Medical Summary

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Medical Summary Report 425-641-0080

Animal Number Animal Info Location Info

A46706896 Active Lemon Bar - Cat Domestic Shorthair/Mix - Grey/Orange - Dilute Main Campus

Mom Cat Available Female - 1 year-7 years 2y 1m 12d, DOB: 02/23/2019, Altered: Yes, Size: Small, Cat Adoption -
Adult Weight: 8.14 pound 20185-C023
982126051139583 Bitten: None

Medical Summary
Medical Record # Type Subtype Medical Status Temperament Exam/ Review Date
Status Surgery Date
M60547122 Surgery Spay - Cat 3/27/2021 4:11:00 PM 3/30/2021 4:11:00
Vitals: 8.14 pound

Notes: Animal was clipped, prepped and draped aseptically for surgery. A midline ventral incision was made in the caudal abdomen. The
linea was sharply incised. The left and right ovarian pedicles were auto ligated and the uterine body was double ligated with
appropriate size PDS. The incision was closed in two layers, linea and dermis, using PDS of an appropriate size in a simple
continuous or cruciate pattern. Skin glue was placed over the incision. A small score tattoo was placed adjacent to the incision. This
surgery was performed by a WA licensed veterinarian Lauren Restis, DVM.

Pregnant - No
In heat - Yes
Involuting uterus - No

Pre Op:
Cerenia (10mg/ml): 0.37 ml SQ due to not being fasted

Ketamine (100 mg/ml) / Butorphanol (10 mg/ml) / Dexdomitor (0.5 mg/ml) Mix: 0.25 ml IM

Pain Medications:
Meloxicam (5 mg/ml) 0.07 ml SQ
Buprenorphine SR (3 mg/ml): 0.15 ml SQ

Post Op meds:
Convenia (80mg/ml): 0.37ml SQ for hair contamination

Nail trim done
M60526869 Exam DVM Medical 3/25/2021 5:35:00 PM

Notes: Subjective: Presenting for recheck of URI, reported to be doing well, no congestion or sneezing seen. Stable appetite and thirst.
Normal fecal scores.

Objective: ***brief focused exam***

BCS: 5/9
Hydration: normal skin turgor, moist MM.
EENT: No nasal or ocular discharge. Vision appears normal, cornea are clear OU. Moderate dark ceruminous debris AD, mild
erythema and pruritus of canal, normal waxy debris AS. Intact TMs AU. Mild dental calculi and gingivitis, with moderate gingivitis
focally over 309/409. Missing incisors.
PLN: normal
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia auscultated
RESP: lung sounds clear all fields, normal RR / RE
GI: abdomen soft non-painful, no obvious masses palpable
INTEG: mild hypotrichosis along caudal dorsum - static
M/S: Amb x 4, did not observe gait, tolerated normal ROM in all limbs, mild atrophy over epaxial muscles but appropriate
musculature over ribs and limbs.
NEURO: no overt abnormalities, full neuro exam not performed

Ear cytology AS NSF, AD 1+ cocci

- URI, resolved - r/o chronic rhinitis vs polyp
- hypotrichosis, static - suspect secondary to flea hypersensitivity vs other allergy vs other
- Otitis externa AD

-Cleaned ears AU, applied 0.5 mL BKT to AD. Recheck ears in 14 days
-Ok to discontinue medications (Azithromycin, famciclovir, and gabapentin)
-Recheck if worsening FAS off of gabapentin
-OK to proceed with surgery
M60397176 Exam DVM Medical 3/15/2021 11:25:00 AM

Notes: Subjective: recheck URI; reported to still be congested but improving, fecal score 2 with one episode of score 7 a few days ago,
normal appetite, normal energy level

Objective: ***brief focused exam***

Hydration: normal skin turgor, moist MM.
EENT: mild nasal congestion, no nasal discharge, no ocular discharge, no oral ulcers
PLN: normal
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia auscultated
RESP: lung sounds clear all fields, normal RR / RE
GI: abdomen soft non-painful, no obvious masses palpable
INTEG: mild hypotrichosis along caudal dorsum - static, focal hypotrichosis R shoulder region - moderate regrowth
NEURO: no overt abnormalities, full neuro exam not performed

- URI - r/o chronic rhinitis vs polyp
- hypotrichosis - suspect secondary to flea hypersensitivity vs other allergy vs other

