CN 327 - Book of Abstracts

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and their applications

Conference Book of

A supplement to:
The International Conference on SMRs and their Applications
Table of Contents
Abstract Statistics ...................................................................................................................... 18
Participating Member States and International Organizations: ........................................... 19
Scientific Programme................................................................................................................. 20
Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle .................................................. 27
Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1) ........................................ 28
On some safety and technology perspectives for the new nuclear reactor types .... 28
STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A SMR WITH LYAPUNOV METHODS .................................. 29
Thermo-Neutronic Integrated Coupling Effects on Nuclear Reactor Core
Calculations: Based on SMART Reactor.......................................................................... 30
Dynamic analysis of steam dump system of SMR ........................................................ 31
Neutronics Design Optimization of a Sodium Cooled Micro Modular Fast Reactor
Using OpenMC..................................................................................................................... 32
The Development status of Innovative SMR and Future Plan ...................................... 33
Thermal-Hydraulic Calculations for the New Integral Small Modular Reactor VVER-I
With Natural Circulation in Primary Circuit...................................................................... 34
REACTOR ............................................................................................................................. 36
ASSEMBLIES FOR SMALL MODULAR REACTORS ......................................................... 37
Compact Design for CVCS heat exchangers for SMR ................................................... 39
Development and Multipurpose Applications of Small Modular Sodium-cooled Fast
Reactors in Two Component Nuclear System ................................................................ 40
Heat Transfer Simulation on HTGR Pebble Bed Using ATHLET Code ........................ 41
CAREM - THE ARGENTINEAN SMR .................................................................................. 43
Parametric survey on critical core of RFBB-SS ............................................................... 44
Status of Activities on the Project of the Land-Based Small Nuclear Power Plant on
the Basis of RITM-200N Reactor Plant ............................................................................ 45
Parametric Design: Making the complex simple. ........................................................... 47
Neutronic Analysis of Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor (AP300) using OpenMC
............................................................................................................................................... 48
Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for Optimizing Temperature and Flow
Profile in a Natural Circulation Based Integrated SMR .................................................. 49
Unique nuclear heat: Blue Capsule’s singular approach to design simplification and
integration in small modular reactors .............................................................................. 50
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PHASE ......................................................................................... 51
Thorizon's cartridge core molten salt reactor................................................................. 52
Using open SMR datasets E-SMR and LDR lite for research and training purposes . 53
SMR Deployment: FOAK (First-of-a-Kind) Risks & Risk Mitigation Strategies............ 54
Italy's Journey into Small Modular Reactors: Research, Safety Assessment, Testing,
and Future Prospects ......................................................................................................... 55
Experiment and Modeling Efforts to Support Development and Deployment of
Advanced Energy Systems ................................................................................................ 56
Modeling of Proposed Passive Heat Pipe Loops Cooling System .............................. 57
Core Geometry and Reflector Optimization of 10 MWt Micro-PeLUIt Pebble Bed
HTGR..................................................................................................................................... 59
HEXANA: a sodium advanced modular reactor for sustainable industrial
decarbonization .................................................................................................................. 61
SMR Current Status: Development Needs and Global Perspectives ........................... 63
SVBR-100 PROJECT: MAIN FEATURES AND CURRENT STATE................................... 64
Low Energy Linear Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Molten Salt Reactor to Produce
Clean CO2-Free Energy with Stirling Cycle ...................................................................... 66
Tube inlet orifice design of a once-through steam generator considering operation
strategies ............................................................................................................................. 67
Novel design features of proposed light-water SMRs — a Swedish perspective ...... 68
Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Passive DHRS with Plate-Type Compact
Steam Generator ................................................................................................................. 69
Current status of SMRs development .............................................................................. 71
Performance Optimization Analysis of PeLUIt-40 using HTGR Code Package (HCP)
............................................................................................................................................... 73
Overview of Modified Design Features of SMART-C ..................................................... 75
Delivering on the Promise of Small Modular Reactors .................................................. 76
Heat Distribution Results from Experiments Using Array of 5 Sodium Heat Pipes .. 77
newcleo’s R&D Programme in support of SMR-LFR Development and Deployment 78
Microreactor Applications, Research, Validation, and Evaluation (MARVEL) Reactor
– Status, Construction, and Testing ................................................................................. 79
The Fast Modular Reactor ................................................................................................. 81
Accelerating Microreactor Development and Deployment Through Joint Public
Testbeds and Private Advanced Reactor Development ................................................ 82
Digital Twin Technology based Modeling of Small Modular Reactor for early
deployment within power Energy Systems ..................................................................... 84
A Digital Solution to Support Site Selection and Resilience of Advance and Small
Modular Reactors Installation ........................................................................................... 86
The Rosatom Technical Academy experience in the field of advanced personnel
training for NNP with SMR ................................................................................................. 87
Analysis of the new RCC-MRx methodologies for creep-fatigue damage.................. 88
The ARCHEOS heat unit to decarbonize the heat market with proven technologies 89
Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and decommissioning
aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2) ............................................... 90
Effect of changing the outer fuel element diameter on thermophysical parameters
of RITM-200 reactor unit. ................................................................................................... 90
PROJECTS IN UKRAINE ..................................................................................................... 91
Designing small modular reactors for a circular economy ........................................... 92
Conclusions from SFM'24 Conf on challenges and issues in managing spent fuels
from SMRs ........................................................................................................................... 93
Facilitating SMR fuel fabrication from HALEU UF6 ....................................................... 94
Empowering Emerging Nuclear Nations: Wastimate's Open-Source Approach for
Small Modular Reactor Radioactive Waste Management ............................................ 95
Investigation of hydrodynamic and scaling of TRISO coaters for high temperature
small modular reactors ...................................................................................................... 97
Scoping calculation of spent nuclear fuel from NuScale’s Power Module ................ 99
Characterisation of spent LWR fuel with SMR-relevant initial compositions and
operational conditions ..................................................................................................... 100
CAREM 25 fuel cycle optimization and ATF evaluation .............................................. 101
newcleo’s Fuel Cycle innovations for SMR-LFR including transport of fresh and
spent fuels ......................................................................................................................... 102
The Development of a Versatile Type B(U)F Transport Package to Support the Front-
End Fuel Cycle of Gen-IV Reactors ................................................................................. 103
Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and Maintenance of
SMRs (A.3) ............................................................................................................................. 105
Addressing SMRs safety I&C specific requirements ................................................... 105
Flexibility limits of SMRs using HALEU for enhanced load-following ....................... 107
Challenges for serial deployment of SMRs: A certification body's point of view .... 111
Research on Digital Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Technology for SMR.. 112
Advancing an Increasingly Critical Canada-USA HALEU Supply Chain for SMRs and
Advanced Reactors........................................................................................................... 113
Development Strategy of HMI and Digital I&C System's Emulator for Korean
Innovative SMR Plant ....................................................................................................... 114
Maintenance Strategy for i-SMR ..................................................................................... 115
Tailored MBSE Approach for SMR Gen IV Architecting............................................... 116
Process Instrumentation for New Generation of Reactors......................................... 118
AI for Design, Engineering, Construction and Operation of SMRs ............................. 119
Nonlinear ultrasonic parameters to laser weld quality for Small Modular Reactor 120
The Status of Supply Chain for Small Modular Reactors deployment in China ....... 121
The IEC Standard Series on Cybersecurity for I&C and Electrical Systems For
Operating and Small Modular Reactors......................................................................... 122
Recent Advancements of Metallic Materials for Integral Molten Salt Reactors ...... 124
Design of a reusable Materials Irradiation DevIce (MIDI) in High Flux Reactor in
Petten for testing and qualification of SMR materials ................................................ 125
Interactive Graphic Simulator of the CAREM25 Reactor: A Tool for Design
Verification and Operator Training ................................................................................. 127
Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4) .................................................................................... 128
Security Considerations for Floating Nuclear Power Plants when Stationary ......... 128
Features of application of IAEA safeguards during refueling of spent fuel on floating
power unit for foreign markets with a reactor unit of the RITM type ........................ 130
TECHNICAL RESULTS ASSESSMENT. ........................................................................... 131
Risk-based Technology Qualification to address the marinization of SMRs ........... 132
Shielding Systems for Nuclear System of Maritime SMR ........................................... 133
Classification Requirements for Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) ............... 135
Evaluation of the Molten Salt Reactor technology for the application of Floating
Nuclear Power Plants ....................................................................................................... 137
Deployment and uses of Floating Nuclear Power Plants powered by Small Modular
Reactors ............................................................................................................................. 138
Reactor Plants for Nuclear Ships and Floating Nuclear Power Plants. Development
Experience and Improvement Prospects. ..................................................................... 139
Enabling versatile nuclear deployments of the eVinci microreactor ......................... 141
Floating Nuclear Power Plants: Legal and Regulatory Gap Analysis ........................ 142
The Activities of INPRO in Transportable Nuclear Power Plants ............................... 144
INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANISATION ............................................................. 145
Implementation of projects of nuclear floating power units within the framework of
maritime and nuclear law and approaches to regulation............................................ 147
Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5) ............................................................ 148
NUWARD SMR cogeneration services ........................................................................... 148
Simulation of flexible Small Modular Reactor operation with a thermal energy
storage system.................................................................................................................. 149
Stakeholder Perspectives on Challenges in Integrating and Developing
Infrastructure for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Kuwait .................................... 150
Why SMRs are crucial for hard-to-abate sectors such as shipping and what to do
about it................................................................................................................................ 152
Electricity and Water cogeneration using a Small 75MWth PWR .............................. 154
Poly-generation of power and desalinated water by Small Modular Reactors ........ 156
IDNES a CEA projet dedicated to SMR concept for decarbonization beyond pure
power generation .............................................................................................................. 157
Challenges in development of cogeneration module for SMRs ................................. 159
Comparison between a Small Modular Reactor and a traditional nuclear reactor in
water desalination cogeneration application................................................................ 160
INDUSTRY IN THE NEUQUÉN BASIN. ............................................................................ 162
Assessing Viability of Small Modular Reactors in Pakistan’s Energy Landscape:
Navigating Technological Diversity and Challenges in Possible Integration with
Renewables........................................................................................................................ 163
Nuclear Hydrogen Production Analysis for GT-HTR using HEEP Software.............. 164
Performance Analysis of SMR Plant with Steam Heating for Multi-purpose
Applications ....................................................................................................................... 165
Evaluating the Viability of Small Modular Reactors for Non-Electric Applications in
Kuwait: A Preliminary Assessment ................................................................................ 166
Decarbonizing Refining Processes: SMR deployment paving the way to Synthetic
Fuels ................................................................................................................................... 168
NHR200-II Reactor: Characteristics, Development, and Applications in Non-Electric
Energy Systems................................................................................................................. 169
Small Modular Reactors and cogeneration: impact of steam extraction on power
conversion performance .................................................................................................. 170
Strategic Implications of the 10MW Experimental Power Reactor (RDE) in Non-
Electric Nuclear Power Generation Applications in Indonesia ................................... 171
XAMR® a new energy solution for decarbonization .................................................... 173
Techno-Economic Analysis of SMR Cogeneration with Desalination: A Case Study in
Türkiye ................................................................................................................................ 174
FORCE: A modeling approach to increase the value proposition for SMRs in non-
electric applications ......................................................................................................... 175
Dynamic modelling of a nuclear hybrid energy system with hydrogen production via
high temperature steam electrolysis ............................................................................. 176
Integrating Small Modular Reactors into Hybrid Energy Systems: the TANDEM
Modelica library ................................................................................................................. 177
Mapping the hydrogen economy in Ghana: the strategic contribution of Small
Modular Reactors ............................................................................................................. 179
The Relevance of Nuclear Energy for District Heating ................................................ 180
The nuclear power plant with high temperature gas cooled reactor and chemical
process equipment as an option for solving the problem of large scale production of
low carbon hydrogen ........................................................................................................ 181
Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks ................................................. 184
Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6) ...................... 185
Evaluation of Radioactive Waste Streams and Management Options for Molten Salt
Small Modular Reactor..................................................................................................... 185
Challenges and constraints related to the final stage of the SMR fuel cycle in the
light of plans to implement SMR technology in Poland. ............................................. 186
Decommissioning By Design (DBD) Concept of Indonesia’s PeLUIt 150 MW Small
Modular Reactors (SMR) Model: Challenge and Opportunity to Ensure Safety and
Sustainability ..................................................................................................................... 188
The Channeling of Liability and Small Modular Reactors: is it at all adequate? ...... 190
Small modular reactors to decarbonize the industry: the impact of nuclear liability
............................................................................................................................................. 192
Dealing with Ignorance: Resilience for Nuclear Safety-Security ................................ 194
OF SMALL MODULAR REACTOR .................................................................................... 197
Readiness of International Legal Instruments to Regulate SMR’s. ........................... 199
Legal and Regulatory Challenges in Introducing SMR Technologies in Slovakia .... 200
Novel Organizational Models for Advanced Reactors’ Operations: the
Implementation of A/CPPNM Obligations in the Context of Multiple Jurisdictions 201
From unclear to nuclear – A more effective licensing process in Sweden .............. 202
Legal, institutional and policy instruments to facilitate deployment of nuclear power
plants in Poland, including SMRs ................................................................................... 203
Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7) ........................................................ 204
Analysis of Neutronic Performance for SMART Reactor With Uranium Nitride and
Thorium Fuel...................................................................................................................... 204
Regulatory Implications of Advanced Technologies for Advanced Reactors .......... 205
Preparation of Regulatory Framework for SMR Deployment in Ukraine ................... 206
Adaptiveness of the US NRC Regulatory Framework to Review Risk-Informed SMR
Designs ............................................................................................................................... 208
Adapting to Innovation: The Role of Regulatory Oversight in the Emerging Era of
Small Modular Reactors................................................................................................... 210
Regulatory considerations for SMR application: The case of South Korea.............. 211
TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................................................ 212
A new approach to regulation ......................................................................................... 214
Safety Analysis of Small Modular Reactors in the context of the Polish regulatory
framework .......................................................................................................................... 215
Licensing Challenges for Risk-Informed Small Modular Reactor Designs in European
Deterministic Regulatory Frameworks........................................................................... 216
Issues and Challenges of Regulatory Framework for Deployment of SMRs ─
Pakistan Perspective ........................................................................................................ 218
Features and Principles of Regulatory Regulation for the Project of Land-Based
SNPP with RITM200N Reactor Plant ............................................................................. 220
Developing regulatory framework for SMRs ................................................................. 222
Regulatory Gap Analysis for i-SMR ................................................................................. 223
Small Modular Reactors - A Regulatory Perspectivein Pakistan ................................ 224
Regulatory Readiness and Challenges for Small Modular Reactors Deployment: The
Philippine Perspective ...................................................................................................... 226
Regulatory considerations for the transportable eVinci microreactor ...................... 227
Regulatory requirements for managing supply chain for Small Modular Reactors in
Canada ............................................................................................................................... 228
The role of regulation as an obstacle or an enabler of the SMR promise? Diverging
industry and regulator views ........................................................................................... 229
Regulatory agility through use of performance-based regulations. .......................... 230
New Nuclear Construction Compliance Oversight....................................................... 231
The Brazilian Nuclear licensing process for disruptive and innovative technologies
............................................................................................................................................. 232
Basis for Regulatory Requirements for Design and Safety Analysis of Reactor
Facilities ............................................................................................................................. 233
Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards .............................................................. 235
Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)............................................................ 236
Regulatory Research Activity on Safety Analysis Methodology for Passive Safety
Systems in Korea .............................................................................................................. 236
............................................................................................................................................. 238
Experimental testing of a large scale water-cooled RCCS: observations and
