Package-3 BOQ
Package-3 BOQ
Package-3 BOQ
Excavation in Soil using Hydraulic Excavator and Tippers with disposal upto
1000 metres. (Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator including
2.01 cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the
embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m)
a Ordinary soil
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders (Construction of subgrade and
earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts &
leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to
meet requirement of table No. 300-2)
Construction of Median and Island with Soil Taken from Borrow Areas (Construction of
2.04 median and Island above road level with approved material brought from borrow pits,
spread, sloped and compacted as per clause 408)
2.05 Filling of Sand below Admin Building Surroundings.
Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material, spreading in
uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method
with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause 401
Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base (Construction of dry lean cement concrete
Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to
IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio
not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1,
cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be
determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10
Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with
electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing.)
Cement Concrete Pavement (Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain
cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400
kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per
approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver,
spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of
contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation
membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod,
admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per
drawing )
Providing Paver Block of 80mm, over 50mm sand bend with 150mm GSB for Admin
building access road.
Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M20 kerb (Construction of cement concrete kerb
with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade
5.01 PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection
beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid
manually, all complete as per clause 408)
Painting Two Coats on New Concrete Surfaces (Painting two coats after filling
5.02 the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered concrete
Providing and fixing of retro reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informative sign
as per IRC 67 2001 made of high-intensity grade microprismatic HIP type IX sheeting,
fixed over aluminium sheeting 2mm thick firmly fixed to the ground by means of
properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60
cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawings. The item includes
Earthwork excavation, cement concrete M 15 grade 2 course of approved colour
synthetic enamel paint to the steel surface as per clauses including curing cost of all
material labour, loading come on loading, lead, lift, transporting etc., complete
Road Markers/Road Stud with Lense Reflector (Providing and fixing of road stud
100x 100 mm, die cast in aluminium, resistant to corrosive effect of salt and grit,
5.06 fitted with lense reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface by drilling hole
30 mm upto a depth of 60 mm and bedded in a suitable bituminous grout or epoxy
mortar, all as per BS 873 part 4:1973)
6.01 Turfing Lawns with Fine Grassing
6.02 Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for one Year
Advanced Traffic Management System
Toll Collection Monetoring System
Complete Lighting
DG Set
Admin Building
Paver Blocks in parking area
Compound Wall
7.01 Covered Drains for Toll Plaza
Providing and fixing Litter bins madeup of Virgin grade of Polyethylene material,
absolutely non-toxic, free from any contamination, chemical resistant , top 500 x
500mm , bottom 350 x 350mm and height not less than 690mm & confirming to the
requirement of IS 10146 – 1982.
7.03 Bull Nose Structure
7.04 Toll Booths
avaram Toll Plaza
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
New Drain Construction
Description Nos L B D
Excavation 1.00 1,331.00 1.70 1.50
Pcc 1.00 1,331.00 1.70 0.10
Raft 1.00 1,331.00 1.50 0.30
Wall 2.00 1,331.00 0.20 0.90
Wall 2.00 1,331.00 0.10 0.10
Slab 1.00 1,331.00 1.30 0.10
Steel 1.00 1,331.00
Weep holes 1.00 1,331.00
Drain of 1 Mtr Ht p
NJ Barrier
Description Nos L B D
M40-Concrete 1.00 1.25 0.61 0.12
M40-Concrete 1.00 1.25 0.11
M40-Concrete 1.00 1.25 0.09
BW Rate 9,153.63
Plastering Rate 159.44
122,429.79 Steel *%
7,253.08 Sand Filling 1.6 1.44
741.38 PCC 1.6 1.44
2,213.69 Painting 8.7 2
w Qty
0.2 2.45
2.7 6.22
0.1 0.23
Item Description of Work
3.1 Excavation
1.2 Soil Replacement Subgrade type
3.2 Anti-Termite treatment
3.3 PCC M15
3.4 RCC M30
3.5 HYSD
3.6 Waterproofing
3.8 Painting
3.9 MS Staircase
Total in Rs
Amount in
Unit Qty Rate
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Unit = Hectare
By Mechanical Means using Dozer
In area of light jungle
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 645.00 51.60
Mazdoor day 2.000 595.00 1,190.00
b) Machinery
Dozer 90HP hour 13.889 3,336.00 46,333.70
Tipper 10 cum capacity 1,500.000 8.25 12,375.00
Loading & unloading charges for disposed of
grabbed material
Using by 10 cum capacity Tipper & 1 Cum 1,000.000 8.25 8,250.00
capacity Loader
c) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b) 8,184.04
d) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c) 7,638.43
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c+d 84,022.77
By Mechanical Means
Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20
Unit = cum
Taking output = 1.25 cum
By Mechanical Means
a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 645.00 12.90
Mazdoor day 0.500 595.00 297.50
b) Machinery
Air Compressor 250 cfm hour 0.625 585.00 365.63
Pneumatic breaker @ 1 cum per hour hour 1.250 11.00 13.75
Tipper For transportation to dumping yard 1.875 8.25 15.47
considering lead @ 1 km 10 cum capacity
Tipper Loading & unloading charges for
disposed of material Using by 10 cum cum 1.250 42.32 52.90
capacity Tipper & 1 Cum capacity Loader
c) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b) 90.98
d) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c) 84.91
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d/1.25 747.23
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Excavation in Soil using Hydraulic
2 202 Excavator and Tippers with Disposal
upto 1000 metres.
