Purposive Communication Prelims Reviewer
Purposive Communication Prelims Reviewer
Purposive Communication Prelims Reviewer
Day 1 (9:00 – 10:30 am) things, one person does when he wants to create
Please do not share If I don’t know you cos I will find you understanding in the mind of the other; it involves a
and RIP YOUR PAPER! Please acknowledge the hard work systematic and a continuous process of telling, listening,
for this reviewer! and understanding.
Lesson 1: Communication Processes, Principles, Nature &
Elements Nature of Communication
• Process – communication constantly moves and
Communication changes. It does not stand still.
• An essential component of human behaviour. It refers • Meaning – involves the thoughts, ideas and
to the natural activity of all human beings to understandings shared by communicators.
communicate opinions, feelings, information and ideas • Symbolic – depends on words and nonverbal
to others through words whether written or spoken, behaviours to communicate meaning and feelings.
body language or signs. - Communication plays a vital role in instruction,
• It is mankind’s ability to communicate across barriers integration, information, evaluation, direction,
and beyond boundaries which means communicating teaching, influencing, image building, employees’
with people from other countries and cultures.
orientation and decision making as it is the lifeblood
• It has the ability to foster quick and effective
of the business.
communication or to send a message all over the world
- With the absence of an effective communication
making globalization a reality.
• Etymology system, no business can develop as communication
- Derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’ which is the mortar that holds an organization whatever
means to impart, participate or to transmit its business or its size.
- The word ‘communicare’ is derived from the root • Internal Communication – when people within the
word ‘communis’ which means to make common or organization communicate with each other
to share. • External Communication – when people in the
• Communication has become a powerful medium for organization communicate with anyone outside the
fostering understanding and goodwill among different organization
cultures, a phenomenon known as intercultural - The ability to work well in terms, manage the
communication. It is made possible by emerging subordinates and establish relationships with
information technologies that serve as connecting tools
seniors, customers and colleagues depends on
in a diverse cultural sphere allowing for fast and efficient
communication skills (Bisen & Priya, 2009).
communication around the world.
Essential Components of Communication
Meanings of Communication
1. Sender or Encoder
• Communication may be defined as the interchange of
- The source of information or message, is a person
thought or information between two or more persons
who sends the message. A sender uses symbols
to bring about mutual understanding and desired
(words or graphic visual aids) to convey the
action. It is the information exchange by words or
message and produce the required response.
symbols. It is the exchange of facts, ideas, and
2. Message
viewpoints that bring about the commonness of
- The stimulus or produced by the source for the
interest, purpose, and efforts (Bisen and Priya, 2009).
receiver or audience (McLean, 2005). Defined as
• American Management Association defines,
information conveyed by words (in speech or
‘Communication is any behaviour that results in an
writing), and other sign or symbols. A message
exchange of meaning.’
(verbal, non-verbal or both) is the content of the
• Peter Little defines Communication as ‘Communication
communication process (Nordquist, 2019).
is the process by which information is transmitted
3. Encoding
between individuals and organizations so that an
- The process of converting the message into words,
understanding response result.’
actions or other forms that the speaker
• Newman and Summer Jr. state that, ‘Communication is
understands. It is the process of turning thoughts
an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two
into communication.
or more persons.’
4. Channel
• According to Keith Davis, ‘The process of passing the
- The medium or means such as personal or non-
information and understanding from one person to
personal, verbal or non-verbal in which the
another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between
encoded message is conveyed. It is how a message
the people. By using the bridge, a person can walk safely
or messages travel between source and receiver
across the river of misunderstanding’.
(McLean, 2005).