Fast
Breeder Reactor Program............................... 35
Critical Ransomware Attack Disrupts Indian
Banking Sector: Significant Points and Analysis.
Understanding the Challenge of Subclinical
Tuberculosis in India........................................37
Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A Novel
Approach to Combat Dengue and Other
Mosquito-Borne Diseases............................... 38
Important Days and Events................................ 39
Commemorating World Lion Day: Significance,
Conservation Efforts, and Threats to the King of
Jungle.............................................................. 39
Honouring the Majestic Beast: Celebrating
World Elephant Day.........................................39
Miscellaneous...................................................... 40
Attaining Criticality: India's Prototype Fast
Breeder Reactor Program............................... 40
Critical Ransomware Attack Disrupts Indian
Banking Sector: Significant Points and Analysis.
Understanding the Challenge of Subclinical
Tuberculosis in India........................................42
Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A Novel
Approach to Combat Dengue and Other
Mosquito-Borne Diseases............................... 42
Important days.....................................................44

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- Prominent examples in India include devastating

Geography And cloudbursts in Uttarakhand (July 2021) and
Himachal Pradesh (August 2020) which led to flash
Environment floods, landslides, and widespread infrastructural

The Calamitous Consequence of II. The Catastrophic Aftermath of Cloudbursts

Cloudbursts in Himachal Pradesh:
Understanding and Mitigation A. Flash Floods

- Flash floods are sudden local surges in water

I. Understanding Cloudbursts - An Intense and
levels during or following intense rainfall, typically
Sudden Menace
caused by thunderstorms.
- Factors such as rainfall intensity, location, land
A. What Exactly is a Cloudburst?
usage, topography, vegetation, soil type, and water
- Defined by the India Meteorological Department
content influence the onset and location of flash
(IMD), a cloudburst happens when more than 10
cm of rain abruptly falls within an hour over a small
area of around 10 sq km.
B. Landslides
- They occur predominantly in mountainous regions,
particularly in the Himalayas.
- Landslides are mass movements of materials like
- In the Indian subcontinent, cloudbursts could be
rocks or earth down a slope.
attributed to monsoon clouds drifting northwards
- Heavy rainfall, erosion, and weathering can trigger
from the Bay of Bengal or the Arabian Sea which
reach the plains and subsequently the mountains,
resulting in heavy rainfall.
C. Mudflows
B. What Causes Cloudbursts?
- Mudflows feature high-density water flow, with
significant amounts of suspended particles and silt.
- The phenomenon is initiated when powerful
upward currents of hot air obstruct rainfall, leading
III. Relationship between Climate Change and
to enlargement of raindrops and subsequent
formation of smaller drops underneath them.
- This effect contributes to a substantial
- Increased atmospheric moisture, changes in
accumulation of water in the atmosphere that is
precipitation patterns, altered atmospheric stability,
released abruptly as upward currents weaken,
and glacier retreat are amongst the impacts of
causing a cloudburst.
climate change that can potentially increase the
- The Indian subcontinent's complex topography
occurrence of cloudbursts.
and the orographic lifting process play crucial roles
in the occurrence of cloudbursts.
IV. Proposed Measures to Alleviate the
Devastating Impact of Cloudbursts
C. Cloudbursts Vs Rainfall
- Effective early warning systems, resilient urban
- While rain is a common phenomenon, cloudbursts
planning and infrastructure, watershed
are sudden and heavy rainstorms.
management, reforestation, and education on
- The term 'cloudburst' is only used when rain is
cloudburst risks can help mitigate the disastrous
more than 10 cm per hour.
effects of cloudbursts.
- Sustainable land use practices and collaborating
D. Prediction and Examples of Cloudbursts
with neighbouring countries and international
organisations can also significantly contribute to
- The anticipation of cloudbursts is a challenge due
managing cloudburst impacts.
to their unpredictable and sudden nature, which can
only be detected with expensive, finely netted

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Declaration of Nanjarayan and General Knowledge (GK) Component:

● Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary is Tamil Nadu's
Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuaries & Tawa 17th bird sanctuary.
Reservoir as New Ramsar Sites ● Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuary is connected to
the Bay of Bengal.
Introduction and Current News: ● The Tawa Reservoir is located within the
Recently, the Indian government declared Satpura Tiger Reserve and is also used for
Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary and Kazhuveli Bird power generation and aquaculture.
Sanctuary in TamilNadu, along with Tawa Reservoir ● The Ramsar Convention, initially signed in
in Madhya Pradesh, as three new Ramsar Sites Iran in 1971, focuses on the conservation of
making India’s total Ramsar Sites to 85. Currently, internationally important wetlands.
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh lead with the highest ● Montreux Record is a register of wetland
number of Ramsar Sites. sites undergoing significant ecological
Key Insights on the New Ramsar Sites:
● Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary: Importance:
Located in Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu, the The declaration of these sites as Ramsar sites
Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary spreads across 125.865 underlines the significance of these wetlands,
hectares. This sanctuary is home to various bird helping in the conservation and protection on a
species and relies on rainfall from the Nallar global scale. These wetlands play a crucial role in
drainage for sustenance. In addition to its historical countering climate change, hosting a diversity of
importance as a site restored by a local king species, and supporting the livelihoods of many
centuries ago, it's currently guarded and managed local communities.
by both the local community and the Forest
Department. _________________________________________

● Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuary:

This sanctuary is located on the Coromandel Coast Understanding the Phenomenon of
in the Villupuram district, North of Pondicherry, the Blue Moon
covering over 5151.6 hectares. Notably, this
sanctuary is vital with diverse water features and An Overview of the Blue Moon Phenomenon
various specific plant species. - The term "Blue Moon" is used to describe the
second full moon that occurs within a single
● Tawa Reservoir: calendar month.
Constructed primarily for irrigation purposes, Tawa - This phenomenon was recently observed in
Reservoir lies within the Satpura Tiger Reserve and August 2024, sparking discussions about its
near the city of Itarsi in Madhya Pradesh. The occurrence and significance.
reservoir is home to a variety of wildlife, and the - The following Blue Moon is anticipated on 31st
Tawa River, the reservoir's longest tributary, flows May 2026.
through several districts before joining the Narmada Variations of the Blue Moon
River. - There exist two types of Blue Moons - Seasonal
Blue Moon and Monthly Blue Moon, remarkably,
About Ramsar Convention: none of these involve the colour of the moon.
The Ramsar Convention, officially ratified by India in - A Seasonal Blue Moon happens when four full
1982, is an international treaty signed in 1971 moons appear in one astronomical season instead
focused on conserving wetlands of international of the typical three. The third moon in this series is
significance. As part of this convention, Montreux referred to as the "Blue Moon".
Record makes a record of wetland sites where - A Monthly Blue Moon refers to the occurrence of
changes in ecological character have occurred, or two full moons in one calendar month, a relatively
are likely due to human interference or rare event.
technological developments.

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How Blue Moons are Formed

- The phases of the moon complete their cycle in Why in News and Current Global Scenario
around 29.5 days, resulting in 12 lunar cycles over - The rise of the US as a significant LNG supplier to
354 days. India coincided with the country emerging as the
- Every 2.5 to 3 years, a 13th full moon, the Blue world's largest LNG exporter in 2023.
Moon, takes place within a calendar year, deviating - This achievement is owing to extensive
from usual naming conventions. investments made in liquefaction capacity, resulting
- Since February has only 28 or, in case of a leap in the strong growth of the US in the LNG market.
year, 29 days, it can never witness a Blue Moon. - It overtook prior leaders Qatar and Australia in the
global LNG supply chain.
Instances When Moon Actually Appears Blue
- The Moon has appeared blue at certain moments The Role and Importance of LNG
in history due to atmospheric conditions following - The historical shift towards LNG as an alternative
volcanic eruptions. fuel represents the ongoing global transition to
- Eruptions of Mt. Tambora (1815), the Indonesian green and renewable energy sources.
volcano Krakatoa (1883), El Chichon in Mexico - LNG is natural gas supercooled to become a
(1983), Mt. St. Helens (1980), and Mount Pinatubo liquid, reducing its volume making it easier and
(1991) have caused the moon to appear blue owing economical to transport over long distances.
to the scattering of light by volcanic ash particles in - Primarily composed of methane, LNG converts
the atmosphere. back to gas at its destination, and it's used like
conventional natural gas for heating, electricity
Historical & Cultural Significance of Blue Moons generation, and fuel for vehicles.
- The 1815 eruption of Mt. Tambora led to a
significant global temperature drop causing the Evolving Trade Dynamics
'year without summer.' - The fluctuations in global LNG prices and India's
- The term "once in a blue moon" has been coined geographical proximity to the US via the Cape of
manifesting the rarity of this phenomenon. Good Hope facilitate the increased supply of
US-sourced LNG.
In conclusion, the Blue Moon, despite its name, has - In contrast to the rising share of the US, African
less to do with the moon's colour and more with the nations witness a decline in their share of India's
unique lunar cycle it signifies. Its occurrence sparks LNG imports.
interest among scientists, historians, and - Qatar has been India's largest LNG supplier over
sky-gazers alike. the last five years, despite shifts in other supplier
_________________________________________ nations' standings.

Future Perspective and GK Insights

Economics - India being the fourth-largest LNG importer,
witnessed a scaling back in 2022 due to the surge
in prices and a decrease in shipments from the US.
US Emerges as the Second Largest - The UAE's LNG export to India has also exhibited
Supplier of LNG to India fluctuations, with an increase from 2.6 MT in 2019
to 3.32 MT in 2020 and a subsequent decline.
Analysis and Crucial Points of International LNG - In the light of these developments, it's essential for
Trade and Energy Transition countries to predict and adapt to substantial shifts in
the LNG market and global energy resources.
Introduction and Snapshot
- The US has risen as India's second-largest In conclusion, the rise of the US as the
supplier of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) by 2023, second-largest LNG supplier in India signifies the
beating the UAE, accounting for 3.09 million tonnes fast-changing patterns of international LNG trade in
(MT). parallel to the global energy transition and
- This shift showcases the evolving trade dynamics diversification goals. This development also holds
in the international energy markets and India's potential implications for the global geopolitical
pursuit of diversified energy sources.

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scenario, underlining the significance of energy - It is recommended for banks to expand their
dynamics in international relations. branch networks for tapping into new customer
segments and to be innovative in deposit
_________________________________________ mobilisation.

RBI Urges Banks to Boost Deposit B. Advantages of Flexible Financial Products:

- Banks can consider reducing the lock-in period
Growth and Strengthens HFC for tax-saving fixed deposits to make them more
Liquidity Norms competitive.
- Offering attractive interest rates, bonuses, or
cash incentives could attract more depositors.
I. Understanding Declining Deposit Growth
Trends and Impacts: C. Use of Technology for Personalized
A. Introduction and Background: - Banks can utilise data analytics to design
- RBI Governor recently urged banks to innovate personalised savings and deposit products to
product offerings to augment deposit growth. manage and grow savings.
- This measure is in response to the slower rate of - Mobile banking apps with user-friendly design
deposit growth alongside the surge in credit and financial planning tools can motivate increased
demand, posing potential liquidity risks for the deposits.
banking sector.
III. Understanding RBI's New Liquidity Norms
B. Deep-diving into Deposit Growth Concerns: for Housing Finance Companies (HFCs):
- The Credit-Deposit ratio has reached a 20-year
peak, indicating a widening disparity between credit A. Introduction to New Liquidity Requirements:
and deposit growth. - HFCs are now required to maintain higher liquid
- There is a growing reliance on short-term assets to ensure financial stability.
deposits and liability instruments to meet credit - The liquid asset requirement will be increased
demand. from 13% to 15% in stages by 2025.
- Households are switching to mutual funds, - HFCs need to maintain a minimum
stocks, insurance, and pension funds over bank investment-grade credit rating annually to continue
deposits due to high inflation and surging net accepting public deposits.
financial assets. B. Established Measures to Mitigate Long-term
- Regulatory requirements like the Cash Reserve Liquidity Risks:
Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio also impact the - The maximum tenure for public deposits at
quantity of lendable funds. HFCs has been reduced from ten years to five
C. Impact on Banking System Stability and - RBI has also reduced the ceiling on the quantum
Liquidity Risk Management: of public deposits an HFC can hold to prevent
- The increasing gap between credit and deposit over-leveraging.
growth could threaten banking system stability.
- Banks' increasing reliance on certificates of Background and Importance of [Housing Finance
deposit has complicated liquidity risk management. Companies (HFCs):
- RBI plans to review the Liquidity Coverage Ratio - HFCs were established under the Companies
to proactively manage emerging liquidity risks. Act 1956 and initially regulated by the National
Housing Bank.
II. Strategies for Increasing Deposit Growth: - The regulatory authority over HFCs was
transferred to the RBI in 2019.
A. Role of Core Banking Functions and - HFCs were designed to meet rising loan
Innovative Strategies: demands from various income groups and have
- Banks should focus on their fundamental emerged as leading sources of home loans.
functions, i.e. deposit mobilisation and lending.

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The tightening of HFC's liquidity norms is aimed at - By weaponizing DPI, India can revolutionise
ensuring these companies maintain a healthy financial services, increasing inclusion and
balance between their assets and liabilities and to effectiveness across the country.
align them with regulations for NBFCs to promote
uniformity across all areas of Non-Banking financial Securing the Cyberfront
- In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity is
_________________________________________ crucial in safeguarding India’s financial ecosystem.