Unit = cum
Taking output = 350 cum
By Mechanical Means
a) Labour
Mate day 0.040 645.00 25.80
Mazdoor day 1.000 595.00 595.00
b) Machinery
Hydraulic Excavator0.9 cum bucket capacity hour 6.321 2,689.00 16,997.17
Tipper For transportation considering lead @ 525.000 8.25 4,331.25
1 km 10 cum capacity
Tipper For loading & unloading time hour 6.321 2,166.00 13,691.29
c) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b) 4,276.86
d) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c) 3,991.74
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d/350 125.45
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen
3 305
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 450cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 645.00 51.60
Mazdoor day 2.000 595.00 1,190.00
b) Machinery
Hydraulic Excavator
0.9 cum bucket capacity hour 8.127 2,689.00 21,853.50
For Transportation
(iii) 10 cum capacity ### 8.25 100,701.56
For Loading & unloading time
(iii) 10 cum capacity hour 8.127 2,166.00 17,603.08
Motor grader for grading
(iii) Motor grader 3.35 metre blade hour 2.929 4,747.00 13,903.96
Water tanker ( speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 2.5
km/hr )
(iii) 6 KL capacity hour 6.165 967.00 5,961.56
Vibratory roller hour 2.184 7,640.00 16,685.76
c) Material
Cost of water (considering 5% additional
KL 39.375 166.46 6,554.36
moisture required)
Compensation for earth taken from private
cum 450.000 492.25 221,512.50
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 48,722.15
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 45,474.00
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/450 1,111.59
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
b) Machinery
Water tanker (speed @ Water tanker speed
hour 2.092 967.00 2,022.96
hr and return speed @ 20 km/hr and
spreading speed @ 2.5 Km/hr.) 6 KL capacity
c) Material
Sand (assuming 20 percent voids) at site cum 120.000 741.65 88,998.00
Water KL 18.000 166.46 2,996.28
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 11,356.57
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 10,599.46
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/100 1,165.94
Unit = cum
Taking output = 400 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 645.00 51.60
Mazdoor skilled day 1.000 640.00 640.00
Mazdoor day 1.000 595.00 595.00
b) Machinery
Wet mix plant 100 tonne per hour hour 11.200 558.00 6,249.60
Electric generator 62.5 KVA hour 11.200 1,250.00 14,000.00
Front end loader 1 Cum Capacity hour 29.371 1,717.00 50,430.01
Tipper For transportation 10 cum capacity 840.000 8.25 6,930.00
Tipper For loading & unloading Time 10 cum
hour 11.200 2,166.00 24,259.20
Motor grader Motor grader 3.35 metre blade hour 4.339 4,747.00 20,597.23
Vibratory roller hour 2.589 2,447.00 6,335.28
c) Material
Granular sub-base Material as per table 400-1
53 mm to 26.5 mm @27.5 percent cum 148.077 1,120.86 165,973.59
26.5 mm to 9.5 mm @ 22.5 percent cum 121.154 1,195.86 144,883.22
9.5 mm to 4.75 mm @ 10% cum 53.846 1,049.86 56,530.76
4.75 mm below @ 40 percent cum 215.385 946.86 203,939.44
Cost of water KL 67.200 166.46 11,186.11
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 85,512.13
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 79,811.32
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/400 2,194.81
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 400cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.360 645.00 232.20
Mazdoor skilled day 2.000 640.00 1,280.00
Mazdoor day 7.000 -
b) Machinery
Paver Finisher Concrete with 118 HP Motor hour 5.625 4,302.00 24,198.75
Vibratory roller 8-10 t capacity hour 5.625 2,447.00 13,764.38
Tipper For Transportation 10 cum capacity 990.000 8.25 8,167.50
Tipper For loading & unloading Time 10 cum
hour 10.625 2,166.00 23,013.75
Water tanker (speed @20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreadingspeed @ 3.0 hour 39.445 967.00 38,143.32
Km/hr.)6 KL capacity
c) Material Concrete from sub-analysis of
concrete Rate
Using Batching Plant 120 Cum Capacity (Rate
cum 450.000 2,772.20 1,247,489.03
taken from subanalysis of concrete - 21.18 C)
Cost of water (Curing) KL 217.350 166.46 36,180.08
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 167,096.28
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 155,956.53
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/400 4,288.80
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 900cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.440 645.00 283.80
Mazdoor skilled day 5.000 640.00 3,200.00
Mazdoor day 6.000 595.00 3,570.00
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour hours 0.893 1,009.00 901.04
Air compressor 250 cfm hours 0.893 585.00 522.41
Paver with electronic sensor Paver Finisher
hours 11.250 4,302.00 48,397.50
Concrete with 118 HP Motor
Transit truck agitator 2,070.000 12.77 26,433.90
For Transportation Transit truck agitator 6
cum capacity
For Unloading time hours 11.250 2,299.00 25,863.75
