Name of Work: Road Marking & Road Furnishing Work at

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Name of Work : Road Marking & Road Furnishing work at

Item 1% Labour
Qty Item of work SOR Rate Amount Per Amount
No Ces
1 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 6.72 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank 32040.85 320.41 32361.26 Hecter 217467.67
vegetation grass bushes, shrubs, sapling and trees girth up to
300 mm removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials (C) By mechanical means in area of
light Jungle
(SOR : 26117C)
2 67200.00 Scarifying gravelled macadam or bitumen macadam surface 6 26.88 0.27 27.15 Sqm 1824480.00
cm to 10 cm.depth including stacking useful materials on road
sideand disposing off remaining stuff with all lead and lift.

(SOR : 26063)
3 0.00 Providing and laying spreading and compacting graded stone 1164.49 11.64 1176.13 Cum 0.00
aggregate to wet mix macadam 250 mm thick as per MORT&H
specification including pre mixing the material with water at
OMC in mechanical mix plant, carriage of mixed material by
tippers to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/
base course on well prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desire density.

4 0.00 Providing & laying priming coat with emulsion SS-1 grade and 81.00 0.81 81.81 Sqm 0.00
spraying emulsion with spray set fitted on mechanical bouzer
using emulsion at the rate of 7.5 Kg./10 Sqm. On WMM
surface incl. cleaning the surface etc. complete.

5 0.00 Providing and laying 15 mm thick Mixed seal surfaceing using 3950.76 39.51 3990.27 MT 0.00
stone chipping and aggregates as per M.O.R.&H gradation with
bitumen Grade VG-30 @ rate 5.09% of weight mix i.e.50.90
Kg/M.T. including heating the asphalt and aggregate by
continuous batching drum mix plant, transporting and mixed
material and spreading the same by pavers finisher and
consolidation by vibratory roller of 80 KN to 100 KN static
weight including providing tools, plants, firewood, oil,
kerosene, labour charges etc. complete

6 0.00 Providing & laying surface painting with applying VG-30 grade 0.00 0.00 Sqm 0.00
and spraying asphalt with spray set fitted on mechanical
bouzer using bitumen at the rate of 5.0 Kg./10 Sqm. On B.T.
surface incl. cleaning the surface and flushing the stone dust at
0.30 cmt/10 smt. etc. complete.

7 900.00 Road Marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints with 296.40 2.96 299.36 Sqm 269424.00
reflectorising glass beads on bitumin surface providing and
laying a hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area,
thickness of 2.5 mm is excluding of surface applied glass beads
as per IRC:35-2015. The finished surface to be level, uniform
and free from streaks and holes. Zebra patta/ bump patta
lane/center line /edge line/ cut patta. The white colour
marking should provide liminance coefficient on cement road
shall be min 130 mcd/m2/lux and asphalt road shall be min
100 mcd/m2/lux during the service life during the day time.
The marking should meet the performance criteria for night
time reflectively wet reflectivity and skid resistance as
mentioned in the section-15 of IRC: 35-2015. Warranty for
retro reflectivity shall be two years.

(SOR : 26161)
8 2489.00 Cat eye/Road Stud/RPM: Supplying of molded twin shanks 303.00 3.03 306.03 Nos 761708.67
raised pavement markers made of polycarbonate and ABS
moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens (
No Glass bead lens) capable of providing total internal
reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a
load of 13635 kgs tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 type H
and complying to specifications of category A of Morth Circular
No. RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO III dt. 11.06.1997. The height,
width and length shall not exceed 20mm, 130 mm and 130
mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 sqcm on each side
and the slope to the base shall be 35+/-5 degree. The strength
of detachment of the intigrated cylindrical shanks, (of
diameter not less than 19 +/-2 mm and height not less than
30+/-2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500
kgf, fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to
go inside without nails and usintg epoxy resin based adhesive
as per manufacturer''s recommendation and the colour of the
marker should be as per the IRC 35-2015 and as directed by
engineer incharge.

