Proteins Handouts 2024
Proteins Handouts 2024
Proteins Handouts 2024
Activity 1.
1. Given the following words, come up with your own definition of protein.
Organic, amino acids, carbon, body-building, macromolecule, hydrogen, oxygen, tissue
repair, nitrogen, large amount, building blocks
2. Illustrate the structure of amino acid and label each component.
Proteins supply the body not only with heat and energy, but also provide materials for
building and repair. They are the “working molecules” which perform operational functions in
living systems (e.g. enzymes, antibodies, hormones, etc.) and composed of amino acids as
building blocks.
Ninhydrin test
• General test for amino acids
• Reagent : triketohydrindene hydrate
• Product: CO2, ammonia and an aldehyde containing one less carbon than the amino acid
• Positive result: blue or purple color
o proline & hydroxyproline
gives yellow color
o Color is produced by the ammonia group
• Alpha amino acid + Ninhydrin = diketohydrindylidene-diketohydrindamine + CO2 +
Lesson 3. Peptides
A peptide is an unbranched chain of amino acids, each joined to the next by a peptide
bond. Since amino acids contain both amino and carbonyl groups, they combine with each
other to form amides, called peptides. The linkage that joins them is known as a peptide
The product is an amide made up of two amino acids joined together, called a dipeptide
• If three amino acid units are included in a molecule, it is a tripeptide, if 4 a tetrapeptide,
if 5 a pentapeptide and so on
• Oligopeptides – peptide chain of more than 12 residues and less than about 20
• Polypeptides are peptides containing about 40 – 50 amino acid units in a chain
• Amino acid residues – units making up amino acids minus the elements of water
• Proteins – larger chains
of amino acids peptides
By convention, peptide formation is written with the free amino group on the left and the
COOH on the right. In linear peptides, one end of the chain has a free amino and the other
end a free carboxyl group . The amino group end is called the N terminal residue and the other
end the C terminal residue
The sequence of amino acids in a chain is numbered starting with the N-terminal residue,
which is written on the left, the C- terminal residue is written on the right Any segment of the
sequence that is not specifically known is placed in parenthesis.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ala – pro – tyr – met – gly – lys – gly
• Named as acyl derivatives of the C-terminal amino acid, the C-terminal unit keeping its
complete name
• The –ine ending of all but the C-terminal amino acid is changed to –yl
• Except tryptophan (tryptophyl), cysteine (cysteinyl), glutamine (glutaminyl), asparagine
• They are listed in the order in which they appear, starting with the N-terminal amino acid
Example: Ala-Tyr-Gly is called
Arg-Glu-His-ala is arginylglutamylhistydylalanine
Lesson 4. Polypeptides
The amino acid sequence and chain length give a polypeptide its biological
effectiveness. The sequence of amino acid residues is essential for proper polypeptide
function. This sequence aligns the side-chain characteristics in the proper positions for a
specific polypeptide function.
Structure of proteins
• Proteins contain the elements C, H, O, N and usually S (and P) plus traces of Fe, Cu, I,
Mn and Zn
• Amino acids – building blocks of proteins
1.Structure– for animals, it is structural proteins which are the chief constituents of skin, bones, hair and
• Collagen – found in bones – provides the support for calcium to bind and form the solid structure of
the bones
• Keratin – hair and nails
2. Catalysis– virtually all the reactions that take place in the living organisms are catalyzed by proteins called
enzymes. The enzyme trypsin – catalyzes hydrolysis of proteins; sucrose – catalyzes the hydrolysis of
sucrose; and dehydrogenase – converts ethanol to acetaldehyde. Without enzymes, the reactions would take
place so slowly as to be useless.