Concrete joint cutting machine hours 101.587 214.00 21,739.62
Texturing machine (TCM) -upto 9 m hours 11.250 3,626.00 40,792.50
Water tanker (speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 3.0 hours 85.750 967.00 82,920.25
Km/hr) 6 KL capacity
c) Material Concrete from sub-analysis of
concrete Rate
Using Batching Plant 120 Cum Capacity (Rate
cum 900.000 3,909.00 3,518,100.00
taken from subanalysis of concrete - 21.19 C)
36 mm mild steel dowel bars of grade S 240 tonne 9.170 ### 553,014.36
12 mm deformed steel tie bars of grade S 415 tonne 1.051 ### 63,382.56
Separation Membrane of impermeable plastic
sheeting 125 micron thick (including 5% sqm 3,150.000 75.00 236,250.00
Joint sealant Kg 609.524 65.00 39,619.06
Sealant primer Kg 100.003 193.00 19,300.58
Plastic sheath,1.25 mm thick for dowel bars sqm 155.735 55.00 8,565.43
Curing compound liter 600.000 144.00 86,400.00
Cost of water (Curing) KL 472.500 166.46 78,652.35
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
PQC M 35 grade Using Batching Plant-
120 cum capacity
Taking output = 900 Cum
a) Material
Cement @ 400 kg/cum of concrete Ton 360.000 4,220.00 1,519,200.00
Coarse sand as per IS: 383 and conforming to
Cum 405.000 886.65 359,093.25
clause 602.2.4 @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete
Crushed stone coarse aggregates of 25mm
and 12.5mm nominal size @ 0.90 cum/cum of Cum 810.000 1,708.86 1,384,176.60
concrete conforming to clause 602.2.4. .
Admixture @ 0.5 % of Cement Kg 1,800.000 86.00 154,800.00
Cost of water KL 144.000 166.46 23,970.24
b) Labour
Mate Day 0.160 645.00 103.20
Skilled Mazdoor Day 1.000 640.00 640.00
Mazdoor Day 3.000 595.00 1,785.00
c) Machinery
Batching Plant of capacity 120 cum/hour Hour 10.000 3,909.00 39,090.00
Generator 250 KVA Hour 10.000 4,344.00 43,440.00
Loader 3.1 cum capacity Hour 21.696 4,076.00 88,432.90
Transit truck agitator For loading & Unloading
Hour 10.000 2,299.00 22,990.00
Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
Machinery (a+b+c)/900
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 300 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day 1.360 645.00 877.20
Mason day 4.000 710.00 2,840.00
Mazdoor day 30.000 595.00 17,850.00
b) Machinery
Vibratory roller 0.750 2,447.00 1,835.25
Water tanker (speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 3.0 hour 1.217 967.00 1,176.84
Km/hr.) 6 KL capacity
Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum per hour hour 6.000 487.00 2,922.00
c) Material -
(i) For Granular sub base material -
53 mm to 26.5 mm @ 35 percent cum 20.790 1,371.86 28,520.97
26.5 mm to 4.75 mm @ 45 percent cum 26.730 1,091.86 29,185.42
2.36 mm below @ 20 percent cum 11.880 925.86 10,999.22
(ii) For cement concrete grade M15 7.5 cum
Aggregate 12 mm crushed @ 0.9 cum of
cum 6.750 1,687.86 11,393.06
Sand @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete cum 3.380 886.65 2,996.88
Cement tonne 1.880 4,220.00 7,933.60
(iii) For cement plaster 1:3
Sand cum 3.840 1,009.65 3,877.06
Cement tonne 1.830 4,220.00 7,722.60
(iv) Pre-cast cement concrete tiles
Tiles size 300 x 300 mm and 25 mm thick each 3,300.000 31.32 103,356.00
(v) RCC pipes
Pipes 200 mm dia,2.5 m long for drainage meter 22.500 237.00 5,332.50
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
(vi) Cost of water KL 12.000 166.46 1,997.52
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 28,897.93
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 26,971.40
Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/300 988.95
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Unit = cum
Taking output = 225 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.160 645.00 103.20
Mazdoor skilled day 1.000 640.00 640.00
Mazdoor day 3.000 595.00 1,785.00
b) Machinery
Wet mix plant 100 tonne per hour hour 6.600 558.00 3,682.80
Electric generator 62.5 KVA hour 6.600 1,250.00 8,250.00
Front end loader for loading to Tipper 1 Cum
hour 6.600 1,717.00 11,332.20
Tipper For Transportation 10 cum capacity 495.000 8.25 4,083.75
For loading & unloading time 10 cum capacity hour 9.900 2,166.00 21,443.40
Mechanical Paver finisher hour 3.300 2,463.00 8,127.90
Vibratory roller hour 2.640 2,447.00 6,460.08
c) Material
Material as per table 400-13
45 mm to 22.4 mm@ 30 percent cum 95.192 1,143.86 108,886.32
22.4 mm to 2.36 mm @ 40 percent cum 126.923 1,443.86 183,259.04
2.36 mm to 75 micron@ 30 percent cum 95.192 925.86 88,134.47
Cost of water KL 59.400 166.46 9,887.72
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 54,729.11
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 51,080.50
Cost for 225 cum = a+b+c+d+e 561,885.49
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/225 2,497.27
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 7000 sqm
a) Labor
Mate day 0.080 645.00 51.60
Mazdoor day 2.000 595.00 1,190.00
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom (2.1m sweeping width) hour 2.083 1,009.00 2,101.75