considerations for passive decay heat removal ........................................................... 240
Evolving PSA Methodologies: Towards Dynamic Reliability in SMR Passive Systems
............................................................................................................................................. 242
A Qualitative Study on the Reliability of TMSR500 Passive Cooling Design and
Design Requirements Applicability................................................................................. 244
NUCLEAR SAFETY AND DEFENCE IN DEPTH IN CAREM25 ....................................... 246
NAAREA's XAMR® safety approach .............................................................................. 247
Flange Management Approach for Reliable SMR Reactor Vessel Integrity ............. 248
Analysis of DEC-A sequences in a NuScale-like SMR considering ATF fuel
performance using the system code TRACE ................................................................ 249
Passive Safety System and Safety Demonstration of innovative Small Modular
Reactor (i-SMR) ................................................................................................................. 250
A probabilistic safety analysis of the first level safety of small modular reactors on
the example of the SHELF-M reactor facility ................................................................ 251
Challenges and Opportunities in Developing a Safety Case for Small Modular
Reactors: The Ghanaian Perspective ............................................................................. 253
Small Modular Reactor Multi-Module PSA .................................................................... 254
On some safety aspects in Small Modular Reactors ................................................... 256
Assessment of the Safety Design Features of Small Modular Reactors with existing
demonstration plants using Reactor Technology Assessment (RTA) ...................... 257
Aerosol evolution in a typical SMR containment under hypothetical accidental
conditions .......................................................................................................................... 258
Accelerating international cooperation on SMR safety research: the OECD Nuclear
Energy Agency (NEA) working group on the analysis and management of accidents
(WGAMA) ........................................................................................................................... 260
Coupled thermal-hydraulic and neutronic deterministic safety analysis for the HTGR
SMR research demonstrator HTGR-POLA..................................................................... 262
Context of Single Failure Criterion (SFC) Application for Small Modular Reactor
(SMR) .................................................................................................................................. 264
Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9) ............................... 266
A Method for Sizing Emergency Planning Zones around Small Modular Reactors and
New Reactor Technologies ............................................................................................. 266
Regulatory Recommendation in Determining Adequate Emergency Planning Zone
for Multi Module Small Modular Reactor in Indonesia ................................................ 267
Determining Emergency Planning Zone size through JRODOS calculated radiation
dose consequences in High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors .............................. 268
How Artificial Intelligence and Small Modular Reactors Will Power Emergency
Preparedness and Response .......................................................................................... 269
Benchmarking Near-field Radionuclide Dispersion with CFD and Gaussian Model 270
Release-Category-Based Emergency Planning Zone Calculation Applied to a Light-
Water Small Modular Reactor Design ............................................................................ 271
Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)............ 272
Recommendations for Design-Stage Safety and Security Probabilistic Risk
Assessment Co-Development......................................................................................... 272
Researching floating nuclear reactors from a 3S perspective ................................... 274
Title: 3Ss Approach for advanced SMRs designs in Belgium..................................... 275
Approaches for Comprehensive Safety and Digital Risk Management for Advanced
Nuclear Technology and Small Modular Reactors ....................................................... 276
Identifying sabotage risks and adversarial Threats to passive Decay heat removal
systems in advanced nuclear reactors .......................................................................... 277
A Path Toward Leveraging the Benefits of Safety, Security, and (International)
Safeguards (3S) for Advanced & Small Modular Reactors(A/SMRs): Summary of the
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management’s Workshop on Advanced Reactor 3S 279
Consideration of a Regulatory Framework for Safeguards in SMRs ......................... 281
Safety and Security of SMRs in marine applications and the Applicability of IAEA’s
Safety Standards............................................................................................................... 283
Achieving resilience through the preservation of functions - safety and security
working together ............................................................................................................... 284
DESIGN OF ADVANCED NUCLEAR REACTORS ............................................................ 286
Safety, Security, and Safeguards (3S) Interface Identification and Characterisation in
Generation IV Advanced Modular Reactors: A Generation IV International Forum
Case Study ......................................................................................................................... 288
Safeguards by Design process of LDR-50 concept with consideration of safety and
security ............................................................................................................................... 289
Applying 3S Lessons: Using Safety Concepts to Develop "Risk-Informed Safeguards"
for Small Modular Reactors............................................................................................. 291
Implementation of 3S by INPRO ..................................................................................... 292
Reactor Designer Lessons Learned on the Approach to Safeguards by Design for
Small Modular Reactors; Opportunities and Challenges............................................. 293
SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS, FOR SMRS ....................................................................... 295
Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11) .......... 296
Transitioning Regulatory Oversight: Moving from Prescriptive to Performance-Based
Approach for Addressing Security Challenges in Indian SMRs.................................. 296
REACTORS ......................................................................................................................... 298
Development of a Robust Framework for Security Assessment of Safety-Informed
Siting Decisions under Uncertainty ................................................................................ 299
FOR SMR PROJECTS ........................................................................................................ 302
Introduction of a cyberattack detection framework for safety systems of NPPs ... 304
Research on Gaps in Domestic Regulatory Documentation Based on Security
Regulatory Cases of SMRs in Other Countries ............................................................. 305
cybersecurity matter for remote access of SMR.......................................................... 307
Incorporating International Considerations into Systems Engineering and Regulatory
Lifecycle-Based Framework for Security-by-Design .................................................... 308
Developing Regulatory Frameworks for A/SMRs: Security by Design and Other
Regulatory Considerations .............................................................................................. 310
Study on Standard Design Review Areas for Security-by-Design of SMR ................. 312
Physical Protection Modeling and Simulation Tools to Optimize Security for New
Reactors ............................................................................................................................. 314
NRC Regulatory Efforts for Cybersecurity of Small Modular Reactors ..................... 316
Machine Learning Solutions for Enhanced Security in Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs): A Comprehensive Approach............................................................................. 317
Insider Threat Security Considerations for Advanced and Small Modular Reactors
............................................................................................................................................. 318
Nuclear Industry Views on the Security of Small Modular Reactors ......................... 319
A review on Security in Small Modular Reactors and Micro Nuclear Reactors ....... 320
Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12) .............................................................................. 321
Safeguards by Design and Advanced Reactors: Overcoming the Catch-22 to
Implementation ................................................................................................................. 321
Integration of Small Modular Reactors in the Swedish Nuclear Energy System: A
Proliferation Resistance Study ........................................................................................ 322
Westinghouse Electric Company: Decarbonization of the Electric Power Sector and
the Challenges Facing Advanced Reactors to incorporate Safety, Security and
Safeguards Measures ...................................................................................................... 323
An overview of safeguard challenges and opportunities for small modular reactors
............................................................................................................................................. 324
Nuclear safeguards assessments of molten salt reactor spent fuel ........................ 326
Systematic proliferation resistance analysis of Small Modular Reactor designs ... 328
Safeguards by design: preparing for Small Modular Reactors................................... 329
Canada's safeguards readiness for small modular and advanced reactors ............ 330
U.S. – U.K. Bi-Lateral Collaboration on a Material Flow Safeguards Analysis for a
Nominal Molten Salt Reactor Design ............................................................................. 331
U.S. – Canada Cooperative Nuclear Facilities and Safeguards Experience (NFASE)
............................................................................................................................................. 333
Identify Technical Challenges in Safeguards Measurements of Advanced Small
Modular Reactor Fuel Elements...................................................................................... 334
Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs ................................ 337
Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13) .................. 338
Past, present and future of nuclear energy in Colombia from the deployment of
SMRs................................................................................................................................... 338
Relationship between SMR and Planetary Boundaries: A mitigation strategy for the
global environmental crisis ............................................................................................. 340
Evaluation of Potential Locations for Siting Small Modular Reactors in Iraq to
Support Clean Energy Goals ............................................................................................ 342
Small Modular Reactors in the Petroleum Industry: A Sustainable Solution for
Enhanced Operations ....................................................................................................... 344
Efficiency assessment of SMR development as a non-carbon energy source in the
Russian electricity and district heat supply systems ................................................... 345
Harnessing the Potential of Small Modular Reactors for Climate Change Mitigation
through Energy-Mix Optimization and Hydrogen Generation ..................................... 347
Application of SMART to Achieve Net Zero Emissions ............................................... 348
Non-electric Application of Nuclear Energy in Korea ................................................... 349
Integrating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into Nigeria’s Energy Mix. Prospect
toward near-term deployment......................................................................................... 350
The Role of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Mitigating Climate Change and
Promoting Economic Growth in Africa – A Case Study of Nigeria ............................ 352
SMRs in Brazil: A Paradigm Shift in Energy Policy for Climate Mitigation ............... 356
The TANDEM Euratom project to study the integration of SMRs into low-carbon
hybrid energy systems: mid-term progress................................................................... 357
Techno-economic Analysis of SMR Deployment in the Estonian Power System.... 358
Feasibility study of a hybridization of small modular reactor with a solar power plant
using molten-salt heat storage in Algerian south ........................................................ 359
Repurposing of coal power plants with Nuclear Methanol hybrid energy system – A
South African case study ................................................................................................. 360
The Role of Small Modular Reactors in Enhancing Global Energy Security: A
Comparative Analysis of Deployment Strategies in Diverse Energy Markets .......... 361
Comparative Assessment of Small Modular Reactors versus Large Nuclear Power
Plants for Future Electricity Generation in Libya .......................................................... 362
STANDARD GAUGE RAIL NETWORK IN TANZANIA .................................................... 364
The green shift – extracting synergies from the oil and gas sector when establishing
nuclear in Norway ............................................................................................................. 365
ESFR-SMR Requirements to fit into the future EU electricity network ...................... 366
Incorporating Small Modular Reactors with Solar and Wind for Ghana's Sustainable
Energy Transition Beyond Conventional Nuclear Power Ambition Post-COP28 ..... 368
Global Coal Plant Potential for SMR Siting with the Case of Poland and Indonesia370
Towards a Sustainable Future: SMR Smart Net Zero City .......................................... 371
Enabling factors for Small Modular Reactors (SMR) uptake in Bolivian future power
system ................................................................................................................................ 372
Italian Scenario: reintroduction of new nuclear and benefits for the system .......... 373
Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems: Considerations for Future Deployment
in Ghana ............................................................................................................................. 374
Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14) ............ 376
Development of nuclear infrastructure based on different contracting models and
risks assessment .............................................................................................................. 376
Integration of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Ghana's Energy Mix: A Pathway to
Sustainable Development ................................................................................................ 378
Small modular reactors and new technologies in the generation capacity expansion:
The Brazilian perspective................................................................................................. 380
Assessing the Role of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Achieving Sustainable
Industrial Growth in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Implications ..... 381
Considerations for the More Viable Option in the Deployment of Traditional Nuclear
Power Plants (NPPs) and/or Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) for the West African
Sub-Region ......................................................................................................................... 382
Plans for building organizational and human capacity under OSGE’s nuclear power
program .............................................................................................................................. 383
From Vision to Reality: Building Capacity and Bridging Gaps in SMR Technology
Adoption ............................................................................................................................. 384
Sustainability assessment of infrastructure for small modular reactor deployment in
Vietnam using INPRO methodology ............................................................................... 386
Navigating the Energy Landscape: Considerations for Deploying Small Modular
Reactors in Saudi Arabia.................................................................................................. 387
International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure (IBNI) – A comprehensive and multi-
dimensional solution to enable accelerated global scaling of SMRs........................ 389
Jordan’s SMR RTA Experience........................................................................................ 391
Challenges of SMR deployment in a Swedish setting ................................................. 392
Norsk Kjernekraft and the advancement of nuclear in Norway ................................. 394
Possibilities for deployment of SMRs in Slovenia........................................................ 395
INPRO SERVICE TO MEMBER STATES .......................................................................... 396
Feasibility Study for Deployment of Future SMR in IAEA Member Country ............. 397
The Integration of Small Modular Reactors into a National Nuclear Power
Programme - A SWOT Analysis of Nigeria INIR Mission ............................................. 398
CANDU Owners Group: Excellence through Collaboration for an Evolving Nuclear
Landscape.......................................................................................................................... 399
Considerations on the Accelerated Deployment of SMRs .......................................... 400
REGION ............................................................................................................................... 402
Recent EU legislative proposals and the impact on SMR technologies deployment
............................................................................................................................................. 403
DEPLOYMENT ................................................................................................................... 404
Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15) ............................................................................................................. 405
Some Technical and Institutional Issues to Accelerate Deployment of SMRs ........ 405
Innovative financing solution to scale nuclear investments - The international Bank
for Nuclear Infrastructure ................................................................................................ 406
Future Cost Projections of Small Modular Reactors: A Model-Based Analysis ....... 408
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Small Modular Reactor Deployment for Electricity
Generation in West Kalimantan ...................................................................................... 409
Extended assessment of nuclear and alternative electricity generating technologies
based on their impact on national GDP (Cost-to-GDP concept) ................................ 411
Controlling Investment Risks by Integrating Decommissioning by Design in SMR
Development...................................................................................................................... 413
Economic Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Integration in Small Modular
Reactors Balance of Plant ............................................................................................... 414
EverGREEN 2045: An Energy Mix to Decarbonize Washington State ........................ 415
Demystifying a Contract: Why Contract Price is not the Cost of the Project ........... 416
From Design to Deployment: Project Management for Successful Completion ..... 417
Economic evaluation of SMR projects as an option to power plants burning hard
coal in Czech Republic ..................................................................................................... 418
Steel-Concrete modular construction. Economic impact on the levelized cost of
electricity in large reactors or SMRs .............................................................................. 419
Facilitating SMR Deployment through Sustainable Project Financing: Perspective of
a Developer ........................................................................................................................ 421
Governmental and Multilateral Incentives for SMR Deployment ............................... 422
KENYA ................................................................................................................................ 423
Mitigating FOAK Risk in SMR Deployment: Insights from Contracting Approaches425
National Reactor Innovation Center Advanced Construction Technology Program 426
Deployment of SMRs: a Risk-based Framework for “Public-Private Investment
Partnerships 3.0”............................................................................................................... 427
Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and Deployment
(D.16) ...................................................................................................................................... 428
Securing Small Modular Reactor Development in Remote Areas: Case Studies and
Cultural Analysis in Indonesia ......................................................................................... 428
ENEN contribution to the development of SMR human resource .............................. 430
The value of early engagement between stakeholders to ensure successful
deployment of SMRs in the Global South ...................................................................... 431
REACTORS IN MALAYSIA ................................................................................................ 432
Education through science: NNSTU master’s program «Nuclear power plants with
SMR» ................................................................................................................................... 434
Systematic Literature Review on the Risks of SMRs ................................................... 436
Initiatives in INPRO for SMRs .......................................................................................... 437
Systematic Review on Public Perception and Acceptance of Small Modular
Reactors: Challenges and Strategies ............................................................................. 438
Adding resilience features in new reactor designs to adequately fulfil nuclear safety
principles: Insights from small modular reactors ........................................................ 439
Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17) ........................ 441
Minilaterals for Small Modular Reactors: Cost Effective and Environmentally Sound
Energy Transition Towards Global Net Zero ................................................................. 441
NUWARD Joint Early Review: a pragmatic approach to development of an
internationally licensable standardized SMR design ................................................... 443
United States and Canada Cooperation on SMR Design Reviews - Successes in
Collaboration ..................................................................................................................... 444
Collaboration – the key to standardized SMR deployment ........................................ 445
Nuclear business: shifting from supply chain to ecosystem configuration ............. 446
Redefining international dialog: Invent innovative frameworks for licensing Small
Modular Reactors ............................................................................................................. 447
WORK ON SMR REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 448
SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................. 450
Abstract Statistics
Total Abstracts: 311

Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle: 118

Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1): 48

Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and decommissioning

aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2): 12

Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and Maintenance of
SMRs (A.3): 17

Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4): 15

Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5): 26

Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks: 36

Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6): 13

Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7): 23

Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards: 71

Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8): 20

Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9): 6

Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10): 16

Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11): 18

Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12): 11

Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs: 86

Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13): 27

Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14): 24

Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for SMR
Projects (D.15): 18

Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and Deployment
(D.16): 9

Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17): 8

Participating Member States and International

Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh , Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,

Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, EC JRC, Egypt, Estonia, European
Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, GIF, Hungary, IAEA, India,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mali,
Mongolia, Namibia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, OECD/NEA, Pakistan,
Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi
Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Türkiye,
Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, United States, Venezuela,
Scientific Programme
The purpose of this conference is to provide an international forum to take stock of the
progress and discuss the opportunities, challenges and enabling conditions for the
accelerated development and safe and secure deployment of SMRs among all possible
stakeholders for SMRs. It is expected that this conference will help catalyse current
activities in Member States and enhance prospects of safe and secure SMR deployment
that will offer options for achieving clean energy transition and energy supply security in
both embarking and expanding countries. Below you can find the thematic tracks for the

• Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

o Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs A.1

Research and development (R&D) for SMR designs of major technology lines; Concepts
of modularity, design simplification and integration; Reactor physics and thermal
hydraulics analyses and simulation, and experimental activities for design validation.

o Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology

Research and development (R&D) in advanced fuel designs and technologies; fuel cycle
options for SMRs; use of HALEU and higher burnups fuels; SMR designs for
decommissioning; Decommissioning of non-water cooled SMRs; Waste generation and
management, including transport of SMR spent fuel and waste.

o Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and

Maintenance of SMRs A.3

Issues and challenges in the engineering of SMR designs; Applicability of the current
codes and standards; Harmonization initiatives in C&Ss and their oversight; Procurement
engineering and supply chain readiness in support of SMR deployment; Approach and
preparation of operation for SMRs; simulators; construction technology, Human factor
engineering for SMRs.

o Track 4: Transportable SMRs A.4

Microreactors and their specificities including life cycle; Floating NPPs; Transporting
spent fuel from FNPP; Licensing aspects of T-SMR; Safety of transportable SMRs; SMRs
for special applications.

o Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR A.5

SMRs for cogeneration of electricity and industrial process heat; Viability of seawater
desalination technology; Nuclear hydrogen production: prospects and challenges; Issues
of coupling; Considerations of safety, regulation and stakeholder involvement of non-
electric applications; Siting consideration; SMRs for Hybrid Energy Systems.

• Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

o Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs B.6

International nuclear law instruments and their application and adequacy, challenges or
gaps; Other areas of international law, such as environmental law, environmental impact
assessment, law of the sea, maritime law, international waste management and
transboundary movement and complementarity with nuclear law instruments; National
legal frameworks including the regulatory body and its functions, facilitation of
cooperation and information sharing among regulatory bodies and support

o Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs B.7

Regulatory body lessons learned from assessing SMRs; Regulatory body preparation or
challenges in addressing SMRs; Innovation in regulatory frameworks to address new and
advanced technologies.

• Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

o Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case C.8

Safety objectives and application of defence-in-depth to SMRs; Inherent and passive

safety features; Safety challenges and opportunities related to design simplification,
integration and modularity; Severe accidents and conditions to be practically eliminated;
Internal and external hazards; Fuel and core safety; Materials and chemistry safety
implications; Risk-informed approaches for SMRs; Novel deployment models and related
implications on the leadership and management of safety.

o Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs C.9

Emergency preparedness and response (EPR) for SMRs deployed in areas with high
population density; EPR for SMRs deployed in remote areas; EPR for single-module
SMRs “vs.” EPR for multi-module SMRs; EPR for SMRs sited near industrial sites being
used for non-electric applications.

o Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs


General approaches to implement safety by design, security by design and safeguards

by design for SMRs; Potential challenges and synergies in consideration of 3S interfaces
in the SMR design stage; Examples and practices on considering the 3S interfaces in
design in an integrated manner; Technical design solutions to address 3S related
challenges connected with the novelties in SMR technologies.

o Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security


Physical protection for SMR designs and deployment approaches; Security by design
considerations; Challenges arising from SMR designs and operation that impact
instrumentation and control (I&C), human factors, and computer security; Remote and
autonomous operation aspects; Specific computer security challenges brought by

o Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs C.12

Addressing safeguards needs for newcomer nuclear countries procuring SMRs;

Addressing safeguards challenges for operations of advanced SMR technologies and
fuels; Addressing safeguards challenges for non-traditional deployment (e.g., factory-
fuelled TNPP/FNPP, remote microreactor fleets, multi-module operations).

• Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

o Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation D.13

Advanced and hybrid energy systems using SMRs incorporating non-electric

applications, including energy storage and hydrogen production; The role of policy
makers in decision making on energy planning using SMRs.

o Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs


Benefits and challenges of embarking MSs adapting their roadmaps to nuclear power
with SMRs; Support of SMR technology holders in capacity building; Bilateral/multilateral
regulatory and technical cooperation to facilitate SMR reviews/deployment; Human
resource development; Addressing challenges in capacity/skills building in deploying
SMRs in international environments; Public Engagement / stakeholder involvement in
development phase).

o Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting

Approaches for SMR Projects D.15

Estimation, analyses and optimization of development costs, construction and

operations expenses of SMRs; Revenue models for demonstrating business case and
securing access to funding and financing; Macroeconomic impact of SMR development;
Lifecycle cost of operating and decommissioning SMRs; Viable deployment and
business models of SMRs; The economics of SMRs for repurposing retiring fossil-based
o Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development
and Deployment D.16

Public engagement in the deployment of SMRs; specific challenges on SMRs;

Involvement from non-nuclear stakeholders including hydrogen producers; Innovative
tools and communication strategies or initiatives to facilitate SMR deployment;
Engagement of investors to fund SMR projects; Engaging young generations via inter
alia specific curriculum introduction in basic education.

o Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization D.17

Bilateral and multilateral cooperation on assessing SMR designs; Regulatory body

approaches and experience leveraging others’ regulatory reviews; Projects toward
international harmonization of safety requirements; Experience/lessons learned from
other industries related to international harmonization and standardization; Vendors’
approaches towards standardization to enable global deployment.