- applied single dose Revolution topically
- azithromycin (40 mg/ml) 1 ml PO q24h x 5 days then q48h x 5 days
- famciclovir 250 mg 1 tab PO BID x 10 days
- gabapentin 100 mg 1/2 caps in food BID x 10 days --- can likely be discontinued once medicating for URI no longer indicated
- nebulize BID - TID x 10 days
- recheck URI on-campus 10 days --- sooner if worsening / concerns; if no improvement consider chronic rhinitis and perform polyp
check at time of spay

Clinician: KLP
M60321747 Exam DVM Medical 3/8/2021 3:42:00 PM

Notes: Subjective: recheck URI; reported to still be congested and sneezing, FAS increasing with oral medicating but foster felt comfortable
taking her back and continuing treatment, normal appetite

Hydration: normal skin turgor, moist MM.
EENT: mild nasal congestion, mild mucopurulent nasal discharge dried at corner of nares, no ocular discharge, no oral ulcers
PLN: normal
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia auscultated
RESP: lung sounds clear all fields, normal RR / RE
GI: abdomen soft non-painful, no obvious masses palpable
UG: normal
MS: amb x 4, full ortho exam not performed.
INTEG: mild hypotrichosis along caudal dorsum, focal hypotrichosis R shoulder region, focal alopecia plantar metatarsal region LH;
areas of hypotrichosis have mild hair regrowth
NEURO: no overt abnormalities, full neuro exam not performed

- URI - static to mildly improved
- mild dehydration - resolved
- hypotrichosis - suspect secondary to flea hypersensitivity vs other allergy vs other

- doxycycline (50 mg/mL) 0.7 mL PO q24h x 7 days
- famciclovir 250 mg 1 tab PO BID x 7 days
- gabapentin 100 mg 1/2 caps in food BID x 7 days
- nebulize BID - TID x 7 days
- recheck URI on-campus 7 days --- sooner if worsening / concerns

Clinician: KLP
M60239932 Exam DVM Medical 3/1/2021 2:20:00 PM

Notes: Subjective: normal appetite, fecal score 4 in litterbox, normal urination

FAS score and handling notes:

Score 2-3 for exam handling: tail down, no growling, purring / soliciting pets
Score 5 when VA went to use towel for restraint: growling, ears laid to the side, hunched posture, attempting to escape
Handling notes: able to handle for exam with no escalation of aggression, patient does not do well with initial attempts at toweling try
not to use this if possible

T: 102.3F
Hydration: normal skin turgor, moist MM.
EENT: mild nasal congestion, mild mucopurulent nasal discharge dried at corner of nares, no ocular discharge, no oral ulcers
PLN: normal
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia auscultated
RESP: lung sounds clear all fields, normal RR / RE
GI: abdomen soft non-painful, no obvious masses palpable
UG: no vaginal discharge, mammary glands not significantly engorged - no erythema / abnormal discharge
MS: amb x 4, full ortho exam not performed.
INTEG: mild hypotrichosis along caudal dorsum, flea dirt, no live fleas seen, focal hypotrichosis R shoulder region, focal alopecia
plantar metatarsal region LH
NEURO: no overt abnormalities, full neuro exam not performed

- wood's lamp negative

- mild dehydration - improved
- febrile - improved
- hypotrichosis - suspect secondary to flea hypersensitivity vs other allergy vs other

- patient going to foster today
- 100 mL LRS SQ PRN - discontinue
- doxycycline (50 mg/mL) 0.7 mL PO q24h x 7 days
- famciclovir 250 mg 1 tab PO BID x 7 days
- gabapentin 100 mg 1/2 caps in food BID x 7 days
- recheck URI on-campus 7 days --- sooner if worsening / concerns

Clinician: KLP
M60225891 Exam DVM Medical 2/28/2021 9:54:00 AM

Notes: *****************Gabapentin Medical Memo:********************

The mechanism of action of gabapentin, for either its anticonvulsant or analgesic actions, is not fully understood. This medication is
traditionally used to treat nerve pain and/or for seizure control, but is also features anti-anxiety properties. At appropriate doses, it
can decrease anxiety and increase social or affiliative behaviours. It can be used alone, or in combination with other medications,
and is especially useful if there is concern for a pain or seizure component to behavioral issues. It may be prescribed situationally
prior to known triggers (for example: prior to veterinary visits or car travel) or it can be prescribed daily up to every eight hours.

