Purcom030-Review Notes (Lesson1-2)

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Unit 2: Communication Process, Principles, and Ethics of
- Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas,
opinions or emotions by two or more persons.
- The English word ‘communication’ has been derived - ‘The process of passing the information and
from the Latin word, ‘communicare’ which means to understanding from one person to another.
impart or participate or to transmit. - It is essentially a bridge of meaning between the
- The word ‘communicare’ is derived from the root people. By using the bridge, a person can walk safely
‘communis’ which means to make common or to across the river of misunderstanding’.
Communication is an essential component of human
- Communication is a sum of all things, one person does
behavior. It refers to the natural activity of all human beings
when he wants to create understanding in the mind
to communicate opinions, feelings, information, and ideas to
of the other; it involves a systematic and a continuous
others through words, whether written or spoken, body
process of telling, listening, and understanding.
language, or signs.
Communication is mankind’s ability to communicate across
barriers and beyond boundaries, which means 1. PROCESS- As a process, communication constantly
communicating with people from other countries and cultures. moves and changes. It does not stand still.
2. MEANING- Meaning involves the thoughts, ideas, and
It has the ability to foster quick and effective communication
understandings shared by communicators.
or to send a message all over the world, making
3. SYMBOLIC- Symbolic means that we rely on words
“globalization” a reality.
and nonverbal behaviors to communicate meaning
As a result, communication has become a powerful medium and feelings.
for fostering understanding and goodwill among different
Therefore, communication plays a vital role in instruction,
cultures, a phenomenon known as intercultural
integration, information, evaluation, direction, teaching,
communication. It is made possible by emerging information
influencing, image building, employees’ orientation, and
technologies that serve as connecting tools in a diverse cultural
decision-making. It is the lifeblood of the business.
sphere, allowing for fast and efficient communication around
the world. No business can develop in the absence of an effective
communication system. Communication is the mortar that
holds an organization together, whatever its business or its
According to: size.

a. BISEN AND PRIYA (2009) INTERNAL COMMUNICATION- When people within the
- Communication may be defined as the interchange of organization communicate with each other.
thought or information between two or more persons
to bring about mutual understanding and desired
organization communicate with anyone outside the
- It is the information exchange by words or symbols.
- It is the exchange of facts, ideas, and viewpoints that The ability to work well in teams, manage the subordinates,
bring about the commonness of interest, purpose, and establish relationships with seniors, customers, and
and efforts. colleagues depends on communication skills (Bisen and
- ‘Communication is any behavior that results in an COMMUNICATION PROCESS
exchange of meaning.’
The communication process has five steps: idea formation,
encoding, channel selection, decoding and feedback.
Anything that interferes with clear communication is called
- ‘Communication is the process by which information
noise. Noise can interfere with each step of the
is transmitted between individuals and organizations
communication process.
so that an understanding response result.’
• Is the medium or the means, such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or non-verbal, in which the encoded
message is conveyed.
• It is how a message or messages travel between
source and receiver (McLean, 2005)

In speaking or writing, the communicator uses a channel to

convey a message.

*Spoken channels include face-to-face conversations,

speeches, telephone conversations, and voice mail messages,
radio, public address systems, and voice over Internet protocol
+reviewer maker’s note: gin search ko lang ni, lantaw lang (VoIP).
kamo sa youtube link ni miss lilyn. tenkyow
*Written channels include letters, memoranda, purchase
ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF COMMUNICATION orders, invoices, newspaper and magazine articles, blogs,
email, text messages, tweets, and so forth.
• The sender or encoder VISUAL COMMUNICATION- is the type of is the type of
• Source of information or message communication that uses visuals to convey information and
• Is a person who sends the message messages.
• A sender uses symbols (words or graphic or visual
*Some examples are signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs,
aids) to convey the message and produce the
charts, diagrams, pictographs, photos, drawings, or
required response.
illustrations, and even various forms of electronic
The sender of the message is a highly important element being communication. Some examples of electronic communication
the source of the idea. As the sender, it is expected that one symbols or images are the emojis, emoticons, and animation,
possesses the skills required in transmitting messages. These among others, to convey the writer’s emotions or clarify the
skills could include the ability to use the language that the intent of the message sender.
receiver understands. The sender’s credibility is of great
*These are achieved through digital mode or text (Madrunio
importance, as well. People will more likely reject a message if
and Martin, 2018).
the sender is proven unreliable. The message will only be as
good as its source (Magan et al., 2018) ❖ RECEIVER/DECODER
• Recipient of the message or someone who decodes
the message
• Is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for
• Refers to a person for whom the message is
the receiver or audience (McLean, 2005)
• In rhetorical and communication studies, a message
is defined as information conveyed by words (in How the decoder understands the message depends on
speech or writing), and other signs and symbols. various factors such as knowledge of the recipient,
• A message (verbal, non-verbal, or both) is the content responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of encoder on
of the communication process (Nordquist, 2019) the decoder.

