GPFSV3.1 Admin Prog
GPFSV3.1 Admin Prog
GPFSV3.1 Admin Prog
General Parallel File System
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page
Contents v
mmrestripefile Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
mmrestripefs Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
mmrpldisk Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
mmsanrepairfs Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
mmshutdown Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
mmsnapdir Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
mmstartup Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
mmumount Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
mmunlinkfileset Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
GPFS publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Eserver Cluster 1600 hardware publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
AIX publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Tivoli publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Storage references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Disaster recovery references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
White papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Useful Web sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Non-IBM publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Contents vii
viii GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
1. Typographic conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
2. Configuration attributes on the mmchconfig command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Removal of a file with ACL entries DELETE and DELETE_CHILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4. GPFS commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5. The mmeditacl command for POSIX and NFS V4 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6. The mmgetacl command for POSIX and NFS V4 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7. Input requests to the mmpmon command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
8. The mmputacl command for POSIX and NFS V4 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
9. GPFS programming interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
10. GPFS user exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
This edition applies to GPFS version 3.1 for AIX® and Linux®. To find out which version of GPFS is
running on a particular AIX node, enter:
lslpp -l gpfs\*
To find out which version of GPFS is running on a particular Linux node, enter:
rpm -qa | grep gpfs
Throughout this publication you will see various command and component names beginning with the prefix
mm. This is not an error. GPFS shares many components with the related products IBM Multi-Media
Server and IBM Video Charger.
For the latest support information, see the GPFS Frequently Asked Questions at
Accessibility information
Accessibility information for the IBM Eserver pSeries® is available online. Visit the IBM Eserver pSeries
Information Center at To view information about
the accessibility features of Eserver pSeries software and the AIX operating system, click AIX and
pSeries accessibility.
For the latest support information, see the GPFS Frequently Asked Questions at
ISO 9000
ISO 9000 registered quality systems were used in the development and manufacturing of this product.
To contact the IBM cluster development organization, send your comments by e-mail to:
Summary of changes
for GPFS 3.1
as updated, April 2006
Summary of changes xv
- The local cluster no longer needs to be shut down prior to changing security keys. This enables
online management of security keys, for example:
v In order to make connection rate performance acceptable in large clusters, the size of the
security keys used for authentication cannot be very large. As a result, it may be necessary to
change security keys in order to prevent a given key from being compromised while it is still in
v As a matter of policy, some institutions may require security keys are changed periodically.
– Enhancement to the mmbackup command to permit specifying a sort directory, using the -s flag.
– Enhancement to the mmlsattr command to display additional file attributes (including the fileset,
storage pool, and snapshot), using the -L flag.
– Enhancement to the mmlsdisk command to display information about how disk I/O requests are
satisfied (locally or using an NSD server), with the -M and -m flags.
– Enhanced error messages reporting in the mmfs log. Messages previously reporting no explanation
now provide the proper text.
– You may experience performance improvements when issuing either the mmlsnsd -M or the
mmlsnsd -m command due to a redesign of the command.
v Deleted information:
– The mmpmon command no longer uses a network connection for communication with the GPFS
Summary of changes
for GPFS Version 3.1 library
as updated, April 2006
This guide covers the administration and maintenance of GPFS and your file systems, and includes the
following topics:
1. “Requirements for administering a GPFS file system”
2. Chapter 2, “Managing your GPFS cluster,” on page 3
3. Chapter 3, “Managing file systems,” on page 13
4. Chapter 4, “Managing disks,” on page 27
5. Chapter 5, “Managing GPFS quotas,” on page 37
6. Chapter 6, “Managing GPFS access control lists and NFS export,” on page 45
7. Chapter 7, “Communicating file access patterns to GPFS,” on page 57
8. Chapter 8, “GPFS commands,” on page 59
9. Chapter 9, “GPFS programming interfaces,” on page 277
10. Chapter 10, “GPFS user exits,” on page 367
For more advance GPFS administration topics, see General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration
See the “mmlscluster Command” on page 198 for complete usage information.
Not every GPFS commands supports all of the above node specification options. To learn what kinds of
node specifications are supported by a particular GPFS command, see the relevant command description
in Chapter 8, “GPFS commands,” on page 59.
You must follow these rules when adding nodes to a GPFS cluster:
v You may issue the command only from a node that already belongs to the GPFS cluster.
v A node may belong to only one GPFS cluster at a time.
v The nodes must be available for the command to be successful. If any of the nodes listed are not
available when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed. You must correct
the problem on each node and reissue the command to add those nodes.
See the “mmaddnode Command” on page 66 and the “mmlscluster Command” on page 198 for complete
usage information.
where nodes_to_delete contains the nodes k164n01 and k164n02. The system displays information
similar to:
See the “mmdelnode Command” on page 159 and the “mmlscluster Command” on page 198 for complete
usage information.
Exercise caution when shutting down GPFS on quorum nodes or deleting quorum nodes from the GPFS
cluster. If the number of remaining quorum nodes falls below the requirement for a quorum, you will be
unable to perform file system operations. See the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and
Installation Guide and search on quorum.
For example, to change the primary server for the GPFS cluster data, enter:
mmchcluster -p k164n06
mmchcluster -p k164n06
mmchcluster: Command successfully completed
Attention: The mmchcluster command, when issued with either the -p or -s option, is designed to
operate in an environment where the current primary and secondary GPFS cluster configuration servers
are not available. As a result, the command can run without obtaining its regular serialization locks. To
assure smooth transition to a new cluster configuration server, no other GPFS commands (mm...
commands) should be running when the command is issued nor should any other command be issued
until the mmchcluster command has successfully completed.
See the “mmchcluster Command” on page 84 and the “mmlscluster Command” on page 198 for complete
usage information.
Table 2 details the GPFS cluster configuration attributes which can be changed by issuing the
mmchconfig command. Variations under which these changes take effect are noted:
1. Take effect immediately and are permanent (-i).
2. Take effect immediately but do not persist when GPFS is restarted (-I).
3. Require that the GPFS daemon be stopped on all nodes for the change to take effect.
4. May be applied to only a subset of the nodes in the cluster.
Table 2. Configuration attributes on the mmchconfig command
Attribute name and Description -i option -I option GPFS must List of Change takes
allowed allowed be stopped NodeNames effect
on all allowed
autoload no no no no on reboot of each
Starting GPFS automatically
automountDir no no yes no restart of the
Name of the automount directory
cipherList no no yes no restart of the
When set, GPFS security using
OpenSSL is enabled.
dataStructureDump yes yes no yes if not immediately,
on restart of the
Path for the storage of dumps daemon
designation no no no yes immediately
Specify the nodes you want to target for change and the attributes with their new values on the
mmchconfig command. For example, to change the pagepool value for each node in the GPFS cluster
immediately, enter:
mmchconfig pagepool=100M -i
When using node quorum with tiebreaker, define between one and three disks to be used as tiebreaker
disks when any quorum node is down. Issue this command:
mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks="nsdName;nsdName;nsdName"
If you are using node quorum with tiebreaker and want to change to using node quorum, issue this
mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks=DEFAULT
The node that is the file system manager can also be used for applications. In some cases involving very
large clusters or applications that place a high stress on metadata operations, it may be useful to specify
which nodes are used as file system managers. Applications that place a high stress on metadata
operations are usually those which involve large numbers of very small files, or that do very fine grain
parallel write sharing among multiple nodes.
You can display the file system manager node by issuing the mmlsmgr command. You can display the
information for an individual file system, a list of file systems, or for all of the file systems in the cluster. For
example, to display the file system manager for the file system fs1, enter:
mmlsmgr fs1
See the “mmlsmgr Command” on page 212 for complete usage information.
You can change the file system manager node for an individual file system by issuing the mmchmgr
command. For example, to change the file system manager node for the file system fs1 to k145n32,
mmchmgr fs1 k145n32
The output shows the file system manager’s node number and name, in parenthesis, as recorded in the
GPFS cluster data:
GPFS: 6027-628 Sending migrate request to current manager node (k145n30).
GPFS: 6027-629 Node (k145n30) resigned as manager for fs1.
GPFS: 6027-630 Node (k145n32) appointed as manager for fs1.
See the “mmchmgr Command” on page 107 for complete usage information.
For existing GPFS clusters, before starting GPFS, ensure that you have:
1. Verified the installation of all prerequisite software.
2. Compiled the GPL layer, if Linux is being used.
3. Properly configured and tuned your system for use by GPFS. This should be done prior to starting
For details see the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide.
Start the daemons on all of the nodes in the cluster by issuing the mmstartup -a command:
mmstartup -a
Check the messages recorded in /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest on one node for verification. Look for
messages similar to this:
mmfsd initializing ...
GPFS: 6027-300 mmfsd ready
This indicates that quorum has been formed and this node has successfully joined the cluster, and is now
ready to mount file systems.
If GPFS does not start, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide
and search for the GPFS daemon will not come up.
See the “mmstartup Command” on page 270 for complete usage information.
Thu Aug 12 13:10:40 EDT 2004: 6027-1341 mmshutdown: Starting force unmount of GPFS file systems forced unmount of /fs1 forced unmount of /fs1 forced unmount of /fs1
Thu Aug 12 13:10:45 EDT 2004: 6027-1344 mmshutdown: Shutting down GPFS daemons Shutting down! Shutting down! Shutting down! ’shutdown’ command about to kill process 49682 ’shutdown’ command about to kill process 28194 ’shutdown’ command about to kill process 30782
Thu Aug 12 13:10:54 EDT 2004: 6027-1345 mmshutdown: Finished
See the “mmshutdown Command” on page 265 for complete usage information.
where device is the name of the file system. For example, to mount the file system fs1, enter:
mmmount fs1
mmmount fs1 -a
To mount a file system only on a specific set of nodes, use the -N flag of the mmmount command.
Note: When using GPFS file systems, you are not required to use the GPFS mmmount or mmumount
commands. The operating system mount and umount (or unmount) commands also work.
All of the mount options can be specified using the -o parameter. Multiple options should be separated
only by a comma. If an option is specified multiple times, the last instance is the one that takes effect.
Certain options can also be set with specifically designated command flags. Unless otherwise stated,
mount options can be specified as:
The option={1 | 0 | yes | no} syntax should be used for options that can be intercepted by the mount
command and not passed through to GPFS. An example is the atime option in the Linux environment.
where device is the name of the file system. For example, to unmount the file system fs1, enter:
mmumount fs1 -a
To unmount a file system only on a specific set of nodes, use the -N flag of the mmumount command.
Note: When using GPFS file systems, you are not required to use the GPFS mmmount or mmumount
commands. The operating system mount and umount (or unmount) commands also work.
Specify the file system to be deleted on the mmdelfs command. For example, to delete the file system
fs1, enter:
mmdelfs fs1
See the “mmdelfs Command” on page 157 for complete usage information. See the mmdelnsd command
for removing the NSD definitions after deleting the file system.
Note that the mmlsmount command reports file systems that are in use at the time the command is
issued. A file system is considered to be in use if it is explicitly mounted with the mount or mmmount
command or if it is mounted internally for the purposes of running some other GPFS command. For
example, when you run the mmrestripefs command, the file system will be internally mounted for the
duration of the command. If mmlsmount is issued in the interim, the file system will be reported as being
in use by the mmlsmount command but, unless it is explicitly mounted, will not show up in the output of
the mount or df commands.
This is an example of a mmlsmount -L command for a locally mounted file system named fs1:
The mmfsck command finds and repairs conditions that can cause problems in your file system. The
mmfsck command operates in two modes: online and offline. The online mode operates on a mounted file
system and is chosen by issuing the -o option. Conversely, the offline mode operates on an unmounted
file system.
The online mode checks and recovers unallocated blocks on a mounted file system. If a GPFS file
operation fails due to an out of space condition, the cause may be disk blocks that have become
unavailable after repeated node failures. The corrective action taken is to mark the block free in the
allocation map. Any other inconsistencies found are only reported, not repaired.
1. If you are running the online mmfsck command to free allocated blocks that do not belong to any files,
plan to make file system repairs when system demand is low. This is I/O intensive activity and it can
affect system performance.
2. If you are repairing a file system due to node failure and the file system has quotas enabled, it is
suggested that you run the mmcheckquota command to recreate the quota files.
To repair any other inconsistencies, you must run the offline mode of the mmfsck command on an
unmounted file system. The offline mode checks for these file inconsistencies that might cause problems:
v Blocks marked allocated that do not belong to any file. The corrective action is to mark the block free in
the allocation map.
v Files and directories for which an inode is allocated and no directory entry exists, known as orphaned
files. The corrective action is to create directory entries for these files in a lost+found subdirectory in
the root directory of the fileset to which the file or directory belongs. A fileset is a subtree of a file
system namespace that in many respects behaves like an independent file system. The index number
of the inode is assigned as the name. If you do not allow the mmfsck command to reattach an
orphaned file, it asks for permission to delete the file.
v Directory entries pointing to an inode that is not allocated. The corrective action is to remove the
directory entry.
v Incorrectly formed directory entries. A directory file contains the inode number and the generation
number of the file to which it refers. When the generation number in the directory does not match the
generation number stored in the file’s inode, the corrective action is to remove the directory entry.
v Incorrect link counts on files and directories. The corrective action is to update them with accurate
v Invalid policy files. The corrective action is to delete the file.
v Various problems related to filesets: missing or corrupted fileset metadata, inconsistencies in directory
structure related to filesets, missing or corrupted fileset root directory, other problems in internal data
The mmfsck command performs other functions not listed here, as deemed necessary by GPFS.
You cannot run the mmfsck command on a file system that has disks in a down state. You must first run
the mmchdisk command to change the state of the disks to unrecovered or up. To display the status of
the disks in the file system, issue the mmlsdisk command.
For example, to check the file system fs1 without making any changes to the file system, enter:
mmfsck fs1
1212416 inodes
87560 allocated
0 repairable
0 repaired
0 damaged
0 deallocated
0 orphaned
0 attached
7211746 subblocks
227650 allocated
0 unreferenced
0 deletable
0 deallocated
144504 addresses
0 suspended
See the “mmchdisk Command” on page 94, “mmcheckquota Command” on page 98, “mmfsck Command”
on page 176, and “mmlsdisk Command” on page 202 for complete usage information.
If you specify no options with the mmlsfs command, all file system attributes are listed.
For example, to list all attributes for the file system fs1, enter:
mmlsfs fs1
See the “mmlsfs Command” on page 209 for complete usage information. See the General Parallel File
System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search on GPFS architecture and file system
creation considerations for a detailed discussion of file system attributes.
Note: All files created after issuing the mmchfs command take on the new attributes. Existing files are
not affected. Use the mmchattr command to change the replication factor of existing files. See
“Querying and changing file replication attributes.”
For example, to change the default data replication factor to 2 for the file system fs1, enter:
mmchfs fs1 -r 2
See the “mmchfs Command” on page 103 and the “mmlsfs Command” on page 209 for complete usage
information. See the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search
on GPFS architecture and file system creation considerations for a detailed discussion of file system
See the “mmlsattr Command” on page 196 for complete usage information. See the General Parallel File
System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search on GPFS architecture and file system
creation considerations for a detailed discussion of file system attributes.
You can only increase data and metadata replication as high as the maximum data and maximum
metadata replication factors for that file system. You cannot change the maximum data and maximum
metadata replication factors once the file system has been created.
Specify the file name, attribute, and new value with the mmchattr command. For example, to change the
metadata replication factor to 2 and the data replication factor to 2 for the file named project7.resource in
the file system fs1, enter:
mmchattr -m 2 -r 2 /fs1/project7.resource
See the “mmchattr Command” on page 81 and the “mmlsattr Command” on page 196 for complete usage
information. See the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search
on GPFS architecture and file system creation considerations for a detailed discussion of file system
When considering data replication for files accessible to SANergy, see SANergy export considerations in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
This caching policy bypasses file cache and transfers data directly from disk into the user space buffer, as
opposed to using the normal cache policy of placing pages in kernel memory. Applications with poor cache
hit rates or very large I/Os may benefit from the use of Direct I/O.
Direct I/O may also be specified by supplying the O_DIRECT file access mode on the open() of the file.
If files are assigned to one storage pool, but with data in a different pool, the placement (-p) option will
migrate their data to the correct pool. Such files are referred to as ill-placed. Utilities, such as the
mmchattr command, may change a file’s storage pool assignment, but not move the data. The
mmrestripefs command may then be invoked to migrate all of the data at once, rather than migrating
each file individually. Note that the rebalance (-b) option also performs data placement on all files,
whereas the placement (-p) option rebalances only the files that it moves.
If you do not replicate all of your files, the migrate (-m) option is useful to protect against data loss when
you have an advance warning that a disk may be about to fail, for example, when the error logs show an
excessive number of I/O errors on a disk. Suspending the disk and issuing the mmrestripefs command
with the -m option is the quickest way to migrate only the data that would be lost if the disk failed.
If you do not use replication, the -m and -r options are equivalent; their behavior differs only on replicated
files. After a successful re-replicate (-r option) all suspended disks are empty. A migrate operation, using
the -m option, leaves data on a suspended disk as long as at least one other replica of the data remains
on a disk that is not suspended. Restriping a file system includes re-replicating it; the -b option performs
all the operations of the -m and -r options.
Consider the necessity of restriping and the current demands on the system. New data which is added to
the file system is correctly striped. Restriping a large file system requires extensive data copying and may
affect system performance. Plan to perform this task when system demand is low.
If you are sure you want to proceed with the restripe operation:
1. Use the mmchdisk command to suspend any disks to which you do not want the file system restriped.
You may want to exclude disks from file system restriping because they are failing. See “Changing
GPFS disk states and parameters” on page 32.
2. Use the mmlsdisk command to assure that all disk devices to which you do want the file system
restriped are in the up/normal state. See “Displaying GPFS disk states” on page 31.
Specify the target file system with the mmrestripefs command. For example, to rebalance (-b option) file
system fs2 after adding an additional RAID device, enter:
mmrestripefs fs2 -b
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only for file
systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update and creation
will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
See the “mmrestripefs Command” on page 255 for complete usage information.
Note: The mmdf command may require considerable metadata I/O, and should be run when the system
load is light.
Specify the file system you want to query with the mmdf command. For example, to query available space
on all disks in the file system fs1, enter:
mmdf fs1
Inode Information
Total number of inodes: 2998272
Total number of free inodes: 2955922
In order to reduce the fragmentation of a file system, the mmdefragfs command migrates fragments to
free space in another fragmented disk block of sufficient space, thus creating a free full block. There is no
requirement to have a free full block in order to run the mmdefragfs command. The execution time of the
mmdefragfs command depends on the size and allocation pattern of the file system. For a file system
with a large number of disks, the mmdefragfs command will run through several iterations of its algorithm,
each iteration compressing a different set of disks. Execution time is also dependent on how fragmented
the file system is. The less fragmented a file system, the shorter time for the mmdefragfs command to
The fragmentation of a file system can be reduced on all disks which are not suspended or stopped. If a
disk is suspended or stopped, the state of the disk, not the utilization information, will be displayed as
output for the mmdefragfs command.
The mmdefragfs command can be run on both a mounted or an unmounted file system, but achieves
best results on an unmounted file system. Running the command on a mounted file system can cause
conflicting allocation information and consequent retries to find a new free subblock of the correct size to
store the fragment in.
If the mmdefragfs command is issued on a file that is locked by SANergy, the file is not de-fragmented.
See the “mmdefragfs Command” on page 146 for complete usage information.
See the “mmdefragfs Command” on page 146 for complete usage information.
You can view or download the TSM documentation at the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Info Center:
For a discussion of the files created and maintained by the mmbackup command, see section GPFS
backup data in Appendix A. GPFS Architecture of General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and
Installation Guide.
The gpfs_ireadx() subroutine is more efficient than read() or gpfs_iread() for sparse files and for
incremental backups. The gpfs_ireaddir() subroutine is more efficient than readdir(), because it returns
file type information. There are also subroutines for reading symbolic links, gpfs_ireadlink() and for
accessing file attributes, gpfs_igetattrs().
IBM has supplied a backup application program, tsbackup.C, to serve as an example. This example is
located in /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util and consists of these files:
v tsbackup.C - A utility for backing up a GPFS file system to a TSM server using TSM clients.
v tsbackup.h - A header file containing necessary declarations.
The tsbackup sample application is invoked by the mmbackup script in /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin, and it invokes
the mmexectsmcmd script in that same directory to drive TSM clients. These scripts may also be
examined as examples.
Note: A LUN provided by a storage subsystem is a disk for the purposes of this document, even if the
LUN is made up of multiple physical disks.
The disks may have connectivity to each node in the cluster, be managed by network shared disk servers,
or a combination of the two. See the mmcrnsd command and the General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide, and search on network shared disk creation considerations.
To display the default information for all of the NSDs belonging to the cluster, enter:
To find out the local device names for the disks, use the mmlsnsd command with the -m option. For
example, issuing mmlsnsd -m produces output similar to this:
To add disks to a GPFS file system, you first must decide if you will:
1. Create new disks using the mmcrnsd command.
You should also decide whether to use the rewritten disk descriptor file produced by the mmcrnsd
command, or create a new list of disk descriptors. When using the rewritten file, the Disk Usage and
Failure Group specifications remain the same as specified on the mmcrnsd command.
2. Select disks no longer in use in any file system. Issue the mmlsnsd -F command to display the
available disks.
The disk may then be added to the file system using the mmadddisk command.
For example, to add the disk gpfs2nsd to the file system fs2, have it join failure group 1 in the storage
pool system, and rebalance the existing files to take advantage of the added space, enter:
mmadddisk fs2 gpfs2nsd::::1 -r
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only for file
systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update and creation
will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
When using an IBM Eserver High Performance Switch (HPS) in your configuration, it is suggested you
process your disks in two steps:
1. Create virtual shared disks on each physical disk with the mmcrvsd command.
2. Using the rewritten disk descriptors from the mmcrvsd command, create NSDs with the mmcrnsd
If you do not replicate your file system data, you should rebalance the file system using the mmrestripefs
-b command. If you replicate your file system data, run the mmrestripefs -r command after the disk has
been deleted. This ensures that all data will still exist with correct replication after the disk is deleted. The
mmdeldisk command only migrates data that would otherwise be lost, not data that will be left in a single
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only for file
systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update and creation
will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
Do not delete stopped disks, if at all possible. Start any stopped disk before attempting to delete it from
the file system. If the disk cannot be started you will have to consider it permanently damaged. You will
need to delete the disk using the appropriate options. If metadata was stored on the disk, you will need to
execute the offline version of the mmfsck command. See the General Parallel File System: Problem
Determination Guide and search for NSD failures for further information on handling this.
When deleting disks from a file system, the disks may or may not be available. If the disks being deleted
are still available, GPFS moves all of the data from those disks to the disks remaining in the file system.
However, if the disks being deleted are damaged, either partially or permanently, it is not possible to move
all of the data and you will receive I/O errors during the deletion process. For instructions on how to
handle damaged disks, see the General Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide and search for
Disk media failure.
Specify the file system and the names of one or more disks to delete with the mmdeldisk command. For
example, to delete the disk hd2n97 from the file system fs1 enter:
mmdeldisk fs2 hd2n97
Refer to “mmdeldisk Command” on page 151 for syntax and usage information.
Under no circumstances should you replace a stopped disk. You need to start a stopped disk before
replacing it. See the General Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide and search for disk
media failure for further information on handling this.
When replacing disks in a GPFS file system, you must first decide if you will:
1. Create new disks using the mmcrnsd command.
You should also decide whether to use the rewritten disk descriptor file produced by the mmcrnsd
command, or create a new list of disk descriptors. When using the rewritten file, the Disk Usage and
Failure Group specifications will remain the same as specified on the mmcrnsd command.
2. Select NSDs no longer in use by another GPFS file system. Issue the mmlsnsd -F command to
display the available disks.
To replace a disk in the file system, use the mmrpldisk command. For example, to replace the NSD
hd3n97 in file system fs2 with the existing NSD hd2n97, which is no longer in use by another file system,
mmrpldisk fs2 hd3n97 hd2n97
Refer to “mmlsdisk Command” on page 202 for syntax and usage information.
A disk’s availability determines whether GPFS is able to read and write to the disk. There are four possible
values for availability:
up The disk is available to GPFS for normal read and write operations.
down No read and write operations can be performed on the disk.
An intermediate state for disks coming up, during which GPFS verifies and corrects data. read
operations can be performed while a disk is in this state but write operations cannot.
Not all disks were successfully brought up.
Disk availability is automatically changed from up to down when GPFS detects repeated I/O errors. You
can also change the availability of a disk by issuing the mmchdisk command.
Disk status controls data placement and migration. Status changes as a result of a pending delete
operation, or when the mmchdisk command is issued to allow file rebalancing or re-replicating prior to
disk replacement or deletion.
Disk status has five possible values, but three are transitional:
ready Normal status.
GPFS migrates data off of disks with a status of being emptied, replacing, or suspended, onto disks
with a status of ready or replacement. During disk deletion or replacement, data is automatically migrated
as part of the operation. The mmrestripefs command must be issued to initiate data migration from a
suspended disk.
See “Deleting disks from a file system” on page 29, “Replacing disks in a GPFS file system” on page 30,
and “Restriping a GPFS file system” on page 19.
Issue the mmchdisk command with one of the following four options to change disk state:
Instructs GPFS to stop allocating space on the specified disk. Place a disk in this state prior to
disk deletion or replacement. This is a user-initiated state that GPFS will never use without an
explicit command to change disk state.
Note: A disk remains suspended until it is explicitly resumed. Restarting GPFS or rebooting nodes
does not restore normal access to a suspended disk.
Informs GPFS that a disk previously suspended is now available for allocating new space.
Resume a disk only when you’ve suspended it and decided not to delete or replace it. If the disk is
currently in a stopped state, it remains stopped until you specify the start option. Otherwise,
normal read and write access to the disk resumes.
stop Instructs GPFS to stop any attempts to access the specified disk. Use this option to inform GPFS
that a disk has failed or is currently inaccessible because of maintenance. A disk’s availability
remains down until it is explicitly started with the start option.
start Informs GPFS that a disk previously stopped is now accessible. GPFS does this by first changing
the disk availability from down to recovering. The file system metadata is then scanned and any
missing updates (replicated data that was changed while the disk was down) are repaired. If this
operation is successful, the availability is then changed to up.
If the metadata scan fails, availability is set to unrecovered. This could occur if other disks remain
in recovering or an I/O error has occurred. Repair all disks and paths to disks. See mmfsck. The
metadata scan can then be re-initiated at a later time by issuing the mmchdisk start command
For example, to suspend the hd8vsdn100 disk in the file system fs1, enter:
mmchdisk fs1 suspend -d hd8vsdn100
You can also use the mmchdisk command with the change option to change the Disk Usage and Failure
Group parameters for one or more disks in a GPFS file system. This can be useful in situations where, for
example, a file system that contains only RAID disks is being upgraded to add conventional disks that are
better suited to storing metadata. After adding the disks using the mmadddisk command, the metadata
currently stored on the RAID disks would have to be moved to the new disks to achieve the desired
performance improvement. To accomplish this, first the mmchdisk change command would be issued to
change the Disk Usage parameter for the RAID disks to dataOnly. Then the mmrestripefs command
would be used to restripe the metadata off the RAID device and onto the conventional disks.
For example, to specify that metadata should no longer be stored on disk hd8vsdn100, enter:
mmchdisk fs1 change -d "hd8vsdn100:::dataOnly"
See the “mmchdisk Command” on page 94 and the “mmlsdisk Command” on page 202 for complete
usage information.
For example, to assign node k145n07 as a backup NSD server for disk gpfs47nsd:
1. Since you must always specify the primary, first issue the mmlsnsd command to ensure you are not
inadvertently changing the primary server.
mmlsnsd -d "gpfs47nsd"
The useNSDserver file system mount option can be used to set the order of access used in disk
discovery, and limit or eliminate switching from local access to NSD server access, or the other way
around. This option is specified using the -o flag of the mmmount, mount, mmchfs, and mmremotefs
commands, and has one of these values:
always Always access the disk using the NSD server.
asfound Access the disk as found (the first time the disk was accessed). No change of disk access
from local to NSD server, or the other way around, is performed by GPFS.
asneeded Access the disk any way possible. This is the default.
never Always use local disk access.
For example, to always use the NSD server when mounting file system fs1, issue this command:
To change the disk discovery of a file system that is already mounted: cleanly unmount it, wait for the
unmount to complete, and then mount the file system using the desired -o useNSDserver option.
Once GPFS quota management has been enabled, you may establish quota values by:
v Setting default quotas for all new users, groups of users, or filesets.
v Explicitly establishing or changing quotas for users, groups of users, or filesets.
v Using the gpfs_quotactl() subroutine.
Note: If you do not unmount the file system everywhere, you will create conflicting quota usage where
existing mounts follow the old quota values and new mounts follow the new quota values.
See the “mmcheckquota Command” on page 98, the “mmchfs Command” on page 103, the “mmcrfs
Command” on page 120, and the “mmedquota Command” on page 171 for complete usage information.
For additional information on quotas, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and
Installation Guide.
Default quotas
Applying default quotas provides for minimum quota limits for all new users, groups of users, or filesets for
a file system. If default quota values for a file system are not enabled, a new user, group of users or fileset
for that file system has a quota limit of zero, which establishes no limit to the amount of space that they
can use.
To apply different quota values for a particular user, group, or fileset, the system administrator must
explicitly configure those values using the mmedquota command. If after explicit quotas for a user, group,
or filesets have been established, it is necessary to reapply the default limits for that user, group, or fileset,
you must issue the mmedquota -d command.
For example, to create default quotas for users of the file system fs0, enter:
mmdefedquota -u fs0
See the “mmdefedquota Command” on page 139, “mmdefquotaoff Command” on page 141,
“mmdefquotaon Command” on page 143, and “mmedquota Command” on page 171 commands for
complete usage information.
The mmedquota command opens a session using your default editor, and prompts you for soft and hard
limits for inodes and blocks. For example, to set user quotas for user jesmith, enter:
mmedquota -u jesmith
Note: A zero quota limit indicates no quota limits have been established.
Current (in use) inode and block usage is for display only; it cannot be changed. When establishing a new
quota, zeros appear as limits. Replace the zeros, or old values if you are changing existing limits with
values based on the user’s needs and the resources available. When you close the editor, GPFS checks
the values and applies them. If a value which is not valid is specified, GPFS generates an error message.
If this occurs, reenter the mmedquota command.
You may find it helpful to maintain a quota prototype, a set of limits that you can apply by name to any
user, group, or fileset without entering the individual values manually. This makes it easy to set the same
limits for all. The mmedquota command includes the -p option for naming a prototypical user, group, or
fileset on which limits are to be based.
For example, to set group quotas for all users in a group named blueteam to the prototypical values
established for prototeam, issue:
mmedquota -g -p prototeam blueteam
You may also reestablish default quotas for a specified user, group of users, or fileset when using the -d
option on the mmedquota command.
See the “mmedquota Command” on page 171 for complete usage information.
Checking quotas
The mmcheckquota command counts inode and space usage for a file system and writes the collected
data into quota files. You must use the mmcheckquota command if:
1. Quota information is lost due to node failure.
Node failure could leave users unable to open files or deny them disk space that their quotas should
2. The in doubt value approaches the quota limit. To see the in doubt value, use the mmlsquota or
mmrepquota commands.
As the sum of the in doubt value and the current usage may not exceed the hard limit, the actual block
space and number of files available to the user, group, or fileset may be constrained by the in doubt
value. Should the in doubt value approach a significant percentage of the quota, use the
mmcheckquota command to account for the lost space and files.
When issuing the mmcheckquota command on a mounted file system, negative in doubt values may be
reported if the quota server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a
transient situation and may be ignored.
For example, to check quotas for the file system fs1 and report differences between calculated and
recorded disk quotas, enter:
mmcheckquota -v fs1
The information displayed shows that the quota information for USR7 was corrected. Due to a system
failure, this information was lost at the server, which recorded 0 subblocks and 0 files. The current usage
data counted is 96 subblocks and 3 files. This is used to update the quota:
/dev/fs1: quota-check found following differences:
USR7: 96 subblocks counted (was 0); 3 inodes counted (was 0)
Listing quotas
The mmlsquota command displays the file system quota limits, default quota limits, and current usage
information. GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if
quota limits have been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of
replication set to a value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the
mmrepquota command and the values used to determine if quota limits have been exceeded will be
double the value reported by the ls command. When issuing the mmlsquota command on a mounted file
system, negative in doubt values may be reported if the quota server processes a combination of
up-to-date and back-level information. This is a transient situation and may be ignored.
Specify the quota information for one user, group of users, or fileset with the mmlsquota command. If
neither -g , nor -u, nor -j is specified, quota data is displayed for the user who entered the command.
For example, to display default quota information for users of all the file systems in the cluster, enter:
mmlsquota -d -u
This output shows for file system fs1 a default quota limit of 10240K for users has been established. For
file systems fs2 and fs3 no default quotas for users has been established.
If you issue the mmlsquota command with the -e option, the quota system collects updated information
from all nodes before returning output. If the node to which in-doubt space was allocated should fail before
updating the quota system about its actual usage, this space might be lost. Should the amount of space in
doubt approach a significant percentage of the quota, run the mmcheckquota command to account for
the lost space.
To collect and display updated quota information about a group named blueteam, specify the -g and -e
mmlsquota -g blueteam -e
See the “mmlsquota Command” on page 221 for complete usage information.
The mmquotaon command is used to turn quota limit checking back on if it had been deactivated by
issuing the mmquotaoff command. Specify the file system name, and whether user, group, or fileset
quotas are to be activated. If you want all three - user, group, and fileset quotas activated, specify only the
file system name. After quotas have been turned back on, issue the mmcheckquota command to count
inode and space usage.
For example, to activate user quotas on the file system fs1, enter:
mmquotaon -u fs1
See the “mmquotaon Command” on page 238 and the “mmlsfs Command” on page 209 for complete
usage information.
The mmquotaoff command is used to deactivate quota limit checking. Specify the file system name and
whether user, group, or fileset quotas, or any combination of these three, are to be deactivated. If you
want all types of quotas deactivated, specify only the file system name.
For example, to deactivate only user quotas on the file system fs1, enter:
mmquotaoff -u fs1
See the “mmquotaoff Command” on page 236 and the “mmlsfs Command” on page 209 for complete
usage information.
GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits
have been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to
a value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command
and the values used to determine if quota limits have been exceeded will be double the value reported by
the ls command.
Specify whether you want to list only user quota information (-u flag), group quota information (-g flag), or
fileset quota information (-j flag) in the mmrepquota command. The default is to summarize all three
quotas. If the -e flag is not specified, there is the potential to display negative usage values as the quota
server may process a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. When issuing the
mmrepquota command on a mounted file system, negative in doubt values may be reported if the quota
server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a transient situation and
may be ignored.
To list the group quotas (-g option) for all file systems in the cluster (-a option), and print a report with
header lines (-v option), enter:
mmrepquota -g -v -a
See the “mmrepquota Command” on page 246 for complete usage information.
The user, group, or fileset files can be restored from backup copies by issuing the mmcheckquota
command with the appropriate options.
If no backup files are available and the quota files are to be restored using a new file, these steps must be
1. The existing corrupted quota files need to be removed:
a. Disable quota management:
mmchfs fs1 -Q no
b. Unmount the file system.
c. Remount the file system.
d. Remove the user.quota, group.quota, and fileset.quota files.
2. Enable quota management:
mmchfs fs1 -Q yes
3. Unmount the file system.
4. Remount the file system.
5. Reestablish quota limits by issuing the mmedquota command.
6. Gather the current quota usage values by issuing the mmcheckquota command.
Traditional GPFS ACLs are based on the POSIX model. Traditional GPFS access control lists (ACLs)
extend the base permissions, or standard file access modes, of read (r), write (w), and execute (x) beyond
the three categories of file owner, file group, and other users, to allow the definition of additional users and
user groups. In addition, GPFS introduces a fourth access mode, control (c), which can be used to govern
who can manage the ACL itself.
In this way, a traditional ACL can be created that looks like this:
In this ACL:
v The first two lines are comments showing the file’s owner, jesmith, and group name, team_A
v The next three lines contain the base permissions for the file. These three entries are the minimum
necessary for a GPFS ACL:
1. The permissions set for the file owner (user), jesmith
2. The permissions set for the owner’s group, team_A
3. The permissions set for other groups or users outside the owner’s group and not belonging to any
named entry
v The next line, with an entry type of mask, contains the maximum permissions allowed for any entries
other than the owner (the user entry) and those covered by other in the ACL.
v The last three lines contain additional entries for specific users and groups. These permissions are
limited by those specified in the mask entry, but you may specify any number of additional entries up to
a memory page (approximately 4 K) in size.
Traditional GPFS ACLs are fully compatible with the base operating system permission set. Any change to
the base permissions, using the chmod command, for example, modifies the corresponding GPFS ACL as
well. Similarly, any change to the GPFS ACL is reflected in the output of commands such as ls -l. Note
that the control (c) permission is GPFS specific. There is no comparable support in the base operating
system commands. As a result, the (c) permission is visible only with the GPFS ACL commands.
In addition to an access ACL, a directory may also have a default ACL. If present, the default ACL is used
as a base for the access ACL of every object created in that directory. This allows a user to protect all files
in a directory without explicitly setting an ACL for each one.
When a new object is created, and the parent directory has a default ACL, the entries of the default ACL
are copied to the new object’s access ACL. After that, the base permissions for user, mask (or group if
mask is not defined), and other, are changed to their intersection with the corresponding permissions from
the mode parameter in the function that creates the object.
If the new object is a directory, its default ACL is set to the default ACL of the parent directory. If the parent
directory does not have a default ACL, the initial access ACL of newly created objects consists only of the
three required entries (user, group, other). The values of these entries are based on the mode parameter
in the function that creates the object and the umask currently in effect for the process.
Once you are satisfied that the correct permissions are set in the ACL file, you can apply them to the
target file with the mmputacl command. For example, to set permissions contained in the file project2.acl
for the file project2.history, enter:
mmputacl -i project2.acl project2.history
Although you can issue the mmputacl command without using the -i option to specify an ACL input file,
and make ACL entries through standard input, you will probably find the -i option more useful for avoiding
errors when creating a new ACL.
See the “mmputacl Command” on page 233 and the “mmgetacl Command” on page 185 for complete
usage information.
The first two lines are comments displayed by the mmgetacl command, showing the owner and owning
group. All entries containing permissions that are not allowed (because they are not set in the mask entry)
display with a comment showing their effective permissions.
See the “mmgetacl Command” on page 185 for complete usage information.
For example, use the -o option to specify a file to which the ACL is written:
mmgetacl -o old.acl project2.history
See the “mmgetacl Command” on page 185 and the “mmputacl Command” on page 233 for complete
usage information.
The current ACL entries are displayed using the default editor, provided that the EDITOR environment
variable specifies a complete path name. When the file is saved, the system displays information similar
mmeditacl: 6027-967 Should the modified ACL be applied? (yes) or (no)
See the “mmeditacl Command” on page 168 for complete usage information.
You cannot delete the base permissions. These remain in effect after this command is executed.
See the “mmdelacl Command” on page 149 and the “mmgetacl Command” on page 185 for complete
usage information.
Depending on the value (posix | nfs4 | all) of the -k parameter, one or both ACL types can be allowed for
a given file system. Since ACLs are assigned on a per-file basis, this means that within the same file
system one file may have an NFS V4 ACL, while another has a POSIX ACL. The type of ACL can be
NFS V4 ACLs are represented in a completely different format than traditional ACLs. For detailed
information on NFS V4 and its ACLs, refer to the paper, NFS Version 4 Protocol and other information
found at:
In the case of NFS V4 ACLs, there is no concept of a default ACL. Instead, there is a single ACL and the
individual ACL entries can be flagged as being inherited (either by files, directories, both, or neither).
