Anatomy Final-Merged

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11. Which structures is not in the cubital fossa?

A. brachial artery
B. median nerve
C. tendon of biceps brachii
D. ulnar nerve
E. brachial v.
12. Which nerve passes through the quadrilateral foramen?
A. musculo cutanous nerve
B. median nerve
C. ulnar nerve
D. radial nerve
E. axillary nerve
14. The axillary artery
A. begins from the medial border of the ist rib
B. gives off the internal thoracic artery
C. ends at the lower border of the teres minor
D.its branches distribute to the pectoralis major m. Only off the anterior intercostal artery
18. Concerning the muscles of the upper limb, which is false?
A. The supinator muscles forms the floor of the cubital fossa.
B. The median nerve passes between the two heads of pronator teres as it leaves the cubital fossa.
C. The median nerve passes to the hand through the carpal canal
D. The ulnar nerve enters the forearm superficial to the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris.
The deltoid muscle is supplied by the axillary nerve.
20. The medial wall of axilla is bounded by
A. pectoralis major,pectoralis minor
B. intertubercular sulcus of the humerus,the two heads of biceps and the coracobrachialis.
C. Trilateral foramen and quadrilateral foramen.
D.Lateral wall of chest and serratus anterior.
E. Humerus and triceps brachii.
21. Which nerve arises from the lateral cord of brachial plexus
A. musculocutaneous nerve
B. ulnar nerve
C. medial pectoral nerve
D. radial nerve
E. thoracodorsal nerve
23. Which doesn’t belong to the posterior wall of axilla
A. subscapularis
B. deltoid m.
C. latissimus dorsi
D. teres major
E. scapula
24. Which muscle is not included in the wall of axilla
A. pectoralis major
B. latissimus dorsi

C. brachialis
D. intercostal muscles
E. biceps brachii
25. Which part doesn’t belong to the apex of axilla
A. medial 1/3 part of clavicle
B. upper border of scapula
C. head of humerus
D. the 1st rib
E. nerves and vessles of upper limb pass the apex of axilla
28. Radial nerve and deep brachial vessels pass through
A. Radial carpal canal
B. ulnar carpal canal
C. carpal canal
D. humeromuscular tunnel
E. inguinal canal
29. Which structure accompany with radial nerve passing through humeromuscular tunnel
A. nutrient vessels of humerus
B. deep brachial artery
C. radial artery
D. ulnar artery
E. brachial artery
30. Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus can damage
A. radial nerve
B. brachial artery
C. ulnar nerve
D. median nerve
E. musculocutaneous nerve
33. Deep palmar arch
A. is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the radial artery with deep branch of the
ulnar atery
B. is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the ulnar artery with deep branch of the
radial artery
C. lies superficial to the tendons of flexor muscles
D. lies superficial to the lumbricales
E. gives off three common palmar digital ateries
44. The axillary artery is divided into three parts by
A. the pectoralis major
B. the pectoralis minor
C. the subclavius
D. the serratus anterior
E. the teres minor
46.Which one lies in relation to the lateral thoracic vessels?
A. the pectoral lymph nodes
B. the lateral lymph nodes
C. the subscapular lymph nodes
D. the central lymph nodes

E. the apical lymph nodes
47. The lymph node along the distal part of the axillary vein is
A. the pectoral lymph nodes
B. the lateral lymph nodes
C.the subscapular lymph nodes
D.the central lymph nodes
E. the apical lymph nodes
48.Which one is behind the third part of the axillary artery
A. the radial nerve
B. the medial root of the median nerve
C. the lateral root of the median nerve
D. the pectoralis major
E. the musculocutaneous nerve
49. Which one does not pass through the carpal canal?
A. the common flexor sheath
B. the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis
C. the tendons of the flexor digitorum profunds
D. the median nerve
E. the ulnar nerve
50. Concerning the carpal canal, which one is false
A. it transmits the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis
B. it transmits the tendons of the flexor digitorum profunds
C. it transmits the common flexor sheath
D. it transmits the ulnar nerve
E. it is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the groove of the carpal bones

5. Regarding the femoral triangle

A. the femoral vein, artery, and nerve lie in the femoral sheath.
B. the femoral nerve lies most medially in the femoral triangle.
C. the lateral border of the femoral triangle is formed by the lateral border of sartorius muscle
D. the femoral canal lies medial to the femoral vein.
E. at the apex of the femoral triangle the femoral vessels pass into the obturator canal.
6. The following structure which is the branch of artery palpable deep to the ingunal ligament
A. anterior tibial a.
B. femoral a.
C. politeal a.
D. profunda femoris artery
E. peroneal a.
11. The following structure which may be damaged by supracondylar femoral fracture
A. politeal a.
B. femoral a.
C. common peroneal n.
D. anterior tibial a.
E. posterior tibial a.