3. Movement and Contraction– every time we crook our finger, climb stairs, or blink an eye, we use our
muscles. Muscles expansion and contraction are involved in every movement we make. Muscles are made up
of protein molecules called myosin and actin
4. Elasticity– the protein elastin, which possesses unique elasticity and strength, enables the skin, ligament
and blood vessels to stretch and rebound
6. Hormones– Many hormones are proteins, among them insulin, oxytocin, human growth hormone and
7. Protection– when a protein from an outside source or other substance (called antigen) enters the body, the
body makes its own proteins (called antibodies) to counteract the foreign protein. This is the major
mechanism the body used to fight diseases. Blood clotting is another protective device carried out by proteins
called fibrinogen. Without clotting, we would bleed to death from any small wound
8. Storage– some proteins are used to store materials, in the way that starch and glycogen store energy.
Examples are casein in milk and ovalbumin in eggs, which store nutrients for newborn m ammals and
birds. Ferritin, a protein in the liver, stores iron
9. Regulation – some proteins control the expression of genes are thereby regulate the kind of proteins
manufactured in a particular cell, and control when such manufacture takes place
c. Glutelins- soluble in dil. Acids and alkalies but insoluble in neutral solvents
- Glutenin- wheat
- Oryzenin- rice
e. Histones- soluble in water, dilute acids & alkalies but not in dil. Ammonia
- not readily coagulated by heat
- strongly basic and occur in tissues in the form of salt - combinations with acid substances like heme of
the hemoglobin molecule
Globin- hemoglobin
Histone- thymus
Scombrone- mackerel
II. CONJUGATED PROTEINS- made up of protein molecules combined with non-protein groups
a. Nucleoproteins- combinations of histones and protamines with nucleic acid
- soluble in dilute solutions of NaCl and can be extracted from the tissues by the use of this solvent;
precipitated by acidification
Products obtained from glandular tissues
Germ of grains
e. Lipoproteins- fatty substances combined with their molecules like lecithin, cephalin,
etc. blood serum, brain tissues, cell nuclei,
egg yolk and milk
III. DERIVED PROTEINS- substances formed from simple and conjugated proteins
A. Primary Protein derivatives- synonymous with denatured proteins; have undergone slight
intramolecular rearrangement through the hydrolytic action of certain physical and chemical agents
• Proteans- insoluble substances resulting from the preliminary action of water, dilute acids or enzymes
Ex. Myosan (from Myosin)
Edestan (from Edestin)
• Coagulated proteins- insoluble products resulting from either the action of heat, alcohol, UVR or
even simple mechanical shaking
Ex. Cooked egg albumin, cooked meat
1. Primary proteoses- soluble in water, precipitated by conc. HNO3 & half saturation with (NH4)2SO4 or
not coagulated by heat
3. Peptones- soluble in water; precipitated by saturation with certain alkaloidal reagents (e.g.
Phosphotungstic acid, Tannic acid)
4. Peptides- combinations of 2 or more amino acids, the carboxyl group of one being united with the
amino group of the other
Various kinds of proteins differ markedly in their solubility; utilized for group separation and most often
for purification of individual proteins.
2. Effect of pH- solubility is influenced by pH because of their amphoteric nature; solubility is minimum
at isoelectric point and increases with increasing acidity or alkalinity
- when burned, proteins decompose and liberate a characteristic odor of burned hair or
Denaturation- the process by which solution of proteins undergo slight intramolecular rearrangements when
they are heated between 38 to 60 degrees Celsius, giving rise to changes in chemical, physical and biologic
• Believed to be due to the unfolding of the characteristic folded structure of polypeptide chain.
• Reversible process; the unfolded molecule will return to its native form when conditions become
(Renaturation, Refolding or Annealing)
• Renders the protein insoluble at isoelectric point, causing it to precipitate (Flocculation)
Coagulation- If flocculated protein is heated further, the clumped chains become matted together in a
mass which is insoluble, not only at isoelectric point but also over the entire pH range
• a process involving the linkage of adjacent protein molecules by means of side chain Hydrogen bonds
• coagulated protein is hard to dissolve & when dissolved, it differs from the original protein from which
it is derived; process is irreversible.
By Acids- due to presence of the NH2 group in their molecules, amino acids have basic properties and
form insoluble salts with acids.
