Summery of My Lecture

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4th Year 2nd Semester

Digital Image Processing

Summary of the Lectures

(5/6 Sets)

Introduction and Fundamental to Digital Image Processing:

1. What is Digital Image Processing?
2. Origin of Digital Image Processing,
3. Examples that use Digital Image Processing,
4. Fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing,
5. Components of Digital Image Processing System,
6. Image sensing and acquisition,
7. Image sampling,
8. Quantization and representation,
9. Basic relationship between pixels.
Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain & Frequency domain:
1. Background,
2. Basic gray level transformation,
3. Histogram processing,
4. Basics of spatial filtering,
5. Smoothing and Sharpening Spatial filters,
6. Introduction to Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain,
7. Discrete Fourier Transform.
8. Smoothing and Sharpening Frequency-Domain filters.
Image Restoration:
1. Image Degradation/Restoration Process,
2. Noise models,
3. Restoration in presence of noise,
4. Inverse Filtering,
5. Minimum Mean Square Filtering,
6. Geometric mean filter,
7. Geometric transformations.
Color Image Processing:
1. Color Fundamentals,
2. Color models
Basis of full color image processing, Color transformations. [Skip topics]
Image Compression:
1. Fundamentals,
2. Image compression models,
3. Error free compression,
4. Lossy compression.
5. Huffman Coding. DFT, WHT, DCT comparison, JPEG

Morphological image processing:

1. Preliminaries,
2. Dilations and Erosion,
3. Opening and closing,
4. Some basic morphological algorithms.

Image Segmentation: [Skip topics]

Detection of Discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary detection, Thresholding, Region
oriented segmentation.

Representation, Description and Recognition: [Skip topics]

Representation-chain codes, polygonal approximation and skeletons, Boundary
descriptors-simple descriptors, shape numbers, Regional descriptors- simple, topological
descriptors, Pattern and Pattern classes-Recognition based on matching techniques.

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