EasyChair Preprint 3764

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EasyChair Preprint

№ 3764

Information Hiding in Images Using

Steganography Techniques

Anoop Kumar

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July 6, 2020
Information Hiding in Images Using
Steganography Techniques

ABSTRACT weaknesses. We review the different security and data hiding

techniques that are used to implement a steganography such
Steganography is the process of encrypting users messages as LSB, ISB and MLSB etc.
within an image that others can’t read the content of the
encode message. The main purpose of Image Steganography
is to help secret communication. Image Steganography is
mostly used in securing high tech information and user’s TYPES OF STEGANOGRAPHY
privacy. The paper will explain how Image Steganography
method is utilise in today’s world and it will provide practical
understanding of Image Steganography and its uses. It is
difficult to find secret message and methods used to hide data.
It allows for copyright protection on media files using the
secret message as a digital watermark. The other main uses
for Image Steganography is for the transportation of top
secret or high level documents and files between international
governments. Image Steganography can be used to send
viruses and Trojans by hackers or terrorists to compromise
machines and other organizations.
Keywords: Image Steganography, Security and Privacy.


The rapid development of modern technologies that’s help 1. Text Steganography

high-speed communication and along with the innovation of It consists of hiding information inside the text files. In this
new technologies security threats are also increasing rapidly. method, the secret data is hidden behind every nth letter of
Secured communication is the primary requirement of all every words of text message. Numbers of methods are
international communication to personal communication. available for hiding data in text file. These methods are:
One of the techniques which only secures the content of i) Format Based Method
messages like cryptography increases the chance of ii) Random and Statistical Method
compromising the security of communication, but iii) Linguistics Method
Steganography is the process to hide the fact that Text steganography can be achieved by updating the text
communication is taking place. It is the simplest way to formatting or by updating certain characteristics of textual
encode the communicating messages because if attacker is elements (e.g., characters). The goal in the design of coding
unaware about the communication and the chances of attacks methods, is to develop alterations that are reliably decodable
are automatically decreased. The term used in Steganography (even in the presence of noise) yet largely indiscernible to
are: stego image, cover image, secure message and the reader. These criteria, reliable decoding and minimum
steganalysis. Encrypted message is the message which we visible change, are somewhat conflicting. Here by lies the
want to keep secure. Cover image is the carrier image which
main challenge in designing document marking techniques.
contains encrypted message. So, the stego image is that cover
The three coding techniques that are proposed, illustrate
image which is going to be transferred with an encrypted
message. There are some web-based Image Steganography different approaches. The techniques can be used either
application that’s enables secret communication to send separately or jointly. These are following:
message or share data anywhere at any time. It’s a platform
a. Line-Shift Coding: This is a method of altering a
that independent and more dynamic compare to others.
document by vertically shifting the locations of text lines to
Sender encrypts the message with private key before sending.
encode the document uniquely.
Receiver decrypts the message with sender’s private key. The
b. Word-Shift Coding: This is a method of altering a
private which is used for encryption is shared between sender
document by horizontally shifting the locations of words
and receiver only. Steganography usually deals with the ways
within text lines to encode the document uniquely.
of hiding the communicated data in such a way that it remains
c. Feature Coding: This method is applied either to a format
confidential. It maintains security between two
file or to a bitmap image of a document.
communicating parties. In image steganography, secrecy is
achieved by embedding data into cover image and generating
a stego-image (Cover image). There are different types of
steganography techniques, each have their strengths and
2. Image Steganography potentially be modified, and the changes would still not be
Hiding the data by taking the cover object as image is referred visible. This highlights a huge amount of redundancy in the
as image steganography. In image steganography pixel image data, and that means we can effectively substitute the
intensities are used to hide the data. In digital steganography, LSBs of the image data, with each bit of the message data
images are widely used cover source because there are until the entire message has been embedded. This is what is
number of bits presents in digital representation of an image. meant by Least Significant Bit Substitution. Finally, when we
Some data hiding techniques that are used to implement a talk of Least Significant Bit Substitution algorithms. We
steganography such as LSB, ISB, MLSB etc. should mention that this encompasses two different
embedding schemes: sequential and randomised. Sequential
embedding often means that the algorithm starts at the first
3. Audio Steganography pixel of the cover image c(0,0) and embeds the bits of the
Audio steganography is the method of hiding secret message message data in order until there is nothing left to embed.
into audio signal which result slightly alteration of binary Randomised embedding however, scatters the locations of the
sequence of the resulting audio file. There are many methods values that will be modified to contain the bits of the message
that are available for audio steganography. We are going to data. The main reason for randomising the approach is to
have a brief introduction on some of them. It involves hiding make things a little trickier for the steganalysts that are
data in audio files. This method hides the data in WAV, AU looking to determine whether the image is a stegogramme or
and MP3 sound files. There are different methods of audio not.
steganography. These methods are
a) Low Bit Encoding Overview
b) Phase Coding In the early stages of image steganography development,
c) Spread Spectrum. many steganographers believed that the least significant bits
of an image were an ideal place to embed the secrete data, not
4. Video Steganography only because their modification yields no perceptible loss of
This is a technique of hiding any kind of files or data into quality, but also because they believed the LSBs were
digital video format. In this type video (combination of completely random in terms of their overall significance to
pictures) is used as carrier for transmitting the hidden data the complete image. In other words, it was common belief
form sender to receiver. Generally discrete cosine transforms that if the LSBs of an image were viewed in isolation as a
(DCT) alter the values (e.g., 8.667 to 9) which is used to hide binary image (where 0 = black, and 1 = white) then the
the data in each of the images in the video, which is not distribution will appear so scattered that modifying the values
noticeable by the human eye. H.264, Mp4, MPEG, AVI are will make no difference to its appearance - it would still look
the formats used by video steganography. very random. Figure illustrates why this assumption was
In all of these methods, the basic principle of steganography made. The Figure shows a grayscale image (a) and allows for
is that a secret message is to be embedded in another cover a comparison of each of its bit planes (b) → (i), where "BP =
object which may not be of any significance in such a way 8" corresponds to the most significant bit plane, and "BP = 1"
that the encrypted data would finally display only the cover corresponds to the LSB plane.
data. So it cannot be detected easily to be containing hidden
information unless proper decryption is used. An image and each of its bit planes (BP) in descending order