(SOR : 26162)
9 10.00 Regulatory / Mandatory Sign :- Providing and Fixing Sign 4620.00 46.20 4666.20 No 46662.00
boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP
(Aluminium composite Panel) ; size 60cms Dia circle as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process &
acid etching; Coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two
coats of best quality epoxy paint ; reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro reflectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASMT D-4959 and letest M.O.S.T. Specifications; 3.6 mtr long
stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS pipe as
required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of
35 x 35 x 3mm ; Painted with best quality epoxy coating in
black and white bends. The detail of symbol foreach board
shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing
at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45X45x60 Cms. for each
leg. including excavation, curing etc.complete under the
supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for
the retro reflective sheeting from orignal manufacturer & a
certified copy of 3 years outdoor exposure test report from
third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted
by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting

(SOR : 26094C)
10 300.00 Applying of three coats of lime and Geru on trees, 1.2mtrs. 19.22 0.19 19.41 No 5823.00
height patta (2 x 0.3mt of geru and 2 x 0.3mt of lime) including
of materials, labours etc. complete
11 100.00 Hire Charges for JCB Machine for removal of earth, debris, 840.00 8.40 848.40 Hour 84840.00
trees, plant, advertisement hoardings etc. complete including
charges of operator, fuel, oil etc. complete.

(SOR : H016)
12 500.00 Hire Charges for Tractor with Rotovator as directed by 245.00 2.45 247.45 Hour 123725.00
Engineer-in- harge.
(SOR : H022)
13 10.00 Hire charges for Road Roller as directed by Engineer-in- harge. 2800.00 28.00 2828.00 Days 28280.00

(SOR : H011)
14 300.00 Engaging unskilled labour for all type of work as and when 348.20 3.48 351.68 Nos 105504.00
required daily as directed by Engineer-in- harge.
(SOR : L021)
Say 34,67,914.34
Say 34,67,915.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Capital Project Sub Division No. 12 Capital Project Division No. 3
Gandhinagar Gandhinagar
Name of Work : Road Marking & Road Furnishing work at

Road Widenig Measurement

Item No 1
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation grass bushes, shrubs, sapling and trees
girth up to 300 mm removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials (C) By
mechanical means in area of light Jungle

Dehgam Bayad Road 2 18200.000 1.50 54600.00 Sqm

Dharisna Jaliyanamath 2 4200.00 1.50 12600.00 Sqm
67200.00 Sqm
Total 6.720 Hecter
Say 6.72 Hecter

Item No 2
Scarifying gravelled macadam or bitumen macadam surface 6 cm to 10 cm.depth including stacking useful
materials on road sideand disposing off remaining stuff with all lead and lift.

Dehgam Bayad Road 2 18200 1.5 54600.00 Sqm

Dharisna Jaliyanamath 2 4200 1.5 12600.00 Sqm
Total 67200.000 Sqm
Say 67200.00 Sqm
Item No 3
Providing and laying spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam 250 mm thick as
per MORT&H specification including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant,
carriage of mixed material by tippers to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/ base course on
well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desire density.

0.00 Cum
0.00 Cum
Total 0.000 Cum
Say 0.00 Cum

Item No 4
Providing & laying priming coat with emulsion SS-1 grade and spraying emulsion with spray set fitted on
mechanical bouzer using emulsion at the rate of 7.5 Kg./10 Sqm. On WMM surface incl. cleaning the surface
etc. complete.
0.00 Sqm
0.00 Sqm
Total 0.00 Sqm
Say 0.00 Sqm
Item No 5
Providing and laying 15 mm thick Mixed seal surfaceing using stone chipping and aggregates as per M.O.R.&H
gradation with bitumen Grade VG-30 @ rate 5.09% of weight mix i.e.50.90 Kg/M.T. including heating the
asphalt and aggregate by continuous batching drum mix plant, transporting and mixed material and spreading
the same by pavers finisher and consolidation by vibratory roller of 80 KN to 100 KN static weight including
providing tools, plants, firewood, oil, kerosene, labour charges etc. complete