Air compressor 250 cfm hour 2.083 585.00 1,218.56
Bitumen pressure distributor (Spraying width
hour 1.944 1,647.00 3,201.77
4.5 m)
Water tanker (speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 4.0 hour 3.670 967.00 3,548.89
Km/hr.) 6 KL capacity
c) Material
SS1 grade Bitumen emulsion @ 0.70 kg per
tonne 4.900 ### 244,421.31
Cost of water KL 10.500 166.46 1,747.83
d) Overhead charges 30,897.80
e) Contractor's profit 28,837.95
Cost for 7000 sqm = a+b+c+d+e 317,217.45
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/7000 45.32
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 7000 sqm
a) Labor
Mate day 0.080 645.00 51.60
Mazdoor day 2.000 595.00 1,190.00
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom (2.1m sweeping width) hour 2.083 1,009.00 2,101.75
Air compressor 250 cfm hour 2.083 585.00 1,218.56
Bitumen pressure distributor (Spraying width
hour 1.944 ### 68,102.01
4.5 m)
c) Material
Bitumen emulsion @ 0.25 kg per sqm tonne 1.400 ### 69,834.66
d) Overhead charges 17,099.83
e) Contractor's profit 15,959.84
Cost for 7000 sqm = a+b+c+d+e 175,558.25
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/7000 25.08
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 195cum
a) Labour
Mate Day 0.440 645.00 283.80
Mazdoor Day 6.000 595.00 3,570.00
Mazdoor skilled Day 5.000 640.00 3,200.00
b) Machinery
Hot Mix Plant HMP 120 TPH hour 5.005 7,974.00 39,909.87
Mechanical broom (2.1m sweeping width) hour 0.663 1,009.00 668.97
Air Compressor 250 cfm hour 0.663 585.00 387.86
Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control
compatible with the hot mix plant Paver hour 5.005 6,971.00 34,889.85
Electric generator 250 KVA hour 5.005 4,344.00 21,741.72
Front end loader for feeding the plant 1 Cum
hour 15.799 1,717.00 27,126.88
Tipper For Transportation 10Cum 4,729.725 8.25 39,020.23
Tipper for loading & unloading time 10 cum
hour 10.010 2,166.00 21,681.66
Smooth steel wheeled tandem roller for static
hour 9.663 2,429.00 23,471.43
and vibratory passages
c) Material
Bitumen@ 4.5 percent of mix tonne 20.270 ### 930,470.03
Grading – 2, 26.5 mm (Nominal Size)
25 - 10 mm 30 percent cum 80.036 1,094.86 87,628.21
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
10 - 5 mm 28 percent cum 80.300 1,029.86 82,697.76
5 mm and below 40 percent cum 114.715 899.86 103,227.44
Filler @ 2 percent of weight of aggregates. cum 8.604 925.86 7,966.10
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 171,353.02
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 159,929.48
Rate for 195 cum = (a+b+c+d+e) 1,759,224.31
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/195 9,021.66
Unit = cum
Taking output = 191 Cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.440 645.00 283.80
Mazdoor day 6.000 595.00 3,570.00
Mazdoor skilled day 5.000 640.00 3,200.00
b) Machinery
Hot Mix Plant HMP 120 TPH hour 5.008 7,974.00 39,933.79
Mechanical broom (2.1m sweeping width) hour 1.624 1,009.00 1,638.62
Air compressor 250 cfm hour 1.624 585.00 950.04
Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control
compatible with the hot mix plant Paver hour 5.008 6,971.00 34,910.77
Electric generator 250 KVA hour 5.008 4,344.00 21,754.75
Front end loader for feeding the plant hour 15.553 1,717.00 26,704.50
Tipper For Transportation 10 cum capacity 4,732.980 8.25 39,047.09
Tipper for loading & unloading time 10 cum
hour 10.017 2,166.00 21,696.82
Smooth steel wheeled tandem roller for static
hour 16.902 2,429.00 41,054.96
and vibratory passages
Pneumatic Tyre roller hour 4.007 2,440.00 9,777.08
c) Material
i) Bitumen@ 5.4 percent of mix tonne 24.341 ### 1,117,344.40
ii) Aggregate
Grading - II-13 mm (Nominal Size)
13.2 - 10 mm 21 percent Cum 59.699 1,845.86 110,196.00
10 - 5 mm 17 percent Cum 48.327 1,435.86 69,390.81
5 mm and below 60 percent Cum 170.568 924.86 157,751.52
Filler @ 2 percent of weight of aggregates. Cum 8.528 6,393.94 54,527.52
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 210,447.89
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 196,418.03
Cost for 191 cum = a+b+c+d+e 2,160,598.38
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/191 11,312.03
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Binding wire Kg 48.000 64.00 3,072.00
b) Machinery
Labour for straightening, cutting, bending,
shifting to site, tying and placing in position
Mate day 0.160 645.00 103.20
Blacksmith day 1.000 670.00 670.00
Mazdoor day 3.000 595.00 1,785.00
c) Machinery
Cutting Machine & Bending Machine hour 5.333 503.00 2,682.50
Electric generator 15 KVA hour 5.333 405.00 2,159.87
Tipper for Transportation 10 cum capacity 60.000 8.25 495.00
Loading & Unloading Time 10 cum capacity hour 1.778 2,166.00 3,851.15
Light weight Crane
At cutting bending yard hour 2.000 1,032.00 2,064.00
At site hour 2.000 1,032.00 2,064.00
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 62,054.97
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 57,917.97