Consequently, specifying the -d flag on the mmputacl command for an NFS V4 ACL is an error.
As in traditional ACLs, users and groups are identified by specifying the type and name. For example,
group:staff or user:bin. NFS V4 provides for a set of special names that are not associated with a
specific local UID or GID. These special names are identified with the keyword special followed by the
NFS V4 name. These names are recognized by the fact that they end in with the character ’@’. For
example, special:owner@ refers to the owner of the file, special:group@ the owning group, and
special:everyone@ applies to all users.
The next two lines provide a list of the available access permissions that may be allowed or denied, based
on the ACL type specified on the first line. A permission is selected using an ’X’. Permissions that are not
specified by the entry should be left marked with ’-’ (minus sign).
3. A complete NFS V4 ACL is similar to this:
In this table, the columns refer to the ACL entry for a given file, and the rows refer to the ACL entry for its
parent directory. The various combinations of these attributes produce one of these results:
Permit Indicates that GPFS permits removal of a file with the combination of file and parent
directory ACL entries specified.
Deny Indicates that GPFS denies (does not permit) removal of a file with the combination of file
and parent directory ACL entries specified.
Removal of a file includes renaming the file, moving the file from one directory to another even if the file
name remains the same, and deleting it.
Table 3. Removal of a file with ACL entries DELETE and DELETE_CHILD
ACL Allows ACL Denies DELETE not UNIX mode bits
DELETE DELETE specified only
ACL Allows DELETE_CHILD Permit Permit Permit Permit
ACL Denies DELETE_CHILD Permit Deny Deny Deny
DELETE_CHILD not specified Permit Deny Deny Deny
UNIX mode bits only - wx Permit Permit Permit Permit
permissions allowed
UNIX mode bits only - no w or no Permit Deny Deny Deny
x permissions allowed
The UNIX mode bits are used in cases where the ACL is not an NFS V4 ACL.
It can also be the case that NFS V4 ACLs have been set for some file system objects (directories and
individual files) prior to administrator action to revert back to a POSIX-only configuration. Since the NFS
V4 access evaluation will no longer be performed, it is desirable for the mmgetacl command to return an
ACL representative of the evaluation that will now occur (translating NFS V4 ACLs into traditional POSIX
style). The -k posix option returns the result of this translation.
Users may need to see ACLs in their true form as well as how they are translated for access evaluations.
There are four cases:
1. By default, the mmgetacl command returns the ACL in a format consistent with the file system setting:
v If posix only, it is shown as a traditional ACL.
v If nfs4 only, it is shown as an NFS V4 ACL.
v If all formats are supported, the ACL is returned in its true form.
2. The command mmgetacl -k nfs4 always produces an NFS V4 ACL.
3. The command mmgetacl -k posix always produces a traditional ACL.
4. The command mmgetacl -k native always shows the ACL in its true form, regardless of the file
system setting.
In general, users should continue to use the mmgetacl and mmeditacl commands without the -k flag,
allowing the ACL to be presented in a form appropriate for the file system setting. Since the NFS V4 ACLs
are more complicated and therefore harder to construct initially, users that want to assign an NFS V4 ACL
should use the command mmeditacl -k nfs4 to start with a translation of the current ACL, and then make
any necessary modifications to the NFS V4 ACL that is returned.
The lines that follow the first one are then processed according to the rules of the expected ACL type.
In general, constructing NFS V4 ACLs is more complicated than traditional ACLs. Users new to NFS V4
ACLs may find it useful to start with a traditional ACL and allow either mmgetacl or mmeditacl to provide
the NFS V4 translation, using the -k nfs4 flag as a starting point when creating an ACL for a new file.
When assigning an ACL to a file that already has an NFS V4 ACL, there are some NFS rules that must be
followed. Specifically, in the case of a directory, there will not be two separate (access and default) ACLs,
as there are with traditional ACLs. NFS V4 requires a single ACL entity and allows individual ACL entries
to be flagged if they are to be inherited. Consequently, mmputacl -d is not allowed if the existing ACL was
the NFS V4 type, since this attempts to change only the default ACL. Likewise mmputacl (without the -d
flag) is not allowed because it attempts to change only the access ACL, leaving the default unchanged. To
change such an ACL, use the mmeditacl command to change the entire ACL as a unit. Alternatively, use
the mmdelacl command to remove an NFS V4 ACL, followed by the mmputacl command.
/gpfs/dir1 rw,access=cluster1
Export considerations
Keep the following points in mind when exporting a GPFS file system to NFS. The operating system being
used, and version of NFS may require special handling or consideration.
Linux export considerations: For Linux nodes only, issue the exportfs -ra command to initiate a reread
of the /etc/exports file.
Starting with Linux kernel versions 2.6, an fsid value must be specified for each GPFS file system that is
NFS exported. The format of the entry in /etc/exports for the GPFS directory /gpfs/dir1 looks like:
/gpfs/dir1 cluster1(rw,fsid=745)
The administrator must assign fsid values subject to the following conditions:
1. They must be unique for each file system.
2. The values must not change over reboots (the file system should be unexported before any change is
made to an already assigned fsid).
3. Entries in the /etc/exports file are not necessarily file system roots. You may export multiple directories
within a file system. In the case of different directories of the same file system, the fsid should be the
same. For example, in the GPFS file system /gpfs, if two directories are exported (dir1 and dir2) the
entries may look like:
/gpfs/dir1 cluster1(rw,fsid=745)
/gpfs/dir2 cluster1(rw,fsid=745)
4. If a GPFS file system is exported from multiple nodes, the fsids should be the same on all nodes.
Large installations with hundreds of compute nodes and a few login or NFS exporting nodes require tuning
the GPFS parameters maxFilesToCache and maxStatCache with the mmchconfig command. The
This tuning is required for the GPFS token manager (file locking) which can handle approximately
1,000,000 files in memory. The default value of maxFilesToCache is 1000 and the default value of
maxStatCache is 4 * maxFilesToCache, so that by default each node holds 5000 tokens, and the token
manager must keep track of a total number of tokens which equals 5000 * number of nodes (and this will
exceed the memory limit of the token manager on large configurations).
GPFS does not support NFS V4 exporting GPFS file systems from Linux nodes. NFS V3 is acceptable.
AIX export considerations: AIX does not allow a file system to be NFS V4 exported unless it supports
NFS export considerations for versions prior to NFS V4: For NFS exported file systems, the version
of NFS you are running with may have an impact on the number of inodes you need to cache, as set by
both the maxStatCache and maxFilesToCache parameters on the mmchconfig command. The
implementation of the ls command differs from NFS V2 to NFS V3. The performance of the ls command
in NFS V3 in part depends on the caching ability of the underlying file system. Setting the cache large
enough will prevent rereading inodes to complete an ls command, but will put more of a CPU load on the
token manager.
Also, the clocks of all nodes in your GPFS cluster must be synchronized. If this is not done, NFS access
to the data, as well as other GPFS file system operations, may be disrupted.
NFS V4 export considerations: For information on NFS V4, see the paper, NFS Version 4 Protocol and
other information found at:
To export a GPFS file system using NFS V4, there are two file system settings that must be in effect.
These attributes can be queried using the mmlsfs command, and set using the mmcrfs and mmchfs
1. The -D nfs4 flag is required. Conventional NFS access would not be blocked by concurrent file system
reads or writes (this is the POSIX semantic). NFS V4 however, not only allows for its requests to block
if conflicting activity is happening, it insists on it. Since this is an NFS V4 specific requirement, it must
be set before exporting a file system.
NFS can be restarted after the unmount completes. On Linux, issue this command:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
A GPFS soft-mount does not automatically unmount. Setting -fstype nfs3 causes the local server mounts
to always go through NFS. This allows you to have the same file on all nodes whether the
server is local or not, and the automatic unmount will occur. If you want local soft-mounts of GPFS file
systems while other nodes perform NFS mounts, you should have different files on the different
classes of nodes. This should improve performance on the GPFS nodes as they will not have to go
through NFS.
The gpfs_fcntl() subroutine allows application programs to pass two classes of file access information
giving GPFS an opportunity to improve throughput and latency of file system requests:
1. Hints
2. Directives
Hints allow an application to disclose its future accesses to GPFS. Hints are always optional. Adding or
removing hints from a program, even incorrectly specified hints, will never alter the meaning of a program.
Hints can only affect the performance of an application. The hints that may be passed to GPFS are:
1. gpfsAccessRange_t
2. gpfsClearFileCache_t
3. gpfsFreeRange_t
4. gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t
Note: GPFS is free to silently ignore a hint if system resources do not permit the hint to be processed.
In contrast, directives are stronger than hints. They may affect program semantics and must be either
carried out by GPFS or return an error. The directives which may be passed to GPFS are:
1. gpfsCancelHints_t
2. gpfsDataShipMap_t
3. gpfsDataShipStart_t
4. gpfsDataShipStop_t
To communicate hints and directives to GPFS, an application program builds a data structure in memory,
then passes it to GPFS. This data structure consists of:
v A fixed length header, mapped by gpfsFcntlHeader_t.
v Followed by a variable number of, and any combination of, hints and directives.
Hints and directives may be mixed within a single gpfs_fcntl() subroutine, and are performed in the
order that they appear. A subsequent hint or directive may cancel out a preceding one.
The header and hints and directives that follow it are defined as C structures.
The gpfs_fcntl() subroutine takes the handle of the opened file as its first parameter and the address of
the data structure as its second parameter. For complete definitions of the gpfs_fcntl() subroutine, the
header, hints, directives, and other operations, see “gpfs_fcntl() Subroutine” on page 284.
mmadddisk Command
mmadddisk – Adds disks to a GPFS file system.
mmadddisk Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-a] [-r] [-v {yes | no}] [-N {Node[,Node...] |
NodeFile | NodeClass}]
Use the mmadddisk command to add disks to a GPFS file system. This command optionally rebalances
an existing file system after adding disks when the -r flag is specified. The mmadddisk command does
not require the file system to be unmounted before issuing the command. The file system can be in use
while the command is run.
To add disks to a GPFS file system, you first must decide if you will:
1. Create new disks using the mmcrnsd command.
You should also decide whether to use the rewritten disk descriptor file produced by the mmcrnsd
command, or create a new list of disk descriptors. When using the rewritten file, the Disk Usage and
Failure Group specifications will remain the same as specified on the mmcrnsd command.
2. Select disks no longer in use in any file system. Issue the mmlsnsd -F command to display the
available disks.
The device name of the file system to which the disks are added. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
A descriptor for each disk to be added. Each descriptor is delimited by a semicolon (;) and the
entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks (’ or ″).
The current maximum number of disk descriptors that can be defined for any single file system is
268 million. However, to achieve this maximum limit, you must recompile GPFS. The actual
number of disks in your file system may be constrained by products other than GPFS that you
have installed. Refer to the individual product documentation.
A disk descriptor is defined as (second, third and sixth fields reserved):
You must specify the name of the NSD previously created by the mmcrnsd command. For
a list of available disks, issue the mmlsnsd -F command.
Specify a disk usage or accept the default:
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. If you do not specify a failure group, the value defaults to the NSD
primary server node number plus 4000. If an NSD server node is not specified, the value
defaults to -1. GPFS uses this information during data and metadata placement to assure
that no two replicas of the same block are written in such a way as to become unavailable
due to a single failure. All disks that are attached to the same NSD server or adapter
should be placed in the same failure group.
If replication of -m or -r is set to 2 for the file system, storage pools must have two failure
groups for the commands to work properly.
Specifies the storage pool to which the disk is to be assigned. If this name is not provided,
the default is system.
Only the system pool may contain metadataOnly, dataAndMetadata, or descOnly disks.
-F DescFile
Specifies a file containing a list of disk descriptors, one per line. You may use the rewritten
DiskDesc file created by the mmcrnsd command or create your own file. When using the
DiskDesc file created by the mmcrnsd command, the values supplied on input to the command
for Disk Usage and FailureGroup are used. When creating your own file, you must specify these
values or accept the system defaults. A sample file can be found in /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/
-N { Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies the nodes that are to participate in the restripe of the file system after the specified disks
have been made available for use by GPFS. This parameter can be used only in conjunction with
the -r option. This command supports all defined node classes. The default is all (all nodes in the
GPFS cluster will participate in the restripe of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-a Specifies asynchronous processing. If this flag is specified, the mmadddisk command returns
after the file system descriptor is updated and the rebalancing scan is started; it does not wait for
rebalancing to finish. If no rebalancing is requested (the -r flag not specified), this option has no
-r Rebalance all existing files in the file system to make use of new disks.
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only
for file systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update
and creation will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
-v {yes | no}
Verify that specified disks do not belong to an existing file system. The default is -v yes. Specify -v
no only when you want to reuse disks that are no longer needed for an existing file system. If the
command is interrupted for any reason, you must use the -v no option on the next invocation of
the command.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmadddisk command.
You may issue the mmadddisk command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To add the disks whose descriptors are located in ./disk_pools to the file system fs1 and rebalance the
existing files after it is added, issue this command:
See also
“mmchdisk Command” on page 94
mmaddnode Adds nodes to a GPFS cluster.
mmaddnode -N {NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile}
Use the mmaddnode command to add nodes to an existing GPFS cluster. On each new node, a mount
point directory and character mode device is created for each GPFS file system.
You must follow these rules when adding nodes to a GPFS cluster:
v You may issue the command only from a node that already belongs to the GPFS cluster.
v While a node may mount file systems from multiple clusters, the node itself may only be added to a
single cluster using the mmcrcluster or mmaddnode command.
v The nodes must be available for the command to be successful. If any of the nodes listed are not
available when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed. You must correct
the problem on each node and reissue the command to add those nodes.
-N NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile
Specifies node descriptors, which provide information about nodes to be added to the cluster.
Specifies a file containing a list of node descriptors (see below), one per line, to be added
to the cluster.
Specifies the list of nodes and node designations to be added to the GPFS cluster. Node
descriptors are defined as:
1. NodeName is the hostname or IP address to be used by the GPFS daemons for node
to node communication.
The hostname or IP address must refer to the communications adapter over which the
GPFS daemons communicate. Alias interfaces are not allowed. Use the original
address or a name that is resolved by the host command to that original address. You
may specify a node using any of these forms:
Format Example
Short hostname k145n01
Long hostname
IP address
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmaddnode command.
You may issue the mmaddnode command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To add nodes k164n06 and k164n07 as quorum nodes, designating k164n06 to be available as a
manager node, issue this command:
mmaddnode -N k164n06:quorum-manager,k164n07:quorum
See also
“mmchconfig Command” on page 88
mmapplypolicy - Deletes files or migrates file data between storage pools in accordance with policy rules.
mmapplypolicy {Device | Directory} [-P PolicyFile] [-I {yes | defer | test}] [-L n ] [-D
yyyy-mm-dd[@hh:mm[:ss]]] [-s WorkDirectory]
Use the mmapplypolicy command to manage the placement and replication of data within GPFS storage
pools. It can also be used to delete files from GPFS. You may issue the mmapplypolicy command from
any node in the GPFS cluster that has the file system mounted.
Any given file is a potential candidate for at most one MIGRATE or DELETE operation during one
invocation of the mmapplypolicy command.
A file that matches an EXCLUDE rule is not subject to any subsequent MIGRATE or DELETE rules. You
should carefully consider the order of rules within a policy to avoid unintended consequences.
For detailed information on GPFS policies, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device Specifies the device name of the file system from which files are to be deleted or
migrated. File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as
/dev/fs0. If specified, this must be the first parameter.
Directory Specifies the fully-qualified path name of a GPFS file system subtree from which files are
to be deleted or migrated. If specified, this must be the first parameter.
-I {yes | defer | test}
Specifies what actions the mmapplypolicy command performs on files:
yes Indicates that all applicable MIGRATE and DELETE policy rules are run, and the
data movement between pools is done during the processing of the
mmapplypolicy command. This is the default action.
defer Indicates that all applicable MIGRATE and DELETE policy rules are run, but
actual data movement between pools is deferred until the next mmrestripefs or
mmrestripefile command.
test Indicates that all policy rules are evaluated, but the mmapplypolicy command
only displays the actions that would be performed had -I defer or -I yes been
specified. There is no actual deletion of files or data movement between pools.
This option is intended for testing the effects of particular policy rules.
-P PolicyFile Specifies the name of the file containing the policy rules to be applied. If not specified, the
policy rules currently in effect for the file system are used.
-D yyyy-mm-dd[@hh:mm[:ss]]
Specifies a date and optionally a (UTC) time as year-month-day at hour:minute:second.
The mmapplypolicy command evaluates policy rules as if it were running on the date and
time specified by the -D flag. This can be useful for planning or testing policies, to see
how the mmapplypolicy command would act in the future. If this flag is omitted, the
mmapplypolicy command uses the current date and (UTC) time. If a date is specified but
not a time, the time is assumed to be 00:00:00.
-L n Controls the level of information displayed by the mmapplypolicy command. Larger
values indicate the display of more detailed information. These terms are used:
candidate file A file that matches a MIGRATE or DELETE policy rule.
chosen file A candidate file that has been scheduled for migration or
These are the valid values for n:
0 Displays only serious errors.
1 Displays some information as the command runs, but not for each file. This is the
2 Displays each chosen file and the scheduled migration or deletion action.
3 All of the above, plus displays each candidate file and the applicable rule.
4 All of the above, plus displays each explicitly EXCLUDE'ed file, and the applicable rule.
5 All of the above, plus displays the attributes of candidate and EXCLUDE'ed files.
6 All of the above, plus displays files that are not candidate files, and their attributes.
For examples and more information on this flag, see the section: The mmapplypolicy -L
command in General Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide.
-s WorkDirectory
Specifies the directory to be used for temporary storage during mmapplypolicy command
The default directory is /tmp. The mmapplypolicy command stores lists of candidate and
chosen files in temporary files within this directory.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmapplypolicy command.
You may issue the mmapplypolicy command from any node in the GPFS cluster that has the file systems
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. This command displays the actions that would occur if a policy were applied, but does not apply the
policy at this time:
70 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
mmapplypolicy Command
3. Additional examples of GPFS policies and using the mmapplypolicy command are in the chapter
Policy-based data management for GPFS in General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration
See also
“mmchpolicy Command” on page 112
mmauth – Manages secure access to GPFS file systems.
mmauth genkey {new | commit}
mmauth grant {RemoteClusterName | all } -f { Device | all } [-a {rw | ro} ] [-r {uid:gid | no}]
The mmauth command prepares a cluster to grant secure access to file systems owned locally. The
mmauth command also prepares a cluster to receive secure access to file systems owned by another
cluster. Use the mmauth command to generate a public/private key pair for the local cluster. A
public/private key pair must be generated on both the cluster owning the file system and the cluster
desiring access to the file system. The administrators of the clusters are responsible for exchanging the
public portion of the public/private key pair. Use the mmauth command to add or delete permission for a
cluster to mount file systems owned by the local cluster.
When a cluster generates a new public/private key pair, administrators of clusters participating in remote
file system mounts are responsible for exchanging their respective public key file /var/mmfs/ssl/ generated by this command.
The administrator of a cluster desiring to mount a file system from another cluster must provide the
received key file as input to the mmremotecluster command. The administrator of a cluster allowing
another cluster to mount a file system must provide the received key file to the mmauth command.
delete Deletes a cluster and its associated public key from the list of clusters authorized to mount file
systems owned by this cluster.
deny Denies a cluster the authority to mount a specific file system owned by this cluster.
genkey {new | commit}
new Generates a new public/private key pair for this cluster. The key pair is placed in
/var/mmfs/ssl. This must be done at least once before cipherList, the GPFS
configuration parameter that enables GPFS with OpenSSL, is set.
The new key is in addition to the currently in effect committed key. Both keys are accepted
until the administrator runs mmauth genkey commit.
Commits the new public/private key pair for this cluster. Once mmauth genkey commit is
run, the old key pair will no longer be accepted, and remote clusters that have not updated
their keys (by running mmauth update or mmremotecluster update) will be
grant Allows a cluster to mount a specific file system owned by this cluster.
show Shows the list of clusters authorized to mount file system owned by this cluster.
Updates the public key and other information associated with a cluster authorized to mount file
systems owned by this cluster.
When the local cluster name (or '.') is specified, mmauth update -l can be used to set the
cipherList value for the local cluster. Note that you cannot use this command to change the name
of the local cluster. Use the mmchcluster command for this purpose.
RemoteClusterName Specifies the remote cluster name requesting access to local GPFS file
systems. The value all indicates all remote clusters defined to the local
-a {rw | ro} The type of access allowed:
ro Specifies read-only access.
rw Specifies read/write access. This is the default.
-C NewClusterName
Specifies a new, fully-qualified cluster name for the already-defined cluster
-f Device The device name for a file system owned by this cluster. The Device argument is required.
If all is specified, the command applies to all file systems owned by this cluster at the time
that the command is issued.
-k KeyFile Specifies the public key file generated by the mmauth command in the cluster requesting
to remotely mount the local GPFS file system.
-l CipherList Specifies the cipher list to be associated with the cluster specified by remoteClusterName,
when connecting to this cluster for the purpose of mounting file systems owned by this
See the Frequently Asked Questions at:
clresctr/topic/ for a list of the
ciphers supported by GPFS.
-r {uid:gid | no}
Specifies a root credentials remapping (root squash) option. The UID and GID of all
processes with root credentials from the remote cluster will be remapped to the specified
values. The default is not to remap the root UID and GID. The uid and gid must be
specified as unsigned integers or as symbolic names that can be resolved by the
operating system to a valid UID and GID. Specifying no, off, or DEFAULT turns off the
For more information, see General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide
and search on root squash.
Exit status
0 Successful completion. After a successful completion of the mmauth command, the
configuration change request will have been propagated to all nodes in the cluster.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmauth command.
You may issue the mmauth command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. This is an example of an mmauth genkey new command:
mmauth genkey new
For, the mmauth genkey new command has been issued, but the mmauth
genkey commit command has not yet been issued.
For more information on the SHA digest, see General Parallel File System: Problem Determination
Guide and search on SHA digest.
8. This is an example of an mmauth deny command:
mmauth deny -f all
See also
“mmremotefs Command” on page 243
Accessing GPFS file systems from other GPFS clusters in General Parallel File System: Advanced
Administration Guide.
mmbackup – Backs up a GPFS file system to a backup server.
mmbackup Device -n ControlFile [-t {full | incremental}] [-s SortDir]
Use the mmbackup command to backup a GPFS file system to a backup server. mmbackup takes a
temporary snapshot named .mmbuSnapshot of the specified file system, and backs up this snapshot to a
back end data store. Accordingly, the files backed up by the command will be stored in the directory
/Device/.snapshots/.mmbuSnapshot in the remote data store. This command may be issued from any
GPFS node in the cluster to which the file system being backed up belongs, and on which the file system
is mounted.
Device The device name for the file system to be backed up. This must be the first parameter and
must be fully-qualified, such as /dev/fs0. The device name must be specified; there is no
default value.
-n ControlFile Specifies the file containing the backup control information. The file must be in the present
working directory or the path must be fully qualified. Each piece of control information
must be on a separate line and correctly qualified. Comment lines are allowed and must
begin with a # in column 1. Empty lines may not contain any blank characters. Valid lines
either contain a # in column 1 indicating a comment, an = indicating a value is being set,
or no characters at all.
This option may be specified only if the backup type is full or incremental. If the -R option
has been specified, this information is obtained from the control information specified on
the earlier full or incremental mmbackup command that completed with partial success.
The allowable qualifiers in the control file are:
serverName The name of the node specified as the backup server qualified with
serverName=. The backup server node may or may not be a GPFS node,
although performance may be improved if it is also a backup client node.
You may specify only one backup server.
clientName The backup clients, one per line, qualified with clientName=. The backup
client nodes must be a member of the GPFS cluster where the file system
is mounted. For improved performance it is suggested that multiple
backup client nodes be specified. The maximum number of backup clients
supported is 32.
The number of processes per client qualified with
numberOfProcessesPerClient=. The number of processes per client may
be specified only once.
-R Indicates to resume the previous backup that failed with a return code of 1 (partial success). If the
previous backup failed with a return code of 2 or succeeded with a return code of 0, this option does
not succeed and a new full or incremental backup must be initiated.
-s SortDir
Specifies the directory to be used by the sort command for temporary data. The default is /tmp.
-t {full | incremental}
Specifies whether to perform a full backup of all of the files in the file system, or an incremental
backup of only those files that have changed since the last backup was performed. The default is to
perform an incremental backup. The default is -t incremental.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
1 Partially successful completion. Not all of the eligible files were successfully backed up. The command
may be resumed by specifying the -R option.
2 A failure occurred that cannot be corrected by resuming the backup. A new backup must be initiated.
You must have root authority to run the mmbackup command.
You may issue the mmbackup command from any node in the cluster where the file system being backed
up is mounted.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly-configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
These examples use a control file named inputctrl32, which specifies a backup server, three backup
clients, and two processes per client as shown here:
# backup server
# backup clients
# number of processes per client
1. To perform a full backup of the file system /dev/fs0 from node k145n04, issue this command:
mmbackup /dev/fs0 -n inputctrl32 -t full
mmbackup /dev/fs0 -R
tsbackup: resume of full backup finished with complete success,
mmchattr – Changes the replication attributes, storage pool assignment, and I/O caching policy for one or
more GPFS files.
mmchattr [-m MetadataReplicas] [-M MaxMetadataReplicas] [-r DataReplicas] [-R MaxDataReplicas] [-P
DataPoolName] [-D {yes | no} ] [-I {yes | defer}] Filename [Filename...]
Use the mmchattr command to change the replication attributes, storage pool assignment, and I/O
caching policy for files in the GPFS file system.
The replication factor must be less than or equal to the maximum replication factor for the file. If
insufficient space is available in the file system to increase the number of replicas to the value requested,
the mmchattr command ends. However, some blocks of the file may have their replication factor
increased after the mmchattr command ends. If additional free space becomes available in the file system
at a later time (when, for example, you add another disk to the file system), you can then issue the
mmrestripefs command with the -r or -b option to complete the replication of the file. The mmrestripefile
command can be used in a similar manner. You can use the mmlsattr command to display the replication
Data of a file is stored in a specific storage pool. A storage pool is a collection of disks or RAIDs with
similar properties. Because these storage devices have similar properties, you can manage them as a
groups. You can use storage pools to:
v Partition storage for the file system
v Assign file storage locations
v Improve system performance
v Improve system reliability
The Direct I/O caching policy bypasses file cache and transfers data directly from disk into the user space
buffer, as opposed to using the normal cache policy of placing pages in kernel memory. Applications with
poor cache hit rates or very large I/Os may benefit from the use of Direct I/O.
You must have write permission for the files whose attributes you are changing.
Filename [Filename ...] The name of one or more files to be changed. Delimit each file name by a
space. Wildcard characters are supported in file names, for example,
-D {yes | no}
Enable or disable the Direct I/O caching policy for files.
-I {yes | defer}
Specifies if replication and migration between pools is to be performed immediately (-I yes), or deferred
until a later call to mmrestripefs or mmrestripefile (-I defer). By deferring the updates to more than
one file, the data movement may be done in parallel. The default is -I yes.
-m MetadataReplicas
Specifies how many copies of the file system’s metadata to create. Enter a value of 1 or 2, but not
greater than the value of the MaxMetadataReplicas attribute of the file.
-M MaxMetadataReplicas
The maximum number of copies of indirect blocks for a file. Space is reserved in the inode for all
possible copies of pointers to indirect blocks. Valid values are 1 and 2, but cannot be less than
DefaultMetadataReplicas. The default is 1.
-P DataPoolName
Changes the file’s assigned storage pool to the specified DataPoolName. The caller must have
superuser or root privileges to change the assigned storage pool.
-r DataReplicas
Specifies how many copies of the file data to create. Enter a value of 1 or 2, but not greater than the
value of the MaxDataReplicas attribute of the file.
-R MaxDataReplicas
The maximum number of copies of data blocks for a file. Space is reserved in the inode and indirect
blocks for all possible copies of pointers to data blocks. Valid values are 1 and 2 but cannot be less
than DefaultDataReplicas. The default is 1.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have write access to the file to run the mmchattr command.
You may issue the mmchattr command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
When considering data replication for files accessible to SANergy, see SANergy export considerations in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
1. To change the metadata replication factor to 2 and the data replication factor to 2 for the
project7.resource file in file system fs1, issue this command:
mmchattr -m 2 -r 2 /fs1/project7.resource
To confirm the change, issue this command:
mmlsattr project7.resource
See also
“mmcrfs Command” on page 120
mmchcluster – Changes GPFS cluster configuration data.
mmchcluster {[-p PrimaryServer] [-s SecondaryServer]}
mmchcluster -p LATEST
mmchcluster -C ClusterName
The mmchcluster command serves several purposes:
1. Change the primary or secondary GPFS cluster configuration server.
2. Synchronize the primary GPFS cluster configuration server.
3. Change the remote shell and remote file copy programs to be used by the nodes in the cluster.
4. Change the cluster name.
5. Specify node interfaces to be used by the GPFS administration commands.
To display current system information for the cluster, issue the mmlscluster command.
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
When issuing the mmchcluster command with the -p or -s flags, the nodes specified for these
parameters must be available in order for the command to succeed. If any of the nodes listed are not
available when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed. You must correct the
problem on each node and reissue the command.
Attention: The mmchcluster command, when issued with either the -p or -s option, is designed to
operate in an environment where the current primary and secondary cluster configuration servers are not
available. As a result, the command can run without obtaining its regular serialization locks. To assure
smooth transition to a new cluster configuration server, no other GPFS commands (mm commands)
should be running when the command is issued, nor should any other command be issued until the
mmchcluster command has successfully completed.
-C ClusterName
Specifies a new name for the cluster. If the user-provided name contains dots, it is assumed to be a
fully qualified domain name. Otherwise, to make the cluster name unique, the domain of the primary
configuration server will be appended to the user-provided name.
Since each cluster is managed independently, there is no automatic coordination and propagation of
changes between clusters like there is between the nodes within a cluster. This means that if you
change the name of the cluster, you should notify the administrators of all other GPFS clusters that can
mount your file systems so that they can update their own environments. See the mmauth,
mmremotecluster, and mmremotefs commands.
-N {NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile}
Specifies a list or file of node descriptors specifying node names for use by the GPFS administration
Each node descriptor has the following format:
Specifies the name of the node to be used by GPFS daemon to daemon communication. The
daemon node name may be specified as a short or long node name, an IP address, or a node
Specifies the name of the node to be used by GPFS administration commands when communicating
between nodes. The admin node name must be specified as an IP address or a short or long node
name that is resolved by the host command to the desired IP address.
-p PrimaryServer
Change the primary server node for the GPFS cluster data. This may be specified as a short or long
node name, an IP address, or a node number.
LATEST – Synchronize all of the nodes in the GPFS cluster ensuring they are using the most recently
specified primary GPFS cluster configuration server. If an invocation of the mmchcluster command
fails, you are prompted to reissue the command and specify LATEST on the -p option to synchronize
all of the nodes in the GPFS cluster. Synchronization provides for all nodes in the GPFS cluster to use
the most recently specified primary GPFS cluster configuration server.
-s SecondaryServer
Change the secondary server node for the GPFS cluster data. To remove the secondary GPFS server
and continue operating without it, specify a null string, "", as the parameter. This may be specified as a
short or long nodename, an IP address, or a node number.
-R RemoteFileCopy
Specifies the fully-qualified path name for the remote file copy program to be used by GPFS.
The remote copy command must adhere to the same syntax format as the rcp command, but may
implement an alternate authentication mechanism.
-r RemoteShellCommand
Specifies the fully-qualified path name for the remote shell program to be used by GPFS.
The remote shell command must adhere to the same syntax format as the rsh command, but may
implement an alternate authentication mechanism.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchcluster command.
You may issue the mmchcluster command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
A properly configured .rhosts file must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS
cluster. If you have designated the use of a different remote communication program on either the
mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To change the primary GPFS server for the cluster, issue this command:
mmchcluster -p k164n06
See also
“mmaddnode Command” on page 66
mmchconfig – Changes GPFS configuration parameters.
mmchconfig Attribute=value[,Attribute=value...] [-i | -I] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
Use the mmchconfig command to change the GPFS configuration attributes on a single node, a set of
nodes, or globally for the entire cluster.
When changing both maxblocksize and pagepool, the command fails unless these conventions are
v When increasing the values, pagepool must be specified first.
v When decreasing the values, maxblocksize must be specified first.
The configuration is updated on each node in the GPFS cluster.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies the set of nodes to which the configuration changes apply. For general information on how to
specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
The -N flag is valid only for the automountDir, dataStructureDump, designation,
dmapiEventTimeout, dmapiMountTimeout, dmapiSessionFailureTimeout, maxblocksize,
maxFilesToCache, maxStatCache, nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount,
nsdServerWaitTimeForMount, pagepool, and unmountOnDiskFail attributes.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
The name of the attribute to be changed to the specified value. More than one attribute and value pair,
in a comma-separated list, can be changed with one invocation of the command.
To restore the GPFS default setting for any given attribute, specify DEFAULT as its value.
Starts GPFS automatically whenever the nodes are rebooted. Valid values are yes or no.
Specifies the directory to be used by the Linux automounter for GPFS file systems that are being
automatically mounted. The default directory is /gpfs/myautomountdir. This parameter does not apply
to AIX environments.
Controls whether GPFS network communications are secured. If cipherList is not specified, or if the
value DEFAULT is specified, GPFS does not authenticate or check authorization for network
connections. If the value AUTHONLY is specified, GPFS does authenticate and check authorization for
network connections, but data sent over the connection is not protected. Before setting cipherList for
the first time, you must establish a public/private key pair for the cluster by using the mmauth genkey
new command.
See the Frequently Asked Questions at: clresctr/topic/ for a list of the ciphers supported by GPFS.
Specifies a path for the storage of dumps. The default is to store dumps in /tmp/mmfs. Specify no to
not store dumps.
It is suggested that you create a directory for the placement of certain problem determination
information. This can be a symbolic link to another location if more space can be found there. Do not
place it in a GPFS file system, because it might not be available if GPFS fails. If a problem occurs,
GPFS may write 200 MB or more of problem determination data into the directory. These files must be
manually removed when problem determination is complete. This should be done promptly so that a
NOSPACE condition is not encountered if another failure occurs.
Specifies a ’-’ separated list of node roles.
v manager or client - Indicates whether a node is part of the pool of nodes from which configuration
managers, file system managers, and token managers are selected.
v quorum or nonquorum - Indicates whether a node is to be counted as a quorum node.
GPFS must be stopped on any quorum node that is being changed to nonquorum. GPFS does not
have to stopped when the designation changes from nonquorum to quorum.
For more information on the roles of a node as the file system manager, see the General Parallel File
System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search for file system manager.
For more information on explicit quorum node designation, see the General Parallel File System:
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search for designating quorum nodes.
Specifies whether the token server role for a file system should be limited to only the file system
manager node (no), or distributed to other nodes for better file system performance (yes). The default
is yes.
Using multiple token servers requires designating the nodes that should serve tokens as manager
nodes (manager keyword in the mmcrcluster node list or mmchconfig designation=... commands). If
no manager nodes are designated, the node chosen as file system manager will act as the only token
server, regardless of the setting of the distributedTokenServer parameter.
The maxFilesToCache and maxStatCache parameters are indirectly affected by the
distributedTokenServer parameter, because distributing the tokens across multiple nodes may allow
keeping more tokens than without this feature. See General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning,
and Installation Guide and search on The GPFS token system’s affect on cache settings.
Controls the blocking of file operation threads of NFS, while in the kernel waiting for the handling of a
DMAPI synchronous event. The parameter value is the maximum time, in milliseconds, the thread will
block. When this time expires, the file operation returns ENOTREADY, and the event continues
asynchronously. The NFS server is expected to repeatedly retry the operation, which eventually will find
the response of the original event and continue. This mechanism applies only to read, write, and
truncate event types, and only when such events come from NFS server threads. The timeout value is
given in milliseconds. The value 0 indicates immediate timeout (fully asynchronous event). A value
greater than or equal to 86400000 (which is 24 hours) is considered infinity (no timeout, fully
synchronous event). The default value is 86400000.
For further information regarding DMAPI for GPFS, see General Parallel File System: Data
Management API Guide.
Controls the blocking of mount operations, waiting for a disposition for the mount event to be set. This
timeout is activated, at most once on each node, by the first external mount of a file system that has
DMAPI enabled, and only if there has never before been a mount disposition. Any mount operation on
this node that starts while the timeout period is active will wait for the mount disposition. The parameter
value is the maximum time, in seconds, that the mount operation will wait for a disposition. When this
time expires and there is still no disposition for the mount event, the mount operation fails, returning
the EIO error. The timeout value is given in full seconds. The value 0 indicates immediate timeout
(immediate failure of the mount operation). A value greater than or equal to 86400 (which is 24 hours)
is considered infinity (no timeout, indefinite blocking until the there is a disposition). The default value is
For further information regarding DMAPI for GPFS, see General Parallel File System: Data
Management API Guide.
Controls the blocking of file operation threads, while in the kernel, waiting for the handling of a DMAPI
synchronous event that is enqueued on a session that has experienced a failure. The parameter value
is the maximum time, in seconds, the thread will wait for the recovery of the failed session. When this
time expires and the session has not yet recovered, the event is cancelled and the file operation fails,
returning the EIO error. The timeout value is given in full seconds. The value 0 indicates immediate
timeout (immediate failure of the file operation). A value greater than or equal to 86400 (which is 24
hours) is considered infinity (no timeout, indefinite blocking until the session recovers). The default
value is 0.
For further information regarding DMAPI for GPFS, see General Parallel File System: Data
Management API Guide.
Changes the maximum file system block size. Valid values include 64 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, and 1024
KB. The default value is 1024 KB. Specify this value with the character K or M, for example 512K.
File systems with block sizes larger than the specified value cannot be created or mounted unless the
block size is increased.
Specifies the number of inodes to cache for recently used files that have been closed.
Storing a file’s inode in cache permits faster re-access to the file. The default is 1000, but increasing
this number may improve throughput for workloads with high file reuse. However, increasing this
number excessively may cause paging at the file system manager node. The value should be large
enough to handle the number of concurrently open files plus allow caching of recently used files.
Specifies an estimate of how many megabytes of data can be transferred per second into or out of a
single node. The default is 150 MB per second. The value is used in calculating the amount of I/O that
can be done to effectively prefetch data for readers and write-behind data from writers. By lowering this
value, you can artificially limit how much I/O one node can put on all of the disk servers.
This is useful in environments in which a large number of nodes can overrun a few virtual shared disk
servers. Setting this value too high usually does not cause problems because of other limiting factors,
such as the size of the pagepool, the number of prefetch threads, and so forth.
Specifies the number of inodes to keep in the stat cache. The stat cache maintains only enough inode
information to perform a query on the file system. The default value is:
4 × maxFilesToCache
When mounting a file system whose disks depend on NSD servers, this option specifies the number of
seconds to wait for those servers to come up. The decision to wait is controlled by the criteria managed
by the nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount option.
Valid values are between 0 and 1200 seconds. The default is 300. A value of zero indicates that no
waiting is done. The interval for checking is 10 seconds. If nsdServerWaitTimeForMount is 0,
nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount has no effect.
The mount thread waits when the daemon delays for safe recovery. The mount wait for NSD servers to
come up, which is covered by this option, occurs after expiration of the recovery wait allows the mount
thread to proceed.
Specifies a window of time (in seconds) during which a mount can wait for NSD servers as described
for the nsdServerWaitTimeForMount option. The window begins when quorum is established (at
cluster startup or subsequently), or at the last known failure times of the NSD servers required to
perform the mount.