DISCLAIMER: All abstracts in this booklet are represented as received and extracted
from INDICO. Some Formatting differences may occur between abstracts.
Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle
Participating Member States and International Organizations:

Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Estonia, Finland,

France, Germany, Ghana, IAEA, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Kuwait, Mongolia,
Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian
Federation, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United
Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, WNTI

Key Words: fuel, heat, smr, temperature, core, steam, model, water, process, control
Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

On some safety and technology perspectives for the new

nuclear reactor types

Speaker: D. Serbanescu

Primary Author: Dan Serbanescu [1]



Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 13


Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) passed so far through various stages of evolution. For the
Small Modular Reactors (SMR), which are part of this complex process valuable insights
might be provided a triple facet perspective based on considering this type of NPP as a:
I. New phase in the safety principles evolution, as for instance safety concepts or
Defence in Depth II. Thermodynamic and cybernetic machine, characterized by concepts
of probability, risk, entropy III. Dominant technology of the reactor core as part of a set of
concurring enveloping technologies in the context of industry 4.0 phase, but with
consideration of lessons learnt from natural reactors The triple facet evaluation is
performed for three cases of SMR’s: A. Water cooled B. Gas cooled C. Molten sault The
insights could be of interest for guiding strategic research and objectives for SMR types
of NPP’s

Speaker: J. Riverola Gurruchaga

Primary Author: Javier Riverola Gurruchaga [1]

[1] ENUSA Industrias avanzadas S.A., S.M.E.

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 15


Light water SMRs cooled by natural circulation have intrinsic safety features that make
them particularly interesting. The stability of these reactors, in which coupled neutronic,
thermal and hydraulic phenomena coexist, has been satisfactorily studied for certain
designs with different methods under normal and accidental conditions or after a scram.
This work addresses the study of stability from an alternative point of view. Starting
from the simplified differential equations of the dynamics of a reactor with the
peculiarities of a light water SMR reactor cooled by natural circulation, the
characteristics that determine the evolution of the system over time are studied, and the
Lyapunov methods for local and global stability are applied. The NUSCALE design
reactor, with data obtained or estimated from public information, is taken as a reference,
but the methods are universally applicable to other SMR of the same type. As a result,
local asymptotic stability has been verified by studying the responses to a step and a
sinusoid of reactivity, and verifying that the eigenvalues of the equivalent reduced
dynamic system are all negative. The global stability has also been tested by finding a
valid Lyapunov function that involves the different state variables. Finally, it has been
shown that the trajectories of the power and reactivity deviations in the phase plane
converge towards the equilibrium state as a stable node. This study does not replace
other existing works, but rather reinforces and aligns with its conclusions.
Thermo-Neutronic Integrated Coupling Effects on Nuclear
Reactor Core Calculations: Based on SMART Reactor

Speaker: Y. Abbassi

Primary Authors: Yasser Abbassi [1]; Reza Akbari; Farrokh Khoshahval; Mohammad
Mirvakili; Javad Mokhtari

[1] Reactor and Nuclear Safety Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology
Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 20


New generations of nuclear reactors including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have
received a lot of positive attention. Due to the unique features (improvement in
economic and safety features) of SMRs, these reactors are under different stages of
design and construction all over the world. SMART reactor as the first certified design
SMR has been selected as the base case of the calculations in the present study.
Different Thermo-Neutronic aspects of the SMART reactor have been investigated using
an integrated coupling scheme of nuclear codes. DRAGON/DONJON codes have been
used for neutronic cell and core calculation and COBRA code has been used for thermal-
hydraulic calculations. Different parameters of SMART reactor core such as axial and
radial PPFs, critical heat flux (CHF), minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio
(MDNBR), axial average coolant temperature in hot channel and core, and the maximum
fuel temperature have been investigated using the developed coupling system. Some of
the results have been checked by code-to-code verification which shows good
agreement. Also, the coupling results demonstrate the non-negligible effects of the
coupling in comparison to the stand-alone code modeling.
Dynamic analysis of steam dump system of SMR

Speaker: Y. Zhu

Primary Author: Ye Zhu [1]

[1] Nuclear Institute of China

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 22


The steam dump system of nuclear power plant is designed to provide an artificial
secondary side load that balances the power difference between the reactor and the
turbine. The steam dump system, including both process and control elements, is one of
the most complicate systems in nuclear power plant, which is closely related to reactor
power control, feedwater control and other process. Especially for some small modular
reactors which apply once through steam generators, the characteristic is much
different from the traditional NPP. In this paper, a full scope APROS model including
reactor core, primary/secondary circuit and I&C system for Hainan Changjiang SMR
(ACP100) is built. The large-load reduction transient such as load reduction to house
load and turbine trip condition are analyzed using full-scope ACP100 APROS model. The
dynamical-varying of important variables such as primary side temperature, reactor
power, steam pressure etc. are recorded and studied. Optimization and improvements
are made to the control logic to avoid the overpressure of the secondary circuit and the
opening of main steam safety valve opening under the most unfavourable situation.
Neutronics Design Optimization of a Sodium Cooled Micro
Modular Fast Reactor Using OpenMC

Speaker: R. Nushrat

Primary Author: Razia Nushrat

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 26


Very small modular nuclear reactors (vSMR), or micro-reactors, are identified as a

potential means to provide reliable and cost-effective power between 1 and 10 MWe for
remote installations. This paper presents a neutronic optimization study of sodium gas-
cooled Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) design that has been simulated using the Monte
Carlo method. As a high fidelity open source Monte Carlo code, OpenMC has been used
to simulate the neutron flux distribution, power and burnup of the reactor core using
ENDF-B/VII.1 data library. This Micro Modular Reactor is a 5MWe power reactor with a
20-year lifetime without refuelling, designed to operate in a fast spectrum with TRISO
Fuel because TRISO particles are the leading-edge nuclear fuel form that is structurally
more resistant to neutron irradiation, corrosion, oxidation and high temperature than
traditional reactor fuel. TRISO fuels comprise thousands of micro-encapsulated
uranium-bearing fuel kernels and are individually coated with multiple layers of pyrolytic
carbon and silicon carbide that act as their own containment. This reactor model has a
hexagonal unit cell with a Sodium-cooled heat pipe in the center surrounded by the
TRISO particles embedded in a beryllium matrix.
The Development status of Innovative SMR and Future Plan

Speaker: H.g. Kim

Primary Author: Han-gon Kim [1]

[1] Innovative SMR Development Agency

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 27


The innovative SMR Development agency and related companies such KHNP, KAERI,
KEPCO ENC, KNF are developing innovative-SMR (iSMR) since 2019. iSMR is integrated
module type PWR. All the RCS components are encapsulted into small steel
containment. One reactor module produces 170MWe, and one standard plant is
composed of 4 reactor modules, so one standard plant produces 680MWe. There are no
active component nor electricity for safety function. All engineered safety features
perform their function with fully passive manner.With these feature, iSMR has very low
CDF (less than 10E-9). It means that severe acciden is practically, technically eliminated.
Modularization of RCS reduce overall construction period. Therefore, Nth plant of iSMR
can be builted with 24 months from first concrete to operating license. iSMR has the
capability to produce hydrogen and/or heat beside producing electricity. The standard
design of iSMR will be completed by 2025 and the standard design approval by Korean
regulatory body will be done at 2028. The first iSMR plant will be constructed early
Thermal-Hydraulic Calculations for the New Integral Small
Modular Reactor VVER-I With Natural Circulation in Primary

Speaker: M. Bedretdinov

Primary Authors: Mark Bedretdinov; Oleg Stepanov

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 36


Initial constructive development of new small modular pressurized water reactor VVER-I
with natural convection in primary circuit has been started in 2022 in JSC
«GIDROPRESS». The design of reactor is shown in [1]. VVER-I thermohydrodynamics
calculation results which were made using one-dimensional code KORSAR/GP are
presented within this work. Code KORSAR/GP [2] is widely used for NPP with VVER
reactors safety analysis development. Results of provided calculations for normal
operation mode of integral reactor VVER-I confirm results which were previously
obtained using analytical methodology for reactor and steam generator general sizes
estimation [3]. Stability of circulation and coolant parameters of primary circuit are
confirmed via the calculations. During normal operation the reactor core is cooled by
means of natural circulation in non-boiling mode. For basic thermal power of 250 MW
and 13.4 m height of reactor vessel temperature in outlet of the core is about 310 ºC,
coolant mass flow through the core equals to 820 kg/s and the temperature of
overheated steam in the outlet of steam generator is about 300 ºC. It is shown that the
reactor has substantial potential for thermal power increasing right up to 400 MW
without significant design changes. With the exception of NuScale reactor, general sizes
of which are visibly stand out of the trend maybe because of safety hull application,
VVER-I rather good fits worldwide trend of such type reactors development. 1. 2. Yu. G. Dragunov, М.А.
Bykov, V.А. Vasilenko, Yu.А. Migrov. Experience with introduction and development of
the KORSAR computer code for substantiating the safety of NPSs with type VVER
reactors / Thermal Engineering. 2006. 3. M.M. Bedretdinov, M.A. Bykov, O.E. Stepanov,
R.M. Sledkov. Thermal-Hydraulic Сalculations for the New Project of Small Modular
Reactor VVER-I, «XXXIX Siberian thermophysical workshop», 28 – 31.08.2023,

Speaker: S. El-din El-morshedy

Primary Author: Salah El-din El-morshedy [1]

[1] Prof. Dr. of Thermal-hydraulics, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 45


A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the thermal-hydraulic

performance for a near term deployable SMR of the integral pressurized water reactor
(IPWR) design under normal operation. The energy equation and the heat conduction
equation are solved analytically in order to predict the coolant, clad and fuel temperature
distributions. The core active length is divided into axial regions and the fuel rod is
divided into radial zones, nodal calculation is performed for two types of cooling
channels; the average and the hot channels. Through this model, the heat flux leading to
the Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) as well as the Departure from Nucleate
Boiling Ratio (DNBR) predicted at each axial node for each channel using EPRI
correlation. High accuracy correlations and/or models valid under the reactor operating
conditions are selected to estimate the heat transfer coefficients under single-phase
forced convection, subcooled boiling and bulk boiling regimes. The vapor quality and
void fraction are estimated for boiling regimes as well. The model is then used to
simulate the reactor performance under different core cooling flow rates ranging from
10000 to 18000 m3/h and so different subcooling margins. The developed model can be
used for selecting the appropriate core flow rate and subcooling margin and performing
independent thermal-hydraulic safety assessment of the reactor core under steady-state
operation as well.

Speaker: A. Gonin

Primary Author: Anatolii Gonin [1]

[1] Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Joint-Stock Company

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 53



Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power
engineering IPPE Obninsk, Russian Federation Email: The paper gives
a brief summary of the experimental facilities available in the Leypunsky Institute for
Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) for justification of safety margins in operation of
advanced small modular reactors (LWSMR). There are two experimental facilities SVD-1
and SVD-2 among other ones that are specifically focused from the view point of their
unique characteristics to perform experiments to justify both new nuclear water reactor
designs and to introduce changes into existing ones. Electric power up to 10 MW, which
the SVD-2 has, makes it possible: - to study thermal-hydraulic parameters including
critical heat fluxes in the full-scale fuel assemblies (FA) models of light water small
modular reactors (LWSMR) actively developed around the world. Such works are being
successfully carried out at the present time in the IPPE, including within the framework
of international projects. - to carry out experiments to study critical heat fluxes and post-
dryout heat transfer on full-scale height models of FA consisting of up to 25 rods for
PWR and up to 37 rods for for VVER. Data obtained on such models are the most
representative for the justification of reactor designs. Besides: - High pressure loop
(HLP) of SVD-2 allows pressure value to achieve up to 25 Mpa that allows to carry out
thermal-hydraulic studies on FA models of generation IV reactors at near- and super-
critical pressures (SCWR). - For decades the SVD-1 has been used to study thermal-
hydraulic processes in fuel assemblies (FA) during core refilling under conditions of loss
of coolant design accident (LOCA).
Compact Design for CVCS heat exchangers for SMR

Speaker: J. D. Choi

Primary Author: Jung Dae Choi [1]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 92


The CVCS of a typical large nuclear power plant includes two shell-and-tube heat
exchangers. Replacing these with a printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE), a high-
performance heat exchanger, can lead to significant space savings. Hence, this study
proposes the optimized size of the PCHE for CVCS heat exchangers. The PCHE consists
of a straight channel with a semi-circular cross-sectional area and performs all functions
of them. Numerical solutions are obtained using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES).
Since the working fluids to be heated and cooled are all single-phase water, the scope of
the numerical analysis expended to the turbulent flow region. As a result of this study, it
was evaluated that if PCHE is applied as a SMR CVCS heat exchanger, the space
required to install the heat exchanger is less than 20% compared to the shell and tube
type heat exchanger applicable to SMR while satisfying thermal hydraulic performance
such as heat capacity. This PCHE is composed of a straight channel with a semi-circular
cross-sectional area and performs all the functions of two existing shell and tube-type
heat exchangers. Considering that volume is one of the most important indicators in
SMR, this can be considered an important progress. This small-sized heat exchanger is
expected to be of great help in reducing construction costs and construction periods by
modularizing the entire CVCS system and allowing it to be manufactured at the factory.
In addition, since the heat exchanger is manufactured through diffusion welding, stability
is expected to increase.
Development and Multipurpose Applications of Small
Modular Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors in Two Component
Nuclear System

