MBBS-DDS 2K17 Locomoter System

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Class of 2017 Locomoter System Tomato

1. Which of the following nerves when damaged produces foot drop?

A. Tibial nerve
B. Sural nerve
C. Superficial Peroneal nerve
D. Common Peroneal nerve

2. What spinal segment controls flexion at the elbow?

A. C5, 6
B. C6,7
C. C7, 8
D. C8. T1

3. A man started walking funny a few hours after receiving an injection in

his right buttocks. It was discovered he was lifting his right foot higher
than normal as he was not able to dosiflex or evert his foot. Which nerve
was damged that caused this problem?
A. Sciatic
B. Tibial
C. common peroneal
D. deep peroneal

4. The strongest suppinator in the upper limb is:

A. Biceps brachii in any degree of flexion
B. Brachioradialis
C. Coracobrachialis
D. Suppinator

5. Which of the following is correct regarding the brachioradialis muscle?

A. Innervated by the deep branch of the radial nerve
B. Innervated by the superficial branch of the radial nerve
C. Powerful flexor of the elbow in the mid-prone position of the forearm
D. Supinates the forearm in the mid-prone position

6. What is the function of the pectoralis major?

A. Flexion of the shoulder joint

B. Elevation of the shoulder joint
C. Abduction at the shoulder joint
D. Lateral Rotation at the shoulder joint
7. Which of the following anatomical structures is innervated by the
superficial peroneal nerve?
A. Peroneus Tertius
B. Tibialis Anterior
C. Peroneus Longus
D. Medial aspect of leg and foot

8. Which statement about the venous drainage of the lower limb is

A. The majority of the perforating veins drain directly into the long saphenous vein
B. The small saphenous vein is accompanied by the sural nerve
C. The long saphenous vein is accompanied by the saphenous nerve
D. The posterior arch begin as the venous network overlying the medial malleous

9. Young male is brought to physician to determine age. Upon radiological

examination of both hand and wrist it was seen that only 2 bones were
ossified, one on either side of the hand. How old is this child?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

10.The tendons supplying the medial side knee includes the pes anserinus.
Which of the following is not included?
A. Sartorius
B. Gracilis
C. Semitendinosus
D. Semi Membranous

11.The lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm is a continuation of

A. Musculocutaneous nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus
D. Radial nerve

12.Which of the following thigh muscles do NOT flex both the knee and hip
A. rectus femoris
B. sartorius
C. short head of biceps femoris
D. adductor magnus
13.Which of the following does NOT pass through the greater scitic
A. the superior gluteal vessels and nerve
B. inferior gluteal vessels and nerve
C. lateral femoral cutaneous (not sure)
D. obturator internus tendon

14.What is the action of pectoralis major

A. flexion of shoulder joint
B. abduction of shoulder joint
C. lateral rotation of shoulder joint
D. extension of shoulder joint

15.Which of the following adducts the wrist?

A. Adductor Pollicis
B. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
C. Extensor Digitorum and Flexor Digitorum
D. Flexor Carpi Radialis and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

16.Which of the following structures is closest to the skin of the sole of the
A. Flexor digitorum brevis

B. Plantar aponeurosis

C. Long Plantar Ligament

D. Quadratus Plantae

17.Which of the following is incorrect?

A. Axillary vein is lateral to the axillary artery.
B. the second part of the axillary artery runs behind the pec minor
C. Axillary artery is lateral to the median cord of the brachial plexus.
D. Axillary artery runs in a sheath

18.Which of the following is not a feature of the popliteal artery

A. Begins at the Hiatus in the tendon of the adductor magnus
B. Lies superficial to the tibial nerve
C. Is the continuation of the femoral artery
D. Leaves the adductor canal by passing deep to the gastrocnemius

19.Which of these statement about the upper limb is correct? The coronoid
fossa is
A. located on the head of the ulna
B. located on the radius
C. another name for the radial fossa
D. located on the distal end of the humerus

20.Median line of the lower limb passes through which of the following
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth

21.The Anterior Interosseous Nerve Supplies:

A. Pronator Teres
B. Lateral part of Flexor Digitorum Profundus
C. Medial part of Flexor Digitorum Profundus
D. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

22.Which of the following does not belong to the typical cartilage.