Valid values are between 1 and 1200 seconds. The default is 600. If nsdServerWaitTimeForMount is
0, nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount has no effect.
When a node rejoins the cluster after having been removed for any reason, the node resets all the
failure time values that it knows about. Therefore, when a node rejoins the cluster it believes that the
NSD servers have not failed. From the node’s perspective, old failures are no longer relevant.
GPFS checks the cluster formation criteria first. If that check falls outside the window, GPFS then
checks for NSD server fail times being within the window.
Changes the size of the cache on each node. The default value is 64 M. The minimum allowed value is
4 M. The maximum allowed value depends on amount of the available physical memory and your
operating system. Specify this value with the character M, for example, 60M.
Controls the maximum possible number of threads dedicated to prefetching data for files that are read
sequentially, or to handle sequential write-behind.
The actual degree of parallelism for prefetching is determined dynamically in the GPFS daemon. The
minimum value is 2. The maximum value is 104. The default value is 72. The maximum value of
prefetchThreads plus worker1Threads is:
v On 32-bit kernels, 164
v On 64-bit kernels, 550
Specifies subnets used to communicate between nodes in a GPFS cluster.
Enclose the subnets in quotes and separate them by spaces. The order in which they are specified
determines the order that GPFS uses these subnets to establish connections to the nodes within the
cluster. For example, subnets=″″ refer to IP addresses through
An optional list of cluster names may also be specified, separated by commas. The names may contain
wild cards similar to those accepted by shell commands. If specified, these names override the list of
private IP addresses. For example, subnets=″;".
This feature cannot be used to establish fault tolerance or automatic failover. If the interface
corresponding to an IP address in the list is down, GPFS does not use the next one on the list. For
more information about subnets, see General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide and
search on Using remote access with public and private IP addresses.
Controls whether GPFS will use the node quorum with tiebreaker algorithm in place of the regular node
based quorum algorithm. See General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide
and search for node quorum with tiebreaker. To enable this feature, specify the names of one or three
disks. Separate the NSD names with semicolon (;) and enclose the list in quotes. The disks do not
have to belong to any particular file system, but must be directly accessible from the quorum nodes.
For example:
When changing the tiebreakerDisks, GPFS must be down on all nodes in the cluster.
Specifies the UID domain name for the cluster.
A detailed description of the GPFS user ID remapping convention is contained in UID Mapping for
GPFS in a Multi-Cluster Environment at
Controls how the GPFS daemon will respond when a disk failure is detected. Valid values are yes or
When unmountOnDiskFail is set to no, the daemon marks the disk as failed and continues as long as
it can without using the disk. All nodes that are using this disk are notified of the disk failure. The disk
can be made active again by using the mmchdisk command. This is the suggested setting when
metadata and data replication are used because the replica can be used until the disk is brought online
When unmountOnDiskFail is set to yes, any disk failure will cause only the local node to
force-unmount the file system that contains that disk. Other file systems on this node and other nodes
continue to function normally, if they can. The local node can try and remount the file system when the
disk problem has been resolved. This is the suggested setting when using SAN-attached disks in large
multinode configurations, and when replication is not being used. This setting should also be used on a
node that hosts descOnly disks. See Establishing disaster recovery for your GPFS cluster in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Controls the maximum number of concurrent file operations at any one instant. If there are more
requests than that, the excess will wait until a previous request has finished.
The primary use is for random read or write requests that cannot be pre-fetched, random I/O requests,
or small file activity. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 64. The default value is 48. The
maximum value of prefetchThreads plus worker1Threads is:
v On 32-bit kernels, 164
v On 64-bit kernels, 550
-I Specifies that the changes take effect immediately but do not persist when GPFS is restarted. This
option is valid only for the dataStructureDump, dmapiEventTimeout, dmapiSessionFailureTimeout,
dmapiMountTimeoout, maxMBpS, unmountOnDiskFail, and pagepool attributes.
-i Specifies that the changes take effect immediately and are permanent. This option is valid only for the
dataStructureDump, dmapiEventTimeout, dmapiSessionFailureTimeout, dmapiMountTimeoout,
maxMBpS, unmountOnDiskFail, and pagepool attributes.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchconfig command.
You may issue the mmchconfig command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To change the maximum file system block size allowed to 512 KB, issue this command:
mmchconfig maxblocksize=512K
See also
“mmaddnode Command” on page 66
mmchdisk – Changes state or parameters of one or more disks in a GPFS file system.
mmchdisk Device {suspend | resume | stop | start | change} -d ″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ [-N
{Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
Use the mmchdisk command to change the state or the parameters of one or more disks in a GPFS file
The state of a disk is a combination of its status and availability, displayed with the mmlsdisk command.
Disk status is normally either ready or suspended. A transitional status such as replacing, replacement,
or being emptied might also appear if a disk is being deleted or replaced. A suspended disk is one that
the user has decided not to place any new data on. Existing data on a suspended disk may still be read or
updated. Typically, a disk is suspended prior to restriping a file system. Suspending a disk tells the
mmrestripefs command that data is to be migrated off that disk. Disk availability is either up or down.
Be sure to use stop before you take a disk offline for maintenance. You should also use stop when a disk
has become temporarily inaccessible due to a disk failure that is repairable without loss of data on that
disk (for example, an adapter failure or a failure of the disk electronics).
The Disk Usage (dataAndMetadata, dataOnly, metadataOnly, or descOnly) and Failure Group
parameters of a disk are adjusted with the change option. See the General Parallel File System:
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search for recoverability considerations. The mmchdisk
change command does not move data or metadata that resides on the disk. After changing disk
parameters, in particular, Disk Usage, you may have to issue the mmrestripefs command with the -r
option to relocate data so that it conforms to the new disk parameters.
The mmchdisk command can be issued for a mounted or unmounted file system. When maintenance is
complete or the failure has been repaired, use the mmchdisk command with the start option. If the failure
cannot be repaired without loss of data, you can use the mmdeldisk command.
1. The mmchdisk command cannot be used to change the NSD servers associated with the disk. Use
the mmchnsd command for this purpose.
2. Similarly, the mmchdisk command cannot be used to change the storage pool for the disk. Use the
mmdeldisk and mmadddisk commands to move a disk from one storage pool to another.
The device name of the file system to which the disks belong. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-d ″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc... ]″
A descriptor for each disk to be changed.
Specify only disk names when using the suspend, resume, stop, or start options. Delimit multiple
disk names with semicolons and enclose the list in quotation marks. For example,
When using the change option, include the disk name and any new Disk Usage and Failure
Group positional parameter values in the descriptor. Delimit descriptors with semicolons and
enclose the list in quotation marks, for example,
A disk descriptor is defined as (second, third, sixth and sevenths fields reserved):
For a list of disks that belong to a particular file system, issue the mmlsnsd -f, the
mmlsfs -d, or the mmlsdisk command. The mmlsdisk command will also show the
current disk usage and failure group values for each of the disks.
If a value is not specified, the disk usage remains unchanged:
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. If you do not specify a failure group, the value remains unchanged.
GPFS uses this information during data and metadata placement to assure that no two
replicas of the same block are written in such a way as to become unavailable due to a
single disk failure. All disks that are attached to the same NSD server or adapter should
be placed in the same failure group.
-a Specifies to change the state of all of the disks belonging to the file system, Device. This operand
is valid only on the resume and start options.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass }
Specify the nodes to participate in the restripe of the file system after the state or parameters of
the disks have been changed. This command supports all defined node classes. The default is all
(all nodes in the GPFS cluster will participate in the restripe of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
Instructs GPFS to change the DiskUsage parameter, the FailureGroup parameter, or both,
according to the values specified in the DiskDesc.
Informs GPFS that a disk previously suspended is now available for allocating new space. If the
disk is currently in a stopped state, it remains stopped until you specify the start option.
Otherwise, normal read and write access to the disk resumes.
start Informs GPFS that disks previously stopped are now accessible. This is accomplished by first
changing the disk availability from down to recovering. The file system metadata is then scanned
and any missing updates (replicated data that was changed while the disk was down) are
repaired. If this operation is successful, the availability is then changed to up. If the metadata scan
fails, availability is set to unrecovered. This could occur if too many other disks are down. The
metadata scan can be re-initiated at a later time by issuing the mmchdisk start command again.
If more than one disk in the file system is down, they must all be started at the same time by
issuing the mmchdisk Device start -a command. If you start them separately and metadata is
stored on any disk that remains down, the mmchdisk start command fails.
stop Instructs GPFS to stop any attempts to access the specified disks. Use this option to tell the file
system manager that a disk has failed or is currently inaccessible because of maintenance.
A disk remains stopped until it is explicitly started by the mmchdisk command with the start
option. Restarting the GPFS Server daemon or rebooting does not restore normal access to a
stopped disk.
Instructs GPFS to stop allocating space on the specified disk. Place a disk in this state when you
are preparing to restripe the file system off this disk because of faulty performance. This is a
user-initiated state that GPFS never uses without an explicit command to change disk state.
Existing data on a suspended disk may still be read or updated.
A disk remains suspended until it is explicitly resumed. Restarting GPFS or rebooting nodes does
not restore normal access to a suspended disk.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchdisk command.
You may issue the mmchdisk command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To suspend active disk gpfs2nsd, issue this command:
mmchdisk fs0 suspend -d gpfs2nsd
2. To specify that metadata should no longer be stored on disk gpfs1nsd, issue this command:
mmchdisk fs0 change -d "gpfs1nsd:::dataOnly"
See also
“Displaying GPFS disk states” on page 31
mmcheckquota – Checks file system user, group and fileset quotas.
mmcheckquota [-v] {Device [Device...] | -a}
The mmcheckquota command serves two purposes:
1. Count inode and space usage in a file system by user, group and fileset, and write the collected data
into quota files.
2. Replace either the user, group, or fileset quota files, for the file system designated by Device, thereby
restoring the quota files for the file system. These files must be contained in the root directory of
Device. If a backup copy does not exist, an empty file is created when the mmcheckquota command
is issued.
The mmcheckquota command counts inode and space usage for a file system and writes the collected
data into quota files. Indications leading you to the conclusion you should run the mmcheckquota
command include:
v MMFS_QUOTA error log entries. This error log entry is created when the quota manager has a problem
reading or writing the quota file.
v Quota information is lost due to a node failure. A node failure could leave users unable to open files or
deny them disk space that their quotas should allow.
v The in-doubt value is approaching the quota limit.
The sum of the in-doubt value and the current usage may not exceed the hard limit. Consequently, the
actual block space and number of files available to the user of the group may be constrained by the
in-doubt value. Should the in-doubt value approach a significant percentage of the quota, use the
mmcheckquota command to account for the lost space and files.
v User, group, or fileset quota files are corrupted.
The result of an online quota check may be incomplete when files are being accessed through SANergy at
the time of the file system quota check. See SANergy export considerations in General Parallel File
System: Advanced Administration Guide. To get an accurate online quota check result, rerun
mmcheckquota when SANergy is not active.
The mmcheckquota command is I/O intensive and should be run when the system load is light. When
issuing the mmcheckquota command on a mounted file system, negative in-doubt values may be
reported if the quota server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a
transient situation and may be ignored.
-a Checks all GPFS file systems in the cluster from which the command is issued.
The device name of the file system. File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as
acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-g GroupQuotaFileName
Replace the current group quota file with the file indicated.
When replacing quota files with the -g option:
v The quota file must be in the root directory of the file system.
v The file system must be unmounted.
-j FilesetQuotaFilename
Replace the current fileset quota file with the file indicated.
When replacing quota files with the -j option:
v The quota file must be in the root directory of the file system.
v The file system must be unmounted.
-u UserQuotaFilename
Replace the current user quota file with the file indicated.
When replacing quota files with the -u option:
v The quota file must be in the root directory of the file system.
v The file system must be unmounted.
-v Reports discrepancies between calculated and recorded disk quotas.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcheckquota command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmcheckquota command is issued.
1. To check quotas for file system fs0, issue this command:
mmcheckquota fs0
The system displays information only if a problem is found or if quota management is not enabled for a
file system:
fs2: no quota management installed
fs3: no quota management installed
3. To report discrepancies between calculated and recorded disk quotas, issue this command:
mmcheckquota -v fs1
See also
“mmedquota Command” on page 171
mmchfileset – Changes the attributes of a GPFS fileset.
mmchfileset Device {FilesetName | -J JunctionPath} {[-j NewFilesetName] | [-t NewComment]}
The mmchfileset command changes the name or comment for an existing GPFS fileset.
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device The device name of the file system that contains the fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
FilesetName Specifies the name of the fileset.
-J JunctionPath
Specifies the junction path name for the fileset.
A junction is a special directory entry that connects a name in a directory of one fileset to
the root directory of another fileset.
-j NewFilesetName
Specifies the new name that is to be given to the fileset. This name must be less than 256
characters in length. This flag may be specified along with the -t flag.
-t NewComment
Specifies an optional comment that appears in the output of the mmlsfileset command.
This comment must be less than 256 characters in length. This flag may be specified
along with the -j flag.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchfileset command.
You may issue the mmchfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
This command renames fileset fset1 to fset2, and gives it the comment "the first fileset":
mmchfileset gpfs1 fset1 -j fset2 -t 'the first fileset'
See also
“mmdelfileset Command” on page 154
mmchfs – Changes the attributes of a GPFS file system.
mmchfs Device [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-E {yes | no}] [-D {nfs4 | posix}] [-F MaxNumInodes] [-k
{posix | nfs4 | all}] [-m DefaultMetadataReplicas] [-o MountOptions] [-Q {yes | no}] [-r
DefaultDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no} ] [-T Mountpoint] [-V] [-z {yes | no}]
Use the mmchfs command to change the attributes of a GPFS file system.
All files created after issuing the mmchfs command take on the new attributes. Existing files are not
affected. Use the mmchattr command to change the replication factor of existing files.
The device name of the file system to be changed.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. However, file
system names must be unique across GPFS clusters.
This must be the first parameter.
-A {yes | no | automount}
Indicates when the file system is to be mounted:
yes When the GPFS daemon starts.
no Manual mount.
automount When the file system is first accessed.
-D {nfs4 | posix}
Specifies whether a ’deny-write open lock’ will block writes, which is expected and required by
NFS V4. File systems supporting NFS V4 must have -D nfs4 set. The option -D posix allows NFS
writes even in the presence of a deny-write open lock. If you intend to export the file system using
NFS V4 or Samba, you must use -D nfs4. For NFS V3 (or if the file system is not NFS exported
at all) use -D posix.
-E {yes | no}
Specifies whether to report exact mtime values. If -E no is specified, the mtime value is
periodically updated. If you desire to always display exact modification times, specify the -E yes
-F MaxNumInodes
Changes the maximum number of files that can be created. Allowable values range from the
current number of created inodes (determined by issuing the mmdf command), through the
maximum number of files possibly supported as constrained by the formula:
maximum number of files = (total file system space/2) / (inode size + subblock size)
If your file system has additional disks added or the number of inodes was insufficiently sized at
file system creation, you may change the number of inodes and hence the maximum number of
files that can be created.
The initial setting of the number of inodes at file system creation is used as the minimum value.
The new value, set by using the mmchfs command, determines the maximum value. The inode
file expands on demand, from the initial minimum value set up to the new maximum value as
For file systems that will be doing parallel file creates, if the total number of free inodes is not
greater than 5% of the total number of inodes, there is the potential for slowdown in file system
access. Take this into consideration when changing your file system.
-k {posix | nfs4 | all}
Specifies the type of authorization supported by the file system:
posix Traditional GPFS ACLs only (NFS V4 ACLs are not allowed). Authorization controls are
unchanged from earlier releases.
nfs4 Support for NFS V4 ACLs only. Users are not allowed to assign traditional GPFS ACLs to
any file system objects (directories and individual files).
all Any supported ACL type is permitted. This includes traditional GPFS (posix) and NFS V4
ACLs (nfs4).
The administrator is allowing a mixture of ACL types. For example, fileA may have a
posix ACL, while fileB in the same file system may have an NFS V4 ACL, implying
different access characteristics for each file depending on the ACL type that is currently
Neither nfs4 nor all should be specified here unless the file system is going to be exported to NFS
V4 clients. NFS V4 ACLs affect file attributes (mode) and have access and authorization
characteristics that are different from traditional GPFS ACLs.
-m DefaultMetaDataReplicas
Changes the default number of metadata replicas. Valid values are 1 and 2 but cannot exceed the
values of MaxMetaDataReplicas set when the file system was created.
-o MountOptions
Specifies the mount options to pass to the mount command when mounting the file system. For a
detailed description of the available mount options, see “GPFS-specific mount options” on page
-Q {yes | no}
If yes is specified, quotas are activated automatically when the file system is mounted. If no is
specified, the quota files remain in the file system, but are not used.
To activate quota management after the mmchfs -Q yes command has been issued:
1. Unmount the file system everywhere.
2. Remount the file system, activating the new quota files. All subsequent mounts obey the new
quota setting.
3. Compile inode and disk block statistics using the mmcheckquota command. Use these values
as a reference to establish realistic quota values when issuing the mmedquota and
mmdefedquota commands.
4. For default quotas:
a. Issue the mmdefedquota command to establish default quota values.
b. Issue the mmdefquotaon -d command to activate default quotas.
5. For explicit quotas:
a. Issue the mmedquota command to establish quota values.
To deactivate quota management after the mmchfs -Q no command has been issued:
1. Unmount the file system everywhere.
2. Remount the file system, deactivating the quota files. All subsequent mounts obey the new
quota setting.
Note: If you do not unmount the file system everywhere, you will create conflicting quota usage
where existing mounts follow the old quota values and new mounts follow the new quota
-r DefaultDataReplicas
Changes the default number of data replicas. Valid values are 1 and 2 but cannot exceed the
values of MaxDataReplicas set when the file system was created.
-S {yes | no}
Suppress the periodic updating of the value of atime as reported by the gpfs_stat(), gpfs_fstat(),
stat(), and fstat() calls. If yes is specified these calls report the last time the file was accessed
when the file system was mounted with the -S no option.
-T Mountpoint
Change the mount point of the file system starting at the next mount of the file system.
The file system must be unmounted on all nodes prior to issuing the command.
-V After migration, change the file system format to the latest format supported by the currently
installed level of GPFS. This causes the file system to become permanently incompatible with
earlier releases of GPFS.
Before issuing the -V option, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and
Installation Guide and search for Migration, coexistence and compatibility.
For information about specific file system format and function changes when upgrading to the
current release, see Appendix B, “File system format changes between versions of GPFS,” on
page 373.
-W NewDeviceName
Assign NewDeviceName to be the device name for the file system.
-z {yes | no}
Enable or disable DMAPI on the file system. For further information on DMAPI for GPFS, see the
General Parallel File System: Data Management API Guide.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchfs command.
You may issue the mmchfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
When considering data replication for files accessible to SANergy, see SANergy export considerations in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
To change the default replicas for metadata to 2 and the default replicas for data to 2 for new files created
in the fs0 file system, issue this command:
mmchfs fs0 -m 2 -r 2
See also
“mmcrfs Command” on page 120
mmchmgr – Assigns a file system manager node.
mmchmgr Device [Node]
The mmchmgr command assigns a file system manager node.
The device name of the file system for which the file system manager node is to be changed. File
system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
Node The target node to be appointed as the new file system manager. If no Node is specified, the
configuration manager selects the new file system manager node.
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchmgr command.
You may issue the mmchmgr command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
Assume the file system manager for the file system gpfs1 is currently k164n05. To migrate the file system
manager responsibilities to k164n06, issue this command:
mmchmgr gpfs1 k164n06
See also
“mmlsmgr Command” on page 212
mmchnsd – Changes Network Shared Disk (NSD) configuration parameters.
mmchnsd {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile}
The mmchnsd command serves several purposes:
1. Change either or both the primary and backup NSD server nodes.
2. Define a backup server node for an NSD that currently does not have one.
3. Delete a backup server node for an NSD.
4. Delete both the primary and backup NSD server nodes. The disk must now be SAN-attached to all
nodes in the cluster.
5. Assign a primary and, if specified, a backup NSD server node. Nodes that are not SAN-attached to the
disk, or nodes that experience a local device driver failure, will now have access to the data over the
network from these servers.
A descriptor for each NSD to be changed. Each descriptor is separated by a semicolon (;). The
entire list must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
Specifies a file containing a list of disk descriptors, one per line.
Each disk descriptor must be specified in the form:
The NSD name that was given to the disk by the mmcrnsd command.
The name of the primary NSD server node.
If this field is omitted, the disk is assumed to be SAN-attached to all nodes in the cluster.
To change only the primary NSD server, ensure that if a backup NSD server exists that
you specify it, or the backup NSD server will be deleted. Any parameter that is not
specified defaults to null.
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchnsd command.
You may issue the mmchnsd command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
If the disk gpfs1nsd is currently defined with k145n05 as its primary server and k145n07 as its backup
NSD server, and you want to change the primary NSD server to k145n09, issue this command:
mmchnsd "gpfs1nsd:k145n09:k145n07:::"
See also
“mmchdisk Command” on page 94
mmchpolicy – Establish policy rules for a GPFS file system.
mmchpolicy Device PolicyFileName [-t DescriptiveName ] [-I {yes | test} ]
Use the mmchpolicy command to establish the rules for policy-based lifecycle management of the files in
a given GPFS file system. Some of the things that can be controlled with the help of policy rules are:
v File placement at creation time
v Replication factors
v Movement of data between storage pools
v File deletion
The mmapplypolicy command must be run to move data between storage pools or delete files.
Policy changes take effect immediately on all nodes that have the affected file system mounted. For nodes
that do not have the file system mounted, policy changes take effect upon the next mount of the file
For information on GPFS policies, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
The device name of the file system for which policy information is to be established or changed.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0. This must be
the first parameter.
The name of the file containing the policy rules.
-I {yes | test}
Specifies whether to activate the rules in the policy file PolicyFileName.
yes The policy rules are validated and immediately activated. This is the default.
test The policy rules are validated, but not installed.
-t DescriptiveName
Specifies an optional descriptive name to be associated with the policy rules. The string must be
less than 256 characters in length. If not specified, the descriptive name defaults to the base name
portion of the PolicyFileName parameter.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmchpolicy command.
You may issue the mmchpolicy command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. This command validates a policy before it is installed:
mmlspolicy fs2
See also
“mmapplypolicy Command” on page 69
mmcrcluster – Creates a GPFS cluster from a set of nodes.
mmcrcluster -N {NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile} -p PrimaryServer [-s SecondaryServer] [-r
RemoteShellCommand] [-R RemoteFileCopyCommand] [-C ClusterName] [-U DomainName] [-A] [-c
Use the mmcrcluster command to create a GPFS cluster.
Upon successful completion of the mmcrcluster command, the /var/mmfs/gen/mmsdrfs and the
/var/mmfs/gen/mmfsNodeData files are created on each of the nodes in the cluster. Do not delete these
files under any circumstances. For further information, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide.
You must follow these rules when creating your GPFS cluster:
v While a node may mount file systems from multiple clusters, the node itself may only be added to a
single cluster using the mmcrcluster or mmaddnode command.
v The nodes must be available for the command to be successful. If any of the nodes listed are not
available when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed. You must correct
the problem on each node and issue the mmaddnode command to add those nodes.
v You must designate at least one node as a quorum node. You are strongly advised to designate the
cluster configuration servers as quorum nodes. How many quorum nodes altogether you will have
depends on whether you intend to use the node quorum with tiebreaker algorithm. or the regular node
based quorum algorithm. For more details, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning,
and Installation Guide and search for designating quorum nodes.
-A Specifies that GPFS daemons are to be automatically started when nodes come up. The default is
not to start daemons automatically.
-C ClusterName
Specifies a name for the cluster. If the user-provided name contains dots, it is assumed to be a
fully qualified domain name. Otherwise, to make the cluster name unique, the domain of the
primary configuration server will be appended to the user-provided name.
If the -C flag is omitted, the cluster name defaults to the name of the primary GPFS cluster
configuration server.
-c ConfigFile
Specifies a file containing GPFS configuration parameters with values different than the
documented defaults. A sample file can be found in /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/mmfs.cfg.sample.
See the mmchconfig command for a detailed description of the different configuration
The -c ConfigFile parameter should be used only by experienced administrators. Use this file to
set up only those parameters that appear in the mmfs.cfg.sample file. Changes to any other
values may be ignored by GPFS. When in doubt, use the mmchconfig command instead.
-N NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile
NodeFile specifies the file containing the list of node descriptors (see below), one per line, to be
included in the GPFS cluster.
Specifies the list of nodes and node designations to be included in the GPFS cluster. Node
descriptors are defined as:
1. NodeName is the hostname or IP address to be used by the GPFS daemon for node to node
The hostname or IP address must refer to the communications adapter over which the GPFS
daemons communicate. Alias interfaces are not allowed. Use the original address or a name
that is resolved by the host command to that original address. You may specify a node using
any of these forms:
Format Example
Short hostname k145n01
Long hostname
IP address
If your primary GPFS cluster configuration server fails and you have not designated a secondary
server, the GPFS cluster configuration files are inaccessible, and any GPFS administration
commands that are issued fail. File system mounts or daemon startups also fail if no GPFS cluster
configuration server is available.
-U DomainName
Specifies the UID domain name for the cluster.
A detailed description of the GPFS user ID remapping convention is contained in UID Mapping for
GPFS In a Multi-Cluster Environment at
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrcluster command.
You may issue the mmcrcluster command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
A properly configured .rhosts file must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS
cluster. If you have designated the use of a different remote communication program on either the
mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To create a GPFS cluster made of all of the nodes listed in the file /u/admin/nodelist, using node
k164n05 as the primary server, and node k164n04 as the secondary server, issue:
mmcrcluster -N /u/admin/nodelist -p k164n05 -s k164n04
See also
“mmaddnode Command” on page 66
mmcrfileset – Creates a GPFS fileset.
mmcrfileset Device FilesetName [-t Comment]
The mmcrfileset command constructs a new fileset with the specified name. The new fileset is empty
except for a root directory, and does not appear in the directory name space until the mmlinkfileset
command is issued. The mmcrfileset command is separate from the mmlinkfileset command to allow the
administrator to establish policies and quotas on the fileset before it is linked into the name space.
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
The maximum number of filesets that GPFS supports is 1000 filesets per file system.
Device The device name of the file system to contain the new fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
FilesetName Specifies the name of the newly created fileset.
-t Comment Specifies an optional comment that appears in the output of the mmlsfileset command.
This comment must be less than 256 characters in length.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrfileset command.
You may issue the mmcrfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
This example creates two filesets in file system gpfs1:
mmcrfileset gpfs1 fset1
See also
“mmchfileset Command” on page 101
mmcrfs – Creates a GPFS file system.
mmcrfs Mountpoint Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-D {nfs4
| posix}] [-B BlockSize] [-E {yes | no}] [-k {posix | nfs4 | all}] [-m DefaultMetadataReplicas] [-M
MaxMetadataReplicas] [-n NumNodes] [-N NumInodes] [-Q {yes | no}] [-r DefaultDataReplicas] [-R
MaxDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no}] [-v {yes | no}] [-z {yes | no}]
Use the mmcrfs command to create a GPFS file system. The first three options must be Mountpoint,
Device, and either DiskDescList or DescFile and they must be in that order. The block size and replication
factors chosen affect file system performance. There is a maximum of 32 file systems that may be
mounted in a GPFS cluster at one time, including remote file systems.
When deciding on the maximum number of files (number of inodes) in a file system, consider that for file
systems that will be doing parallel file creates, if the total number of free inodes is not greater than 5% of
the total number of inodes, there is the potential for slowdown in file system access. The total number of
inodes can be increased using the mmchfs command.
When deciding on a block size for a file system, consider these points:
1. Supported block sizes are 16 KB, 64 KB 256 KB, 512 KB, and 1 MB.
2. The GPFS block size determines:
v The largest file system size supported. For the largest file system size supported by GPFS on each
operating system, see the Frequently Asked Questions at
v The minimum preferred increment for either reading or writing file data. The minimum amount of
space the data for a file can take is a subblock, which is 1/32 of the block size.
3. From a performance perspective, you are advised to set the GPFS block size to match the application
buffer size or the stripe size on the RAID system. If the GPFS block size does not match the RAID
stripe size on the RAID system, performance may be severely degraded, especially for write
4. In file systems with a high degree of variance in the size of files within the file system, using a small
block size would have a large impact on performance when accessing large files. In this kind of system
it is suggested that you use a block size of 256 KB (8 KB subblock). Even if only 1% of the files are
large, the amount of space taken by the large files usually dominates the amount of space used on
disk, and the waste in the subblock used for small files is usually insignificant. For further performance
information, see the GPFS white papers at
Upon successful completion of the mmcrfs command, these tasks are completed on all GPFS nodes:
v Mount point directory is created.
v File system is formatted.
The mount point directory of the GPFS file system.
The device name of the file system to be created.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. However, file
system names must be unique within a GPFS cluster. Do not specify an existing entry in /dev.
-D {nfs4 | posix}
Specifies whether a ’deny-write open lock’ will block writes, which is expected and required by
NFS V4. File systems supporting NFS V4 must have -D nfs4 set. The option -D posix allows NFS
writes even in the presence of a deny-write open lock. If you intend to export the file system using
NFS V4 or Samba, you must use -D nfs4. For NFS V3 (or if the file system is not NFS exported
at all) use -D posix. The default is -D posix.
-F DescFile
Specifies a file containing a list of disk descriptors, one per line. You may use the rewritten
DiskDesc file created by the mmcrnsd command, create your own file, or enter the disk
descriptors on the command line. When using the DiskDesc file created by the mmcrnsd
command, the values supplied on input to the command for Disk Usage and FailureGroup are
used. When creating your own file or entering the descriptors on the command line, you must
specify these values or accept the system defaults. A sample file can be found in
A descriptor for each disk to be included. Each descriptor is separated by a semicolon (;). The
entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks (’ or ″).
The current maximum number of disk descriptors that can be defined for any single file system is
268 million. However, to achieve this maximum limit, you must recompile GPFS. The actual
number of disks in your file system may be constrained by products other than GPFS that you
have installed. Refer to the individual product documentation.
A disk descriptor is defined as (second, third and sixth fields reserved):
You must specify the name of the NSD previously created by the mmcrnsd command. For
a list of available disks, issue the mmlsnsd -F command.
Specify a disk usage or accept the default:
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. If you do not specify a failure group, the value defaults to the primary
server node number plus 4000. If an NSD server node is not specified, the value defaults
to -1. GPFS uses this information during data and metadata placement to assure that no
two replicas of the same block are written in such a way as to become unavailable due to
a single failure. All disks that are attached to the same NSD server or adapter should be
placed in the same failure group.
If replication of -m or -r is set to 2, storage pools must have two failure groups for the
commands to work properly.
Specifies the storage pool to which the disk is to be assigned. If this name is not provided,
the default is system.
Only the system pool may contain descOnly, metadataOnly or dataAndMetadata disks.
-A {yes | no | automount}
Indicates when the file system is to be mounted:
yes When the GPFS daemon starts. This is the default.
no Manual mount.
automount When the file system is first accessed.
-B BlockSize
Size of data blocks. Must be 16 KB, 64 KB, 256 KB (the default), 512 KB, or 1024 KB (1 MB is
also acceptable). Specify this value with the character K or M, for example 512K.
-E {yes | no}
Specifies whether to report exact mtime values (-E yes), or to periodically update the mtime value
for a file system (-E no). If it is more desirable to display exact modification times for a file system,
specify or use the default -E yes option.
-k {posix | nfs4 | all}
Specifies the type of authorization supported by the file system:
posix Traditional GPFS ACLs only (NFS V4 ACLs are not allowed). Authorization controls are
unchanged from earlier releases. The default is -k posix.
nfs4 Support for NFS V4 ACLs only. Users are not allowed to assign traditional GPFS ACLs to
any file system objects (directories and individual files).
all Any supported ACL type is permitted. This includes traditional GPFS (posix) and NFS V4
ACLs (nfs4).
The administrator is allowing a mixture of ACL types. For example, fileA may have a
posix ACL, while fileB in the same file system may have an NFS V4 ACL, implying
different access characteristics for each file depending on the ACL type that is currently
Neither nfs4 nor all should be specified here unless the file system is going to be exported to NFS
V4 clients. NFS V4 ACLs affect file attributes (mode) and have access and authorization
characteristics that are different from traditional GPFS ACLs.
-m DefaultMetadataReplicas
Default number of copies of inodes, directories, and indirect blocks for a file. Valid values are 1
and 2 but cannot be greater than the value of MaxMetadataReplicas. The default is 1.
-M MaxMetadataReplicas
Default maximum number of copies of inodes, directories, and indirect blocks for a file. Valid
values are 1 and 2 but cannot be less than DefaultMetadataReplicas. The default is 1.
-n NumNodes
The estimated number of nodes that will mount the file system. This is used as a best guess for
the initial size of some file system data structures. The default is 32. This value cannot be
changed after the file system has been created.
When you create a GPFS file system, you might want to overestimate the number of nodes that
will mount the file system. GPFS uses this information for creating data structures that are
essential for achieving maximum parallelism in file system operations (see Appendix A: GPFS
architecture in General Parallel File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide). Although
a large estimate consumes additional memory, underestimating the data structure allocation can
reduce the efficiency of a node when it processes some parallel requests such as the allotment of
disk space to a file. If you cannot predict the number of nodes that will mount the file system,
allow the default value to be applied. If you are planning to add nodes to your system, you should
specify a number larger than the default. However, do not make estimates that are not realistic.
Specifying an excessive number of nodes may have an adverse affect on buffer operations.
-N NumInodes
The maximum number of files in the file system. This value defaults to the size of the file system
at creation, divided by 1M, and can be specified with a suffix, for example 8K or 2M. This value is
also constrained by the formula:
maximum number of files = (total file system space/2) / (inode size + subblock size)
For file systems that will be doing parallel file creates, if the total number of free inodes is not
greater than 5% of the total number of inodes there is the potential for slowdown in file system
access. Take this into consideration when changing your file system.
-Q {yes | no}
Activates quotas automatically when the file system is mounted. The default is -Q no.
To activate GPFS quota management after the file system has been created:
1. Mount the file system.
2. To establish default quotas:
a. Issue the mmdefedquota command to establish default quota values.
b. Issue the mmdefquotaon command to activate default quotas.
3. To activate explicit quotas:
a. Issue the mmedquota command to activate quota values.
b. Issue the mmquotaon command to activate quota enforcement.
-r DefaultDataReplicas
Default number of copies of each data block for a file. Valid values are 1 and 2, but cannot be
greater than MaxDataReplicas. The default is 1.
-R MaxDataReplicas
Default maximum number of copies of data blocks for a file. Valid values are 1 and 2 but cannot
be less than DefaultDataReplicas. The default is 1.
-S {yes | no}
Suppress the periodic updating of the value of atime as reported by the gpfs_stat(), gpfs_fstat(),
stat(), and fstat() calls. The default value is -S no. Specifying -S yes for a new file system results
in reporting the time the file system was created.
-v {yes | no}
Verify that specified disks do not belong to an existing file system. The default is -v yes. Specify -v
no only when you want to reuse disks that are no longer needed for an existing file system. If the
command is interrupted for any reason, you must use the -v no option on the next invocation of
the command.
-z {yes | no}
Enable or disable DMAPI on the file system. The default is -z no. For further information on
DMAPI for GPFS, see General Parallel File System: Data Management API Guide.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrfs command.
You may issue the mmcrfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
When considering data replication for files accessible to SANergy, see SANergy export considerations in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
This example creates a file system named gpfs1, using three disks, with a block size of 512 KB, allowing
metadata and data replication to be 2 and turning quotas on:
See also
“mmchfs Command” on page 103
mmcrnsd – Creates cluster-wide names for Network Shared Disks (NSDs) used by GPFS.
mmcrnsd -F DescFile [-v {yes |no}]
The mmcrnsd command is used to create cluster-wide names for NSDs used by GPFS.
This is the first GPFS step in preparing a disk for use by a GPFS file system. A disk descriptor file
supplied to this command is rewritten with the new NSD names and that rewritten disk descriptor file can
then be supplied as input to the mmcrfs, mmadddisk or mmrpldisk commands.
The name created by the mmcrnsd command is necessary since disks connected at multiple nodes may
have differing disk device names in /dev on each node. The name uniquely identifies the disk. This
command must be run for all disks that are to be used in GPFS file systems. The mmcrnsd command is
also used to assign a primary and backup NSD server that can be used for I/O operations on behalf of
nodes that do not have direct access to the disk.
To identify that the disk has been processed by the mmcrnsd command, a unique NSD volume ID is
written on sector 2 of the disk. All of the NSD commands (mmcrnsd, mmlsnsd, and mmdelnsd) use this
unique NSD volume ID to identify and process NSDs.
After the NSDs are created, the GPFS cluster data is updated and they are available for use by GPFS.
When using an IBM Eserver High Performance Switch (HPS) in your configuration, it is suggested you
process your disks in two steps:
1. Create virtual shared disks on each physical disk through the mmcrvsd command.
2. Using the rewritten disk descriptors from the mmcrvsd command, create NSDs through the mmcrnsd
Upon successful completion of the mmcrnsd command, these tasks are completed:
v NSDs are created.
v The DescFile contains NSD names to be used as input to the mmcrfs, mmadddisk, or the mmrpldisk
v A unique NSD volume ID to identify the disk as an NSD has been written on sector 2.
v An entry for each new disk is created in the GPFS cluster data.
-F DescFile
The file containing the list of disk descriptors, one per line. Disk descriptors have this format:
The block device name appearing in /dev for the disk you want to define as an NSD.
Examples of disks accessible through a block device are SAN-attached disks or virtual
shared disks. If a PrimaryServer node is specified, DiskName must be the /dev name for
the disk device on the primary NSD server node. See the Frequently Asked Questions at
gpfs_faqs/gpfsclustersfaq.html for the latest supported disk types.
GPFS provides the mmcrvsd helper command to ease configuration of /dev disk devices.
In an AIX environment, this command can be used to configure virtual shared disks and
make them accessible to nodes connected over a high performance switch. The output
disk descriptor file from an mmcrvsd command can be used as input to the mmcrnsd
command, since the virtual shared disk names enumerated in that file will appear as /dev
block devices on switch attached nodes.
The name of the primary NSD server node.
If this field is omitted, the disk is assumed to be SAN-attached to all nodes in the cluster. If
not all nodes in the cluster have access to the disk, or if the file system to which the disk
belongs is to be accessed by other GPFS clusters, PrimaryServer must be specified.
The name of the backup NSD server node.
If the PrimaryServer has been specified and this field is omitted, it is assumed you do not
want failover in the event that the PrimaryServer fails. If BackupServer is specified and the
PrimaryServer has not been specified, the command fails.
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to
GPFS commands” on page 4.
Specify a disk usage or accept the default. This field is ignored by the mmcrnsd
command, and is passed unchanged to the output descriptor file produced by the
mmcrnsd command. Possible values are:
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. If you do not specify a failure group, the value defaults to the NSD
primary server node number plus 4000. If an NSD server node is not specified, the value
defaults to -1.
GPFS uses this information during data and metadata placement to assure that no two
replicas of the same block are written in such a way as to become unavailable due to a
single failure. All disks that are attached to the same NSD server or adapter should be
placed in the same failure group.
Specify the name you desire for the NSD to be created. This name must not already be
used as another GPFS disk name, and it must not begin with the reserved string ’gpfs’.
Note: This name can contain only the following characters: ’A’ through ’Z’, ’a’ through ’z’,
’0’ through ’9’, or ’_’ (the underscore). All other characters are not valid.