Speaker: Z. Dai

Primary Author: Zhiwen Dai [1]

Co-Authors: Shangang Cao [2]; Zhang Donghui [2]; Zhiguang Hou [3]; Shuiwen Jiang [2];
Chengwen Xing [2]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 110


ABSTRACT: The Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) has the advantages of proliferation
and transmutation, coupled with the pressurized water reactors (PWR), forming the two-
component nuclear energy system which holds significant importance for the
sustainable development of nuclear energy under the nuclear tripling declaration at
COP28. This article investigates the potential application and economic evaluation of
small modular sodium-cooled fast reactors in areas such as power generation, hydrogen
production, and industrial steam supply, simultaneously. Based on the current status of
nuclear energy development, this study predicts and analyzes the development
prospects of small sodium-cooled fast reactors within the framework of the two-
component nuclear system in the future.
Heat Transfer Simulation on HTGR Pebble Bed Using

Speaker: D. Setyawan

Primary Author: Daddy Setyawan [1]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 121


High temperature reactors are helium-cooled reactors which consist largely of graphite,
both fuel elements (pebbles) and the main structure material. It uses a special fuel
element made of graphite in which the uranium dioxide in three-fold coated particles is
homogeneously dispersed in a graphite matrix. The coatings especially the silicon
carbide layer create an effective barrier against fission product diffusion. The HTGR
Pebble bed, in modular design, is laid out that the maximum allowable fuel temperature
of 1620 C is never exceeded in any possible accident without actuation of active
components and it can solely shutdown the reactor via negative temperature feedback
effects. The thermal-hydraulic fluid dynamic programme ATHLET applies the porous
medium approach for flow in packed beds according to Ergun (dominance of friction).
This approach uses a quasi-steady state formulation for the momentum equation while
time dependent formulations are employed for mass conservation, and energy
conservation for both, the solid and gaseous phase. For spatial discretisation of the
conservation equations, the finite volume method is used. For material properties, gas
densities, heat transfer etc. a set of constitutive equations completes the set of
differential equations. Time integration in ATHLET is realised applying modified Newton
Raphson method which linearizes and subsequently solves the set of equations. This
study describes the modelling of a HTGR Pebble Bed using ATHLET code and outlines
further HTGR-specific development perspectives of ATHLET. The objectives of this work
is to simulate and compare the ATHLET results with the measurements of HTGR Pebble
Bed steady state temperature distribution in the initial full-power operation. Calculation
results by ATHLET for the measuring points in the reactor internals show good
agreement with the experimental values. For next study, the development of an effective
thermal conductivity heat transfer model for pebbles bed Reactor on ATHLET is needed.

Speaker: I. De Arenaza

Primary Author: Ignacio De Arenaza

Co-Author: Francisco Etchegaray Centeno

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 123


CAREM is a national SMR development project, based on LWR technology, coordinated

by Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) in collaboration with leading
nuclear companies in Argentina with the purpose to develop, design and construct
innovative small nuclear power plants with high level of safety and economic
competitiveness. CAREM is an integral PWR type NPP, based on indirect steam cycle
with features that simplify the design and support the objective of achieving a higher
level of safety (integrated primary cooling system, self-pressurized, core cooling by
natural circulation, in-vessel control rod drive mechanisms, passive safety systems).
CAREM25 is the demonstration plant of CAREM SMR, and was developed using
domestic technology. At least 70% of the components and related services for CAREM
were sourced from Argentinean companies. The construction of CAREM25 has
commenced, and the civil work on the reactor building is currently 85% advanced.
Parametric survey on critical core of RFBB-SS

Speaker: O. Sambuu

Primary Author: Odmaa Sambuu [1]

Co-Authors: Khanh Van Hoang [2]; Obara Toru [3]; Tsendsuren Amarjargal [4]

[1] School of Engineering and Technology, National University of Mongolia and Nuclear
Research Center, National University of Mongolia; [2] Phenikaa University; [3] Tokyo
Institute of Technology; [4] Nuclear Research Center, National University of Mongolia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 130


The Breed-and-Burn reactor maximizes uranium utilization due to use of depleted or

natural uranium and breeds fissile fuels while burning them. For this design, neutron
economy is necessary to be high during core operation to achieve critical core. It can be
accomplished by locating fuels with large neutron multiplication factors in the high
neutron flux region by appropriate shuffling schemes. Our previous analysis showed that
the small power (750 MWe) Rotational Fuel-Shuffling Breed-and-Burn reactor with
Silicide fuel and Sodium coolant (RFBB-SS) core without considering fuel assembly (FA)
duct and control rod assemblies (CRAs) can operate at critical condition and can sustain
the breed-and burn operating mode. The objective of the present study is to clarify the
impact of several parameters on burnup performance in practical core of RFBB-SS
including FA duct and CRAs by conducting burnup analysis using Monte Carlo SERPENT
code. By the analysis, the impact of the parameters on the criticality of the core in the
equilibrium state was clarified. As a result, small practical RFBB-SS core loaded with fuel
of 85 TD, 180 cm in height, 55 FAs per one of sixth core, and 700 days of shuffling
interval can operate in critical condition.
Status of Activities on the Project of the Land-Based Small
Nuclear Power Plant on the Basis of RITM-200N Reactor

Speaker: I. Yurina

Primary Authors: Iaroslav Bykh [1]; Dmitriy Shchekin [1]; Inna Yurina [1]

[1] Afrikantov OKBM, JSC

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 136


Afrikantov OKBM JSC is a leading designer of marine reactors and has many years of
experience in developing and operating marine reactors that successfully operate on in-
service nuclear-powered icebreakers. Basing on the Russian nuclear shipbuilding
experience a reactor plant with the maximum compact, maneuverable, highly reliable
and safe at the level of the modern nuclear energy requirements was successfully
developed. In February of 2020, State Corporation Rosatom decided to construct a first-
of-a-kind land-based SNPP with the RITM-200N. It is designed to generate electricity up
to 55 MW. The core refueling interval is at least 6 years. The service life of the
permanent equipment is 60 years. Detailed designs have been developed for the reactor
plant, the reactor core and the nuclear fuel handling equipment complex. In April of
2023, a nuclear plant siting license was obtained for the facility: Unit No. 1. It is planned
for 2024 to obtain a construction license. The SNPP will be constructed near Ust-Kuiga
village in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the severe sub-arctic climate conditions.
The SNPP site will has a production zone and an additional facility zone. The small-sized
NPP site layout enables a modular approach to simplifying the way of scaling up the
electric output in the future. The RITM-200N design is based on engineering solutions of
the RITM-200 reactor plant design that is used for nuclear-powered icebreakers. The
RITM-200N compact size is achieved through placing the primary coolant system main
equipment in special slots of the metal-water shield tank, which is a biological shielding
element. The SNPP safety is achieved through the inherent safety properties and the
balanced use of active and passive safety systems. SNPP with RITM-200N RP meets all
the requirements for power supply to remote settlements and industrial production.
Parametric Design: Making the complex simple.

Speaker: A. Crabb [1]

Primary Author: Andy Crabb [2]

Co-Author: Sean Galvin [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Atkinsrealis

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 147


[Link to visual abstract][1] [1]: The application of
parametric thinking has enabled Rolls-Royce SMR to design the latest Small Modular
Reactor to encompass modularity throughout its evolution from the first principles of its
bold architectural vision through to the detail of how the smallest elements are put
together. Parametric modelling has given the power of great design thinking back to the
designers to be able to deal with immense complexity in a coherent and coordinated
way. This innovative toolset enables true three-dimensional design modelling to happen
in real time while taking onboard an immeasurable number of variables. This innovative
way of thinking has opened fresh new areas of computational design that can adapt to
many environments ranging from shell roof structures to earthworks, to functional
optimisation, to modular construction, to cost, and to schedule control. All fundamental
in a production line of multiple SMR units that will benefit from design optimisation.
Parametric thinking has been fundamental to the production of an efficient new form of
energy production for our future energy security in the form of Rolls-Royce SMR.
Neutronic Analysis of Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor
(AP300) using OpenMC

Speaker: W. Dridi

Primary Author: Walid Dridi [1]

Co-Author: Sarra Moumni (research Laboratory On Energy And Matter For Nuclear
Science Development, National Center For Nuclear Sciences And Technologies, Sidi
Thabet Technopark) [2]

[1] Centre National des Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires; [2] Research Laboratory on
Energy and Matter for Nuclear Science Development (LR16CNSTN02), National Center for
Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Sidi Thabet Technopark

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 162


The study was focused on the analysis of light water Small Modular Reactor (SMR) with
a square-shaped fuel element. The core design, based on the Westinghouse UO2 SMR
with less than 5% enrichment was developed using the open-source Monte Carlo
(OpenMC) code. Neutronics analyses of the core with UO2 fuel was achieved to
characterize parameters such as the radial neutron flux profile, the maximum to average
flux ratio, the reactivity coefficient and critical boron concentration at beginning of life;
which confirmed good performance. The results of the simulation are compared to
MCNP calculations developed by Missouri S&T.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for Optimizing
Temperature and Flow Profile in a Natural Circulation Based
Integrated SMR

Speaker: A. Shafique

Primary Author: Ammar Shafique [1]

Co-Authors: Muhammad Ishtiaq [1]; Muhammad Kashif [1]; Noman Shah [1]

[1] Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 179


Objective of this work is to demonstrate applicability of computational fluid dynamics

(CFD) techniques to perform design and safety assessment of passive primary coolant
systems in integrated small modular reactors (SMRs). Passive primary coolant system,
or natural circulation- based nuclear steam supply system (NSSS), is one of the most
prominent features of SMR configurations where primary loop, steam generator and
pressurizer are integrated into one single reactor pressure vessel (RPV). To simulate the
primary coolant flow, iterative CFD analyses were performed where each analysis
constitutes a certain combination of thermal gradient between the core & steam
generator and their size & elevation. Given heat flux of the core, primary coolant
temperature and velocity profile were computed along with heat transferred to the
secondary side and corresponding temperature reduction on the primary side, in turn,
improving the initially computed velocity profile for the primary coolant. The study
concludes that CFD simulations offer viable solutions in terms of flow and temperature
distributions, thus contributing towards safe and efficient heat transport performance of
primary systems in SMRs.
Unique nuclear heat: Blue Capsule’s singular approach to
design simplification and integration in small modular

Speaker: E. Hourcade [1]

Primary Author: Edouard Hourcade [2]

Co-Authors: Mathieu Carey [2]; Alexey Lokhov [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Blue Capsule Technology

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 201


With nuclear energy poised to play a more prominent role in global decarbonisation
efforts, small modular reactor (SMR) innovators are seizing the opportunity that reduced
use of fossil fuels implies. Currently, 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions are
a direct consequence of fossil fuel combustion to produce heat for industrial processes,
so companies like Blue Capsule, a spin-off from France’s CEA, are proposing a reactor
design that maximises the production of industrial-grade heat (air at up to 700°C) for
new markets; namely onsite co-location at hard-to-abate industries such as ammonia
and soda ash production. For this to work, the modularity of a Blue Capsule is allied with
a simplified cross-over of two mature technologies: the TRISO-based prismatic fuel from
high-temperature reactors (HTRs), and the coolant of sodium-cooled fast neutron
reactors. This paper explores the resulting reactor concept, identifying both the
simplification and integration facets of this SMR as a unique proposition to Europe’s
SMR ecosystem. The paper finds that Blue Capsule’s design can address well-known
difficulties associated with nuclear technologies: (i) safety, regulatory and physical
issues (i.e. cold source availability); (ii) the competitiveness of nuclear heat compared
with fossil fuel heat, and; (iii) low maximum temperatures for nuclear reactors available
on the western market.

