Maths Feast 2020 - Round 3 Posters

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1 - Linear Programming

Maximise the value of x + y within the x=6 3. To shade out the region y  6
region satisfied by the inequalities: Draw the line y=6 and shade
x + 2y  8, 3 x + 2y  12, y  6, x  6. out the region greater than 6.
Follow a similar process to shade
out the region x  6.
In linear programming shade
the region that does not satisfy
the inequality. R R, the unshaded region is called the
FEASIBLE REGION. Points in this
region satisfy all of the inequalities.
1. To shade out the region x+2y  8,we first
draw the line x + 2y = 8 by finding The feasible region has four
two specific points on the line. vertices (corner points).
What are the coordinates?
Any easy way is to substitute x = 0.
Then 2y = 8, so y = 4. Plot (0,4). To maximise the value of x + y within
Similarly substitute y = 0. the feasible region,we substitute the
Then x = 8. Plot (8,0). coordinates of each vertex.
(0,6) x+y =0+6 = 6
2. To shade out the region 3 x + 2 y  12 :
Now draw the line through (0,4) and (8,0). (2,3) x +y = 2+3 = 5
(6,6) x + y = 6 + 6 = 12
To determine which side to shade out : Again find points on the line 3x + 2y = 12. (7,1) x + y = 7 + 1 = 8
Choose a point e.g. (0,0) e.g. (0,6) and(8,0). The maximum value is 12,
Substitute in the inequality : As a check you could also find a third point. at the point (6,6).
0 + 2  0 is less than 8. e.g. (2,3) Check that other points within the
So (0,0) is not in the region x + 2y  8, Plot the points and draw the line and determine feasible region give values of
hence this side is shaded out. which side to shade out. x + y that are less than 12.
2 - Linear Programming
Express a problem through inequalities; graph Emma wishes to buy some apples and pears from the supermarket.
the inequalities to find a feasible region and She wants to buy at least 6 apples. Note that x
then maximise/minimise an objective function. and y are
The number of apples must be less than twice the number of pears.
clearly defined.
An apple weighs 150 g and a pear weighs 100 g. Emma can not carry
Constraints: more than 3.6 kg in her bag.
These are the restrictions that can Let x be number the number of apples and y be the number of pears. Total spend =
be expressed as inequalities. This 35x + 45y.
problem has three constraints. This is the
If an apple costs 35p and a pear costs 45p, find the maximum that function we wish
to maximise.
Emma can spend on buying fruit.
This is the Objective Function.
y 2. The graph of the inequalities
has been drawn. Label each
1. The constraints are: line on the graph with the
correct equation.
(i) Buys at least six apples -
x ≥ 6.

(ii) Number of apples is less than twice the 3. What are the coordinates of
number of pears - the three vertices of the feasi-
x ≤ 2y. ble region R?

(iii) Total weight is less than 3.6 kg - ( , ) ( , ) ( , )

150x + 100y ≤ 3600.
Divide through by the largest common Calculate the value of the total
factor to simplify the inequality. spend at each vertex.
3x + 2y ≤ 72.
R Explain why the maximum
spend is £14.25 .

How many apples and how

many pears should Emma buy?

The units must be consistent e.g. grams. x

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