If a desired name is not specified, the NSD is assigned a name according to the
gpfsNNnsd where NN is a unique nonnegative integer not used in any prior NSD.
Specifies the name of the storage pool that the NSD is assigned to. This field is ignored
by the mmcrnsd command, and is passed unchanged to the output descriptor file
produced by the mmcrnsd command.
Upon successful completion of the mmcrnsd command, the DescFile file is rewritten to contain the
created NSD names in place of the device name. Primary and backup NSD servers and desiredName are
omitted from the rewritten disk descriptor and all other fields, if specified, are copied without modification.
The original lines, as well as descriptor lines in error, are commented out and preserved for reference. The
rewritten disk descriptor file can then be used as input to the mmcrfs, mmadddisk, or the mmrpldisk
commands. You must have write access to the directory where the DescFile file is located in order to
rewrite the created NSD information.
The Disk Usage and Failure Group specifications in the disk descriptor are preserved only if you use the
rewritten file produced by the mmcrnsd command. If you do not use this file, you must either accept the
default values or specify new values when creating disk descriptors for other commands.
-v {yes |no}
Verify the disk is not already formatted as an NSD.
A value of -v yes specifies that the NSD are to be created only if the disk has not been formatted
by a previous invocation of the mmcrnsd command, as indicated by the NSD volume ID on sector
2 of the disk. A value of -v no specifies that the disk is to be formatted irrespective of its previous
state. The default is -v yes.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrnsd command.
You may issue the mmcrnsd command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory, on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To create your NSDs from the descriptor file nsdesc containing:
Disk Name sdav2
Server Name k145n04
Backup Server Name none
Disk Usage dataAndMetadata, allowing both
Failure Group 5
Desired Name ABC
Storage Pool system
nsdesc is rewritten as
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmcrsnapshot – Creates a snapshot of an entire GPFS file system at a single point in time.
mmcrsnapshot Device Directory
Use the mmcrsnapshot command to create a snapshot of an entire GPFS file system at a single point in
A snapshot is a copy of the changed user data in the file system. System data and existing snapshots are
not copied. The snapshot function allows a backup or mirror program to run concurrently with user updates
and still obtain a consistent copy of the file system as of the time the copy was created. Snapshots are
exact copies of changed data in the active files and directories of a file system. Snapshots of a file system
are read-only and they appear in a .snapshots directory located in the file system root directory. The files
and attributes of the file system may be changed only in the active copy.
There is a maximum limit of 31 snapshots per file system. Snapshots may be deleted only by issuing the
mmdelsnapshot command. The .snapshots directory cannot be deleted, though it can be renamed with
the mmsnapdir command using the -s option.
If the mmcrsnapshot command is issued while a conflicting command is running, the mmcrsnapshot
command waits for that command to complete. If the mmcrsnapshot command is running while a
conflicting command is issued, the conflicting command waits for the mmcrsnapshot command to
complete. Conflicting operations include:
1. Other snapshot commands
2. Adding, deleting, replacing disks in the file system
3. Rebalancing, repairing, reducing disk fragmentation in a file system
If quorum is lost before the mmcrsnapshot command completes, the snapshot is considered partial and
will be deleted when quorum is achieved again.
Because snapshots are not full, independent copies of the entire file system, they should not be used as
protection against media failures. For protection against media failures, see General Parallel File System:
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search on recoverability considerations.
For more information on snapshots, see Creating and maintaining snapshots of GPFS file systems in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
The device name of the file system for which the snapshot is to be created. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
Specifies the name given to the snapshot. The name appears as a subdirectory of the .snapshots
directory in the file system root. Each snapshot must have a unique name.
If you do not want traverse the file system’s root to access the snapshot, a more convenient
mechanism that enables a connection in each directory of the active file system can be enabled
with the -a option of the mmsnapdir command.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrsnapshot command.
You may issue the mmcrsnapshot command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To create a snapshot snap1, for the file system fs1, issue this command:
mmcrsnapshot fs1 snap1
Before issuing the command, the directory structure would appear similar to:
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
If a second snapshot were to be created at a later time, the first snapshot would remain as is. Snapshots
are made only of active file systems, not existing snapshots. For example:
mmcrsnapshot fs1 snap2
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
See also
“mmdelsnapshot Command” on page 163
mmcrvsd – Creates virtual shared disks for use by GPFS.
mmcrvsd [-f FanoutNumber] [-y] [-c] -F DescFile
The mmcrvsd command can be used to create virtual shared disks for subsequent use by the mmcrnsd
command. IBM Virtual shared disk is a subsystem that permits application programs that are running on
different nodes of an RSCT peer domain access a raw logical volume as if it were local at each of the
nodes. Virtual shared disks created with mmcrvsd follow the convention of one local volume group, one
local logical volume, one global volume group, and one virtual shared disk per physical volume. After the
virtual shared disk is created, it is configured and started on each node with a defined virtual shared disk
adapter. See the updatevsdnode command in the correct manual for your environment at:
Where possible, the mmcrvsd command creates and starts virtual shared disk components in parallel. For
instance, when multiple physical disk servers are specified in the disk descriptor file, their LVM
components are created in parallel. Starting of all virtual shared disks, on all nodes, always occurs in
The mmcrvsd command may also be restarted should one of the steps fail.
Upon successful completion of the mmcrvsd command:
v Virtual shared disks are created.
If a desired name vsdname is specified on the disk descriptor, mmcrvsd uses that name for the name
of the virtual shared disk. If a desired name is not specified, the virtual shared disk is assigned a name
according to the convention:
gpfsNNvsd where NN is a unique nonnegative integer not used in any prior virtual shared disk
named with this convention.
v Virtual shared disks are synchronously started on all nodes.
v If a desired name vsdname is specified on the disk descriptor, mmcrvsd uses that name as the basis
for the names of the global volume group, local logical volume, and local volume group according to the
vsdnamegvg the global volume group
vsdnamelv the local logical volume
vsdnamevg the local volume group
v If a desired name is not specified, the global volume group, local logical volume, and local volume
group for the virtual shared disk are named according to the convention:
gpfsNNgvg the global volume group
gpfsNNlv the local logical volume
gpfsNNvg the local volume group
where gpfsNNvsd was the name chosen for the virtual shared disk.
134 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
mmcrvsd Command
v The primary server is configured and the volume group is varied online there.
v The backup server is configured and the volume group is imported there, but varied off.
v The DescFile file is rewritten to contain the created virtual shared disk names in place of any disk
descriptors containing physical disk or vpath names. Primary and backup servers are omitted from the
rewritten disk descriptor and all other fields, if specified, are copied without modification. The rewritten
disk descriptor file can then be used as input to the mmcrnsd command.
Error recovery
Each step of the mmcrvsd process is enumerated during command execution. For example at step 0, the
mmcrvsd command prints:
Step 0: Setting up environment
As each step is started, its corresponding number is recorded in the DescFile file as a comment at the
end. This comment serves as restart information to subsequent invocations of the mmcrvsd command.
For example at step one, the recorded comment would be:
Upon failure, appropriate error messages from the failing system component are displayed along with
mmcrvsd error messages.
After correcting the failing condition and restarting the mmcrvsd command with the same descriptor file,
the command prompts you to restart at the last failing step. For example, if a prior invocation of mmcrvsd
failed at step one, the prompt would be:
A prior invocation of this command has recorded a partial
completion in the file (/tmp/DescFile).
Should we restart at prior failing step(1)?[y]/n=>
-F DescFile
The file containing the list of disk descriptors, one per line, in the form:
The device name of the disk you want to use to create a virtual shared disk. This can be
either an hdisk name or a vpath name for an SDD device. GPFS performance and
recovery processes function best with one disk per virtual shared disk. If you want to
create virtual shared disks with more than one disk, refer to the correct manual for your
environment at:
The name of the virtual shared disk server node. This can be in any recognizable form.
The backup server name. This can be specified in any recognizable form or allowed to
default to none.
Disk Usage
Specify a disk usage or accept the default (see General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide and search on recoverability considerations). This field is
ignored by the mmcrvsd command and is passed unchanged to the output descriptor file
produced by the mmcrvsd command.
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
Disk usage considerations:
1. The DiskUsage parameter is not utilized by the mmcrvsd command but is copied
intact to the output file that the command produces. The output file may then be used
as input to the mmcrnsd command.
2. RAID devices are not well-suited for performing small block writes. Since GPFS
metadata writes are often smaller than a full block, you may find using non-RAID
devices for GPFS metadata better for performance.
Failure Group
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. All disks that have a common point of failure, such as all disks that
are attached to the same virtual shared disk server node, should be placed in the same
failure group. The value is passed unchanged to the output descriptor file produced by the
mmcrvsd command. If you do not specify a failure group, a failure group will be assigned
later by the mmcrnsd command.
Specify the name you desire for the virtual shared disk to be created. This name must not
already be used as another GPFS or AIX disk name, and it must not begin with the
reserved string ’gpfs’.
Note: This name can contain only the following characters: ’A’ through ’Z’, ’a’ through ’z’,
’0’ through ’9’, or ’_’ (the underscore). All other characters are not valid. The
maximum size of this name is 13 characters.
Specifies the name of the storage pool that the NSD is assigned to. This field is ignored
by the mmcrvsd command, and is passed unchanged to the output descriptor file
produced by the mmcrvsd command.
-f FanoutNumber
The maximum number of concurrent nodes to communicate with during parallel operations. The
default value is 10.
-y Specifies no prompting for any queries the command may produce. All default values are
-c Specifies to create Concurrent Virtual Shared Disks. This option is valid only for disk descriptors
that specify both a primary and a backup virtual shared disk server.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
You must have root authority to run the mmcrvsd command.
You may issue the mmcrvsd command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory, on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To create a virtual shared disk with the descriptor file vsdesc containing:
Disk Name hdisk3
Server Name k145n06
Backup Server Name none
Disk Usage dataAndMetadata
Failure Group 5
Desired Name ABC
The low level components of the virtual shared disk gpfs20vsd are created:
gpfs20gvg global volume group
gpfs20lv local logical volume
gpfs20vg local volume group
The low level components of the virtual shared disk ABC are created:
ABCgvg global volume group
ABClv local logical volume
ABCvg local volume group
See also
“mmcrnsd Command” on page 126
mmdefedquota – Sets default quota limits to a file system.
mmdefedquota {-u | -g | -j} Device
Use the mmdefedquota command to set or change default quota limits for new users, groups, and filesets
for a file system. Default quota limits for a file system may be set or changed only if the file system was
created with the -Q yes option on the mmcrfs command or changed with the mmchfs command.
The mmdefedquota command displays the current values for these limits, if any, and prompts you to
enter new values using your default editor:
v Current block usage (display only)
v Current inode usage (display only)
v Inode soft limit
v Inode hard limit
v Block soft limit
Displayed in KB, but may be specified using k, K, m, M, g, or G . If no suffix is provided, the number is
assumed to be in bytes.
v Block hard limit
Displayed in KB, but may be specified using k, K, m, M, g, or G. If no suffix is provided, the number is
assumed to be in bytes.
The mmdefedquota command waits for the edit window to be closed before checking and applying new
values. If an incorrect entry is made, you must reissue the command and enter the correct values.
When setting quota limits for a file system, replication within the file system should be considered. GPFS
quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits have
been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to a
value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command
are double the value reported by the ls command.
The EDITOR environment variable must contain a complete path name, for example:
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
The device name of the file system to have default quota values set for.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-g Specifies that the default quota value is to be applied for new groups accessing the specified file
-j Specifies that the default quota value is to be applied for new filesets in the specified file system.
-u Specifies that the default quota value is to be applied for new users accessing the specified file
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdefedquota command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmdefedquota command is issued.
To set default quotas for new users of the file system fs1, issue this command:
mmdefedquota -u fs1
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmdefquotaoff – Deactivates default quota limit usage for a file system.
mmdefquotaoff [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] ] {Device [Device...] | -a}
The mmdefquotaoff command deactivates default quota limits for file systems. If default quota limits are
deactivated, new users or groups for that file system will then have a default quota limit of 0, indicating no
If neither the -u, -j or the -g option is specified, the mmdefquotaoff command deactivates all default
If the -a option is not used, Device must be the last parameter specified.
The device name of the file system to have default quota values deactivated.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-a Deactivates default quotas for all GPFS file systems in the cluster. When used in combination with
the -g option, only group quotas are deactivated. When used in combination with the -u or -j
options, only user or fileset quotas, respectively, are deactivated.
-g Specifies that default quotas for groups are to be deactivated.
-j Specifies that default quotas for filesets are to be deactivated.
-u Specifies that default quotas for users are to be deactivated.
-v Prints a message for each file system in which default quotas are deactivated.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdefquotaoff command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmdefquotaoff command is issued.
1. To deactivate default user quotas on file system fs0, issue this command:
mmdefquotaoff -u fs0
mmlsquota -d -u
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmdefquotaon - Activates default quota limit usage for a file system.
mmdefquotaon [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] [-d] {Device [Device... ] | -a}
The mmdefquotaon command activates default quota limits for a file system. If default quota limits are not
applied, new users, groups, or filesets for that file system will have a quota limit of 0, indicating no limit.
To use default quotas, the file system must have been created or changed with the -Q yes option. See the
mmcrfs and mmchfs commands.
If neither the -u, -j or the -g option is specified, the mmdefquotaon command activates all default quota
If the -a option is not used, Device must be the last parameter specified.
Default quotas are established for new users, groups of users or filesets by issuing the mmdefedquota
command. Under the -d option, all users without an explicitly set quota limit will have a default quota limit
The device name of the file system to have default quota values activated.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-a Activates default quotas for all GPFS file systems in the cluster. When used in combination with
the -g option, only group quotas are activated. When used in combination with the -u or -j options,
only user or fileset quotas, respectively, are activated.
-d Specifies that existing users, groups of users, or filesets with no established quota limits will have
default quota values assigned when the mmdefedquota command is issued.
If this option is not chosen, existing quota entries remain in effect and are not governed by the
default quota rules.
-g Specifies that only a default quota value for group quotas is to be activated.
-j Specifies that only a default quota value for fileset quotas is to be activated.
-u Specifies that only a default quota value for users is to be activated.
-v Prints a message for each file system in which default quotas are activated.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdefquotaon command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmdefquotaon command is issued.
1. To activate default user quotas on file system fs0, issue this command:
mmdefquotaon -u fs0
To confirm the change, individually for each file system, issue this command:
mmlsfs fs1 -Q
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmdefragfs – Reduces disk fragmentation by increasing the number of full free blocks available to the file
mmdefragfs Device [-i] [-v] [-u BlkUtilPct]
Use the mmdefragfs command to reduce fragmentation of a file system. The mmdefragfs command
moves existing file system data within a disk to make more efficient use of disk blocks. The data is
migrated to unused subblocks in partially allocated blocks, thereby increasing the number of free full
The mmdefragfs command can be run against a mounted or unmounted file system. However, best
results are achieved when the file system is unmounted. When a file system is mounted, allocation status
may change causing retries to find a suitable unused subblock.
If mmdefragfs is issued on a file that is locked by SANergy, the file is not de-fragmented.
The device name of the file system to have fragmentation reduced. File system names need not
be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-i Specifies to query the current disk fragmentation state of the file system. Does not perform the
actual defragmentation of the disks in the file system.
-u BlkUtilPct
The average block utilization goal for the disks in the file system. The mmdefragfs command
reduces the number of allocated blocks by increasing the percent utilization of the remaining
blocks. The command automatically goes through multiple iterations until BlkUtilPct is achieved on
all of the disks in the file system or until no progress is made in achieving BlkUtilPct from one
iteration to the next, at which point it exits.
-v Specifies that the output is verbose.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdefragfs command.
You may issue the mmdefragfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To query the fragmentation state of file system fs0, issue this command:
mmdefragfs fs0 -i
The system displays information similar to:
See also
“mmdf Command” on page 165
mmdelacl – Deletes a GPFS access control list.
mmdelacl [-d] Filename
Use the mmdelacl command to delete the extended entries of an access ACL of a file or directory, or to
delete the default ACL of a directory.
The path name of the file or directory for which the ACL is to be deleted. If the -d option is
specified, Filename must contain the name of a directory.
-d Specifies that the default ACL of a directory is to be deleted.
Since there can be only one NFS V4 ACL (no separate default), specifying the -d flag for a file
with an NFS V4 ACL is an error. Deleting an NFS V4 ACL necessarily removes both the ACL and
any inheritable entries contained in it.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
The mmdelacl command may be issued only by the file or directory owner, the root user, or by someone
with control (c) authority in the ACL for the file.
You may issue the mmdelacl command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
To delete the default ACL for a directory named project2, issue this command:
mmdelacl -d project2
See also
“mmeditacl Command” on page 168
mmdeldisk – Deletes disks from a GPFS file system.
mmdeldisk Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-a] [-c] [-r] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile |
The mmdeldisk command migrates all data that would otherwise be lost to the remaining disks in the file
system. It then removes the disks from the file system descriptor and optionally rebalances the file system
after removing the disks.
I/O operations from SANergy clients must terminate before using the mmdeldisk command. If not, the
client applications receive an error.
If a replacement for a failing disk is available, use the mmrpldisk command in order to keep the file
system balanced. Otherwise, use one of these procedures to delete a disk:
v If the disk is not failing and GPFS can still read from it:
1. Suspend the disk
2. Restripe to rebalance all data onto other disks
3. Delete the disk
v If the disk is permanently damaged and the file system is replicated:
1. Suspend and stop the disk.
2. restripe and restore replication for the file system, if possible.
3. Delete the disk from the file system.
v If the disk is permanently damaged and the file system is not replicated, or if the mmdeldisk command
repeatedly fails, see the General Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide and search for
Disk media failure.
If the last disk in a storage pool is deleted, the storage pool is deleted. The mmdeldisk command is not
permitted to delete the system storage pool. A storage pool must be empty in order for it to be deleted.
Upon successful completion of the mmdeldisk command, these tasks are completed:
v Data that has not been replicated from the target disks is migrated to other disks in the file system.
v Remaining disks are rebalanced, if specified.
The device name of the file system to delete the disks from. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. This must be the first parameter.
The disk descriptors of the disks to be deleted from the file system. If there is more than one disk
to be deleted, delimit each descriptor with a semicolon (;) and enclose the list of disk descriptors in
quotation marks.
-F DescFile
A file that contains a list of disk descriptors, one per line representing disks, to be deleted.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass }
Specify the nodes that participate in the restripe of the file system after the specified disks have
been removed. This command supports all defined node classes. The default is all (all nodes in
the GPFS cluster will participate in the restripe of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-a Specifies that the mmdeldisk command not wait for rebalancing to complete before returning.
When this flag is specified, the mmdeldisk command runs asynchronously and returns after the
file system descriptor is updated and the rebalancing scan is started, but it does not wait for
rebalancing to finish. If no rebalancing is requested (-r option is not specified), this option has no
-c Specifies that processing continues even in the event that unreadable data exists on the disks
being deleted. Data that has not been replicated is lost. Replicated data is not lost as long as the
disks containing the replication are accessible.
-r Rebalance all existing files in the file system to make more efficient use of the remaining disks.
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only
for file systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update
and creation will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdeldisk command.
You may issue the mmdeldisk command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To delete gpfs2nsd and gpfs3nsd from file system fs0 and rebalance the files across the remaining
disks, issue this command:
mmdeldisk fs0 "gpfs2nsd;gpfs3nsd" -r
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmdelfileset – Deletes a GPFS fileset.
mmdelfileset Device FilesetName [-f]
The mmdelfileset command deletes a GPFS fileset. The mmdelfileset command fails if the fileset is
currently linked into the name space. By default, the mmdelfileset command fails if the fileset contains
any contents except for an empty root directory.
If the deleted fileset is included in a snapshot, the fileset is deleted from the active file system, but remains
part of the file system in a deleted state. Filesets in the deleted state are displayed by the mmlsfileset
command with their names in parenthesis. If the -L flag is specified, the latest including snapshot is also
displayed. A deleted fileset’s contents are still available in the snapshot (that is, through some path name
containing a .snapshots component), since it was saved when the snapshot was created. mmlsfileset
command illustrates the display of a deleted fileset. When the last snapshot that includes the fileset has
been deleted, the fileset is fully removed from the file system.
The delete operation fails if fileset being deleted is not empty. You need to specify -f option to delete a
non-empty fileset. When -f is specified, all of a fileset’s child filesets are unlinked, but their content is
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device The device name of the file system that contains the fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
FilesetName Specifies the name of the fileset to be deleted.
-f Forces the deletion of the fileset. All fileset contents are deleted. Any child filesets are first
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdelfileset command.
You may issue the mmdelfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. This sequence of commands illustrates what happens when attempting to delete a fileset that is linked.
a. mmlsfileset gpfs1
The system displays output similar to:
mmlsfileset gpfs1
The system displays output similar to:
2. This sequence of commands illustrates what happens when attempting to delete a fileset that contains
user files.
a. mmlsfileset gpfs1
The system displays output similar to:
mmlsfileset gpfs1
The system displays output similar to:
See also
“mmchfileset Command” on page 101
mmdelfs – Removes a GPFS file system.
mmdelfs Device [-p]
The mmdelfs command removes all the structures for the specified file system from the nodes in the
Before you can delete a file system using the mmdelfs command, you must unmount it on all nodes.
Upon successful completion of the mmdelfs command, these tasks are completed on all nodes:
v Deletes the character device entry from /dev.
v Removes the mount point directory where the file system had been mounted.
The device name of the file system to be removed. File system names need not be fully-qualified.
fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-p Indicates that the disks are permanently damaged and the file system information should be
removed from the GPFS cluster data even if the disks cannot be marked as available.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdelfs command.
You may issue the mmdelfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To delete file system fs0, issue this command:
mmdelfs fs0
See also
“mmcrfs Command” on page 120
mmdelnode Removes one or more nodes from a GPFS cluster.
mmdelnode {-a | -N Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass]}
Use the mmdelnode command to delete one or more nodes from the GPFS cluster. You may issue the
mmdelnode command on any GPFS node.
Note: Since each cluster is managed independently, there is no automatic coordination and propagation
of changes between clusters like there is between the nodes within a cluster. This means that if you
permanently delete nodes that are being used as contact nodes by other GPFS clusters that can
mount your file systems, you should notify the administrators of those GPFS clusters so that they
can update their own environments.
Upon successful completion of the mmdelnode command, the specified nodes are deleted from the GPFS
-a Delete all nodes in the cluster.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies the set of nodes to be deleted from the cluster. For general information on how to
specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdelnode command.
You may issue the mmdelnode command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To delete all of the nodes in the cluster, issue this command:
mmdelnode -a
mmdelnode -N k145n12,k145n13,k145n14
See also
“mmaddnode Command” on page 66
mmdelnsd – Deletes Network Shared Disks (NSDs) from the GPFS cluster.
mmdelnsd {″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ | -F DiskFile}
The mmdelnsd command serves two purposes:
1. Delete NSDs from the GPFS cluster.
2. Remove the unique NSD volume ID left on the disk after the failure of a previous invocation of the
mmdelnsd command. The NSD had been successfully deleted from the GPFS cluster but there was a
failure to clear sector 2 of the disk.
The NSD being deleted cannot be part of any file system. Either the mmdeldisk or mmdelfs command
must be issued prior to deleting the NSD from the GPFS cluster.
The NSD being deleted cannot be a tiebreaker disk. Use the mmchconfig command to assign new
tiebreaker disks prior to deleting the NSD from the cluster. For information on tiebreaker disks, see quorum
Upon successful completion of the mmdelnsd command, these tasks are completed:
v All references to the disk are removed from the GPFS cluster data.
v Sector 2 of the disk is cleared of the unique NSD volume ID.
Specifies the names of the NSDs to be deleted from the GPFS cluster. Specify the names
generated when the NSDs were created. Use the mmlsnsd -F command to display disk names. If
there is more than one disk to be deleted, delimit each name with a semicolon (;) and enclose the
list of disk names in quotation marks.
-F DiskFile
Specifies a file containing the names of the NSDs, one per line, to be deleted from the GPFS
-N Node[,Node]
Specifies the nodes to which the disk is attached. If no nodes are listed, the disk is assumed to be
directly attached to the local node. Only one or two nodes may be specified with the -N flag.
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-p NSDId
Specifies the NSD volume ID of an NSD that needs to be cleared from the disk as indicated by
the failure of a previous invocation of the mmdelnsd command.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdelnsd command.
You may issue the mmdelnsd command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To delete gpfs2nsd and gpfs3nsd from the GPFS cluster, issue this command:
mmdelnsd "gpfs2nsd;gpfs3nsd"
See also
“mmcrnsd Command” on page 126
mmdelsnapshot – Deletes a GPFS snapshot.
mmdelsnapshot Device Directory
Use the mmdelsnapshot command to delete a GPFS snapshot.
Once the mmdelsnapshot command has been issued, the snapshot is marked for deletion and cannot be
If the node from which the mmdelsnapshot command is issued fails, you must reissue the command from
another node in the cluster to complete the deletion. Prior to reissuing a subsequent mmdelsnapshot
command, the file system may be recovered, mounted, and updates may continue to be made and the
mmcrsnapshot command may be issued. However, the mmrestorefs and mmdelsnapshot commands
may not be issued on other snapshots until the present snapshot is successfully deleted.
If the mmdelsnapshot command is issued while a conflicting command is running, the mmdelsnapshot
command waits for that command to complete. Conflicting operations include:
1. Other snapshot commands on the same snapshot
2. Adding, deleting, replacing disks in the file system
3. Rebalancing, repairing, reducing disk fragmentation in a file system
Any files open in the snapshot will be forcibly closed. The user will receive an errno of ESTALE on the
next file access.
The device name of the file system for which the snapshot is to be deleted. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
The name of the snapshot to be deleted
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmdelsnapshot command.
You may issue the mmdelsnapshot command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To delete the snapshot snap1, for the file system fs1, issue this command:
mmdelsnapshot fs1 snap1
Before issuing the command, the directory structure would appear similar to:
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
See also
“mmcrsnapshot Command” on page 131
mmdf – Queries available file space on a GPFS file system.
mmdf Device [-d | -F | -m] [-P PoolName] [-q]
Use the mmdf command to display available file space on a GPFS file system. For each disk in the GPFS
file system, the mmdf command displays this information, by failure group and storage pool:
v The size of the disk.
v The failure group of the disk.
v Whether the disk is used to hold data, metadata, or both.
v Available space in full blocks.
v Available space in fragments.
Displayed values are rounded down to a multiple of 1024 bytes. If the fragment size used by the file
system is not a multiple of 1024 bytes, then the displayed values may be lower than the actual values.
This can result in the display of a total value that exceeds the sum of the rounded values displayed for
individual disks. The individual values are accurate if the fragment size is a multiple of 1024 bytes.
The mmdf command may be run against a mounted or unmounted file system.
Note: The command is I/O intensive and should be run when the system load is light.
The device name of the file system to be queried for available file space. File system names need
not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-d List only disks that can hold data.
-F List the number of inodes and how many of them are free.
-m List only disks that can hold metadata.
-P PoolName
Lists only disks that belong to the requested storage pool.
-q For quick access to the file space information, list the data collected from the most recent
synchronization period.
With this flag, the values recorded by the mmdf command are synchronized only at the last
invocation of the syncd daemon on the node where the command is issued.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user:
1. You may issue the mmdf command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
2. When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file
must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated
the use of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or mmchcluster
command, you must ensure:
a. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
b. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node
on which the mmdf command was issued.
1. To query all disks in the fs2 file system that can hold data, issue this command:
mmdf fs2 -d
The system displays information similar to:
Inode Information
Total number of inodes: 33792
Total number of free inodes: 33752
See also
“mmchfs Command” on page 103
mmeditacl – Creates or changes a GPFS access control list.
mmeditacl [-d] [-k {nfs4 | posix | native}] Filename
Use the mmeditacl command for interactive editing of the ACL of a file or directory. This command uses
the default editor, specified in the EDITOR environment variable, to display the current access control
information, and allows the file owner to change it. The command verifies the change request with the user
before making permanent changes.
The EDITOR environment variable must contain a complete path name, for example:
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
For information about NFS V4 ACLs, see Chapter 6, “Managing GPFS access control lists and NFS
export,” on page 45 and “NFS and GPFS” on page 52.
Users may need to see ACLs in their true form as well as how they are translated for access evaluations.
There are four cases:
1. By default, mmeditacl returns the ACL in a format consistent with the file system setting, specified
using the -k flag on the mmcrfs or mmchfs commands.
v If the setting is posix, the ACL is shown as a traditional ACL.
v If the setting is nfs4, the ACL is shown as an NFS V4 ACL.
v If the setting is all, the ACL is returned in its true form.
2. The command mmeditacl -k nfs4 always produces an NFS V4 ACL.
3. The command mmeditacl -k posix always produces a traditional ACL.
4. The command mmeditacl -k native always shows the ACL in its true form regardless of the file
system setting.
In the case of NFS V4 ACLs, there is no concept of a default ACL. Instead, there is a single ACL and the
individual access control entries can be flagged as being inherited (either by files, directories, both, or
neither). Consequently, specifying the -d flag for an NFS V4 ACL is an error. By its nature, storing an NFS
V4 ACL implies changing the inheritable entries (the GPFS default ACL) as well.
Depending on the file system’s -k setting (posix, nfs4, or all), mmeditacl may be restricted. The
mmeditacl command is not allowed to store an NFS V4 ACL if -k posix is in effect, and is not allowed to
store a POSIX ACL if -k nfs4 is in effect. For more information, see the description of the -k flag for the
mmchfs, mmcrfs, and mmlsfs commands.
The path name of the file or directory for which the ACL is to be edited. If the -d option is
specified, Filename must contain the name of a directory.
-d Specifies that the default ACL of a directory is to be edited.
-k {nfs4 | posix | native}
nfs4 Always produces an NFS V4 ACL.
posix Always produces a traditional ACL.
native Always shows the ACL in its true form regardless of the file system setting.
This option should not be used for routine ACL manipulation. It is intended to provide a way to
show the translations that are done. For example, if a posix ACL is translated by NFS V4. Beware
that if the -k nfs4 flag is used, but the file system does not allow NFS V4 ACLs, you will not be
able to store the ACL that is returned. If the file system does support NFS V4 ACLs, the -k nfs4
flag is an easy way to convert an existing posix ACL to nfs4 format.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You may issue the mmeditacl command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
The mmeditacl command may be used to display an ACL. POSIX ACLs may be displayed by any user
with access to the file or directory. NFS V4 ACLs have a READ_ACL permission that is required for
non-privileged users to be able to see an ACL. To change an existing ACL, the user must either be the
owner, the root user, or someone with control permission (WRITE_ACL is required where the existing ACL
is of type NFS V4).
To edit the ACL for a file named project2.history, issue this command:
mmeditacl project2.history
The current ACL entries are displayed using the default editor, provided that the EDITOR environment
variable specifies a complete path name. When the file is saved, the system displays information similar
mmeditacl: 6027-967 Should the modified ACL be applied? (yes) or (no)
See also
“mmdelacl Command” on page 149
mmedquota – Sets quota limits.
mmedquota {-u [-p ProtoUser] User...| -g [-p ProtoGroup] Group... | -j [-p ProtoFileset ] Fileset... | -d {-u
User...| -g Group... | -j Fileset...} | -t {-u | -g | -j}}
The mmedquota command serves two purposes:
1. Sets or changes quota limits or grace periods for users, groups, and filesets in the cluster from which
the command is issued.
2. Reestablishes user, group, or fileset default quotas for all file systems with default quotas enabled in
the cluster.
The mmedquota command displays the current values for these limits, if any, and prompts you to enter
new values using your default editor:
v Current block usage (display only)
v Current inode usage (display only)
v Inode soft limit
v Inode hard limit
v Block soft limit
Displayed in KB, but may be specified using g, G, k, K, m, or M. If no suffix is provided, the number is
assumed to be in bytes.
v Block hard limit
Displayed in KB, but may be specified using g, G, k, K, m, or M. If no suffix is provided, the number is
assumed to be in bytes.
The mmedquota command waits for the edit window to be closed before checking and applying new
values. If an incorrect entry is made, you must reissue the command and enter the correct values.
You can also use the mmedquota command to change the file system-specific grace periods for block
and file usage if the default of one week is unsatisfactory. The grace period is the time during which users
can exceed the soft limit. If the user, group, or fileset does not show reduced usage below the soft limit
before the grace period expires, the soft limit becomes the new hard limit.
When setting quota limits for a file system, replication within the file system should be considered. GPFS
quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits have
been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to a
value of two, the values reported by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command are
double the value reported by the ls command.
The EDITOR environment variable must contain a complete path name, for example:
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
User Name or user ID of target user for quota editing.
-d Reestablish default quota limits for a specific user, group, or fileset that has had an explicit quota
limit set by a previous invocation of the mmedquota command.
-g Sets quota limits or grace times for groups.
-j Sets quota limits or grace times for filesets.
-p Applies already-established limits to a particular user, group or fileset.
When invoked with the -u option, ProtoUser limits are automatically applied to the specified User
or space-delimited list of users.
When invoked with the -g option, ProtoGroup limits are automatically applied to the specified
Group or space-delimited list of groups.
When invoked with the -j option, ProtoFileset limits are automatically applied to the specified fileset
or space-delimited list of fileset names.
You can specify any user as a ProtoUser for another User, or any group as a ProtoGroup for
another Group, or any fileset as a ProtoFileset for another Fileset.
-t Sets grace period during which quotas can exceed the soft limit before it is imposed as a hard
limit. The default grace period is one week.
This flag is followed by one of the following flags: -u, -g or -j, to specify whether the changes
apply to users, groups, or filesets respectively.
-u Sets quota limits or grace times for users.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmedquota command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmedquota command is issued.
1. To set user quotas for userid paul, issue this command:
mmedquota -u paul
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmexportfs - Retrieves the information needed to move a file system to a different cluster.
mmexportfs {Device | all} -o ExportFilesysData
The mmexportfs command, in conjunction with the mmimportfs command, can be used to move one or
more GPFS file systems from one GPFS cluster to another GPFS cluster, or to temporarily remove file
systems from the cluster and restore them at a later time. The mmexportfs command retrieves all
relevant file system and disk information and stores it in the file specified with the -o parameter. This file
must later be provided as input to the mmimportfs command. When running the mmexportfs command,
the file system must be unmounted on all nodes.
When all is specified in place of a file system name, any disks that are not associated with a file system
will be exported as well.
Exported file systems remain unusable until they are imported back with the mmimportfs command to the
same or a different GPFS cluster.
Upon successful completion of the mmexportfs command, all configuration information pertaining to the
exported file system and its disks is removed from the configuration data of the current GPFS cluster and
is stored in the user specified file ExportFilesysData.
Device | all
The device name of the file system to be exported. File system names need not be fully-qualified.
fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. Specify all to export all GPFS file systems, as well as all disks
that do not belong to a file system yet. This must be the first parameter.
-o ExportFilesysData
The path name of a file to which the file system information is to be written. This file must be
provided as input to the subsequent mmimportfs command.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmexportfs command.
You may issue the mmexportfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To export all file systems in the current cluster, issue this command:
mmexportfs all -o /u/admin/exportfile
mmexportfs: Processing disks that do not belong to any file system ...
mmexportfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the changes to all affected
nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
See also
“mmimportfs Command” on page 191
mmfsck – Checks and repairs a GPFS file system.
mmfsck Device [-n | -y] [-c | -o] [-t Directory] [-v | -V] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
The file system must be unmounted before you can run the mmfsck command with any option other than
The mmfsck command in offline mode is intended to be used only in situations where there have been
disk or communications failures that have caused MMFS_FSSTRUCT error log entries to be issued, or
where it is known that disks have been forcibly removed or otherwise permanently unavailable for use in
the file system, and other unexpected symptoms are seen by users. In general it is unnecessary to run
mmfsck in offline mode unless under the direction of the IBM Support Center.
If neither the -n nor -y flag is specified, the mmfsck command runs interactively prompting you for
permission to repair each consistency error as reported. It is suggested that in all but the most severely
damaged file systems, you run the mmfsck command interactively (the default).
The occurrence of I/O errors, or the appearance of a message telling you to run the mmfsck command,
may indicate file system inconsistencies. If either situation occurs, use the mmfsck command to check file
system consistency and interactively repair the file system.
For information about file system maintenance and repair, see “Checking and repairing a file system” on
page 16. The mmfsck command checks for these inconsistencies:
v Blocks marked allocated that do not belong to any file. The corrective action is to mark the block free in
the allocation map.
v Files for which an inode is allocated and no directory entry exists (orphaned files). The corrective action
is to create directory entries for these files in a lost+found subdirectory of the fileset to which the
orphaned file or directory belongs. The index number of the inode is assigned as the name. If you do
not allow the mmfsck command to reattach an orphaned file, it asks for permission to delete the file.
v Directory entries pointing to an inode that is not allocated. The corrective action is to remove the
directory entry.
v Incorrectly formed directory entries. A directory file contains the inode number and the generation
number of the file to which it refers. When the generation number in the directory does not match the
generation number stored in the file’s inode, the corrective action is to remove the directory entry.
v Incorrect link counts on files and directories. The corrective action is to update them with accurate
v Invalid policy files. The corrective action is to delete the file.
v Various problems related to filesets: missing or corrupted fileset metadata, inconsistencies in directory
structure related to filesets, missing or corrupted fileset root directory, other problems in internal data
If you are repairing a file system due to node failure and the file system has quotas enabled, it is
suggested that you run the mmcheckquota command to recreate the quota files.
Indications leading you to the conclusion that you should run the mmfsck command include:
v An MMFS_FSSTRUCT along with an MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT error log entry on any node
indicating some critical piece of the file system is inconsistent.
For further information on recovery actions and how to contact the IBM Support Center, see the General
Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide.
If you are running the online mmfsck command to free allocated blocks that do not belong to any files,
plan to make file system repairs when system demand is low. This is an I/O intensive activity and it can
affect system performance.
If the file system is inconsistent, the mmfsck command displays information about the inconsistencies and
(depending on the option entered) may prompt you for permission to repair them. The mmfsck command
tries to avoid actions that may result in loss of data. In some cases, however, it may indicate the
destruction of a damaged file.
If there are no file system inconsistencies to detect, the mmfsck command reports this information for the
file system:
v Number of files
v Used blocks
v Free blocks
All corrective actions, with the exception of recovering lost disk blocks (blocks that are marked as allocated
but do not belong to any file), require that the file system be unmounted on all nodes. If the mmfsck
command is run on a mounted file system, lost blocks are recovered but any other inconsistencies are
only reported, not repaired.
If a bad disk is detected, the mmfsck command stops the disk and writes an entry to the error log. The
operator must manually start and resume the disk when the problem is fixed.
The file system must be unmounted on all nodes before the mmfsck command can repair file system
The device name of the file system to be checked and repaired. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specify the nodes to participate in the check and repair of the file system. This command supports
all defined node classes. The default is all (all nodes in the GPFS cluster will participate in the
check and repair of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-c When the file system log has been lost and the file system is replicated, this option specifies that
the mmfsck command attempt corrective action by comparing the replicas of metadata and data.
If this error condition occurs, it is indicated by an error log entry. The -c and -o flags are mutually
Chapter 8. GPFS commands 177
mmfsck Command
-n Specifies a no response to all prompts from the mmfsck command. The option reports
inconsistencies but it does not change the file system. To save this information, redirect it to an
output file when you issue the mmfsck command.
-o Specifies that the file system can be mounted during the operation of the mmfsck command.
Online mode does not perform a full file system consistency check, but blocks marked as allocated
that do not belong to a file are recovered. The -c and -o flags are mutually exclusive.
-y Specifies a yes response to all prompts from the mmfsck command. Use this option only on
severely damaged file systems. It allows the mmfsck command to take any action necessary for
-t Directory
Specifies the directory to be used for temporary storage during mmfsck command processing.