RBI Governor’s Five-fold Vision for - Continuous vigilance against cyber threats and
promoting cybersecurity awareness together form
India’s Financial Future an integral part of crafting a secure digital economy.
Overview of the RBI’s Five Strategic Priorities
- Banks and fintech firms, especially Non-Banking
Finance Companies (NBFCs), are expected to
- The strategy outlined by the RBI Governor at GFF
uphold customer-centricity, transparency, and
2024 reaffirms India's ambitious roadmap to
fairness in their operations, especially under the
becoming a major player in the global economy.
Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023.
- The five strategic priorities are Financial Inclusion,
Cultivating Sustainable Finance
Enhancing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI),
Strengthening Cybersecurity, Promoting
- RBI's initiatives like sovereign green bonds and
Sustainable Finance, and Reinforcing Financial
green deposits represent first steps towards
encouraging sustainability in the financial sector.
Advancing Financial Inclusion
- The transformative role of technology, including AI
- Notable increase in the RBI's Financial Inclusion
and big data, in assessing environmental risks and
Index from March 2021 to March 2024
promoting sustainable finance were also reinforced
demonstrates India's commitment to financial
by the Governor.
- Fintech firms are likely to lead this transition,
- Central to this progress is the Prime Minister Jan
positioning India as a global leader in sustainable
Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), a key financial inclusion
initiative that has opened over 530 million bank
Reinforcing Financial Infrastructure
- The RBI Governor outlined the future role of
- The RBI Governor underscored the need to fortify
technology in fulfilling the financial needs of
India's financial infrastructure, focusing on
underserved populations, stressing the pivotal role
cross-border payments and internationalising UPI
of fintech firms.
and RuPay.
Energising the Digital Public Infrastructure
- As AI adoption is an area to tread upon carefully,
fostering innovation in the financial sector by
- DPI is seen as a catalyst for integrating superior
harnessing IoT could enhance India's financial
technologies into India's financial framework.
infrastructure further.
- The RBI’s pilot project on the Unique Lending
Current Scenario and Future Prospects of
Interface (ULI) signals a new chapter in India’s
India’s Financial Services Industry
financial journey. The existing JAM (Jan
Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile) trinity and Unified Payments
- The industry has seen rapid diversification and
Interface (UPI) complement this initiative.
expansion with the introduction of new entities like
payment banks. The Unified Payments Interface

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(UPI) and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) have employees from the current National Pension
marked record transactions in recent years. Scheme (NPS).
- State governments are also given the option to
- The support to MSMEs through Credit Guarantee adopt UPS.
Scheme revamp, International Payment
partnerships, e-RUPI launch, and various financial Provisions of Unified Pension Scheme
inclusion schemes have contributed to this
transformative growth. - Assured Pension: Under UPS, 50% of the
employee’s average basic pay in the last 12 months
- Future prospects include growth in Private Wealth before retirement is provided as an assured
Management, Insurance Market, Mutual Funds, and pension, given a minimum qualifying service of 25
Stock Market. years.
- Assured Minimum Pension: After a minimum
Subtopic 7: Opportunities for Growth in India’s service of 10 years, the UPS guarantees a
Financial Services Sector minimum pension of Rs 10,000 per month.
- Strong growth prospects are apparent in the - Assured Family Pension: In the event of the
insurance sector which is expected to witness a retiree's death, their immediate family receives 60%
surge in the investment corpus to USD 1 trillion by of the pension last drawn by the retiree.
2025. - Inflation Indexation: The three kinds of pensions
mentioned above are eligible for dearness relief
- Digital gold investment options, digital literacy indexation based on the All India Consumer Price
programs in rural areas, and secure transaction Index for Industrial Workers.
enablers like AePS constitute New Age avenues for - Lumpsum Payment at Retirement: Employees
investors and users. receive a lump sum payment at retirement in
addition to gratuity.
- Digital finance could give a significant boost to
India’s GDP and job creation by 2025. Distinguishing UPS from Old Pension Scheme
(OPS) and National Pension Scheme (NPS)
- Growth in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and
Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) along with - Pension Calculation Method: Unlike OPS, UPS
improvements in financing models and risk factors calculation takes into account the average of basic
could further accelerate this growth. salary plus DA drawn in the last year before
This strategic vision that was outlined by the RBI - Employee Contribution: While there was no
Governor for India's financial future represents a employee contribution in OPS, UPS requires a 10%
thought-through roadmap for progressive growth, contribution of the basic pay and DA from the
strengthening India's standing as a forward-thinking employee and an 18.5% contribution from the
global economy. government.
The Introduction of Unified Pension - Tax Benefits: Unlike OPS, UPS may offer tax
benefits for both employee and government
Scheme: A New Era of Pension contributions, but the government is yet to clarify
Policies this.
- Higher Minimum Pension: UPS offers a higher
Introduction to Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) minimum pension compared to NPS.
- Lumpsum Payments: Unlike OPS, UPS provides a
- The Union Cabinet has recently given its approval lump sum payment at retirement without affecting
for the implementation of the Unified Pension the assured pension.
Scheme (UPS).
- This scheme is set to provide government Overview of National Pension Scheme (NPS)
employees with an assured pension after
retirement. - The NPS is a market-linked contribution pension
- The implementation of the UPS will commence scheme introduced by the Central Government on
from 1st April, 2025, shifting the central government 1st January, 2004.

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- The scheme was implemented to address the financial position, and operations prejudicial to
growing pension liability of the government. depositors and the public.
- The scheme comprised 10% of the basic pay and - In 2024, 10 UCB licences were revoked, affecting
dearness allowance contributed by both the banks across seven states, including two each in
employee and the government. Maharashtra, Karnataka, UP, and one each in
- The NPS faced opposition for its lower guaranteed Gujarat, Rajasthan, Assam, and Andhra Pradesh.
returns and the requirement of employee - The preceding years, 2023 and 2022, also saw
contribution prompting the introduction of UPS. significant revocations with 14 and 12 UCBs losing
their licences respectively.
Potential Fiscal Implications of UPS
- The implementation of UPS could severely impact III. Geographic Spread of Revocations
the government's finances due to the high debt and - The state wise distribution of licence cancellations
large debt-to-GDP ratio. includes:
- An RBI study warns of an increased fiscal burden * Maharashtra - 36 UCBs
if all states switch to UPS, possibly reaching 0.9% * Uttar Pradesh - 14 UCBs
of GDP annually by 2060. * Karnataka - 8 UCBs
- Concerns are there about the UPS's impact on * Gujarat - 2 UCBs
Union finances as it closely resembles the OPS. - Other negatively impacted states include
Rajasthan, Assam, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh,
Ending: UPS: A Step Towards a More Balanced Telangana, West Bengal, Goa, Madhya Pradesh,
Pension System Kerala.

UPS aims to balance the aspirations of employees IV. Regulatory Measures and Future Projections
with the fiscal cost. It combines elements of both - As a response, regulatory measures are being
OPS and NPS, providing defined returns and implemented to bolster the financial resilience of
reducing market risk. By providing guaranteed UCBs, including:
returns and inflation protection, UPS aims to * Expanding and strengthening UCBs
increase the overall pension fund and mitigate * Upping of Housing Loan Limits for UCBs
some of the risks associated with the debt burden. * Enforcing compliance with Priority Sector
_________________________________________ Lending (PSL) target of 75% by March 31, 2026
* Adherence to prudential exposure limits of 15%
RBI discontinues Licences of 78 for single borrowers and 25% for groups
* Setting minimum loan limits to ensure that at
Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) least 50% of loans are below or equal to ₹25 lakh or
From 2014 to 2024 0.2% of Tier-I capital, up to ₹1 crore per borrower.

I. Introduction and Overview V. Status of Rural Cooperative Banks

- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, since 2014, - Despite the challenges in the UCB sector, no
revoked the licences of 78 Urban Cooperative State Cooperative Banks (StCBs) or District Central
Banks (UCBs) across various states. Notably, Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) have been closed
Maharashtra witnessed the highest number of since 2014, indicating higher stability in these
revocations with 36 UCBs losing their licences. sectors compared to their urban counterparts.
- The revocation of licences impacted UCBs in
seven states in a single year, 2024, undermining VI. General Knowledge Takeaways
the financial stability of banks in Maharashtra, - An understanding of the functioning of RBI,
Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, UCBs, StCBs, and DCCBs can be beneficial
Assam, and Andhra Pradesh. - Knowledge about Priority Sector Lending (PSL)
norms and loan limits as per RBI guidelines
II. Why this Matters: The Background - Insights into the financial health of different
- The UCB licence cancellations from 2014 to 2024 regions in India, through the distribution of
were driven by several reasons including insufficient revocations
capital, unfruitful earning prospects, a deteriorating - Information about recent regulatory measures
and reforms in the banking sector.

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9990901901, 9319342367, 9311902282

- The demonstration will include Tejas, Rafale,

Defence and Mirage 2000, Jaguar, and MIG 29.

Military Exercises Relevance in Current Affairs and General


Exercise Tarang Shakti - India's First - This event comes across as an important
development in India's defence and international
Multinational Air Exercise relations domain.
- It can be seen as a diplomatic effort by India to
Introduction to Exercise Tarang Shakti strengthen its strategic relations globally.
- As India’s first multinational air exercise, this event
- Exercise Tarang Shakti is a multinational air has a strategic significance and adds value to the
exercise scheduled to be held in India in two country's national security objectives.
phases, starting from the next month. _______________________________________
- It will take place in Sular, Tamil Nadu, marking this
as India's first multinational air exercise.
- This exercise is the Indian Air Force's (IAF) largest Tenth Edition of MITRA SHAKTI:
multilateral exercise, which leads to its immense Bolstering the India-Sri Lanka
significance. Defence Partnership
Purpose and Participation Overview - MITRA SHAKTI

- The primary aim of conducting ‘Tarang Shakti - The 10th Edition of Exercise MITRA SHAKTI was
2024’ is to showcase India’s defence capabilities on recently conducted, marking another milestone in
a global stage. the defence ties between India and Sri Lanka.
- It is designed to enhance cooperation among the - Organised annually, Exercise MITRA SHAKTI
participating militaries, fostering a spirit of involves counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism
international relations. operations simulated in a semi-urban milieu.
- The exercise will feature around 30 participating - This bilateral exercise is not only the largest
countries, out of which 10 countries will participate undertaken by the Sri Lankan Army but also stands
with their fighter aircraft. as a manifestation of the growing defence
- The ten countries include Australia, Bangladesh, partnership between India and Sri Lanka.
France, Germany, Greece, Spain, the United Arab
Emirates, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Exercise MITRA SHAKTI - An Emphasis on UN's
Singapore. Peacekeeping Dynamics

Observer Nations and Program Features - A crucial aspect of Exercise MITRA SHAKTI is its
- Along with the participating countries, 18 other objective to incorporate the evolving dynamics of
countries will be present as observers. This will United Nations peacekeeping operations.
further boost the international visibility of the - The exercise achieves this through a combination
exercise. of tactical exercises and practical discussions that
- The exercise will not only feature flying and hone the abilities of both nations' military forces.
ground training but also hold defence exhibitions
and cultural exchange programs. SLINEX - Another Dimension of the India-Sri
- The itinerary also includes visits to Indian tech Lanka Defense Partnership
companies by defence personnel from various
participating countries. - It is worth noting that, besides Exercise MITRA
SHAKTI, India also conducts the SLINEX (Navy)
Display of India's Indigenous Defence exercise with Sri Lanka further fostering the
Capabilities defence relations.

- India is aimed at showcasing its indigenous fighter

aircraft and equipment during this exercise.

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A Glimpse at Sri Lanka's Geographical and - A nuclear triad refers to the ability of a country to
Economic Aspects launch nuclear weapons from the land, air, and sea.
- INS Arighat is an essential addition and boosts the
- Sri Lanka, an island country situated in South country’s nuclear triad alongside its predecessor,
Asia, lies in the Indian Ocean, to the southwest of INS Arihant, which became fully operational in
the Bay of Bengal and southeast of the Arabian 2018.
- This island nation is separated from the Indian III. A Peek into the Capabilities of INS Arighat
subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk
Strait while sharing maritime borders with India and - Despite equaling INS Arihant's size and
the Maldives. displacement, INS Arighat outmatches it in terms of
- India not only shares geographical proximity with the number of K-15 missiles it can carry.
Sri Lanka but also substantial economic ties. India - Powered by an 83 MW pressurised light-water
ranks as Sri Lanka’s 3rd-largest export destination reactor developed with Russian assistance, it
following the United States and the United showcases global cooperative efforts in India's
Kingdom, benefitting over 60% of Sri Lankan defence sector.
exports under the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade - One of its standout features is the four large
Agreement. vertical launch system (VLS) tubes that carry the
Sagarika SLBMs (K-15), missiles with a range of
India & Sri Lanka in the Regional Context over 700 km.

- Apart from the bilateral relations and platforms, IV. Future Developments: Arrival of INS
both India and Sri Lanka take part in the regional Aridhaman
groupings such as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for - There's a lot to look forward to with the impending
Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation commissioning of the third submarine INS
(BIMSTEC) and the South Asian Association for Aridhaman next year.
Regional Cooperation (SAARC). - This 7,000-tonne behemoth is set to carry K-4
This recent edition of Exercise MITRA SHAKTI is a missiles with a striking range of 3,500 km, further
testament to the robust defence partnership augmenting India’s underwater strategic deterrence.
between India and Sri Lanka, emphasising their aim
to foster peace and stability in the region and V. Importance of SSBNs in National Defence
contributing to their economic and
politico-diplomatic ties on a larger scale. - An SSBN, standing for "Ship, Submersible,
_________________________________________ Ballistic, Nuclear," refers to a submarine type that
carries nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles.
A Deep Dive into India's Nuclear - These submarines are pivotal to deterrence
operations as their difficult detection and high
Submarine Strength: The INS Arighat survivability ensure they can evade an enemy's
first-strike and launch retaliatory actions.
I. Introduction: INS Arighat, India's Nuclear
VI. The Backbone: DRDO’s Role in Defence
Technology Development
- The Indian Navy recently commissioned its
second nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine
- The Defence Research and Development
(SSBN), named INS Arighat.
Organisation (DRDO), established in 1958, has
- Built under the Advanced Technology Vessel
been the backbone of India's technological
(ATV) project, this submarine showcases India's
advancements in defence.
growing defensive technological prowess.
- Beginning as a merger of the Indian Army's
Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) and
II. Why does INS Arighat Makes Headlines?
the Directorate of Technical Development &
Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science
- The INS Arighat made headlines primarily for its
Organisation (DSO), it has grown into a robust
role in enhancing India's nuclear triad capabilities.
network of 52 laboratories.

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- Today, DRDO counts on the support of over 5000 Recent Discoveries of Chandrayaan-3
scientists and about 25,000 other scientific,
technical, and supporting personnel. - The relatively uniform terrain around the landing
- They are committed to developing varied and site of Chandrayaan-3.
complex defence technologies like aeronautics, - Evidence supporting the Lunar Magma Ocean
armaments, electronics, combat vehicles, (LMO) hypothesis with signs suggesting a molten
engineering systems, advanced computing, and surface once existing beneath the lunar surface.
more. - The lunar south pole's topsoil is surprisingly rich in
minerals found in the lower layers of the lunar crust.
VII. Conclusion: A Leverage in India's Naval
Defence LMO Hypothesis & Moon Formation

- With the addition of the INS Arighat to India's About 4.5 billion years ago, a vast asteroid
naval fleet, the country emphasises its stake in impacted Earth, leading to the formation of the
securing militaristic and defensive power on a Moon and initiating a process of cooling on its
global stage. molten surface.
- Strengthening the nuclear triad, these
advancements highlight India's pursuit for balanced, Highlights of Indian Space Missions in 2003-24
deterrent defence capability.
________________________________________ Aditya-L1 Mission:
Celebrating Innovation &
- India's first space-based observatory for studying
Advancements: National Space Day the Sun was launched, stationed at the Earth-Sun
2024 Lagrange point, L1.

Significance, Recent Findings & Highlights of Gaganyaan TV-D1 Test:

Indian Space Missions
- ISRO piloted its Flight Test Vehicle Abort
Introduction and About: Mission-1 (TV-D1), using a modified L-40 Vikas
engine, revealing the Crew Escape System (CES)'s
India marked its first National Space Day on the efficiency.
23rd of August 2024, to honour the successful
landing of the Chandrayaan-3 mission's Vikram XPoSat Launch:
Lander on the lunar surface a year earlier.
- With the launch of the X-ray Polarimeter Satellite
Why Celebrate National Space Day? (XPoSat) on 1st January 2024, ISRO aims to study
radiation polarisation in space.
- The annual event of National Space Day
highlighted India’s space exploration RLV-TD Experiments:
accomplishments, with a special focus on the
landmark achievement of Chandrayaan-3. - In March and June 2024, ISRO carried out two
- The day aims to inspire a flow of fresh talent into landing experiments utilising a Reusable Launch
fields of science, technology, engineering and Vehicle, Pushpak, aimed at simulating space
mathematics (STEM), critical for fuelling India's landing conditions.
future space endeavours.
SSLV Development:
Unveiling the Theme for 2024
- ISRO concluded the Small Satellite Launch
The selected theme for National Space Day in 2024 Vehicle (SSLV) development after two successful
is, 'Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India's test flights and transferred it to the industry in
Space Saga’. August 2024.

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Private Space Missions: List, as per Article 341 of the Constitution,

constitute a broad class for reservations.
- Private organisations like Agnikul Cosmos, - Further, the State was deemed not empowered
Skyroot Aerospace, Dhruva Space and Bellatrix enough to produce sub-classifications within this
Aerospace also made noteworthy contributions in broad class, arguing that such an action
the realm of space missions during 2024, marking contradicted the Right to Equality.
significant advancements in Indian space - Presently, all plans revolve around the Supreme
technology. Court as it organises its larger Constitution Bench
_________________________________________ to decide the matter.