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/8 79,637.21
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 600 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.030 645.00 19.35
Mazdoor day 0.750 595.00 446.25
b) Machinery
Road marking machine @ 60 sqm per hour hour 10.000 1,859.00 18,590.00
Tractor-trolley hour 0.500 873.00 436.50
c) Material
Hot applied thermoplastic compound Litre 1,500.000 150.00 225,000.00
Reflectorising glass beads Kg 150.000 101.00 15,150.00
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 31,157.05
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 29,079.92
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/600 533.13
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
c) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b) 1,825.20
d) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c) 1,703.52
Rate per m (a+b+c+d)/30 624.62
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
Machinery (a+b+c)/360
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Add @ 1 percent on cost of material for
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Including dismembering
a) Labour
Mate day 0.140 645.00 90.30
Black Smith day 1.000 670.00 670.00
Mazdoor for dismantling,loading and
day 2.500 595.00 1,487.50
Add 2.5 percent of cost of labour for gas
cutting, ropes, pulleys etc
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley Hour 0.123 873.00 107.38
c) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b) 289.36
d) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c) 270.07
Cost for 1 MT = a+b+c+d 2,970.81
Cost per Kg 2.97
Per sqm 53 kgs 157.45
14 410 Footpath
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 300 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day 1.360 645.00 877.20
Mason day 4.000 710.00 2,840.00
Mazdoor day 30.000 595.00 17,850.00
b) Machinery
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Vibratory roller 0.750 2,447.00 1,835.25
Water tanker (speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 3.0 hour 0.107 967.00 103.47
Km/hr.) 6 KL capacity
Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum per hour hour 6.000 487.00 2,922.00
c) Material -
(i) For Granular sub base material -
53 mm to 26.5 mm @ 35 percent cum 20.790 1,371.86 28,520.97
26.5 mm to 4.75 mm @ 45 percent cum 26.730 1,094.86 29,265.61
2.36 mm below @ 20 percent cum 11.880 925.86 10,999.22
(ii) For cement concrete grade M15 7.5 cum
Aggregate 12 mm crushed @ 0.9 cum of
cum 6.750 1,592.86 10,751.81
Sand @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete cum 3.380 886.65 2,996.88
Cement tonne 1.880 4,220.00 7,933.60
(iii) For cement plaster 1:3
Sand cum 3.840 1,009.65 3,877.06
Cement tonne 1.830 4,220.00 7,722.60
(iv) Pre-cast cement concrete tiles
Tiles size 300 x 300 mm and 25 mm thick each 3,300.000 31.32 103,356.00
(v) RCC pipes
Pipes 200 mm dia,2.5 m long for drainage meter 22.500 237.00 5,332.50
(vi) Cost of water KL 12.000 166.46 1,997.52
d) Overhead charges @ 12% on (a+b+c) 28,701.80
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 26,788.35
Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/300 982.24
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 900cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.440 645.00 283.80
Mazdoor skilled day 5.000 640.00 3,200.00
Mazdoor day 6.000 595.00 3,570.00
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour hours 0.893 1,009.00 901.04
Air compressor 250 cfm hours 0.893 585.00 522.41
Paver with electronic sensor Paver Finisher
hours 11.250 4,302.00 48,397.50
Concrete with 118 HP Motor
Transit truck agitator - 12.77 -
For Transportation Transit truck agitator 6
cum capacity
For Unloading time hours 11.250 2,299.00 25,863.75
Concrete joint cutting machine hours 101.587 214.00 21,739.62
Texturing machine (TCM) -upto 9 m hours 11.250 3,626.00 40,792.50
Water tanker (speed @ 20km/hr and return
speed @ 30 km/hr and spreading speed @ 3.0 hours 42.000 967.00 40,614.00
Km/hr) 6 KL capacity
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
c) Material Concrete from sub-analysis of
concrete Rate
Using Batching Plant 120 Cum Capacity (Rate
cum 900.000 4,041.91 3,637,721.19
taken from subanalysis of concrete - 21.19 C)
36 mm mild steel dowel bars of grade S 240 tonne 9.170 ### 553,014.36
12 mm deformed steel tie bars of grade S 415 tonne 1.051 ### 63,382.56
Separation Membrane of impermeable plastic
sheeting 125 micron thick (including 5% sqm 3,150.000 75.00 236,250.00
Joint sealant Kg 609.524 65.00 39,619.06
Sealant primer Kg 100.003 193.00 19,300.58
Plastic sheath,1.25 mm thick for dowel bars sqm 155.735 55.00 8,565.43
Curing compound liter 600.000 144.00 86,400.00
Cost of water (Curing) KL 472.500 166.46 78,652.35
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
a) Labour
Mate day 0.120 645.00 77.40
Mazdoor day 3.000 595.00 1,785.00
b) Machinery
Hydraulic Excavator0.9 cum bucket capacity hour 9.121 2,689.00 24,526.37