❖ ENCODING “The receiver receives the message from the source, analyzing
• Is the process of converting the message into words, and interpreting the message in ways both intended and
actions, or other forms that the speaker understands. unintended by the source” (McLean, 2005). Receivers must
have excellent listening and comprehension skills.
• It is the process of turning thoughts into
communication. Good listening requires one to focus on what is conveyed and,
as much as possible, eliminate all possible distractions or
The encoder uses a ‘medium’ to send the message- a phone
noises that would hinder one from understanding the
call, email, text message, face-to-face meeting, or other
message. Excellent comprehension skills necessitate
communication tools. The level of conscious thought that goes
sharpness of cognition, which can be achieved through
into encoding messages may vary. The encoder should also
continuous studies and acquisition of information and
take into account any ‘noise’ that might interfere with their
knowledge (Magan et al., 2018)
message, such as other messages, distractions, or influences.
(Hawkins, 2016)
• The process of interpreting the encoded message of
the communicator (speaker/writer) by the receiver.

• is the reactions, responses, or information provided
by the receiver.
• It is the main component of the communication
process as it permits the sender to analyze the
efficacy of the message. It helps the sender in
confirming the correct interpretation of the message
by the decoder.

Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (in the

form of smiles, sighs, and others). It may take written form
also in forms of memos, reports, and others. As the amount of
feedback increases, communication accuracy also increases
(Leavitt & Mueller, 1951)

• Refers to the environment where communication
takes place.
• The environment is the atmosphere, physical, and
psychological, where you send and receive messages.
(McLean, 2005)

Communication is affected by the context in which it takes

place. This context may be physical, social, chronological, or COMMUNICATION BARRIER
cultural- every communication proceeds with context. The
- it is anything that gets in the way of clear
sender chooses the message to communicate within a context.
“The environment is the atmosphere, physical, and - It prevents, restricts, or impedes the conveyance of
psychological, where you send and receive messages.” meaning by words or gestures in a social setting.
(McLean, 2005)
Barrier, hindrance, obstacle, or noise- describe the distracting
• The environment can include the tables, chairs, stimuli associated with the communication process.
lighting, and sound equipment that are in the room.
The room itself is an example of the environment. The
environment can also include factors like formal a. Linguistic/Verbal Barrier- Language is needed for any
dress, that may indicate whether a discussion is open communication, even people with speech
and caring or more professional and formal. impairments communicate with sign language and
• People may be more likely to have an intimate
Communication becomes difficult in situations where people
conversation when they are physically close to each
do not understand each other’s language. The inability to
other, and less likely when they can only see each
communicate using a language is known as a language barrier
other from across the room. In that case, they may
to communication.
text each other, itself an intimate form of
communication. The choice to text is influenced by b. Cultural Barrier- The way people communicate is
the environment. affected by the culture they were brought up in.