Examining Previous Committees and

Polity Commissions for Sub-categorisation
- Committees for Sub-categorisation include the
Committee of Secretaries, which comprises five
Supreme Court's Ruling on members from various ministries and is chaired by
Sub-Categorisation within Scheduled the Cabinet Secretary.
Castes - Past Commissions that have deliberated the issue
include the Justice P. Ramachandra Raju
Introduction and Background Commission (1996) and the National Commission
- Recently, a 6:1 landmark verdict by the Supreme (2007).
Court of India paved the way for sub-categorisation
within Scheduled Castes in reservations, thereby Revisiting the 2004 Judgement
widening the scope of protection for - The present court is revisiting the EV Chinnaiah
underrepresented groups. vs. State of Andhra Pradesh case (2004), which
- This historic development comes against the claimed Scheduled Castes form a uniform group,
backdrop of the Court's 2004 decision that posited thereby making no room for a sub-division amongst
the disregard of sub-classification among them.
Scheduled Castes for reservation, claiming it would - The need to modify this ruling is presently being
violate the equality rights. Back then, the court scrutinised.
insisted that the Scheduled Caste list should be
approached as a uniform, unsegmented group. Significance and Implications of Recent
- In recent years, states like Punjab, Bihar, and Judgements
Tamil Nadu have attempted to integrate reservation - The introduction of sub-categorisation within
laws at the State level, aiming to sub-classify Scheduled Castes promises to address the
Scheduled Castes. widespread inequalities among SC communities,
providing opportunities to those with lesser access
Historical Antecedents to basic facilities.
- The roots of the case date back to 1975, when the - This change also aims at ensuring equitable
Punjab government created a two-tier division in its distribution of benefits to all castes within the
Scheduled Castes reservation. This action intended Scheduled Castes category and recognising the
to provide a safety net for the Balmiki and Mazhabi diversity that exists within the SC community.
Sikh communities, which were economically and
educationally backward. Anticipated Challenges
- A legal dispute arose when a somewhat similar - Legal challenges stem from the fact that the State
law manifested by Andhra Pradesh in 2000 was lacks the power to independently sub-categorise
abolished by a five-judge Constitution Bench in communities listed under Scheduled Castes or
2004. Scheduled Tribes.
- Practical challenges arise from outdated
Debating the Legality of Sub-Categorisation socio-economic and population data of Scheduled
- In E. V. Chinnaiah v State of Andhra Pradesh Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and OBC categories.
(2004), the judgement stated that all communities - The issue of untouchability, from which the
listed under Scheduled Castes in the Presidential Scheduled Castes have historically suffered, calls

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for the present approach of special treatment to be Details of Waqf and Waqf Board
reassessed. - A Waqf can be either public — for charitable
_________________________________________ purposes, or private — for the benefit of the owner’s
direct descendants.
Enhancing Governance of Waqf - The board, a legal entity, is responsible for
administering Waqf properties, recovering lost
Boards through The Waqf properties, and sanctioning transfer deals with
(Amendment) Bill, 2024 approval from at least two-thirds of the board
Amendments to Enhance Transparency and - India's Central Waqf Council, established in 1964,
Accountability in Waqf Boards oversees and advises state-level Waqf Boards.
- Parliament is expected to introduce the Waqf
(Amendment) Bill 2024 aimed at enhancing Significance of Waqf Properties
transparency and accountability in the functioning of - Being the third-largest landholder in India, there
Waqf boards. are currently 8,72,292 registered Waqf properties
- The bill proposes around 40 amendments across the country, generating about Rs. 200 crores
including mandatory verification for property claims, in revenue.
modified board composition to include women - Once a property is designated as Waqf, it
representatives, and new verification procedures. becomes non-transferable and assigned perpetually
- These amendments aim to reduce unchecked as a charitable act toward God, transferring
powers of Waqf boards that could lead to disputes ownership essentially to God.
and misappropriation of Waqf properties. Conclusion: The Potential Impact of The Waqf
(Amendment) Bill, 2024
Challenges and Criticism towards The Waqf - The proposed amendments aim to enhance the
(Amendment) Bill 2024 management and transparency of waqf properties
- The proposed amendments face criticism for in India, improving governance, accountability, and
potentially limiting the authority of Waqf boards and resource utilisation, while empowering waqf boards
impacting the management of Waqf properties. and ensuring benefits reach the intended
- Critics express concerns about potential damage communities.
to the interests of Muslim communities who use - The revised Act seeks to uphold the Waqf's
these properties for religious and charitable integrity while promoting social welfare and
purposes. economic development, potentially fostering greater
- Increased government control and bureaucratic community trust and engagement.
interference are also anticipated, potentially _________________________________________
hampering freedom of religion and creating more
disputes. DNA Profiling in the Indian Justice
Understanding the Concept of Waqf and Waqf System: Its Role, Legal Provisions
Act, 1995 and Limitations
- The Waqf Act was first passed in 1954 and was
further amended in 1995 and 2013 granting the Deciphering DNA Profiling
Waqf board extensive rights to classify property as
'Waqf Property'. - DNA profiling identifies individuals using unique
- The Waqf is a religious endowment made under regions of their DNA, focusing on specific
Muslim law, dedicating movable or immovable sequences called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs).
properties for religious, pious, or charitable - It is instrumental in forensic investigations, using
purposes, aiming to benefit the needy. biological samples such as blood, saliva, and
- The Act is regulated by a survey commissioner, semen to extract DNA and generate a person's
and the Waqf is managed by a mutawali, acting as DNA profile.
a supervisor. - The process of DNA Profiling involves Isolation,
Purification & Quantitation, Amplification,
________________________________________ Visualization & Genotyping, and Statistical Analysis
& Interpretation.

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technology, potential privacy threats, and possibility

The Role of DNA Profiling in Legal Proceedings of abuse.

- DNA profiling assumes a critical role in the legal The Way Forward for DNA Profiling
system by comparing DNA profiles from evidence
with known samples, leading to results that either - To enhance DNA profiling's accuracy and
match, exclude, or remain inconclusive. reliability, investment in research and development
- A random occurrence ratio is provided to indicate is necessary.
how often similar profiles may appear in the - Establishment of standard procedures and quality
population. control in forensic labs is crucial.
- The Madras High Court highlighted that a DNA - The DNA Technology Bill of 2019 needs to be
match does not conclusively prove identity, revisited and revised addressing privacy concerns
stressing the need for corroborating evidence. and ensuring robust safeguards.
- Ensuring transparency in the process of DNA
Legal Provisions Regarding DNA Profiling in evidence collection, analysis, and court
India presentation is vital to maintain public confidence.
- DNA profiling in India is regulated under the
Constitution of India, Code of Criminal Procedure, Examining the Call for a Uniform Civil
1973 (CrPC), and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
- Under Article 20(3) of the Indian Constitution,
Code: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?
individuals are protected from being compelled to
The Concept of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
testify against themselves.
- The Constitution of India, under Article 44,
- The CrPC stipulates provisions for DNA profiling
envisions a Uniform Civil Code for all citizens,
of suspects at the investigation agency's request.
irrespective of their religious affiliations, considering
Section 53A specifically allows DNA profiling for
it a tool towards secularism.
rape suspects.
- The directive principle, however, leaves its
- The Indian Evidence Act specifies sections related
enactment to the discretion of the government.
to admissibility of expert testimony, including DNA
- Presently, Goa is the only state in India that
applies UCC, following the Portuguese Civil Code.
Reviews of DNA Profiling in Legal Cases
Historical Timeline on the Debate for UCC
- The British regime standardised criminal laws
- Key judicial precedents have highlighted the
but left family laws to cater to diverse religious
importance and limitations of DNA profiling in legal
cases, ruling that DNA evidence varies in value
- Constituent Assembly deliberations raised
depending on the facts and circumstances of the
concerns about UCC, particularly on its influence on
personal religious laws.
- Indian scholars including K.M. Munshi, Alladi
DNA Technology Bill and DNA Profiling
Krishnaswami, and B.R. Ambedkar advocated for
UCC, claiming it would promote equity.
- The DNA Technology Bill, 2019, proposed by the
Supreme Court’s Stance on UCC: A Series of
Law Commission, calls for comprehensive
legislation for DNA profiling, focusing on preventing
- The Supreme Court, in multiple landmark
misuse and restricting DNA profiling to legal uses
verdicts, has recommended the application of UCC,
expressing concern over the non-implementation of
- DNA profiling can be limited by environmental
Article 44.
stress, sample degradation, complexity, unreliability,
- Cases include Mohd. Ahmed Khan vs Shah
cost, and legal interpretation.
Bano Begum (1985), Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India
- The Bill, introduced several times in Parliament,
(1995), John Vallamattom v. Union of India (2003),
faced opposition regarding the accuracy of DNA
Shayara Bano v. Union of India (2017), and Jose

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Paulo Coutinho v. Maria Luiza Valentina Pereira

(2019) State Current
The Law Commission’s Stand
- The 21st Law Commission (2018) under Justice Affairs
Balbir Singh Chauhan stated that introducing UCC WCC's Knowledge Exchange
is currently "neither necessary nor desirable."
Potential Implications of Adopting the UCC Program: A Boon for Kashmiri
- National Integration: UCC could encourage Artisans
secularism, reduce sectarian conflicts, and reinforce
constitutional values. Introduction and Synopsis of the News
- Gender Justice: UCC could ensure equality by - The World Crafts Council (WCC) is planning to
addressing gender bias in personal laws. organise a knowledge exchange programme for
- Legal Simplification: The Code could unravel artisans of Kashmir. This initiative is designed to
legal complexities as it integrates personal laws align them with cities that have historically
within a uniform structure. influenced Kashmiri craft aesthetics.
- Modernisation: UCC could potentially replace - The programme will connect artisans of similar
outdated, regressive practices like triple talaq, cultural backgrounds and expertise, facilitating
polygamy, and child marriage. cultural and technical enrichment for them.
- In June 2024, the WCC designated Srinagar as a
Challenges in Implementing the UCC World Craft City, further underlining the significance
- The vast range of personal law diversity in India of Kashmiri crafts on the global scale.
might complicate UCC implementation.
- Religious communities fear infringement on their About the World Crafts Council (WCC)
constitutional rights, as stated under Article 25. - The WCC is an international nonprofit
- UCC also faces significant opposition from organisation, established in 1964.
political and social forces. - Smt Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, an eminent
- Legislating a comprehensive UCC may get social reformer from India, was one of the founding
bogged down by extensive legislative work and members of this organisation.
detailed legal drafting, not to mention cultural - The primary goal of the WCC is to uphold the
considerations. status of crafts as essential cultural and economic
Suggested Path to UCC Realisation
- Emphasise Unity over Uniformity: The UCC, A Glimpse of Kashmiri Crafts
while promoting unification, should respect India's
diverse culture. - Seven prominent crafts of Kashmir - Kani Shawl,
- Engage Stakeholders: Collaboration with Pashmina, Sozni, Paper-Mache, Walnut Wood
religious leaders, legal experts, and community Carving, Khatamband, and Hand Knotted Carpets,
representatives can pave the way for UCC. hold a Geographical Indication (GI) certification.
- Balancing Act: Neutralising practices that - These crafts form a vital part of Kashmir's rich
oppose constitutional norms, while ensuring cultural cultural tapestry and have a significant bearing on
compatibility, is a delicate task. its economic landscape.
- Reassessing Cultural Practices: Communities
need introspection about practices in conflict with Srinagar - The World Craft City
constitutional values.
- Education and Awareness: Familiarising citizens - Srinagar, as per the INTACH-Kashmir report of
with UCC is vital for its smooth application, implying 2024, holds a glorious history of about 1500 years,
a need for extensive outreach programs. thereby qualifying as one the ancient cities of South
_______________________________________ Asia.
- Srinagar is globally celebrated for the 'Cashmere'
brand and the paisley motif.

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- The city uniquely blends different cultural services and products that contribute significantly to
influences with crafts such as Zanjan and Filigree human welfare and sustainable socio-economic
introduced by Iranian artisans five centuries ago. development. This includes various essential
- Srinagar initiated its carpet-making tradition in the ecosystem services such as provisioning,
late 14th century under the influence of Sufi Saint regulating, and cultural services.
Sayyid Ali Hamdani. - The Green GDP, on the other hand, is an
- A testament to its rich craft heritage, Srinagar was escalation over the standard GDP. It accounts for
recognized as a UNESCO Creative City for crafts environmental costs like biodiversity losses and
and folk arts in 2021. climate change impacts, along with conventional
economic growth measurements.
Role of Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural - The GEP Index provides for a distinct compilation
Heritage (INTACH) of man-made environmental conservation efforts,
like Amrit Sarovars, separate from natural
- Established in 1984 in New Delhi, INTACH processes such as rainfall.
endeavours to promote heritage awareness and - The inaugural GEP index offers comparative data
conservation within India. from 2020-2022. It shows an encouraging increase
- Known as one of the world's largest heritage of 0.9% in environmental products.
organisations, INTACH has played a crucial role in
recognising and documenting the craft heritage of GK and Significance
cities like Srinagar among others. - This is the first time in India where a state has
successfully integrated economic planning with
In conclusion, WCC's planned programme promises ecological conservation by attributing monetary
to be an enriching experience for Kashmiri artisans, units to natural resources.
providing them an opportunity for cultural exchange - The move marks a significant shift from the
and technical enhancement. It signifies an essential traditional measurement of economic success
step towards bringing the spotlight on the invaluable solely based on GDP, taking a more holistic
craft heritage of Kashmir. approach by factoring in environmental
Uttarakhand Pioneers Environmental - The GEP will serve as an essential tool for
policymakers by providing comprehensive data on
Valuation with India's First Gross the health of the environment and the economic
Environment Product value of maintaining it.
- Monitoring of environmental changes through
Introduction and About GEP might help to design proactive strategies for
- Uttarakhand has set a historic precedent by environmental conservation.
becoming the first Indian state to attribute monetary - Finally, this step could inspire other states to follow
values to its abundant and diverse natural suit, promoting nationwide environmental
resources. Termed as the "Gross Environment sustainability while driving economic growth.
Product (GEP)", this pioneering initiative includes
air, water, forest, and soil among its gamut of In essence, Uttarakhand’s move to implement the
valued ecosystems. GEP marks an essential stride towards an
environmentally conscious future, underlining the
Why in the News? potential harmony between economic development
- This new environmental-economical initiative and environmental conservation.
places Uttarakhand in the limelight for recognizing _________________________________________
and integrating the value of its ecosystem services
and natural resources into sustainable economic

Understanding the Gross Environment Product

- The Gross Environment Product (GEP) is a part of
the Green Gross Domestic Product (Green GDP). It
is calculated as the aggregate value of ecosystem

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ndia-ASEAN Bonds
Meeting and - India-ASEAN relationship traces back to 1992
when India began formal engagements as a

Submits "Sectoral Dialogue Partner", followed by status

enhancement as a "Dialogue Partner" in 1995.
- In 2012, the relationship was uplifted to a
India's Participation and Diplomatic Strategic Partnership and further to a
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2022.
Efforts in Recent ASEAN Meet
Impact on Indo-Pacific Region
The Importance of ASEAN in India's Foreign - The Indo-Pacific region is a diverse, extensive
Policy area constituting the Indian and western/central
- External Affairs Minister of India stressed on Pacific Oceans, with geopolitical importance.
ASEAN being the core of India's ‘Act East Policy’ - This region is home to major powers like India,
and ‘Indo-Pacific vision’, during the recent meet US, Japan, and China. It accounts for over half the
that took place in Vientiane, Laos. world’s population, 60% of global GDP, and 2/3rd of
- 2024 will be a significant year marking the 10th global economic growth.
anniversary of India's Act East Policy, which was - The Indo-Pacific region faces certain challenges
announced in 2014 at the 9th East Asia Summit. including territorial disputes, terrorism, piracy,
- This policy aims at enhancing India's nuclear proliferation, and environmental concerns.
commercial, strategic, and cultural relations with the - India's vision for this region is based on the
Asia-Pacific region, thereby emphasising the crucial principles of freedom, openness, and inclusivity
role played by the ASEAN partnership in India's while addressing disputes peacefully and
political, economic, and security cooperation. respecting every nation's sovereignty and territorial
The Vision and Key Focus Areas _________________________________________
- In this meet, India stood for a free, open,
inclusive, and peaceful region with a rules-based
international order. A Collaborative Venture: Ayush
- Discussions involved expanding bilateral Ministry and WHO Donor Agreement
cooperation and people-to-people linkages.
Understanding The Association of Southeast In a landmark move towards promoting traditional
Asian Nations (ASEAN) healthcare methods, the Ministry of Ayush and the
- ASEAN, as a regional intergovernmental World Health Organization (WHO) recently signed a
organisation, came into existence on August 8, Donor Agreement during a ceremony at the WHO
1967, in Bangkok, Thailand. Headquarters in Geneva in July 2024.
- The ASEAN Declaration was signed by five
founder members: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Unveiling the Donor Agreement:
Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. - The agreement elucidates the financial terms
- ASEAN expanded over years to include Brunei required to execute the operations of the WHO
Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos PDR, Myanmar, and Global Traditional Medicine Centre (GTMC) located
Cambodia. in Jamnagar, Gujarat.
- It is believed that by 2050, The ASEAN region - It was drawn up against the backdrop of growing
will hold the position of the 4th-largest economy in international interest in traditional complementary
the world. integrative medicine(TCIM).
- ASEAN's significant role in promoting economic
integration among the member countries is Recognising the WHO Global Traditional
noteworthy, especially with its effort in negotiating Medicine Centre:
the world’s largest free trade agreement - the - The WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre is
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. highly acknowledged for its potential as a significant
- The ASEAN Summit is the highest reservoir of knowledge pertaining to
policy-making body that meets twice in a year.