Jack Hammer hour 12.162 206.00 2,505.37
Air Compressor 250 cfm with 2 leads of
hour 2.880 585.00 1,684.80
pneumatic breaker @ 1 cum per hour
Pneumatic breaker hour 5.760 11.00 63.36
Concrete Joint Cutting hour 8.000 214.00 1,712.00
Tipper For transportation to dumping yard 180.000 8.25 1,485.00
considering lead @ 1km 10 cum capacity
Unit = Each
Taking output = one traffic sign
i) Excavation for foundation (Rate taken from
cum 0.122 125.45 15.31
item No. 9.01 A (I) including OH & CP)
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
ii) Cement concrete M25 grade (Rate taken
from item No. 9.06, E, Case-II including OH & cum 0.122 4,040.39 492.93
iii) Painting angle iron post two coats (Rate
sqm 1.414 112.75 159.43
taken from item No. 8.09 including OH & CP )
a) Labour (For fixing at site)
Mate day 0.010 645.00 6.45
Mazdoor day 0.250 595.00 148.75
b) Material
Mild Steel 'L' Angle Back Support Frame 25 x
Kg 2.200 60.31 132.68
25 x 3mm
Mild Steel circular pipe 65 NB, 3.2 mm
Kg 20.556 60.31 1,239.67
thickness, 3.6 meter height
Aluminium sheeting fixed with encapsulated
lens type reflective sheeting of size including
lettering and signs as applicable
(i) 90 cm equilateral triangle sqm 0.351 971.00 340.82
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(i) 75 cm equilateral triangle sqm 0.243 971.00 235.95
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(ii) 60 cm equilateral triangle sqm 0.156 971.00 151.48
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(iii) 60 cm circular sqm 0.283 971.00 274.79
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(iv) 90 cm x 30 cm rectangular sqm 0.270 971.00 262.17
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(v) 80 cm x 60 cm rectangular sqm 0.480 971.00 466.08
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(vi) 60 cm x 60 cm square sqm 0.360 971.00 349.56
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(vii) 75 cm high octagon sqm 0.466 971.00 452.49
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
(viii) 90 cm x 45 cm rectangular sqm 0.405 971.00 393.26
Add 1 percent of cost material (b) towards
cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
c) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.010 873.00 8.73
(i) 90 cm equilateral triangle
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 307.02
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 286.55
Rate per traffic sign =
(i) 75 cm equilateral triangle
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 294.43
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 274.80
Rate per traffic sign =
(ii) 60 cm equilateral triangle
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 284.30
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 265.34
Rate per traffic sign =
(iii) 60 cm circular
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 299.09
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 249.24
Rate per traffic sign =
(iv) 90 cm x 30 cm rectangular
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 297.58
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 277.74
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Rate per traffic sign =
(v) 80 cm x 60 cm rectangular
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 322.05
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 300.58
Rate per traffic sign =
(vi) 60 cm x 60 cm square
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 308.07
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 287.53
Rate per traffic sign =
(vii) 75 cm high octagon
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 320.42
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 299.06
Rate per traffic sign =
(iv) 90 cm x 45 cm rectangular
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 313.31
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 292.42
Rate per traffic sign =
Overhead Signs
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Add 1 percent of cost of labour for lifting
arrangement, like ladders, pulleys, ropes etc.
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 70.19
e) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c+d) 65.51
Rate = (a+b+c+d+e) 720.57
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 100 sqm
a) Labour
Mate Day 0.100 645.00 64.50
Mazdoor Day 1.000 595.00 595.00
Mazdoor skilled Day 1.500 640.00 960.00
b) Machinery
Water tanker6 KL capacity Hour 0.500 967.00 483.50
Tractor-trolley Hour 0.010 873.00 8.73
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
c) Material
Supply of farm yard manure at site of work @
Cum 0.600 500.00 300.00
0.6 cum per 100 sqm
Fine grass kg 100.000 11.00 1,100.00
d) Overhead charges @ on (a+b+c) 421.41
e) Contractor's profit @ 10% on (a+b+c+d) 393.31
Cost for 100 sqm = a+b+c+d+e 4,326.45
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/100 43.26
Rate Analysis (As per MORT&H Data Book 2019 & SoR Rates 2024-25)
Sl. Rate Amount
H Ref Description Unit Quantity Remarks
No Rs. Rs.
