Tendernotice - 1 - 2024-07-28T101327.951
Tendernotice - 1 - 2024-07-28T101327.951
Tendernotice - 1 - 2024-07-28T101327.951
Online tenders are invited on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan for the following works from
contractors registered / enlisted in PHED Rajasthan in appropriate Class as per PWF&AR Part II
Appendix 16 dated 01.07.1999 and amendment issued by concerned department up to date,
Contractors enlisted with other Departments of Government of Rajasthan and enlisted with
CPWD/Postal, Telecom, Railway, MES, other State Govt. /Central Govt. undertaking/organizations
equivalent to appropriate Class of Rajasthan shall also be eligible. The self attested copy of
Registration Certificate is to be enclosed. Unregistered contractors shall not be allowed. The
tenderers meeting eligibility criteria may apply after giving prescribed Earnest Money. The tender
documents can be seen from the website http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in. and
http://sppp.raj.nic.in and the interested bidders will have to submit their tender in Electronic
Format on website http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in with their digital signatures. Details of this
tender notification can also be seen in NIT exhibited on website www.dipronline.org.
S.No. Events Date & time Website / Locations
b Last Date & time for online 01.08.2024 up to 18:00 Hrs websitehttp://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
submission of Tender.
c Date of opening of Pre- Qual- 02.08.2024 at 11:00 Hrs Office of Superintending Engineer PHED
ification bid. Circle Ajmer
d Date of opening of price bid Will be intimated to all pre- Office of Superintending Engineer PHED
qualified bidders Circle Ajmer
Note: The dates of downloading of Bid document & online submissions shall remain fixed
(as detailed above) and for all other activities, in case of holiday on the date
mentioned above, the activities assigned on that date shall be carried out on the
next working day.
4. Eligibility criteria:
4.1 Eligibility Criteria 4.1.1 The bidder should be registered/ enlisted in appropriate
class in PHED Rajasthan as per PWF&AR Part I Appendix 16
dated 01.07.1999 and amendments issued by concerned
department up to date. The contractors enlisted with
other department of Government of Rajasthan or enlisted
with CPWD/ Postal/ Telecom/ Railway/ MES/ other state
Govt./Central Govt. under takings/organizations equivalent
to appropriate Class of Rajasthan or above shall also be
eligible. A self attested copy of Registration Certificate is to
be enclosed. Unregistered contractors shall not be
4.1.2Bidders shall have to submit GST registration certificate.
S.No:-/SE/PHE/AJM/Ar.MP/NIB/2024-25/ Date:-
Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:
1. Chief Engineer(Rural), PHED, Rajasthan , Jaipur
2. Financial Advisor (HQ), PHED Rajasthan, Jaipur;
3. Additional Chief Engineer, PHED Region Ajmer
4. SE PHED, Circle Tonk/Nagaur/Bhilwara/Kekri/Beawar for circulate within your jur-
isdiction and display on Notice Board
5. Executive Engineer, PHED, Division Kishangarh/City-I/City-II/ Distt. Rural
Ajmer/ /Project kekri for information and display on the notice board of your office.
6. Notice Board (SE Circle office, PHED, Ajmer)
Superintending Engineer,
PHED Circle Ajmer