Speaker: F. Varaine

Primary Author: Frederic Varaine

Co-Author: Remy Dupraz

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 210


The purpose of this paper is to introduce the technical and economic performances of
the AMR OTRERA developed in France and the development roadmap. OTRERA is an
innovative AMR (Advanced Modular Reactor) reactor that brings real breakthroughs
compared to the competition, giving it a unique market positioning and higher than
average profitability. Its unit capacity of 300 MWth enables it to meet local needs,
whether those of conurbations or industrial sites. The OTRERA reactor is a fast-
spectrum, 4th-generation reactor that uses spent fuel from conventional reactors soil in
spend fuel storage pools, and recycles it for its own operation. The reactor's long
operating autonomy, of the order of 10 years, ensures stable, reliable electricity
production. OTRERA's cogeneration heat offers a unique business model that makes it
highly profitablé by offering a wide range of industrial purposes. To meet the challenge
of rapid deployment the OTRERA reactor relies on: • Sodium Fast Reactor technology,
which is the most mature of the 4th generation technologies. • Its own technological
advances, based on the experience of its founders and the technological building blocks
developed during the ASTRID program. • On the strength of this technological lead, we
are proposing to commission a first series reactor by 2032 and then rapidly deploy more
than hundred reactors in around twenty years.
Thorizon's cartridge core molten salt reactor

Speaker: S. De Groot

Primary Author: Sander De Groot [1]

[1] Thorizon

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 237


Low pressure operation, and elimination of potential escalation by laws of physics,

combined with large fuel flexibility, neutron spectrum flexibility, and convenient
connection to reprocessing and subsequent fuel production, make molten salt
technology the superior basis for next generation nuclear power reactors. The key
challenge of molten salt reactors relates to the structural materials in contact with the
primary salt, which are exposed to high temperatures, radiation damage and chemical
interaction. Instead of trying to find and qualify materials that can withstand these
conditions for the typical lifetime of a nuclear plant, Thorizon has mitigated material
degradation issues by integrating a replacement strategy in the reactor design. The
patented Thorizon reactor core concept is modular, consisting of a number of so-called
cartridges which can be replaced and maintain nuclear containment at all times. The
benefits of this approach, in terms of safety, practical and economic feasibility,
qualification, licensing, time to build and the convenient connection to reprocessing
facilities will be explained. In addition, a cartridge based experimental validation and
qualification strategy will be elaborated, enabling an ambitious timeline to realization of
a 250 MWth Thorizon first of a kind.
Using open SMR datasets E-SMR and LDR lite for research
and training purposes

Speaker: V. Tulkki

Primary Author: Ville Tulkki [1]

Co-Authors: Marton Szogradi [1]; Fares Alblouwy [1]; Rebekka Komu [1]; Riku Tuominen

[1] VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland ltd

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 274


Many Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs rely on innovative safety features, which
may differ from those of currently operating in conventional nuclear power plants.
Access to simulation models of such nuclear units allows interested parties to build
expertise prior to licensing processes. Two SMR datasets, E-SMR and LDR lite, have
been recently published, and this paper presents examples of design basis accident
scenario simulations on models made with those datasets performed at VTT. The E-
SMR dataset was created in EURATOM-funded ELSMOR (towards European Licensing of
Small Modular Reactors) project, to demonstrate a safety philosophy similar to other
PWR-type SMRs. The dataset was published under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license and has been
used to perform design basis accident scenario benchmarks. The LDR lite dataset is a
public version of the Low-temperature District heating Reactor (LDR-50), intended for
academic research. Designed by VTT, LDR-50 is suitable for district heating and other
low-temperature applications, which influenced the design of the reactor to include
different innovative passive safety systems designs and approaches.
SMR Deployment: FOAK (First-of-a-Kind) Risks & Risk
Mitigation Strategies

Speaker: I. Ali

Primary Author: Irfan Ali [1]

[1] ARC Clean Technology, Inc.

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 315


To realize the full potential of SMR technology towards a long-term, global future based
on clean energy, the nuclear industry has to successfully surmount a number of key
challenges. While the new generation of nuclear technology, in the form of numerous
SMR options, holds tremendous promise, the successful commercialization of these
new reactors has to address several critical elements. Chief among these is the
development and construction of First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) projects. While any FOAK
project, in the energy industry or otherwise, is challenging in its own right, nuclear FOAK
projects carry a distinctive level of complexity due to a unique combination of technical,
financial and regulatory burdens. Even in instances where specific SMR designs are
based on sound technology, with promising results in laboratory environments, the
process of converting this sound technology to successful commercial product is long
and arduous. This paper will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the risks
associated with SMR FOAK projects and propose plausible mitigation strategies for
these risks.
Italy's Journey into Small Modular Reactors: Research,
Safety Assessment, Testing, and Future Prospects

Speaker: M. Caramello

Primary Authors: Marco Caramello [1]; Michele Frignani [2]; Walter Ambrosini [3];
Gianfranco Caruso [4]; Marco Ricotti [5]; Fulvio Mascari [6]; Federico Rocchi [6]; Calogera
Lombardo [6]; Massimiliano Polidori [6]; Giacomo Grasso (italian National Agency For
New Technology, Energy And Sustainable Economic Development) [7]; Francesco Lodi
[6]; Mariano Tarantino [6]; Alessandro Petruzzi [8]; Andrea Achilli [9]; Roberta Ferri [9];
Carlo Randaccio [9]; Marco Tudor Cauzzi [9]; Andrea Bersano [9]

[1] Ansaldo Nucleare; [2] Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A.; [3] Pisa University; [4] Sapienza
Università di Roma; [5] Politecnico di Milano; [6] ENEA; [7] Italian National Agency for New
Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA); [8] NINE; [9] SIET

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 317


Italy's interest and involvement in Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and Advanced Modular
Reactors (AMR) technologies dates back to almost two decades ago and had a notable
surge in recent years. As a nation investigating the possibility of restarting a nuclear
program, Italy has recognized the potential of innovative nuclear technologies to
contribute to its energy security and sustainability goals, and to diversify its portfolio of
low carbon resources. This article explores Italy's engagement in SMRs and AMRs,
spanning from design activities, numerical studies, safety assessment and testing
endeavors. In particular, recent efforts within the context of thermal-hydraulics,
neutronics, fuel performance, safety and licensing and material testing are reported.
Worth mentioning, the Italian nuclear sector leverages a collaborative effort between
academic institutions, research organizations, and industry stakeholders. By providing a
comprehensive overview of Italy's involvement in forthcoming nuclear technologies, this
article aims at contributing to the global discourse on nuclear energy innovation and its
role in addressing contemporary energy challenges.
Experiment and Modeling Efforts to Support Development
and Deployment of Advanced Energy Systems

Speaker: P. Sabharwall

Primary Author: Piyush Sabharwall [1]

Co-Authors: Mauricio Tano [1]; Youssef Ballout [1]

[1] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 318


Advanced energy systems are the next generation of energy systems with self-control
and monitoring attributes along with passive safety measures that are being designed
and developed across the globe. Self-control of primary processes refers to the reactors
inherent safety, whereas passive safety features are vital in operation when strong
deviation of normal process behavior occurs. For supporting the verification and
validation for these novel systems there are modeling and experimental efforts being
supported under various Department of Energy programs. Both these efforts need to
synergize to support a successful accelerated deployment. This article provides an
overview on the test beds being designed and developed along with the modeling efforts
in the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) that supports
multiphysics modeling and simulations, i.e., neutronics, thermal-hydraulics,
thermomechanics, and thermochemistry, of advanced nuclear reactors for engineering
design, safety studies, licensing, and operational support. The experiments being
designed and carried out will support technology maturation, and reduce uncertainty and
risk associated with the design, operation, and deployment of next generation energy
systems, such as small modular reactors and microreactors.
Modeling of Proposed Passive Heat Pipe Loops Cooling

Speaker: M.s. Abdelaziz

Primary Author: Mohamed Salem [1]

[1] EAEA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 319


Abstract Heat-pipes are passive heat transfer devices, which have very long lives when
properly designed and fabricated. Fuel pool Heat should be removed to keep fuel
temperature within safe limit. A gravity assisted two-phase closed heat-pipe loop
(GTPCHL) as a passive cooling system could be used to remove this heat. This paper
proposes a completely passive cooling system using loop heat-pipe for cooling and
dissipation the heat. The design is focus on heat removal from the pool of the small
reactor to be in safe mode. The model considers natural convection by air for the
condenser part of the heat-pipe loop to confine the heat. A numerical simulation using
special design of (GTPCHL) were used to investigate the thermal performance. The
effects of evaporator and condenser configuration, atmospheric air temperature, and
heat load were analyzed. Demineralized water was used as the working fluid. The
atmospheric air was circulated around the condenser as a heat-sink. The results show
that the best thermal performance was obtained at a low atmospheric air temperature,
biggest evaporator and condenser surface area, and a high evaporator heat load. The
simulation model showed a pattern that can be used to predict the heat transfer
phenomena of (GTPCHL) with varying inputs. A theoretical network model has been
proposed to predict the transient response of (GTPCHL) at different heat loads (100,
200, 300, 400 and 500 kW). From this model wall and fluid temperatures, heat transfer
coefficients, time constants, and other thermal characteristics have been estimated. The
transient response of (GTPCHL) was found to depend mainly on the average evaporator
thermal resistance. Increasing the heat loads causes a reduction in thermal resistance
and in time constants, which leads to better performance of the heat pipe. The
evaporator and condenser heat transfer coefficients were found to increase with
increasing power.
Core Geometry and Reflector Optimization of 10 MWt Micro-
PeLUIt Pebble Bed HTGR

Speaker: F. Miftasani

Primary Authors: Dwi Irwanto [1]; Fitria Miftasani (national Research And Innovation
Agency, Indonesia) [2]; Topan Setiadipura (national Research And Innovation Agency,
Indonesia) [2]; Zaki Suud [1]; Nuri Trianti (national Research And Innovation Agency,
Indonesia) [2]; Nina Widiawati (national Research And Innovation Agency, Indonesia) [2];
Cici Wulandari [1]

[1] Institut Teknologi Bandung; [2] National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 321


Previous research has explored the effects of reducing the size of nuclear reactor cores
to identify smaller, optimal dimensions for applications in remote Indonesian locations.
This investigation aimed to reduce the core dimensions while maintaining the height-to-
diameter ratio (H/D) at 1.1, following the HTR-10 model. The previous findings indicated
that, with a minimum burnup target of 60 MWD/kg-HM, the optimized reactor volume is
4.4 m³, featuring a diameter of 172 cm and a height of 189.2 cm. Lowering the burnup
target revealed five alternative geometric configurations for a downsized Peluit 10 MWt
reactor. This study delves into the impact of reflector size modifications on these five
reactor geometry options, employing the Pebble Bed Reactor Neutron Diffusion
(PEBBED) Code, a computational tool designed for analyzing High-Temperature Gas-
cooled Reactor (HTGR) physics, specifically Pebble Bed Reactors. The analysis
encompasses neutronic parameters such as total fuel flow, burnup, power peaking
factors, and power density distribution, which are critical for understanding the reactor's
performance and safety. Furthermore, the study examines thermal-hydraulics and safety
parameters, including steady-state and transient fuel temperatures, focusing on
scenarios involving Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC) accidents. This
comprehensive analysis aims to enhance the design and safety features of compact
nuclear reactors suitable for isolated areas, contributing to developing more accessible
and safe nuclear energy solutions. Keywords: HTGR, PEBBED, PeLUIt-10, TRISO, Pebble
HEXANA: a sodium advanced modular reactor for
sustainable industrial decarbonization

Speaker: P. Gauthé

Primary Author: Jean-baptiste Droin

Co-Authors: Paul Gauthé; Sylvain Nizou

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 325


HEXANA is a French start-up committed to the design and development of an innovative

small modular sodium fast reactor. Its objective is to deal with the key challenges of the
energy transition that are still poorly addressed today, mainly through the
decarbonization of the hard to abate energy intensive industries and the need for flexible
power sources in addition to renewable energies. The Sodium Reactor technology has
been chosen because of its favorable technical specifications for end-users (high
temperature, good electrical efficiency…), but above all because of the high
technological readiness level and the high level of credibility that it offers and which
results in a quite short time-to-deployment compared to other systems. The proof of
concept is already demonstrated at an industrial scale, but HEXANA brings several
innovations in terms of architecture and of use of energy. The power of this reactor is
400 MWth for each module, and HEXANA provides two twinned reactors associated with
thermal storage (molten salt) offering flexible power delivery in response to the needs of
its customers for industrial process needs. HEXANA integrates design options offering
high guarantees from the point of view of safety, relying in particular on passive safety
devices. The design of the nuclear island is made modular, so that factory-building and
transport on-site by sea or by river is possible, which is a key driver for competitiveness.
HEXANA is primarily targeting the combined production of heat and electricity, bases for
the production of hydrogen or synthetic fuels. The level of heat (up to 500°C) actually
gives access to all the amenities needed to defossilize our economy: steam, hydrogen,
CO2, synthetic fuels, green steel, chemical molecules, etc. All these features confirm that
the solution proposed by HEXANA is relevant to decarbonize industrial hubs in a robust
and credible way.
SMR Current Status: Development Needs and Global

Speaker: P. Sabharwall [1]

Primary Author: Palash Kumar Bhowmik [2]

Co-Authors: Piyush Sabharwall [3]; George Griffith; Youssef Ballout [3]

[1] TBC; [2] Staff Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory; [3] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 328


Defined as nuclear reactors with a power output up to 300 megawatts electrical (MWe)
by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and targeted for multipurpose
applications, small modular reactors (SMRs) have been recognized as a very promising,
clean, affordable, and sustainable energy source by many countries. At present, more
than 80 SMRs are under design, development, demonstration, deployment, and beyond
(4D+) phases worldwide. This study focuses on the current world status of SMRs and
focuses on the necessary developments to accelerate the process of adopting SMRs as
a major energy source globally. SMRs are not a new concept, but they do represent a
new vision for older concepts if the challenges inherent within them are mitigated with
strategic and realistic solution approaches. The major challenges for SMRs 4D+ are: (a)
qualifying the advanced fuel-to-reactor design; (b) supporting rapid scaled/prototypic
experimentations; (c) maintaining local and global codes and standards, supply chain
issues, and regulations; (d) ensuring innovative but effective strategic and legislative
commitments for the cradle-to-grave nuclear fuel cycle and transportation, and (f)
mitigating financial and environmental risks. These challenges can be mitigated with a
synergistic solution approach among the various stakeholders: industry, academia,
research, government, and international entities.