Time to effect may vary from patient to patient, but in dogs, this medication generally starts to work within 2 hrs post-administration.
This means that ideally this medication is administered 2-3 hrs prior to a predictable trigger so that it has taken effect before the dog
is exposed to the situation. In cats, the time to effect may also vary, but generally this medications starts to work within 1 -2 hrs post-
administration. This means that ideally this medication is administered 1-2hrs prior to a predictable trigger so that it has taken effect
before the cat is exposed to the situation. In both species the effects usually last approximately 6-8hrs.

The most common side effects are gastrointestinal upset, sedation, and incoordination. Speak to veterinarian promptly if these
effects are noted, and always inform your veterinarian of other medications that your pet may be taking.

It is only available with a prescription from a veterinarian; dose changes or discontinuation of this medication should be discussed
with, and refills obtained from an adopter’s primary veterinarian post-adoption. If used daily and/or long-term, this medication may
need to be tapered slowly in order to prevent potential negative side effects.
M60225750 Exam DVM Medical 2/28/2021 9:35:00 AM

Notes: Subjective: normal appetite, fecal score 4 in litterbox, normal urination

FAS score and handling notes:

Score 4-5: tail tucked to thrashing, dilated pupils, combination purring and growling for handling
Handling notes: able to handle for exam, no escalation of aggression

T: 102.3F
Hydration: mild skin tenting, moist MM.
EENT: mild nasal congestion, mild mucopurulent nasal discharge dried at corner of nares, no ocular discharge, no oral ulcers
PLN: normal
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia auscultated
RESP: lung sounds clear all fields, normal RR / RE
GI: abdomen soft non-painful, no obvious masses palpable
UG: no vaginal discharge, mammary glands not significantly engorged - no erythema / abnormal discharge
MS: amb x 4, full ortho exam not performed.
INTEG: mild hypotrichosis along caudal dorsum, flea dirt, no live fleas seen
NEURO: no overt abnormalities, full neuro exam not performed

- mild dehydration
- fleas - treated
- febrile - r/o secondary to URI vs other infectious vs inflammatory vs other

- 100 mL LRS SQ PRN - administered once today
- doxycycline (50 mg/mL) 0.7 mL PO q24h
- famciclovir 250 mg 1 tab PO BID
- gabapentin 100 mg 1/2 caps in food BID for high FAS
- okay to go to foster, do not reunite with kittens

Clinician: KLP
Clinician: KLP
M60223848 Exam DVM Medical 2/27/2021 3:53:00 PM

Notes: Subjective: Mild fever again this AM. Good appetite, normal energy. Normal urination, score 4-5/7 stool in litter box this morning.

FAS 3-4: Hunched, dilated pupils, low meow during exam, but tolerant. Began to growl softly toward end of exam.

T: 102.9 F
Hydration: Normal skin turgor, slightly tacky MM.
EENT: Mild serous bilateral nasal discharge, mild crusting around medial canthus OU, corneas are clear. Mild audible upper
respiratory congestion. Mild ceruminous debris AU, non-pruritic, non-erythematous. Mild dental tartar and gingivitis.
PLN: Small, soft, symmetrical.
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia ausculted. Femoral pulses strong + synchronous. Pink MM, CRT <2 sec.
RESP: Eupneic, no crackles or wheezes. Mild referred upper airway sounds.
GI: Soft, non-painful abdominal palpation, no appreciable nausea. No overt masses, organomegaly, or fluid wave appreciated.
UG: Externally normal intact female.
MS: Ambulatory x4, normal gait. Full ortho exam not performed.
INTEG: Flea dirt throughout hair coat. Dead fleas in coat. No dermal lesions observed. Mammary glands are mildly engorged,
minimal milk production.
NEURO: Normal mentation, no overt abnormalities. Full neuro exam not performed.

- URI, improving - r/o viral vs. bacterial vs. other
- Dehydration, mild
- Fleas, improving (dying)
- Fever, mild - r/o URI vs. stress vs. other

- 100mL LRS SQ q24h/ PRN
- Doxycycline (50 mg/mL): 0.7 mL PO q24h
- Famciclovir 250 mg: 1 tab PO q12h
- Okay to go to foster (separate from kittens), foster requested on 2/26
- Recheck URI, hydration in 3 days after leaving for foster

Clinician: JHergert DVM

M60211584 Exam DVM Medical 2/26/2021 11:46:00 AM

Notes: Subjective: Hospitalized yesterday for fever and URI. No longer febrile this AM. Good appetite, normal energy. Normal urination,
score 3/7 stool in litter box this morning.

