MBBS-DDS 2K17 Locomoter System
MBBS-DDS 2K17 Locomoter System
MBBS-DDS 2K17 Locomoter System
10.The tendons supplying the medial side knee includes the pes anserinus.
Which of the following is not included?
A. Sartorius
B. Gracilis
C. Semitendinosus
D. Semi Membranous
A. Musculocutaneous nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus
D. Radial nerve
12.Which of the following thigh muscles do NOT flex both the knee and hip
A. rectus femoris
B. sartorius
C. short head of biceps femoris
D. adductor magnus
13.Which of the following does NOT pass through the greater scitic
A. the superior gluteal vessels and nerve
B. inferior gluteal vessels and nerve
C. lateral femoral cutaneous (not sure)
D. obturator internus tendon
16.Which of the following structures is closest to the skin of the sole of the
A. Flexor digitorum brevis
B. Plantar aponeurosis
D. Quadratus Plantae
19.Which of these statement about the upper limb is correct? The coronoid
fossa is
A. located on the head of the ulna
B. located on the radius
C. another name for the radial fossa
D. located on the distal end of the humerus
20.Median line of the lower limb passes through which of the following
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
A. Biceps femoris
B. Gastrocnemius
C. Iliotibial tract
D. Soleus
32.With respect to the Common Peroneal Nerve which of the following
conditions will NOT occur when the nerve is damaged at the neck of the
A. Paralysis of Tibialis Anterior
B. Paralysis of Peroneus Longus and Brevis
C. Paralysis of Flexor Digitorum Longus
D. Sensory loss over lower lateral part of the leg
34.Which one is most correct (can't recall the rest of the question)?
A. deep branch ulnar terminates in the interosseal branch
B. recurrent median branch supplies adductor pollicis
C. recurrent median branch median nerve...
D. deep branch ulnar passes between the FBL and APL tendons (or muscles)
A. Suprascapular
B. Thoracodorsal
C. Long Thoracic
D. Lateral Pectoral
E. Medial pectoral
F. Nerve to subclavius
G. Upper subscapular
H. Lower subscapular
I. Axillar
J. Musculocutaneous
K. Radial
L. Ulnar
M. Median cutaneous nerve of arm
N. Median cutaneous nerve of forearm
O. Median root of median nerve
P. Lateral root of median nere
Q. Posterior Cord
R. Middle Cord
S. Lateral cord
Serratus Anterior
Suprapleural membrane
Scalenous medius
Subclavius muscle
41.3 muscles attach to the medial aspect of the knee joint (pens), which is
not included
A. Membranosus
B. Tendinosus
C. Gracilis
D. Sartorius