12. The following structure which is the branch of artery palpable deep to the ingunal ligament
A. anterior tibial a.
B. femoral a.
C. politeal a.
D. deep femoral artery
E. peroneal a.
13. Which of the following muscles traverses the greater sciatic foramen?
A. gluteus medius
B. gluteus minimus
C. gluteus maximus
D. quadratus femoris
E. Piriformis
14. The only innervation of the femoral nerve below the level of the knee is:
A. the gracilis muscle
B. the tibialis anterior muscle
C. the skin of the lateral foot
D. the adductor longus
E. the skin of the medial leg
15. Which of the following muscles attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine?
A. pectineus
B. sartorius
C. rectus femoris
D. vastus intermedius
E. gracilis

1.Which structure does not pass through parotid gland longitudinally

A. Facial nerve
B. Superficial temporal artery and vein
C. External carotid artery
D. Retromandibular vein
E. Auriculotemporal nerve

3.The cervical sympathetic trunk

A. has a constant, fixed number of ganglia
B. lies anterior to the vertebrae
C. extends from the base of the skull to the 5th lumbar vertebrae
D. receives white rami from the cervical never.
E. supplies postganglionic fibers to all cervical nerves
4. Which structure doesn’t belong to the carotid triangle
A. Internal jugular vein
B.External jugular vein
C.Common carotid artery

D.hypoglossal nerve
E.Vagus nerve
9. The motor division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the
A. Foramen rotundum
B. Foramen ovale
C. Superior orbital fissure
D. inferior orbital fissure
E. Foramen spinosum
12. Which of the following is a branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve?
A. nasociliary n.
B. mental n.
C. lacrimal n.
D. infraorbital n.
E. chorda tympani.
22. The following structures pass through the parotid gland, Except
A.internal carotid a.
B.external carotid a.
C.retromandibular v.
D.auriculotemporal n.
E.superficial temporal a.
23. Rrom superficial to deep the arrangement of the structures passing through the parotid gland
A.facial n., retromandibular v.;external carotid a.
B.facial n., external carotid a., retromandibular v.
C.retromandibular v.; facial n., external carotid a.
D.retromandibular v.; external carotid a., facial n.,
E.external carotid a., facial n., retromandibular v.;
25.The facial artery comes from
A. internal carotid A.
B. external carotid A.
C. Angular A.
D .lingual A.
E. superficial temporal A.
27. Concerning the apex of lung, which is true
A. extends about 2.5cm above the medial one-third of clavicle
B. extends about 2.5cm above the middlel one-third of clavicle
C. extends about 2.5cm above the lateral one-third ofclavicle
D. extends about 2.5cm above the medial half of clavicle
E. not extends above the clavicle
28.The parotid duct Open into
A. Cheek mucosa
B. Cheek mucosa near second molar of upper jaw
C. root of tongue
D. nasopharynx
E. isthmus of fauces
32. The carotid triangle contains

A. common carotid A.
B. cervical superficial lymph nodes
C. lingual A.
D. phrenic N.
E. facial A.
33.The strucure related to inferior thyroid artery is
A. superior laryngeal N.
B. vagus N.
C. phrenic N.
D. hypoglossal N.
E. recurrent laryngeal N.
34.The superior laryngeal neve comes from
A. hypoglossal N.
B. cervical plexus
C. lingual N.
D. vagus N.
E. glossopharyngeal N.

36. Which gland is innervated by facial nerve

A.Lacrimal gland
B.Parathyroid gland
C.Suprarenal gland
D.Parotid gland
E.Thyroid gland
45.The carotid sheath contains all of the following structures, EXCEPT
A. internal carotid A.
B. common carotid A.
C. sympathetic trunk
D. internal jugular V.
E. vagus N.
46.The following statements about the phrenic nerve are correct, EXCEPT
A. it passes anterior to the hilum of the lung
B. it controls the movement of the diaphragm
C. it is a branch of the brachial plexus
D. it gives sensory supply to the pericardium
E. it gives sensory supply to the diaphragm
47.Which of the following arteries is not a branch of the external carotid artery
A. superior thyroid a.
B. facial a.
C. lingual a.
D.inferior thyroid a.
E.superficial temporal a.
48 Which nerve may be easily damaged when the superior thyroid artery is ligated
A.The external branch of superior laryngeal nerve
B.The internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
C.The recurrent laryngeal nerve

D.The vagus nerve
E.The cervical sympathetic trunk
49. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve usually loops around
A. aortic arch
B. axillary A
C. ligamentum arteriosum
D. subclavian A
E. ansa cervicalis
50.Which of the following is not a branch of the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve?
A. zygomatic N.
B. superior alveolar N.
C. lacrimal N.
D. infraorbital N.
E. nasopalatine N.