A. Elastic cartilage
B. Articular cartilage
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Fibrous cartilage

23.Which of the following is correct for deltoid at the shoulder joint

A. the anterior fibres rotate the joint laterally
B. the posterior fibres rotate the joint medially
C. the anterior fibres rotate the joint medially
D. the anterior and posterior fibres together adduct

24.Compression of which of the following nerves causes cheralgia


A. Ulnar nerve at wrist

B. Median nerve at wrist
C. Superficial radial nerve at distal end of forearm
D. Axillary nerve as it passing through quadrangular space

25.Which of the following does NOT pierce the clavipectoral facsia

A. Cephalic vein
B. the thoracoacromial artery and its branches
C. lateral pectoral nerve

26.Well basically : Which of the following is not a feature of the popliteal

A. Runs superficially in relation to the tibial nerve
B. Leaves the popliteal fossa deep to gastrocnemieus
C. Enters through the Haitus of Adductor Magnus
D. It is a continuation of the Femoral Artery

27.which of the following cutaneous nerve to the toes is in correct?

A. The medial side of the big toe is supplied by the medial branch of the superficial peroneal

28.Which is a feature of the trapezius?

A. Attachment on the superior nuchal line
B. Attachment on the (cervical something...)
C. Motor innervation by spinal root of the accessory nerve
D. Motor innervation by branches of the brachial plexus

29.The following are functions of biceps brachii, EXCEPT:

A. Supination of the forearm
B. Pronantion of the forearm
C. Flexion of the forearm
D. Flexion at the glenohumeral joint

30.Which does not pass through the greater sciatic foramen?

A. Superior gluteal nerve and vessels
B. inferior gluteal nerve and vessels
C. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
D. Obturator internus tendon

31.Which of the following is not involved in the stabilizing of the knee on

the lateral side?

A. Biceps femoris
B. Gastrocnemius
C. Iliotibial tract
D. Soleus
32.With respect to the Common Peroneal Nerve which of the following
conditions will NOT occur when the nerve is damaged at the neck of the
A. Paralysis of Tibialis Anterior
B. Paralysis of Peroneus Longus and Brevis
C. Paralysis of Flexor Digitorum Longus
D. Sensory loss over lower lateral part of the leg

33.Which is not an action of gluteus medius?

A. Abduction of the thigh at the hip
B. Medial rotation of the thigh
C. Internal rotation of the thigh
D. Adduction of the thigh

34.Which one is most correct (can't recall the rest of the question)?
A. deep branch ulnar terminates in the interosseal branch
B. recurrent median branch supplies adductor pollicis
C. recurrent median branch median nerve...
D. deep branch ulnar passes between the FBL and APL tendons (or muscles)

A. Suprascapular
B. Thoracodorsal
C. Long Thoracic
D. Lateral Pectoral
E. Medial pectoral
F. Nerve to subclavius
G. Upper subscapular
H. Lower subscapular
I. Axillar
J. Musculocutaneous
K. Radial
L. Ulnar
M. Median cutaneous nerve of arm
N. Median cutaneous nerve of forearm
O. Median root of median nerve
P. Lateral root of median nere
Q. Posterior Cord
R. Middle Cord
S. Lateral cord

Serratus Anterior

Subclavian artery and Vein

Suprapleural membrane

Scalenous medius

Subclavius muscle

37.The inferiot tibiofibular joint is what type of joint

A. Uniaxial
B. Gonphosis
C. Synovial
D. Multiaxial

38.Features of the trapezius muscle include

A. Motor innervations by brachial plexus
B. Attach to superior nuchal line
C. Attach to spines of most cervical vertebra
D. Motor innervated by roof of accessory nerve

39.Function of the deltoid as it related to movement of the glenohumeral

A. Anterior: lateral rotation
B. Posteior: medial rotation
C. Anterior: Medial rotation
D. Posterior: Lateral rotation

40.In relation to the extensor digitorum, which one is correct

A. It sends tendinous slips to all digits
B. Supplied by the deep peroneal nerve
C. The tendon going to the hallix is the digitorum halluces

41.3 muscles attach to the medial aspect of the knee joint (pens), which is
not included
A. Membranosus
B. Tendinosus
C. Gracilis
D. Sartorius

42.Which muscle flexes the elbow joint

A. Biceps brachii
B. Supinator

43.What is not included in the cubital fossa

A. Medial ante-cubital vein
B. Biceps tendon
C. Median nerve
D. Brachial artery

44.Which of the following is inserted into the region marked A

A. Gluteus medius
B. Quadratus femoris
C. Piriformis
D. Obturator internus
45.What is true about the structure labelled
A. Largest branch of brachial artery

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