FAS 3-4: Hunched, dilated pupils, low meow during exam, but tolerant. Began to growl softly toward end of exam.

T: 101.6 F
Hydration: Normal skin turgor, slightly tacky MM.
EENT: Mild serous bilateral nasal discharge, mild crusting around medial canthus OU, corneas are clear. Mild audible upper
respiratory congestion. Mild ceruminous debris AU, non-pruritic, non-erythematous. Mild dental tartar and gingivitis.
PLN: Small, soft, symmetrical.
CVS: No murmur or arrhythmia ausculted. Femoral pulses strong + synchronous. Pink MM, CRT <2 sec.
RESP: Eupneic, no crackles or wheezes. Mild referred upper airway sounds.
GI: Soft, non-painful abdominal palpation, no appreciable nausea. No overt masses, organomegaly, or fluid wave appreciated.
UG: Externally normal intact female.
MS: Ambulatory x4, normal gait. Full ortho exam not performed.
INTEG: Flea dirt throughout hair coat. Dead fleas in coat. No dermal lesions observed. Mammary glands are mildly engorged,
minimal milk production.
NEURO: Normal mentation, no overt abnormalities. Full neuro exam not performed.

- URI - r/o viral vs. bacterial vs. other
- Dehydration, mild
- Fleas, improving (dying)
- Fever, resolved today - r/o URI vs. stress vs. other

- 100mL LRS SQ this AM
- Doxycycline (50 mg/mL): 0.7 mL PO q24h
- Famciclovir 250 mg: 1 tab PO q12h
- Okay to go to foster since fever is resolved (separate from kittens), foster requested today
- Recheck URI, hydration in 3 days after leaving for foster

Clinician: JHergert DVM

M60202509 Exam DVM Medical 2/25/2021 3:27:00 PM

Vitals: 7.80 pound

Notes: S/O: Queen presents with 6 kittens for evaluation of URI, dehydration. FVRCP given at sending shelter 2 days ago. Kittens panleuk
tested (parvo snap tested) negative yesterday.

FAS 2-3: Hunched, dilated pupils, low meow during exam, but tolerant. Hissed during rectal temp.
Lemon Bar, queen
Ment: BAR
BCS 4/9
Temp 104.7
Hydration: Mild dehydration, mild skin tenting, moist MM
EENT: Mild crust at medial canthus OU. Mild nasal discharge, crusty. Vision appears normal, cornea clear OU. AD has moderate
dark ceruminous debris, mild AS. Mild gingivitis, mild calculi.
H/L: No murmurs or arrhythmias, mildly increased RR, normal RE. MM are pink w/ CRT <2 seconds. Mild congestion, no sneezing.
Abd: Soft non-painful abdominal palpation.
Uro/gen: Mammary glands are mildly engorged, and minimal milk production.
Int: Healthy hair coat. Fleas and flea debris
M/S: amb x 4. normal musculature
Neuro: no deficits noted

Woodslamp: Negative

-URI r/o viral vs. bacterial vs. other
-Dehydration, mild
-Fever r/o URI vs. stress vs. other

-Separate queen from kittens given inadequate milk production
-Doxycycline (50 mg/mL): 0.7 mL PO SID
-Famciclovir 250 mg: 1 tab PO BID
-Hospitalized queen until fever is improved/resolved
-Treated with Revolution at intake

M60207218 Exam Intake Physical Exam 2/25/2021 8:52:00 AM 2/26/2022 8:52:00
Vitals: 7.81 pound




FAS score and handling notes:

Score 1: tail up or close to body, mouth closed, more intense gaze, excited or aroused or expectant. Whiskers slightly back, brow
furrowed slightly


HEART: Normal
EYES: Mild
EARS: R ear moderate debris
NOSE: Mild
SKIN: Normal
HAIR COAT: Fleas and flea debris
NAILS: Normal
GAIT: Not observed
MOUTH: Normal
DENTAL ASSESSMENT: Mild tartar, mild gingivitus
OTHER FINDINGS: 104F, Not producing much milk
*This intake exam was performed by Seattle Humane staff.
Feline Leukemia, also known as FeLV, is a virus that causes a breakdown in a cat’s immune system. We recommend that all newly
adopted cats and kittens be tested for FeLV after adoption and prior to introducing this cat to other cats. Due to the very low
instances of FeLV in our community, Seattle Humane does not routinely test cats prior to adoption. A test is available for a$45 fee
prior to adoption.