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evidence-based Traditional Complementary and Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka from South Asia and
Integrative Medicine (TCIM). Myanmar and Thailand from South East Asia.
- The aim is to capitalise on traditional methods to - The primary objective of this initiative is to
improve the health and well-being of people facilitate socio-economic development and enhance
worldwide while contributing constructively to regional cooperation.
ecological sustainability. - The BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a
crucial component of this initiative and was signed
India's Significant Contribution: in February 2004.
- The agreement termed India as a major donor,
pledging to contribute USD 85 million over a span The Need for Fast-Tracking the FTA
of 10 years (2022-2032). - The urgency to expedite the BIMSTEC Free Trade
- The funds will be utilised to boost the operations Agreement was articulated by the Indian Minister of
of the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre Commerce & Industry at the BIMSTEC Business
(GTMC) in Jamnagar. Summit in New Delhi.
- The Minister stressed on kick starting with a
The Role of the WHO GTMC in Jamnagar, preferential trade agreement to boost intra-regional
Gujarat: trade and investment, thereby uplifting regional
- The WHO GTMC located in Jamnagar, Gujarat is competitiveness.
a milestone in itself, being the first and only global
out-posted centre for traditional medicine across the India's Trade Relation with BIMSTEC Countries
globe. - The total trade between India and the BIMSTEC
- Its strategic location fosters the propagation and nations equaled USD 44.32 billion in the financial
exchange of traditional knowledge worldwide. year 2023-24, indicating the significant financial
integration within this regional bloc.
Understanding Traditional Medicine Systems: - Among BIMSTEC countries, Thailand emerged as
- Traditional medicine essentially refers to an array India's largest trading partner, with exports and
of knowledge, skills and practices derived from imports valued at USD 5.04 billion and USD 9.91
diverse cultures and used over generations to billion, respectively.
preserve health, as well as to diagnose, treat and - Bangladesh came in second, with trade figures
prevent physical and mental illnesses. presenting a favourable balance for India, marked
- India is home to a rich heritage of six recognised by exports of USD 11.06 billion and imports of USD
systems of traditional medicine, namely, Ayurveda, 1.84 billion.
Siddha, Unani, Yoga, Naturopathy and
Homeopathy. BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement Elements
- The BIMSTEC FTA includes provisions for
GK Update: This alliance not only amplifies India's negotiation of Free Trade Agreement on goods,
role in global health diplomacy but also reinforces services, investment, and economic cooperation
its commitment towards the preservation and among the participating nations.
promotion of traditional health knowledge. This - The BIMSTEC countries established a Trade
reinforces India's status as a global health player Negotiating Committee particularly to expedite
contributing actively to integrative, traditional negotiations in line with the Framework Agreement.
healthcare worldwide.
Accelerating the BIMSTEC Free Trade The Significance of BIMSTEC FTA for India
- BIMSTEC offers a strategic advantage for India,
Agreement: Significance and as it provides access to fast-growing markets and
Outcomes resources of Southeast Asia and simultaneously
negates the geopolitical redundancy of South Asian
Introduction and Background Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
- BIMSTEC, or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for - It strengthens India's Act East Policy, enhancing
Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic its engagement with the economically vibrant
Cooperation, is a regional organisation comprising Southeast Asian region.
seven member countries: India, Bangladesh, - Accelerating the BIMSTEC FTA also translates to
increased economic activities, investment

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opportunities, and improved competitiveness for the development, capacity building for sustainable
output from this region in the global market. growth, technology sharing, and specific financial
and grants projects.
Conclusion - India announced initiatives for development
- Thus, fast-tracking the BIMSTEC Free Trade partnerships with Global South countries, including
Agreement holds immense potential for enhancing two separate funds of USD 2.5 million and USD 1
regional integration, fostering economic growth, and million for trade promotion activities and trade policy
uplifting the competitiveness of member nations in capacity building respectively.
the global market. The outcomes of this accelerated - India pledged to provide affordable generic
process would be watched keenly across the globe medicines to Global South states, train drug
for the potential impacts and changes it brings to regulators, and share experiences in 'natural
the geopolitical landscape. farming'.
- Emphasis was laid on just and inclusive global
_________________________________________ governance and the need for reforming global
institutions to prioritise Global South's concerns.
India's Leadership at 3rd Voice of - Collaboration for the achievement of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and tackling
Global South Summit 2024 challenges of development finance, health, climate
change, technology, governance, energy, trade,
Overview of the Summit
youth empowerment, and digital transformation
were emphasised.
- India hosted the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit
(VOGSS) on August 17, 2024, themed "An
Explanation of "Global South"
Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future".
- This event saw participation from 123 nations,
- American academic Carl Oglesby coined the term
excluding China and Pakistan.
“Global South” in 1969. It broadly refers to the
- The first two editions of VOGSS were also hosted
regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania
by India in a virtual format and took place in
segregated by the Brandt line primarily based on
January and November 2023 respectively.
GDP per capita.
- These regions, outside Europe and North
Objectives and Necessity of VOGSS
America, are mostly low-income and often politically
or culturally marginalised.
- The VOGSS is a novel initiative led by India to
- China and India are the principal proponents of
unite Global South countries and address a broad
the Global South.
spectrum of issues through shared perspectives
and priorities.
India's Challenges as the “Voice of Global
- It mirrors India's philosophy of "One Earth, One
Family, One Future", aligned with the Prime
Minister’s vision of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas,
- India faces geopolitical competition, especially
Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas.
from China who is expanding influence in the
- The summit was necessitated by several global
Global South through the Belt and Road Initiative
challenges facing the developing world including
the Covid pandemic, Ukraine conflict, debt crisis,
- India's food security decision to limit rice exports
and food and energy security issues.
has been criticised, which poses a challenge to its
- The objective is to give due attention to the
leadership role in the Global South.
often-neglected concerns of the developing world
- Concerns about contaminated medicines linked to
and provide a platform for globally addressing these
Indian manufacturers have put India's reputation as
the "pharmacy of the world" under scrutiny.
- Critics argue India should emphasise its internal
Key Outcomes of 3rd VOGSS 2024
development issues before leading others in the
Global South.
- The Prime Minister of India proposed a
comprehensive four-fold Global Development
Compact (GDC) encompassing trade for

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The Way Forward - Ukraine's expertise in defence tech offers avenues

for collaboration and joint manufacturing with India.
- India needs to enhance its strategic partnerships, - Ukraine supplies major components for India's
focus on co-operative projects in technology, Soviet-era defence equipment, Indian Navy
education, and healthcare to counter China's warships, and the IAF (Indian Air Force).
influence. - Ukraine has also expressed interest in procuring
- Advocacy for a development model prioritising military hardware from India, offering potential
sustainability and inclusivity can distinguish India benefits to the Indian defence industry.
from China's dominance.
- To maintain credibility in the Global South, India Persistent Challenges in the India-Ukraine Bond
needs to balance domestic food security with global
responsibilities. - The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict presents a
_________________________________________ continual obstacle in India's relations with Ukraine
and its Western allies.
India's Prime Minister's Historic Visit - Disruptions in the supply chain for crucial defence
equipment have occurred due to the ongoing
to Ukraine: Dynamics, Takeaways, conflict.
and Impacts - Differences in foreign policy priorities and
Ukraine's occasional comments on the issue of
Historic Milestone in India-Ukraine Relations Kashmir pose another underlying challenge in the
- The Indian Prime Minister's visit to Ukraine was bilateral relations.
the first by an Indian head of state since Ukraine's
independence in 1991. Looking ahead: Future Directions for
- India was among the first nations to offer India-Ukraine Relations
recognition to Ukraine after its secession from the - India must judiciously address its position on the
Soviet Union in 1991. Russia-Ukraine conflict, balancing its historical ties
- The visit aims to strengthen India's wider with Russia and respect for Ukraine's sovereignty.
engagement strategy with Europe, marking a - India should continue to uphold its policy of
significant shift from the traditional focus on the strategic autonomy and non-alignment, affirming its
region's large powers - Germany, France, Russia, independent relations with Russia and Ukraine.
and Britain.
Through this trip, India has demonstrated a
Key Developments during the Visit steadfast approach to foster meaningful diplomatic
ties with eastern European countries, while also
- Emphasis on India's stance regarding the showcasing its mature handling of complex
Russia-Ukraine conflict with the aim of promoting international conflicts. This visit has major
peace and resolution of the conflict. implications for India's standing in the global arena
- Establishment of an Intergovernmental and its evolving diplomatic strategies.
Commission to restore and improve bilateral trade
and economic ties that had faltered due to the
Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Schemes and
- Signing of four crucial agreements in fields like
agriculture, medical product regulation, and cultural
cooperation to foster bilateral ties.
- India's generous donation of four BHISHMA cubes
to Ukraine for providing emergency medical care.
"Million Designers, Billion Dreams”
- An invitation to Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Initiative: An Innovative
Zelenskyy to visit India – a symbol of strengthening Empowerment Drive
bilateral relations.
Introduction to the "Million Designers, Billion
The Defence Sector: A Cornerstone for Dreams” Initiative
India-Ukraine Relations

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- The "Million Designers, Billion Dreams” initiative is - The “Million Designers, Billion Dreams” initiative,
a recent program launched under the Deendayal with its focus on training in design skills, could have
Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods a transformative effect on rural communities.
Mission (DAY-NRLM). - By enhancing creativity and encouraging
- This innovative program aims to empower rural innovation, the program could lead to the
leaders, change-makers, and village entrepreneurs development of impactful and scalable solutions for
by imparting them with system design skills challenging rural issues.
essential to produce scalable and impactful
solutions. _________________________________________

Significance and Tenets of the Initiative The Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana: A
- The initiative is designed to enhance participants'
New Frontier for Young Philatelists
proficiency in design frameworks that affect
Overview of the Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana
systems change.
- It emphasises promoting collaboration among
- The Government of India has introduced the Deen
diverse stakeholders to effectively address complex
Dayal SPARSH Yojana, a nationwide scholarship
scheme for school students.
- The program also cultivates the spirit of creativity
- The acronym SPARSH stands for 'Scholarship for
and ownership, fostering confidence and agency to
Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as a
shape better futures.
Hobby,' indicating that the scheme aims to promote
philately, the collection and study of postage
Role of LEAP and the DAY-NRLM
- This program targets students from Standard VI to
- The initiative is spearheaded by the Leadership for
IX who have a good academic record and are
Academics Program (LEAP) in partnership with the
actively engaged in philately as an interest.
- The DAY-NRLM is a flagship poverty alleviation
Objective and Expectations from the SPARSH
program undertaken by the Ministry of Rural
Development, Government of India.
- Central goal of the SPARSH Yojana is to expand
Historical Context and Importance of DAY-NRLM
the reach of philately, implying that the program
seeks to encourage more students to take up stamp
- The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
collection as a hobby.
was introduced in 2010, superseding the erstwhile
- The scheme plans to foster a competitive
Swarnajayanti Grameen Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY).
environment, assigning scholarships through a
- In 2016, the program adopted its current name
selection process encompassing all postal circles in
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana — National Rural
Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM).
- Funded jointly by the central and state
Criteria for Scholarship Eligibility
governments, the mission aims at building strong
institutions like Self-Help Groups (SHGs), especially
- To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must
for the marginalised and women.
be enrolled in a recognized school in India and
- These institutions have access to a wide range of
belong to a Philately Club in the school.
financial services and livelihoods.
- If a school has not yet formed a Philately Club,
- The DAY-NRLM encompasses four key
then a student possessing their own Philately
components: (i) social mobilisation, community
Deposit Account may be considered.
institution, and capacity building; (ii) financial
inclusion; (iii) livelihood promotion; and (iv)
Role of Philately Mentors in SPARSH Yojana
- As per the scheme, prospective schools
Conclusion - Potential Impact of the Initiative
participating in the competition would be matched

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with a Philately mentor, chosen from among the India app, developed by the Central Water
renowned Philatelists. Commission (CWC).
- The mentors would be instrumental in forming the - The launch reflects the government's
School level Philately Club, guiding young aspiring commitment to utilise digital technology to boost
Philatelists in their pursuit of the hobby, and disaster management.
providing assistance with Philately Projects.
About FloodWatch India:
Selection Procedure for SPARSH Yojana - The application is designed to provide real-time
data on flood situations and gives forecasts for up
- The selection of scholarship recipients under the to 7 days, aiding users in effective planning.
SPARSH Yojana is based on an evaluation of - The app features a user-friendly interface
Philately Project work and performance in a available in both English and Hindi, including
Philately Quiz conducted by the Circles. readable and audio broadcasts.
- This rigorous selection procedure emphasises the - Through the 'FloodWatch India', users can
project’s aim to not only increase interest in undertake real-time flood monitoring and check
Philately but also foster original research and up-to-date flood situations across India.
in-depth study in the field. - Advanced technologies such as satellite data
analysis, mathematical modelling, and real-time
monitoring are used to ensure accurate and timely
General Knowledge Part: flood forecasts.
- Users can view state-wise or basin-wise flood
- Philately is not just stamp collection, but a more forecasts and advisories, providing personalised,
inclusive study of postal stamps, stamped area-focused alerts.
envelopes, postal stationery, postmarks, and related
items. What's New in FloodWatch India 2.0:
- Philately has a rich history, being one of the oldest - The second version of the app includes
hobbies in the world. The first postage stamp, the additional features that significantly enhance its
"Penny Black," was issued in Britain in 1840, utility.
marking the beginning of an era for stamp - Users can now access information from an
collection. expanded network of 592 flood monitoring stations,
- This hobby is well-known for enhancing an enhancement over the previous version's 200
knowledge of history, geography, and culture, as stations.
stamps often depict important events, landscapes, - The app now includes data about the storage
and national heritage. positions of 150 major reservoirs across the
- The initiative by the Government of India to country. This added element offers a deeper
encourage Philately among young students through perspective on potential flood situations
the Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana is a positive step downstream.
towards emphasising the importance of such
educational hobbies. It not only boosts the hobby of Significance for General Knowledge & Current
Philately but also contributes to the overall Affairs:
development of students by increasing their - Understanding flood dynamics is crucial given
knowledge base and promoting research skills. India's history with monsoon-related flooding
_________________________________________ - This development also highlights the Indian
Government's move towards responsive and
Sweeping Upgrades in FloodWatch technology-driven governance, an important facet
of modern public administration.
India 2.0: An Efficient Tool for Flood
Monitoring Geographical Relevance:
- India, with its diverse geography across states,
Unveiling of FloodWatch India 2.0: experiences varying flood patterns. This app is
- The Union Minister for Jal Shakti recently crucial in providing region-specific forecasts, aiding
launched the second version of the FloodWatch disaster management efforts.