3. The frontal sinuses open into

A. superior nasal meatuses
B. middle nasal meatuses
C. inferior nasal meatuses
D. sphenoethmoidal recesses
E. nasolacrimal ducts
6. The anterior and middle groups of the ethmoidal sinuses open into
A. superior nasal meatuses
B.middle nasal meatuses
C.inferior nasal meatuses
D.sphenoethmoidal recesses
E.nasolacrimal ducts
18.Conceeerning the apex of lung, which is true
A.extends to 2~3 cm above the level of medial one-third of the clavicle
B.extends to 2~3 cm above the level of middle one-third of the clavicle
C.extends to 2~3 cm above the level of lateral one-third of the clavicle
D.extends to 2~3 cm above the level of middle half of the clavicle
E.doesn’t extend above the clavicle
19. From anterior to posterior, the arrangement of main structures of the root of lung is
A. principal bronchi, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
B. pulmonary artery, principal bronchi, pulmonary veins
C. pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery, principal bronchi
D.principal bronchi, pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery
E. pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, principal bronchi
20. From superior to inferior, the arrangement of main structures of the root of left lung is
A. principal bronchi, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
B.pulmonary artery, principal bronchi, pulmonary veins
C.pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery, principal bronchi
D.principal bronchi, pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery

E. pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, principal bronchi
21. From superior to inferior, the arrangement of main structures of the root of right lung is
A.superior lobar bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
B.pulmonary artery, principal bronchi, pulmonary veins
C.pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery, principal bronchi
D.principal bronchi, pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery
E.pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, principal bronchi
22.The parietal pleura is divided into
A. two portions
B. three portions
C.four portions
D.five portions
E.six portions
23.The pleural cavity is the potential space between the
A.parietal and visceral pleurae
B.costal and diaphragmatic pleurae
C.costal and mediastinal pleurae
D.costal and cupula pleurae
E.diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleurae
24.The costodiaphragmatic recess is between the
A. parietal and visceral pleurae
B.costal and diaphragmatic pleurae
C.costal and mediastinal pleurae
D.costal and cupula pleurae
E.diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleurae
25.The costomediastinal recess is between the
A. parietal and visceral pleurae
B. costal and diaphragmatic pleurae
C.costal and mediastinal pleurae
D.costal and cupula pleurae
E.diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleurae
33.The superior vena cava is formed by the junction of the
A. left brachiocephalic vein and right brachiocephalic vein
B. left internal jugular vein and right internal jugular vein
C. left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
D. right internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
E. right internal jugular vein and right subclavian vein
34.The azygos vein commences as the continuation of the
A. right ascending lumbar vein
B. left ascending lumbar vein
C. hemiazygos vein
D. accessory hemiazygos vein
E. posterior intercostal veins of the right side
37.The phrenic nerve descends
A. in front of the root of lung
B. behind the root of lung

C. in front of the subclavian vein
D. behind the subclavian artery
E. behind the scalenus anterior
38. The anterior branch of the second thoracic nerves presents about the level of
A. sternal angle
B. nipple
C. xiphoid process
D. costal arch
E. umbilicus
41. Which structure does belong to the right atrium?
A. orifice of the coronary sinus
B. tendinous cords
C. trabeculae carneae
D. orifices of the pulmonary veins
E. aortic orifice
42. Which structure does belong to the right atrium?
A. orifice of the superior vena cava
B. tendinous cords
C. trabeculae carneae
D. orifices of the pulmonary veins
E. aortic orifice
43. Which structure does belong to the right atrium?
A. orifice of the inferior vena cava
B. tendinous cords
C. trabeculae carneae
D. orifices of the pulmonary veins
E. aortic orifice
44. Which structure does belong to the right ventricle?
A. orifice of the superior vena cava
B. orifice of the inferior vena cava
C. orifice of the coronary sinus
D. orifices of the pulmonary veins
E. orifice of the pumonary trunk
45. Which structure does belong to the left ventricle?
A. orifice of the superior vena cava
B. orifice of the inferior vena cava
C. orifice of the coronary sinus
D. orifices of the pulmonary veins
E. aortic orifice
46. The right coronary artery arises from
A. right aortic sinus
B. left aortic sinus
C. coronary sinus
D. orifice of the coronary sinus
E. orifice of the pulmonary trunk
47. The left coronary artery arises from

A. right aortic sinus
B. left aortic sinus
C. coronary sinus
D. orifice of the coronary sinus
E. orifice of the pulmonary trunk
48. The thoracic duct begins at the
A. right lumbar trunk
B. left lumbar trunk
C. cisterna chyli
D. intestinal trunk
E. left bronchomediastinal trunk

4.The structure under inferior surface of tongue is

A. foramen cecum of tongue
B.lingual tonsil
C. sublingual caruncle
D. vallate papilla
E. limiting sulcus
5.pharyngeal opening of auditory tube lies in
A. nasopharynx
B. oro pharynx
C. laryngopharynx
D. epiglottic vallecula
E. inferior meatus;
7.The beginning of jejunum is
A. pylorus
B. angular notch
C. transverse part of duodenum
D. duodenojejunal flexure
E. left colic flexure
8.The shortest segment of large intestinal is
A. ascending colon
B. descending colon
C. sigmoid colon
D. cecum
E. anal canal
9.The dentate line is formed by
A. anal canal
B. transverse fold of rectum
C. anal columns
D. anal valves
E. anal sinus
10.The opening of hepatopancreatic ampulla lied in
A. Superior portion of duodenum

