Tendernotice - 1 - 2024-07-28T101327.951

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Office of Superintending Engineer,

Public Health Engineering Department, Circle Ajmer,

Loha khan, Tempo Stand Ajmer
Tel:- 0145-2970165 Email:- seajmer@gmail.com
No.(F)/Ar. Distt.R Dn./2024-25/ dated :.

Notice Inviting Bid No. 09/2024-25

Online tenders are invited on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan for the following works from
contractors registered / enlisted in PHED Rajasthan in appropriate Class as per PWF&AR Part II
Appendix 16 dated 01.07.1999 and amendment issued by concerned department up to date,
Contractors enlisted with other Departments of Government of Rajasthan and enlisted with
CPWD/Postal, Telecom, Railway, MES, other State Govt. /Central Govt. undertaking/organizations
equivalent to appropriate Class of Rajasthan shall also be eligible. The self attested copy of
Registration Certificate is to be enclosed. Unregistered contractors shall not be allowed. The
tenderers meeting eligibility criteria may apply after giving prescribed Earnest Money. The tender
documents can be seen from the website http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in. and
http://sppp.raj.nic.in and the interested bidders will have to submit their tender in Electronic
Format on website http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in with their digital signatures. Details of this
tender notification can also be seen in NIT exhibited on website www.dipronline.org.

1. General details of bid:

S. No. Item Details
1. Name of Work Rate Contract for the work of Providing, Laying, Jointing, testing
and Commissioning of Various size of DI/HDPE Pipeline under
Jurisdiction of District Rural Division, Ajmer
2. NIB Cost Rs. 100.00 Lacs
3. Bid Document Cost Rs.1500.00 to be depositing through e-challan at e-grass system in
favour of 8745-Executive Engineer, PHED, District Rural Division,
Ajmer, in Budget Head 0075-00-800-52-01.
4. Bid Processing fee Rs 1500.00 to be depositing through e-challan at e-grass system in
favour of 8745-Executive Engineer, PHED, District Rural Division,
Ajmer, in Budget Head 8658-00-102-16-02.
5. Bid Security Rs 2,00,000(@2% of NIT cost) or Rs. 50,000(@0.5% NIT cost) for
enlisted contractor in appropriate Class with PHED Rajasthan) or as
per rules, to be depositing through e-challan at egrass system in favour
of 8745-Executive Engineer, PHED, District Rural Division, Ajmer,
in Budget Head 8443-00-108-00-00 (or as applicable as per latest
circular of FD ).
6. Additional As per Finance (G&T) Department Notification no F.2(1)FD/G&T
Performance Security (SPFC)/2017, dated 22.10.2021, 75A
7. Period of contract 365 days after 10th day of award contract
8 Validity of the Offer 90 days from date of opening of the tender
Signature Not Verified
RajKaj Ref
8942221 Digitally signed by Bhuvneshwar
Page 1 of 5 Engineer
Designation : Superintending
Date: 2024.07.16 12:25:56 IST
Reason: Approved
2. (a) Bid document consisting of the NIB , Instructions to bidders, General Conditions of
Contract, Special Conditions of the contract, Scope of work, Technical Specifications
and drawings, BOQ, can be seen & downloaded from websitehttp://eproc.rajasthan.-
gov.in, andhttp://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in
(b)Bid Security, Bid document cost and RISL charges shall be deposited through e-
Challan in respective head as per above table and scanned copy of the E- Challan , as a
proof , shall be uploaded at the time of submission of Bid.

S.No. Events Date & time Website / Locations

a Availability of tender docu- From 16.07.2024 to websitehttp://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in

ments on Web Site 01.08.2024 up to 18:00 Hrs

b Last Date & time for online 01.08.2024 up to 18:00 Hrs websitehttp://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
submission of Tender.
c Date of opening of Pre- Qual- 02.08.2024 at 11:00 Hrs Office of Superintending Engineer PHED
ification bid. Circle Ajmer
d Date of opening of price bid Will be intimated to all pre- Office of Superintending Engineer PHED
qualified bidders Circle Ajmer
Note: The dates of downloading of Bid document & online submissions shall remain fixed
(as detailed above) and for all other activities, in case of holiday on the date
mentioned above, the activities assigned on that date shall be carried out on the
next working day.