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- The integration of major reservoir data also - Its key objectives include the generation of
sheds light on India's water management strategies, policies and missions for various
infrastructure, a significant aspect of its geography. innovative applications, while also coordinating
scientific S&T tasks in vital economic, social and
_________________________________________ infrastructure sectors with government
departments, institutions, and industry.
Union Cabinet Approves the 'Vigyan - The Prime Minister's Science, Technology and
Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) aids this
Dhara' Scheme office as a supervisory council.
An Overview of 'Vigyan Dhara'
Role of the Department of Science and
- As an initiative to strengthen the Science,
Technology and Innovation (STI) ecosystem in
- The foundation of the DST was laid on 3rd May
India, the Union Cabinet recently approved the
1971, drawing from the model of the National
'Vigyan Dhara' scheme.
Science Foundation (NSF), USA.
- The scheme operates under the Department of
- Besides funding, DST is a policy-making body and
Science and Technology (DST), merging various
coordinates scientific work with other nations.
existing schemes.
- DST empowers scientists, scientific institutions,
- Spanning the duration of the 15th Finance
and works closely with a diverse system that
Commission period (2021-22 to 2025-26), Vigyan
includes school and college students, early-career
Dhara prominently features three components:
researchers, startups, and NGOs active in the S&T
1. Science and Technology (S&T) Institutional and
Human Capacity Building
2. Research and Development
This new scheme is set to play a significant role in
3. Innovation, Technology Development and
enhancing India's science and technology
capabilities while cultivating a balanced gender
- Existing schemes, such as the INSPIRE
representation in this sector.
programme, will now operate under these three

Objectives and Goals of 'Vigyan Dhara' Revolutionising Indian Cotton Culture

- The Kasturi Cotton Bharat
- The primary objective of this scheme is to Programme
enhance S&T capacity building, innovation,
research, and technology development in India. An Introduction to Kasturi Cotton Bharat
- It plans to create a more balanced gender Programme
representation within the S&T industry by
implementing focused interventions to boost - The Kasturi Cotton Bharat programme is an
women's participation. initiative by the Ministry of Textiles aiming at the
- All programs within the 'Vigyan Dhara' scheme will traceability, certification, and branding of Indian
dovetail with the DST's 5-year goals towards cotton.
realising the vision of Viksit Bharat 2047. - It is a joint effort made by the Indian government,
- To adhere to global standards while tackling more specifically the Cotton Corporation of India,
national priorities, the Research and Development trade bodies, and the cotton industry to enhance
component of the scheme will complement the the traceability and certification of cotton.
Anusandhan National Research Foundation - A microsite has been developed for this program
(ANRF). embedded with a QR code feature and a blockchain
platform, contributing significantly to achieving
The Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser end-to-end traceability and transaction certification.
- The Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser came Implementation and Impact on a National Level
into existence in November 1999.

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- The programme is promoted nationally and Increasing Burden of Healthcare

internationally, with funds allocated on a national
level instead of specific states.
Costs for Senior Citizens under
- Approximately 343 modernised ginning and Ayushman Bharat
pressing units are registered under the program
with 15 units in Andhra Pradesh. Introduction to Ayushman Bharat Scheme:
- About 100 bales from Andhra Pradesh have been
certified under the Kasturi Cotton Bharat brand. - Launched as a flagship scheme by the
Government of India, Ayushman Bharat aims for
Importance of Cotton in Indian Economy Universal Health Coverage.
- The scheme involves two components: Health
- Also known as the "White-Gold", cotton and Wellness Centres (HWCs) for primary health
contributes significantly to India's economy, care and Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
accounting for 25% of global production. (PM-JAY) for secondary and tertiary healthcare.
- Cotton is a versatile crop that can grow in various - The scheme is implemented at both national
soil types and hot, sunny climates yet is sensitive to and state levels, covering approximately 55 crore
waterlogging. beneficiaries.

General Knowledge Facts about Cotton Recent Trends:

- Cotton is a Kharif crop which requires 6 to 8
months to mature. - Nearly 57.5 lakh out of the total approved
- It is a drought–resistant crop ideal for arid hospital admissions are senior citizens aged 70
climates. years and above.
- Cotton occupies 2.1% of the world’s arable land, - States with the highest elderly admission rates
meeting 27% of the world’s textiles needs. include Maharashtra and Kerala.
- The ideal temperature for its growth is between - While admissions for senior citizens are lower in
21-30°C and rainfall required is around 50-100 cm. Tamil Nadu, the cost of treatment there remains
- The crop thrives best in well-drained black cotton high.
soil, also known as Regur Soil, found extensively in
the Deccan Plateau. Concerns Raised by Recent Data:
- Its products include fibre, oil, and animal feed. - With an ageing population expected to hit
- The top cotton producing countries are India, 19.5% by 2050, the financial burden on Ayushman
China, and the USA, respectively. In India, the Bharat is steadily increasing.
leading cotton producers are Gujarat, followed by - Despite an ongoing plan to include all senior
Maharashtra, Telangana, Rajasthan, and Andhra citizens over 70 years old, funding for the
Pradesh. expansion seems bleak due to the minor increase
- There are four cultivated species of cotton: in budget allocation.
Gossypium arboreum, G.herbaceum, G.hirsutum, - The need to provide comprehensive coverage
and G.barbadense. to all senior citizens amidst rising healthcare costs
- Gossypium arboreum and G.herbaceum are is a major focus for policy makers.
old-world cotton or Asiatic cotton.
- G.hirsutum, known as American or upland Implications and Expert Points of View:
cotton, and G.barbadense, known as Egyptian
cotton, are both new world cotton species. - Elderly individuals' predilection for healthcare
- Hybrid Cotton refers to cotton created by crossing increases the cost of the policy.
two parent strains with different genetic characters. - As per experts, the cost for covering the ageing
This often happens spontaneously in nature when demographic may exceed the expenditure for
open-pollinated plants cross-pollinate with other covering the poorest 40% across all age groups.
related varieties.
- Bt-Cotton is a genetically modified, pest-resistant Other Elderly Healthcare Initiatives in India:
variety of cotton. - The government of India has launched several
other initiatives such as Seniorcare Aging Growth
_________________________________________ Engine Initiative, Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana,

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SACRED Portal for Elderly, and helplines for elderly - In addition to green energy generation, it also aids
individuals. in water conservation by reducing water
The Way Forward:
India's Capacities in Renewable Energy
- Targeted interventions including specialised - India has made remarkable strides in the
packages to deal with common geriatric conditions renewable energy space, with total installed
are needed to optimise resources. capacity at 195.01 GW as of May 2024.
- The Ayushman Bharat budget allocation needs - Solar is a substantial contributor with 85.47 GW
to be increased, particularly for geriatric care to capacity by June 2024. Other significant
ensure financial sustainability. contributors are wind power at 46.65 GW, large
- Preventive healthcare measures for chronic hydropower at 46.92 GW, biomass/cogeneration at
conditions and community health programs 10.35 GW, small hydropower at 5 GW, and
promoting regular check-ups and early detection waste-to-energy protocols at 0.59 GW.
need to be emphasised.
- Leveraging public-private partnerships to share Forwarding The Renewable Energy Agenda
the financial burden can also be a viable solution. - The Omkareshwar Floating Solar Project seals
India's commitment to enhance its renewable
This comprehensive overview covers the crucial energy capacity.
aspects of the impact of the Ayushman Bharat - The convergence of technological innovation and
scheme on senior citizens and suggests potential governmental support will continue to power this
reforms to counteract the challenges faced due to momentum, paving the way for more such projects.
increasing healthcare costs for the elderly.
_________________________________________ Conclusion: In a world grappling with climate
change, renewable energy projects like the
India's Solar Energy Boost: Omkareshwar Floating Solar Project are critical. It
not just augments India's energy capacities but also
Omkareshwar Floating Solar Project illuminates the path to a cleaner, greener future.
Introduction to Omkareshwar Floating Solar
- Omkareshwar Floating Solar Project, with a power
generation capacity of 90 MW, is a significant
milestone in India's renewable energy journey. "Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Ghar Khadi"
- This project was recently commissioned by SJVN Campaign: A Revolutionary Approach
Green Energy Limited, a Mini Ratna Schedule 'A' to Increasing Khadi Use
Central Public Sector Undertaking under the
Ministry of Power, Government of India. Encouraging National Pride & Use of Khadi
through "Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Ghar Khadi"
Project Significance and Geography Campaign
- The plant is located in the Omkareshwar Floating
Solar Park, on the Narmada river in Khandwa Introduction and About:
district, Madhya Pradesh. - "Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Ghar Khadi" is a
- Known for being the largest floating solar park in significant campaign introduced to promote the use
India, this project holds significant geographical of Khadi, India's traditional textile. The campaign
importance. was recently unveiled by the Chairman of the Khadi
- The unique design of a 'floating' solar park and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
enables land conservation and better efficiency due - This innovative initiative looks to increase the use
to a cooler environment. and trade of Khadi clothes by encouraging the
hoisting of national flags made from Khadi.
Climate Impact and Goals
- The project will significantly reduce carbon Why in News:
emissions, estimated to be about 2.3 lakh tons of - As part of this campaign, special national flags,
CO2. This aligns with India's commitment to 3X2 feet in dimension and made entirely of
achieve net-zero emissions by 2070.

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Khadi/Polyester, are made available at Khadi stores - The acronym PM-PRANAM represents PM
nationwide at a nominal cost of Rs 198. Programme for Restoration, Awareness Generation,
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi, resonating with the Nourishment, and Amelioration of Mother-Earth.
campaign's spirit, appealed to the nation to join the - The scheme was introduced in the 2023-24
Tiranga Yatra initiative on Independence Day and Budget by the Union government with significant
encouraged buying clothes made of Khadi. motives:
- To support states/UT in promoting the
Salient Aspects of the "Har Ghar Tiranga (HGT)" sustainable and balanced use of fertilisers.
Campaign: - To encourage the application of alternative
- The campaign plans to observe its 3rd edition fertilisers for greener environments.
from 9th to 15th August 2024, concurrent with the - To advocate for organic and natural farming
Independence Day celebrations. practices.
- Its primary goal is to impart a sense of patriotism - A unique financial mechanism accompanies this
and national pride among citizens by inspiring every initiative, in which states and UTs that demonstrate
Indian to hoist the national flag. reduced chemical fertiliser usage compared to the
- The campaign, first unveiled under the umbrella of average of the preceding three years will be
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in 2022, has since grown rewarded with 50% of the savings from the fertiliser
into a popular people's movement. subsidy.
- Complementing this campaign are outreach
activities such as Tiranga Concerts, Street Plays Unveiling of NATS 2.0 Portal
(Nukkad Nataks), and Exhibitions showcasing the
Evolution of Tiranga. - The Union Minister for Education has initiated the
National Apprenticeship and Training Scheme
The Significance of National Flag Day: (NATS) 2.0 Portal in New Delhi.
- India adopted its national flag on 22nd July 1947, - A staggering total of ₹100 crore in stipends was
under the guidance of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who distributed to apprentices through the Direct Benefit
chaired the Constituent Assembly of India at the Transfer (DBT) mode.
time. - The NATS 2.0 portal has been devised by the
- The national flag signifies national pride, unity, and Ministry of Education, with support from AICTE and
the struggle for freedom; it serves as a silent yet BoATs/BoPT.
robust tribute to the sacrifices made by the nation's - It skillfully manages apprenticeship lifecycle
freedom fighters. activities, including student registration, vacancy
- Such initiatives that blend patriotism and advertisements, applications, contract creation,
indigenous industries' promotion, like the "Har Ghar certification, and stipend disbursal, and thereby
Tiranga, Har Ghar Khadi" campaign, act as drivers enhances the skill of youth and improves
in creating awareness and participation among the employability.
citizens towards supporting home-grown industries - The portal also lends support to industries by
and national heritage. aiding them in managing vacancies and contracts
and equipping them to meet future challenges.
_________________________________________ - The apprentices are receiving training in diverse
sectors including IT/ITes, manufacturing, and
Promoting Sustainable Fertilisation automobiles.
and Skilling Youth: PM-PRANAM and Quick Facts on NATS
NATS 2.0 Portal
- NATS is one of the flagship programmes of the
Spotlight on PM-PRANAM Indian Government aimed at skilling Indian youth in
trade disciplines.
- The Union Minister of State for Chemicals and - The scheme, under the Apprentices Act 1961
Fertilisers has disclosed details about the recently (amended 1973), provides a platform for Graduate,
initiated PM-PRANAM during a Lok Sabha session. Diploma students and Vocational certificate holders
to gain practical, hands-on jobs based skilling

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opportunities. The training duration varies from 6 - This platform aims to amplify the efficiency of
months to 1 year. management and coordination related to the
- The introduction of NATS 2.0 displays the building of these power plants.
government's effort to democratise apprenticeships,
address skills gaps, and meet the aspirations of Peek into Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
Indian youth.
- The CEA, which had a pivotal role in developing
_________________________________________ these platforms, has a history dating back to 1951.
It was instituted under the Electricity (Supply) Act of
Power Sector's Technological Leap: 1948, and later re-commissioned under the
Electricity Act of 2003.
PROMPT, DRIPS and JALVIDYUT-DPR - The CEA operates under the Ministry of Power. It
Portals is tasked with preparing the National Electricity
Plan, approving new hydroelectric power plants,
Introduction and Overview among other responsibilities.
- The CEA's structure entails a Chairman and six
- The Union Minister of Power, in coordination with full-time members appointed by the central
the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), has recently government and is headquartered in New Delhi.
launched three online platforms - PROMPT, DRIPS,
and JALVIDYUT DPR. These technological strides in the Power sector not
- These innovative digital solutions aim to boost only enhance monitoring and response
efficacy, transparency, and responsiveness in the mechanisms but also hold substantial promise for
Power sector. the overall development and efficiency of the
energy sector in India.
Unveiling the Power of PROMPT _________________________________________

- Portal for Online Monitoring of Projects-Thermal RBI Enhances Regulatory

(PROMPT) is a real-time tracking platform for
thermal power projects under construction across Surveillance on NBFC-P2P Lending
India. Platforms amid Regulatory Violations
- This digital solution seeks to identify and address,
promptly and effectively, the hurdles causing delays Overview of the Scenario
in the construction of thermal power plants.
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened its
Disaster Resilience through DRIPS regulatory observation on Non-Banking Financial
Companies–Peer to Peer (NBFC-P2P) Lending
- The Disaster Resilient Infrastructure for Power Platforms. This initiative is in the wake of numerous
Sector (DRIPS) portal is a strategic response to regulatory violations being discovered.
effectively manage power disruptions caused by - High levels of non-performing assets (NPAs),
natural calamities like cyclones, earthquakes, and unauthorised deposit acceptance, and unusually
floods. high balances in escrow accounts were among the
- DRIPS connects nodal officers across the power regulatory infringements identified.
sector promptly, thereby ensuring rapid restoration
of power supply in calamity-struck areas. Identification of Violations and their Impact

Streamlining Hydroelectric Projects with - During the RBI’s examination, it was revealed that
JALVIDYUT DPR some P2P platforms permitted lenders to withdraw
funds prematurely. They replaced them with new
- JAL VIDYUT DPR monitors the survey and lenders, who were oblivious of the loans, reflecting
investigation activities of hydroelectric and pumped the characteristics of Ponzi schemes.
storage projects under construction countrywide. - A Ponzi scheme, named after Charles Ponzi who
initiated such fraudulent investment practices in
Boston, USA in 1919, is a form of investment fraud.