Speaker: A. Dedul

Primary Author: Alexander Dedul [1]

Co-Authors: Oleg Komlev [1]; Alexaey Kondaurov [1]; Alexander Martynenko [1]; Vladimir
Petrochenko [2]

[1] JSC AKME-engineering; [2] Russian Federation

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 329


The SVBR-100 reactor facility with a fast neutron reactor, an integral layout of the
primary circuit and a lead-bismuth coolant in the primary circuit is being developed as
one of the main components of serial NPPs of modular design with an average power
from 100 to 600 MW (e). The main design provisions of the SVBR-100 reactor
facility,presented in the paper,are aimed at simplifying the design of reactor facility
equipment and systems, using the inherent safety characteristics and passive systems
to increase the resistance of the reactor facility to potential hazards. Due to the
developed properties of internal self-protection, the number and complexity of safety
systems has been significantly reduced in comparison with traditional reactor facilities.
Key technical solutions used in reactor plant designs are based on mastered production
materials and technologies. The most important technical characteristics of the reactor
facility are presented in Table below. Main technical characteristics of reactor facility
SVBR-100 Characteristic Value Thermal power, MW 280 Pressure of generated saturated
steam, MPa 7.0 Steam capacity, t/h 580 Coolant temperature at core inlets/outlets, °C
340/490 Fuel OU2 Average fuel enrichment for U-235, % 16.7 Maximum fuel enrichment
for U-235, % less than 20 Core campaign, thousand effective hours 50 Time interval
between refueling, years 6-7 Reactor dimensions: diameter/height, m 4.53/7.86 A
significant amount of R&D has been carried out to substantiate the technical design of
the reactor facility. The most important results and the main directions of activities for
completing the justifications are presented in the paper. In-depth technical and
economic researches carried out on the basis of design documents demonstrate the
competitiveness of the product being created.
Low Energy Linear Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Molten Salt
Reactor to Produce Clean CO2-Free Energy with Stirling

Speaker: E. Greaves

Primary Authors: Laszlo Sajo-bohus [1]; Eduardo Greaves [1]

[1] Universidad Simon Bolivar

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 332


Abstract A radiotherapy electron accelerator (LINAC) operating on the usual

bremsstrahlung producing energetic photons (5.5 – 25 MeV) provides demonstrated [ , ]
neutron production when operating in the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) region where
most medical linacs are actively operated. It is employed with effectiveness to induce
neutrons via the reactions (γ , n), (γ , fis) and (e , e’n) in the accelerator’s W-target and
thereby controlling fission energy production in a subcritical Accelerator Driven Molten
Salt Reactor operating in a thermal neutron regime. FliBe molten salt with dissolved 0.25
mol% fissile 335U, 233U or 239Pu provide the reaction media with power totally
controlled by the external electron accelerator neutron source. The thermal energy is
used to drive a Stirling cycle motor to directly provide electric power production. 1 R. R.
Martín-Landrove, E. D. Greaves, L. Sajo-Bohus, et al. (2015) GDR in Radiotherapy
Treatment Fields with 18 MV Accelerators. pp 369-376 In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14th
15 – 19, 2015, 2 L. Sajo-Bohus and E. D. Greaves. (2016) Low energy linear accelerator-
driven subcritical assembly. In Chap.15 of Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium Energy. Ed.
Thomas Dolan, Pub. Elsevier.
Tube inlet orifice design of a once-through steam generator
considering operation strategies

Speaker: H. S. Han

Primary Author: Hun Sik Han [1]

Co-Authors: Young In Kim [1]; Youngmin Bae [1]; Seungyeob Ryu [1]

[1] Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 336


A numerical study is conducted for a thermal-hydraulic performance analysis and

secondary side screw-type tube inlet orifice design of a once-through steam generator
(OTSG). Various tube-plugging conditions and power levels are considered, and the
secondary coolant inlet temperature is adjusted to maintain a constant level of thermal
power. Comprehensive numerical solutions are acquired to evaluate the thermal-
hydraulic performance and minimum orifice length of the OTSG under various operating
conditions. The results obtained show that constant thermal power can be maintained
by properly adjusting the secondary coolant inlet temperature with variation of the steam
outlet superheat degree and secondary coolant pressure drop when the OTSG operates
at a high power level. The lowest power level results in the highest minimum orifice
length, and non-plugged condition practically limits the orifice length criterion. This
OTSG performance and orifice length are compared with those when the secondary
coolant flow rate or secondary coolant outlet pressure is controlled for constant thermal
power operation. The secondary coolant outlet pressure control operation with the
highest secondary coolant pressure provides the smallest tube inlet orifice size and it
accordingly results in the lowest hydraulic pumping power through the orifice. The
orifice size is almost unchanged with respect to the constant thermal power operation
strategy when the secondary coolant control parameter is the inlet temperature or flow
rate because both schemes provide nearly identical secondary coolant pressures.
Novel design features of proposed light-water SMRs — a
Swedish perspective

Speaker: J. Eriksson

Primary Author: Johan Eriksson [1]

Co-Author: Teodora Retegan Vollmer [1]

[1] Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 343


Deployment of land-based light-water SMRs is one of the options considered for adding
new nuclear capacity in Sweden. In comparison with the currently and previously
operating Swedish reactors, the proposed SMR designs entail a number of novel
features. In this ongoing work such novelties are being identified and the need for further
research is evaluated. A shortlist of five SMRs, one BWR and four PWRs, that are
deemed the most probable to be constructed in Sweden in the relatively near future has
been compiled. Notable technical differences compared with the Swedish reactor fleet
include: • Novel passive approaches to safety • Novel containment designs • Integral
PWR designs • Boron-free PWR coolant • Increased load-following capability Some of the
features have not been widely tested in commercial reactors. There is thus a need to
verify the adequate functionality of these novelties, both experimentally and
theoretically. Other of the features are already utilised in reactors outside Sweden. The
need to investigate them from a technical perspective is thus not as high as for the
untested ones. However, there might still be regulatory aspects to consider before being
able to implement them in Sweden. This poster will present critical investigation needs
related to the novelties to enable licensing, construction, and operation of the shortlisted
Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Passive DHRS
with Plate-Type Compact Steam Generator

Speaker: A. Missaglia

Primary Author: Andrea Missaglia [1]

Co-Authors: Alessandro Alemberti [2]; Andrea Bersano; Marco Caramello [2]; Calogera
Lombardo [3]; Stefano Lorenzi [1]; Marco Ricotti [1]

[1] Politecnico di Milano; [2] Ansaldo Nucleare; [3] ENEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 346


Within the EU-funded ELSMOR (Towards European Licencing of Small Modular

Reactors) project, an experimental facility has been built at SIET (Piacenza, Italy) to test
a passive Decay Heat Removal System (DHRS). Based on natural circulation, the main
peculiarity is the adoption of a plate-type compact steam generator as heat source,
whereas the heat sink is an in-pool condenser. An experimental campaign was
conducted to investigate the effect of various parameters on the DHRS behavior, such
as the secondary side filling ratio, the primary system temperature, the pool level, etc.
The present activity simulated the ELSMOR test 00100_C where the reduction of the
secondary side filling ratio is enough to trigger oscillations observed experimentally on
the secondary side flow rate. Adopting the RELAP5 code, the simulations predicted the
experimental data both qualitatively and quantitatively, promisingly encompassing the
primary physical phenomena essential for the system's performance. Few discrepancies
were noted in predicting the secondary side pressure, primary side compact steam
generator outlet temperature and secondary side flow rate, highlighting the need for
further code development and validation to support the adoption of compact heat
transfer devices on safety related systems. In the context of advancing Small Modular
Reactor (SMR) technologies, this paper contributes valuable insights into the validation
of passive DHRS, addressing critical challenges and paving the way for enhanced safety
and efficiency in future SMR deployments.
Current status of SMRs development

Speaker: I. Pioro

Primary Author: Igor Pioro [1]

Co-Author: Romney Duffey

[1] University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 350


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) (installed capacity ≤300 MWel) are today’s a very “hot”
topic in nuclear engineering / nuclear-power industry worldwide. In general, there are
about 108 concepts / designs of SMRs, which can be classified as: 1) Water-cooled
SMRs (land based) ‒ 33; 2) Water-cooled SMRs (marine based) ‒ 7; 3) High-temperature
gas-cooled SMRs ‒ 21; 4) Fast-neutron-spectrum SMRs ‒ 26; 5) Molten-salt SMRs ‒ 17;
and 6) Other SMRs ‒ 4. From all these 108 SMRs only two KLT-40S reactors (PWRs)
(Russia) have been constructed, installed on a barge, and put into operation in December
of 2019 in the port of Pevek, Chukotka and RITM-200M was designed and manufactured;
also, two High Temperature Reactors Pebble-bed Module (HTRs-PM) SMRs cooled with
helium were constructed and put into operation in March of 2023 in China. Based on
these two examples of operating SMRs the following conclusions can be made: SMRs
usually require a higher level of fuel enrichment up to <20% to operate with a smaller
amount of fuel and to have longer terms between refueling and, usually, lower NPP
thermal efficiencies compared to those of large nuclear-power reactors NPPs of the
same type. Also, some other issues have to be resolved before a widespread
implementation of SMRs, which include: Legal frameworks for widespread enriched-fuel
utilization and its interstate transportation; elimination of potential for plutonium
production; sabotage and terrorist-attacks prevention; accounting and remote
monitoring of nuclear materials; assured cooling of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) during
transportation; and equipment operating without maintenance for a time commensurate
with core lifetime. However, in spite of all these difficulties in SMR development, they will
undoubtedly have their unique “niche” applications of being implemented in remote
areas, small electrical grids, military facilities, and as floating NPPs.
Performance Optimization Analysis of PeLUIt-40 using HTGR
Code Package (HCP)

Speaker: N. Trianti

Primary Author: Nuri Trianti (national Research And Innovation Agency Of Republic Of
Indonesia) [1]

Co-Authors: Dwi Irwanto [2]; Fitria Miftasani (national Research And Innovation Agency,
Indonesia) [3]; Topan Setiadipura [4]; Zaki Suud [2]; Nina Widiawati (national Research
And Innovation Agency, Indonesia) [3]; Cici Wulandari [2]

[1] National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic of Indonesia (BRIN); [2] Institut
Teknologi Bandung; [3] National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia; [4]

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 351


The PeLUIt-40 (*Pembangkit Listrik dan Uap untuk Industri*) reactor, a pebble-bed High-
Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) with a power of 40 MWt designed for
electricity and co-generation applications, holds promise as a solution for clean energy.
A thorough examination of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic aspects is essential to
assess the resilience of the PeLUIt-40 design and ensure compliance with safety
standards. This study focuses on evaluating the reactor's resilience and safety through
comprehensive analyses of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic aspects. Leveraging the
HTGR Code Package (HCP), we aim to optimize its operational dynamics, enhancing
efficiency and sustainability. The research integrates various simulations enabled by the
HCP to provide detailed insights into PeLUIt-40 behavior. Neutronics simulations offer
an understanding of neutron flux distributions, criticality, fuel depletion, guiding control
strategies, and fuel management. Thermal-hydraulic analyses elucidate coolant flow
characteristics and temperature profiles critical for maintaining safety margins. Safety
analyses assess accident scenarios, i.e., Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC),
ensuring the reactor's resilience against unforeseen contingencies. Integration of these
analyses aims to enhance reactor performance and highlight PeLUIt-40 potential for
electricity and co-generation applications. This research will contribute to ongoing
discussions on advanced reactor technologies and inform future HTGR design and
operation advancements.
Overview of Modified Design Features of SMART-C

