FWF S1E10 - The One With The Monkey
FWF S1E10 - The One With The Monkey
FWF S1E10 - The One With The Monkey
ROSS: Yeah. I mean, it’s been kinda qui- IV. It’s kinda pathetic: Monica and Rachel,
as well as Joey and Chandler (all room-
etA since Carol left, so...
mates), look at one another with a shameful
look after Ross says having a roommate is
MONICA: Why don’t you just get a pathetic.
V. Sanskrit: A classical language in Hindu-
ROSS: Nah, I don’t know. I think you ism.
reach a certain age, having a roommate
is kinda patheIV-.. Sorry, that’s, that’s
‘pathet’, which is SanskritV for ‘really
cool way to live’.
1:47 - 2:48 Vocabulary snowman
Opening Credits A. snowman: a sculpture of a person
made of snow, especially by children.
Scene: Central Perk
PHOEBE: So you guys, I’m doing allB. (you) might want to...: used to
introduce a suggestion in a subtle way
new material tonight. I have twelve new
(rather than rough way in the form of
songs about my mother’s suicide, and
one about a snowmanA. a command.) >> You did a fine job with
the essay, but you might want to add the
CHANDLER: You might wantB to open sources you took the information from.
with the snowman.
C. jolly: another word for very happy/
joyful that is commonly used to de-
ALL: Hey, Joey. Hey, buddy.
scribe Santa Clause. slap in the face
MONICA: So, how did it go1? (literal)
D. slap in the face: an action that in-
sults or disrespects you. >> The fact the
JOEY: Ahhhhhh, I didn’t get the job. he decided to fire her in front of all those
people was a slap in the face.
ROSS: How could you not get it?You
were Santa last year. E. scramble: a sudden, impulsive,
fast movement. By ‘scramble to find...’
JOEY: I dunno. Some fat guy’s sleeping Chandler means to desperately and un-
with the store manager. He’s not even carefully look for a partner.
Times Square
jolly, it’s all political. ball drop
MONICA: So what are you going to 1. how did it go?: how-dih go
2. what are you going to be?:
JOEY: Ah, I’m gonna be one of his help- wuh-duh-yuh gonna be
ers. It’s just such a slap in the faceCD, you
know? References
RACHEL: Hey, do you guys know what I. New Year’s: (short for New Year’s Day)
you’re doing for New Year’sI? Gee, the holiday that celebrates the first day of
what?! What is wrong with New Year’s? the new year.
JOEY: Hey, that guy’s going home with B. smidge: a small amount of some-
more than a note! thing, like ‘a bit’ but even smaller. >> A
smidge of lemon juice in the drink.
Scene: Monica and Rachel’s
ROSS: Come here, Marcel. Sit here. C. where (sth) is going: (a topic of
conversation) directed to. If you say T.M.I.
RACHEL: Pheebs, I can’t believe he you know where a conversation is go- Too Much
hasn’t kissed you yet. I mean, God, by ing, you know what the person talking Information
my sixth date with Paolo, I mean he had wants to make a point about or what
already named both my breasts! ...Ooh. conclusion they are arriving at. Also
Did I just share too muchPIC? getting at (>> I know what you’re getting
ROSS: Just a smidgeB.
PHOEBE: David’s like, you know, Scien- 1. you’re going to ask him
tist Guy. He’s very methodical. yir-gonna Ass-kim
ROSS: Oh, that’d be great1! Okay, but B. (be) nowhere near as [adjective]
if you do, make sure it seems like you’re as: used to emphasize the difference
there to see him, okay, and you’re not between two things or qualities. You
like doing it as a favor to me. can say ‘John is not as tall as Marcus’ but
if you want to stress that there’s a big
CHANDLER: Okay, but if he asks, I’m height difference, you might say ‘John is
not going to lie. nowhere (near) as tall as Marcus’.
Scene: Max and David’s lab C. sweep: the most basic meaning of sweeping
this word is to clean the floor by using a
DAVID: ...But, you can’t actually test this
broomPIC. However, it can also describe
theory, because today’s particle accel-
the motion of sweeping with broom on
eratorsPIC are nowhere nearB powerful
the floor. It’s common collocation to
enough to simulate these conditions.
say to sweep a woman off her feet.