One of the earliest stego-systems to surface were those

referred to as Least Significant Bit Substitution techniques, so
called because of how the message data m is embedded within
cover image c. The term Least Significant Bit (LSB) refers to
the smallest bit of a binary sequence. The structure of binary
is such that each integer may only be either a 0 or a 1, often
thought of as off and on respectively. Starting from the right,
the value (if on) denotes a 1. The value to its left (if on)
denotes a 2, and so on where the values double each time.
Now let us consider the following 8-bit binary sequence:


Adding all the values equal to 1 yields a result of 179. The

right-most value is the LSB of this sequence. This value
essentially determines whether the total sum is odd or even.
If the LSB is a 1, then the total will be an odd number, and if
0, it will be an even number. However, changing the LSB
value from a 0 to a 1 does not have a huge impact on the final
figure; it will only ever change by +1 at most. If we now think
of each 8-bit binary sequence as a means of expressing the We look at each bit plane in this manner, it does appear as
colour of a pixel for an image, it should be clear to see that though the LSB plane in (i) is more random than that of a bit
changing the LSB value from a 0 to a 1 will only change the plane higher up in the scale such as (d), thus it is
colour by +1 - a change that is unlikely to be noticed with the understandable why such an assumption was made. However,
naked eye. In fact, the LSBs of each pixel value could Andreas Westfield and Andreas Pfitzmann found that this
hypothesis was incorrect. Their works suggests that the LSBs stegogramme s, and we are able to reconstruct m as m’i.
- whilst perhaps random in terms of appearance - are no more Algorithm 2 shows the pseudocode of the decoding process.
so than any other bit plane in terms of design. If we consider
an image of natural life, the image is almost guarantee to
include objects that contain gradual colour changes due to
natural filters such as light, shadows, and the texture of the
object itself. Typically, a shadow that is cast on an object for
example, produces a pattern in the pixel values such that the
values in that area of the image decrease by very small
amounts as the shadow gets stronger. It is also suggested by Note that this time we run the loop for l(s) instead of l(m).
Wayner that some cameras pad the data by adding extra detail This is because the decoding process is completely separate
to produce 24-bit picture, and it is also true that JPEG from the encoding process and so it has no logic of knowing
compression incorporates averaging that may result in large the l(m). If a key were used in this method, it would probably
areas of the image having the same LSBs. It therefore seems tell this information, but we simply retrieve the LSB value of
to be the case that the LSBs of an image are more structured every pixel. When we convert this to ASCII, the message only
than the steganographers originally believed, and this poses a be readable up to the certain point that the message was
huge weakness in the authors’ systems that can be exploited encoded, and will then appear as rubbish when we are reading
through visual attacks. the LSBs of the image data.
Hide & Seek:
The Sequential Approach is the most common form of image
steganography method which is known as Hide & Seek which SCOPE OF THE WORK
replaces the LSBs of pixel values with the bits from the • The scope of this project is to develop a web
message bit stream. This algorithm is simple and very straight application which would help to create a secure
forward because it does not require any key to be communication of data between the sender and
implemented which makes the things a lot simpler to compute receiver with the help of a web domain.
and exchange the secret, it simply means that the security • Steganography is the process of hiding private or
resides solely in the algorithm. If a key were used, then it sensitive data within the image.
might become impossible for the user to decode the hidden • Steganography involves hiding text so it appears to
information, because the key would usually index the be a normal image.
manipulated regions of the image. But in the Hide & Seek • If the user views that object which has hidden
algorithm, the user needs to understand how the algorithm information inside, he or she will have no idea that
works, and they will be able to decrypt the message. there is any secret information stored inside it.
• Steganography essentially does is to exploit human
perception, because human senses are not trained to
search for files that have information inside of
• Actually this system performs to let the user send
information as secret message inside an image file,
then user uploads that image and enters the text to
send secretly, and also gives a key to lock the text,
what this key does is, it encrypts the data, so that
even if it is hacked by hacker then also he will not
be able to read the text.
• You also need the key to decrypt the text which is
hidden by the user.
The encoding process (as shown by the pseudocode in • The user transfers the image and key to the receiver
Algorithm 1) represents that the complete algorithm can be and the receiver first opens the image, and then
shown by just writing a few lines of code. This algorithm he/she enters the key for decryption of text, he/she
works by considering the first pixel of the image ci and then press decrypt key to get secret text which is
generating its LSB value (as shown by line 2 of the send by the sender.
Algorithm). This is basically obtained by calculating the • With the help of this technique you can ensure that
modulus 2 of the pixel value. This will return 0 if the number your secret information is sent secretly without any
is even, and 1 if the number is odd, which tells us the LSB outside interference of hackers or crackers.
value. We further compare this value with the message bit mi • If sender transmits this image in public others will
that we are trying to embed. If they are already the same, then have no idea about what is it, and it will be received
we have nothing to change, but if they are different then we by receiver.
replace ci with mi. This process continues till the values in m
that needs to be encoded.
The decoding process is much simpler than encoding. As the Steganography is basically the technique for hiding data
encoder replaced the LSBs of the pixel values in c in within a carrier file such that it is imperceptible for
sequence, we already know the sequence that should be unauthorized users. From this study, it is intended to
followed to retrieve the data. Therefore all we need to do is to merge many techniques to produce a totally new
calculate the modulus 2 of all the pixel values in the technique for colour image steganography to obtain
