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20. Writing
Of all the skills, it is the one that
teachers and learners seem most
reluctant to focus on because it
requires them to make special
efforts. As a result, it sometimes
tends to be neglected.
What’s the importance of writing?
1. Communication
2. Self - expression
3. Documentation It is needed for language
4. Education practice and tests, it is
5. Personal growth often not popular as a skill,
6. Professional perhaps because it takes
too much time.
7. Creative expression
8. Empowerment
In the past, people tended to view
someone as literate if they could
manipulate “a set of discrete,
value-free technical skills which
included decoding and encoding
meanings” manipulating writing
tools, perceiving shape-sound
correspondences, which are
acquired through formal
Nuts and bolts aspects of literacy

It may seem strange to
worry about handwriting
when so much
communication takes place
electronically. In the future
handwriting will become
obsolete, not in the
immediate future but it will.
Many students whose native language
orthography is very different from
English have difficulty forming English
letters and may have to be taught
exactly how it is done. This may
involve showing them which direction
the writing strokes go in.
We can get students to write words
and sentences, showing them, with
the help of solid and dotted lines and
little circles how tall letters should be
and where the round part of the b
All too often, bad spelling is
perceived as a lack of
Spelling education or care.

Formal and informal

Difficulties in spelling
When students come across new words,
we can ask them what other words they
know with the same kind of spelling or
For some students is the fact that not all
varieties of English spell the same words in
the same way. Example: colour or color,
theatre or theater.
Layout and punctuation
Different writing To be successful as
communities obey writers in our own or
punctuation and
another language, we
Text construction
need to be aware of these
layout conventions layouts and conventions
in communications and use or modify them
such as letters, when appropriate to get
emails, reports and out message across as
publicity materials. clearly as we can.
Approaches to student writing There are a number of different
approaches to the practice of writing
skills both in and outside the

Process and product

In the teaching of writing, we can

either focus on the product of that
writing or on the writing process
Genre It represents the norms of different kinds
of writing. When teachers concentrate on
genre, the students study texts in the
genre in which they are going to be writing
before they embark on their own work.

Creative writing
It suggests imaginative tasks.
Creative writing is a journey of self discovery,
and self-discovery promotes effective
learning. When teachers set up imaginative
writing tasks the students are thoroughly
engaged, and they strive harder than usual to
produce a greater variaty of correct and
appropriate language that they might for more
rountine assignments.
Writing as a collaborative activity
Collaborative writing can be immensely
successful if the students are sitting
around a computer monitor. If the screen
is big enough, everyone can clearly see
what is being created, and everyone can
make small changes, both during the initial
writing process and also later on.

Building the writing habit

Some students are extremely uncofident and
unenthusiastic writers. There may be many
reasons fot this, perhaps they have never
written much in their first language or they
think that they don´t have anything to say and
can´t come up with ideas.
Activities to build the writing habit
Promote instant writing by dictating half a sentence
which the students have to complete quickly.
Example: Before I am thirty I would like to .........
Write Don´t sentences for a new school. Example:
Don´t run in the corridors.

Ways to help students to write with more confidence

Patterns and schemes

Writing games such as story reconstruction
Story circles
for learning VS FOR WRITING

Kind of writing to help our Kind of writing to build the

students to learn a language or students’ writing skills. Not only
test on it. to use a specific grammar part.

Example: Example:

Write four sentences using the Write and design a magazine

present perfect. advertisement.

Motivator Resource Feedback

These are activities that involve students putting a sequence
of steps in a process of a project or a task stablished for the

Punctuating a text
Story reconstruction
Writing a review
Email writing
Creative writing
Story cricle
Report analysing and writing
Descriptive writing

1 2 3 4
Tell the students that they
When they have chosen Circulate and prompt the
Put the students in pairs are going to write an email
their time period, ask students with your own
or small groups and ask to themselves which will be
them to make suggestions. Help them delivered back to them on a
them to choose a time in
predictions about what with any language they date they specify, making
the future: a month, a
their lives will be like are having difficulty with. predictions about their lives
year, five years, ten years,
them. at the date when the mail
etc. will be delivered.
This activity mixes dictation with memorisation. The ideas is
for the students to hear the whole of a short text. Instead of
writing it down word for word, they try to recreate the text
Dictation has been around for later, from memory. They the compare their “recreation”
centuries, and it has its uses. It with the original.

forces the students to make useful

connections between sounds,
spellings and words.

*Running dictation
Portfolios are used for
assessment, since judging
different pieces of student work
written over a period of time.
They encourage students to take
pride in their work by getting Journals help students to write
them to keep examples of what about how they are feeling about
they have written. the learning experience, it is a
chance to try out new writing
techniques at the same time as
thinking carefully about learning

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