0.00 MT
0.00 MT
Total 0.00 MT
Say 0.00 MT

Item No 6
Providing & laying surface painting with applying VG-30 grade and spraying asphalt with spray set fitted on
mechanical bouzer using bitumen at the rate of 5.0 Kg./10 Sqm. On B.T. surface incl. cleaning the surface and
flushing the stone dust at 0.30 cmt/10 smt. etc. complete.

0.00 Sqm
0.00 Sqm
Total 0.00 Sqm
Say 0.00 Sqm

Item No 7
Road Marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints with reflectorising glass beads on bitumin surface
providing and laying a hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @
250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is excluding of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35-2015. The
finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. Zebra patta/ bump patta lane/center line
/edge line/ cut patta. The white colour marking should provide liminance coefficient on cement road shall be

1 6000 0.15 900.000 Sqm

Total 900.00 Sqm
Say 900.00 Sqm
Item No 8
Cat eye/Road Stud/RPM: Supplying of molded twin shanks raised pavement markers made of polycarbonate
and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens ( No Glass bead lens) capable of
providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a load of 13635 kgs tested
in accordance to ASTM D 4280 type H and complying to specifications of category A of Morth Circular No.
RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO III dt. 11.06.1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 20mm, 130 mm and
130 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35+/-5
degree. The strength of detachment of the intigrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/-2 mm
and height not less than 30+/-2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 kgf, fixing will be by drilling
holes on the road for the shanks to go inside without nails and usintg epoxy resin based adhesive as per
manufacturer''s recommendation and the colour of the marker should be as per the IRC 35-2015 and as
directed by engineer incharge.

Dehgam Bayad Road 2 18200 / 18.00 2022.00 Nos

Dharisna Jaliyanamath Road
2 4200 / 18.00 467.00 Nos
Total 2489.00 Nos
Say 2489.00 Nos

Item No 9
Regulatory / Mandatory Sign :- Providing and Fixing Sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP
(Aluminium composite Panel) ; size 60cms Dia circle as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting
process & acid etching; Coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;
reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro reflectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASMT D-4959 and letest
M.O.S.T. Specifications; 3.6 mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS pipe as required and
frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm ; Painted with best quality epoxy coating in
black and white bends. The detail of symbol foreach board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge.
2 x 5.00 10.00 No
Total 10.00 No
Say 10.00 No

Item No 10
Applying of three coats of lime and Geru on trees, 1.2mtrs. height patta (2 x 0.3mt of geru and 2 x 0.3mt of
lime) including of materials, labours etc. complete

1 x 300.00 300.00 No
Total 300.00 No
Say 300.00 No

Item No 11
Hire Charges for JCB Machine for removal of earth, debris, trees, plant, advertisement hoardings etc. complete
including charges of operator, fuel, oil etc. complete.
1 x 100.00 100.00 Hour
Total 100.00 Hour
Say 100.00 Hour

Item No 12
Hire Charges for Tractor with Rotovator as directed by Engineer-in- harge.

1 X 500 500 Hour

Total 500 Hour
Say 500 Hour

Item No 13
Hire charges for Road Roller as directed by Engineer-in- harge.

1 x 10.00 10.000 Days

Total 10.000 Days
Say 10.00 Days
Item No 14
Engaging unskilled labour for all type of work as and when required daily as directed by Engineer-in- harge.