4. Eligibility criteria:

4.1 Eligibility Criteria 4.1.1 The bidder should be registered/ enlisted in appropriate
class in PHED Rajasthan as per PWF&AR Part I Appendix 16
dated 01.07.1999 and amendments issued by concerned
department up to date. The contractors enlisted with
other department of Government of Rajasthan or enlisted
with CPWD/ Postal/ Telecom/ Railway/ MES/ other state
Govt./Central Govt. under takings/organizations equivalent
to appropriate Class of Rajasthan or above shall also be
eligible. A self attested copy of Registration Certificate is to
be enclosed. Unregistered contractors shall not be
4.1.2Bidders shall have to submit GST registration certificate.


History of The prospective bidder should not have been black listed / debarred
non- for non performance or due to other breach of contract / PWF&AR
performing rules as per provision of applicable rules and should not have been
contracts under category of black listed / debarred on the last date of submission
of bid (Affidavit on Notarized stamp paper of Rs 500/-)
Note :
1. Non-Performance shall include all contracts except where employer’s decision was over
ruled by the competent authority.
2. Parameters of History on Non-Performing contract also apply to contracts executed by the
bidder as a JV member.
Signature Not Verified
RajKaj Ref
8942221 Digitally signed by Bhuvneshwar
Page 2 of 5 Engineer
Designation : Superintending
Date: 2024.07.16 12:25:56 IST
Reason: Approved
5. Before electronically submitting the Bids, it should be ensured that all the Bid papers includ -
ing conditions of contract and e- grass challans are properly uploaded and digitally signed by
the Bidder.
6. Bidders who wish to participate in this Bid will have to register on http://eproc.rajasthan.-
gov.in. To participate in online Bids, bidders will have to procure digital signature certificates
(Type – II or III) as per IT act- 2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders
can procure the same from any CCA approved certifying agency, i.e. TCS, Safe crypt, Code
etc. or they may contact E-procurement cell Dept. of IT&C GoR for further assistance. Bid -
ders who already have a valid digital certificate need not procure a new Digital Certificate.
Contact No. 0141-4022688 (Help desk 10 AM to 6 PM on all working days) email.: eproc@ra-
jasthan.gov.inAddress : E- Procurement Cell, RISL, Yojana Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C- Scheme,
7. Bidders shall submit their offer online in electronic format on above mentioned website at
time and date mentioned herein above.
8. The work including trial run for one month, is to be completed to the satisfaction of Engi-
neer-in-charge within a period as per sub order from the 10 th day after the date of work or-
9. Bid document cost and RISL charges shall be deposited through e-Challan in respective head
as mentioned in table above for general details of bid and scanned copy of the E- Challan, as
a proof, shall be uploaded at the time of submission of Bid.
10. Performance Security @ 10% (or as applicable as per latest circular of FD) of the gross
amount of the running bill shall be deducted from each running bill of individual work order
and shall be refunded as per rules on successful completion of the contract as per terms and
conditions. The earnest money deposited shall however be adjusted while deducting Perfor-
mance Security from running bills of the contractor. A contractor may, however, elect to fur -
nish bank guarantee or any acceptable form of security for an amount equal to the full
amount of Performance Security @ 10% of work order before or at the time of executing
agreement. In that case earnest money may be refunded only after furnishing of bank guar -
antee as above. During execution of work or after completion of the work also a contractor
may replace the security deposit by furnishing bank guarantee for an equal amount. How -
ever, during execution of the work if cost of work exceeds as shown at the time of furnishing
bank guarantee, balance security deposit shall be deducted from the Running Account Bills.
All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Government un-
der the terms of his contract may be deducted from or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of
his Performance Security, or from interest arising there from, or from any sums, which may
be due or may become due to the Contractor by the Government on any account whatso-
ever, and in the event of his Performance Security being reduced by reason of any such de -
duction or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within ten days thereafter, make good in
cash or bank guarantee or Nationalized/Scheduled bank as aforesaid, any sum of sums
which may have been deducted from or raised by sale or his Performance Security or any
part thereof.
11. The bidder should have valid GST Registration at the time of submission of bid from the con -
cerned department authorities, without which the bids may not be entertained.
12. The bid for works shall remain open for acceptance for the period of 90 days from the date
of opening of pre-qualification/ technical bid or up to such period as detailed out in bid doc -
13. If any bidder withdraws his bid prior to expiry of validity period as mentioned at S. No. 12 or
mutually extended period or makes modifications in the rates, terms and conditions of the