Cost of water (Water/Cement Ratio - 0.4) KL 58.560 166.46 9,747.90
b) Labour
Mate Day 0.160 645.00 103.20
Skilled Mazdoor Day 1.000 640.00 640.00
Mazdoor Day 3.000 595.00 1,785.00
c) Machinery
Batching Plant of capacity 120 cum/hour Hour 4.000 3,909.00 15,636.00
Generator 250 KVA Hour 4.000 4,344.00 17,376.00
Loader 3.1 cum capacity Hour 8.679 4,076.00 35,375.60
Transit truck agitator - For loading &
Hour 4.000 2,299.00 9,196.00
Unloading time
Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
Machinery (a+b+c)/360
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
11 Machine-011 Front End loader 3.1 cum bucket capacity Hour 4,076.00
12 Machine-012 Front End loader 2.1 cum bucket capacity Hour 2,515.00
43 Machine-043 Integrated Stone Crusher Stone (3 Stage) 250 TPH Hour 14,744.00
50 Machine-050 Batching and Mixing Plant - 240 cum Capacity Hour 6,013.00
51 Machine-051 Batching and Mixing Plant - 120 cum Capacity Hour 3,909.00
70 Machine-070 Paver Finisher Hydrostatic with sensor control -240 HP Hour 8,794.00
71 Machine-071 Paver Finisher Hydrostatic with sensor control -170 HP Hour 6,971.00
93 Machine-093 Milling Machine with 1.2 meter Drum Width Hour 5,326.00
94 Machine-094 Milling Machine With 1.3 meter Drum Width Hour 7,625.00
96 Machine-096 Cold in Situ recycling of bitumen's pavement with foam bitumen technology Hour 29,344.00
101 Machine-101 Pre heater unit for hot in place recycling Hour 1,219.00
113 Machine-113 Crawler mounted Crane 100 tonne capacity Hour 9,503.00
121 Machine-121 Prestressing Jack with Pump & Access (400 tonne) Hour 553.00
123 Machine-123 Crane with grab 0.75 cum capacity Hour 1,042.00
Induction, deinduction and erection of plant and equipment including all components
125 Machine-125 Hour 9,594.00
and accessories for pneumatic method of well sinking.
126 Machine-126 Jack for Lifting 40 tonne lifting capacity. Hour 360.00
127 Machine-127 Vibrating Pile driving hammer complete with power unit and accessories. Hour 17,687.00
131 Machine-131 Truck 10 t / Truck 5.5 cum per 10 tonnes Hour 1,218.01
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
2 MAT-00028 Fineaggregate/Sand(unscreened)for filling Cum 7.50 460.00 139.33 42.32 100.00 741.65 As per AP SoR 2024-25
4 MAT-00007 Aggregates 10 mm to 4.75 mm Cum 9.50 1,098.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,435.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
5 MAT-00008 Aggregates 20 mm to 10 mm Cum 9.50 1,508.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,845.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
6 MAT-00009 Aggregates 45 mm to 22.4 mm Cum 9.50 1,441.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,778.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
7 MAT-00010 Aggregates 90 mm to 45 mm Cum 9.50 786.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,123.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
9 MAT-00176 Stone weighing not less than 40kg Cum 9.50 206.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 543.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
10 MAT-00177 Gravel/Quarry spall at Site Cum 9.50 165.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 502.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
11 MAT-00177 Stone spalls of minimum 25 mm size Cum 9.50 165.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 502.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
12 MAT-00180 Filter media/Filter Material Cum 9.50 401.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 738.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
29 MAT-00199 Aggregates below 5.6 mm Cum 9.50 674.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,011.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
30 MAT-00200 Aggregates 22.4 mm to 2.36 mm Cum 9.50 1,106.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,443.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
31 MAT-00201 Aggregates 22.4 mm to 5.6 mm Cum 9.50 1,255.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,592.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
32 MAT-00202 Aggregates 45 mm to 2.8 mm Cum 9.50 806.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,143.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
33 MAT-00203 Aggregates 53 mm to 2.8 mm Cum 9.50 1,108.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,445.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
34 MAT-00204 Aggregates 53 mm to 22.4 mm Cum 9.50 1,050.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,387.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
35 MAT-00205 Aggregates 63 mm to 2.8 mm Cum 9.50 867.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,204.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
36 MAT-00206 Aggregates 63 mm to 45 mm Cum 9.50 805.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,142.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
37 MAT-00207 Aggregates 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm Cum 9.50 869.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,206.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
38 MAT-00208 Aggregates 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm Cum 9.50 985.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,322.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
39 MAT-00209 Aggregates 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm Cum 9.50 1,128.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,465.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
40 MAT-00210 Aggregates 13.2 mm to 10 mm Cum 9.50 1,255.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,592.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