B. pyloric antrum
C. Calot's triangle
D. major duodenal papilla
E. minor duodenal papilla
11.Which structure belong to renal cortex
A. minor renal calices
B. renal column
C. renal papillae
D. renal pelvis
E. renal pyramid
12.The superior extremity of kidney is in neighborhood of
A. Diaphragm
B. Superior portion of duodenum
C. head of pancreas
D. suprarenal gland
E. pylorus
13.Female ureter crosses
A. above uterine artery
B. under uterine artery
C. in front of uterine artery
D. inside uterine artery
E. lateral to uterine artery
14.The trigone of bladder lies
A. in internal surface of fundus of bladder
B. below apex of urinary bladder
C. body of bladder
D.below neck of bladder
E. in base of prostate
15. Second constriction of male urethra lies in
A. Prostatic portion of urethra
B. membranous part
C. cavernous part
D. external orifice of urethra
E. internal urethral orifice
16.Hepatoduodenal ligament containes
A. hepatic veins
B. splenic v.
C. hepatic portal vein
D. left gastric v.
E. celiac trunk
17. Which structure does divide the peritoneal cavity into supracolic and infracolic compartment?
A. lesser omentum
B. transverse mesocolon
C. greater omentum
D. greater omentum
E. mesentery

18 The short gastric arteries come from
A. celiac trunk
B. right gastric a
C. left gastric a
D. splenic artery
E. superior mesenteric a
19.Which nerve come from lumbar plexus
A. sciatic nerve
B. inferior gluteal nerve
C. obturator nerve
D. pudendal nerve
E. posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
20.The innervation of umbilicus is
A. 6th intercostal n.
B.8th intercostal n.
C.10th intercostal n.
D.1th lumbar n.
E. 2th lumbar n.

21.The piriform recess lies in

A. nasopharynx
B. oropharynx
C. laryngopharynx
D. isthmus of fauces
E. vestibule of larynx
22.The limitation of pyloric antrum and pyloric canal
A. angular notch
B. pyloric valve
C. cardiac incisure
D. Intermedia sulcus
E. lesser curvature of stomach

1. The levator ani does not include (A)

A. coccygeus.
B. levator prostate.
C. puborectalis.
D. pubococcygeus.
E. iliococcygeus.

2. The pelvic diaphragm (E)

A. encloses the whole inferior aperture of the pelvis.
B. is located in the anal triangle.

C. consists of levator ani, sphincter ani externus, superior and inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm.
D. has a hiatus of pelvic diaphragm for digestive and urogenital canal.
E. can support the pelvic viscera.

3. The perineum (B)

A. is all of the soft tissue enclosing pelvic inlet.
B. can be divided into urogenital and anal region.
C. ends anteriorly at the external reproductive organs
D. ends posteriorly at the anus.
E. is a triangle-shaped region.

4. The retropubic space (B)

A. is located between the urinary bladder and rectum or uterus.
B. is usually used for extra-peritoneal operation of urinarry bladder.
C. is rich in venous plexus and unsuitable for organ separation.
D. is suitable for exudation absorption.
E. doesn’t communicating with other pelvic spaces

5. The retrorectal space (E)

A. surround the inferior part of the ampulla of rectum.
B. is the space between the sacrum and presacral fascia.
C. is rich in venous plexus and unsuitable for rectus separation.
D. communicates downwards with the ischioanal fossa.
E. communicates upwards with the retroperitoneal space .

6. Which one is right about the rectum (D)

A. It continues upwards with the sigmoid colon at the level of pelvic inlet.
B. It continues downwards with the anal canal at the level of dentate line.
C. The upper part is not covered by peritoneum.
D. It has sacral and perineal flexures in the sagittal plane.
E. It is a intraperitoneal viscera.

7. Concerning Hilton’s line,the the wrong description is (E)

A. lies at the interval between the sphincter ani internus and externus.
B. is about 1cm below the dentate line.
C. is also called white line.
D. is continuous upwards with the anal pecten.
E. can not be felt in digital examination of the anal canal.

8. Which one is wrong about the relations of the rectum (B)

A. The sacral plexus is behind it.
B. It is separated from the prostate by rectovesical pouche in male.
C. It is separated from the seminal vesicle by rectovesical pouche in male.
D. It is separated from uterus by rectouterine pouch in female.
E. It is separated from the vagina by rectouterine pouch and fascial septum in female.

