DDR-03 - Jan-2020
DDR-03 - Jan-2020
DDR-03 - Jan-2020
Date: 3-Jan-20 Report No.: 12 hrs Well: RRRR3/6 Operator: SIRTE Program : DRILLING
Rig No.: B2 Days Moving: Days since spud 0 Total days payroll: 21+21 HRSDays out of payroll: 0
Proposed dept R.O.P 1. Dept 2. Total Footage 3. Rotary 4. Ton miles Drill line last cut Drill line size
600 ft 0 ft/hr 4119 0 ft 0 rpm 830 1 1/4''
5. pump one pump two 6. Combine 7.Total Pressure 8. Slow Pump Pump One PSI depth
0 spm 0 spm spm 0 psi Rate: Pump Two PSI depth
9. Flow Rate 10. Mud Weight 11.Mud Type 12. Deviation Survey Mud pump spare parts
0 gpm 9 ppg deg ft Piston Rod Liner 6.5"
13. Hole Size 14. Csg Size 15. Csg Weight 16. Csg Shoe Piston Nut cover gasket
12 1/4" inch 13 3/8 inch 72/61 lbs/ft 4116 ft Spring Piston complte6.5
Rig Manager Ibrahim&khlifa Sirte HSE Bushing Piston Rubber 6.5
Company man hakim Ope. HSE Osama Valve Seat Valve Complete
Owner Other Personnel Visitor FAIAD .B.Crew Catering piston clamp Valve Rubber Insert
9 0 0 39 9 Bit Type Bit No. Bit Size JETS
BOP stack wash pipe hrs D.sinceLTI BOP LAST TEST
21 1/4" HYDRILL 22 NOV/17/2019 IADC Code Condition
B.H.A :
Present Operation:
From To HRS
6:00 7:00 1 cir & spot hiv pill
7:00 8:00 1 pooh 2 stands l/d 1 jts @ 600 ft
8:00 9:00 1 r/up nps cmt line hold safety meeting ,p/t 2000 psi test ok
9:00 10:00 1 mix &pump 83.6 bbls cmt ,15.5 ppg 408 sacks displacement w /1 bbl mud
10:00 15:00 5 pooh 5" dp on derrick
15:00 21:00 6 cut well head at bottm of cellar level weld steel plate .atempt to recover cellar box no success
21:00 6:00 9 l/d extra 5" drill pipe on derrick .
TOTAL: 24.0
Requirement Received Field Break
Day Shift Night Shift
driller 00 00
* A/drillers 00 00
* D/men 00 00
* A/MEC 00 00
* A/ELECT 00 00