Purcom030-Review Notes (Lesson1-2)
Purcom030-Review Notes (Lesson1-2)
Purcom030-Review Notes (Lesson1-2)
a. BISEN AND PRIYA (2009) INTERNAL COMMUNICATION- When people within the
- Communication may be defined as the interchange of organization communicate with each other.
thought or information between two or more persons
to bring about mutual understanding and desired
organization communicate with anyone outside the
- It is the information exchange by words or symbols.
- It is the exchange of facts, ideas, and viewpoints that The ability to work well in teams, manage the subordinates,
bring about the commonness of interest, purpose, and establish relationships with seniors, customers, and
and efforts. colleagues depends on communication skills (Bisen and
- ‘Communication is any behavior that results in an COMMUNICATION PROCESS
exchange of meaning.’
The communication process has five steps: idea formation,
encoding, channel selection, decoding and feedback.
Anything that interferes with clear communication is called
- ‘Communication is the process by which information
noise. Noise can interfere with each step of the
is transmitted between individuals and organizations
communication process.
so that an understanding response result.’
• Is the medium or the means, such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or non-verbal, in which the encoded
message is conveyed.
• It is how a message or messages travel between
source and receiver (McLean, 2005)
❖ ENCODING “The receiver receives the message from the source, analyzing
• Is the process of converting the message into words, and interpreting the message in ways both intended and
actions, or other forms that the speaker understands. unintended by the source” (McLean, 2005). Receivers must
have excellent listening and comprehension skills.
• It is the process of turning thoughts into
communication. Good listening requires one to focus on what is conveyed and,
as much as possible, eliminate all possible distractions or
The encoder uses a ‘medium’ to send the message- a phone
noises that would hinder one from understanding the
call, email, text message, face-to-face meeting, or other
message. Excellent comprehension skills necessitate
communication tools. The level of conscious thought that goes
sharpness of cognition, which can be achieved through
into encoding messages may vary. The encoder should also
continuous studies and acquisition of information and
take into account any ‘noise’ that might interfere with their
knowledge (Magan et al., 2018)
message, such as other messages, distractions, or influences.
(Hawkins, 2016)
• The process of interpreting the encoded message of
the communicator (speaker/writer) by the receiver.
• is the reactions, responses, or information provided
by the receiver.
• It is the main component of the communication
process as it permits the sender to analyze the
efficacy of the message. It helps the sender in
confirming the correct interpretation of the message
by the decoder.
• Refers to the environment where communication
takes place.
• The environment is the atmosphere, physical, and
psychological, where you send and receive messages.
(McLean, 2005)
What is it that makes us so attached to our devices? That urges Set limits about not using any devices in certain places (like in
us to see who it is right away? your bedroom or bathroom), situations (playing with the kids)
and at certain times (like at dinner).
- A survey by Asurion, a global tech support and
protection company, actually found that, on average, 3. Unfollow.
we check our phones 80 times a day!
Some newsfeeds and friends don’t contribute to you in a
+//watch “Connected, but Alone” by Sherry Turkle. positive way. Make sure that the content on your feeds is
relevant to your life and goals.
Sherry Turkle
4. Regulate your smartphone use.
• Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social
Studies of Science and Technology Founding Director, There are many helpful apps that can help with this. Access
MIT Initiative on Technology and Self Program in them.
Science, Technology, and Society Massachusetts
5. Be Mindful.
Institute of Technology
Engage in things that you enjoy and be aware of what you do
E51-185B; Cambridge, MA 02139; sturkle@media.mit.edu
on your device and for how long.
(details ni madam sherry)
Turn off your ringer and notifications when you are about to
engage in a task that requires your full attention. Trust me,
whoever called will be ok and you can always call them back.