9. Through the anterior wall of the rectum , we can not palpate(E)
A. prostate.
B. seminal vesicle.
C. ampulla ductus deferentis.
D. neck of uterus.
E. urethra.

10. Anal canal (A)

A. continues with the rectum at the level of pelvic diaphragm.
B. terminates at the dentate line.
C. is about 7~8 cm in length.
D. has two flexures in sagittal plane.
E. has a dilated upper part called ampulla of rectum.

11. Below the dentate line (E)

A. The epidermis is skin.
B. The epidermis is innervated by somatic nerve.
C. The lymph is drained into the superficial inguinal lymph node.
D. The blood is drained into the internal iliac vein.
E. All of the above are is right.

12. The ischioanal fossa (D)

A. is located between the rectum and ischium.
B. communicates anteriorly with the superficial perineal space.
C. communicates posteriorly with the gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen.
D. has pudendal canal on its lateral wall.
E. is traversed by the obturator nerve.

13. The pudendal canal (E)

A. runs in the center of the ischioanal fossa.
B. is a cleft formed by superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm.
C. communicates with the obturator canal.
D. communicates with the greater sciatic foramen.
E. contains the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels.

14. Superficial fascia of perineum (C)

A. can be divided into two layers.
B. extends backwards with the superficial fascia in anal region.
C. continues with Scarpa’s fascia.
D. is not joined with the deep fascia of perineum.
E. is separated from the inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm with superficial perineal space.
F. a

15. The internal spermatic fascia is continuous with(E)

A. scarpa’s fascia.

B. aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis.
C. aponeurosis of obliquus internus abdominis.
D. aponeurosis of transversus abdominis.
E. transverse fascia.

16. Which muscle does not insert to the perineal central tendon(C)
A. superficial transverse muscle of perineum.
B. deep transverse muscle of perineum.
C. ischiocavernousus.
D. bulbocavernousus.
E. urethrovaginal sphincter

17. Which one is wrong about the perineum in female in narrow sense.(D)
A. It is located between the external reproductive organs and the anus.
B. It contains the perineal central tendon.
C. It is easier tore up during childbirth.
D. It is poor developed in female.
E. It is also called obstetrical perineum.

18. Which one is not the important surface landmark (E)

A. pubic crest.
B. pubic arch.
C. ischial tuberosity.
D. apex of coccyx.
E. promontory of the sacrum.

19. Which is wrong about the internal iliac artery (D)

A. It arises from the common artery.
B. It is a short trunk descending into the lesser pelvis.
C. The ureter runs anterior to it.
D. Send out the inferior epigastric a.
E. The internal iliac vein accompanies the artery on its medial side.

20. The internal iliac artery doesn’t send(D)

A. superior gluteal artery.
B. obturator artery.
C. internal pudendal artery.
D. superior rectal artery.
E. inferior vesical artery.

21. Which is wrong about the nervous plexus in the pelvis (C)
A. The sacral plexus lies in front of the piriformis.
B. The sacral sympathetic trunk runs medial to the anterior sacral foramen.
C. The sacral plexus belong to the syspathetic n.
D. The pelvic plexus is also called inferior hypogastric plexus.
E. The branches distribute to the pelvic organs.

22. Which is wrong concerning the Superficial fascia of perineum.(B)
A. Is called Colles’ fascia also
B. Continues with Camper’s fascia.
C. Continues with Dartos coat.
D. Continues with Superficial fascia of the penis.
E. Scarpa’s fascia.

23. During a straddle (骑跨) injury, the urine can not spread into (E)
A. penis.
B. scrotum.
C. superficial perineal space.
D. anterior wall of abdomen.
E. retropubic space.

24. Which part of the ductus deferens can be easy palpated under the skin (B)
A. testicular part.
B. funicular part.
C. inguinal part.
D. pelvic part.
E. ampulla ductus deferentis

25. The second stricture of male urethra is at (D)

A. internal orifice urethra.
B. prostatic part.
C. cavernous part.
D. membranous part.
E. external orifice urethra.

26. In male, the anterior urethra refers to(C)

A. prostatic part.
B. membranous part.
C. cavernous part.
D. bulbous part.
E. bulbous part and Membranous part.

27. The epididymis(B)

A. attaches to the anterior surface of the testes.
B. is the storehouse for sperm.
C. can be divided into head, neck, body and tail.
D. secrets male hormone.
E. consists of rete testis.

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9. The following structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen, except the(C)
A. superior gluteal artery.
B. sciatic nerve.
C. obturator internus tendon.
D. pudendal nerve.
E. inferior gluteal nerve.

10. The posterior tibial artery (A)

A. is a branch of the femoral artery.
B. passes through the adduct canal.
C. divided into medial and lateral plantar arteries.
E. supplies dorsiflexors.
D. is accompanied by the sural nerve.

13.All of the following are branches of the maxillary artery, EXCEPT (C)
A. middle meningeal A.
B. buccal A.
C. posterior auricular A.
D. infraorbital A.
E. inferior alveolar A.