Conditions Type Noted Date Body Part Resolution Date Review Date Record #

Otitis Externa Diagnosis 3/25/2021 5:35:00 M60526869

Behaviour Medication Diagnosis 2/28/2021 9:35:00 3/25/2021 5:41:00 PM M60225750
Fever Diagnosis 2/27/2021 3:53:00 3/8/2021 3:48:00 PM M60223848
Dehydration Diagnosis 2/25/2021 3:27:00 3/8/2021 3:48:00 PM M60202509
URI Diagnosis 2/25/2021 3:27:00 3/25/2021 5:41:00 PM M60202509
Fever Diagnosis 2/25/2021 3:27:00 2/26/2021 3:00:00 PM M60202509
Fleas Diagnosis 2/25/2021 3:27:00 2/28/2021 9:53:00 AM M60202509
Vaccinations Type Vaccination Date Re-Vac Date Pet ID Pet ID Type Record #

FVRCP Annual Modified Live 3/8/2021 12:21:17 PM 3/8/2022 12:21:00 PM M60207218

Rabies Killed 3/8/2021 12:20:00 PM 3/8/2022 12:20:00 PM 0125 Rabies Tag M60207218

FVRCP Adult Initial Modified Live 2/23/2021 8:52:00 AM 3/9/2021 8:52:00 AM M60207218

Medical Care Type Dose/Recurrences For Medical Care Date Review Date Record #

Incision Check Procedure 3/30/2021 7:27:28 AM M60547122

Recheck URI Procedure 3/25/2021 5:42:04 PM 4/1/2021 5:42:00 M60397176

Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/25/2021 11:08:32 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(16 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/25/2021 11:08:32 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(16 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/25/2021 11:07:40 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(17 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/25/2021 11:07:40 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(17 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 48 3/25/2021 11:07:40 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(2 of 2)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/25/2021 11:06:59 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(18 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/25/2021 11:06:59 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(18 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/25/2021 11:06:04 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(19 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/25/2021 11:06:04 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(20 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/25/2021 11:06:04 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(19 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/25/2021 11:06:04 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(20 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:08:01 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(2 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:08:01 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(2 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/22/2021 11:08:01 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(1 of 5)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:08:01 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(1 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:08:01 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(1 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(3 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(4 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(5 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(6 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(2 of 5)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(3 of 5)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(3 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(4 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(5 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:07:21 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(6 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/22/2021 11:06:48 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(4 of 5)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:06:48 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(7 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:06:48 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(8 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:06:48 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(7 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:06:48 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(8 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:06:21 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(9 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/22/2021 11:06:21 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(5 of 5)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:06:21 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(9 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:05:14 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(10 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:05:14 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(10 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:05:14 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(11 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:04:24 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(12 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:04:24 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(11 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:04:24 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(12 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:03:56 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(13 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:03:56 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(13 of 20)
Azithromycin 40mg/ml Medication 1 mL / 1 x's every 48 3/22/2021 11:03:56 AM M60397176
Oral Susp hour(s) for 5 Days
(1 of 2)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:03:28 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(14 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:03:28 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(14 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/22/2021 11:01:38 AM M60397176
Tabs hour(s) for 10 Days
(15 of 20)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/22/2021 11:01:38 AM M60397176
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 10
(15 of 20)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:54:24 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(2 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:54:24 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(2 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:54:24 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(1 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:54:24 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(1 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/15/2021 12:54:24 PM 3/22/2021 12:54:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(1 of 7)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/15/2021 12:53:45 PM 3/22/2021 12:53:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(2 of 7)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:53:45 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(3 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:53:45 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(3 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:52:59 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(9 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:52:59 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(10 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/15/2021 12:52:59 PM 3/22/2021 12:52:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(5 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:52:59 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(9 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:52:59 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(10 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:52:14 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(11 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:51:47 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(12 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:51:47 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(11 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:51:47 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(12 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/15/2021 12:51:47 PM 3/22/2021 12:51:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(6 of 7)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/15/2021 12:51:14 PM 3/22/2021 12:51:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(7 of 7)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:51:14 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(13 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:51:14 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(13 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/15/2021 12:50:45 PM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(14 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/15/2021 12:50:45 PM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(14 of 14)
Recheck/Re-evaluation Procedure 3/15/2021 11:30:02 AM M60321747