41 MAT-00211 Aggregates 25 mm to 10 mm Cum 9.50 1,371.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,708.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
42 MAT-00212 Aggregates 19 mm to 6 mm Cum 9.50 1,261.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,598.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
43 MAT-00213 Aggregates 37.5 mm to 19 mm Cum 9.50 1,359.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,696.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
44 MAT-00214 Aggregates 37.5 mm to 25 mm Cum 9.50 1,412.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,749.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
46 MAT-00216 Aggregates 10 mm nominal size Cum 9.50 1,145.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,482.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
47 MAT-00217 Aggregates 13.2/12.5 mm nominal size Cum 9.50 1,350.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,687.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
48 MAT-00218 Aggregates 20 mm nominal size Cum 9.50 1,676.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 2,013.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
49 MAT-00219 Aggregates 25 mm nominal size Cum 9.50 1,608.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,945.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
50 MAT-00220 Aggregates 40 mm nominal size Cum 9.50 1,033.00 163.23 84.63 90.00 1,370.86 As per AP SoR 2024-25
51 MAT-00240 Bitumen (emulsion)-SS1 Tonne ### 49,310.00 571.90 - - 49,881.90 As per AP SoR 2024-25
52 MAT-00240 Bitumen (emulsion)-RS1 Tonne ### 34,460.00 571.90 35,031.90 As per AP SoR 2024-25
52 MAT-00240 Bitumen (VG40) Tonne ### 44,760.00 1,143.80 - - 45,903.80 As per AP SoR 2024-25
54 MAT-00252 Earth/Soil Cum 15.50 144.00 260.93 42.32 45.00 492.25 As per AP SoR 2024-25
56 MAT-00748 Brick Each 8.40 9.34 0.25 0.16 - 9.74 As per AP SoR 2024-25
57 MAT-00063 TMT / HYSD bars (FE-415) Tonne 7.50 59,000.00 83.75 223.16 - 59,306.91 As per AP Steel Rates
58 MAT-00063 TMT / HYSD bars (Fe-500/Fe-500D/Fe-550) Tonne 7.50 60,000.00 83.75 223.16 - 60,306.91 As per AP Steel Rates
59 MAT-00280 Mild Steel Tonne 7.50 60,000.00 83.75 223.16 - 60,306.91 As per AP Steel Rates
61 MAT-00280 6mm M.S. Rods tonne 7.50 57,000.00 83.75 223.16 - 57,306.91 As per AP Steel Rates
67 MAT-00223 Aluminium alloy plate 2mm Thick sqm - 418.00 - - - 418.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
68 MAT-00224 Aluminium alloy/galvanised steel tonne - 67,372.00 - - - 67,372.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
Aluminium sheeting fixed with encapsulated lens
type reflective sheeting including 2% towards
69 MAT-00225 sqm - 971.00 - - - 971.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
lettering, cost of angle iron, cost of drilling holes,
nuts, bolts etc.and signs as applicable Market Rate Quotations
70 MAT-00226 Road Studs Each - 150.00 - - - 150.00
77 MAT-00292 Plastic sheath, 1.25 mm thick for dowel bars sqm - 55.00 - - - 55.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
89 MAT-03388 LED Flood Light 200 Watt No - 14,554.00 - - - 14,554.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
90 MAT-03391 LED Flood Light 400 Watt No - 23,216.00 - - - 23,216.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
91 MAT-03640 1 HP Single Phase submerisble Pump No - 19,602.00 - - - 19,602.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
94 MAT-05352 Anti Termite Treatment material Sqm - 179.00 - - - 179.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
96 MAT-05618 RCC Pipes 200 mm dia for drainage meter - 237.00 - - - 237.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
97 MAT-05934 Supply of A.C. Pressure pipes 100mm dia - 398.00 - - - 398.00 As per AP SoR 2024-25
Market Rate Quotations
98 Plastic Barriers Nos - 2,000.00 - - - 2,000.00
Market Rate Quotations
99 Litter Bins Nos - 6,000.00 - - - 6,000.00
Package-3: Annavaram to Diwancheruvu section (from Km. 830+525 to Km. 901+500)
Material Source location Destination Location Lead (Km) Dead Lead (Km) Total Lead (Km)
Quary at Vengamamba
1 Aggregate Plant at 865+500 8.5 1 9.50
Km. 857+000
Jaggampeta at
2 Sand Plant at 865+500 6.5 1 7.50
Km. 872+000
Jaggampeta at
3 Cement Plant at 865+500 6.5 2 8.50
Km. 872+000
Borrow Area at
4 Earth/Soil Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 5.5 10 15.50
Km. 860+000
Gollagudem at
5 Bricks Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 5.89999999999998 2.5 8.40
Km. 871+400
Jaggampeta at
6 Steel Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 6.5 1 7.50
Km. 872+000
7 Water Yerravaram at Km. 863+000 Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 2.5 2.5 5.00
Bitumen (VG 40
8 Visakhapatnam Plant at 865+500 300 1 301.00
Bitumen Emulsion
9 Visakhapatnam Plant at 865+500 300 1 301.00
Packed (Slow) SS1
10 DBM Material Plant at 857+000 Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 8.5 2 10.50
11 BC Material Plant at 857+000 Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 8.5 2 10.50
12 GSB Material Plant at 865+500 Toll Plaza at Km. 865+500 0 1 1.00
Lead up
1 38.00 36.54 22.84 53.74 23.05 60.90
to 1 km
Lead up
2 53.20 51.16 31.97 75.23 32.27 85.26
to 2 km
Lead up
3 70.93 68.21 42.63 100.31 43.02 113.62
to 3 km
Lead up
4 86.13 82.82 51.77 121.80 52.24 138.04
to 4 km
Lead up
5 101.33 97.44 60.90 143.30 61.46 162.40
to 5 km
for Every km
6 beyond 5 km up to 15.20 14.62 9.14 21.49 9.22 24.36
30 km
for Every km
7 12.67 12.18 7.61 17.91 7.68 20.30
(idle hire charges of trucks are not added)