14.Branches of the trigeminal never include all of the following, EXCEPT (A)
A. auriculotemporal n.
B. zygomatic n.
C. frontal n.
D. ethmoidal n.
E. lacrimal n.

15. Which nerve conducts pain of anterior 2/3 of tongue (A)

A. lingual n.
B. hypoglossal n.
C. glossopharyngeal n.
D. vagus n.
E. facial n.

18.The structure passing through scalene fissure is (C)

A. internal carotid A.
B. internal jugular V.
C. brachial plexus

D. cervical plexus
E. subclavian V.
19.Which description about phrenic nerve is wrong (A)
A. come from brachial plexus
B. run between subclavian A. and subclavian V.
C. go down the anterior surface of anterior scalene muscle
D. control diaphragm
E. right phrenic n.comes to liver and gallbladder

22. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve usually loops around (D)
A. aortic arch
B. axillary A
C. ligamentum arteriosum
D. subclavian A
E. ansa cervicalis

32.The major duodenal papilla lies in (B)

A. superior part of duodenum
B. descending part of duodenum
C. horizontal part of duodenum
D. ascending part of duodenum
E. duodenojejunal flexure

38.The bony pelvis (A) formed by the two hip bones, sacrum, coccyx and their joints.
B.can be divided into abdominal and pelvic part by the terminal line. enclosed at the inferior pelvic aperture by perineum. wider, shorter and more funnel-shaped in female than in male.
pelvic outlet is formed by the terminal line.

43.Which one is wrong about the prostate?(BB)

Z.It is a chestnut-shaped organ.
AA.It may be divided into anterior, middle, posterior and two lateral lobes.
AB.The urethra passes through the middle lobe of the gland.
AC.There is prostatic sulcus along the middle line on the posterior surface.
AD.The ejaculatory duct penetrates the base and opens on seminal colliculus.

44.Which one is wrong about the uterus? (HH)

AE.It can be divided into three parts-fundus, body and neck.
AF.The isthmus is a slight constriction at the junction between the neck and body.
AG.The lower part of the neck can insert into the vagina.

AH.The cavity in the uterus is called cavity of uterus.
AI.The body is bent forward at the junction with the neck (anteflection).

49.The deep perineal space does not contain (HHH)

BD.membranous part of urethra.
BE.sphincter of urethra.
BF.bulbourethral gland.
BG.deep transverse muscle of perineum.
BH.bulb of vestibule

50.Which space is enclosed (III)

BI.superficial perineal space
BJ.deep perineal space
BK.retropubic space
BL.retrorectal space
BM.ischioanal fossa


1. The superficial veins of the upper limb include(`ACD)

A.The cephalic vein
B.The axillary vein
C.The median cubital vein
D.The basilic vein
E.The radial vein
2. Regarding the cephalic vein, the right descriptions include(BDE)
A.It ends in the brachial vein
B.It ascends along the radial side of the arm
C.It ascends the medial of the biceps brachii
D.It begins the radial part of the dorsal venous rete of hand
E.It ends in the axillary vein or subclavian vein
3. The axillary nerve(ABCE)
A.leaves through the quadrangular space
B.winds round the surgical neck of the humerus injured, the deltoid muscle is paralyzed injured ,the teres major is paralyzed
E.arises from the posterior cord of brachial plexus
4. Which do pass through the quadrangular space(BE)
A.the anterior humeral circumflex vessels
B.the posterior humeral circumflex vessels
C.the circumflex scapular vessels
D.the radial nerve
E.the axillary nerve

5.Which are branches of the second part of the axillary artery (C)
A.the superior thoracic artery
B.the thoracoacromial artery
C.the lateral thoracic artery
D.the subscapular artery
E.the thoracodorsal artery

6.The cubital fossa contains(ABDE)

A.the tendon of the biceps brachii
B.the median nerve
C.the ulnar nerve
D.the brachial artery
E.the ulnar artery
7.The structures passing through the parotid gland transversely include (ABC)
A.facial n.
B.transverse facial a.and v.
C.maxillary a.
D.superficial temporal a.
E. retromandibular v.
8.The following descriptions about the facial vein, the right are (ABCD)
A.originate from angular v.
B.emptied into internal jugular v.
C.communicated with the cavernous sinus
D.contain no valve
E.collect the blood from the thyroid gland
9.The carotid sheath contains (ABC)
A. common carotid A.
B. internal jugular V.
C. internal carotid A.
D. vagus N.
E. recurrent laryngeal N.
10.Which nerve fibers do belong to the vagus nerve? (ABD)
A. the general visceral efferent fibers
B. the general visceral afferent fibers
C. the special visceral efferent fibers
D. the special visceral afferent fibers
E. the general somatic efferent nerve fibers
11. Which structures do pass through the hiatus or foramen of the diaphragm? (ABC)
A. aorta
B. esophagus
C. inferior vena cava
D. vagus nerve
E. thoracic duct
12. Which structures do belong to the superior mediastinum? (ABD)
A. thymus
B. superior vena cava