DB (COLD STORAGE) 1 x 300.00 300.00 Nos

Total 300.000 Nos
Say 300.00 Nos
Name of Work : Road Marking & Road Furnishing work at

Rate Analysis For Road Materials

Lead For Quarry (Sathamba) Lead For Sabarmati River (Mahudi) Lead For IOCL Koyali
Quarry to Sathamba 4.00 River to Junction 3.00 Refinary to Koyali junction 2.00
Sathamba to Chiloda 74.00 Junction to Chiloda 37.90 Koyali Jun to Chiloda 127.00
Chilod to Site 3.00 Chilod to Site 3.00 Chilod to Site 3.00
Total 81.00 Km Total 43.90 Km Total 132.00 Km

Rate at Rate for Remaning Amount = Total = (Col-7
Sr. Name of Lead in for Net Lead
Material quary site Unit first 5 km km = (Col - Rate Rs. (Col-10 x Col- + Col -9 + Col-
No. quarry km average km
Rs. Rs. 6) - (5 km) 11) Rs. 12) Rs.
lead in km
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Aggregate 40 mm to 63 mm Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 293.00 Cmt 83.88 76 Km 7.66 582.16 959.04
2 Aggregate 22.4 mm to 45 mm and Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 353.00 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 885.50
26.5 mm to 53 mm 319 + 413
3 Aggregate 22.4 mm to 45 mm and Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 329.50 Cmt 65.24 76 Km 7.66 582.16 976.90
26.5 mm to 53 mm
4 Aggregate 19 mm to 26.5 mm Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 389.50 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 922.00
(413+319)/2 = 366 + 413
5 Aggregate 19 mm to 26.5 mm Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 389.50 Cmt 65.24 76 Km 7.66 582.16 1036.90
6 Aggregate 26.5 mm to 4.75 mm and Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 325.50 Cmt 65.24 76 Km 7.66 582.16 972.90
22.4 mm to 2.36 mm
285 + 390 + 330 + 413 + 366
7 Aggregate 26.5 mm to 4.75 mm and Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 325.50 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 858.00
22.4 mm to 2.36 mm
8 Aggregare 13.2 mm to 19 mm Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 371.50 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 904.00
330 + 413
9 Aggregate 11.2 mm Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 360.00 Cmt 65.24 76 Km 7.66 582.16 1007.40
330 + 390
10 Aggregate 9.5 mm to 13.2 mm Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 360.00 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 892.50
330 + 390
11 Aggregate 10 mm to 6 mm Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 337.50 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 870.00
390 + 285
12 Aggregate 6 mm Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 285.00 Cmt 65.24 61 Km 7.66 467.26 817.50
13 Stone Dust Sathamba 81 Km 15 66 Km 105.00 Cmt 58.71 61 Km 4.82 294.02 457.73
14 Stone Dust Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 105.00 Cmt 58.71 76 Km 4.82 366.32 530.03
15 Asphalt VG-30 Koyali 132 Km 15 117 Km 61657.36 MT 137.21 112 Km 6.84 766.08 62560.65
15 Asphalt VG-40 Koyali 132 Km 15 117 Km 66424.56 MT 137.21 112 Km 6.84 766.08 67327.85
16 Emulsion RS-1 Koyali 132 Km 15 117 Km 51044.00 MT 137.21 112 Km 6.84 766.08 51947.29
17 Emulsion SS-1 Koyali 132 Km 15 117 Km 102488.00 MT 137.21 112 Km 6.84 766.08 103391.29
18 Sand (Sabarmati River) Mahudi 44 Km 0 44 Km 196.00 Cmt 58.71 39 Km 4.82 187.50 442.21
19 Quarry Spall Sathamba 81 Km 0 81 Km 84.00 Cmt 65.24 76 Km 7.66 582.16 731.40
20 Unscreen Gravel Mahudi 44 Km 0 44 Km 126.00 Cmt 65.24 39 Km 7.66 297.97 489.21

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Capital Project Sub Division No. 12 Capital Project Division No. 3
Gandhinagar Gandhinagar
Name of Work : Road Marking & Road Furnishing work at


Item No. 7

Providing and laying spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam 250 mm thick
as per MORT&H specification including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant,
carriage of mixed material by tippers to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/ base course on
well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desire density.

For 225 Cum.