The default directory is /tmp. The minimum space required (in byes) is equal to the maximum
number of inodes in the file system multiplied by 8.
-v Specifies the output is verbose.
-V Specifies the output is verbose and contain information for debugging purposes.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
2 The command was interrupted before it completed checks or repairs.
4 The command changed the file system and it must now be restarted.
8 The file system contains damage that has not been repaired.
You must have root authority to run the mmfsck command.
You may issue the mmfsck command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To run the mmfsck command on the fs1 file system, receive a report, but not fix inconsistencies, issue
this command:
mmfsck fs1 -n
Checking "fs1"
Checking inodes
Checking inode map file
Checking directories and files
Checking log files
Checking extended attributes file
Checking allocation summary file
Checking policy file
Validated policy 'for stripe group fs1': parsed 3 Placement
1212416 inodes
87560 allocated
0 repairable
0 repaired
0 damaged
0 deallocated
0 orphaned
0 attached
7211746 subblocks
227650 allocated
0 unreferenced
0 deletable
0 deallocated
44504 addresses
0 suspended
Checking "/dev/fs2"
Checking inodes
Checking inode map file
Checking directories and files
Checking log files
Checking extended attributes file
Checking file reference counts
33792 inodes
46 allocated
0 repairable
0 repaired
0 damaged
0 deallocated
1 orphaned
1 attached
3332520 subblocks
19762 allocated
0 unreferenced
0 deletable
0 deallocated
728 addresses
0 suspended
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmfsctl – Issues a file system control request.
mmfsctl Device {suspend | resume}
Use the mmfsctl command to issue control requests to a particular GPFS file system. The command is
used to temporarily suspend the processing of all application I/O requests, and later resume them, as well
as to synchronize the file system’s configuration state between peer clusters in disaster recovery
See Establishing disaster recovery for your GPFS cluster in General Parallel File System: Advanced
Administration Guide.
Before creating a FlashCopy® image of the file system, the user must run mmfsctl suspend to
temporarily quiesce all file system activity and flush the internal buffers on all nodes that mount this file
system. The on-disk metadata will be brought to a consistent state, which provides for the integrity of the
FlashCopy snapshot. If a request to the file system is issued by the application after the invocation of this
command, GPFS suspends this request indefinitely, or until the user issues mmfsctl resume.
Once the FlashCopy image has been taken, the mmfsctl resume command can be issued to resume the
normal operation and complete any pending I/O requests.
The mmfsctl syncFSconfig command extracts the file system’s related information from the local GPFS
configuration data, transfers this data to one of the nodes in the peer cluster, and attempts to import it
Once the GPFS file system has been defined in the primary cluster, users run this command to import the
configuration of this file system into the peer recovery cluster. After producing a FlashCopy image of the
file system and propagating it to the peer cluster using Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC), users similarly
run this command to propagate any relevant configuration changes made in the cluster after the previous
The primary cluster configuration server of the peer cluster must be available and accessible using remote
shell and remote copy at the time of the invocation of the mmfsctl syncFSconfig command. Also, the
peer GPFS clusters should be defined to use the same remote shell and remote copy mechanism, and
they must be set up to allow nodes in peer clusters to communicate without the use of a password.
Not all administrative actions performed on the file system necessitate this type of resynchronization. It is
required only for those actions that modify the file system information maintained in the local GPFS
configuration data, which includes:
v Additions, removals, and replacements of disks (commands mmadddisk, mmdeldisk, mmrpldisk)
The process of synchronizing the file system configuration data can be automated by utilizing the
syncfsconfig user exit.
The mmfsctl exclude command is to be used only in a disaster recovery environment, only after a
disaster has occurred, and only after ensuring that the disks in question have been physically
disconnected. Otherwise, unexpected results may occur.
The mmfsctl exclude command can be used to manually override the file system descriptor quorum after
a site-wide disaster. See Establishing disaster recovery for your GPFS cluster in General Parallel File
System: Advanced Administration Guide. This command enables users to restore normal access to the file
system with less than a quorum of available file system descriptor replica disks, by effectively excluding
the specified disks from all subsequent operations on the file system descriptor. After repairing the disks,
the mmfsctl include command can be issued to restore the initial quorum configuration.
The device name of the file system. File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as
acceptable as /dev/fs0. If all is specified with the syncFSconfig option, this command is
performed on all GPFS file systems defined in the cluster.
Instructs GPFS to exclude the specified group of disks from all subsequent operations on the file
system descriptor, and change their availability state to down, if the conditions in the Note below
are met.
If necessary, this command assigns additional disks to serve as the disk descriptor replica holders,
and migrate the disk descriptor to the new replica set. The excluded disks are not deleted from the
file system, and still appear in the output of the mmlsdisk command.
Note: The mmfsctl exclude command is to be used only in a disaster recovery environment, only
after a disaster has occurred, and only after ensuring that the disks in question have been
physically disconnected. Otherwise, unexpected results may occur.
Informs GPFS that the previously excluded disks have become operational again. This command
writes the up-to-date version of the disk descriptor to each of the specified disks, and clears the
excl tag.
Instructs GPFS to resume the normal processing of I/O requests on all nodes.
Instructs GPFS to flush the internal buffers on all nodes, bring the file system to a consistent state
on disk, and suspend the processing of all subsequent application I/O requests.
Synchronizes the configuration state of a GPFS file system between the local cluster and its peer
in two-cluster disaster recovery configurations.
-C remoteClusterName
Specifies the name of the GPFS cluster that owns the remote GPFS file system.
-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″
Specifies the names of the NSDs to be included or excluded by the mmfsctl command. Separate
the names with semicolons (;) and enclose the list of disk names in quotation marks.
-F DiskFile
Specifies a file containing the names of the NSDs, one per line, to be included or excluded by the
mmfsctl command.
-G FailureGroup
A number identifying the failure group for disks to be included or excluded by the mmfsctl
-n RemoteNodesFile
Specifies a list of contact nodes in the peer recovery cluster that GPFS uses when importing the
configuration data into that cluster. Although any node in the peer cluster can be specified here,
users are advised to specify the identities of the peer cluster’s primary and secondary cluster
configuration servers, for efficiency reasons.
-S SpecFile
Specifies the description of changes to be made to the file system, in the peer cluster during the
import step. The format of this file is identical to that of the ChangeSpecFile used as input to the
mmimportfs command. This option can be used, for example, to define the assignment of the
NSD servers for use in the peer cluster.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
The mmfsctl command returns 0 if successful.
You must have root authority to run the mmfsctl command.
You may issue the mmfsctl command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
This sequence of commands creates a FlashCopy image of the file system and propagates this image to
the recovery cluster using the Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy technology. The following configuration is
Site LUNs
Primary cluster (site A) lunA1, lunA2
Recovery cluster (site B) lunB1
A single GPFS file system named fs0 has been defined in the primary cluster over lunA1.
1. In the primary cluster, suspend all file system I/O activity and flush the GPFS buffers
mmfsctl fs0 suspend
mmgetacl – Displays the GPFS access control list of a file or directory.
mmgetacl [-d] [-o OutFilename] [-k {nfs4 |posix | native}] Filename
Use the mmgetacl command to display the ACL of a file or directory.
For information about NFS V4 ACLs, see Chapter 6, “Managing GPFS access control lists and NFS
export,” on page 45 and “NFS and GPFS” on page 52.
Users may need to see ACLs in their true form as well as how they are translated for access evaluations.
There are four cases:
1. By default, mmgetacl returns the ACL in a format consistent with the file system setting, specified
using the -k flag on the mmcrfs or mmchfs commands.
If the setting is posix, the ACL is shown as a traditional ACL.
If the setting is nfs4, the ACL is shown as an NFS V4 ACL.
If the setting is all, the ACL is returned in its true form.
2. The command mmgetacl -k nfs4 always produces an NFS V4 ACL.
3. The command mmgetacl -k posix always produces a traditional ACL.
4. The command mmgetacl -k native always shows the ACL in its true form regardless of the file system
The path name of the file or directory for which the ACL is to be displayed. If the -d option is
specified, Filename must contain the name of a directory.
-d Specifies that the default ACL of a directory is to be displayed.
-k {nfs4 | posix | native}
nfs4 Always produces an NFS V4 ACL.
posix Always produces a traditional ACL.
native Always shows the ACL in its true form regardless of the file system setting.
-o OutFilename
The path name of a file to which the ACL is to be written.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have read access to the directory where the file exists to run the mmgetacl command.
You may issue the mmgetacl command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
1. To display the ACL for a file named project2.history, issue this command:
mmgetacl project2.history
See also
“mmeditacl Command” on page 168
The mmgetstate command displays the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes.
mmgetstate [-L] [-s] [-v] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
Use the mmgetstate command to show the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes.
-a List all nodes in the GPFS cluster. The option does not display information for nodes that cannot
be reached. You may obtain more information if you specify the -v option.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Directs the mmgetstate command to return GPFS daemon information for a set of nodes. For
general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
-L Display quorum, number of nodes up, total number of nodes, and other extended node
-s Display summary information such as: number of local and remote nodes that have joined in the
cluster, number of quorum nodes.
-v Display intermediate error messages.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmgetstate command.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. To display the quorum, the number of nodes up, and the total number of nodes for the GPFS cluster,
mmgetstate -a -L
The system displays output similar to:
Node number Node name Quorum Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state
1 k154gn01 3 5 8 active
2 k154gn02 3 5 8 active
3 k154gn09 3 5 8 active
4 k154gn10 3 5 8 active
5 k155gn01 3 5 8 active
6 k154gn02 3 5 8 down
7 k154gn09 3 5 8 down
8 k154gn10 3 5 8 down
The 3 under the Quorum column means that you must have three quorum nodes up to achieve
2. This is an example of a cluster using node quorum with tiebreaker disks. Note the * in the Quorum
field, which indicates that tiebreaker disks are being used:
mmgetstate -a -L
Node number Node name Quorum Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state Remarks
1 k5n91 5* 8 21 active
2 k5n92 5* 8 21 active quorum node
3 k5n94 5* 8 21 active
5 k5n96 5* 8 21 active
6 k5n97 5* 8 21 active quorum node
7 k5n98 5* 8 21 active
8 k5n99 5* 8 21 active quorum node
3. To displays summary information, issue this command:
mmgetstate -s
Summary information
Number of nodes defined in the cluster: 8
Number of local nodes active in the cluster: 8
Number of remote nodes joined in this cluster: 0
Number of quorum nodes defined in the cluster: 2
Number of quorum nodes active in the cluster: 2
Quorum = 1*, Quorum achieved
See also
“mmchconfig Command” on page 88
mmimportfs - Imports into the cluster one or more file systems that were created in another GPFS
mmimportfs {Device | all} -i ImportfsFile [-S ChangeSpecFile]
The mmimportfs command, in conjunction with the mmexportfs command, can be used to move into the
current GPFS cluster one or more file systems that were created in another GPFS cluster. The
mmimportfs command extracts all relevant file system and disk information from the ExportFilesysData
file specified with the -i parameter. This file must have been created by the mmexportfs command.
When all is specified in place of a file system name, any disks that are not associated with a file system
will be imported as well.
If the file systems being imported were created on nodes that do not belong to the current GPFS cluster,
the mmimportfs command assumes that all disks have been properly moved, and are online and
available to the appropriate nodes in the current cluster.
If any node in the cluster, including the node on which you are running the mmimportfs command, does
not have access to one or more disks, use the -S option to assign NSD servers to those disks.
The mmimportfs command attempts to preserve any NSD server assignments that were in effect when
the file system was exported.
If the file system was exported from a cluster created with a version of GPFS prior to 2.3, it is possible
that the disks of the file system are not NSDs. Such disks will be automatically converted into NSDs by the
mmimportfs command.
After the mmimportfs command completes, use mmlsnsd to display the NSD server names that are
assigned to each of the disks in the imported file system. Use mmchnsd to change the current NSD
server assignments as needed.
After the mmimportfs command completes, use mmlsdisk to display the failure groups to which each
disk belongs. Use mmchdisk to make adjustments if necessary.
If you are importing file systems into a cluster that already contains GPFS file systems, it is possible to
encounter name conflicts. You must resolve such conflicts before the mmimportfs command can succeed.
You can use the mmchfs command to change the device name and mount point of an existing file
system. If there are disk name conflicts, use the mmcrnsd command to define new disks and specify
unique names (rather than let the command generate names). Then replace the conflicting disks using
mmrpldisk and remove them from the cluster using mmdelnsd.
Upon successful completion of the mmimportfs command, all configuration information pertaining to the
file systems being imported is added to configuration data of the current GPFS cluster.
Device | all
The device name of the file system to be imported. File system names need not be fully-qualified.
fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. Specify all to import all GPFS file systems, as well as all disks
that do not belong to a file system yet. This must be the first parameter.
-i ImportfsFile
The path name of the file containing the file system information. This file must have previously
been created with the mmexportfs command.
-S ChangeSpecFile
The path name of an optional file containing disk descriptors, one per line, in the format:
The name of a disk from the file system being imported.
The name of the primary NSD server node you want to assign to the disk.
The name of the backup NSD server node you want to assign to the disk.
1. You cannot change the name of a disk. You cannot change the disk usage or failure group
assignment with the mmimportfs command. Use the mmchdisk command for this purpose.
2. All disks that do not have descriptors in ChangeSpecFile are assigned the NSD servers that
they had at the time the file system was exported. All disks with NSD servers that are not valid
are assumed to be SAN-attached to all nodes in the cluster. Use the mmchnsd command to
assign new or change existing NSD server nodes.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmimportfs command.
You may issue the mmimportfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To import all file systems in the current cluster, issue this command:
mmimportfs all -i /u/admin/exportfile
mmimportfs: Processing disks that do not belong to any file system ...
mmimportfs: Processing disk gpfs6nsd
mmimportfs: Processing disk gpfs1001nsd
See also
“mmexportfs Command” on page 174
mmlinkfileset – Creates a junction that references the root directory of a GPFS fileset.
mmlinkfileset Device FilesetName [-J JunctionPath]
The mmlinkfileset command creates a junction at JunctionPath that references the root directory of
FilesetName. The junction is a special directory entry, much like a POSIX hard link, that connects a name
in a directory of one fileset, the parent, to the root directory of a child fileset. From the user’s viewpoint, a
junction always appears as if it were a directory, but the user is not allowed to issue the unlink or rmdir
commands on a junction. Instead, the mmunlinkfileset command must be used to remove a junction.
If JunctionPath is not specified, the junction is created in the current directory with the name FilesetName.
The user may use the mv command on the directory to move to a new location in the parent fileset, but
the mv command is not allowed to move the junction to a different fileset.
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device The device name of the file system that contains the fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as
FilesetName Specifies the name of the fileset to be linked. It must not already be linked
into the namespace.
-J JunctionPath Specifies the name of the junction. The name must not refer to an existing
file system object.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmlinkfileset command.
You may issue the mmlinkfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
This command links fileset fset1 in file system gpfs1 to junction path /gpfs1/fset1:
mmlinkfileset gpfs1 fset1 -J /gpfs1/fset1
See also
“mmchfileset Command” on page 101
mmlsattr – Queries file attributes.
mmlsattr [-L] FileName [FileName...]
Use the mmlsattr command to display attributes of a file.
For the specified file, the mmlsattr command lists:
v Current number of copies of data for a file and the maximum value
v Number of copies of the metadata for a file and the maximum value
v Whether the Direct I/O caching policy is in effect for a file
The name of the file to be queried. You must enter at least one file name.
-L Displays additional file attributes:
v The file’s assigned storage pool name.
v The name of the fileset that includes the file.
v The name of the snapshot that includes the file.
If the file is not part of a snapshot, an empty string is displayed.
v Whether the file is illplaced. This word would appear under flags.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have read access to run the mmlsattr command.
You may issue the mmlsattr command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
1. To list the attributes of a file named project4.sched, issue this command:
mmlsattr -L /fs0/project4.sched
replication factors
metadata(max) data(max) file [flags]
------------- --------- ---------------
1 ( 1) 1 ( 1) /fs0/project4.sched
1 ( 1) 1 ( 1) /fs0/project4.hist
1 ( 1) 1 ( 1) /fs0/project5.plan
See also
“mmchattr Command” on page 81
mmlscluster – Displays the current configuration information for a GPFS cluster.
Use the mmlscluster command to display the current configuration information for a GPFS cluster.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmlscluster command.
You may issue the mmlscluster command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
To display the current configuration information for the GPFS cluster, issue this command:
See also
“mmaddnode Command” on page 66
mmlsconfig – Displays the current configuration data for a GPFS cluster.
Use the mmlsconfig command to display the current configuration data for a GPFS cluster.
Depending on your configuration, additional information that is set by GPFS may be displayed to assist in
problem determination when contacting the IBM Support Center. If a configuration parameter is not shown
in the output of this command, the default value for that parameter, as documented in the mmchconfig
command, is in effect.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmlsconfig command.
You may issue the mmlsconfig command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To display the current configuration data for the GPFS cluster that you are running on, issue this
clusterType lc
multinode yes
autoload no
useDiskLease yes
cipherList AUTHONLY
maxFeatureLevelAllowed 901
See also
“mmchcluster Command” on page 84
mmlsdisk – Displays the current configuration and state of the disks in a file system.
mmlsdisk Device [-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″] [-e] [-L]
Use the mmlsdisk command to display the current state of the disks in the file system.
The mmlsdisk command may be run against a mounted or unmounted file system.
The device name of the file system to which the disks belong. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″
The name of the disks for which you want to display current configuration and state information.
When you enter multiple values for DiskName, you must separate them with semicolons and
enclose the list in quotation marks.
-e Display all of the disks in the file system that do not have an availability of up and a status of
ready. If all disks in the file system are up and ready, the message displayed is:
6027-623 All disks up and ready
-L Displays an extended list of the disk parameters, including the disk ID field and the remarks field.
The remarks column shows the current file system descriptor quorum assignments, and displays
the excluded disks. The remarks field contains desc for all disks assigned as the file system
descriptor holders and excl for all excluded disks.
-M Displays whether I/O requests to the disk are satisfied on the local node, or using an NSD server.
If the I/O is done using an NSD server, shows the NSD server name and the underlying disk name
on that server node.
-m Displays whether I/O requests to the disk are satisfied on the local node, or using an NSD server.
This scope of this options is the node on which the mmlsdisk command is issued.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user:
1. You may issue the mmlsdisk command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
2. When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file
must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated
the use of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster
command, you must ensure:
a. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
b. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
3. As root, the command can also do an mmlsdisk on remote file systems.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node
on which the mmlsdisk command was issued.
1. To display the current state of gpfs2nsd, issue this command:
mmlsdisk /dev/fs0 -d gpfs2nsd
2. To display the current states of gpfs2nsd, gpfs3nsd, and gpfs4nsd, and display their respective disk
ids and the descriptor quorum assignment, issue this command:
mmlsdisk /dev/fs0 -d "gpfs2nsd;gpfs3nsd;gpfs4nsd" -L
mmlsdisk test -M
4. To display the same information as in Example 3, but limited to the node on which the command is
issued, issue this command:
mmlsdisk test -m
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmlsfileset – Displays attributes and status for GPFS filesets.
mmlsfileset Device {[[Fileset [,Fileset ...]] [-J Junction [,Junction ...]] | -F FileName} [-L] [-d] [-i]
Use the mmlsfileset command to display information for the filesets that belong to a given GPFS file
system. The default is to display information for all filesets in the file system. You may choose to display
information for only a subset of the filesets.
The operation of the -L flag omits the attributes listed without it, namely status and junction path. In
addition, if the fileset has status 'deleted', then -L also displays the name of the latest snapshot that
includes the fileset in place of the root inode number and parent fileset identifier.
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device The device name of the file system that contains the fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as
This must be the first parameter.
Fileset Specifies a comma-separated list of fileset names.
-J Junction Specifies a comma-separated list of path names. They are not restricted to
fileset junctions, but may name any file or directory within the filesets to be
-F FileName Specifies the name of a file containing either fileset names or path names.
Each line must contain a single entry. All path names must be
-d Display the number of blocks in use for the fileset.
-i Display the number of inodes in use for the fileset.
-L Display additional information for the fileset. This includes:
v Fileset identifier
v Root inode number
v Parent identifier
v Fileset creation time
v User defined comments, if any
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You may issue the mmlsfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. This command displays fileset information for all filesets in file system gpfs1:
mmlsfileset gpfs1
This command displays all filesets in file system gpfs1 that are listed in Filesetlist:
mmlsfileset gpfs1 -F Filesetlist
3. These commands displays information for a file system with filesets and snapshots. Note that deleted
filesets that are saved in snapshots are displayed with the name enclosed in parentheses.
a. mmlsfileset fs1 -d -i
The system displays information similar to:
See also
“mmchfileset Command” on page 101
mmlsfs – Displays file system attributes.
mmlsfs {Device | all} [-A] [-a] [-B] [-D] [-d] [-E] [-F] [-f] [-I] [-i] [-j] [-k] [-M] [-m] [-n] [-o] [-P] [-Q] [-R] [-r] [-S]
[-s] [-T] [-u] [-V] [-z]
Use the mmlsfs command to list the attributes of a file system.
Depending on your configuration, additional information that is set by GPFS may be displayed to assist in
problem determination when contacting the IBM Support Center.
If you do not specify any options, all attributes of the file system are displayed. When you specify options,
only those attributes specified are listed, in the order issued in the command. Some parameters are preset
for optimum performance and, although they display in the mmlsfs command output, you cannot change
Device | all The device name of the file system to be listed. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0. Specify all to list the attributes of all GPFS
file systems that are owned by this cluster, as well as all remote file systems to which this
cluster has access.
This must be the first parameter.
-A Automatically mount the file system when the GPFS daemon starts
-a Estimated average file size, in bytes
-B Size of data block, in bytes
-D The type of file locking semantics that are in effect (nfs4 or posix)
-d Names of all of the disks in the file system
-E Exact mtime values reported
-F Maximum number of files currently supported
-f Minimum fragment size, in bytes
-I Indirect block size, in bytes
-i Inode size, in bytes
-j Block allocation type
-k Type of authorization supported by the file system
-M Maximum number of metadata replicas
-m Default number of metadata replicas
-n Estimated number of nodes for mounting the file system
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user:
1. You may issue the mmlsfs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
2. When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file
must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated
the use of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster
command, you must ensure:
a. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
b. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
3. As root, a user can also issue the mmlsfs on remote file systems.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node
on which the mmlsfs command was issued.
If you issue the mmlsfs command with no options for the file system gpfs1:
mmlsfs gpfs1
The system displays information similar to this. Output appears in the order the option were specified in
the command.
See also
“mmcrfs Command” on page 120
mmlsmgr – Displays which node is the file system manager for the specified file systems.
mmlsmgr [Device [Device...]]
Use the mmlsmgr command to display which node is the file system manager for the file system.
If you do not provide a Device operand, file system managers for all file systems within the current cluster
for which a file system manager has been appointed are displayed.
The device names of the file systems for which the file system manager information is displayed.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
If no file system is specified, information about all file systems is displayed.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user:
1. You may issue the mmlsmgr command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
2. When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file
must exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated
the use of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster
command, you must ensure:
a. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
b. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
3. As root, a user can also issue the mmlsmgr on remote file systems.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node
on which the mmlsmgr command was issued.
1. To display the file system manager node information for all the file systems, issue this command:
See also
“mmchmgr Command” on page 107
mmlsmount – Lists the nodes that have a given GPFS file system mounted.
mmlsmount {Device | all | all_local | all_remote} [-L ] [-C {all | all_remote |
ClusterName[,ClusterName...] } ]
The mmlsmount command reports if a file system is in use at the time the command is issued. A file
system is considered to be in use if it is explicitly mounted with the mount or mmmount command, or if it
is mounted internally for the purposes of running some other GPFS command.
Device | all | all_local | all_remote
Device Indicates the device name of the file system for which information is displayed.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as
all Indicates all file systems known to this cluster.
all_local Indicates all file systems owned by this cluster.
all_remote Indicates all file systems owned by another cluster.
This must be the first parameter.
-C {all | all_remote | ClusterName[,ClusterName...] }
Specifies the clusters for which mount information is requested. If one or more ClusterName is
specified, only the names of nodes that belong to these clusters and have the file system mounted
are displayed. The dot character (’.’) can be used in place of the cluster name to denote the local
Option -C all_remote denotes all clusters other than the one from which the command was
Option -C all refers to all clusters, local and remote, that can have the file system mounted. Option
-C all is the default.
-L Specifies to list the nodes that have the file system mounted.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user, you may issue the mmlsmount command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node
on which the mmlsmount command was issued.
1. To see how many nodes have file system fs2 mounted, issue this command:
mmlsmount fs2
Output is similar to this:
mmlsmount all
Output is similar to this:
mmlsmount all_remote
mmlsmount all -L
See also
“mmmount Command” on page 226
mmlsnsd – Displays the current Network Shared Disk (NSD) information in the GPFS cluster.
mmlsnsd [-a | -F | -f Device | -d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ ] [-L | -m | -M | -X] [-v]
Use the mmlsnsd command to display the current information for the NSDs belonging to the GPFS
cluster. The default is to display information for all NSDs defined to the cluster (-a). Otherwise, you may
choose to display the information for a particular file system (-f) or for all disks that do not belong to any
file system (-F).
-a Display information for all of the NSDs belonging to the GPFS cluster. This is the default.
-f Device
The device name of the file system for which you want NSD information displayed. File system
names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-F Display the NSDs that do not belong to any file system in the GPFS cluster.
-d DiskName[;DiskName...]
The name of the NSDs for which you want information displayed. When you enter multiple
DiskNames, you must separate them with semicolons and enclose the entire string of disk names
in quotation marks:
-L Display the information in a long format that shows the NSD identifier.
-m Map the NSD name to its disk device name in /dev on the local node and, if applicable, on the
primary and backup NSD server nodes.
-M Map the NSD names to its disk device name in /dev on all nodes.
This is a slow operation and its usage is suggested for problem determination only.
-v Specifies that the output should contain error information, where available.
-X Map the NSD name to its disk device name in /dev on the local node and, if applicable, on the
primary and backup NSD server nodes, showing the information with extended information in the
NSD volume id and the remarks fields. This is a slow operation and is suggested only for problem
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to issue the mmlsnsd command.
You may issue the mmlsnsd command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To display the default information for all of the NSDs belonging to the cluster, issue this command:
File system Disk name NSD volume ID Primary node Backup node
gpfsa gpfs16nsd 097284213AA842EC k145n06 k145n07
gpfsa gpfs17nsd 097284213AA842EF k145n06 k145n07
gpfsa gpfs18nsd 097284213AA842F2 k145n06 k145n07
gpfsa gpfs19nsd 097284213AA842F5 k145n06 k145n07
gpfsa gpfs20nsd 097284213AA842F7 k145n06 k145n07
4. To display extended disk information about disks gpfs10nsd, gpfs11nsd, sdbnsd, and vp10vsdn06,
issue this command:
mmlsnsd -X -d "gpfs10nsd;gpfs11nsd;sdbnsd;vp10vsdn06"
See also
“mmcrnsd Command” on page 126
mmlspolicy – Displays policy information.
mmlspolicy Device [-L]
The mmlspolicy command displays policy information for a given file system. This information is
v When the policy file was installed.
v The user who installed the policy file.
v The node on which the policy file was installed.
v The first line of the original policy file.
For information on GPFS policies, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
The device name of the file system for which policy information is to be displayed. File system
names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-L Displays the entire original policy file. If this flag is not specified, only the first line of the original
policy file is displayed
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You may issue the mmlspolicy command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. This command displays basic information for the policy installed for file system fs2:
mmlspolicy fs2
2. This command displays extended information for the policy installed for file system fs2:
mmlspolicy fs2 -L
/* Exclude Rule */
RULE ’Exclude root users files’ EXCLUDE WHERE USER_ID = 0 AND
name like ’%org%’
/* Delete Rule */
RULE ’delete files’ DELETE WHERE PATH_NAME like ’%tmp%’
/* Migrate Rule */
RULE ’sp4.files’ MIGRATE FROM POOL ’sp4’ TO POOL ’sp5’ WHERE
name like ’%sp4%’
/* End of Policy */
See also
“mmapplypolicy Command” on page 69
mmlsquota – Displays quota information for a user, group, or fileset.
mmlsquota [-u User | -g Group | -j Fileset] [-v | -q] [-e] [-C ClusterName] [Device1 Device2 ...]
For the specified User, Group, or Fileset the mmlsquota command displays information about quota limits
and current usage on each file system in the cluster. This information is displayed only if quota limits have
been established and the user has consumed some amount of storage. If you want quota information for a
User, Group, or Fileset that has no file system storage allocated at the present time, you must specify the
-v option.
If none of: -g, -u, or -j is specified, the default is to display only user quotas for the user who issues the
For each file system in the cluster, the mmlsquota command displays:
1. Block limits:
v quota type (USR or GRP or FILESET)
v current usage in KB
v soft limit in KB
v hard limit in KB
v space in doubt
v grace period
2. File limits:
v current number of files
v soft limit
v hard limit
v files in doubt
v grace period
Because the sum of the in-doubt value and the current usage may not exceed the hard limit, the actual
block space and number of files available to the user, group, or fileset may be constrained by the in-doubt
value. If the in-doubt value approaches a significant percentage of the quota, run the mmcheckquota
command to account for the lost space and files.
GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits
have been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to
a value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command
are double the value reported by the ls command.
When issuing the mmlsquota command on a mounted file system, negative in-doubt values may be
reported if the quota server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a
transient situation and may be ignored.
When a quota management enabled file system is SANergy exported, the block usage accounting of a file
accessed through SANergy includes the blocks actually used by the file and the extra blocks temporarily
allocated (hyper allocation) by SANergy. Hyper allocation is a SANergy performance feature and can be
tuned using SANergy configuration tools. For more information, see Tivoli SANergy: Administrator's Guide
-C ClusterName
Specify the name of the cluster from which the quota information is obtained (from the file systems
within that cluster). If this option is omitted, the local cluster is assumed.
Device1 Device2 ...
Specifies the device name of the file system to which the disks are added. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-d Display the default quota limits for user, group, or fileset quotas.
-e Specifies that mmlsquota is to collect updated quota usage data from all nodes before displaying
results. If this option is not specified, there is the potential to display negative usage values as the
quota server may process a combination of up-to-date and back-level information.
-g Group
Display quota information for the user group or group ID specified in the Group parameter.
-j Fileset
Display quota information for the named fileset.
-q Prints a terse message containing information only about file systems with usage over quota.
-u User
Display quota information for the user name or user ID specified in the User parameter.
-v Display quota information on file systems where the User, Group or Fileset limit has been set, but
the storage has not been allocated.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
If you are a root user, you may view quota information for all users, groups, and filesets.
If you are a non-root user, you may view only fileset quota information, your own quota information, and
quota information for any groups to which you belong.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmlsquota command is issued.
Userid paul issued this command:
This output shows the quotas for user paul in file system fsn set to a soft limit of 100096 KB, and a hard
limit of 200192 KB. 728 KB is currently allocated to paul. 4880 KB is also in doubt, meaning that the quota
system has not yet been updated as to whether this space has been used by the nodes, or whether it is
still available. No grace period appears because the user has not exceeded his quota. If the user had
exceeded the soft limit, the grace period would be set and the user would have that amount of time to
bring his usage below the quota values. If the user failed to do so, the user would not be allocated any
more space.
The soft limit for files (inodes) is set at 30 and the hard limit is 50. 35 files are currently allocated to this
user, and the quota system does not yet know whether the 10 in doubt have been used or are still
available. A grace period of six days appears because the user has exceeded his quota. The user would
have this amount of time to bring his usage below the quota values. If the user fails to do so, the user is
not allocated any more space.
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmlssnapshot – Displays GPFS snapshot information for the specified file system.
mmlssnapshot Device [-d] [-Q]
Use the mmlssnapshot command to display GPFS snapshot information for the specified file system. You
may optionally display the amount of storage used by the snapshot and if quotas were set for automatic
activation upon mounting of the file system at the time the snapshot was taken.
Device The device name of the file system for which snapshot information is to be displayed. File
system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-d Display the amount of storage used by the snapshot.
-Q Display whether quotas were set to be automatically activated upon mounting of the file system at the
time the snapshot was taken.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmlssnapshot command.
You may issue the mmlssnapshot command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To display the snapshot information for the file system fs1 additionally requesting storage information,
issue this command:
mmlssnapshot fs1 -d
See also
“mmcrsnapshot Command” on page 131
mmmount – Mounts GPFS file systems on one or more nodes in the cluster.
mmmount {Device | DefaultMountPoint | all} [-o MountOptions] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile |
The mmmount command mounts the specified GPFS file system on one or more nodes in the cluster. If
no nodes are specified, the file systems are mounted only on the node from which the command was
issued. A file system can be specified using its device name or its default mount point, as established by
the mmcrfs, mmchfs or mmremotefs commands.
When all is specified in place of a file system name, all GPFS file systems will be mounted. This also
includes remote GPFS file systems to which this cluster has access.
Device | all
The device name of the file system to be mounted. File system names need not be fully-qualified.
fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0. Specify all to mount all GPFS file systems that are owned
by this cluster, as well as all remote file systems to which this cluster has access.
This must be the first parameter.
The mount point associated with the file system as a result of the mmcrfs, mmchfs, or
mmremotefs commands.
The location where the file system is to be mounted. If not specified, the file system is mounted at
its default mount point. This option can be used to mount a file system at a mount point other than
its default mount point.
-a Mount the file system on all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies the nodes on which the file system is to be mounted. For general information on how to
specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
-o MountOptions
Specifies the mount options to pass to the mount command when mounting the file system. For a
detailed description of the available mount options, see “GPFS-specific mount options” on page
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmmount command.
You may issue the mmmount command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. To mount all GPFS file systems on all of the nodes in the cluster, issue this command:
mmmount all -a
2. To mount file system fs2 read-only on the local node, issue this command:
mmmount fs2 -o ro
3. To mount file system fs1 on all NSD server nodes, issue this command:
See also
“mmumount Command” on page 272
mmpmon – Manages performance monitoring and displays performance information.
mmpmon [-i CommandFile] [-d IntegerDelayValue] [-p] [-r IntegerRepeatValue] [-s] [-t
Before attempting to use mmpmon, IBM suggests that you review this command entry, then read the
entire chapter, Monitoring GPFS I/O performance with the mmpmon command in General Parallel File
System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Use the mmpmon command to manage GPFS performance monitoring functions and display performance
monitoring data. The mmpmon command reads requests from an input file or standard input (stdin), and
writes responses to standard output (stdout). Error messages go to standard error (stderr). Prompts, if not
suppressed, go to stderr.
When running mmpmon in such a way that it continually reads input from a pipe (the driving script or
application never intends to send an end-of-file to mmpmon), set the -r option value to 1 (or use the
default value of 1) to prevent mmpmon from caching the input records. This avoids unnecessary memory
The performance monitoring request is sent to the GPFS daemon running on the same node that is
running the mmpmon command.
For details on how to interpret the mmpmon command results, see Monitoring GPFS I/O performance
with the mmpmon command in General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
-i CommandFile
The input file contains mmpmon command requests, one per line. Use of the -i flag
implies use of the -s flag. For interactive use, just omit the -i flag. In this case, the input is
then read from stdin, allowing mmpmon to take keyboard input or output piped from a
user script or application program.
Leading blanks in the input file are ignored. A line beginning with a pound sign (#) is
treated as a comment. Leading blanks in a line whose first non-blank character is a pound
sign (#) are ignored.
-d IntegerDelayValue
Specifies a number of milliseconds to sleep after one invocation of all the requests in the input file.
The default value is 1000. This value must be an integer greater than or equal to 500 and less
than or equal to 8000000.
The input file is processed as follows: The first request is processed, it is sent to the GPFS
daemon, the responses for this request are received and processed, the results for this request
are displayed, and then the next request is processed and so forth. When all requests from the
input file have been processed once, the mmpmon command sleeps for the specified number of
milliseconds. When this time elapses, mmpmon wakes up and processes the input file again,
depending on the value of the -r flag.
-p Indicates to generate output that can be parsed by a script or program. If this option is not
specified, human readable output is produced.
-r IntegerRepeatValue
Specifies the number of times to run all the requests in the input file.
The default value is one. Specify an integer between zero and 8000000. Zero means to run
forever, in which case processing continues until it is interrupted. This feature is used, for example,
by a driving script or application program that repeatedly reads the result from a pipe.
The once prefix directive can be used to override the -r flag. See the description of once in
Monitoring GPFS I/O performance with the mmpmon command in General Parallel File System:
Advanced Administration Guide.
-s Indicates to suppress the prompt on input.
Use of the -i flag implies use of the -s flag. For use in a pipe or with redirected input (<), the -s
flag is preferred. If not suppressed, the prompts go to standard error (stderr).
-t IntegerTimeoutValue
Specifies a number of seconds to wait for responses from the GPFS daemon before considering
the connection to have failed.
The default value is 60. This value must be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or
equal to 8000000.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
1 Various errors (insufficient memory, input file not found, incorrect option, and so forth).
3 Either no commands were entered interactively, or there were no mmpmon commands in the
input file. The input file was empty, or consisted of all blanks or comments.
4 mmpmon terminated due to a request that was not valid.
5 An internal error has occurred.
111 An internal error has occurred. A message will follow.
1. Up to five instances of mmpmon may be run on a given node concurrently. However, concurrent users
may interfere with each other. See Monitoring GPFS I/O performance with the mmpmon command in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
2. Do not alter the input file while mmpmon is running.
3. The input file must contain valid input requests, one per line. When an incorrect request is detected by
mmpmon, it issues an error message and terminates. Input requests that appear in the input file
before the first incorrect request are processed by mmpmon.
The mmpmon command must be run by a user with root authority, on the node for which statistics are
1. Assume that infile contains these requests:
rhist off
reads: 0
writes: 0
readdir: 0
inode updates: 0
mmpmon node name node1 fs_io_s status 1
no file systems mounted
mmpmon node name node1 rhist off OK
The requests in the input file are run 10 times, with a delay of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) between
2. Here is the previous example with the -p flag:
_io_s_ _n_ _nn_ node1 _rc_ 0 _t_ 1093351982 _tu_ 356420 _br_ 139460608
_bw_ 139460608 _oc_ 10 _cc_ 7 _rdc_ 0 _wc_ 133 _dir_ 0 _iu_ 14
For several more examples, see Monitoring GPFS I/O performance with the mmpmon command in
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
mmputacl – Sets the GPFS access control list for the specified file or directory.
mmputacl [-d] [-i InFilename] Filename
Use the mmputacl command to set the ACL of a file or directory.
If the -i option is not used, the command expects the input to be supplied through standard input, and
waits for your response to the prompt.
For information about NFS V4 ACLs, see Chapter 6, “Managing GPFS access control lists and NFS
export,” on page 45.
Any output from the mmgetacl command can be used as input to mmputacl. The command is extended
to support NFS V4 ACLs. In the case of NFS V4 ACLs, there is no concept of a default ACL. Instead,
there is a single ACL and the individual access control entries can be flagged as being inherited (either by
files, directories, both, or neither). Consequently, specifying the -d flag for an NFS V4 ACL is an error. By
its nature, storing an NFS V4 ACL implies changing the inheritable entries (the GPFS default ACL) as well.
Depending on the file system’s -k setting (posix, nfs4, or all), mmputacl may be restricted. The
mmputacl command is not allowed to store an NFS V4 ACL if -k posix is in effect. The mmputacl
command is not allowed to store a POSIX ACL if -k nfs4 is in effect. For more information, see the
description of the -k flag for the mmchfs, mmcrfs, and mmlsfs commands.
