T315H-02 Plant Modeling - RevE

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System 800xA Training

Chapter 2 Plant Modeling


Chapter 2 Plant Modeling................................................................................................................................................................1

2.1 General Information...............................................................................................................................................................2
2.1.1 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1.2 Legend............................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1.3 Reference Documentation...............................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Structures used for Plant Modeling.......................................................................................................................................3
2.2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2.2 Review of Aspect Objects...............................................................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Object Type Structure.....................................................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 Control Structure.............................................................................................................................................................5
2.2.5 Functional Structure........................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.6 Location Structure...........................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Handling of Objects and Aspects...........................................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Copying and Inserting.....................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Instances..........................................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Inserting Aspect Objects into Other Structures............................................................................................................11
2.3.4 Default Aspect for an Object........................................................................................................................................12
2.4 Find Tool..............................................................................................................................................................................13
2.4.1 Find Attributes..............................................................................................................................................................14
2.4.2 Using the Full Name.....................................................................................................................................................15
2.4.3 Using a Wild Card........................................................................................................................................................16
2.4.4 Quick Find Tool............................................................................................................................................................16

Chapter 2 - 1

2.1 General Information

2.1.1 Objectives
On completion of this chapter you will be able to:
 Interpret P&ID and Functional Specification
 Model the Functional / Location structure
 Use same objects in different structures
 Search for objects and aspects

2.1.2 Legend
> Indicates when you go from one menu to a sub-menu
Italic Indicates object and file names
“ “ Indicates dialog box buttons, tabs, menus etc.
Bold Indicates important topics
Indicates start/explanation of student activity

2.1.3 Reference Documentation

3BDS011222 System 800xA
3BSE041389 System 800xA
System Planning
3BSE030322 System 800xA Operations
Operator Workplace Configuration

Chapter 2 - 2
System 800xA Training

2.2 Structures used for Plant Modeling

2.2.1 Introduction
As seen previously, System 800xA is organized into several standard structures that can be
accessed from the pull-down menu in the Plant Explorer.

NOTE! Structures can be considered as different points of view to the

same data in the system.

Plant Modeling consists in representing a control system using structures based on aspect
objects. In this section we will analyze how to use each structure for that purpose. We will
use the training system P&ID as an example.

V3 1
M1 1
V1 V5 1




1 FT V4

V6 V2

Chapter 2 - 3

2.2.2 Review of Aspect Objects

An Aspect Object is a computer representation of a real world object. The object may be a
valve, a transmitter, a motor, or any other physical equipment that is located throughout
your plant.
Aspects are characteristics associated with an aspect object, such as drawings, maintenance
records, trends, and faceplates. Many aspect objects come with a set of predefined aspects
and new aspects can also be added to an object.

If we approach this problem with a simple, common object, a control valve; what types of
information might be required by various users throughout the plant facility?

Each of the pieces of information associated with this control valve can be associated as an
aspect to the valve object. It is also possible to allow or deny access to these aspects
depending upon the user that is logged in to the system.

Remember also that an aspect object can be as simple as a valve, or more complex, such as
an entire plant. Anything from a single field device to a whole plant can be defined as an
object or as a set of nested objects. These objects can have as many aspects defined as they
relate to control, maintenance, or even cost and vendor information.
NOTE! The same object can be organized in different structures
from a different point of view.

Chapter 2 - 4
System 800xA Training

2.2.3 Object Type Structure

The Object Type Structure contains the objects that are used as basic blocks to represent
any control system. The objects required to represent the reactor’s P&ID can be found in
the AC 800M libraries.

Valves can be implemented with ValveUni objects from the ProcessObjExtLib, PID Loops
with PIDCC from the ControlStandardLib, etc

2.2.4 Control Structure

The Control Structure is used to organize the process control environment in the system i.e.
to define where the different parts of the control application execute. The hardware
architecture is built defining the controllers, communication devices, I/O modules, etc.
Instances of the object types mentioned above can be found distributed within the POUs
(Program Organizational Unit). All the objects in the reactor logic could be included in the
same application, or distributed between different controllers.

When programming with Control Builder M the Control Structure is populated

automatically as the logics are designed in the Project Explore. When programming with
Function Designer the Control Structure is also populated automatically as the logic is
generated through FuD.

Chapter 2 - 5

2.2.5 Functional Structure

The Functional Structure contains the same control objects included in the Control
Structure, but distributed according to their functionalities in order to represent the system
architecture from the functional point of view.
Nested objects can be built to represent hierarchies, and areas can be used to group objects
that are functionally related.

The functional architecture can be independent from the control architecture, for example
two objects can be located in the same area in the Functional Structure even if they
belong to different applications from different controllers in the Control Structure. For
instance, a boiler can consist of several control loops, valves, and pumps etc. which are
programmed in different controllers.

By this, the Functional Structure can also be used to organize displays, alarm sectioning
and other functions that are related to the structure of the plant.

When programming with Control Builder M the Functional Structure is configured by

manually inserting objects from the Control Structure. When programming with Function
Designer the Functional Structure is the place to design the complete logic.

Chapter 2 - 6
System 800xA Training

2.2.6 Location Structure

The Location Structure can help the user identify plant equipment based on the geography
or location of the objects in the plant. Normally, the following topographic location levels
will be used to build the Location Structure.