C. inferior vena cava
D. aortic arch
E. pericadium
13.The duodenum include(ABCD)
A. superior part
B. descending part
C. transverse part
D. ascending part
E. duodenojejunal flexure
14.Suspensory ligament of duodenum (ABC)
A. is plica of peritoneum
B.contain suspensory m.of duodenum the mark of the beginning of jejunum
D.connected with duodenum the membran of connective tissue

15.The structure passing through first porta hepatis are(BCDE)

A. hepatic veins
B. the right and left branche of proper hepatic artery
C. the right and left branche of hepatic portal vein
D.left、Right hepatic duct
E. nervus and lymphatic vesseles
16.Trigone of urinary bladder surrounded by(ABC)
A. Left ureteral orifice
B. Right ureteral orifice
C. internal urethral orifice
D. ureter intramural portion
E. apex of bladder
17.The peritoneal cavity(ACDE)
A. is encircled by parietal peritoneum and visceral peritoneum
B. is divided into greater peritoneal cavity and omental bursa
C. contains a little liquid abdominal cavity a closed lacuna in male
18.The intraperitoneal viscera include(ACD)
A. stomach
B. descending colon
C. appendix
D. sigmoid Colon
E. anal canal
19.The retroperitoneal viscera include(ABE)
A. suprarenal gland
B. pancreas
C. spleen
D. Transverse colon
E. descending part of duodenum

20.The inguinal triangle is formed by(BCD)
A.superior epigastric artery
B.inferior epigastric artery
C.lateral border of rectus abdominis
D.inguinal ligament
E.transverse fascia
21.Inguinal canal:(BCDE)
A.anterior wall is aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis
B.inferior wall is inguinal ligament
C.posterior wall is transverse fascia only
D.superior wall is obliquus internus abdominis
and Transversus abdominis
E. round lig. of uterus pass through it in female
22.The parietal pelvic fascia on the surface of the obturator internus forms (OPQ)
N.obtrurator membrane.
O.obturator fascia.
P.obturator canal.
Q.tendinous arch of levator ani.
R.pudendal canal.

23.The visceral pelvic fascia forms (T,U)

S.pudendal canal.
T. prostatic sheath.
U-cardinal ligament of uterus.
V. Superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm.
W. Retrorectal space.

24.The pudendal nerve innervates (XYZB)

X.superficial transverse muscles of perineum.
Y.deep transverse muscles of perineum.
Z.sphincter ani externus
A.sphincter ani internus.
B.levator ani.

25. Structures passing through the superficial and deep perineal space are (CF
C. Anal canal
F.Obturator artery.
G. Inferior gluteal nerve.

ll pR 4G 3:09 PM 98%

k00:04:41 (5/25)

(Single choice)
lymph nodes along
the thoracic vessels

A the pectoral lymph

thelateral lymph nodes
the subscapular lymph
D the central lymph
the apical lymph nodes
ll pR 4G 3:09 PM 98%

00:04:36 5/25)

(Single choice)
2.Concerning the muscles of
the upper limb, which is false?
The supinator muscles
A forms the floor of the
cubital fossa.
The median nerve passes
B between the two heads
of pronator teres as it
leaves the cubital fossa.
The median nerve
passes to the hand
through the carpal

The ulnar nerve enters
the forearm superficial
to the two heads of
flexor carpi ulnaris.
ll pR 4G 3:09 PM 98%

KE00:04:31 (5/25)

(Single choice)
3.Which muscle is
innervated by both the
ulnar and median nerves?

A flexor digitorum
flexor digitorum

pronator teres
ll pR 4G 3:09 PM 98%

00:04:26 (5/25)

(Single choice)
4.A fall on the elbow fractures of the
medial epicondyle and damages
important adjacent structures.
Among the deficits listed below,
select the one most likely to be
encountered in this patient:

A inability to flex the wrist

inability to extend the wrist

Cinability to oppose the thumb

inability to grasp a piece of
D paper tightly between the
extended 2nd and 3rd finger

inability to abduct the wrist
ll pR 4G 3:09 PM 98%


5.The cephalic vein

arises from the lateral

A side of dorsal venous
rete of hand
runs along the lateral
side of the biceps
accompany the radial
receives the superficial
veins of the hand and
the medial side of the
E drain into the axillary
or subscapular vein
l FFERE 4G 3:13 PM 98%

00:08:06 (8/25)

(single choice)
6.From anterior to posterior,
the arrangement of main
structures of the root of Ilung is

principal bronchi,
pulmonary a., pulmonary v.

B pulmonary a., principal

Dronchi, pulmonaryv.