Note that the test to see if the given ACL is acceptable based on the file system’s -k setting cannot be
done until after the ACL is provided. For example, if mmputacl file1 is issued (no -i flag specified) the
user then has to input the ACL before the command can verify that it is an appropriate ACL given the file
system settings. Likewise, the command mmputacl -d dir1 (again the ACL was not given with the -i flag)
requires that the ACL be entered before file system ACL settings can be tested. In this situation, the -i flag
may be preferable to manually entering a long ACL, only to find out it is not allowed by the file system.
The path name of the file or directory for which the ACL is to be set. If the -d option is specified,
Filename must be the name of a directory.
-d Specifies that the default ACL of a directory is to be set. This flag cannot be used on an NFS V4
-i InFilename
The path name of a source file from which the ACL is to be read.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You may issue the mmputacl command only from a node in the GPFS cluster where the file system is
You must be the file or directory owner, the root user, or someone with control permission in the ACL, to
run the mmputacl command.
To use the entries in a file named standard.acl to set the ACL for a file named project2.history, issue
this command:
mmputacl -i standard.acl project2.history
See also
“mmeditacl Command” on page 168
mmquotaoff – Deactivates quota limit checking.
mmquotaoff [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] {Device [Device ...] | -a}
The mmquotaoff command disables quota limit checking by GPFS.
If none of: -u, -j or -g is specified, the mmquotaoff command deactivates quota limit checking for users,
groups, and filesets.
If the -a option is not specified, Device must be the last parameter entered.
Device[ Device ... ]
The device name of the file system to have quota limit checking deactivated.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-a Deactivates quota limit checking for all GPFS file systems in the cluster. When used in
combination with the -g option, only group quota limit checking is deactivated. When used in
combination with the -u or -j options, only user or fileset quota limit checking, respectively, is
-g Specifies that only group quota limit checking is to be deactivated.
-j Specifies that only quota checking for filesets is to be deactivated.
-u Specifies that only user quota limit checking is to be deactivated.
-v Prints a message for each file system in which quotas are deactivated.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmquotaoff command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmquotaoff command is issued.
1. To deactivate user quota limit checking on file system fs0, issue this command:
mmquotaoff -u fs0
To confirm the change, individually for each file system, issue this command:
mmlsfs fs2 -Q
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmquotaon – Activates quota limit checking.
mmquotaon [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] {Device [Device...] | -a}
The mmquotaon command enables quota limit checking by GPFS.
If none of: -u, -j or -g is specified, the mmquotaon command activates quota limit checking for users,
groups, and filesets.
If the -a option is not used, Device must be the last parameter specified.
After quota limit checking has been activated by issuing the mmquotaon command, issue the
mmcheckquota command to count inode and space usage.
Device[ Device ... ]
The device name of the file system to have quota limit checking activated.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-a Activates quota limit checking for all of the GPFS file systems in the cluster. When used in
combination with the -g option, only group quota limit checking is activated. When used in
combination with the -u or -j option, only user or fileset quota limit checking, respectively, is
-g Specifies that only group quota limit checking is to be activated.
-j Specifies that only fileset quota checking is to be activated.
-u Specifies that only user quota limit checking is to be activated.
-v Prints a message for each file system in which quota limit checking is activated.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmquotaon command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmquotaon command is issued.
1. To activate user quotas on file system fs0, issue this command:
mmquotaon -u fs0
To confirm the change, individually for each file system, issue this command:
mmlsfs fs1 -Q
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmremotecluster – Manages the information about other GPFS clusters that this cluster can access
when mounting remote GPFS file systems.
mmremotecluster add RemoteClusterName [-n ContactNodes] [-k KeyFile]
The mmremotecluster command is used to make remote GPFS clusters known to the local cluster, and
to maintain the attributes associated with those remote clusters. The keyword appearing after
mmremotecluster determines which action is performed:
add Adds a remote GPFS cluster to the set of remote clusters known to the local cluster.
delete Deletes the information for a remote GPFS cluster.
show Displays information about a remote GPFS cluster.
update Updates the attributes of a remote GPFS cluster.
To be able to mount file systems that belong to some other GPFS cluster, you must first make the nodes
in this cluster aware of the GPFS cluster that owns those file systems. This is accomplished with the
mmremotecluster add command. The information that the command requires must be provided to you by
the administrator of the remote GPFS cluster. You will need this information:
v The name of the remote cluster.
v The names or IP addresses of a few nodes that belong to the remote GPFS cluster.
v The public key file generated by the administrator of the remote cluster by running the mmauth genkey
command for the remote cluster.
Since each cluster is managed independently, there is no automatic coordination and propagation of
changes between clusters like there is between the nodes within a cluster. This means that once a remote
cluster is defined with the mmremotecluster command, the information about that cluster is automatically
propagated across all nodes that belong to this cluster. But if the administrator of the remote cluster
decides to rename it, or deletes some or all of the contact nodes, or change the public key file, the
information in this cluster becomes obsolete. It is the responsibility of the administrator of the remote
GPFS cluster to notify you of such changes so that you can update your information using the appropriate
options of the mmremotecluster update command.
Specifies the cluster name associated with the remote cluster that owns the remote GPFS file
system. The value all indicates all remote clusters defined to this cluster, when using the
mmremotecluster delete or mmremotecluster show commands.
-C NewClusterName
Specifies the new cluster name to be associated with the remote cluster.
-k KeyFile
Specifies the name of the public key file provided to you by the administrator of the remote GPFS
cluster. This could be relative path (therefore just a need to name the file) or an absolute path
(need full path name, but just file name).
-n ContactNodes
A comma separated list of nodes that belong to the remote GPFS cluster, in this format:
[tcpPort=NNNN,]node1[,node2 ...]
Specifies the TCP port number to be used by the local GPFS daemon when contacting the
remote cluster. If not specified, GPFS will use the default TCP port number 1191.
Specifies a list of nodes that belong to the remote cluster. The nodes can be identified through
their host names or IP addresses.
Exit status
0 Successful completion. After successful completion of the mmremotecluster command,
the new configuration information is propagated to all nodes in the cluster.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmremotecluster command.
You may issue the mmremotecluster command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. This command adds remote cluster to the set of remote clusters known to the local
cluster, specifying k164n02 and k164n03 as remote contact nodes. File is the name
of the public key file provided to you by the administrator of the remote cluster.
mmremotecluster add -n k164n02,k164n03\
For more information on the SHA digest, see General Parallel File System: Problem Determination
Guide and search on SHA digest.
3. This command updates information for the remote cluster, changing the remote
contact nodes to k164n02 and k164n01. The TCP port to be used when contacting cluster is defined to be 6667..
mmremotecluster update -n tcpPort=6667,k164n02,k164n01
The mmremotecluster show command can then be used to see the changes.
mmremotecluster show
For more information on the SHA digest, see General Parallel File System: Problem Determination
Guide and search on SHA digest.
4. This command deletes information for remote cluster from the local cluster.
mmremotecluster delete
See also
“mmauth Command” on page 73
Accessing GPFS file systems from other GPFS clusters in General Parallel File System: Advanced
Administration Guide.
mmremotefs – Manages the information about GPFS file systems from other clusters that this cluster can
mmremotefs add Device -f RemoteDevice -C RemoteClusterName -T MountPoint [-A {yes | no |
automount}] [-o MountOptions]
mmremotefs update Device [-f RemoteDevice] [-C RemoteClusterName] [-T MountPoint] [-A {yes | no |
automount}] [-o MountOptions]
The mmremotefs command is used to make GPFS file systems that belong to other GPFS clusters
known to the nodes in this cluster, and to maintain the attributes associated with these file systems. The
keyword appearing after mmremotefs determines which action is performed:
add Define a new remote GPFS file system.
delete Delete the information for a remote GPFS file system.
show Display the information associated with a remote GPFS file system.
update Update the information associated with a remote GPFS file system.
Use the mmremotefs command to make the nodes in this cluster aware of file systems that belong to
other GPFS clusters. The cluster that owns the given file system must have already been defined with the
mmremotecluster command. The mmremotefs command is used to assign a local name under which
the remote file system will be known in this cluster, the mount point where the file system is to be mounted
in this cluster, and any local mount options that you may want.
Once a remote file system has been successfully defined and a local device name associated with it, you
can issue normal commands using that local name, the same way you would issue them for file systems
that are owned by this cluster.
Specifies the name by which the remote GPFS file system will be known in the cluster.
-C RemoteClusterName
Specifies the name of the GPFS cluster that owns the remote GPFS file system.
-f RemoteDevice
Specifies the actual name of the remote GPFS file system. This is the device name of the file
system as known to the remote cluster that owns the file system.
-A {yes | no | automount}
Indicates when the file system is to be mounted:
yes When the GPFS daemon starts.
no Manual mount. This is the default.
automount When the file system is first accessed.
-o MountOptions
Specifies the mount options to pass to the mount command when mounting the file system. For a
detailed description of the available mount options, see “GPFS-specific mount options” on page
-T MountPoint
Indicates the local mount point for the remote GPFS file system.
Exit status
0 Successful completion. After successful completion of the mmremotefs command, the
new configuration information is propagated to all nodes in the cluster.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmremotefs command.
You may issue the mmremotefs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
This command adds remote file system gpfsn, owned by remote cluster, to the local
cluster, assigning rgpfsn as the local name for the file system, and /gpfs/rgpfsn as the local mount point.
mmremotefs add rgpfsn -f gpfsn -C -T /gpfs/rgpfsn
Local Name Remote Name Cluster name Mount Point Mount Options Automount
rgpfsn gpfsn /gpfs/rgpfsn rw,mtime,noatime no
See also
“mmauth Command” on page 73
Accessing GPFS file systems from other GPFS clusters in General Parallel File System: Advanced
Administration Guide.
mmrepquota – Reports file system user, group, and fileset quotas.
mmrepquota [-e] [-g] [-q] [-u] [-n] [-v] [-j] {Device [Device...] | -a}
The mmrepquota command reports file system usage and quota information for a user, group, or fileset.
If none of -g, -j, or -u is specified, then user, group and fileset quotas are listed.
If the -a option is not specified, Device must be the last parameter entered.
For each file system in the cluster, the mmrepquota command displays:
1. Block limits:
v quota type (USR, GRP or FILESET)
v current usage in KB
v soft limit in KB
v hard limit in KB
v space in doubt
v grace period
2. File limits:
v current number of files
v soft limit
v hard limit
v files in doubt
v grace period
3. Entry Type
default on
Default quotas are enabled for this file system
default off
Default quotas are not enabled for this file system
e Explicit quotas – the quota limits have been explicitly set using the mmedquota command
d Default quotas – the quota limits are the default values set using the mmdefedquota
i Initial quotas – default quotas were not enabled when this initial entry was established. Initial
quota limits have a value of zero indicating no limit.
Because the sum of the in-doubt value and the current usage may not exceed the hard limit, the actual
block space and number of files available to the user, group, or fileset may be constrained by the in-doubt
value. If the in-doubt value approach a significant percentage of the quota, run the mmcheckquota
command to account for the lost space and files.
GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits
have been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to
a value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command
are double the value reported by the ls command.
When issuing the mmrepquota command on a mounted file system, negative in-doubt values may be
reported if the quota server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a
transient situation and may be ignored.
When a quota management enabled file system is SANergy exported, the block usage accounting of a file
accessed through SANergy include the blocks actually used by the file and the extra blocks temporarily
allocated (hyper allocation) by SANergy. Hyper allocation is a SANergy performance feature and can be
tuned using SANergy configuration tools. For more information, see Tivoli SANergy: Administrator's Guide
Device[ Device...]
The device name of the file system to be listed.
If more than one file system is listed, the names must be delimited by a space. File system names
need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-a Lists quotas for all file systems in the cluster. A header line is printed automatically with this option.
-e Specifies that the mmrepquota command is to collect updated quota usage data from all nodes
before displaying results. If this option is not specified, there is the potential to display negative
usage values as the quota server may process a combination of up-to-date and back-level
-g List only group quotas.
-j List only fileset quotas.
-n Displays a numerical user ID.
-q Show whether quota enforcement is active.
-u List only user quotas.
-v Print a header line.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmrepquota command.
GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmrepquota command is issued.
1. To report on user quotas for file system fs2 and display a header line, issue this command:
mmrepquota -u -v fs2
See also
“mmcheckquota Command” on page 98
mmrestorefs – Restores a file system from a GPFS snapshot.
mmrestorefs Device Directory [-c]
Use the mmrestorefs command to restore user data and attribute files to a file system using those of the
specified snapshot.
Prior to issuing the mmrestorefs command, you must unmount the file system from all nodes in the
cluster. The file system may not be remounted until the mmrestorefs command has successfully
completed, unless you have specified the -c option to force the restore to continue even in the event
errors are encountered. Automatic quota activation upon mounting the file system is not restored by the
mmrestorefs command. You must issue the mmchfs -Q yes command to restore automatic quota
Snapshots are not affected by the mmrestorefs command. Consequently, a failure while restoring one
snapshot may possibly be recovered by restoring a different snapshot.
When the mmsnapdir -a (add a snapshots subdirectory to all subdirectories in the file system) option is in
effect, the snapshots subdirectories may no longer show the complete list of snapshots containing the
parent directory, if the file system was restored from a snapshot that was not the latest. Since the root
directory is contained in all snapshots, its snapshots subdirectory will always show the complete list of
For information on how GPFS policies and snapshots interact, see Policy-based data management for
GPFS in General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Because snapshots are not copies of the entire file system, they should not be used as protection against
media failures. For protection against media failures, see General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide and search on recoverability considerations.
Device The device name of the file system for which the snapshot is to be created. File system
names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
Directory The snapshot with which to restore the file system.
-c Continue to restore the file system in the event errors occur.
Upon completion of the mmrestorefs -c command, the file system is inconsistent, but can be
mounted to recover data from the snapshot. If necessary, the command may be issued to recover
as much data as possible. The mmfsck command may be run on an inconsistent file system.
After the mmrestorefs -c command has been issued, use the mmfsck command to clean up the
files or directories that could not be restored.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmrestorefs command.
You may issue the mmrestorefs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
We have a directory structure similar to:
The directory userB is then created using the inode originally assigned to userA. We take another
mmcrsnapshot fs1 snap2
After the command is issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
See also
“mmcrsnapshot Command” on page 131
mmrestripefile - Performs a repair operation over the specified list of files.
mmrestripefile {-m | -r | -b | -p} {[-F FilenameFile] | Filename [Filename...]}
The mmrestripefile command performs a repair operation over the specified list of files. The -F flag allows
the user to specify a file containing the list of file names to be restriped, with one file name per line.
The mmrestripefile command attempts to restore the metadata or data replication factor of the file.
You must specify one of the four options (-b, -m, -p, or -r) to indicate how much file data to move.
If you do not use replication, the -m and -r options are equivalent. Their behavior differs only on replicated
files. After a successful replicate (-r option), all suspended disks are empty. A migrate operation, using the
-m option, leaves data on a suspended disk as long as at least one other replica of the data remains on a
disk that is not suspended. Restriping a file system includes replicating it. The -b option performs all the
operations of the -m and -r options.
-F FilenameFile
Specifies a file containing a list of names of files to be restriped, one name per line.
Specifies the names of one or more files to be restriped.
-b Rebalances all files across all disks that are not suspended, even if they are stopped. Although
blocks are allocated on a stopped disk, they are not written to a stopped disk, nor are reads
allowed from a stopped disk, until that disk is started and replicated data is copied onto it. The
mmrestripefile command rebalances and restripes the file.
-m Migrates all critical data off any suspended disk in this file system. Critical data is all data that
would be lost if currently suspended disks were removed.
-p Directs mmrestripefile to repair the file placement within the storage pool.
Files assigned to one storage pool, but with data in a different pool, will have their data migrated
to the correct pool. These files are called ill-placed. Utilities, such as the mmchattr command,
may change a file’s storage pool assignment, but not move the data. The mmrestripefile
command may then be invoked to migrate all of the data at once, rather than migrating each file
individually. Note that the rebalance operation, specified by the -b option, also performs data
placement on all files, whereas the placement option, specified by -p, rebalances only the files that
it moves.
-r Migrates all data off suspended disks. It also restores all replicated files in the file system to their
designated degree of replication when a previous disk failure or removal of a disk has made some
replica data inaccessible. Use this parameter either immediately after a disk failure to protect
replicated data against a subsequent failure, or before taking a disk offline for maintenance to
protect replicated data against failure of another disk during the maintenance process.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmrestripefile command.
You may issue the mmrestripefile command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
This example illustrates restriping a file named testfile0. This command confirms that testfile0 is illplaced.
mmlsattr -L testfile0
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmrestripefs - Rebalances or restores the replication factor of all files in a file system.
mmrestripefs Device {-m | -r | -b | -p} [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-P PoolName]
Use the mmrestripefs command to rebalance or restore the replication factor of all files in a file system.
The mmrestripefs command moves existing file system data between different disks in the file system
based on changes to the disk state made by the mmchdisk, mmadddisk, and mmdeldisk commands.
The mmrestripefs command attempts to restore the metadata or data replication factor of any file in the
file system.
You must specify one of the four options (-b, -m, -r, or -p) to indicate how much file system data to move.
You can issue this command against a mounted or unmounted file system.
If you do not use replication, the -m and -r options are equivalent. Their behavior differs only on replicated
files. After a successful replicate (-r option), all suspended disks are empty. A migrate operation, using the
-m option, leaves data on a suspended disk as long as at least one other replica of the data remains on a
disk that is not suspended. Restriping a file system includes replicating it. The -b option performs all the
operations of the -m and -r options.
Consider the necessity of restriping and the current demands on the system. New data that is added to
the file system is correctly striped. Restriping a large file system requires a large number of insert and
delete operations and may affect system performance. Plan to perform this task when system demand is
The restriping of a file system is done by having one thread on each node in the cluster work on a subset
of files. Consequently, the more GPFS client nodes performing work for the restripe, the faster the
mmrestripefs command will complete. The nodes that should participate in the restripe are specified on
the command using the -N parameter. Based on raw I/O rates, you should be able to estimate the length
of time for the restripe. However, to account for the overhead of scanning all metadata, that value should
be doubled.
Assuming that you have enough nodes to saturate the disk servers, and have to move all of the data, the
time to read and write every block of data is roughly:
2 * fileSystemSize / averageDiskserverDataRate
As an upper bound, due to overhead of scanning all of the metadata, this time should be doubled. If other
jobs are heavily loading the virtual shared disk servers, this time may increase even more.
Note: There is no particular reason to stop all other jobs while the mmrestripefs command is running.
The CPU load of the command is minimal on each node and only the files that are being restriped
at any moment are locked to maintain data integrity.
The device name of the file system to be restriped. File system names need not be fully-qualified.
fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specify the nodes that participate in the restripe of the file system. This command supports all
defined node classes. The default is all (all nodes in the GPFS cluster will participate in the
restripe of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-b Rebalances all files across all disks that are not suspended, even if they are stopped. Although
blocks are allocated on a stopped disk, they are not written to a stopped disk, nor are reads
allowed from a stopped disk, until that disk is started and replicated data is copied onto it. The
mmrestripefs command rebalances and restripes the file system. Use this option to rebalance the
file system after adding, changing, or deleting disks in a file system.
Note: Rebalancing of files is an I/O intensive and time consuming operation, and is important only
for file systems with large files that are mostly invariant. In many cases, normal file update
and creation will rebalance your file system over time, without the cost of the rebalancing.
-m Migrates all critical data off any suspended disk in this file system. Critical data is all data that
would be lost if currently suspended disks were removed.
-P PoolName
Directs mmrestripefs to repair only files assigned to the specified storage pool.
-p Directs mmrestripefs to repair the file placement within the storage pool.
Files assigned to one storage pool, but with data in a different pool, will have their data migrated
to the correct pool. Such files are referred to as ill-placed. Utilities, such as the mmchattr
command, may change a file’s storage pool assignment, but not move the data. The
mmrestripefs command may then be invoked to migrate all of the data at once, rather than
migrating each file individually. Note that the rebalance operation, specified by the -b option, also
performs data placement on all files, whereas the placement option, specified by -p, rebalances
only the files that it moves.
-r Migrates all data off suspended disks. It also restores all replicated files in the file system to their
designated degree of replication when a previous disk failure or removal of a disk has made some
replica data inaccessible. Use this parameter either immediately after a disk failure to protect
replicated data against a subsequent failure, or before taking a disk offline for maintenance to
protect replicated data against failure of another disk during the maintenance process.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmrestripefs command.
You may issue the mmrestripefs command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To move all critical data from any suspended disk in file system fs0, issue this command:
mmrestripefs fs0 -m
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmrpldisk – Replaces the specified disk.
mmrpldisk Device DiskName {DiskDesc | -F DescFile} [-v yes | no] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile |
Use the mmrpldisk command to replace an existing disk in the GPFS file system with a new one. All data
on the old disk is migrated to the new one.
To replace disks in a GPFS file system, you must first decide if you will:
1. Create new disks using the mmcrnsd command.
Use the rewritten disk descriptor file produced by the mmcrnsd command or create a new disk
descriptor. When using the rewritten file, the Disk Usage and Failure Group specifications remain the
same as specified on the mmcrnsd command.
2. Select disks no longer in use in any file system. Issue the mmlsnsd -F command to display the
available disks.
The disk may then be used to replace a disk in the file system using the mmrpldisk command.
1. You cannot replace a disk when it is the only remaining disk in the file system.
2. Under no circumstances should you replace a stopped disk. You need to start a stopped disk before
replacing it. If a disk cannot be started, you must delete it using the mmdeldisk command. See the
General Parallel File System: Problem Determination Guide and search for Disk media failure.
3. The file system need not be unmounted before the mmrpldisk command can be run.
4. I/O operations from SANergy clients must terminate before using the mmrpldisk command. If not, the
client applications receive an error.
Upon successful completion of the mmrpldisk command, the disk is replaced in the file system and data
is copied to the new disk without restriping.
The device name of the file system where the disk is to be replaced. File system names need not
be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
Disk Name
The name of the disk to be replaced, which was previously passed to the mmcrfs, mmadddisk,
or mmrpldisk commands. You can display the entire list of disk names by issuing the mmlsdisk
A descriptor for the replacement disk.
-F DescFile
Specifies a file containing the disk descriptor for the replacement disk.
The disk descriptor must be specified in the form (second, third, and sixth fields reserved):
You must specify the name of the NSD previously created by the mmcrnsd command. For
a list of available disks, issue the mmlsnsd -F command.
Disk Usage
Specify a disk usage or inherit the disk usage of the disk being replaced:
Indicates that the disk contains both data and metadata. This is the default.
Indicates that the disk contains data and does not contain metadata.
Indicates that the disk contains metadata and does not contain data.
Indicates that the disk contains no data and no file metadata. Such a disk is used
solely to keep a copy of the file system descriptor, and can be used as a third
failure group in certain disaster recovery configurations. For more information, see
General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration and search on
Synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication.
Failure Group
A number identifying the failure group to which this disk belongs. You can specify any
value from -1 (where -1 indicates that the disk has no point of failure in common with any
other disk) to 4000. If you do not specify a failure group, the new disk inherits the failure
group of the disk being replaced.
Note: While it is not absolutely necessary to specify the same disk descriptor parameters for the
new disk as the old disk, it is suggested you do so. If the new disk is equivalent in size as
the old disk, and if the DiskUsage and FailureGroup parameters are the same, the data and
metadata can be completely migrated from the old disk to the new disk. A disk replacement
in this manner allows the file system to maintain its current data and metadata balance.
If the new disk has a different size, DiskUsage parameter, or FailureGroup parameter, the
operation may leave the file system unbalanced and require a restripe. Additionally, a
change in size or the DiskUsage parameter may cause the operation to fail since other
disks in the file system may not have sufficient space to absorb more data or metadata. In
this case you must first use the mmadddisk command to add the new disk, the
mmdeldisk command to delete the old disk, and finally the mmrestripefs command to
rebalance the file system.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specify the nodes that participate in the migration of data from the old to the new disk. This
command supports all defined node classes. The default is all (all nodes in the GPFS cluster will
participate in the restripe of the file system).
For general information on how to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS
commands” on page 4.
-v {yes | no}
Verify that specified disks do not belong to an existing file system. The default is -v yes. Specify -v
no only when you want to reuse disks that are no longer needed for an existing file system. If the
command is interrupted for any reason, you must use the -v no option on the next invocation of
the command.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmrpldisk command.
You may issue the mmrpldisk command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
To replace disk gpfs10nsd in fs3 with a new disk, gpfs12nsd allowing the disk usage and failure group
parameters to default to the corresponding values of gpfs10nsd, and have only nodes k145n01, k145n03,
and k145n05 participate in the migration of the data, issue this command:
mmrpldisk fs3 gpfs10nsd gpfs12nsd -N k145n01,k145n03,k145n05
See also
“mmadddisk Command” on page 62
mmsanrepairfs – Repair a file system under the control of SANergy.
mmsanrepairfs Device [-n | -f]
Use the mmsanrepairfs command to remove leftover hyper-allocated blocks caused by SANergy client
failure or SANergy protocol application failure. This command can be run on a mounted or unmounted file
The device name of the file system. File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as
acceptable as /dev/fs0.
-f Specifies to force unlock SANergy locked files after an existing SANergy lease has expired for
those files.
-n Specifies to query the current SANergy hyper-allocated blocks state on the file system. Does not
perform the actual removal of the data blocks.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmsanrepairfs command.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command, you
must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. Issue this command to remove the hyper-allocated blocks from the file system named gpfsfc:
mmsanrepairfs gpfsfc
See also
SANergy export considerations in General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
mmshutdown – Unmounts all GPFS file systems and stops GPFS on one or more nodes.
mmshutdown [-t UnmountTimeout ] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
Use the mmshutdown command to stop the GPFS daemons on one or more nodes. If no operand is
specified, GPFS is stopped only on the node from which the command was issued.
The mmshutdown command first attempts to unmount all GPFS file systems. If the unmount does not
complete within the specified timeout period, the GPFS daemons shut down anyway.
Upon successful completion of the mmshutdown command, these tasks are completed:
v GPFS file systems are unmounted.
v GPFS daemons are stopped.
-a Stop GPFS on all nodes in a GPFS cluster.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Directs the mmshutdown command to process a set of nodes. For general information on how to
specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
-t UnmountTimeout
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the unmount command is given to complete. The
default timeout period is equal to:
60 + 3 × number of nodes
If the unmount does not complete within the specified amount of time, the command times out and
the GPFS daemons shut down.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmshutdown command.
You may issue the mmshutdown command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To stop GPFS on all nodes in the GPFS cluster, issue this command:
mmshutdown -a
See also
“mmgetstate Command” on page 188
mmsnapdir - Creates and deletes invisible directories that connect to the snapshots of a GPFS file
system, and changes the name of the snapshots subdirectory.
mmsnapdir Device {[-r | -a] [-s SnapDirName]}
Use the mmsnapdir command to create or delete invisible directories that connect to the snapshots of a
GPFS file system, and change the name of the snapshots subdirectory.
Snapshots appear in a subdirectory in the root directory of the file system. If you prefer to access the
snapshots from each file system directory rather than traversing through the root directory, you may create
an invisible directory to make the connection by issuing the mmsnapdir command with the -a flag (see
Example 1 on page 268). The -a flag of the mmsnapdir command creates an invisible directory in each
normal directory in the active file system (they do not appear in directories in snapshots) that contains a
subdirectory for each existing snapshot of the file system. These subdirectories correspond to the copy of
the that directory in the snapshot with the same name.
If the mmsnapdir command is issued while another snapshot command is running, the mmsnapdir
command waits for that command to complete.
For more information about GPFS snapshots, see Creating and maintaining snapshots of GPFS file
systems in General Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
The device name of the file system. File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is just as
acceptable as /dev/fs0.
This must be the first parameter.
-a Adds a snapshots subdirectory to all subdirectories in the file system.
-q Displays current settings, if issued without any other flags.
-r Reverses the effect of the -a option. All invisible snapshot directories are removed. The snapshot
directory under the file system root directory is not affected.
-s SnapDirName
Changes the name of the snapshots subdirectory to SnapDirName. This affects both the directory
in the file system root as well as the invisible directory in the other file system directories if the
mmsnapdir -a command has been issued.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
You must have root authority to run the mmsnapdir command.
You may issue the mmsnapdir command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
2. The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a password, and without any
extraneous messages.
1. To rename the .snapshots directory (the default snapshots directory name) to .link for file system fs1,
issue the command:
mmsnapdir fs1 -s .link
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
2. Issuing:
mmsnapdir fs1 -a
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
The .link subdirectory under the root directory and under each subdirectory of the tree provides two
different paths to each snapshot copy of a file. For example, /fs1/userA/.link/snap1/file2 and
/fs1/.link/snap1/userA/file2 are two different paths that access the same snapshot copy of
3. Issuing:
mmsnapdir fs1 -r
After the command has been issued, the directory structure would appear similar to:
4. Issuing:
mmsnapdir fs1 -q
See also
“mmcrsnapshot Command” on page 131
mmstartup – Starts the GPFS subsystem on one or more nodes.
mmstartup [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-E EnvVarString]
Use the mmstartup command to start the GPFS daemons on one or more nodes. If no operand is
specified, GPFS is started only on the node from which the command was issued.
Upon successful completion of the mmstartup command, the GPFS subsystem is started on the specified
Note: The actual start of the GPFS daemons on the nodes also depends on:
v The availability of all required software for your environment
v The availability of required hardware for your environment
v Quorum requirements
For the actual requirements for your operating environment, see the General Parallel File System:
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and search for installing GPFS.
-a Start GPFS on all nodes in a GPFS cluster.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Directs the mmstartup command to process a set of nodes. For general information on how to
specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
-E EnvVarString
Blank-separated string that specifies the name and value (name=value) for one or more
environment variables to be passed to the GPFS daemon. Enclose this string in quotes.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmstartup command.
You may issue the mmstartup command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
270 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
mmstartup Command
To start GPFS on all nodes in the GPFS cluster, issue this command:
mmstartup -a
Thu Aug 12 13:22:40 EDT 2004: 6027-1642 mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
See also
“mmgetstate Command” on page 188
mmumount – Unmounts GPFS file systems on one or more nodes in the cluster.
{mmumount | mmunmount} {Device | MountPoint | all} [-f ] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile |
Another name for the mmumount command is the mmunmount command. Either name can be used.
The mmumount command unmounts a previously mounted GPFS file system on one or more nodes in
the cluster. If no nodes are specified, the file systems are unmounted only on the node from which the
command was issued. The file system can be specified using its device name or the mount point where it
is currently mounted.
When all is specified in place of a file system name, all GPFS file systems are unmounted. This also
includes remote GPFS file systems to which this cluster has access.
Device | all
The device name of the file system to be unmounted. File system names need not be
fully-qualified. fs0 is just as acceptable as /dev/fs0. Specify all to unmount all GPFS file systems
that are owned by this cluster, as well as all remote file systems to which this cluster has access.
This must be the first parameter.
The location where the GPFS file system to be unmounted is currently mounted.
-a Unmount the file system on all nodes in the GPFS cluster.
-f Forces the unmount to take place even though the file system may be still in use.
Use this flag with extreme caution. Using this flag may cause outstanding write operations to be
lost. Because of this, forcing an unmount can cause data integrity failures and should be used with
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies the nodes on which the file system is to be unmounted. For general information on how
to specify node names, see “Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands” on page 4.
This command does not support a NodeClass of mount.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmumount command.
You may issue the mmumount command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
1. To unmount file system fs1 on all nodes in the cluster, issue this command:
mmumount fs1 -a
mmumount fs2 -f
See also
“mmmount Command” on page 226
mmunlinkfileset – Removes the junction to the a GPFS fileset.
mmunlinkfileset Device {FilesetName | -J JunctionPath} [-f]
The mmunlinkfileset command removes the junction to the fileset. The junction can be specified by path
or by naming the fileset that is its target. The unlink fails if there are files open in the fileset, unless the -f
flag is specified. The root fileset may not be unlinked.
Attention: If you are using the TSM Backup Archive client you must use caution when you unlink filesets
that contain data backed up by TSM. TSM tracks files by pathname and does not track filesets. As a
result, when you unlink a fileset, it appears to TSM that you deleted the contents of the fileset. Therefore,
the TSM Backup Archive client inactivates the data on the TSM server which may result in the loss of
backup data during the expiration process.
For information on GPFS filesets, see the chapter Policy-based data management for GPFS in General
Parallel File System: Advanced Administration Guide.
Device The device name of the file system that contains the fileset.
File system names need not be fully-qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as
FilesetName Specifies the name of the fileset to be removed.
-J JunctionPath Specifies the name of the junction to be removed.
A junction is a special directory entry that connects a name in a directory
of one fileset to the root directory of another fileset.
-f Forces the unlink to take place even though there may be open files. This option forcibly closes
any open files, causing an errno of ESTALE on their next use of the file.
Exit status
0 Successful completion.
nonzero A failure has occurred.
You must have root authority to run the mmunlinkfileset command.
You may issue the mmunlinkfileset command from any node in the GPFS cluster.
When using the rcp and rsh commands for remote communication, a properly configured .rhosts file must
exist in the root user’s home directory on each node in the GPFS cluster. If you have designated the use
of a different remote communication program on either the mmcrcluster or the mmchcluster command,
you must ensure:
1. This command indicates the current configuration of filesets for file system gpfs1:
mmlsfileset gpfs1
2. This command indicates the current configuration of filesets for file system gpfs1:
mmlsfileset gpfs1
See also
“mmchfileset Command” on page 101
gpfs_acl_t Structure
gpfs_acl_t – Contains buffer mapping for the gpfs_getacl() and gpfs_putacl() subroutines.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
/* The GPFS ACL */
typedef struct gpfs_acl
gpfs_aclLen_t acl_len; /* Total length of this ACL in bytes */
gpfs_aclLevel_t acl_level; /* Reserved (must be zero) */
gpfs_aclVersion_t acl_version; /* POSIX or NFS4 ACL */
gpfs_aclType_t acl_type; /* Access, Default, or NFS4 */
gpfs_aclCount_t acl_nace; /* Number of Entries that follow */
gpfs_ace_v1_t ace_v1[1]; /* when GPFS_ACL_VERSION_POSIX */
gpfs_ace_v4_t ace_v4[1]; /* when GPFS_ACL_VERSION_NFS4 */
} gpfs_acl_t;
The gpfs_acl_t structure contains size, version, and ACL type information for the gpfs_getacl() and
gpfs_putacl() subroutines.
acl_len The total length (in bytes) of this gpfs_acl_t structure.
acl_level Reserved for future use. Currently must be zero.
acl_version This field contains the version of the GPFS ACL. GPFS supports two ACL versions:
gpfs_getacl() subroutine, set this field to zero.
acl_type On input to the gpfs_getacl() subroutine, set this field to:
These constants are defined in the gpfs.h header file.
acl_nace The number of ACL entries that are in the array (ace_v1 or ace_v4).
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_close_inodescan() - Closes an inode scan.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
void gpfs_close_inodescan(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan);
The gpfs_close_inodescan() subroutine closes the scan of the inodes in a file system or snapshot that
was opened with the gpfs_open_inodescan() subroutine. The gpfs_close_inodescan() subroutine frees
all storage used for the inode scan and invalidates the iscan handle.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
iscan Pointer to the inode scan handle.
Exit status
The gpfs_close_inodescan() subroutine returns void.
Error status
For an example using gpfs_close_inodescan(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() - Compares two snapshot IDs for the same file system to determine the order in
which the two snapshots were taken.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_cmp_fssnapid (const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId1,
const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId2,
int *result);
The gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() subroutine compares two snapshot IDs for the same file system to determine
the order in which the two snapshots were taken. The result parameter is set as follows:
v result less than zero indicates that snapshot 1 was taken before snapshot 2.
v result equal to zero indicates that snapshot 1 and 2 are the same.
v result greater than zero indicates that snapshot 1 was taken after snapshot 2.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapId1 File system snapshot ID of the first snapshot.
fssnapId2 File system snapshot ID of the second snapshot.
result Pointer to an integer indicating the outcome of the comparison.
Exit status
If the gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 and the result parameter is
set as described above.
If the gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and the global error
variable errno is set to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EDOM The two snapshots cannot be compared because they were taken from two different file
ENOSYS The gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() subroutine is not available.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_direntx_t - Contains attributes of a GPFS directory entry.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_direntx
int d_version; /*this struct’s version*/
unsigned short d_reclen; /*actual size of this struct including
null-terminated variable-length d_name*/
unsigned short d_type; /*types are defined below*/
gpfs_ino_t d_ino; /*file inode number*/
gpfs_gen_t d_gen; /*generation number for the inode*/
char d_name[256]; /*null-terminated variable-length name*/
} gpfs_direntx_t;
The gpfs_direntx_t structure contains the attributes of a GPFS directory entry.
d_version The version number of this structure.
d_reclen The actual size of this structure including the null-terminated variable-length d_name field.
To allow some degree of forward compatibility, careful callers should use the d_reclen
field for the size of the structure rather than the sizeof() function.
d_type The type of directory.
d_ino The directory inode number.
d_gen The directory generation number.
d_name Null-terminated variable-length name of the directory.
For an example using gpfs_direntx_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fcntl() – Performs operations on an open file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_fcntl(int fileDesc, void* fcntlArgP)
The gpfs_fcntl() subroutine is used to pass file access pattern information and to control certain file
attributes on behalf of an open file. More than one operation can be requested with a single invocation of
gpfs_fcntl(). The type and number of operations is determined by the second operand, fcntlArgP, which
is a pointer to a data structure built in memory by the application. This data structure consists of:
v A fixed length header, mapped by gpfsFcntlHeader_t.
v A variable list of individual file access hints, directives or other control structures:
– File access hints:
1. gpfsAccessRange_t
2. gpfsFreeRange_t
3. gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t
4. gpfsClearFileCache_t
– File access directives:
1. gpfsCancelHints_t
2. gpfsDataShipMap_t
3. gpfsDataShipStart_t
4. gpfsDataShipStop_t
– Other file attribute operations:
1. gpfsGetFilesetName_t
2. gpfsGetReplication_t
3. gpfsGetSnapshotName_t
4. gpfsGetStoragePool_t
5. gpfsRestripeData_t
6. gpfsSetReplication_t
7. gpfsSetStoragePool_t
The above hints, directives and other operations may be mixed within a single gpfs_fcntl() subroutine,
and are performed in the order that they appear. A subsequent hint or directive may cancel out a
preceding one. See Chapter 7, “Communicating file access patterns to GPFS,” on page 57.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fileDesc The file descriptor identifying the file to which GPFS applies the hints and directives.
fcntlArgP A pointer to the list of operations to be passed to GPFS.
Exit status
If the gpfs_fcntl() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_fcntl() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EBADF The file descriptor is not valid.
EINVAL The file descriptor does not refer to a GPFS file or a regular file.
The system call is not valid.
ENOSYS The gpfs_fcntl() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
E2BIG An argument is longer than GPFS_MAX_FCNTL_LENGTH.