enhanced efficiency, increased payload capacity, do not have rights to access. This insertion uses the
possess integrity check and security with cryptography smallest bit of pixel units in an image file (Least
at the same time. The proposed work supports various Significant Bit). In this paper, steganography will be
different formats as payload. In this proposed method, combined with vigenere cipher. Steganography make
the codeword is formed with secret data and its CRC-32 use of the weakness of the human eye in viewing the
checksum, then the codeword is then compressed by image file, steganography also utilizes the mathematical
Gzip just before encrypting it by AES, and then it’s calculations in inserting messages into the image file.
finally added to the encrypted header information for the This type of insertion basically uses the binary of the
further process and then implanted into the cover image. ASCII code of a character.
Embedding the encrypted data and header information
process make use of Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm for EXISTING SYSTEMS
choosing the next pixel location. To hide one byte of Today, there are numerous Steganographic software tools are
data, different LSB (least significant bits) of all colour available on the internet. The basic concept behind these
channels of the selected pixel is abused. To examine the different tools is the same: to develop a steganographic
proposed method, comparative performance tests are software that can able to hide image or text in another
performed against the different dimension of image medium. The various existing softwares are S-Tools, VSL,
Steganographic techniques by using some of the well- OpenPuff, CryptaPix and Quick Crypto.
known image quality metrics. For security purpose,
histogram, enhanced LSB and Chi-square analyses are • S-Tools software uses images or audio files to hide
performed. The outcome suggest that with the proposed data. In this software it has an Action Window that
method that it has an improved payload capacity, displays the user that what steps are being carried
security and integrity check for common issues of out by the software.
simple LSB method. Moreover, it has been resulted that • VSL software uses LSB technique to perform
the proposed method improves the visual quality of the steganography and it also uses much advanced
stego image as compared to other studied methods, and encoding techniques such as Karhunen-Loeve
makes the secret data hard to be discovered. Transform technique.
Today, with the expansion of information and • OpenPuff software make use of carrier chains by
communication technology, the world, through the splitting the data into carrier chains and then hiding
digital data, is transforming to the digital world and data. Image, Audio, Video and PDF files can be
communications. In meanwhile, the role of internet as a hidden using this software.
public communication channel is enhancing more and • CryptaPix software performs image editing such as
more important in the world of communication every rotating, resizing, cropping and removing red eye
day. In addition to that, maintaining the security and from images.
creating the confidential communications are also • Quick Crypto software includes encryption of files,
important regarding the general structure of this emails and password. It basically uses AES, Triple
communication channel. So, cryptography and DES and Blowfish software.
information steganography are two important problems
in security systems. Both encryption and steganography DRAWBACKS OF EXISTING SYSTEMS
techniques are not much effective for high security
information alone, but when combining these two • The main limitation of the above systems are its
techniques can greatly enhance the confidentiality and portability, they are created to serve two users at
security of confidential information. Recently, the new different system with separate software for
hybrid algorithm have been developed using encryption and decryption.
cryptography and steganography. However, in these • Both end users must have an application program to
techniques, various attempts have been made to increase encrypt or decrypt.
the security of censorship by using the random factors • The system requirements must be fulfilled in order
and hidden keys, most of these methods are broken by to perform the operation.
determining the statistical features of the images. In this • These softwares are basically platform dependent
paper, a high-security hybrid approach is proposed to the and are capable for encrypting only the few data
digital images steganography based on the Imperialist formats.
Competitive Algorithm and Symmetric Cryptography
Algorithm. In this proposed method, by selecting the
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, generates a high PROPOSED SYSTEM
quality, high-security image. Before the data insertion,
symmetric encryption of information takes place, and • In this web application, user can encrypt and decrypt
then encrypted information is placed in the cover image. the message or content anywhere at any moment.
The outcome of the proposed method shows that in • For better security, DES cryptography technique has
addition to improving the image quality of the also been utilized in this proposed method. Before
steganography, it is much more secured as compared to applying the Steganography technique, DES
other methods. cryptography will convert the secret message into
secret text to ensure that the two layer security of the
The image files are one of the most commonly used file message is achieved.
types today. This paper describes the use of JPEG image • In this proposed technique, a new Steganography
files in Steganography. Steganography is the method of technique is developed to hide large amount of data
hiding a message or information in an image file (cover in image. This method is basically an improvement
image) such that it should not be known by users who of LSB method for hiding information in images.
BENEFITS OF STEGANOGRAPHY [2] Dr. V. R. Sadasivam, R. Abishake, R. Tamilarasan, 2019
1. It provides the security to the contents or messages /264/204
without even knowing to third party.
2. The number of bits have swapped according to the
sender, therefore the third party cannot even guess [3] Dr. Ekta Walia, Navdeep and Payal Jain. “An analysis of
password. LSB & DCT based Steganography.” Global Journal of
3. The normal network user cannot guess the image. Computer Science and Technology, April 2010.
4. In steganography anyone can’t suspect by seeing the https://globaljournals.org/GJCST_Volume10/gjcst_vol10_is
image. sue_1_paper8.pdf
5. Reliable.
6. Easy to use. [4] Nick Nabavian. “Image steganography” Nov. 28, 2007.
7. Easy Maintenance. http://www1.chapman.edu/~nabav100/ImgStegano/downloa
8. System have been protected by password authentication. d/ImageSteganography.pdf