Organic acids- Trichloroacetic, Phosphomolybdic, Phosphotungstic, Picric, Tannic acids are used
as precipitants
• Tannic acid & Picric acid are used for treating burns because they produce astringent effect
on the tissues, diminish secretion of mucous membranes and prevent absorption of toxins.
They are also administered in some forms of gastro-intestinal irritation to relieve diarrhea.
• Inorganic acids also precipitate protein. Nitric acid is used for detecting the presence of
proteins in the urine (Heller’s test).
Activity 1. Given the following figure, answer the question that follows:
Protein forms the primary constituent not only of the cell but also of such regulatory agents as
hormones and enzymes. It confers upon the tissue a sort of biological specificity; that is, the protein of a
particular tissue is distinct and different from those of other tissues. This is so because complex proteins are
made up of varying
proportions of essential and non-essential amino acids depending upon the tissue, organ or specie.
The term essential and non-essential relates only to dietary requirements, not in relation to importance
in metabolism.
The study of protein metabolism is centered on the metabolism of amino acids, mostly concerned with
the fate of the amino nitrogen and those of the non-nitrogenous residues.
The amino nitrogen enters in the formation of urea while the non-nitrogenous residues participate
either in the carbohydrate or lipid metabolism.
There is rapid removal of the absorbed amino acids from the blood. The amino acids are quickly
disposed and appear in all tissues and organs of the body. This is evident from the fact that the amino acid
nitrogen level is kept more or less constant between 4-8 mg/100 ml of blood plasma.
NITROGEN BALANCE- quantitative difference between the nitrogen intake (from food) and the nitrogen
(represented by nitrogen lost in the urine and feces)
POSITIVE NITROGEN BALANCE- intake exceeds the output; this is found whenever new tissues are
being synthesized as in growing young, convalescence, pregnancy, etc.
NEGATIVE NITROGEN BALANCE- output exceeds the intake; this is found in:
1. inadequate intake of proteins as in fasting, malnutrition, diarrhea;
2. increased catabolism as in fevers, infections, wasting diseases; and
3. increased loss of body proteins as in lactation, albuminuria
Fixation of ammonia
1. Glutamic Acid synthesis
a-ketoglutaric acid + NH3 + NADH + H+ Glutamic acid + NAD+ + H2O
Is a biochemical reaction that involves the interchange of the amino group of an a-AA with the keto
group of an a-keto acid.
2. Synthesis of Glutamine
Glutamic acid + NH3 + ATP Mg++ Glutamine + ADP + Pi + H2O
Enzyme: glutamine synthetase
• Glutamine serves as a means of presenting to an enzyme an unprotonated nitrogen atom at
reduction level of NH3
• Glutamine serves as a store of ammonia
3. Carbamoyl Phosphate synthesis
CO2 + NH3 + ATP + H2O Carbamoyl PO4 + ADP + Pi + 3 H+
Enzyme: Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase
• Carbamoyl PO4 becomes available to the cells for carbamylation of amino groups as in the
synthesis of citrulline from ornithine
The ammonia liberated during the deamination process is disposed off in several ways:
1. It enters the general ammonia pool of the body and may be drawn upon either for anabolic or
catabolic purposes. It may be used in the reductive amination of keto acids derived from CHO to form new
amino acids.
2. Since ammonia is toxic in large concentrations, it is being detoxified by synthesis to glutamine.
3. Ammonia may be excreted directly into the urine.
4. Ammonia may enter the ornithine cycle to form urea.
Mammals utilize urea as the major vehicle for excretion of surplus nitrogen (ureotelic). On the basis
of their observations, Krebs and Henseleit proposed a cyclic mechanism for the synthesis of urea involving
the amino acids ornithine, citrulline and arginine in the presence of the enzyme arginase, which catalyzes
the irreversible hydrolysis of arginine to ornithine and urea.
Five amino acids are degraded to acetyl CoA without forming pyruvate
• Lysine
• Tyrosine
• Phenylalanine
• Tryptophan
• Leucine