1. This programming segment releases all cache data held by the file handle and tell GPFS that the
subroutine will write the portion of the file with file offsets between 2 GB and 3 GB minus one:
gpfsFcntlHeader_t hdr;
gpfsClearFileCache_t rel;
gpfsAccessRange_t acc;
} arg;
arg.hdr.totalLength = sizeof(arg);
arg.hdr.fcntlVersion = GPFS_FCNTL_CURRENT_VERSION;
arg.hdr.fcntlReserved = 0;
arg.rel.structLen = sizeof(arg.rel);
arg.rel.structType = GPFS_CLEAR_FILE_CACHE;
arg.acc.structLen = sizeof(arg.acc);
arg.acc.structType = GPFS_ACCESS_RANGE;
arg.acc.start = 2LL * 1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL;
arg.acc.length = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
arg.acc.isWrite = 1;
rc = gpfs_fcntl(handle, &arg);
2. This programming segment gets the storage pool name and fileset name of a file from GPFS.
struct {
gpfsFcntlHeader_t hdr;
gpfsGetStoragePool_t pool;
gpfsGetFilesetName_t fileset;
} fcntlArg;
fcntlArg.hdr.totalLength = sizeof(fcntlArg.hdr) + sizeof(fcntlArg.pool) + sizeof(fcntlArg.fileset);
fcntlArg.hdr.fcntlVersion = GPFS_FCNTL_CURRENT_VERSION;
fcntlArg.hdr.fcntlReserved = 0;
fcntlArg.pool.structLen = sizeof(fcntlArg.pool);
fcntlArg.pool.structType = GPFS_FCNTL_GET_STORAGEPOOL;
fcntlArg.fileset.structLen = sizeof(fcntlArg.fileset);
fcntlArg.fileset.structType = GPFS_FCNTL_GET_FILESETNAME;
rc = gpfs_fcntl(fd, &fcntlArg);
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fgetattrs() – Retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_fgetattrs(int fileDesc, int flags, void *bufferP,
int bufferSize, int *attrSizeP)
The gpfs_fgetattrs() subroutine, together with gpfs_fputattrs() is intended for use by a backup program
to save (gpfs_fgetattrs()) and restore (gpfs_fputattrs()) extended ACLs defined for the file. If the file has
no extended ACLs, the gpfs_fgetattrs() subroutine returns a value of 0, but sets attrSizeP to zero and
leaves the content of the buffer unchanged.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fileDesc The file descriptor identifying the file whose extended attributes are being retrieved.
flags RESERVED. This value must be set to 0.
bufferP Pointer to a buffer to store the extended attribute information.
bufferSize The size of the buffer that was passed in.
attrSizeP If successful, returns the actual size of the attribute information that was stored in the
buffer. If the bufferSize was too small, returns the minimum buffer size.
Exit status
If the gpfs_fgetattrs() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_fgetattrs() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSPC bufferSize is too small to return all of the attributes. On return, *attrSizeP is set to the
required size.
ENOSYS The gpfs_fgetattrs() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fputattrs() – Sets all the extended file attributes for a file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_fputattrs(int fileDesc, int flags, void *bufferP)
The gpfs_fputattrs() subroutine, together with gpfs_fgetattrs() is intended for use by a backup program
to save (gpfs_fgetattrs()) and restore (gpfs_fputattrs()) extended ACLs defined for the file.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fileDesc The file descriptor identifying the file whose extended attributes are being set.
flags RESERVED This value must be set to 0.
bufferP A pointer to the buffer containing the extended attributes for the file.
If you specify a value of NULL, all extended ACLs for the file are deleted.
Exit status
If the gpfs_fputattrs() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_fputattrs() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EINVAL The buffer pointed to by bufferP does not contain valid attribute data.
ENOSYS The gpfs_fputattrs() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
To copy extended file attributes from file f1 to file f2:
char buf[4096];
int f1, f2, attrSize, rc;
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_free_fssnaphandle() - Frees a GPFS file system snapshot handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
void gpfs_free_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
The gpfs_free_fssnaphandle() subroutine frees the snapshot handle that is passed. The return value is
always void.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
Exit status
The gpfs_free_fssnaphandle() subroutine always returns void.
Error status
For an example using gpfs_free_fssnaphandle(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fssnap_handle_t - Contains a handle for a GPFS file system or snapshot.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_fssnap_handle gpfs_fssnap_handle_t;
A file system or snapshot is uniquely identified by an fssnapId of type gpfs_fssnap_id_t. While the
fssnapId is permanent and global, a shorter fssnapHandle is used by the backup application
programming interface to identify the file system and snapshot being accessed. The fssnapHandle, like a
POSIX file descriptor, is volatile and may be used only by the program that created it.
Additional subroutines are provided to obtain the permanent, global fssnapId from the fssnapHandle, or
to obtain the path or the names for the file system and snapshot, if they are still available in the file
The file system must be mounted in order to use the backup programming application interface. If the
fssnapHandle is created by the path name, the path may be relative and may specify any file or directory
in the file system. Operations on a particular snapshot are indicated with a path to a file or directory within
that snapshot. If the fssnapHandle is created by name, the file system’s unique name may be specified
(for example, fs1) or its device name may be provided (for example, /dev/fs1). To specify an operation on
the active file system, the pointer to the snapshot’s name should be set to NULL or a zero-length string
The name of the directory under which all snapshots appear may be obtained by the
gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine. By default this is .snapshots, but it can be changed using the
mmsnapdir command. The gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine returns the currently set value, which is
the one that was last set by the mmsnapdir command, or the default, if it was never changed.
gpfs_fssnap_handle File system snapshot handle
For an example using gpfs_fssnap_handle_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fssnap_id_t - Contains a permanent, globally unique identifier for a GPFS file system or snapshot.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_fssnap_id
char opaque[48];
} gpfs_fssnap_id_t;
A file system or snapshot is uniquely identified by an fssnapId of type gpfs_fssnap_id_t. The fssnapId is
a permanent and global identifier that uniquely identifies an active file system or a read-only snapshot of a
file system. Every snapshot of a file system has a unique identifier that is also different from the identifier
of the active file system itself.
The fssnapId is obtained from an open fssnapHandle. Once obtained, the fssnapId should be stored
along with the file system’s data for each backup. The fssnapId is required to generate an incremental
backup. The fssnapId identifies the previously backed up file system or snapshot and allows the inode
scan to return only the files and data that have changed since that previous scan.
opaque A 48 byte area for containing the snapshot identifier.
For an example using gpfs_fssnap_id_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_fstat() – Returns exact file status for a GPFS file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_fstat(int fileDesc, struct stat64 *Buffer)
The gpfs_fstat() subroutine is used to obtain exact information about the file associated with the FileDesc
parameter. This subroutine is provided as an alternative to the stat() subroutine, which may not provide
exact mtime and atime values. See “Exceptions to Open Group technical standards” on page 371.
read, write, or execute permission for the named file is not required, but all directories listed in the path
leading to the file must be searchable. The file information is written to the area specified by the Buffer
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fileDesc The file descriptor identifying the file for which exact status information is requested.
Buffer A pointer to the stat64 structure in which the information is returned. The stat64 structure
is described in the sys/stat.h file.
Exit status
If the gpfs_fstat() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_fstat() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EBADF The file descriptor is not valid.
EINVAL The file descriptor does not refer to a GPFS file or a regular file.
ENOSYS The gpfs_fstat() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() - Obtains the file system’s name from a GPFS file system
snapshot handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
const char *gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle
(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
The gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine returns a pointer to the name of file system that
is uniquely identified by the file system snapshot handle.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the name
of the file system identified by the file system snapshot handle.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid() - Obtains a GPFS file system snapshot handle given its
permanent, unique snapshot ID.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid
(const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId);
The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid() subroutine creates a handle for the file system or snapshot
that is uniquely identified by the permanent, unique snapshot ID.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapId File system snapshot ID
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the file
system snapshot handle.
Error status
ENOMEM Space could not be allocated for the file system snapshot handle.
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
The file system snapshot ID is not valid.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() – Obtains a GPFS file system snapshot handle given the file system
and snapshot names.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name
(const char *fsName, const char *snapName);
The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() subroutine creates a handle for the file system or snapshot that
is uniquely identified by the file system’s name and the name of the snapshot.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fsName A pointer to the name of the file system whose snapshot handle is desired.
snapName A pointer to the name of the snapshot whose snapshot handle is desired, or NULL to
access the active file system rather than a snapshot within the file system.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the file system
snapshot handle.
If the gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns NULL and sets the global
error variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOENT The file system name is not valid.
ENOMEM Space could not be allocated for the file system snapshot handle.
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
The snapshot name is not valid.
For an example using gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() – Obtains a GPFS file system snapshot handle given a path to the
file system or snapshot.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path
(const char *pathName);
The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() subroutine creates a handle for the file system or snapshot that
is uniquely identified by a path through the file system’s mount point to a file or directory within the file
system or snapshot.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
pathName A pointer to the path name to a file or directory within the desired file system or snapshot.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the file system
snapshot handle.
If the gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns NULL and sets the global
error variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOENT The path name is not valid.
ENOMEM Space could not be allocated for the file system snapshot handle.
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
For an example using gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle() - Obtains the permanent, unique GPFS file system snapshot
ID given its handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle
(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId);
The gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine obtains the permanent, globally unique file
system snapshot ID of the file system or snapshot identified by the open file system snapshot handle.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
fssnapId File system snapshot ID.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the file
system snapshot ID.
Error status
EFAULT Size mismatch for fssnapId.
EINVAL NULL pointer given for returned fssnapId.
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is not available.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
For an example using gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle() - Obtains the path name of a GPFS file system snapshot
given its handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
const char *gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle
(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
The gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine obtains the path name of the file system or
snapshot identified by the open file system snapshot handle.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the path
name of the file system or snapshot.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
For an example using gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_snapdirname() – Obtains the name of the directory containing snapshots.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_get_snapdirname(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
char *snapdirName, int bufLen);
The gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine obtains the name of the directory that is used to contain
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
snapdirName Buffer into which the name of the snapshot directory will be copied.
bufLen The size of the provided buffer.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 and the snapdirName and
bufLen parameters are set as described above.
If the gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and the global error
variable errno is set to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for this request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_snapdirname() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The buffer is too small to return the snapshot directory name.
ESTALE The cached file system information was not valid.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
For an example using gpfs_get_snapdirname(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() - Obtains the name of the snapshot identified by the GPFS
file system snapshot handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
const char *gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle
(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
The gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine obtains a pointer to the name of a GPFS
snapshot given its file system snapshot handle. If the fssnapHandle identifies an active file system, as
opposed to a snapshot of a file system, gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() returns a pointer to a
zero-length snapshot name and a successful return code.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
Exit status
If the gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the
name of the snapshot.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
The snapshot has been deleted.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_getacl() – Retrieves the access control information for a GPFS file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_getacl(char *pathname, int flags, void *aclP);
The gpfs_getacl() subroutine, together with the gpfs_putacl() subroutine, is intended for use by a backup
program to save (gpfs_getacl()) and restore (gpfs_putacl()) the ACL information for the file.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
pathname The path identifying the file for which the ACLs are being obtained.
flags Consists of one of these values:
0 Indicates that the aclP parameter is to be mapped with the
gpfs_opaque_acl_t struct.
The gpfs_opaque_acl_t struct should be used by backup and restore
Indicates that the aclP parameter is to be mapped with the gpfs_acl_t
The gpfs_acl_t struct is provided for applications that need to interpret the
aclP Pointer to a buffer mapped by the structure gpfs_opaque_acl_t or gpfs_acl_t, depending
on the value of flags.
The first four bytes of the buffer must contain its total size.
Exit status
If the gpfs_getacl() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_getacl() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EINVAL The path name does not refer to a GPFS file or a regular file.
ENOENT The file does not exist.
ENOSPC The buffer is too small to return the entire ACL. The required buffer size is returned in the
first four bytes of the buffer pointed to by aclP.
ENOSYS The gpfs_getacl() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_iattr_t – Contains attributes of a GPFS inode.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_iattr
int ia_version; /* this struct version */
int ia_reclen; /* sizeof this structure */
int ia_checksum; /* validity check on iattr struct */
gpfs_mode_t ia_mode; /* access mode */
gpfs_uid_t ia_uid; /* owner uid */
gpfs_gid_t ia_gid; /* owner gid */
gpfs_ino_t ia_inode; /* file inode number */
gpfs_gen_t ia_gen; /* inode generation number */
short ia_nlink; /* number of links */
short ia_flags; /* flags (defined below) */
int ia_blocksize; /* preferred block size for io */
gpfs_mask_t ia_mask; /* initial attribute mask-not used*/
gpfs_off64_t ia_size; /* file size in bytes */
gpfs_off64_t ia_blocks; /*512 byte blocks of disk held by file*/
gpfs_timestruc_t ia_atime; /* time of last access */
gpfs_timestruc_t ia_mtime; /* time of last data modification */
gpfs_timestruc_t ia_ctime; /* time of last status change */
gpfs_dev_t ia_rdev; /* ID of device */
int ia_xperm; /*non-zero if file has extended acl*/
int ia_modsnapid; /*Internal snapshot ID indicating
the last time that the file was modified*/
unsigned int ia_filesetid; /* fileset ID */
unsigned int ia_datapoolid; /* storage pool ID for data */
} gpfs_iattr_t;
The gpfs_iattr_t structure contains the various attributes of a GPFS inode.
ia_version The version number of this structure.
ia_reclen The size of this structure.
ia_checksum The checksum for this gpfs_iattr structure.
ia_mode The access mode for this inode.
ia_uid The owner user ID for this inode.
ia_gid The owner group ID for this inode.
ia_inode The file inode number.
ia_gen The inode generation number.
ia_nlink The number of links for this inode.
ia_flags The flags (defined above) for this inode.
ia_blocksize The preferred block size for I/O.
ia_mask The initial attribute mask (not used).
ia_size The file size in bytes.
ia_blocks The number of 512 byte blocks of disk held by the file.
ia_atime The time of last access.
ia_mtime The time of last data modification.
ia_ctime The time of last status change.
ia_rdev The ID of the device.
ia_xperm Indicator - nonzero if file has extended ACL.
Internal snapshot ID indicating the last time that the file was modified. Internal snapshot
IDs for the current snapshots are displayed by the mmlssnapshot command.
ia_filesetid The fileset ID for the inode.
ia_datapoolid The storage pool ID for data for the inode.
For an example using gpfs_iattr_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_iclose() - Closes a file given its inode file handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_iclose(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile);
The gpfs_iclose() subroutine closes an open file descriptor created by gpfs_iopen().
For an overview of using gpfs_iclose() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup
applications” on page 24.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
ifile Pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen().
Exit status
If the gpfs_iclose() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_iclose() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_iclose() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
For an example using gpfs_iclose(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_ifile_t - Contains a handle for a GPFS inode.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_ifile gpfs_ifile_t;
The gpfs_ifile_t structure contains a handle for the file of a GPFS inode.
gpfs_ifile The handle for the file of a GPFS inode.
For an example using gpfs_ifile_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_igetattrs() - Retrieve all extended file attributes in opaque format.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_igetattrs(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
void *buffer,
int bufferSize,
int *attrSize);
The gpfs_igetattrs() subroutine retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format. This subroutine is
intended for use by a backup program to save all extended file attributes (ACLs, DMAPI attributes, and so
forth) in one invocation. If the file does not have any extended attributes, the subroutine sets attrSize to
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
ifile Pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen().
buffer Pointer to buffer for returned attributes.
bufferSize Size of the buffer.
attrSize Pointer to returned size of attributes.
Exit status
If the gpfs_igetattrs() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_igetattrs() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_igetattrs() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The buffer is too small to return all attributes. Field *attrSizeP will be set to the size
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
Incorrect ifile parameters.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_igetfilesetname() - Returns the name of the fileset defined by a fileset ID.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_igetfilesetname(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
unsigned int filesetId,
void *buffer,
int bufferSize);
The gpfs_igetfilesetname() subroutine is part of the backup by inode interface. The caller provides a
pointer to the scan descriptor used to obtain the fileset ID. This library routine will return the name of the
fileset defined by the fileset ID. The name is the null-terminated string provided by the administrator when
the fileset was defined. The maximum string length is defined by GPFS_MAXNAMLEN.
1. This routine is not thread safe. Only one thread at a time is allowed to invoke this routine for the given
scan descriptor.
2. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
iscan Pointer to gpfs_iscan_t used to obtain the fileset ID.
filesetId The fileset ID.
buffer Pointer to buffer for returned attributes.
bufferSize Size of the buffer.
Exit status
If the gpfs_igetfilesetname() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_igetfilesetname() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error
variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_igetfilesetname() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The buffer is too small to return all attributes. Field *attrSizeP will be set to the size
This programming segment gets the fileset name based on the given fileset ID. The returned fileset name
is stored in FileSetNameBuffer, which has a length of FileSetNameSize.
gpfs_iscan_t *fsInodeScanP;
gpfs_igetfilesetname(fsInodeScanP,FileSetId, &FileSetNameBuffer,FileSetNameSize);
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_igetstoragepool() - Returns the name of the storage pool for the given storage pool ID.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_igetstoragepool(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
unsigned int dataPoolId,
void *buffer,
int bufferSize);
The gpfs_igetstoragepool() subroutine is part of the backup by inode interface. The caller provides a
pointer to the scan descriptor used to obtain the storage pool ID. This routine returns the name of the
storage pool for the given storage pool ID. The name is the null-terminated string provided by the
administrator when the storage pool was defined. The maximum string length is defined by
1. This routine is not thread safe. Only one thread at a time is allowed to invoke this routine for the given
scan descriptor.
2. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
iscan Pointer to gpfs_iscan_t used to obtain the storage pool ID.
dataPoolId The storage pool ID.
buffer Pointer to buffer for returned attributes.
bufferSize Size of the buffer.
Exit status
If the gpfs_igetstoragepool() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_igetstoragepool() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error
variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_igetstoragepool() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The buffer is too small to return all attributes. Field *attrSizeP will be set to the size
This programming segment gets the storage pool name based on the given storage pool ID. The returned
storage pool name is stored in StoragePoolNameBuffer which has the length of StoragePoolNameSize.
gpfs_iscan_t *fsInodeScanP;
gpfs_igetstoragepool(fsInodeScanP,StgpoolIdBuffer, &StgpoolNameBuffer,StgpoolNameSize);
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_iopen() - Opens a file or directory by inode number.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_ifile_t *gpfs_iopen(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
gpfs_ino_t ino,
int open_flags,
const gpfs_iattr_t *statxbuf,
const char *symlink);
The gpfs_iopen() subroutine opens a user file or directory for backup. The file is identified by its inode
number ino within the file system or snapshot identified by the fssnapHandle. The fssnapHandle
parameter must be the same one that was used to create the inode scan that returned the inode number
To read the file or directory, the open_flags must be set to GPFS_O_BACKUP. The statxbuf and
symlink parameters are reserved for future use and must be set to NULL.
For an overview of using gpfs_iopen() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup
applications” on page 24.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
ino inode number.
GPFS_O_BACKUP Read files for backup.
O_RDONLY For gpfs_iread().
statxbuf This parameter is reserved for future use and should always be set to NULL.
symlink This parameter is reserved for future use and should always be set to NULL.
Exit status
If the gpfs_iopen() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to the inode’s file handle.
If the gpfs_iopen() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns NULL and the global error variable errno is set to
indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EINVAL Missing or incorrect parameter.
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_iopen() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
For an example using gpfs_iopen(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_iread() - Reads a file opened by gpfs_iopen().
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_iread(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
void *buffer,
int bufferSize,
gpfs_off64_t *offset);
The gpfs_iread() subroutine reads data from the file indicated by the ifile parameter returned from
gpfs_iopen(). This subroutine reads data beginning at parameter offset and continuing for bufferSize
bytes into the buffer specified by buffer. If successful, the subroutine returns a value that is the length of
the data read, and sets parameter offset to the offset of the next byte to be read. A return value of 0
indicates end-of-file.
For an overview of using gpfs_iread() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup
applications” on page 24.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
ifile Pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen().
buffer Buffer for the data to be read.
bufferSize Size of the buffer (that is, the amount of data to be read).
offset Offset of where within the file to read. If gpfs_iread() is successful, offset is updated to
the next byte after the last one that was read.
Exit status
If the gpfs_iread() subroutine is successful, it returns the number of bytes read.
If the gpfs_iread() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EISDIR The specified file is a directory.
ENOSYS The gpfs_iread() subroutine is not available.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_ireaddir() - Reads the next directory entry.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_ireaddir(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
const gpfs_direntx_t **dirent);
The gpfs_ireaddir() subroutine returns the next directory entry in a file system. For an overview of using
gpfs_ireaddir() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup applications” on page 24.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
idir Pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen().
dirent Pointer to returned pointer to directory entry.
Exit status
If the gpfs_ireaddir() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 and sets the dirent parameter to
point to the returned directory entry. If there are no more GPFS directory entries, gpfs_ireaddir() returns a
value of 0 and sets the dirent parameter to NULL.
If the gpfs_ireaddir() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_ireaddir() subroutine is not available.
ENOTDIR File is not a directory.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ESTALE The cached file system information was not valid.
Incorrect ifile parameter.
For an example using gpfs_ireaddir(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_ireadlink() - Reads a symbolic link by inode number.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_ireadlink(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
gpfs_ino_t ino,
char *buffer,
int bufferSize);
The gpfs_ireadlink() subroutine reads a symbolic link by inode number. Like gpfs_iopen(), use the same
fssnapHandle parameter that was used by the inode scan.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
ino inode number of the link file to read.
buffer Pointer to buffer for the returned link data.
bufferSize Size of the buffer.
Exit status
If the gpfs_ireadlink() subroutine is successful, it returns the number of bytes read.
If the gpfs_ireadlink() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_ireadlink() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The buffer is too small to return the symbolic link.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_ireadx() - Performs block level incremental read of a file within an incremental inode scan.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_off64_t gpfs_ireadx(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
void *buffer,
int bufferSize,
gpfs_off64_t *offset,
gpfs_off64_t termOffset,
int *hole);
The gpfs_ireadx() subroutine performs a block level incremental read on a file opened by gpfs_iopen()
within a given incremental scan opened using gpfs_open_inodescan().
For an overview of using gpfs_ireadx() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup
applications” on page 24.
The gpfs_ireadx() subroutines returns the data that has changed since the prev_fssnapId specified for
the inode scan. The file is scanned starting at offset and terminating at termOffset, looking for changed
data. Once changed data is located, the offset parameter is set to its location, the new data is returned in
the buffer provided, and the amount of data returned is the subroutine’s value.
If the change to the data is that it has been deleted (that is, the file has been truncated), no data is
returned, but the hole parameter is returned with a value of 1, and the size of the hole is returned as the
subroutine’s value. The returned size of the hole may exceed the bufferSize provided. If no changed data
was found before reaching the termOffset or the end-of-file, then the gpfs_ireadx() subroutine return
value is 0.
Block level incremental backups are available only if the previous snapshot was not deleted. If it was
deleted, gpfs_ireadx() may still be used, but it returns all of the file’s data, operating like the standard
gpfs_iread() subroutine. However, the gpfs_ireadx() subroutine will still identify sparse files and explicitly
return information on holes in the files, rather than returning the NULL data.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
ifile Pointer to gpfs_ifile_t returned from gpfs_iopen().
iscan Pointer to gpfs_iscan_t from gpfs_open_inodescan().
buffer Pointer to buffer for returned data, or NULL to query the next increment to be read.
bufferSize Size of buffer for returned data.
offset On input, the offset to start the scan for changes. On output, the offset of the changed
data, if any was detected.
termOffset Read terminates before reading this offset. The caller may specify ia_size from the file’s
gpfs_iattr_t or 0 to scan the entire file.
hole Pointer to a flag returned to indicated a hole in the file. A value of 0 indicates that the
gpfs_ireadx() subroutine returned data in the buffer. A value of 1 indicates that
gpfs_ireadx() encountered a hole at the returned offset.
Exit status
If the gpfs_ireadx() subroutine is successful, it returns the number of bytes read and returned in bufP, or
the size of the hole encountered in the file.
If the gpfs_ireadx() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EDOM The file system snapshot ID from the iscanId does not match the ifile’s.
EINVAL Missing or incorrect parameter.
EISDIR The specified file is a directory.
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_ireadx() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The file system snapshot ID from the iscanId is more recent than the ifile’s.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
Incorrect ifile parameter.
Incorrect iscan parameter.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_iscan_t - Contains a handle for an inode scan of a GPFS file system or snapshot.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_iscan gpfs_iscan_t;
The gpfs_iscan_t structure contains a handle for an inode scan of a GPFS file system or snapshot.
gpfs_iscan The handle for an inode scan for a GPFS file system or snapshot.
For an example using gpfs_iscan_t, see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_next_inode() - Retrieves the next inode from the inode scan.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_next_inode(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
gpfs_ino_t termIno,
const gpfs_iattr_t **iattr);
The gpfs_next_inode() subroutine obtains the next inode from the specified inode scan and sets the iattr
pointer to the inode’s attributes. The termIno parameter can be used to terminate the inode scan before
the last inode in the file system or snapshot being scanned. A value of 0 may be provided to indicate the
last inode in the file system or snapshot. If there are no more inodes to be returned before the termination
inode, the gpfs_next_inode() subroutine returns a value of 0 and the inode’s attribute pointer is set to
For an overview of using gpfs_next_inode() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop backup
applications” on page 24.
To generate a full backup, invoke gpfs_open_inodescan() with NULL for the prev_fssnapId parameter.
Repeated invocations of gpfs_next_inode() then return inode information about all existing user files,
directories and links, in inode number order.
To generate an incremental backup, invoke gpfs_next_inode() with the fssnapId that was obtained from
a fssnapHandle at the time the previous backup was created. The snapshot that was used for the
previous backup does not need to exist at the time the incremental backup is generated. That is, the
backup application needs to remember only the fssnapId of the previous backup; the snapshot itself can
be deleted as soon as the backup is completed.
For an incremental backup, only inodes of files that have changed since the specified previous snapshot
will be returned. Any operation that changes the file’s mtime or ctime is considered a change and will
cause the file to be included. Files with no changes to the file’s data or file attributes, other than a change
to atime, are omitted from the scan.
Incremental backups return deleted files, but full backups do not. A deleted file is indicated by the field
ia_nlinks having a value of 0.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
iscan Pointer to the inode scan handle.
termIno The inode scan terminates before this inode number. The caller may specify maxIno from
gpfs_open_inodescan() or zero to scan the entire inode file.
Exit status
If the gpfs_next_inode() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 and a pointer. The pointer points
to NULL if there are no more inodes. Otherwise, the pointer points to the returned inode’s attributes.
If the gpfs_next_inode() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error
variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_next_inode() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
Incorrect parameters.
For an example using gpfs_next_inode(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_opaque_acl_t – Contains buffer mapping for the gpfs_getacl() and gpfs_putacl() subroutines.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int acl_buffer_len;
unsigned short acl_version;
unsigned char acl_type;
char acl_var_data[1];
} gpfs_opaque_acl_t;
The gpfs_opaque_acl_t structure contains size, version, and ACL type information for the gpfs_getacl()
and gpfs_putacl() subroutines.
On input, this field must be set to the total length, in bytes, of the data structure being
passed to GPFS. On output, this field contains the actual size of the requested
information. If the initial size of the buffer is not large enough to contain all of the
information, the gpfs_getacl() invocation must be repeated with a larger buffer.
acl_version This field contains the current version of the GPFS internal representation of the ACL. On
input to the gpfs_getacl() subroutine, set this field to zero.
acl_type On input to the gpfs_getacl() subroutine, set this field to either
is requested. These constants are defined in the gpfs.h header file.
acl_var_data This field signifies the beginning of the remainder of the ACL information.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_open_inodescan() – Opens an inode scan of a file system or snapshot.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
gpfs_iscan_t *gpfs_open_inodescan
(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *prev_fssnapId,
gpfs_ino_t *maxIno);
The gpfs_open_inodescan() subroutine opens a scan of the inodes in the file system or snapshot
identified by the fssnapHandle parameter. The scan traverses all user files, directories and links in the file
system or snapshot. The scan begins with the user file with the lowest inode number and returns the files
in increasing order. The gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine may be used to set the scan position to an
arbitrary inode. System files, such as the block allocation maps, are omitted from the scan. The file system
must be mounted to open an inode scan.
For an overview of using gpfs_open_inodescan() in a backup application, see “Using APIs to develop
backup applications” on page 24.
To generate a full backup, invoke gpfs_open_inodescan() with NULL for the prev_fssnapId parameter.
Repeated invocations of gpfs_next_inode() then return inode information about all existing user files,
directories and links, in inode number order.
To generate an incremental backup, invoke gpfs_open_inodescan() with the fssnapId that was obtained
from a fssnapHandle at the time the previous backup was created. The snapshot that was used for the
previous backup does not need to exist at the time the incremental backup is generated. That is, the
backup application needs to remember only the fssnapId of the previous backup; the snapshot itself can
be deleted as soon as the backup is completed.
For the incremental backup, any operation that changes the file’s mtime or ctime causes the file to be
included. Files with no changes to the file’s data or file attributes, other than a change to atime, are
omitted from the scan.
A full inode scan (prev_fssnapId set to NULL) does not return any inodes of nonexistent or deleted files,
but an incremental inode scan (prev_fssnapId not NULL) does return inodes for files that have been
deleted since the previous snapshot. The inodes of deleted files have a link count of zero.
If the snapshot indicated by prev_fssnapId is available, the caller may benefit from the extended read
subroutine, gpfs_ireadx(), which returns only the changed blocks within the files. Without the previous
snapshot, all blocks within the changed files are returned.
Once a full or incremental backup completes, the new_fssnapId must be saved in order to reuse it on a
subsequent incremental backup. This fssnapId must be provided to the gpfs_open_inodescan()
subroutine, as the prev_fssnapId input parameter.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fssnapHandle File system snapshot handle.
Pointer to file system snapshot ID or NULL. If prev_fssnapId is provided, the inode scan
returns only the files that have changed since the previous backup. If the pointer is NULL,
the inode scan returns all user files.
maxIno Pointer to inode number or NULL. If provided, gpfs_open_inodescan() returns the
maximum inode number in the file system or snapshot being scanned.
Exit status
If the gpfs_open_inodescan() subroutine is successful, it returns a pointer to an inode scan handle.
If the gpfs_open_inodescan() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a NULL pointer and the global error
variable errno is set to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EDOM The file system snapshot ID passed for prev_fssnapId is from a different file system.
EINVAL Incorrect parameters.
ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for request.
ENOSYS The gpfs_open_inodescan() subroutine is not available.
EPERM The caller does not have superuser privileges.
ERANGE The prev_fssnapId parameter is the same as or more recent than snapId being scanned.
ESTALE Cached file system information was not valid.
The file system snapshot handle is not valid.
The file system snapshot ID passed for prev_fssnapId is not valid.
For an example using gpfs_open_inodescan(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsbackup.C.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_prealloc() – Pre-allocates disk storage for a GPFS file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_prealloc(int fileDesc, offset_t StartOffset,
offset_t BytesToPrealloc)
The gpfs_prealloc() subroutine is used to preallocate disk storage for a file that has already been opened,
prior to writing data to the file. The pre-allocated disk storage is started at the requested offset,
StartOffset, and covers at least the number of bytes requested, BytesToPrealloc. Allocations are rounded
to GPFS sub-block boundaries.
Pre-allocating disk space for a file provides an efficient method for allocating storage without having to
write any data. This can result in faster I/O compared to a file which gains disk space incrementally as it
Existing data in the file is not modified. Reading any of the pre-allocated blocks returns zeroes.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
fileDesc An integer specifying the file descriptor returned by open().
The file designated for preallocation must be opened for writing.
StartOffset The byte offset into the file at which to begin pre-allocation.
BytesToPrealloc The number of bytes to be pre-allocated.
Exit status
If the gpfs_prealloc() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_prealloc() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error. If errno is set to one of the following, some storage may have
been pre-allocated:
The only way to tell how much space was actually pre-allocated is to invoke the stat() subroutine and
compare the reported file size and number of blocks used with their values prior to preallocation.
Error status
EACCES The file is not opened for writing.
EBADF The file descriptor is not valid.
EDQUOT A disk quota has been exceeded
EFBIG The file has become too large for the file system or has exceeded the file size as defined
by the user’s ulimit value.
EINVAL The file descriptor does not refer to a GPFS file or a regular file; a negative value was
specified for StartOffset or BytesToPrealloc.
ENOTREADY The file system on which the file resides has become unavailable.
ENOSPC The file system has run out of disk space.
ENOSYS The gpfs_prealloc() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <gpfs.h>
int rc;
int fileHandle = -1;
char* fileNameP = "datafile";
offset_t startOffset = 0;
offset_t bytesToAllocate = 20*1024*1024; /* 20 MB */
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_putacl() – Restores the access control information for a GPFS file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_putacl(char *pathname, int flags, void *aclP)
The gpfs_putacl() subroutine together with the gpfs_getacl() subroutine is intended for use by a backup
program to save (gpfs_getacl()) and restore (gpfs_putacl()) the ACL information for the file.
1. The use of gpfs_fgetattrs() and gpfs_fputattrs() is preferred.
2. You must have write access to the file.
3. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
pathname Path name of the file for which the ACLs is to be set.
flags Consists of one of these values:
0 Indicates that the aclP parameter is to be mapped with the
gpfs_opaque_acl_t struct.
The gpfs_opaque_acl_t struct should be used by backup and restore
Indicates that the aclP parameter is to be mapped with the gpfs_acl_t
The gpfs_acl_t struct is provided for applications that need to change the
aclP Pointer to a buffer mapped by the structure gpfs_opaque_acl_t or gpfs_acl_t, depending
on the value of flags.
This is where the ACL data is stored, and should be the result of a previous invocation of
Exit status
If the gpfs_putacl() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_putacl() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_putacl() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_quotactl() – Manipulates disk quotas on file systems.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_quotactl(char *pathname, int cmd, int id, void *bufferP);
The gpfs_quotactl() subroutine manipulates disk quotas. It enables, disables, and manipulates disk
quotas for file systems on which quotas have been enabled.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
pathname Specifies the path name of any file within the mounted file system to which the quota
control command is to applied.
cmd Specifies the quota control command to be applied and whether it is applied to a user,
group, or fileset quota.
The cmd parameter can be constructed through use of the QCMD(qcmd, Type) contained
in gpfs.h. The qcmd parameter specifies the quota control command. The Type
parameter specifies one of the following quota types:
The valid values for the qcmd parameter specified in gpfs.h are:
Q_QUOTAON Enables quotas.
Enables disk quotas for the file system specified by the
pathname parameter and type specified in Type. The id
and bufferP parameters are unused. Root user authority
is required to enable quotas.
Q_QUOTAOFF Disables quotas.
Disables disk quotas for the file system specified by the
pathname parameter and type specified in Type. The id
and bufferP parameters are unused. Root user authority
is required to disable quotas.
Q_GETQUOTA Gets quota limits and usage information.
Retrieves quota limits and current usage for a user, group,
or fileset specified by the id parameter. The bufferP
Exit status
If the gpfs_quotactl() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_quotactl() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EACCES Search permission is denied for a component of a path prefix.
EFAULT An invalid bufferP parameter is supplied. The associated structure could not be copied in
or out of the kernel.
EINVAL One of the following errors:
v The file system is not mounted.
v Invalid command or quota type.
v Invalid input limits: negative limits or soft limits are greater than hard limits.
ENOENT No such file or directory.
EPERM The quota control command is privileged and the caller did not have root user authority.
The file system does not support quotas. This is the actual errno generated by GPFS.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_quotaInfo_t – Contains buffer mapping for the gpfs_quotactl() subroutine.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct gpfs_quotaInfo
gpfs_off64_t blockUsage; /* current block count */
gpfs_off64_t blockHardLimit; /* absolute limit on disk blks alloc */
gpfs_off64_t blockSoftLimit; /* preferred limit on disk blks */
gpfs_off64_t blockInDoubt; /* distributed shares + "lost" usage for blks */
int inodeUsage; /* current # allocated inodes */
int inodeHardLimit; /* absolute limit on allocated inodes */
int inodeSoftLimit; /* preferred inode limit */
int inodeInDoubt; /* distributed shares + "lost" usage for inodes */
gpfs_uid_t quoId; /* uid, gid or fileset id
int entryType; /* entry type, not used */
unsigned int blockGraceTime; /* time limit for excessive disk use */
unsigned int inodeGraceTime; /* time limit for excessive inode use */
} gpfs_quotaInfo_t;
The gpfs_quotaInfo_t structure contains detailed information for the gpfs_quotactl() subroutine.
blockUsage Current block count in 1 KB units.
blockHardLimit Absolute limit on disk block allocation.
blockSoftLimit Preferred limit on disk block allocation.
blockInDoubt Distributed shares and block usage that have not been not accounted for.
inodeUsage Current number of allocated inodes.
inodeHardLimit Absolute limit on allocated inodes.
inodeSoftLimit Preferred inode limit.
inodeInDoubt Distributed inode share and inode usage that have not been accounted
quoId user ID, group ID, or fileset ID.
entryType Not used
blockGraceTime Time limit (in seconds since the Epoch) for excessive disk use.
inodeGraceTime Time limit (in seconds since the Epoch) for excessive inode use.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_seek_inode() - Advances an inode scan to the specified inode number.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_seek_inode(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
gpfs_ino_t ino);
The gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine advances an inode scan to the specified inode number.
The gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine is used to start an inode scan at some place other than the beginning
of the inode file. This is useful to restart a partially completed backup or an interrupted dump transfer to a
mirror. It could also be used to do an inode scan in parallel from multiple nodes, by partitioning the inode
number space into separate ranges for each participating node. The maximum inode number is returned
when the scan was opened and each invocation to obtain the next inode specifies a termination inode
number to avoid returning the same inode more than once.
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
iscan Pointer to the inode scan handle.
ino The next inode number to be scanned.
Exit status
If the gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error
variable errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
ENOSYS The gpfs_seek_inode() subroutine is not available.
Incorrect parameters.
For an example using gpfs_seek_inode(), see /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/util/tsinode.c.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfs_stat() – Returns exact file status for a GPFS file.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
#include <gpfs.h>
int gpfs_stat(char *pathName, struct stat64 *Buffer)
The gpfs_stat() subroutine is used to obtain exact information about the file named by the pathName
parameter. This subroutine is provided as an alternative to the stat() subroutine, which may not provide
exact mtime and atime values. See “Exceptions to Open Group technical standards” on page 371.
read, write, or execute permission for the named file is not required, but all directories listed in the path
leading to the file must be searchable. The file information is written to the area specified by the Buffer
1. Compile any program that uses this subroutine with the -lgpfs flag from the following library:
v libgpfs.a for AIX
v for Linux
pathName The path identifying the file for which exact status information is requested.
Buffer A pointer to the stat64 structure in which the information is returned. The stat64 structure
is described in the sys/stat.h file.
Exit status
If the gpfs_stat() subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0.
If the gpfs_stat() subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns a value of -1 and sets the global error variable
errno to indicate the nature of the error.
Error status
EBADF The path name is not valid.
EINVAL The path name does not refer to a GPFS file or a regular file.
ENOSYS The gpfs_stat() subroutine is not supported under the current file system format.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsAccessRange_t – Declares an access range within a file for an application.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
offset_t start;
offset_t length;
int isWrite;
char padding[4];
} gpfsAccessRange_t;
The gpfsAccessRange_t structure declares an access range within a file for an application.
The application accesses file offsets within the given range, and does not access offsets outside the
range. Violating this hint may produce worse performance than if no hint was specified.
This hint is useful in situations where a file is partitioned coarsely among several nodes. If the ranges do
not overlap, each node can specify which range of the file it accesses. This provides a performance
improvement in some cases, such as for sequential writing within a range.
structLen Length of the gpfsAccessRange_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_ACCESS_RANGE.
start The start of the access range offset, in bytes, from beginning of file.
length Length of the access range.
0 indicates to end of file.
isWrite 0 indicates read access.
1 indicates write access.
padding[4] Provided to make the length of the gpfsAccessRange_t structure a multiple of 8 bytes in
length. There is no need to initialize this field.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsCancelHints_t – Indicates to remove any hints against the open file handle.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsCancelHints_t;
The gpfsCancelHints_t structure indicates to remove any hints against the open file handle.