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It involves paying existing investors using funds Performance Highlights of Indian Athletes at
collected from newer investors. Paris Olympics 2024
- Through its review, RBI raised concerns over
these serious regulatory violations which indicated - Despite a drop in the overall medal tally, India
a misuse of the P2P lending platforms. secured medals in events like javelin throw,
shooting, and made significant strides in others like
Explaining P2P Lending Platforms badminton.
- P2P lending platforms offer a platform for - Neeraj Chopra bagged a silver medal for javelin
individuals to lend directly to borrowers through throw, becoming India's fifth two-time Olympic
RBI-regulated NBFCs. This system assists in swift medallist.
loan disbursements for short-term needs. - Woman shooter Manu Bhaker won two medals,
- According to the RBI, NBFC-P2P entities should becoming the first Indian woman to win an Olympic
act just as intermediaries without assuming any shooting medal, and the first Indian athlete to win
credit risk. However, during the review, instances of two medals in a single Games.
violation of these norms were detected. - Swapnil Kusale won the first-ever Olympic medal
- It's important to note that P2P platforms are not for India in the 50m rifle 3 positions event.
permitted to endorse peer-to-peer lending as an - Lakshya Sen, a break-through athlete became the
investment product offering features like guaranteed first Indian to reach the semi-finals in men's
minimum returns or liquidity options. badminton at the Olympics and finished fourth.

Expectation of Compliance to RBI Guidelines Challenges and Roadblocks in Securing

- The Reserve Bank of India, acting as a regulatory Olympic Medals
body, necessitates the strict adherence of
NBFC-P2P entities to its guidelines. - Talent Identification: Unsatisfactory and
- Any deviation from these rules not only attracts inconsistent scouting of young athletes, especially
penalties but also puts the security of the lenders at in remote areas.
risk, thus necessitating the ongoing scrutiny of the - Limited Infrastructure and Resources: Absence of
RBI. necessary facilities and resources for training.
- Dominance of Cricket: Unequal distribution of
Strengthening the Financial Ecosystem sports capital, with 87% being allocated to Cricket,
- The RBI intensifying its scrutiny represents the leading to underdevelopment of other sports.
government's commitment to strengthen the - Inadequate Sports Policies: Fragmented and
financial ecosystem, and maintain the transparency, underfunded policies and initiatives hinder athletes'
credibility, and integrity of India's financial potentials.
institutions. - Deeper Socio-Cultural Issues: Societal preference
for academia over sports, complex social
In conclusion, the recent heightened scrutiny by stratification, and corruption and politics in sports
RBI on P2P lending platforms highlights potential administration.
risks in the system. It is a call to all involved parties
to operate within regulatory norms to maintain the Potential Measures for Performance
healthy functioning of the financial ecosystem. Improvement at Olympics
- Grassroots Development: Early identification and
nurturing of sporting talent.
Rank Report and - Investment in Infrastructure: Establishing
state-of-the-art training facilities and access to

Awards top-notch coaching.

- Empowering Athletes: Allowing sportspeople to
participate in decision-making for transparency and
Review and Analysis of India's accountability.
- Collegiate Sports System: Development of a
Performance at Paris Olympics 2024 system akin to the NCAA in the US to balance
academics and athletics.

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- Cultural Shift: Changing societal attitudes towards origin scientists, technologists, and innovators, both
sports by integrating them into education systems domestic and international.
and motivating families to support sports-related - These awards honour those who have profoundly
careers. impacted research, innovation, or discovery to
- Increased Government Support: Substantial and benefit Indian communities or society.
consistent funding for Olympics sports. - The RVP was introduced for the first time in 2024,
replacing the previous science awards, including
Current Sports Development Initiatives in India the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, for a more
holistic and modernised system of recognition.
- Khelo India and National Sports Development - The awards are announced annually on 11th May,
Fund (NSDF): Promoting sports and games at the National Technology Day, and the Annual Award
grassroots level. Ceremony takes place on National Space Day.
- Sports Authority of India (SAI): A range of - Various categories under RVP include Physical
schemes for youth and senior sports promotion. Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences,
- National Sports Awards: Recognizing and Mathematical Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric
encouraging excellence in sports. Sciences, and Engineering Sciences.
- Scheme for Sports & Games for People with
Disabilities: Training and support for athletes with Comprehensive Look at the Categories and
disabilities. Eligibility of the Awards
- Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan: Federally funded
program for building sports complexes at the block - Vigyan Ratna honours lifetime achievements in
level under the Fit India Movement. any field of science and technology with maximum
three awards given each year and is reserved for
The performance of the Indian contingent at Paris distinguished scientists and technologists.
Olympics 2024 has sparked a serious discourse on - Vigyan Shri acknowledges singular contributions
the need for improving the country's sports in a scientific or technological field, with a ceiling of
infrastructure, policies and promoting a culture that 25 awards annually and is for individuals with
fosters athletic excellence. remarkable achievements in their scientific or
technological domains.
_________________________________________ - Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar
encourages young scientists under the age of 45
Introducing the Rashtriya Vigyan who've demonstrated extraordinary research or
innovation, with up to 25 awards given each year.
Puraskar 2024: A New Era - Vigyan Team awards a team of three or more for
Recognising Scientific Achievements exceptional collaborative efforts in any science and
in India technology field, with up to 3 team awards granted.
- Awardees receive a Sanad, a certificate signed by
Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar 2024: A New Dawn in the President of India, and a brochure which
India's Scientific Recognition includes the citation and photograph of awardees is
published on the ceremony day.
- Introduction: The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar
(RVP) 2024 has been announced by the Indian The Key Awardees of the Inaugural Rashtriya
government, elevating the approach of Vigyan Puraskar 2024
acknowledging remarkable scientific achievements.
- The awards ceremony is slated on the first - Vigyan Ratna: The award was given to G.
National Space Day, 23rd August, commemorating Padmanabhan for his lifetime achievements in the
the notable event of Chandrayaan-3 moon landing. field of biological sciences, focusing on malaria
Understanding the Significance of Rashtriya - Vigyan Team: The award was conferred upon the
Vigyan Puraskar Chandrayaan-3 Team for their successful
Moon-landing mission in 2023.
- The RVP is a coveted collection of awards, - Vigyan Shri: Awards were received by Annapurni
saluting remarkable accomplishments by Indian Subramaniam, Jayant Bhalchandra Udgaonkar, and

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Naba Kumar Mondal for their distinguished - Test Cricket: Yashashvi Jaiswal (Batter),
achievements. Ravichandran Ashwin (Bowler)
- Vigyan Yuva: The awardees included Vivek - ODI Cricket: Mohammad Shami (Bowler)
Polshettiwar, Urbasi Sinha, and Roxy Mathew Koll - T20 Cricket: Phil Salt, England (Batter), Tim
for their exceptional contributions in their respective Southee, New Zealand (Bowler)
fields. - Domestic Cricket: Sai Kishore from Tamil Nadu
- Women’s Cricket: Smriti Mandhana (Batter),
The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar 2024 undeniably Deepti Sharma (Bowler)
symbolises a monumental stride towards
applauding scientific accomplishments in India, Extraordinary Achievements: Special
providing a fresh and encompassing platform for Recognitions
acknowledging and inspiring present and future
innovators. - Players and administrators who achieved
unique milestones were given special mementos.
_________________________________________ Including Harmanpreet Kaur, Shreyas Iyer, Shafali
Verma, and Jay Shah.
Triumphs and Honours at the 26th
The Implication and Importance of the CEAT
CEAT Cricket Awards 2024 Cricket Awards
Understanding the CEAT Cricket Awards:
- Over the past 26 years, the CEAT Cricket
Awards have served as a benchmark for
- The CEAT Cricket Awards, organised annually
commendable performance in cricket.
since 1995, are prestigious accolades that
- The awards play a dual role as they recognize
recognize and reward remarkable performances in
the hard work and dedication of cricketers as well
cricket worldwide.
as serve as a source of motivation.
- The 26th edition of these awards was held in
- Besides recognizing and motivating, the CEAT
Mumbai on August 21, 2024.
Awards also document the history of cricketing
- Sponsored by RP Goenka Group's CEAT Tyres,
excellence year upon year, promoting the sport and
the awards celebrate the exceptional talent
its stars.
displayed across various formats of the game
during the 2023-2024 cricket season.
Victorious Victors: Major Awards and
Recipients Indian Independence Day Gallantry
Awards 2024: A Tribute to Indian
- International Cricketer of the Year: Rohit Valor and Bravery
Sharma's exemplary season in 2023-24, in which
he scored around 1800 runs and led India to the Introduction
final of the ICC Men's ODI Cricket World Cup, - On the 78th Independence Day, the President of
earned him this prestigious award. India conferred prestigious gallantry awards to
- ODI Batter of the Year: Virat Kohli broke records numerous personnel from the Armed Forces and
this season, including surpassing Sachin Tendulkar Central Armed Police Forces.
with his 50th ODI century, which got him recognized - Additionally, 1,037 police medals were presented
as the Best ODI Batter of the Year. to brave members of Police, Fire, Home Guard &
- Lifetime Achievement Award: Rahul Dravid, the Civil Defence, and Correctional Services.
former Indian cricket captain, and current coach, - The Prime Minister of India unveiled an ambitious
was honoured for his invaluable contribution to roadmap for the country's future, underlining India's
Indian cricket, both as a player and a coach. commitment to its defence forces and national
Honours Across Formats: Other Notable - The theme for Independence Day 2024 is 'Viksit
Awards: Bharat', signifying India's goal of becoming a
developed country by 2047.

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- They play an essential role in instilling a sense of

Highlight on the Gallantry Awards Given national pride and encouraging future generations
- Kirti Chakra: The second highest peacetime to serve the country.
gallantry award was given to four individuals, three - They symbolise India's steadfast commitment to
of them posthumously. This award was initially peace, stability, inclusivity, and development,
known as the Ashoka Chakra Class -II and was consolidating its position on the global stage.
renamed as Kirti Chakra in 1967.
- Shaurya Chakra: This award, noteworthy for its Conclusion
gallantry in non-combat situations, was given to 18 - The Independence Day Gallantry Awards 2024
recipients, four posthumously. once again stand testimonial to the commendable
- Sena Medal (Gallantry): One Bar to Sena Medal bravery of Indian defence personnel who risk their
(Gallantry) and 63 Sena Medals, including two lives for national security, peace, and prosperity.
posthumous, were awarded. - As India continues on its journey towards
- Nao Sena Medals: This naval award for becoming a 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047, the dedication
extraordinary courage and exceptional duty was and sacrifices of these gallant individuals serve as
given to 11 recipients. guiding stars for the entire nation.
- Vayu Sena Medals: Six of these Indian Air Force
gallantry awards were awarded for exceptional _________________________________________
devotion to duty or acts of courage.
- Mention-in-Despatches: The President approved Insight into the National Film Awards
39 Mention-in-Despatches for outstanding services
to military operations like Operation Rakshak,
Operation Snow Leopard, Operation Sahayata,
Introduction and Key Awards
Hifazat, Orchid, and Katchal, with one notable
recipient being the Army Dog Kent awarded
- Initiated in 1954, the National Film Awards
recognize the brilliant works in the Indian film
industry. The 70th edition of these Awards recently
Historical and Geographic Significance
took place in 2022, announced by the Ministry of
- The gallantry awards have a rich history dating
Information and Broadcasting.
back to 1952, acknowledging the unparalleled
- "Aattam (The Play)", directed by Anand Ekarshi,
bravery and dedication of Indian military personnel.
won Best Feature Film, and "Ayena (Mirror)",
- The operations for which personnel were
directed by Siddhant Sarin, secured the title of Best
recognized span across the vast geography of the
Non-Feature Film.
nation, from Jammu and Kashmir (Operation
- The Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome
Rakshak) to eastern Ladakh (Operation Snow
Entertainment was "Kantara".
Leopard), the Naga Hills and Tuensang area of
- Rishab Shetty and Nithya Menen were awarded
Nagaland (Operation Orchid), and
Best Actor and Best Actress for their performances
Nagaland-Manipur-Arunachal Pradesh area
in "Kantara" and "Thiruchitrambalam" respectively.
(Operation Hifazat).
- Pavan Raj Malhotra and Neena Gupta bagged
- These awards and recognitions not only uphold
Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress,
the valour of the Indian defence forces but also
while "Brahmastra-Part 1: Shiva" won Best Film in
highlight the geographical diversity of the nation
AVGC category.
and the variety of challenges it faces.
Understanding the National Film Awards
Importance and Impact
- These awards boost the morale of the armed
- Governed by the Directorate of Film Festivals
forces, recognizing their immense sacrifices and
(established 1973), the winners of the National Film
commending their bravery.
Awards are awarded a Medallion, a cash prize, and
- The awards serve as reminders of the nation's
a Certificate of merit.
gratitude for its defence personnel on a public
- The Awards divvy up into categories like feature
platform as significant as Independence Day.
films, non-feature films, and best writing on cinema,
with winners of some categories eligible for the

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Swarna Kamal (Golden Lotus Award) and the rest this honour, which includes a 'Swarna Kamal', a
for the Rajat Kamal (Silver Lotus Award). cash prize of Rs 10 lakh, a certification, a silk roll,
and a shawl.
Commendable Categories in National Film
1. Feature Films:
- Promotes films that demonstrate aesthetic and Indian President Honoured with Fiji's
technical excellence.
- Boosts the appreciation of regional cultures and
Highest Civilian Award:
fosters national unity. Strengthening Diplomatic
- Six categories are eligible for the Swarna Kamal Connections.
Award under this.
2. Non-Feature Films: Indian President, Droupadi Murmu, was recently
- Support films exhibiting social relevance and bestowed the "Companion of the Order of Fiji",
technical quality. which is the highest civilian honour in Fiji. The
- Contributes towards the appreciation of diverse award was presented during her milestone visit to
cultural representations. the South Pacific Island country, making her the first
- Swarna Kamal Award for Best non-feature film Indian President to travel to Fiji. This
and Best Debut film of a Director fall under this acknowledgment is a testament to the robust
category. diplomatic ties between India and Fiji.

