APRIL-20 Scopus Paper
APRIL-20 Scopus Paper
APRIL-20 Scopus Paper
Abstract: Cryptography is the technology for data confidentiality and steganography is the research area data hiding. Steganography hides the data in
various multimedia cover files like image, audio and video. This paper handles videos for steganography, which have high redundant frames and pixels.
In this paper, Lease Significant Bit (LSB) method hides the secret message bits in least significant bits of each pixel. The performance metrics MSE and
PSNR are used to check the strength of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm also checks payload capacity, video quality and security of the
confidential data by applying cryptography and steganography algorithm and various parameters.
Audio, video and images are mainly used for data hiding Steganography is one type of process to hide a secret
and is call steganography. Digital images are more message in the digital files like image, audio, videos with
preferable media for hiding the information, because it is various formats like avi. The video files is a collection of
able to hide more data. Till now, various researchers are frames and these frames can be used to hide the secret
being worked on steganography algorithms using different message. In video steganography, it hides the information
image formats for hiding more data. Data hiding is the in such a way that no one can suspect the video has some
process of embedding information in a video without confidential information. The video file can hide large
changing its perceptual. The strength of any steganography quantity of information because it carry large number of
algorithm can be measured by hiding capacity, distortion frames and its storage capacity is also more. Video files are
and security. The hiding capacity is nothing but maximum larger than audio and image files, and hide more
number of bits per pixel hiding in image/audio/video. information. In 2016, the method for selecting the proper
Measuring the distortion is used to check the performance RGB pixels for hiding the secret information inside the
of steganography algorithm. The distortion of image can be cover image using LSB method by Saleema and
calculated by PSNR, Mean square error (MSE), Root mean Amarunnishad [4] In this study [5], the video steganography
square error (RMSE) etc. method was proposed using a proposed encrypted key
function for encrypting a secret message to increase the
2 LITERATURE SURVEY security. The knight tour algorithm is used to increase the
In digital era, the data can be transferred in different ways security and quality of the stego video. The LSB method for
between sender and receiver through internet. But more embedding the information within the video. Hiding the data
threats are existing for confidential data like medical in a cover file has been explained in [6]. Steganography is a
diagnostics, financial, credentials and military data. In order method for protecting and hiding data with high
to provide the data security, cryptography is one technique confidentiality has been explained in [7]. This method also
which scrambles the content. Similarly steganography is provides the high security to the data during transmission.
also provides the data security through data hiding. The data hiding and retrieval using steganography has
Steganography uses a cover medium to hide the secret been explained in [8]. The video like AVI file has huge
information [1]. For enhancing the data security, there is a number of frames (or images). So the data hiding capacity
need to combine steganography and cryptography. The is very high in video file. The capacity of security of the data
pixel values in RGB image can be used to hide the during transmission is also explained. High Capacity and
information in least significant bits of the cover video (AVI) Security is obtained using Steganography algorithm. A
file, the modifications in the pixel is invisible to Human- robust method of imperceptible audio, video, text and image
being[2]. LSB method is the simple and the message can hiding is proposed[9] In steganography, vulnerability is
be embedded in the video file is very easy. In 2012 Swathi, more when least significant bit substitution methods are
S. et. al. suggested a very efficient novel method in the used for data hiding [10]. The LSB bits of all the pixels can
paper[3]. This method embeds the information bit in specific be formed as LSB array and can be used to hide the secret
location of specific frames by LSB method. This method binary words which enhances the security [11]. Similarly,
makes the less secure LSB method to a powerful method of the bits from four LSB planes can form four LSB arrays that
hiding data. Payload capacity can also be enhanced using are used to store four parts of the binary message at