GPFS removes any hints that may have been issued against this open file handle:
v The hint status of the file is restored to what it would have been immediately after being opened, but
does not affect the contents of the GPFS file cache. Cancelling an earlier hint that resulted in data
being removed from the GPFS file cache does not bring that data back into the cache. Data reenters
the cache only upon access by the application or by user-driven or automatic prefetching.
v Only the GPFS_MULTIPLE_ACCESS_RANGE hint has a state that might be removed by the
Note: This directive cancels only the effect of other hints, not other directives.
structLen Length of the gpfsCancelHints_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_CANCEL_HINTS.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsClearFileCache_t – Indicates file access in the near future is not expected.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsClearFileCache_t;
The gpfsClearFileCache_t structure indicates file access in the near future is not expected.
The application does not expect to make any further accesses to the file in the near future, so GPFS
removes any data or metadata pertaining to the file from its cache.
Multiple node applications that have finished one phase of their computation may want to use this hint
before the file is accessed in a conflicting mode from another node in a later phase. The potential
performance benefit is that GPFS can avoid later synchronous cache consistency operations.
structLen Length of the gpfsClearFileCache_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_CLEAR_FILE_CACHE.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsDataShipMap_t – Indicates which agent nodes are to be used for data shipping.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
int partitionSize;
int agentCount;
int agentNodeNumber[GPFS_MAX_DS_AGENT_NODES]
} gpfsDataShipMap_t;
The gpfsDataShipMap_t structure indicates which agent nodes are to be used for data shipping.
The value for partitionSize must be a multiple of the number of bytes in a single file system block.
structLen Length of the gpfsDataShipMap_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_DATA_SHIP_MAP.
Error status
EINVAL Not all participating threads have provided the same agent mapping.
ENOMEM The available data space in memory is not large enough to allocate the data structures
necessary to run in data shipping mode.
EPERM An attempt to open a file in data shipping mode that is already open in write mode by
some thread that did not issue the GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directive.
ESTALE A node in the data shipping collective has gone down.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsDataShipStart_t – Initiates data shipping mode.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
int numInstances;
int reserved;
} gpfsDataShipStart_t;
The gpfsDataShipStart_t structure initiates data shipping mode.
Once all participating threads have issued this directive for a file, GPFS enters a mode where it logically
partitions the blocks of the file among a group of agent nodes. The agents are those nodes on which one
or more threads have issued the GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directive. Each thread that has issued a
GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directive and the associated agent nodes are referred to as the data shipping
flag before initiating data shipping, one of the participating nodes is chosen as the agent to which all
appends are shipped. The aggregate performance of all the appending nodes is limited to the
throughput of a single node in this case, but should still exceed what the performance would have been
for appending small records without using data shipping.
structLen Length of the gpfsDataShipStart_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START
numInstances The number of open file instances, on all nodes, collaborating to operate
on the file.
reserved This field is currently not used.
For compatibility with future versions of GPFS, set this field to zero.
Since GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directives block their invoking threads until all participants respond
accordingly, there needs to be a way to recover if the application program uses the wrong value for
numInstances or one of the participating nodes crashes before issuing its GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START
directive. While a gpfs_fcntl() subroutine is blocked waiting for other threads, the subroutine can be
interrupted by any signal. If a signal is delivered to any of the waiting subroutines, all waiting subroutine on
every node are interrupted and return EINTR. GPFS does not establish data shipping if such a signal
It is the responsibility of the application to mask off any signals that might normally occur while waiting for
another node in the data shipping collective. Several libraries use SIGALRM; the thread that makes the
gpfs_fcntl() invocation should use sigthreadmask to mask off delivery of this signal while inside the
Error status
EINTR A signal was delivered to a blocked gpfs_fcntl() subroutine. All waiting subroutines, on
every node, are interrupted.
EINVAL The file mode has been changed since the file was opened to include or exclude
The value of numInstances is inconsistent with the value issued by other threads
intending to access the file.
An attempt has been made to issue a GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directive on a file that
is already in use in data shipping mode by other clients.
ENOMEM The available data space in memory is not large enough to allocate the data structures
necessary to establish and/or run in data shipping mode.
EPERM An attempt has been made to open a file in data shipping mode that is already open in
write mode by some thread that did not issue the GPFS_DATA_SHIP_START directive.
GPFS does not initiate data shipping.
ESTALE A node in the data shipping collective has gone down.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsDataShipStop_t – Takes a file out of data shipping mode.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsDataShipStop_t;
The gpfsDataShipStop_t structure takes a file out of data shipping mode.
structLen Length of the gpfsDataShipStop_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_DATA_SHIP_STOP.
Error status
EIO An error occurred while flushing dirty data.
EINTR A signal was delivered to a blocked gpfs_fcntl() subroutine. All waiting subroutines, on
every node, are interrupted.
EINVAL An attempt has been made to issue the GPFS_DATA_SHIP_STOP directive from a node
or thread that is not part of this data shipping collective.
An attempt has been made to issue the GPFS_DATA_SHIP_STOP directive on a file that
is not in data shipping mode.
ESTALE A node in the data shipping collective has gone down.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsFcntlHeader_t – Contains declaration information for the gpfs_fcntl() subroutine.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int totalLength;
int fcntlVersion;
int errorOffset;
int fcntlReserved;
} gpfsFcntlHeader_t;
The gpfsFcntlHeader_t structure contains size, version, and error information for the gpfs_fcntl()
totalLength This field must be set to the total length, in bytes, of the data structure
being passed in this subroutine. This includes the length of the header and
all hints and directives that follow the header.
The total size of the data structure cannot exceed the value of
GPFS_MAX_FCNTL_LENGTH, as defined in the header file gpfs_fcntl.h.
The current value of GPFS_MAX_FCNTL_LENGTH is 64 KB.
fcntlVersion This field must be set to the current version number of the gpfs_fcntl()
subroutine, as defined by GPFS_FCNTL_CURRENT_VERSION in the
header file gpfs_fcntl.h. The current version number is one.
errorOffset If an error occurs processing a system call, GPFS sets this field to the
offset within the parameter area where the error was detected.
For example,
1. An incorrect version number in the header, would cause errorOffset to
be set to zero.
2. An error in the first hint following the header would set errorOffset to
If no errors are found, GPFS does not alter this field.
fcntlReserved This field is currently unused.
For compatibility with future versions of GPFS, set this field to zero.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsFreeRange_t – Undeclares an access range within a file for an application.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
offset_t start;
offset_t length;
} gpfsFreeRange_t;
The gpfsFreeRange_t structure undeclares an access range within a file for an application.
The application no longer accesses file offsets within the given range. GPFS flushes the data at the file
offsets and removes it from the cache.
Multiple node applications that have finished one phase of their computation may want to use this hint
before the file is accessed in a conflicting mode from another node in a later phase. The potential
performance benefit is that GPFS can avoid later synchronous cache consistency operations.
structLen Length of the gpfsFreeRange_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FREE_RANGE.
start The start of the access range offset, in bytes, from beginning of file.
length Length of the access range.
Zero indicates to end of file.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsGetFilesetName_t – Obtains a file’s fileset name.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsGetFilesetName_t
The gpfsGetFilesetName_t structure is used to obtain a file’s fileset name.
structLen Length of the gpfsGetFilesetName_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_GET_FILESETNAME.
buffer The size of the buffer may vary, but must be a multiple of eight. Upon successful
completion of the call, the buffer contains a null-terminated character string for the name
of the requested object.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsGetReplication_t – Obtains a file’s replication factors.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
int metadataReplicas;
int maxMetadataReplicas;
int dataReplicas;
int maxDataReplicas;
int status;
int reserved;
} gpfsGetReplication_t
The gpfsGetReplication_t structure is used to obtain a file’s replication factors.
structLen Length of the gpfsGetReplication_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_GET_REPLICATION.
metadataReplicas Returns the current number of copies of indirect blocks for the file.
maxMetadataReplicas Returns the maximum number of copies of indirect blocks for a file.
dataReplicas Returns the current number of copies of the data blocks for a file.
maxDataReplicas Returns the maximum number of copies of data blocks for a file.
status Returns the status of the file. Status values defined below.
reserved Unused, but should be set to 0.
Error status
These values are returned in the status field:
This file may have some data where the only replicas are on suspended disks; implies some data may
be lost if suspended disks are removed.
This file may not be properly replicated; that is, some data may have fewer or more than the desired
number of replicas, or some replicas may be on suspended disks.
This file may not be properly balanced.
This file has stale data blocks on at least one of the disks that are marked as unavailable or recovering
in the stripe group descriptor.
This file has stale indirect blocks on at least one unavailable or recovering disk.
This file may not be properly placed; that is, some data may be stored in an incorrect storage pool.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsGetSnapshotName_t – Obtains a file’s snapshot name.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsGetSnapshotName_t
The gpfsGetSnapshotName_t structure is used to obtain a file’s snapshot name. If the file is not part of a
snapshot, a zero length snapshot name will be returned.
structLen Length of the gpfsGetSnapshotName_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_GET_SNAPSHOTNAME.
buffer The size of the buffer may vary, but must be a multiple of eight. Upon successful
completion of the call, the buffer contains a null-terminated character string for the name
of the requested object.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsGetStoragePool_t – Obtains a file’s storage pool name.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
} gpfsGetStoragePool_t
The gpfsGetStoragePool_t structure is used to obtain a file’s storage pool name.
structLen Length of the gpfsGetStoragePool_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_GET_STORAGEPOOL.
buffer The size of the buffer may vary, but must be a multiple of eight. Upon successful
completion of the call, the buffer contains a null-terminated character string for the name
of the requested object.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t – Defines prefetching and write-behind file access for an application.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct
offset_t blockNumber; /* data block number to access */
int start; /*start of range (from beginning of block)*/
int length; /* number of bytes in range */
int isWrite; /* 0 - READ access 1 - WRITE access */
char padding[4];
} gpfsRangeArray_t;
typedef struct
int structLen;
int structType;
int accRangeCnt;
int relRangeCnt;
gpfsRangeArray_t accRangeArray[GPFS_MAX_RANGE_COUNT];
gpfsRangeArray_t relRangeArray[GPFS_MAX_RANGE_COUNT];
} gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t;
The gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t structure defines prefetching and write-behind access where the
application will soon access the portions of the blocks specified in accRangeArray and has finished
accessing the ranges listed in relRangeArray. The size of a block is returned in the st_blksize field of the
stat command, so the offset, OFF, of a file is in the block, OFF/st_blksize.
v Up to GPFS_MAX_RANGE_COUNT, as defined in the header file gpfs_fcntl.h, blocks may be given in
one multiple access range hint. The current value of GPFS_MAX_RANGE_COUNT is eight. Depending
on the current load, GPFS may initiate prefetching of some or all of the blocks.
v Each range named in accRangeArray that is accepted for prefetching, should eventually be released
with an identical entry in relRangeArray, or else GPFS will stop prefetching blocks for this file.
Note: Naming a subrange of a block in relRangeArray that does not exactly match a past entry in
accRangeArray has no effect, and does not produce an error.
v Applications that make random accesses or regular patterns not recognized by GPFS may benefit from
using this hint.
GPFS already recognizes sequential and strided file access patterns. Applications that use such
patterns should not need to use this hint, as GPFS automatically recognizes the pattern and performs
prefetching and write-behind accordingly. In fact, using the multiple access range hint in programs
having a sequential or strided access pattern may degrade performance due to the extra overhead to
process the hints.
Notice that the units of prefetch and release are file blocks, not file offsets. If the application intends to
make several accesses to the same block, it will generally get better performance by including the entire
range to be accessed in the GPFS_MULTIPLE_ACCESS_RANGE hint before actually doing a read or
structLen Length of the gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_MULTIPLE_ACCESS_RANGE.
accRangeCnt On input, the number of ranges in accRangeArray.
On output, the number of processed ranges, the first n, of the given
relRangeCnt The number of ranges in relRangeArray.
accRangeArray The ranges of blocks that the application will soon access.
relRangeArray The ranges of blocks that the application has finished accessing.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsRestripeData_t – Restripes a file’s data blocks.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
int options;
int reserved;
} gpfsRestripeData_t
The gpfsRestripeData_t structure is used to restripe a file’s data blocks to updates its replication and
migrate its data. The data movement is always done immediately.
structLen Length of the gpfsRestripeData_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_RESTRIPE_DATA.
options Options for restripe command. See mmrestripefs command for complete definitions.
GPFS_FCNTL_RESTRIPE_M Migrate critical data off of suspended disks.
GPFS_FCNTL_RESTRIPE_R Replicate data against subsequent failure.
GPFS_FCNTL_RESTRIPE_P Place file data in assigned storage pool.
GPFS_FCNTL_RESTRIPE_B Rebalance file data.
reserved Must be set to 0.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
gpfsSetReplication_t – Sets a file’s replication factors.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
int metadataReplicas;
int maxMetadataReplicas;
int dataReplicas;
int maxDataReplicas;
int errReason;
int errValue1;
int errValue2;
int reserved;
} gpfsSetReplication_t
The gpfsGetReplication_t structure is used to set a file’s replication factors. However, the directive does
not cause the file to be restriped immediately. Instead, the caller must append a gpfsRestripeData_t
directive or invoke an explicit restripe using the mmrestripefs or mmrestripefile command.
structLen Length of the gpfsSetReplication_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_SET_REPLICATION.
Specifies how many copies of the file system’s metadata to create. Enter a value of 1 or 2,
but not greater than the value of the maxMetadataReplicas attribute of the file. A value of
0 indicates not to change the current value.
The maximum number of copies of indirect blocks for a file. Space is reserved in the inode
for all possible copies of pointers to indirect blocks. Valid values are 1 and 2, but cannot
be less than DefaultMetadataReplicas. The default is 1. A value of 0 indicates not to
change the current value.
dataReplicas Specifies how many copies of the file data to create. Enter a value of 1 or 2, but not
greater than the value of the maxDataReplicas attribute of the file. A value of 0 indicates
not to change the currant value.
The maximum number of copies of data blocks for a file. Space is reserved in the inode
and indirect blocks for all possible copies of pointers to data blocks. Valid values are 1 and
2 but cannot be less than DefaultDataReplicas. The default is 1. A value of 0 indicates
not to change the current value.
errReason Returned reason for request failure. Defined below.
errValue1 Returned value depending upon errReason.
errValue2 Returned value depending upon errReason.
Error status
These values are returned in the errReason field:
Command was successful or no reason information was returned.
Field metadataReplicas is out of range. Fields errValue1 and errValue2 contain the valid lower and
upper range boundaries.
Field maxMetadataReplicas is out of range. Fields errValue1 and errValue2 contain the valid lower
and upper range boundaries.
Field dataReplicas is out of range. Fields errValue1 and errValue2 contain the valid lower and upper
range boundaries.
Field maxDataReplicas is out of range. Fields errValue1 and errValue2 contain the valid lower and
upper range boundaries.
An attempt to change maxMetadataReplicas or maxDataReplicas or both was made on a file that is
not empty.
Field metadataReplicas, or dataReplicas, or both exceed the number of failure groups. Field
errValue1 contains the maximum number of metadata failure groups. Field errValue2 contains the
maximum number of data failure groups.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux.
gpfsSetStoragePool_t – Sets a file’s assigned storage pool.
GPFS Library (libgpfs.a for AIX, for Linux)
typedef struct {
int structLen;
int structType;
int errReason;
int errValue1;
int errValue2;
int reserved;
} gpfsSetStoragePool_t
The gpfsSetStoragePool_t structure is used to set a file’s assigned storage pool. However, the directive
does not cause the file data to be migrated immediately. Instead, the caller must append a
gpfsRestripeData_t directive or invoke an explicit restripe with the mmrestripefs or mmrestripefile
command. The caller must have su or root privileges to change a storage pool assignment.
structLen Length of the gpfsSetStoragePool_t structure.
structType Structure identifier GPFS_FCNTL_SET_STORAGEPOOL.
buffer The name of the storage pool for the file’s data. Only user files may be reassigned to
different storage pool. System files, including all directories, must reside in the system pool
and may not be moved. The size of the buffer may vary, but must be a multiple of eight.
errReason Returned reason for request failure. Defined below.
errValue1 Returned value depending upon errReason.
errValue2 Returned value depending upon errReason.
reserved Unused, but should be set to 0.
Error status
These values are returned in the errReason field:
Command was successful or no reason information was returned.
Invalid storage pool name was given.
Invalid storage pool. File cannot be assigned to given pool.
/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/libgpfs.a for AIX, /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/ for Linux
mmsdrbackup – Performs a backup of the GPFS configuration data.
The /var/mmfs/etc/mmsdrbackup user exit, when properly installed on the primary GPFS configuration
server, will be asynchronously invoked every time there is a change to the GPFS master configuration file.
This user exit can be used to create a backup of the GPFS configuration data.
The generation number of the most recent version of the GPFS configuration data.
Exit status
The mmsdrbackup user exit should always returns a value of zero.
nsddevices – Identifies local physical devices that are used as GPFS Network Shared Disks (NSDs).
The /var/mmfs/etc/nsddevices user exit, when properly installed, is invoked synchronously by the GPFS
daemon during its disk discovery processing. The purpose of this procedure is to discover and verify the
physical devices on each node that correspond to the disks previously defined to GPFS with the mmcrnsd
command. The nsddevices user exit can be used to either replace or to supplement the disk discovery
procedure of the GPFS daemon.
Exit status
The nsddevices user exit should return either zero or one.
When the nsddevices user exit returns a value of zero, the GPFS disk discovery procedure is bypassed.
When the nsddevices user exit returns a value of one, the GPFS disk discovery procedure is performed
and the results are concatenated with the results from the nsddevices user exit.
syncfsconfig – Keeps file system configuration data in replicated clusters synchronized.
The /var/mmfs/etc/syncfsconfig user exit, when properly installed, will be synchronously invoked after
each command that may change the configuration of a file system. Examples of such commands are:
mmadddisk, mmdeldisk, mmchfs, and so forth. The syncfsconfig user exit can be used to keep the file
system configuration data in replicated GPFS clusters automatically synchronized.
Exit status
The syncfsconfig user exit should always returns a value of zero.
Applications that depend on exact reporting of changes to the following fields returned by the stat() call
may not work as expected:
1. exact mtime
2. mtime
3. ctime
4. atime
Providing exact support for these fields would require significant performance degradation to all
applications executing on the system. These fields are guaranteed accurate when the file is closed.
These values will be accurate on a node right after it accesses or modifies a file, but may not be accurate
for a short while when a file is accessed or modified on some other node.
If ’exact mtime’ is specified for a file system (using the mmcrfs or mmchfs commands with the -E yes
flag), the mtime and ctime values are always correct by the time the stat() call gives its answer. If ’exact
mtime’ is not specified, these values will be accurate after a couple of minutes, to allow the
synchronization daemons to propagate the values to all nodes. Regardless of whether ’exact mtime’ is
specified, the atime value will be accurate after a couple of minutes, to allow for all the synchronization
daemons to propagate changes.
Alternatively, you may use the GPFS calls, gpfs_stat() and gpfs_fstat() to return exact mtime and atime
The delayed update of the information returned by the stat() call also impacts system commands which
display disk usage, such as du or df. The data reported by such commands may not reflect changes that
have occurred since the last sync of the file system. For a parallel file system, a sync does not occur until
all nodes have individually synchronized their data. On a system with no activity, the correct values will be
displayed after the sync daemon has run on all nodes.
This constant is in the gpfs.h file, with the name GPFS_SUPER_MAGIC. If an application includes
gpfs.h, it can compare f_type to GPFS_SUPER_MAGIC to determine if the file system is controlled by
For more information about GPFS ACLs and NFS export, see Managing GPFS access control lists and
NFS export in General Parallel File System: Administration and Programming Reference.
The file system version number is assigned when the file system is first created, and is updated to the
latest supported level after the file system is migrated using the mmchfs -V command.
The format version number for a file system can be displayed with the mmlsfs -V command. The output
shows the current version of the file system and the highest version supported by the installed GPFS
code. If a file system was created with an older GPFS release, new functionality that requires different
on-disk data structures will not be enabled until you run the mmchfs -V command.
Once the mmchfs -V command has been issued against a file system, any attempt to mount a migrated
file system on a node with an earlier level of GPFS will be rejected with an error.
The current highest file system format version is 9.03. This is the version that is assigned to file systems
created with GPFS 3.1. The same version number will be assigned to older file systems after you run the
mmchfs -V command.
If your current file system is at format level 8.00 (GPFS 2.3), after running mmchfs -V, the file system will
be able to support:
v Storage pools
v Filesets
v Fileset quotas
If your current file system is at format level 7.00 (GPFS 2.2), after running mmchfs -V, the file system will
be able to support all of the above, plus:
v NFS V4 Access Control Lists
v New format for the internal allocation summary files
If your current file system is at format level 6.00 (GPFS 2.1), after running mmchfs -V, the file system will
be able to support all of the above, plus:
v Extended access control list entries -rwxc access mode bits
v File access through IBM Tivoli SANergy
The functionality described in this Appendix is only a subset of the functional changes introduced with the
different GPFS releases. Functional changes that do not require changing the on-disk data structures are
not listed here. Such changes are immediately available when the new level of code is installed, and do
not require running the mmchfs -V command. For a complete list, see “Summary of changes” on page xiii.
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Notices 377
378 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
This glossary defines technical terms and supplied to the mmcrfs command must be in the form
abbreviations used in GPFS documentation. If you (second, third and sixth fields reserved):
do not find the term you are looking for, refer to DiskName:::DiskUsage:FailureGroup::StoragePool
the index of the appropriate book or view the IBM
Glossary of Computing Terms, located on the Each descriptor supplied to the mmcrnsd command
Internet at: must be in the form:
B DiskName
The block device name appearing in /dev for
backup NSD server. A node designated to perform
the disk you want to define as an NSD.
NSD disk access functions in the event that the primary
Examples of disks accessible through a block
NSD server fails.
device are SAN-attached disks or virtual
block utilization. The measurement of the percentage shared disks. If a PrimaryServer node is
of used subblocks per allocated blocks. specified, DiskName must be the /dev name
for the disk device on the primary NSD server
node. Use the GPFS FAQ link at
cluster. A loosely-coupled collection of independent library.html for the latest supported disk types.
systems (nodes) organized into a network for the
purpose of sharing resources and communicating with Note that GPFS provides some helper
each other. (See also “GPFS cluster” on page 381). commands to ease configuration of /dev disk
devices. For instance the mmcrvsd command
cluster configuration data files. The configuration can configure a virtual shared disk and make it
data that is stored on the cluster configuration servers. accessible to nodes connected over a high
performance switch. The output disk descriptor
configuration manager. The node that selects file file from an mmcrvsd command can be used
system managers and determines whether quorum as input to the mmcrnsd command since the
exists. The oldest continuously operating node in the file virtual shared disk names enumerated in that
system group is automatically assigned as the file will appear as /dev block devices on switch
configuration manager. attached nodes.
IBM Virtual Shared Disk. The subsystem that allows Network File System (NFS). A protocol, developed by
application programs running on different nodes access Sun Microsystems, Incorporated, that allows any host in
a raw logical volume as if it were local to each node. In a network to gain access to another host or netgroup
actuality, the logical volume is local to only one of the and their file directories.
nodes (the server node).
Network Shared Disk (NSD). A component for
inode. The internal structure that describes the cluster-wide disk naming and access. All disks utilized
individual files in the file system. There is one inode for by GPFS must first be given a cluster-wide NSD name.
each file.
NSD volume ID. A unique 16 digit hex number that is
used to identify and access all NSDs.
node. An individual operating-system image within a
journaled file system (JFS). A technology designed cluster. Depending on the way in which the computer
for high-throughput server environments, key to running system is partitioned, it may contain one or more nodes.
intranet and other high-performance e-business file
servers. node descriptor. A node descriptor defines how a
node is to be used within GPFS.
Each node descriptor for a GPFS cluster must be in the
A special directory entry that connects a name in a form:
directory of one fileset to the root directory of another NodeName:NodeDesignations:AdminNodeName
The hostname or IP address of the node.
logical volume. A collection of physical partitions An optional, ’-’ separated list of node roles.
organized into logical partitions all contained in a single
Glossary 381
v manager | client – Indicates whether a primary GPFS cluster configuration server. In a
node is part of the pool of nodes from which GPFS cluster, the node chosen to maintain the GPFS
configuration and file system managers are cluster configuration data.
selected. The special functions of the file
system manager consume extra processing primary NSD server. A node designated to perform
time. The default is to not have the node NSD disk access functions. Nodes not directly attached
included in the pool. to a disk access it using the primary NSD server.
In general, small systems do not need private IP address. A IP address used to
multiple nodes dedicated for the file system communicate on a private network.
manager. However, if you are running large
parallel jobs, threads scheduled to a node public IP address. A IP address used to communicate
performing these functions may run slower. on a public network.
As a guide, in a large system there should
be one file system manager node for each
file system. Q
v quorum | nonquorum – This designation
quorum node. A node in the cluster that is counted to
specifies whether or not the node should be
determine whether a quorum exists.
included in the pool of nodes from which
quorum is derived. quota. The amount of disk space and number of
AdminNodeName inodes assigned as upper limits for a specified user,
An optional field that consists of a node name group of users, or fileset.
to be used by the administration commands to
quota management. The allocation of disk blocks to
communicate between nodes. If
the other nodes writing to the file system and
AdminNodeName is not specified, the
comparison of the allocated space to quota limits at
NodeName value is used.
regular intervals.
node number. The node number is generated and
maintained by GPFS as the cluster is created and as R
nodes are added to or deleted from the cluster.
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID). A
node quorum. The minimum number of nodes that
collection of two or more disk physical drives that
must be running in order for the daemon to start.
present to the host an image of one or more logical disk
node quorum with tiebreaker disks. Node quorum drives. In the event of a single physical device failure,
with tiebreaker disks allows you to run with as little as the data can be read or regenerated from the other disk
one quorum node available as long as you have access drives in the array due to data redundancy.
to a majority of the quorum disks. Switching to quorum
recovery. The process of restoring access to file
with tiebreaker disks is accomplished by indicating a list
system data when a failure has occurred. Recovery can
of one or three disks to use on the tiebreakerDisks
involve reconstructing data or providing alternative
parameter on the mmchconfig command.
routing through a different server.
non-quorum node. A node in a cluster that is not
replication. The process of maintaining a defined set
counted for the purposes of quorum determination.
of data in more than one location. Replication involves
copying designated changes for one location (a source)
P to another (a target), and synchronizing the data in both
policy. A list of file-placement and service-class rules
that define characteristics and placement of files. rule. A list of conditions and actions that are triggered
Several policies can be defined within the configuration, when certain conditions are met. Conditions include
but only one policy set is active at one time. attributes about an object (file name, type or extension,
dates, owner, and groups), the requesting client, and
policy rule. A programming statement within a policy the container name associated with the object.
that defines a specific action to be preformed.
stripe group. The set of disks comprising the storage virtual node (vnode). The structure that contains
assigned to a file system. information about a file system object in an virtual file
system (VFS).
striping. A storage process in which information is
split into blocks (a fixed amount of data) and the blocks
are written to (or read from) a series of disks in parallel.
Glossary 383
384 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
This bibliography contains references for:
v GPFS publications
v Eserver Cluster 1600 publications
v AIX publications
v Tivoli publications
v Storage references
v Disaster recovery
v IBM RedBooks
v White papers
v Useful Web sites
v Non-IBM publications that discuss parallel computing and other topics related to GPFS
All IBM publications are also available from the IBM Publications Center at www.ibmcom/shop/publications/
GPFS publications
You may download, view, search, and print the supporting documentation for the GPFS program product in
the following ways:
1. In PDF format:
v On the World Wide Web at
v From the IBM Publications Center at
2. In HTML format at
3. For the latest GPFS documentation updates refer to the GPFS Information Center
To view the GPFS PDF publications, you need access to either the Adobe Acrobat Reader or the xpdf
package available with the Red Hat® Linux distribution. The Acrobat Reader is shipped with the AIX 5L
Bonus Pack and is also freely available for downloading from the Adobe web site at
Since the GPFS documentation contains cross-book links, if you choose to download the PDF files they
should all be placed in the same directory and the files should not be renamed.
To view the GPFS HTML publications, you need access to an HTML document browser.
In order to use the GPFS man pages the gpfsdocs file set must first be installed. In the General Parallel
File System: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide:
v For Linux nodes, see Installing the GPFS man pages
AIX publications
For the latest information on:
v AIX 5L Version 5.3 and related products at
Tivoli publications
v You can view or download the TSM for AIX documentation at:
v You can view or download the TSM for Linux documentation at:
v You can view or download the TSM UNIX documentation at:
– Tivoli Storage Manager for UNIX Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User’s Guide
v You can view or download the TSM message documentation at:
v You can view or download the Tivoli SANergy documentation at:
v You can view or download IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler LoadLeveler® for AIX (LoadLeveler)
documentation at
Storage references
Various references include:
v IBM System Storage and TotalStorage at
v IBM TotalStorage DS4000 series at
v IBM Subsystem Device Driver support at
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server documentation at
IBM Redbooks
IBM’s International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) has published a number of Redbooks. For a
current list, see the ITSO Web site at
White papers
A primer for GPFS for AIX 5L at
SuSE at
Myrinet at
Bibliography 387
RPM at
OpenSSH at
Non-IBM publications
Here are some non-IBM publications that you may find helpful:
v Almasi, G., Gottlieb, A., Highly Parallel Computing, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 2nd
edition, 1994.
v Foster, I., Designing and Building Parallel Programs, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
v Gropp, W., Lusk, E., Skjellum, A., Using MPI, The MIT Press, 1994.
v Message Passing Interface Forum, MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard, Version 1.1, University
of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 6, 1995.
v Message Passing Interface Forum, MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface, Version 2.0,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 18, 1997.
v Ousterhout, John K., Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994, ISBN 0-201-63337-X.
v Pfister, Gregory, F., In Search of Clusters, Prentice Hall, 1998.
v System Management: Data Storage Management (XDSM) API Common Applications Environment
(CAE) Specification C429, The Open Group, ISBN 1-85912-190-X. Available online in HTML from The
Open Group’s Web site at
Index 391
file systems (continued) filesets (continued)
creating 120 ID 313
creating snapshot 131 linking 194
deleting 15, 157 name 313
deleting disks 151 quotas 37
disk fragmentation 22 unlinking 274
displaying attributes 209 FlashCopy image 181
displaying format version 209 full backup 78, 328, 331
exporting 53, 174
exporting using NFS 52
file system manager G
displaying 212 genkey 74
format version 103 GPFS
formatting 120 stopping 265
fragmentation GPFS cache 54
querying 22 GPFS cluster
GPFS control 371 adding nodes 5
handle 291 changing the GPFS cluster configuration servers 6
importing 191 creating 3, 114
inconsistencies 176 deleting nodes 5
links to snapshots 267 displaying configuration information 3
Linux export 53 managing 3
listing mounted 214 GPFS cluster configuration data 174
management 13 GPFS cluster configuration information
migrating 103 displaying 198
mounted file system sizes 90, 122 GPFS cluster configuration server 159
mounting 226 changing 84
mounting on multiple nodes 13 primary 85
moving to another cluster 103, 174 secondary 85
mtime value 103, 209 GPFS cluster configuration servers
NFS export 54 changing 6
NFS V4 export 54 choosing 114
querying space 165 displaying 3
quotas 143 GPFS cluster data 126
rebalancing 255 GPFS commands 59
reducing fragmentation 23, 146 GPFS configuration data 368, 370
remote 73, 240, 243 GPFS daemon
repairing 16, 176, 263 starting 11, 270
restoring with snapshots 249 stopping 11, 265
restripe 63 GPFS daemon status 188
restriping 19, 255 GPFS directory entry 283
space, querying 21 GPFS file system
unmounting 265, 272 administering 1
unmounting on multiple nodes 15 GPFS file system snapshot handle 294, 295, 296,
which nodes have mounted 15 298, 299, 301, 304
FileInherit 49 free 290
files GPFS programming interfaces 277
.rhosts 64, 67, 70, 79, 86, 93, 96, 101, 105, 107, GPFS subroutines 277
110, 116, 118, 124, 128, 132, 137, 147, 152, 155, GPFS user exits 367
157, 160, 162, 164, 166, 174, 178, 183, 188, 192, gpfs_acl_t 279
194, 198, 200, 203, 207, 210, 212, 217, 224, 250, gpfs_close_inodescan() 280
253, 257, 261, 263, 266, 268, 270, 274 gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() 281
dsm.sys 23 gpfs_direntx_t 283
orphaned 176 gpfs_fcntl() 284
rebalancing 252 gpfs_fgetattrs() 287
restriping 252 gpfs_fputattrs() 288
filesets gpfs_free_fssnaphandle() 290
changing 101 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t 291
creating 118 gpfs_fssnap_id_t 292
deleting 154 gpfs_fstat() 293
displaying 206 gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() 294
Index 393
mmchattr 19, 81 mmrestripefs 20, 255
mmchcluster 6, 84 completion time 255
mmchconfig 8, 53, 54, 88 mmrpldisk 259
mmchdisk 31, 32, 94 mmsanrepairfs 263
mmcheckquota 37, 39, 98 mmshutdown 11, 265
mmchfileset 101 mmsnapdir 267, 291
mmchfs 18, 41, 54, 103 mmstartup 11, 270
mmchmgr 107 mmumount 14, 15, 272
mmchnsd 109 mmunlinkfileset 274
mmchpolicy 112 modifying file system attributes 18
mmcrcluster 3, 114 mount point directory 120
mmcrfileset 118 mounting
mmcrfs 13, 41, 48, 54, 120 file systems 13
mmcrnsd 28, 126, 259, 369, 370 mounting a file system 103
mmcrsnapshot 24, 131 an NFS exported file system 52
mmcrvsd 134 mtime 122, 331, 343, 371
mmdefedquota 139
mmdefquotaoff 141
mmdefquotaon 143 N
mmdefragfs 22, 23, 146 Network File System (NFS)
mmdelacl 48, 52, 149 cache usage 54
mmdeldisk 151, 370 exporting a GPFS file system 52
mmdelfileset 154 interoperability with GPFS 52
mmdelfs 15, 157 synchronous writes 55
mmdelnode 5, 159 unmounting a file system 55
mmdelnsd 161 Network Shared Disks (NSDs) 369
mmdelsnapshot 163 automatic creation 191
mmdf 21, 165 changing configuration attributes 33, 109
mmeditacl 48, 50, 51, 52, 168 creating 126
mmedquota 38, 171 deleting 161
mmexportfs 174 displaying 216
MMFS_FSSTRUCT 176 NFS V4 45, 103, 121
MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT 176 NFS V4 ACL 104, 122, 149, 168, 169, 185, 186, 233
mmfsck 176 GPFS exceptions 372
mmfsctl 181 special names 372
mmgetacl 47, 50, 51, 52, 185 NFS V4 protocol
mmgetstate 188 GPFS exceptions 372
mmimportfs 191 NIS automount 55
mmlinkfileset 194 node descriptor 66, 114
mmlsattr 18, 196 node designation 66, 114
mmlscluster 3, 198 node quorum 10
mmlsconfig 200 node quorum with tiebreaker 6, 8, 10
mmlsdisk 31, 202 nodes
mmlsfileset 206 adding to a cluster 66
mmlsfs 17, 54, 209 adding to a GPFS cluster 5
mmlsmgr 10, 212 assigned as file system manager 10
mmlsmount 15, 214 deleting from a cluster 159
mmlsnsd 27, 216 which have file systems mounted 15
mmlspolicy 219 notices 375
mmlsquota 40, 221 NSD failback 34
mmlssnapshot 224, 308 NSD server 34, 63, 159, 191, 255
mmmount 13, 226 NSD server nodes
mmpmon 228 changing 33, 109
mmputacl 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 233 NSD volume ID 126, 161
mmquotaoff 41, 236 nsdServerWaitTimeForMount
mmquotaon 41, 238 changing 90
mmremotecluster 240 nsdServerWaitTimeForMount attribute
mmremotefs 243 changing 8
mmrepquota 42, 246 nsdServerWaitTimeWindowOnMount
mmrestorefs 249 changing 91
mmrestripefile 252
Index 395
setting access control lists 46 subroutines
snapshot directory 302 gpfs_close_inodescan() 280
snapshot handle 291, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 301, gpfs_cmp_fssnapid() 281
304 gpfs_fcntl() 57, 284
free 290 gpfs_fgetattrs() 287
snapshot ID 291, 292, 295, 299 gpfs_fputattrs() 288
comparing 281 gpfs_free_fssnaphandle() 290
internal 308 gpfs_fstat() 293
snapshot name 296, 304 gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle() 294
snapshots gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid() 295
creating 131 gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name() 296
deleting 163 gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path() 298
directory 131 gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle() 299
displaying 224 gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle() 301
listing 224 gpfs_get_snapdirname() 302
maximum number 131 gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle() 304
partial 131 gpfs_getacl() 305
restoring a file system 249 gpfs_iclose 24
sparse file 325 gpfs_iclose() 309
standards, exceptions to 371 gpfs_igetattrs() 311
starting GPFS 11, 270 gpfs_igetfilesetname() 313
automatically 8 gpfs_igetstoragepool() 315
before starting 11 gpfs_iopen 24
stopping GPFS 11 gpfs_iopen() 317
storage gpfs_iread 24
pre-allocating 333 gpfs_iread() 319
storage pools gpfs_ireaddir 24
ID 315 gpfs_ireaddir() 321
name 315 gpfs_ireadlink() 323
Stripe Group Manager see File System Manager 391 gpfs_ireadx() 325
structures gpfs_next_inode 24
gpfs_acl_t 279 gpfs_next_inode() 328
gpfs_direntx_t 283 gpfs_open_inodescan 24
gpfs_fssnap_handle_t 291 gpfs_open_inodescan() 331
gpfs_fssnap_id_t 292 gpfs_prealloc() 333
gpfs_iattr_t 307 gpfs_putacl() 335
gpfs_ifile_t 310, 311 gpfs_quotactl() 37, 337
gpfs_iscan_t 327 gpfs_seek_inode() 341
gpfs_opaque_acl_t 330 gpfs_stat() 343
gpfs_quotaInfo_t 340 symbolic link
gpfsAccessRange_t 344 reading 323
gpfsCancelHints_t 345 syncd 165
gpfsClearFileCache_t 346 syncFSconfig 181
gpfsDataShipMap_t 347
gpfsDataShipStart_t 349
gpfsDataShipStop_t 352 T
gpfsFcntlHeader_t 353 tiebreaker disk 161
gpfsFreeRange_t 354 tiebreakerDisks
gpfsGetFilesetName_t 355 changing 8, 91
gpfsGetReplication_t 356 timeout period 265
gpfsGetSnapshotName_t 358 Tivoli SANergy 20, 22, 151, 222, 247, 252, 255, 263
gpfsGetStoragePool_t 359 defragmentation 146
gpfsMultipleAccessRange_t 360 quota check 98
gpfsRestripeData_t 362 replication 19, 82, 106, 124
gpfsSetReplication_t 363 Tivoli SANergy client 259
gpfsSetStoragePool_t 365 Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
subnets documentation 24
changing 8 setup requirements 23
subnets attribute using the mmbackup command 78
specifying 91 version 23
trademarks 376
UID domain 116
changing 8
uidDomain attribute
changing 92
filesets 274
unmounting a file system 14
NFS exported 55
on multiple nodes 15
changing 8
unmountOnDiskFail attribute
changing 92
values 14
user exits
mmsdrbackup 368
nsddevices 369
syncfsconfig 370
user quota 139, 141, 143, 172, 221, 238, 246
user space buffer 81
virtual shared disk server 135
virtual shared disks 126
creating 134
changing 8
worker1Threads attribute
changing 92
write file permission 45
Index 397
398 GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference
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