The Location Structure is built by placing objects according to their geographical location.
The objects are manually inserted from the Control Structure and/or Functional

Chapter 2 - 7

2.3 Handling of Objects and Aspects

2.3.1 Copying and Inserting

Understanding the difference is essential to understand the concepts of Plant Modeling.
When an object is copied and then pasted within the same structure or between structures,
the new object will be identical to the original one, but there will be no relationship
between them. This means that the new object will have the same properties and aspects as
the original one, but if any modification is performed in one of them the other one will not
be affected.
NOTE! The copied object is a completely different entity and has no
connection with the original one.

Inserting an object in a structure is creating a reference to an object from another structure.

This means that although the same object can be seen in different structures, both the
original object and the inserted one represent a single entity. The inserted object will be
marked with a shortcut symbol (like shortcuts in window).

Object origin

Inserted object

Chapter 2 - 8
System 800xA Training

2.3.2 Instances
All the objects that are used to represent a control system are defined in the Object Type
Structure. Then each time the type is used, an instance of the type is created. This means
that the new object will have the same properties and aspects as its object type.
The difference between an instance and a copied object is that a relationship exists between
an instance and its type. This relationship is defined by the inheritance of aspects. The
following examples will clarify the concepts of instance and inheritance:
 Instances have the same properties and aspects as their object type.
Object Instance 1
Object Type
Aspect A
Aspect A
Aspect B
Aspect B

Object Instance 2

Aspect A

Aspect B

 Modifications of aspects performed on the object type will be automatically inherited

in all the instances.
Object Instance 1
Object Type
Aspect A
Aspect A
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect B (Mod)

Object Instance 2

Aspect A

Aspect B (Mod)

Chapter 2 - 9

 If an aspect is added to the object type the instances will automatically inherit it
Object Instance 1
Object Type
Aspect A
Aspect A
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect C (New)
Aspect C (New)

Object Instance 2

Aspect A

Aspect B (Mod)

Aspect C (New)

 If an aspect is added in an instance there will be no changes in the object type or the
other instances
Object Instance 1
Object Type
Aspect A
Aspect A
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect C (New)
Aspect C (New)
Aspect D (New)

Object Instance 2

Aspect A

Aspect B (Mod)

Aspect C (New)

 Modifications of inherited aspects performed on an instance are only allowed if the

inheritance is overridden. After the override is performed the instance can be modified,
and the changes in the object type will no longer be inherited by the overridden object.
Object Instance 1
Object Type
Aspect A
Aspect A
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect B (Mod)
Aspect C (New)
Aspect C (New)

Object Instance 2

Override Aspect A (Mod)

Aspect B (Mod)

Aspect C (New)

Chapter 2 - 10
System 800xA Training

To override the inheritance. Right-click on an existing inherited aspect (in this case the
Object Icon aspect) and select “Override”.

After selecting “Override”, the value in the “Inherited” column is now set to false and you
may edit the aspect properties.
NOTE! To inherit the aspect again from the type, just delete the
overridden aspect.

2.3.3 Inserting Aspect Objects into Other Structures

One of the time-saving features of the Aspect Object technology is the ability to reuse
objects in other structures. This means that you can identify the characteristics of the object
(aspects) once, and use that object wherever it is necessary.

In the following example, navigate to the root of the Functional Structure first.
1. Right click on the Root object and select “Insert Object”.

2. From the pull-down menu, navigate to the structure that has the desired object.

Chapter 2 - 11

3. Select the desired object and select “Insert, Close”.

The S01Prg_M1 object (with all of its aspects) is now part of the Functional Structure.

2.3.4 Default Aspect for an Object

Each object has one (and only one) aspect set as the default aspect. This will be the aspect
that is automatically viewed in the preview pane while working in the Plant Explorer.
In an Operator Workplace context menu, it is the default aspect that is at the top of the
aspect list. It is also the aspect that will be acquired when there is a left mouse click on the
object. Often the default aspect is the faceplate of an object like a motor or valve.
NOTE! Setting of the default aspect is covered in the chapter

 Exercise 2.2

Chapter 2 - 12
System 800xA Training

2.4 Find Tool

The “Find Tool” provides fast access to one particular aspect or objects by clicking on the
following icon:

Find queries are defined in the Find Query Definition area in the “Find Tool”. Enter the
name of an object as a search criteria and then search for the object that you are looking
for. It is also possible to search for aspects.

Example of a

Find attributes

Result list

NOTE! Queries can be saved for further reuse.

Chapter 2 - 13

2.4.1 Find Attributes

The search query can be defined more detailed by using additional “Find Attributes”. In
this example, the search is limited to the Functional Structure.
 Left click on the pull-down menu <Add attribute> and select “Structure”

 From the pull-down menu <Structure:> , navigate to “Functional Structure” and

select “search”

Chapter 2 - 14
System 800xA Training

2.4.2 Using the Full Name

You can search for a dedicated object using the “full name”.

The navigation from the “Find Tool” to the object in the Plant Explorer is then very easy.
Right click on the object and select “Goto Object”.

Chapter 2 - 15

2.4.3 Using a Wild Card

Also wild cards can be used to search for multiple objects or if you don’t know the exact
name. Use the “*” character as a substitution for one or more characters and the “?”
character as substitution for exactly one character.

2.4.4 Quick Find Tool

Navigating to items in Plant Explorer is performed by browsing the structures and trees.
Another way is to use the Quick Find tool to get quick access to an object.
Quick Find searches for objects with the name that has been entered or selected in the list.
If an object is found it will be selected in the list and in the Object Browser.

NOTE! You can not search for Aspects with this tool.

 Exercise 2.3

Chapter 2 - 16

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