PHOEBE: Okay, alright, I have a ques-
D. off (sth): here ‘off ’ is an adverb
tion, then.
that goes after certain verbs to mean
DAVID: Yuh. that something is ‘removed’ and often
‘dropped’ (falls from a higher position).
PHOEBE: Um, were you planning on >> He pushed the rock off the cliff. >>
kissing me ever ?I
The lightbulb fell off. >> Jump off.
DAVID: Uh, that’s definitely a, uh, valid E. sorta fella = sort of person.
question. And, uh, the answer would be
yes. Yes I was. But, see, I wanted it to be Pronunciation
this phenomenal kiss that happened at 1. that’d be great: thA-dih be great
this phenomenal moment, because, well,
cuz it’s you. 2. one of those: one-uh-those
10:35 - 11:23 Vocabulary
JOEY: You know more than one Fun A. happen to = by chance. >> She
Bobby? happened to be present at the time of the to sip
CHANDLER: I happen toA know a Fun We also often use happen to to ask ques-
Bob. tions when we want to imply that if the
other person doesn’t know the answer,
RACHEL: Okay, here we go... there’s nothing he or she should feel sorry
about –it’s a polite way to ask info. >> Do
JOEY: Ooh ooh ooh ooh, there’s no you happen to know where the museum is?
roomB for milk!
B. room = space.
(rachel sipsPIC to make room)
RACHEL: ThereC. Now there is. C. there: in this case, there is intended
to satisfy another by putting focus on
ROSS: Okay, so on our no-date evening, announcing a recently completed act.
three of you now are gonna have dates.
D. catch a flight: to book a ticket for a
plane or flight.
JOEY: Uh, four.
E. what’s a ______ to do: a common
ROSS: Four. construction that communicates that
the person had no choice (what’s a guy
RACHEL: Five. to do? What am I to do?)
ing around all the time draggingC his He just kept bugging me.
B. to shut sb out: to ignore someone
CHANDLER: That’s so weird, I had completely, or to prevent someone or
such a blastD with him the other nightE. something from taking part. >> After
the divorce, she shut him out of her life.
ROSS: Really. C. to drag: to pull something along
without lifting it from the floor. Drag
CHANDLER: Yeah, we played, we
your hands is a reference to drag your
watched TV.. that jugglingF thingG is
feet (Marcel uses his hands as if they
were his feet), which means to lazily do
something and take too long to do it.
ROSS: What, uh... what juggling thing?
D. to have a blast (with sb): to have a
CHANDLER: With the balled-up sock- really good time. balled up socks
s ? I figured you taught him that.
PHOEBE: Oh, you’re not going? Oh, C. make out (with sb): to kiss someone
why? or have romantic relations (not sex).
MAX: Tell her1, David. ‘I don’t wanna D. I just...: often said to express frus-
go to Minsk and work with Lifson and tration or confusion (not finishing.) If
Yamaguchi and Flench, on nononono. I he were to finish, it might be something
wanna stay here and make outC with my >>I just can’t do this/ I just don’t know
DAVID: Thank you, Max. Thank you. Pronunciation
PHOEBE: So-so you’re really not going? 1. when do you leave: wen-dew u-leev
DAVID: I don’t know. I don’t know what 2. January: jAn-u-air-ee
I’m gonna do. I justD- you decide.
Make sure you pronounce this word as
PHOEBE: Oh don’t do that. containing four syllables, not three, or two.
DAVID: Please. 3. what’re you doing: wuh-duh-yuh-doin
RACHEL: Rome. The JerkC missed his E. planet: apparently she means a big
flight. woman (not a common expression). to tackle
PHOEBE: And then... your face is F. ...and then (the) next thing I know:
bloatedD? used in a narration to make a transition
from an unexpected cause to and ef-
RACHEL: No. Okay. I was at the airport, fect, or to connect two events . >> This
getting into a cabPIC, when this woman- weird looking man came up to me in curb
this blonde planetE with a pocketbook- what sounded like an awkward attempt
- starts yelling at me. Something about to strike a conversation, he asked me
how it was her cab first. And then the the time and then next thing I know he
next thing I know she just starts- starts snatched my purse and ran off.