1. Storing authenticated and secured data.
2. Protection of Data Modifications.
3. It is the access control system for the Digital
Content Distribution.
4. E-Commerce.
5. Media.
6. Database Systems.
7. Digital Watermarking

It is observed that with LSB Substitution Steganographic
method, the results generated in data hiding are quite
impressive as it make use of the fact that any image could be
broken up to individual bit-planes each holding different
levels of information. It is to be observed that as discussed
earlier, this method is only used for bitmap images because
these involves lossless compression techniques. But this
technique can also be extended to be utilized for colour
images where, bitplane slicing is to be performed individually
for the top four bit-planes for each of the RGB of the message
It’s also important to note that though steganography was
once unrecognised, with the various techniques currently
used, it is not only easy to detect the presence but also
retrieving them is easier. For instance, without the need to use
of a software or complex tools for detection, simple
techniques to observe if an image file has been manipulated
are: 1. Image size: A steganographic image has a huge storage
size as compared to a regular image of the same dimensions
i.e. if the storage size of the original image would be a few
KBs, the steganographic image could be several MBs in size.
This changes with the resolution and type of image used. 2.
Noise in image: A steganographic image has a noise as
compared to a regular image. So, this is the reason why
initially little noise is been added to the cover image, such that
the steganographic image does not appear too noisy as
compared to the original cover image.


[1] Ramadhan J. Mstafa, Christian Bach, 2013


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