Sr. Material Qty. Rate Per Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
(A) Labour
Mate (L020) 0.48 348.20 Day 167.136
Mazdoor skilled (L023) 2 365.20 Smt. 730.4
Mazdoor (L022) 10 348.20 Smt. 3482
4379.54 (A)

(B) Machinary
Wet mix plant of 75 TPH capacity 6.6 900.00 Hour 5940
Front and loader 1 Cum capacity 6 520.00 Hour 3120
Paver finisher 6 1200.00 Hour 7200
Water tanker 12 300.00 Hour 3600
Tipper 24 200.00 Hour 4800
Vibratory roller 3.9 994.00 Hour 3876.6
28536.60 (B)

(C) Material
1 Course Crushed aggregates 89.1 885.50 78898.05
2 Fine aggregates 22.4 mm to 2.36 mm 118.8 858.00 101930.40
3 Stone Dust 2.36 mm to 75 Miscron 89.1 457.73 40783.74
221612.19 (C)

(D) Add 1 % water charges A+B+C 254528.33 2545.28 (D)

(E) Add 15 % Contractors profit & Over heads A+B 32916.14 4937.42 (E)

Total(A+B+C+D+E) 262011.03
Rs. 1164.49 /Cum.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Capital Project Sub Division No. 12 Capital Project Division No. 3
Gandhinagar Gandhinagar
Name of Work : Road Marking & Road Furnishing work at


Item No. 8

Providing & laying priming coat with emulsion SS-1 grade and spraying emulsion with spray set fitted on
mechanical bouzer using emulsion at the rate of 7.5 Kg./10 Sqm. On WMM surface incl. cleaning the surface
etc. complete.
For 1.00 Sqm..
Cost of 10.00 Sqm.

( A ) Cost of emulsion asphalt

1 x 7.50
1000 x 103391.29
Rs 775.43 ( A )

( B ) Cost of labour
Spraying Priming / Tack coat
@ 10 Kg/ 10
(S.O.R.IT. 26.35 P.264)(26024)
( 10 x 3.95/ ) 10 x 4.41 44.10
Rs. 44.10 ( B )

( C ) Deduct
Less use 2.5 kg/ 10 2.5 10 0.42 10.5 ( C )
(S.O.R. 26.36, P.236) (B)-(C) 33.60 ( D )

Total Cost = ( A ) + ( D ) 809.03

For 10 Smt 809.03 Smt
For 1 Smt 81.00 Smt
. Say Rs. 81.00 /Smt.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Capital Project Sub Division No. 12 Capital Project Division No. 3
Gandhinagar Gandhinagar

Providing and laying 15 mm thick Mixed seal surfaceing using stone chipping and aggregates as per
M.O.R.&H gradation with bitumen Grade VG-30 @ rate 5.09% of weight mix i.e.50.90 Kg/M.T. including
heating the asphalt and aggregate by continuous batching drum mix plant, transporting and mixed
material and spreading the same by pavers finisher and consolidation by vibratory roller of 80 KN to 100
KN static weight including providing tools, plants, firewood, oil, kerosene, labour charges etc. complete

For 1.00 M. T.
Sr.No. Nominal Size Qty Rate Amount

1 Aggregate 11.2mm to 5.6mm 0.198 892.50 176.72

2 Aggregate 5.6mm to 2.8mm 0.290 457.73 132.74

3 Aggregate 2.8mm to 0.09mm 0.172 457.73 78.73

0.660 388.19

A. Cost Of Aggregate
949.1 x 388.19 / 1000 368.43 ( A )

B. Asphalt for mixing 50.9 kg/MT

50.9 x 62560.65 / 1000 3184.34 ( B )

C. Cost of labour
(Ch. 26036, P. 238) 1 x 398.00 398.00 ( C )

Total A+ B + C Rs 3950.76 /MT

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Capital Project Sub Division No. 12 Capital Project Division No. 3
Gandhinagar Gandhinagar

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