The opposite is also exact. Culture is, to a large extent,

determined by the way people communicate. When people
belonging to different cultures communicate, these factors can
become barriers. Communication shapes culture and culture
shapes communication.
c. Physiological Barrier- Physiology is the state of the According to Magan, et al. (2018), contexts are vital
human body and mind. Physiological barriers to considerations in our communication acts since they affect the
communication occur due to the physical condition of process of sending and receiving messages, semantics or
the sender or receiver, which might even be physical meanings, choice of channels, words, and methods of delivery.
- Communication, therefore, must be suitable for the
It includes sensory dysfunction and other physical specific context hence should be intentional or
dysfunctions. Effective communication requires the proper purposive.
functioning of the senses in both the sender and the receiver. - Therefore, it is logical to explain purposive
Limitation of the human body and mind adds to the communication as a communication applied in a
physiological barrier causing an interruption in a message from specific setting, environment, scene, social relations
reaching its destination or having meaning (Bajracharya, and culture.
• Purposive communication is the practice of using
d. Psychological Barrier- The Psychological or Emotional
various communication forms such as writing,
Barriers refers to the psychological state - opinions,
speaking, and presenting for a variety of purposes and
attitudes, status consciousness, and emotions of a
target audiences.
person that profoundly affects the ability to
• It is the primary mode of communication used in
various organizations for the uninterrupted
Psychological noise is what happens when thoughts occupy transmission of messages, data, and ideas.
attention while listening or reading a message. The • This can occur through various channels and forms,
communication largely depends on a person's mental but the basic concept is all about good structure and
condition; if the person is not mentally or emotionally sound, defined formats to fulfill a purpose.
he cannot communicate effectively either as a sender or a • It is necessary not only for conflict resolution but also
receiver. for the development of interpersonal relationships.
While casual communication is the most common
e. Physical Barrier- The physical barrier is the mode of communication in everyday life, purposeful
environmental and natural condition that acts as a communication is primarily used in business and
barrier in communication in sending messages from other professional settings
sender to receiver.
Purposive communication is defined as communication that
Organizational environment or interior workspace design occurs with a specific goal in mind. In general, communications
problems, technological problems, and noise are the parts of serve five purposes:
physical barriers.
1. Informing
Noise interferes with standard encoding and 2. expressing feelings
decoding of the message carried by the channel 3. imagining
between source and receiver. Not all noise is wrong, 4. influencing
but noise interferes with the communication process. 5. meeting social expectations

So, when you use purposeful communications, you plan and

PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION carry out a communication process to achieve any of these
• Magan et al. (2018) define Purposive Communication goals. It is the dissemination of a communication message or
as intentional communication within the bounds of an idea to a specific group of audiences in the most
specific contexts. appropriate formats and channels. While there may be
different forms, such as oral and written, the messages are
Communication happens in specific contexts. properly formatted and structured to serve the inherent
Context includes settings or environment (family, school,
workplace, religious communities); social relations (friends, EFFECTIVE PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION
husband, and wife, parent and child, colleagues/boss-
subordinate in the office); scenes which include place, time, - two-way
and occasion (business meeting, job interview, social - involves ACTIVE LISTENING
gathering –parties, weddings, and others.); and culture - reflects the accountability of speaker and listener
(history, tradition, beliefs, norms, values). - utilizes feedback
- free of stress
- Clear 3. Respecting Confidentiality and Privacy
Privacy is a hot topic, and rightfully so. It is so easy to get
C0MMUNICATION ETHICS carried away, especially when there is a potentially sensational
message, but always ensure you are not violating any
• Simply put, ethical communication is the practice of individual’s privacy or disclosing confidential information
communicating in a clear, concise, truthful, and regarding an organization.
responsible manner.
Honor and safeguard the confidentiality of your customers and
FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATIONS partners that may have disclosed certain details that are
by: Vanishaa Doshi meant to strictly be kept under wraps, even if there is no legally
binding document such as a non-disclosure agreement. The
1. Ensuring Transparency and Honesty same applies to those working in journalism and who may have
tapped on sources that have requested to remain anonymous
Communicate only what is known to be the truth. Ethics can
or shared private knowledge off the record.
be tricky in this regard because although it may not have been
your intention, it is still considered unethical even if a mere 1 4. Choosing the Right Time and Place
percent of what is said is false.
Being an ethical communicator goes beyond what you are
The responsibility of guaranteeing every single word is factual saying, but also when and where. Take for example an
and accurate falls into the hands of the communications advertisement for cigarettes on a children’s television channel
professional. This corporate social responsibility starts from or a feature story on high-technology weapons in the midst of
conducting thorough research all the way to including proper a conflict. While extreme scenarios, these demonstrate the
attribution of all references and sources. importance of when and where we decide to communicate.
Being wholly transparent also means establishing truthful Be tactful and mindful in choosing the most appropriate time
representation. Disclose all pertinent details including any and place to communicate. Plan and strategize. Research your
caveats or negatives, as minute as they may seem. Despite the audience, the various options you have for mediums or
fact that many people think public relations is synonymous channels, as well as global events that may affect the way your
with “the spin,” we should never change the narrative based message is received and perceived.
on what we want our audience to believe.