3. Best Writing on Cinema: Fiji's Appreciation of Indian Diaspora:

- Aims at fueling study and critical appreciation of - Murmu, during her acceptance speech, extended
cinema as an art form. her gratitude to the contribution of the Indian
- Encourages dissemination of information diaspora, especially to the Girmitiya labourers'
through books, articles, reviews, and research. efforts.
- The Swarna Kamal Award for Best Book on - She underlined the crucial role played by overseas
Cinema and Award for Best Film Critic are included. Indian communities towards the welfare of the
country they reside in.
The Eligibility to Compete - Term 'Girmitiya' comes from 'girmit,' which signifies
'agreement'. These were the indentured labourers
- Films must be produced in India, with the director taken from India to places like Fiji and Mauritius.
and makers being Indian nationals. Co-productions - Despite not being named as slaves, Girmitiyas
with foreign entities should meet specific conditions. often fell prey to "blackbirding"-- a deceptive
- The films should be certified by the Central Board practice leading many to become impoverished
of Film Certification within the calendar year. labourers.
- Strikingly, over 100 films compete in each
category (Feature and Non-Feature) every year. Geographical and Cultural Facts about Fiji:
- The juries, appointed by the Directorate of Film - Fiji is a picturesque archipelago located in the
Festivals, ensure no influence from the Government South Pacific Ocean enclosing the Koro Sea and is
or Directorate on the decision. positioned north of Auckland, New Zealand.
- The country is peppered with over 300 islands,
The Prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award among them, only about 100 are inhabited.
- Acknowledged as the "soft coral capital of the
- The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, named after the world," Fiji comprises over 4,000 square kilometres
pioneer of Indian Cinema, Dhundiraj Govind of vibrant coral reefs, making it a hotspot for marine
Phalke, is a part of the National Film Awards. The biodiversity.
award is bestowed for the outstanding contribution - The sugarcane industry has served as a
to the growth and development of Indian cinema. significant economic driving force for Fiji for several
- The inaugural award was awarded to Devika Rani years.
Roerich in 1969. The President of India presents

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Political Landscape and Demographics of Fiji: - It is part of Timor Island, sharing its western half
- Fiji, a parliamentary democracy, flaunts a diverse with the Indonesian province of East Nusa
population of Indigenous Fijians, Indians, Tenggara.
Europeans, and other ethnic groups.
- The largest Hindu temple in the Southern Retracing East Timor’s Historical Journey
Hemisphere, the Sri Siva Subramaniya Swami
Temple, is located in Fiji further showcasing the - East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the 18th
strong Indian influence on the island. century, prior to being annexed by Indonesia in
1975 as Portugal withdrew.
Conclusion: - The annexation led to a long struggle for
The honouring of President Droupadi Murmu by Fiji independence by the East Timor population.
with its highest civilian award is a significant - In the UN-supervised referendum of 1999, most of
milestone in the diplomatic relations between Fiji the East Timorese populace voted in favour of
and India. It not only strengthens the bond between independence.
these countries but also highlights the - This action resulted in further conflict before
commendable contributions of the Indian diaspora peace-keeping forces intervened. In 2002, the
in Fiji’s development. It precisely portrays the United Nations officially recognized East Timor as a
impactful blend of Indian culture in Fiji's diverse separate country.
East Timor Seeking ASEAN Membership
- East Timor is currently seeking membership in
Timor-Leste Honours President ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
and has been granted the status of an observer in
Murmu with Highest Civilian Award the meantime.
- Its membership would strengthen geopolitical
Recognition of President Murmu's Public
dynamics and help the country economically by
expanding its trade and investment prospects with
other ASEAN countries.
- President Droupadi Murmu has recently been
bestowed by President Horta of Timor-Leste with
the Grand-Collar of the Order of Timor-Leste.
- This high civilian honour acknowledges her
significant contributions to public service, education, An Overview of the National
and women's empowerment. Institutional Ranking Framework
(NIRF) Rankings 2024
MoUs: Strengthening Relations beyond Awards
Introduction to NIRF Rankings
- Along with the award function, three
Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were - The National Institutional Ranking Framework
signed. (NIRF) rankings for the year 2024 were recently
- The MoUs focus on facilitating cultural exchanges, announced by the Union Ministry of Education
collaboration between Prasar Bharati and (MoE).
Timor-Leste Radio & Television (RTTL), and visa - NIRF rankings highlight the preeminent institutions
exemptions for diplomatic, official, and service of higher education in India, setting a benchmark for
passports. excellence.
Introduction to the Geographical Aspects of The Leading Institutions in the NIRF 2024
East Timor Rankings
- East Timor, also known as Timor-Leste, borders - Retaining the top spot in both the 'Overall' and
the Timor Sea to the Southeast, the Wetar Strait to 'Engineering' categories six and nine years in a row,
the North, and the Ombai Strait to the Northwest. is the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. It

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also maintained the second rank in the 'Research comparative platform of institutional performance
Institutions' and 'Innovations' categories. across the country.
- Dominating the 'Universities' and 'Research - It is essential to note that the National Assessment
Institutions’ categories, Indian Institute of Science and Accreditation Council (NAAC) also undertakes
(IISc), Bengaluru stood first. evaluations of educational institutions for
- By continuing its winning streak in the accreditation, seeking to assess the overall quality
'Management' category for the fifth consecutive of these institutions.
year, IIM Ahmedabad has secured its top position. - However, unlike NAAC's qualitative methodology,
- AIIMS, New Delhi, leads the 'Medical' category, the NIRF focuses on quantitative parameters to
holding onto its first position for seven years provide rankings, proving to be a crucial tool for
straight, while also being ranked seventh in the prospective students scouting for exemplary
'Overall' category. educational institutions.
- Topping the 'Pharmacy' category was Jamia
Hamdard, with IIT Roorkee leading in the _________________________________________
'Architecture and Planning' segment.
- Delhi University (DU) improved from the 11th to
the 6th place in the overall rankings, resurfacing
into the top ten universities in India.
Science and Tech
The Landscape of the NIRF Rankings 2024 Attaining Criticality: India's Prototype
Fast Breeder Reactor Program
- The 9th edition of the NIRF Rankings introduced
new categories, including State Public Universities, Digging Into the Achievement
Open Universities, and Skill Universities, and
dovetailed an "Innovation" ranking, increasing its - Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has
sectors to 16. given the nod to the "First Approach to Criticality" of
- Anna University and Indira Gandhi National Open India's first 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder
University (IGNOU) stood first in State Public Reactor (PFBR) stationed at Kalpakkam, Tamil
Universities and Open Universities categories. Nadu.
- Topping the Skill Universities category was - Criticality, in the terms of a nuclear reactor,
Symbiosis Skill and Professional University (SSPU), signifies a state wherein the neutrons produced by
Pune. fission replace those lost in leakage or absorption,
- The Union Ministry of Education is set to introduce maintaining constant neutron levels.
a Sustainability Rankings category in the NIRF
2025 to assess the commitment of institutions The Inside Story of India's FBR Programme
towards environmental sustainability, energy
efficiency, and green campus initiatives. - The initiative to build an FBR started about two
- In 2024, the unique institutions participating in the decades ago, adding to India's capabilities in the
NIRF rose to 6,517 from a mere 2,426 in 2016, entire nuclear fuel cycle where uranium is the
signalling a widening acceptance of the NIRF primary source for electricity production in nuclear
rankings. power plants.
- The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has set
The National Institutional Ranking Framework a goal to augment the proportion of nuclear power
(NIRF) Explained in the country's energy mix by producing 22,400
MWe from nuclear power plants by 2032.
- The NIRF is a ranking system launched by the - The DAE has sanctioned the building of 10 new
Ministry of Education, Government of India, in 2015, PHWRs in ‘fleet mode’ suggesting a plant's
aiming to provide a transparent evaluation of higher completion within five years from the initiation of
education institutions in India using distinct construction.
parameters. - FBRs have an advantage of generating more
- The NIRF ranks institutions annually based on nuclear fuel than they consume owing to their
specific quantitative parameters, creating a capability to convert fertile isotopes into fissile

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- The Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd or C-Edge Technologies Ltd. (a Joint Venture between
BHAVINI, introduced in 2003, was tasked with TCS and SBI).
constructing and operating India’s most
sophisticated nuclear reactor, the PFBR. Impact of the Ransomware Attack on Banks
- When commissioned, India will be only the second
country after Russia to operate a commercial FBR. - The primary victim of the attack was C-Edge
Technologies Ltd., adversely affecting its capability
Exploring the Three Stages of India's Nuclear to provide services to cooperative banks and RRBs.
Energy Program - Due to the ransomware attack, customers couldn't
access payment systems, such as Unified
- First Stage: It involves the ongoing installation of Payments Interface (UPI) and Aadhaar-enabled
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) which payment systems (AePS).
employ natural uranium as fuel along with heavy - Few Regional Rural Banks functioned regularly,
water as a coolant and moderator. relying on different technology service providers.
- Second Stage: It targets the installation of FBRs
supported by reprocessing plants and plutonium Implications for the Payment System
fabrication plants to multiply fissile material.
- Third Stage: Proposed at this stage is an - The attack elucidates the vulnerability of
Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) for technological service providers, highlighting their
achieving Uranium-233 (U233) by irradiating crucial role in preserving the payment infrastructure.
thorium in PHWRs and FBRs, thereby initiating a - The event stresses the importance of robust
Thorium and Uranium Cycle. cybersecurity measures to guard against such
- The fusion of power reactors from all three stages future attacks.
will contribute significantly towards securing - Integral cooperation between NPCI, banks, and
long-term energy for the country. technology service providers is necessary for quick
rectification and mitigation of such disruptions.
Challenges and Way Forward
Introduction to Ransomware
- For commercial utilisation of thorium significantly,
ample supplies of either Uranium-233 (U233) or - Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a
Plutonium-239 (Pu239) are essential. victim’s data, demanding a ransom in return for the
- The advancements on the FBR provide a clearer decryption key or to regain access.
pathway towards the third phase of the nuclear - Initial instances of ransomware attacks involved
energy program, bringing closer to a future of encrypting data and demanding a ransom; however,
sustainable and secure energy for the country. current attacks encompass double-extortion and
triple-extortion tactics.
_________________________________________ - Notable ransomware variants are Akira, LockBit,
CryptoLocker, WannaCry, Petya, NotPetya, Ryuk,
Critical Ransomware Attack Disrupts DarkSide, Locky, REvil, Conti.
Indian Banking Sector: Significant Ransomware as a Cyber Threat
Points and Analysis
- Ransomware attacks can cost organisations
Disruption in Banking Operations Due to millions of dollars, with the average cost of a data
Ransomware Attack breach reaching Rs. 19.5 crore (USD 2.35 million)
in 2024, marking a 7% rise over 2023.
- A ransomware attack recently disrupted the - Once hackers gain access to a network, they can
operations of 150-200 cooperative banks and deploy ransomware in less than four days, giving
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in India. organisations little time to detect and respond.
- The attack was detected by the National
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), mainly Responding to a Ransomware Attack
impacting those banks which were serviced by

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- Immediate actions include isolating the infected - The idea of universal screening, irrespective of
device, identifying the entry point, prioritising the symptoms, as employed by countries like Vietnam
restoration of systems, and restoring the systems has successfully reduced TB prevalence.
from backup if available. - A similar large-scale screening campaign in India
requires strategic policymaking, including mobile
Infection Techniques of Ransomware health units and proactive grassroots community
- Common techniques include phishing, exploiting
vulnerabilities, credential theft, using other malware, The Global Burden of Tuberculosis
drive-by downloads, and Ransomware as a Service
(RaaS). - Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, is an airborne infectious disease,
Indian Legislation and Protections Against primarily affecting the lungs.
Ransomware Attacks - The disease manifests in prolonged cough, chest
- Ransomware attacks constitute offences under the pain, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, and
Indian Penal Code 1860 and the Information night sweats.
Technology (IT) Act 2000. - People with weakened immunity, malnutrition,
- Specific cybersecurity measures have been diabetics, or tobacco users are at a higher risk of
implemented by banks and financial institutions, developing TB.
such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and - Approximately 25% of the world's population is
regular security audits. infected with TB bacteria, with 5-10% developing
- The Ransomware Task Force (RTF) plays a into active TB disease.
significant role in providing help for ransomware - The spread of TB is preventable with early
attack victims, offering investigation, recovery, and detection, medical attention, and targeted treatment
prevention efforts. including antibiotics and vaccines.
_________________________________________ - However, Multidrug-resistant TB continues to pose
a public health problem, with only 40% of patients
Understanding the Challenge of accessing crucial treatment.
Subclinical Tuberculosis in India The Shadow of TB on HIV
The Enigma of Subclinical Tuberculosis in India
- People living with HIV are 16 times more prone to
developing active TB, making it the leading cause
- Subclinical Tuberculosis (TB), which is a form of
of death among the HIV- positive population.
TB where the patient does not exhibit regular
- Lack of proper treatment can lead to death in 60%
symptoms, is a rising threat in India.
of HIV-negative people and almost all HIV-positive
- Despite advancements in diagnosis and cure, the
people with TB.
prevalence of such latent TB is slowing down the
overall decrease in TB incidence rates.
The Global Inequality in TB Prevalence
- Subclinical TB, often undetectable through routine
screenings, is usually identified using chest X-rays
- TB predominantly affects adults in low and
or molecular tests.
middle-income countries, accounting for over 80%
- In the National TB Prevalence Survey of
of global cases and mortalities.
2019-2021, Subclinical TB accounted for nearly
- The highest burden lies in WHO's South-East
42.6% of all cases. Tamil Nadu reported a similar
Asian and African regions.
statistic at 39%.
- In 2022, TB claimed 1.3 million lives, including
- Asymptomatic individuals with Subclinical TB can
167,000 HIV positive individuals, second to
still infect others, maintaining the disease's
transmission, especially in high-burden countries
like India.
Global and National Drive against TB
Broad Spectrum Screening - The Need of the
- In India, initiatives like the National TB Elimination
Programme aim to eradicate TB by 2025, supported

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by the Ni-kshay Mitra, DBT for TB patients, TB-Mukt * Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes mate with
Panchayat, and Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat wild Aedes Aegypti females, leading to unhatched
Abhiyan. eggs and eventually reducing the mosquito
- At the global level, WHO's Global Tuberculosis population.
Programme, the Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030
align with UN's Sustainable Development Goals The Status and Potential of Wolbachia
aiming to end tuberculosis as a public health Programs in India
challenge by 2030. * Currently, India does not have an active
Wolbachia mosquito release program.
* The ICMR-Vector Control Research Center has
Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A initiated the development of wMel Aedes strains but
has faced ongoing delays due to government
Novel Approach to Combat Dengue approvals and public updates.
and Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases
* Recent findings revealed the natural presence of
Current Scenario and Challenges in Wolbachia in Aedes mosquitoes in Northeast India.
Mosquito-Borne Disease Control in India However, its immediate implications are unknown.
* India faces significant challenges dealing with
mosquito-borne diseases, including Dengue, Global Successes with Wolbachia
Chikungunya, and Zika virus. These diseases Implementation
cause significant healthcare and economic burden. * Singapore's implementation of Wolbachia-infected
male mosquito release reduced its Aedes
* Statistics from April 2024 show that India recorded population by 90% and decreased Dengue cases
19,447 Dengue cases and 16 deaths, with the by 77%.
highest incidence reported in Kerala and Tamil
Nadu. * Australia saw significant dengue reduction by
adopting a population replacement strategy using
* The economic cost of Dengue is estimated to be the Wolbachia's wMel strain.
around Rs 28,300 crores annually, with a staggering
5.68 lakh years of young life lost. * A random controlled trial in Indonesia showed
areas with released wMel strain mosquitoes had a
* On a global scale, WHO reports over 7.6 million 77% decline in Dengue cases and an 86%
cases of Dengue as of April 2024. reduction in hospitalizations. Such successes
Introduction to Wolbachia and Its Role in emphasise the potential of Wolbachia in controlling
Mosquito Control mosquito-borne diseases.
* Wolbachia is a common bacterium found in almost
60% of all insects, excluding Aedes Aegypti In conclusion, the innovative use of Wolbachia
mosquitoes known for spreading Dengue, Zika, and creates a promising path towards the formidable
Chikungunya. challenge of mosquito-borne disease control
globally and in India. Future work should focus on
* Wolbachia is harmless to humans and animals enabling this method's widespread adoption by
and is not found naturally in Aedes Aegypti overcoming current barriers to implementation.
mosquitoes. It plays a crucial role in controlling _________________________________________
mosquito populations when introduced into them.

