Soal Pat B.inggris Kelas 8 2021-2022

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal : Selasa, 07 Juni 2022
Kelas : VIII (Delapan) Waktu : 60 menit
I. Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answers!

Read the following text fo no. 1 – 6.

My holiday in Flores d. Bajawa is the writer’s third
I went to Flores last month. I went there to destination
visit Australian Volunteer English teacher in 5. Which of the following words is the
Maumere, Ende and Bajawa. As a result, I synonym of “coast”?
also enjoyed the beauty of the island. a. Shore
I started my first day in Maumere with Jo b. River
Keating. After visiting several schools in the c. Mountain
city, we took an amazing journey over the d. Lake
mountains to the south coast. We visited a 6. Which of the following words is the
new junior high school there. Then, I synonym of “different”?
traveled to Ende to meet Sharon Kidman. a. Distinct
Ende has a great market with a lovely b. Similar
selection of traditional woven ikat cloth, and c. Diverse
great seafood. My next trip was to d. Unlike
Detusoko. It is a mountain village. I went
there with Ginny Edwards. Detusoko is not The following table is for no. 7 – 11.
far from Mount Kelimutu. We woke up at 4 N Name Age Height
a.m. to see the three different colored lakes o
at dawn. It was truly inspiring. 1 Amanda 11 years 150 cm
My final trip was to Bajawa. It is a small- 2 Mita 10 155 cm
town high in the mountains. It was a very Years
cold place. Yet my trip was fun and 3 Andra 12 years 160 cm
memorable. I would like to go back to 4 Sandi 12 years 160 cm
Flores one day. 5 Natalia 11 years 165 cm
1. Where did the writer go on his first 7. Natalia is the … of all
day? a. Oldest
a. Ende b. Youngest
b. Maumere c. Shortest
c. The mountain village d. Tallest
d. Mount Kelimutu 8. Andra is … than Mita
2. Where did the writer go after visiting a. Taller
Ende? b. Fatter
a. Maumere c. Slimmer
b. Mount Kelimutu d. Shorter
c. Detusoko 9. Mita is … than Andra
d. Bajawa a. Slimmer
3. What was the writer’s last destination? b. Thinner
a. Bajawa c. Taller
b. Detusoko d. Shorter
c. Mount Kelimutu 10. Mita is the … of all
d. Maumere a. Youngest
4. Which of the following statements is b. Younger
false according to the text? c. Oldest
a. The writer visited some schools in d. Older
Maumere 11. Sandi is … than Natalia
b. After visiting Maumere, the writer a. Taller
went to Ende b. Tallest
c. After visiting Ende, the writer went c. Shorter
to the mountain village d. Shortest
15. How many people are permitted to climb
the statue’s stairs per day?
a. 150
Read the following text to answer no. 12 – 14. b. 400
Virginia Parker is turning 80, c. 240
Though it may seem absurd! d. 100
We’re having party, but don’t 16. From which part of the statue did Claire
breathe a word! receive spectacular views of the city?
Please join us for a. The mouth
A Surprise Birthday Party b. The crown
Sunday, June 20th. c. The eyes
2.00 pm d. The nose
Deering Bay Estate Club House 17. Why has the Statue of Liberty changed
13600 Old Cutler Road
color over time?
RSVP by June 10th.
a. It was painted green during
To Daniel Stevens
8730-0921 restorations.
b. New York’s poor air quality has
12. What kind of party is it? eroded the statue.
a. Wedding party c. Its copper exterior oxidized.
b. New Year’s Eve party d. The statue is poorly maintained by the
c. Wedding anniversary city.
d. Birthday party 18. Would you like to come to my party
13. When will the party be held? tonight?
a. On the nineteenth of June a. It does not matter
b. On the twentieth of June b. No, I disagree about that
c. On the twenty seventh of June c. Well done
d. On the tenth of June d. I would love to
14. Where the party be held? 19. Dela : … our new teacher?
a. On Deering Bay Estate Club House Andi : I think she is a very good teacher.
b. At Daniele Stevens’s house She is very nice and explains the lessons
c. At Deering Bay very well.
d. At Virginia’s house a. What do you think about
b. Have you seen
Read the following text for number 15-17. c. May I have
Visiting Liberty Statue d. Do you like
When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty Read the following text for no. 20 - 25