this method. minimum distortion locations [12]. The three LSB planes
can be investigated for increasing the hiding capacity. But it
_______________________ able to hide two bits only from the secret message [13,14].
Dr Balajee Maram, is currently working as Asso. Professor in LSB Steganography method replaces the least significant
CSE, GMR Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Rajam, Andhra bits with secret message bits [15]. After insertion of the
Pradesh, balajee.m@gmrit.edu.in. secret message bits, the values of pixels can be changed
Dr. Satya Keerthi Gorripati, working as Asst.Professor, Dept. of up to +1/-1[16]. In LSB methods, the message was present
CSE, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering at LSB, and by only picking LSBs, the intruder can access
(Autonomous), Visahapatnam. satyakeerthi.gsk@gmail.com
Dr N Supriya, working as an Associate Professor, Raghu Institute
the data. In image steganographic techniques evaluation,
of Technology (Autonomous), Dakamarri, Visakhapatnam the following parameters plays a vital role that are shown in
Fig-1. Those are (i) hiding capacity, (ii) distortion measure Maximum hiding capacity, is the total bits can be hidden in
and (iii) security check. Hiding Capacity: The hiding cover imageBit-rate, is the capacity of each pixel can hide
capacity can be measured by the following two parameters: how many number bits
Distortion Measurement: The distortion should not be Least significant bit (LSB) in PNG
noticed by the public. The distortion can be measured by As we know, the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) has
various parameters. Peak signal-to-noise Ratio (PSNR), only eight (8) bits depth, so, the information hiding capacity
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Square Error is lower compared to BMP. The hiding of information using
(MSE) are the parameters play an important role in LSB has the same result in both GIF and BMP. The LSB
assessing the performance of the steganography approach is considered as most effective for embedding a
algorithms. reasonable capacity of information. In the GIF image, the
colors used are stored in a palette because it is an indexed
The mean-squared error (MSE) image. The use of a GIF image as a carrier for
The MSE between the original image (I1 (m,n)) and the steganography requires some levels of carefulness
stegoimage (I2(m,n)). because of the issue with the palette scheme. The use of a
GIF image with an altered LSB as a palette scheme may
give different colors due to the change in the color palette
Here the image contains M number of rows and N number index. Whenever there are different neighboring palette
of columns. The p and q are the carrier image pixel and the entries, there is a remarkable image change, but when
stego-image pixel value at row and column respectively. there is a similar neighboring palette entry, the change is
The MSE value of any algorithm indicates that when both not remarkable [18,19,20]. Generality, applications that
the carrier and the distorted-image are equal then MSE is 0. deploy LSB approaches on GIF image are characterized
with low security due to the possibility of detecting even an
Peak signal-to-noise Ratio (PSNR) average change in the image. Such issues can be solved
The following formula is for calculating PSNR value for the thus: The palette must be isolated if there is a reduced
given image: difference between sequential colors. An 8-bit grayscale
GIF image comprising of 256 gray shades must be used;
else, there will be a gradual alteration of the colors. A digital
It is a good indicator for comparing the restoration results of video is a collection of digital frames/images. An image is
the same image but meaningless across images. According an 2-dimenasional array of pixels and each pixel is a
to different studies, PSNR is ranked as follows: up to 40 dB mixture of three primary colors Red, Green and Blue.
= very good; 30 to 40 dB = acceptable; < 30 dB = not Secret information is embedded into the cover image pixel
acceptable. values by spatial domain technique and LSB is one among
the spatial domain image steganography [16]. The least
significant bit in the byte value of the image pixel is a simple
3 PROPOSED SYSTEM embedding. The embedding and recover the data in the
following figure. The encryption and decryption process has
Least Significant bit substitution (LSB) method been represented in Fig-2.
The LSB substitution technique stores the secret message
bits in the least significant bits of the cover file. The cover
file could be audio, video or image file. AVI/MP4/MOV File
In general, AVI/MP4/MOV files contain multiple streams of
different types of data. Most AVI/MP4/MOV sequences will
use both audio and video streams a standard package to
allow its simultaneous playback. Specialized AVI/MP4/MOV
sequences might include a control track or MIDI track as an
additional data stream[17].
Fig-2: Encryption, embedding data in cover file, decode and decryption process
At the sender-end: Step 7: Repeat Step 4, Step 5 for next pixels till all the bits
of secret message are embedded in the image.
Step 1: Apply DRDP method for shuffling the data Step 8: Set the image with the new values and save it.
Step 2: Convert the video into frames/images Step 9: Repeat the process from Step-3 to Step-8 until the
Step 3: Convert all pixels in the image row by row into confidential message is embedded to video
binary form and put it in image array Step 10: Convert all the stego-images into a stego-video
Step 4: Length of the message is stored in first pixel Step 11: Stop
Step 5: Take two characters (16-bits)/UTF-16 UNICODE At the receiver-end:
character and convert it into binary form
Step 6: The step-5 16-bit binary data is stored in next 4 Step 1: Convert all pixels in the original image row by row
pixels in the following: into binary form and put it in image array
1-bit in LSB of red component of 1st pixel Step 2: Convert the Stego-video into frames/images
1-bits in LSB of green component of 1st pixel Step 3: Length can be extracted from first pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 1st pixel Step 4: Next four pixel gives the 2-character (16-bits)/UTF-
1-bit in LSB of red component of 2nd pixel 16 UNICODE character data in the following:
1-bits in LSB of green component of 2nd pixel 1-bit in LSB of red component of 1st pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 2nd pixel 1-bits in LSB of green component of 1st pixel
1-bit in LSB of red component of 3rd pixel 2-bits in LSB of red component of 1st pixel
1-bits in LSB of green component of 3rd pixel 1-bit in LSB of red component of 2nd pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 3rd pixel 1-bits in LSB of green component of 2nd pixel
1-bit in LSB of red component of 4th pixel 2-bits in LSB of red component of 2nd pixel
1-bits in LSB of green component of 4th pixel 1-bit in LSB of red component of 3rd pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 4th pixel 1-bits in LSB of green component of 3rd pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 3rd pixel Table 3: The results of the proposed method using
1-bit in LSB of red component of 4th pixel (360∗240) frame/image for 18KB data
1-bits in LSB of green component of 4th pixel
2-bits in LSB of red component of 4th pixel Image name
No. of
Step 5: Repeat Step-3 for next pixels in the stego-image Sample1.mp4 453 53.61919587072017 0.3537037037037037
Step 6: Decode all the extracted bits using DRDP method Sample2.mp4 403 52.82450504666773 0.3693359375
to get the plain message. Sample3.mp4 974 52.82450504666773 0.3693359375
Sample4.mp4 1253 52.783610846971584 0.36921296296296297
Step 7: Decode the remaining frames and extract the data Sample1.mov 454 53.6721679987869 0.3502777777777778
similar to earlier process Sample2.mov 1251 53.6721679987869 0.36921296296296297
Step 8: End Sample3.mov 974 52.825005011535495 0.369296875
Sample4.mov 1254 52.783610846971584 0.36921296296296297
Using encoding algorithm, the stego-image can be Sample5.mov 1304 52.783610846971584 0.36921296296296297
prepared which hides the given message, transfer the
stego-image to the destination. In destination end, the The proposed algorithm hides 2KB data using above
hidden message can be extracted and decoded using images and the results are shown in Table-4.