* The bacteria are introduced to mosquito eggs,

creating Wolbachia-infected new mosquitoes. Two
Important Days
strains, wMel and wAlbB, are transfected into
Aedes Aegypti
mosquitoes for population and Events

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Commemorating World Lion Day: - Despite being slightly smaller, they bear striking
similarity to their African counterparts (Panthera leo
Significance, Conservation Efforts, leo).
and Threats to the King of Jungle
Lion Population in India:
Introduction to World Lion Day:
- Asiatic lions inhabit the protected Sasan-Gir
- World Lion Day is celebrated annually on 10th National Park in Gujarat, India.
August since its establishment in 2013 by Big Cat - The lion population has seen a rise from 523 in
Rescue. 2015 to approximately 674 in 2020, which is
- The day sheds light on the urgent need for attributable to successful conservation strategies.
conserving these majestic creatures.
Project Lion: Safeguarding India's Majestic Cats
Importance of Lions in Ecosystem: - India launched 'Project Lion' on 15th August
2020 to secure the future of Asiatic lions.
- Lions, the apex predators, significantly control - This project aims at improving the lion's habitat,
the herbivore populations, therefore maintaining the enhancing monitoring techniques, and addressing
ecological balance. human-wildlife conflict.
- They eliminate the weakest in their prey's
populations, thus, indirectly aiding in disease The ongoing conservation efforts offer a ray of hope
control. for the future of these majestic creatures. Still, more
global attention and action are needed to ensure
Threatening Factors to Lion Populations: their continued survival and prosperity. Therefore,
World Lion Day serves a critical purpose of making
- Lions face considerable endangerment due to people worldwide mindful of the struggles faced by
continual habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and these regal beasts.
rampant poaching. _________________________________________
- They are vulnerable to genetic inbreeding due
to their isolation within a single population. Honouring the Majestic Beast:
- Diseases such as plague and canine distemper,
along with natural disasters, also pose substantial Celebrating World Elephant Day
Introduction & Significance of World Elephant
Conservation Status of Lions: Day
- World Elephant Day is an annual event
- The IUCN Red List classifies the overall lion commemorated every year on August 12th with the
species as "Vulnerable" and the Asiatic Lion as endeavour to highlight the escalating plight of Asian
"Endangered." and African elephants.
- According to the Convention on International - The purpose of this day is to amplify awareness
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), India's lion about the critical threats elephants face, such as
populations come under Appendix I. poaching, habitat loss, and human-elephant
- India's Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 places conflicts.
lions in Schedule I, implying they are given the - The theme planned for the year 2024 is
highest degree of protection. “Personifying Prehistoric Beauty, Theological
Relevance, and Environmental Importance”
Recognizing the Asiatic Lion: embodying the diverse ways elephants enrich our
- The Asiatic lion, symbolising strength in the
Indian national emblem, is a subspecies Elephants in India: Significance and Status
distinguished by a unique longitudinal fold of skin - India is a sanctuary to nearly 60% of the world's
running along its belly. Asian elephant population, housing an estimated
27,312 individuals as per the 2017 census, making
it a significant habitat for these majestic creatures.

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- Elephants are recognized as "keystone species", - Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has
playing an instrumental role in maintaining given the nod to the "First Approach to Criticality" of
biodiversity within their ecosystem. They are also India's first 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder
designated as the National Heritage Animal of Reactor (PFBR) stationed at Kalpakkam, Tamil
India. Nadu.
- Karnataka secures the top position in India for - Criticality, in the terms of a nuclear reactor,
hosting the maximum elephant population. signifies a state wherein the neutrons produced by
fission replace those lost in leakage or absorption,
Threats to Elephant Population maintaining constant neutron levels.
- As per the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) Red List, Asian Elephants are The Inside Story of India's FBR Programme
classified as endangered due to multiple threats
including habitat destruction, escalating - The initiative to build an FBR started about two
human-elephant conflict, and ruthless poaching. decades ago, adding to India's capabilities in the
- Additionally, African Forest Elephants are listed as entire nuclear fuel cycle where uranium is the
critically endangered and African Savanna primary source for electricity production in nuclear
Elephants are marked as endangered, highlighting power plants.
the global crisis for elephant conservation. - The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has set
a goal to augment the proportion of nuclear power
Legal and Protection Status of Elephants in the country's energy mix by producing 22,400
- Elephants are granted protection under the MWe from nuclear power plants by 2032.
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I, in India. - The DAE has sanctioned the building of 10 new
- Internationally, they fall under Appendix I of the PHWRs in ‘fleet mode’ suggesting a plant's
Convention of the Migratory Species (CMS), completion within five years from the initiation of
signifying the species are at risk of extinction and construction.
require global cooperation for their protection. - FBRs have an advantage of generating more
nuclear fuel than they consume owing to their
Conservation Efforts for Elephant Preservation capability to convert fertile isotopes into fissile
In India: material.
- "Gaj Yatra" and "Project Elephant" are major - The Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd or
initiatives taken up by the Indian government to BHAVINI, introduced in 2003, was tasked with
conserve and manage elephant populations. constructing and operating India’s most
Globally: sophisticated nuclear reactor, the PFBR.
- The Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants - When commissioned, India will be only the second
(MIKE) Programme, an international initiative, aims country after Russia to operate a commercial FBR.
to monitor trends in illegal elephant killing for
improved management and law enforcement. Exploring the Three Stages of India's Nuclear
- The observance of World Elephant Day Energy Program
contributes significantly to raising global awareness
and directing conservation efforts. - First Stage: It involves the ongoing installation of
_______________________________________ Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) which
employ natural uranium as fuel along with heavy
water as a coolant and moderator.
- Second Stage: It targets the installation of FBRs
Miscellaneous supported by reprocessing plants and plutonium
fabrication plants to multiply fissile material.
- Third Stage: Proposed at this stage is an
Attaining Criticality: India's Prototype Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) for
Fast Breeder Reactor Program achieving Uranium-233 (U233) by irradiating
thorium in PHWRs and FBRs, thereby initiating a
Digging Into the Achievement Thorium and Uranium Cycle.

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- The fusion of power reactors from all three stages - Integral cooperation between NPCI, banks, and
will contribute significantly towards securing technology service providers is necessary for quick
long-term energy for the country. rectification and mitigation of such disruptions.

Challenges and Way Forward Introduction to Ransomware

- For commercial utilisation of thorium significantly, - Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a
ample supplies of either Uranium-233 (U233) or victim’s data, demanding a ransom in return for the
Plutonium-239 (Pu239) are essential. decryption key or to regain access.
- The advancements on the FBR provide a clearer - Initial instances of ransomware attacks involved
pathway towards the third phase of the nuclear encrypting data and demanding a ransom; however,
energy program, bringing closer to a future of current attacks encompass double-extortion and
sustainable and secure energy for the country. triple-extortion tactics.
- Notable ransomware variants are Akira, LockBit,
_________________________________________ CryptoLocker, WannaCry, Petya, NotPetya, Ryuk,
DarkSide, Locky, REvil, Conti.
Critical Ransomware Attack Disrupts
Ransomware as a Cyber Threat
Indian Banking Sector: Significant
Points and Analysis - Ransomware attacks can cost organisations
millions of dollars, with the average cost of a data
Disruption in Banking Operations Due to breach reaching Rs. 19.5 crore (USD 2.35 million)
Ransomware Attack in 2024, marking a 7% rise over 2023.
- Once hackers gain access to a network, they can
- A ransomware attack recently disrupted the deploy ransomware in less than four days, giving
operations of 150-200 cooperative banks and organisations little time to detect and respond.
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in India.
- The attack was detected by the National Responding to a Ransomware Attack
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), mainly
impacting those banks which were serviced by - Immediate actions include isolating the infected
C-Edge Technologies Ltd. (a Joint Venture between device, identifying the entry point, prioritising the
TCS and SBI). restoration of systems, and restoring the systems
from backup if available.
Impact of the Ransomware Attack on Banks
Infection Techniques of Ransomware
- The primary victim of the attack was C-Edge
Technologies Ltd., adversely affecting its capability - Common techniques include phishing, exploiting
to provide services to cooperative banks and RRBs. vulnerabilities, credential theft, using other malware,
- Due to the ransomware attack, customers couldn't drive-by downloads, and Ransomware as a Service
access payment systems, such as Unified (RaaS).
Payments Interface (UPI) and Aadhaar-enabled
payment systems (AePS). Indian Legislation and Protections Against
- Few Regional Rural Banks functioned regularly, Ransomware Attacks
relying on different technology service providers.
- Ransomware attacks constitute offences under the
Implications for the Payment System Indian Penal Code 1860 and the Information
Technology (IT) Act 2000.
- The attack elucidates the vulnerability of - Specific cybersecurity measures have been
technological service providers, highlighting their implemented by banks and financial institutions,
crucial role in preserving the payment infrastructure. such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and
- The event stresses the importance of robust regular security audits.
cybersecurity measures to guard against such - The Ransomware Task Force (RTF) plays a
future attacks. significant role in providing help for ransomware

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9990901901, 9319342367, 9311902282

attack victims, offering investigation, recovery, and - The spread of TB is preventable with early
prevention efforts. detection, medical attention, and targeted treatment
including antibiotics and vaccines.
_________________________________________ - However, Multidrug-resistant TB continues to pose
a public health problem, with only 40% of patients
Understanding the Challenge of accessing crucial treatment.
Subclinical Tuberculosis in India The Shadow of TB on HIV
The Enigma of Subclinical Tuberculosis in India
- People living with HIV are 16 times more prone to
developing active TB, making it the leading cause
- Subclinical Tuberculosis (TB), which is a form of
of death among the HIV- positive population.
TB where the patient does not exhibit regular
- Lack of proper treatment can lead to death in 60%
symptoms, is a rising threat in India.
of HIV-negative people and almost all HIV-positive
- Despite advancements in diagnosis and cure, the
people with TB.
prevalence of such latent TB is slowing down the
overall decrease in TB incidence rates.
The Global Inequality in TB Prevalence
- Subclinical TB, often undetectable through routine
screenings, is usually identified using chest X-rays
- TB predominantly affects adults in low and
or molecular tests.
middle-income countries, accounting for over 80%
- In the National TB Prevalence Survey of
of global cases and mortalities.
2019-2021, Subclinical TB accounted for nearly
- The highest burden lies in WHO's South-East
42.6% of all cases. Tamil Nadu reported a similar
Asian and African regions.
statistic at 39%.
- In 2022, TB claimed 1.3 million lives, including
- Asymptomatic individuals with Subclinical TB can
167,000 HIV positive individuals, second to
still infect others, maintaining the disease's
transmission, especially in high-burden countries
like India.
Global and National Drive against TB
Broad Spectrum Screening - The Need of the
- In India, initiatives like the National TB Elimination
Programme aim to eradicate TB by 2025, supported
by the Ni-kshay Mitra, DBT for TB patients, TB-Mukt
- The idea of universal screening, irrespective of
Panchayat, and Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat
symptoms, as employed by countries like Vietnam
has successfully reduced TB prevalence.
- At the global level, WHO's Global Tuberculosis
- A similar large-scale screening campaign in India
Programme, the Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030
requires strategic policymaking, including mobile
align with UN's Sustainable Development Goals
health units and proactive grassroots community
aiming to end tuberculosis as a public health
challenge by 2030.
The Global Burden of Tuberculosis
Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A
- Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium Novel Approach to Combat Dengue
tuberculosis, is an airborne infectious disease, and Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases
primarily affecting the lungs.
- The disease manifests in prolonged cough, chest Current Scenario and Challenges in
pain, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, and Mosquito-Borne Disease Control in India
night sweats. * India faces significant challenges dealing with
- People with weakened immunity, malnutrition, mosquito-borne diseases, including Dengue,
diabetics, or tobacco users are at a higher risk of Chikungunya, and Zika virus. These diseases
developing TB. cause significant healthcare and economic burden.
- Approximately 25% of the world's population is
infected with TB bacteria, with 5-10% developing * Statistics from April 2024 show that India recorded
into active TB disease. 19,447 Dengue cases and 16 deaths, with the

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9990901901, 9319342367, 9311902282

highest incidence reported in Kerala and Tamil * Recent findings revealed the natural presence of
Nadu. Wolbachia in Aedes mosquitoes in Northeast India.
However, its immediate implications are unknown.
* The economic cost of Dengue is estimated to be
around Rs 28,300 crores annually, with a staggering Global Successes with Wolbachia
5.68 lakh years of young life lost. Implementation

* On a global scale, WHO reports over 7.6 million * Singapore's implementation of Wolbachia-infected
cases of Dengue as of April 2024. male mosquito release reduced its Aedes
population by 90% and decreased Dengue cases
Introduction to Wolbachia and Its Role in by 77%.
Mosquito Control
* Wolbachia is a common bacterium found in almost * Australia saw significant dengue reduction by
60% of all insects, excluding Aedes Aegypti adopting a population replacement strategy using
mosquitoes known for spreading Dengue, Zika, and the Wolbachia's wMel strain.
* A random controlled trial in Indonesia showed
* Wolbachia is harmless to humans and animals areas with released wMel strain mosquitoes had a
and is not found naturally in Aedes Aegypti 77% decline in Dengue cases and an 86%
mosquitoes. It plays a crucial role in controlling reduction in hospitalizations. Such successes
mosquito populations when introduced into them. emphasise the potential of Wolbachia in controlling
mosquito-borne diseases.
* The bacteria are introduced to mosquito eggs,
creating Wolbachia-infected new mosquitoes. Two In conclusion, the innovative use of Wolbachia
strains, wMel and wAlbB, are transfected into creates a promising path towards the formidable
Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes for population challenge of mosquito-borne disease control
replacement. globally and in India. Future work should focus on
enabling this method's widespread adoption by
* Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes mate with overcoming current barriers to implementation.
wild Aedes Aegypti females, leading to unhatched
eggs and eventually reducing the mosquito

The Status and Potential of Wolbachia

Programs in India
* Currently, India does not have an active
Wolbachia mosquito release program.

* The ICMR-Vector Control Research Center has

initiated the development of wMel Aedes strains but
has faced ongoing delays due to government
approvals and public updates.

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Books and Author

Author/Editor Book Title
India@100: envisioning tomorrow’s economic powerhouse"Kargil
Prof. K v subramanian War: The Turning Point"
Air chief marshal VR chaudhari Heroes of the indian air force
Tarun Chugh Modi’s Governance Triumph Released
MP Bhim Singh 75 Great Revolutionaries of India
Rajya Sabha MP Parimal
Nathwani Call of the Gir

Important days
Date Important Days
01st August 2024 World Wide Web Day
01st August 2024 World Lung Cancer Day
01st August 2024 National Mountain Climbing Day
01st August – 07th August 2024 World Breastfeeding Week
04th August 2024 Friendship Day in India
06th August 2024 Hiroshima Day
07th August 2024 National Handloom Day
07th August 2024 National Javelin Day
09th August 2024 International Day of World’s Indigenous People
09th August 2024 Nagasaki Day
10th August 2024 World Lion Day
10th August 2024 World Biofuel Day
11th August 2024 World Steelpan Day
12th August 2024 International Youth Day
12th August 2024 World Elephant Day
13th August 2024 World Organ Donation Day
14th August 2024 Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in India
15th August 2024 Independence Day of India
16th August 2024 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Death Anniversary
19th August 2024 World Humanitarian Day
19th August 2024 Rakshabandhan
21st August 2024 International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of

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22nd August 2024 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence
Based on Religion or Belief 2024
23rd August 2024 International Day for the Remembrance of Slave Trade and Abolition
23rd August 2024 ISRO Day
26th August 2024 Mother Teresa Anniversary
29th August 2024 National Sports Day
29th August 2024 International Day Against Nuclear Tests
29th August 2024 World Water Week 2024
30th August 2024 International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances
31st August 2024 International Day for People of African Descent

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