C pulmonary v, pulmonary a,
principal bronchi
D principal bronchi,
pulmonary v., pulmonary a.
E pulmonary a., pulmonary
V., principal bronchi
l FFERE 4G 3:13 PM 98%

E 00:08:01 (8/25)

(single choice)
7.The pleural cavity is the
potential space between the

A parietal and visceral

B costal and
diaphragmatic pleurae
C costal and mediastinal
D Costal and cupula
E diaphragmatic and
mediastinal pleurae
l FFERE 4G 3:13 PM 98%

00:07:56 (8/25)

8.(single choice)
The inferior margins of the
lungs are correspondence with
which rib at midclavicular line

5th rib

6th rib

C 7th rib

D 8th rib

E 9th rib
l FFERE 4G 3:15 PM 98%

00:10:51 (14/25)

9 4

(single choice)
9. The branches of the aortic
arch doesn' t include

brachiocephalic trunk

B left common carotid

left subclavian artery

D some small branche to

trachea and bronchus
coronary artery
l FFERE 4G 3:15 PM 98%

KE00:10:45 (13/25)

(single choice)
10.The anterior branch of the
fourth thoracic nerves
presents about the level of

sternal angle


xiphoid process

COstal arch

l FFERE 4G 3:13 PM 98%

00:08:23 (9/25)

(Multiple choice)
11. The parietal pleura includes

costal pleura

Bdiaphragmatic pleura
Cmediastinal pleura
Dcupula of pleura

Pleura on the surface of


e #1? 4
l FFERE 4G 3:15 PM 98%

EU00:10:32 (12/25)

(Single choice)
12.Which structure doesn' t
belong to the carotid triangle

A Internal jugular vein

BExternal jugular vein

Common carotid artery

hypoglossal nerve

E Vagus nerve
l FFERE 4G 3:15 PM 98%

(single choice)
13.Concerning the carotid
sinus, the right description is

It is a dilatation at the
A posterior wall of the common
carotid artery
It is a dilatation at the point
of the bifurcation of the
common carotid artery
It is a small ball structure
C behind the point of division
of the common carotid a.

D It is a chemoreceptor

E All above are wrong

l FFERE 4G 3:15 PM 98%

00:10:08 (10/25)

(single choice )
14.The nerve controlling
sternocleidomastoid muscle is

hypoglossal nerve

glossopharyngeal nerve

accessory nerve.

great auricular nerve

E transverse nerve of neck

t 15 4
l FFERE 4G 3:17 PM 98%

E00:12:28 (16/25)

The structure passing
through scalene fissure is

A internal carotid A

Binternal jugular V
Cbrachial plexus
cervical plexus

E subclavian V
l FFERE 4G 3:17 PM 98%


16. The branches of the
external carotid artery

A maxillary A.

superior thyroid A

occipital A

Dvertebral A

E lingual A
l pR 4G 3:19 PM 97%

K00:14:34 (20/25)
(Single Choice)
17. The major duodenal
papilla lies in

superior part of
B descending part of
horizontal part of
D ascending part of
duodenojejunal flexure

i B18 4
l pR 4G 3:19 PM 97%

00:14:08 (17/25)

18. Hepatoduodenal
ligament containes

hepatic veins

splenic v.

C hepatic portal vein

left gastric v

right gastric V

#19 197 4
l pR 4G 3:19 PM 97%


(single choice)
19.Which structure does
divide the peritoneal cavity
into supracolic and
infracolic compartment?

lesser omentum

transverse mesocolon

greater omentum


l pR 4G 3:21 PM 97%


(single choice)
20.The short gastric
arteries come from

celiac trunk

right gastric a

Cleft gastric a
splenic artery

(E superior mesenteric a
l pR 4G 3:21 PM 97%

EI 00:15:50 (21/25)

(Multiple Choice)
21.Suspensory ligament of

Ais plica of peritoneum

B contain suspensory
m.of duodenum
is the mark of the
beginning of jejunum
connected with ileum

E isthe membran of
connective tissue
l pR 4G 3:23 PM 95%


(Multiple Choice)
22.The structure passing
through first porta hepatis

hepatic veins

B the right and left branche

of proper hepatic artery

the right and left branche of

hepatic portal vein
D left, Right hepatic duct

nervus and lymphatic

l pR 4G 3:23 PM 95%

00:18:45 (23/25)

23.Which structure is inh
front of right kidney?

A right lobe of liver

Bright colic flexure

descending portion of

E pancreas

i S24 4
l pR 4G 3:24 PM 95%


24.The arteries arising from
the abdominal aorta directly

A left gastric a.

B middle suprarenal a.

properhepatic a.

testicular a.

Einferiorsuprarenal a.
l pR 4G 3:24 PM 95%

E 00:19:20

(multiple choice)
25. The inguinal triangle
(Hesselbach's triangle)are
formed by:
medial half of the
inguinal ligament
The spermatic cord
Cthe inferior epigastric a.

the conjoint tendon

the lateral border of
the rectus abdominis

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