DRDP method. Then the original message can be shown to
the user. Table 4: The results of the proposed method using
(360∗240) frame/image for 186KB data
The performance of the proposed system can be measured Image name
No. of
with two parameters PSNR and MSE. The proposed Frames
Sample1.mp4 453 50.88008199516703 0.5666342592592593
algorithm has been applied on the following 360X240 pixel Sample2.mp4 403 49.764249273685536 0.9152421875
images. The PSNR and MSE has been calculated based on Sample3.mp4 974 49.764249273685536 0.9152421875
the number of frames which contains the confidential data. Sample4.mp4 1253 49.74629708581797 0.8914050925925927
It does not consider the empty frames of the input video. Sample1.mov 454 50.91501103039714 0.5618009259259259
Sample2.mov 1251 49.74629708581797 0.8914050925925927
The proposed algorithm hides 2KB data using above Sample3.mov 974 49.76713888671615 0.9147760416666667
images and the results are shown in Table-1. Sample4.mov 1254 49.74629708581797 0.8914050925925927
Sample5.mov 1304 49.74629708581797 0.8914050925925927
Table 1: The results of the proposed method using
(360∗240) frame/image for 2KB data The results of the parameters PSNR and MSE of the
proposed system are shown in above tables. These values
Image name
No. of
are compared with existing methods. The above tables
Frames shows the comparison of PSNR value of the proposed
Sample1.mp4 453 48.17429175576956 0.9907841435185185
Sample2.mp4 403 49.24614996655459 1.00371875
system and the existing algorithms [13]. The proposed
Sample3.mp4 974 49.24614996655459 1.00371875 method tries to overcome the drawbacks of all these
Sample4.mp4 1253 51.44087049877322 0.6792447916666666 methods.
Sample1.mov 454 48.30287313839082 0.9619068287037037
Sample2.mov 1251 51.44087049877322 0.6792447916666666
Sample3.mov 974 49.25920021101105 1.0015494791666666 5.CONCLUSION
Sample4.mov 1254 51.44087049877322 0.6792447916666666 In the digital communication, confidentiality is very
Sample5.mov 1304 51.44087049877322 0.6792447916666666
important and it can be achieved through cryptography and
steganography. Different formats have been introduced to
The proposed algorithm hides 2KB data using above digital world like UNICODE-16 and UNICODE-32. The
images and the results are shown in Table-2. format UNICODE-32 cover more than 100 languages in the
world. It supports most of the native languages in the world.
Table 2: The results of the proposed method using The proposed algorithm supports confidentiality for most of
(360∗240) frame/image for 12.4KB data the languages in the world. Steganography algorithms are
No. of
Image name
PSNR MSE based on LSB technique using images and videos. Very
Sample1.mp4 453 53.75469243167076 0.3657638888888889 few algorithms are using DRDP method for shuffling the
Sample2.mp4 403 53.73090143093876 0.2920833333333333 data with simple mathematical operations. The encoded
Sample3.mp4 974 53.73090143093876 0.2920833333333333
Sample4.mp4 1253 57.3368972545125 0.1348726851851852
data can be hidden in to the cover file using LSB
Sample1.mov 454 53.86942015439048 0.3586226851851852 steganography technique. In the proposed system, the
Sample2.mov 1251 57.3368972545125 0.1348726851851852 original video and stego-video are looking similar and
Sample3.mov 974 53.76718906553413 0.28979166666666667
distortion is also very less. It is proved by two parameters
Sample4.mov 1254 57.3368972545125 0.1348726851851852
Sample5.mov 1304 57.3368972545125 0.1348726851851852 like MSE and PSNR. These values are better than the
existing methods.
The proposed algorithm hides 2KB data using above
images and the results are shown in Table-3. 6 REFERENCES
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