2. Understanding Your Audience

Effective ethical communication is foundational to
Oftentimes written PR (press release) and corporate the success of an organization’s communication
communications becomes overcomplicated with jargon and strategy. While communicating factually accurate
niche industry terminology that would make absolutely no messages honestly and transparently is central to
sense to a layperson. This is why understanding your audience ethical communication, it also extends far beyond
is so important. Before writing, we need to ask ourselves that.
questions like:

- Who is going to read this?

- How much background knowledge do they have? ---end of unit 2---
- Is there a way I can communicate this in a more :))
straightforward manner?

Let us not forget that communication is always two-way. It is

not just about us getting a message across, it is also the
feedback we receive, which largely depends on how the
message was comprehended. This means that we must factor
in any language barriers that the audience may face and push
for representation in our choice of words. As communication
professionals, this helps us make certain that we do not
present anything that may be construed as demeaning,
intolerant or even hateful.
Unit 3: Communication and Globalization 2. Create sacred spaces.

What is it that makes us so attached to our devices? That urges Set limits about not using any devices in certain places (like in
us to see who it is right away? your bedroom or bathroom), situations (playing with the kids)
and at certain times (like at dinner).
- A survey by Asurion, a global tech support and
protection company, actually found that, on average, 3. Unfollow.
we check our phones 80 times a day!
Some newsfeeds and friends don’t contribute to you in a
+//watch “Connected, but Alone” by Sherry Turkle. positive way. Make sure that the content on your feeds is
relevant to your life and goals.
Sherry Turkle
4. Regulate your smartphone use.
• Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social
Studies of Science and Technology Founding Director, There are many helpful apps that can help with this. Access
MIT Initiative on Technology and Self Program in them.
Science, Technology, and Society Massachusetts
5. Be Mindful.
Institute of Technology
Engage in things that you enjoy and be aware of what you do
E51-185B; Cambridge, MA 02139; sturkle@media.mit.edu
on your device and for how long.
(details ni madam sherry)

• Turkle received a joint doctorate in sociology and

personality psychology from Harvard University and is “Now we all need to focus on the many, many ways
a licensed clinical psychologist. Professor Turkle technology can lead us back to our lives, our own
writes on the “subjective side” of people’s bodies, our own politics, our own planet. They need
relationships with technology, especially computers. us. Le us talk about how we can use digital
She is an expert on culture and therapy, mobile technology, the technology of our dreams, to make
technology, social networking, and sociable robotics. this life the life we can love.”
• Her newest book, The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir - Sherry Turkle
(Penguin Press, March 2021), ties together her
personal story with her groundbreaking research on +//read the essays:
technology, empathy, and ethics. The Empathy a. WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION ANYWAY? By Alex Gray
Diaries was selected as a New York Times Book - (World Economic Forum, 2017)
Review Editors' Choice and a New York Times Critics' b. THE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON GLOBAL
Best Book of 2021. Her previous book, the New York COMMUNICATION by Anam Ahmed
Times bestseller, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power - Reviewed by: Elisa Shoenberger, M.B.A.
of Talk in a Digital Age (Penguin Press, October 2015), - Updated November 21, 2018
investigates how a flight from conversation
undermines our relationships, creativity, and
productivity. For media inquiries, go to
--end of unit 3--

- It is believed today that smartphone use can become

addictive and therapeutic approaches can be used to
help individuals get over this. Velthoven, Powell and
Powell (2018) give us some suggestions for how we
can control our smartphone use.

1. Don’t always answer your phone.

Turn off your ringer and notifications when you are about to
engage in a task that requires your full attention. Trust me,
whoever called will be ok and you can always call them back.

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