Revolution 120mg/ml Medication 1 app 3/15/2021 11:25:00 AM M60397176

Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/12/2021 11:44:47 AM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(4 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/12/2021 11:44:47 AM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(5 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/12/2021 11:44:47 AM 3/19/2021 11:44:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(3 of 7)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/12/2021 11:44:47 AM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(4 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/12/2021 11:44:47 AM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(5 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/12/2021 11:43:28 AM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(6 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/12/2021 11:43:28 AM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(6 of 14)
Nemex(Pyrantel) Medication 1 app 3/12/2021 11:43:28 AM M60207218
50mg/ml Final
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/12/2021 11:35:56 AM 3/19/2021 11:35:00 M60321747
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(4 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/12/2021 11:35:56 AM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(7 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/12/2021 11:35:56 AM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(7 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/12/2021 11:33:42 AM M60321747
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(8 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/12/2021 11:33:42 AM M60321747
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(8 of 14)
Recheck/Re-evaluation Procedure 3/8/2021 3:46:52 PM M60239932

Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/8/2021 11:53:32 AM M60239932

Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(14 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/8/2021 11:53:32 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(14 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/7/2021 11:29:10 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(9 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/7/2021 11:29:10 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(9 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/7/2021 11:29:10 AM 3/14/2021 11:29:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(5 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/7/2021 11:27:37 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(10 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/7/2021 11:27:37 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(10 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/7/2021 11:27:05 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(11 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/7/2021 11:27:05 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(11 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/7/2021 11:26:40 AM 3/14/2021 11:26:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(6 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/7/2021 11:25:42 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(12 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/7/2021 11:25:42 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(12 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/7/2021 11:25:11 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(13 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/7/2021 11:25:11 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(13 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/7/2021 11:25:11 AM 3/14/2021 11:25:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(7 of 7)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/5/2021 11:35:25 AM 3/12/2021 11:35:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days AM
(3 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/5/2021 11:35:25 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(5 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/5/2021 11:35:25 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(5 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/5/2021 11:31:08 AM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(8 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/5/2021 11:31:08 AM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(8 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/4/2021 4:36:49 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(6 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/4/2021 4:36:08 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(6 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/4/2021 4:34:55 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(7 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/4/2021 4:34:55 PM 3/11/2021 4:34:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(4 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/4/2021 4:34:25 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(7 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/3/2021 12:37:13 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(2 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/3/2021 12:31:54 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(3 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/3/2021 12:31:54 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(2 of 14)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/3/2021 12:26:12 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(3 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/3/2021 12:26:12 PM 3/10/2021 12:26:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(2 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/3/2021 12:24:52 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(4 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/3/2021 12:24:52 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(4 of 14)
Doxycycline 50mg/ml Medication 0.70 mL / 1 x's every 24 3/1/2021 4:04:09 PM 3/8/2021 4:04:00 M60239932
Oral Susp hour(s) for 7 Days PM
(1 of 7)
Famciclovir 250mg Medication 1 tablet / 1 x's every 12 3/1/2021 4:04:09 PM M60239932
Tabs hour(s) for 7 Days
(1 of 14)
Gabapentin 100mg Medication 0.50 capsule / 1 x's 3/1/2021 4:04:09 PM M60239932
Caps every 12 hour(s) for 7
(1 of 14)
Revolution 120mg/ml Medication 1 app 2/25/2021 8:52:00 AM M60207218
Nemex(Pyrantel) Medication 1 app 2/25/2021 8:52:00 AM 3/11/2021 8:52:00 M60207218
14+wks 50mg/ml AM

Status Date Status Item Type Dose/Recurrence For Record #

3/8/2022 12:21:00 PM Scheduled FVRCP Annual Vaccine 1 vial E60207218

3/8/2022 12:20:00 PM Scheduled Rabies Vaccine 1 mL E60207218

2/26/2022 8:52:00 Scheduled Intake Physical Exam Exam E60207219

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