for the first time, she instantly admired it as My Best Friend
a symbol of freedom. Claire made sure to My name is Ary. Three years ago, when I
make reservations before her visit because was in junior high school, I met two people
only 240 people are permitted to climb the that later became my best friends. The first
staircase to the top of the statue every day. one was Eric. He was an athlete for our
After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire school. He was tall and muscular. The other
received spectacular views of the city from one was Ricky. He was a very diligent
the statue’s crown. student. He liked to read the encyclopedia
and he the ranked first in my class. I liked
During her visit, Claire learned that the
them both because they were very friendly
Statue of Liberty was not always the color
to other people. Even though Eric and Ricky
that it is now. She found out that because the were very famous in our school, they were
statue’s exterior is made of copper, the not arrogant. They made parents with
statue oxidized over time, giving it the anybody including me.
greenish appearance, it has in present day.
When it was first constructed, the statue was 20. When did Ary meet his best friend?
the same color as a shiny penny! a. Two years ago
b. Three years ago
c. Yesterday
After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire d. Last week
spent the rest of the day in New York City 21. Who were Ary’s best friends?
visiting other important monuments and a. Ricky and Eric
historic landmarks. Claire left New York b. Andi and Eric
hoping to have had the time to explore more c. Eric and Putra
sites, but she can’t wait to return to the city d. Sigit and Ricky
in the future. 22. What was Eric in school?
a. An athlete
b. A musician
c. A boy scouts 30. Ayu : Mom, it’s December 22.
d. A photography _________, Mom. I love you.
23. What kind of person was Ricky? Mrs. Hani : Oh, thank you, my
a. A lazy student sweetheart! And thank you for the card
b. A stupid student too.
c. A diligent student a. Happy birthday
d. A careless student b. Congratulations
24. How is Erics’ body? c. Happy Mother’s Day
a. Short and fat d. Hello
b. Tall and fat
c. Short and muscular
d. Tall and muscular II. Read the text and answer the
25. Why did Ary like Eric and Ricky? following questions!
a. Because they were famous
b. Because they were smart Sunday The Terrible
c. Because they were arrogant Last week was a terrible day for me. My
d. Because they were very friendly to cousin and I were playing football in front of
other people the house to spend time with us.
The following text is for number 26 – 28 First, it was really fun until I kicked the
ball too strong, so the ball leaded me to the
window and broke the window. When we
want to escape, all of a sudden, we all heard
a loud voice. After that, the owner of the
house came out of the fence, he yelled at us.
We are very afraid of her, but we do not
know what to do. Then, one of my cousins
told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we
heard the sound of skin. Then we know that
homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we
26. What kind the text is? were struggling to run as fast as her as we
a. A letter. can.
b. An announcement But I fell down, so the dogs managed the
c. A greeting card capture me and bit my leg. It really hurts
d. An E-Mail. me. Then the dog ran back into the house.
27. From whom the card is sent? My cousin took me to the doctor and told
a. Aziz my parents. In the end the doctor said that I
b. Fahri was exposed to rabies. Then I was
c. Fahri friend hospitalized for one week more.
d. Aziz fans That’s a terrible day of the week for me.,
28. What is the text about? may not happen to me again.
a. Congratulations on wedding
b. Congratulations on holiday 1. Why last week was a terrible day for the
c. Congratulations on graduation author? …
d. Congratulations on a baby born. 2. What happens when a dog chasing a
29. For whom the card is ? homeowner? …
a. Aziz 3. What the doctor said at author? …
b. Fahri 4. Who is shouting? …
c. Fahri friend 5. Who is pursuing the author and his
d. Aziz fans friends when run? …

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