bid within the said validity period, which are not acceptable to the department, or fails to
commence the work in the specified period/ fails to execute the agreement, the department
shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the amount of Bid
Security given in any form absolutely. If any contractor,
Signature Not Verified
who having submitted a bid does not
RajKaj Ref
execute the agreement or start the work or does not complete the work and the work has to
8942221 Digitally signed by Bhuvneshwar
Page 3 of 5 Engineer
Designation : Superintending
Date: 2024.07.16 12:25:56 IST
Reason: Approved
be put to re-biding, he shall stand debarred from participating in such re-biding in addition to
forfeiture of Bid Security / Performance Security and other action under agreement. If there
is strong justification of believing that the bidder or his authorized representative has been
guilty of mal-practices such as submission of forged documents, influencing individually or
politically, his offer will be liable to rejection and in such case his bid security shall be for-
14. All bids, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or which have been viti-
ated by errors in calculations, totaling or discrepancies in figures or words or other discrep-
ancies, will be liable to rejection.
15. No conditional bids shall be accepted and will be rejected summarily forthwith.
16. The department will not be responsible for any delay on account of late submission of bid
due to online submission.
17. No physical submission shall be allowed, however, during evaluation, if any document re-
quired by department for verification, the same shall be provided by the bidder.
18. The bidder shall ensure that scanned copy of all the schedules as asked in bid document
have been filled up and attached with the bid submitted in electronic format. Stamp of
HCNP(Form CON) or POA shall be duly attested by notary. The bidder shall have to submit
the same(in original) if demanded by department for verification.
19. The acceptance of the bid will rest with the competent authority who does not bind itself to
accept the lowest bid, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids re -
ceived without assigning any reason.
20. No refund of bid fee is claimable for bids not accepted or forms not submitted.
21. All other conditions shall be prevailing as detailed out in the departmental bid document (in
the respective sections/ volumes).
22. The bidders who are interested in bidding can download Bid documents from http://
23. Before electronically submitting the Bids it should be ensured that all the Bid papers includ-
ing conditions of contract are digitally signed by the Bidder.
24. An bid security of Rs 2,00,000.00 shall be deposited as mentioned above. The enlisted
contractors in appropriate Class with PHED Rajasthan shall be required to deposit Rs
50,000.00 (0.5% of estimated cost of NIT) as bid security. Tenders received without bid
security or with part bid security shall be rejected out-rightly. The amount to the extent of
full bid security hall be liable to be forfeited in the event of circumstances explained at S. No.
14 above
25. In addition to performance security, an Additional Performance security shall also be sub -
mitted by the bidder in case of unbalance bid. The Additional Performance security shall be
equal to 50% of Unbalanced Bid Amount. The Additional Performance security shall be de-
posited in lump sum by the successful bidder before execution of agreement. The APS shall
be deposited through E-grass, Demand Draft, bankers cheque, Government Securities or
bank guarantee.
For the purpose of above rule
a. Unbalanced bid means any bid below more than 15% of estimated bid value.
b. Estimated bid value means value of subject matter of procurement mention in bid-
ding document by the procuring entity.
c. Unbalanced bid amount means positive difference of eighty five percentage of Esti-
mated bid value minus bid amount quoted by the bidder.
26. The additional performance security shall be refunded to the contractor after satisfactory
completion of the entire work. The APS shall be forfeited by the procuring entity when the
Signature Not Verified
work is not completed within stipulated period by the contractor.
RajKaj Ref
8942221 Digitally signed by Bhuvneshwar
Page 4 of 5 Engineer
Designation : Superintending
Date: 2024.07.16 12:25:56 IST
Reason: Approved
Superintending Engineer
PHED Circle Ajmer

S.No:-/SE/PHE/AJM/Ar.MP/NIB/2024-25/ Date:-
Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:
1. Chief Engineer(Rural), PHED, Rajasthan , Jaipur
2. Financial Advisor (HQ), PHED Rajasthan, Jaipur;
3. Additional Chief Engineer, PHED Region Ajmer
4. SE PHED, Circle Tonk/Nagaur/Bhilwara/Kekri/Beawar for circulate within your jur-
isdiction and display on Notice Board
5. Executive Engineer, PHED, Division Kishangarh/City-I/City-II/ Distt. Rural
Ajmer/ /Project kekri for information and display on the notice board of your office.
6. Notice Board (SE Circle office, PHED, Ajmer)

Superintending Engineer,
PHED Circle Ajmer

Signature Not Verified

RajKaj Ref
8942221 Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by Bhuvneshwar
Digitally signed by VISHNU PRAKASH
SHARMA Page 5 of 5 Engineer
Designation : Superintending
Date:.. ::2024.07.16
IST 12:25:56 IST
Reason: Rajasthan-RJ

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