Speaker: M. Young Park

Primary Author: Minyoung Park

Co-Author: Sung Won Lim

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 352


Small Modular Reactor (SMR) has gained global attention owing to its numerous
advantages. SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) is one of the most
verified SMR designs which has obtained Standard Design Approval (SDA). Recently, a
variation of SMART100 (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor100), has been
suggested. The newly proposed reactor, SMART-C is an advanced concept of the
SMART100 in terms of portability and economic viability. The portability of the SMR is
vital for the application of the SMR in rural areas and various industries including oil
sand industries. In order to achieve these aspects, design modifications have been
conducted on SMART100. The design modifications include; weight reduction of the
reactor pressure vessel and simplification of the safety systems. In this study, the
modified design features of SMART-C are summarized and presented. Furthermore, the
associated issues are addressed.
Delivering on the Promise of Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: R. Baranwal

Primary Authors: Rita Baranwal [1]; Vincent Thomas [1]

[1] Westinghouse Electric

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 370


The Westinghouse AP300™ SMR is the Only SMR based on Licensed, Operating &
Advanced Reactor Technology. It is the most advanced, proven and readily deployable
SMR solution. Westinghouse proudly brings our experience developing and
implementing new nuclear technologies, from the introduction of the U.S. Navy’s first
submarine nuclear reactor (the USS Nautilus) and the world’s first commercial
pressurized water reactor in 1957 (Shippingport), to today having Westinghouse
technology as the basis for approximately 50% of the world's operating nuclear plants.
The Westinghouse Gen III+ AP1000® reactor is currently proving itself every day around
the globe. Currently, four units utilizing AP1000 technology are operating in China,
setting performance records. Eight more are under construction in China and one
AP1000 reactor is operating at Plant Vogtle in Georgia while a second nears commercial
operation. The AP300 SMR leverages that operating experience, as well as tens of
millions of hours on AP1000 reactor development. The AP300 SMR has the benefits of
record-setting Westinghouse AP1000 PWR technology in a smaller power output to
augment the backbone of any community’s energy system. The AP300 SMR R&D
program draws on the lessons learned from the AP1000 deployments and furthers
concepts of design simplification and modularity.
Heat Distribution Results from Experiments Using Array of 5
Sodium Heat Pipes

Speaker: P. Diaz Gomez Maqueo

Primary Author: Pablo Diaz Gomez Maqueo [1]

Co-Authors: Chukwudi Azih [1]; Reilly Maccoy [1]; Rory Mcgrath [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 380


Heat pipes are self-contained two-phase passive cooling devices. Microreactor concepts
configure heat pipes in parallel banks (arrays) to transport heat away from the core and
into power generating working fluid. The array heat pipe experiment at the High
Temperature Fuel Channel Laboratory (HTFC) of the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
(CNL) simulates such configuration using 12 electrically-heated channels to simulate the
heat generated from the nuclear fuel and five cooling channels with heat pipes to
remove the heat. The core is simulated as a stainless-steel block. Power output is
measured using a gas-cooled stainless steel block at the opposite end of the heat pipe
array. Of the five heat pipes, three can be turned-off by injecting a non-condensable gas
into them. An initial experiment to benchmark the performance of the array heat pipe
was conducted and used as a baseline to compare with the subsequent cases.
Experiments were then conducted by selectively turning off heat pipes in the array. The
results of these tests show the heat distribution differences when compared with the
baseline, and the effect of heat pipe failure when used in an array configuration.
newcleo’s R&D Programme in support of SMR-LFR
Development and Deployment

Speaker: L. Cinotti [1]

Primary Authors: Luciano Cinotti [2]; Andrea Barbensi [2]; Antonio Toti [2]; Fabio Moretti
[2]; Mariano Tarantino [3]; Ulisse Pasquali [4]

[1] TBC; [2] newcleo; [3] ENEA; [4] SRS

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 390


newcleo is designing MOX-fuelled SMR-LFRs, aiming at commissioning a MOX

production plant and a demonstrator in the early 2030s, followed by a 200MWe First-Of-
A-Kind and a fleet. The strengths of newcleo's reactor are safety, simplicity,
compactness and cost competitiveness. These rely on lead properties and are enhanced
by our innovative solutions, resulting in the elimination of several components no longer
needed. A broad R&D programme supports the company’s incremental strategy to
consolidate mature technologies and close existing gaps. This is implemented in
partnership with ENEA, and benefits of the subsidiaries SRS-Fucina’s know-how. The
main technical areas include: structural materials, coatings, primary components
integrity/performance, handling systems, ISI&R and integral testing in large-scale
facilities. Specific R&D needs are addressed through the refurbishment of existing ENEA
infrastructure (e.g. NACIE loop for studies on heat transfer, CIRCE pool for components
and SG tube rupture tests), and several new test facilities: - Corrosion Capsules
(CAPSULE) in stagnant lead - Lead loop for corrosion and erosion tests (CORE) in
flowing lead - Lead loop for thermal-hydraulic investigations and component testing
(OTHELLO) - Dip-cooler instability (DCI) facility for thermal-hydraulics studies on
bayonet-tube DHR - MANUT infrastructure for handling equipment testing/qualification -
Pool-type large-scale integral test facility (Precursor,~10MW)
Microreactor Applications, Research, Validation, and
Evaluation (MARVEL) Reactor – Status, Construction, and

Speaker: J. Jackson [1]

Primary Author: John Jackson [2]

Co-Authors: Abdalla Abou Jaoude [2]; Michael Patterson [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 402


This paper presents the current status of the Microreactor Applications, Research,
Validation, and Evaluation (MARVEL) microreactor design, qualification testing,
fabrication, and high-level construction schedule. An overview of initial criticality, low
power physics testing, and start-up testing is included, as well as an overview of the
envisioned processes in which end-users can engage the project for access to
operational data or specific demonstrations. Designed by the Idaho National Laboratory
(INL) under the auspices of the US Department of Energy’s Microreactor Program for
construction and operation at the INL, MARVEL is a small, fully functional advanced
reactor with UZrH fuel and thermal output of 85 kW. It offers a unique opportunity for
scaled demonstrations that can dramatically accelerate the design, licensing, and
deployment of commercial microreactors for power production or process heat
applications. MARVEL’s objective is to build a small liquid-metal thermal reactor at the
INL to demonstrate design and operating processes for microreactors, microgrid
integration, and process heat applications. MARVEL finished 90%-final-design in
September 2023 and completed an independent project assessment in early 2024.
Fabrication of long-lead components and fuel, safety analysis review, and procurement
for construction are underway. MARVEL assembly and construction will start in 2025
and fuel loading is expected in early 2026. Initial criticality will be performed in a dry
condition late in 2026, followed by loading of NaK coolant and start-up testing.
Approximately six months later, release for unrestricted operations will enable
subsequent testing of microreactor characteristics, microgrid integration and select heat
extraction applications.
The Fast Modular Reactor

Speaker: R. Faibish

Primary Authors: Ron Faibish [1]; Hangbok Choi

[1] General Atomics

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 403


The Fast Modular Reactor (FMR) is a 100 MWt (44 MWe) Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)
being developed by General Atomics Electromagnetic System (GA-EMS). The goal is to
develop a safe, flexible, economic, and dispatchable power source to the US and
international electricity market by the mid-2030s. The technologies selected for the FMR
to achieve these goals include: fast neutron spectrum that provides a long (>10 years)
fuel cycle; helium coolant that is an inert gas with that does not chemically interact with
any reactor component; conventional uranium dioxide (UO2) fuel which is the most well-
known; silicon carbide (SiC) composite (SiGA®) cladding and internal structures which
are exceptionally radiation tolerant; and closed Brayton cycle that provides a very high
thermal efficiency (>42%). The reactor was specifically designed with passive safety
features, including high-temperature in-core materials and reactor vessel cooling system
(RVCS) consisting of cooling panels of naturally-circulating water. The passive safety of
the core was confirmed for the unlikely abnormal accident of depressurized loss of
forced cooling (DLOFC). The power maneuvering and load-following capability of the
FMR was verified by a plant simulator, that incorporates the reactor kinetics and the
power electronics of the power conversion system. During load-following operation, the
variation of the core temperature is kept to a minimum by design. The conceptual design
of the plant has been supported via a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department
of Energy.
Accelerating Microreactor Development and Deployment
Through Joint Public Testbeds and Private Advanced
Reactor Development

Speaker: T. Burnett

Primary Author: Philip Schoonover

Co-Author: Troy Burnett [1]

[1] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 406


# Accelerating Microreactor Development and Deployment Through Joint Public

Testbeds and Private Advanced Reactor Development **Philip
Schoonover<sup>1</sup>, Troy Burnett<sup>1</sup>** <sup>1</sup>Idaho National
Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID ## ABSTRACT The United States Department of Energy (DOE)
has funded the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) to build two strategic assets
at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to facilitate public-private partnerships for the
development and testing of advanced nuclear reactors. One testbed provides a safe,
secure, and affordable location for High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fueled
reactors and a second for Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fueled reactors. Together,
these testbeds fill a nuclear testing infrastructure gap by retrofitting existing
infrastructure, accounting for design considerations most useful to facilitate technical
cooperation with industry partners. The availability of comprehensive testing facilities
eliminates the significant financial and operational burdens associated with each
developer building and licensing their own test facilities. This approach not only
accelerates technological innovation and reduces time-to-market for advanced nuclear
solutions but also underscores DOE's commitment to fostering an ecosystem where
nuclear energy can thrive as a clean, reliable, and efficient source of power. The
Demonstration of Microreactor Experiments (DOME) and Laboratory for Operations and
Testing in the United States (LOTUS) have planned availability in 2026, and 2027
respectively. The availability of these testbeds and the associated ecosystem of
facilities and subject matter expertise are critical to microreactor deployment and
commercialization. **Keywords:** NRIC, INL, Microreactor, DOME, LOTUS
Digital Twin Technology based Modeling of Small Modular
Reactor for early deployment within power Energy Systems

Speaker: S. Touati

Primary Author: Abdelkader Bouhlal

Co-Authors: Aissa Souli; Said Touati

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 423


The Small modular reactors (SMRs) defined based on the output nuclear power plant
rate, typically less than 300 MW), are an emerging nuclear power plant technology,
suitable for large grids as well as remote load centers and offer load following and
frequency response capabilities. Detailed dynamic models including reactor dynamics
are necessary for power system dynamic studies. These reactors provide a broad range
of applications beyond the electrical system, possibly addressing partial or full thermal
power to cogenerate applications, such as heating, hydrogen generation, and
desalination. Several nations are developing small modular reactors (SMRs) to incite the
use of nuclear energy in the world’s energy matrix to meet future energy demands and
environmental standards. These reactors aim for the deployment of innovative nuclear
technologies in energy systems by several advantages (security, safety, waste
management, adapting plant output to increase operating flexibility...etc.). While many
advanced models are being developed for SMRs, very few attempts have been made to
develop a model that adequately represents the reactor dynamics in electric grid-
integration studies with an appropriate pressurizer, steam generator and turbine models.
The aim of our work reinforces this attempt to develop a model contributing to the early
deployment of SMR any power systems energy. The simulation process of the proposed
model will be validated experimentally using the Digital Twin Digital technology by using
hardware-in-the-loop technique, which consisted of the modeling being integrated into
the hardware and tested using real-time simulators. The proposed system will be
designed and adapted to be easily integrated with existing microgrid systems to
represent the behavior of an SMR in nuclear-power energy systems, avoiding high
investments and complexity in testing and implementing actual nuclear reactors.
Keywords: small modular reactor; Digital twin technology; hardware-in-the-loop; nuclear
power energy systems; modeling and simulation.
A Digital Solution to Support Site Selection and Resilience of
Advance and Small Modular Reactors Installation

Speaker: T. J. Bhor

Primary Author: Khwansiri Ninpan

Co-Authors: Mohamad Ali Assad; Lies Benmiloud Bechet; Tejas Jayram Bhor; Jean-
francois Bossu; Olivier Vincent

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 424


This paper proposes a novel recommendation tool for evaluating potential installation
sites for Advanced and Small Modular Reactors (AMRs and SMRs) considering a
multidimensional perspective. It combines various types of spatial and non-spatial data
into the Geographic Informa􀆟on System at a 0.12 km² resolution, incorporating diverse
parameters including transportation infrastructure, topography, water access, and
geohazards. The tool offers flexibility for users to define the decision variables and
assign weights reflecting their relative impacts. Leveraging multi-objective optimization,
it potentially presents the Pareto frontier and provides a user-specific ranking of
geographic areas. For broader applicability, the tool employs a digital twin-based
assessment of potential interactions with existing electrical grids. The DIgSILENT
simulator enables comprehensive power system analysis, encompassing diverse
studies such as load flow, consumption, and contingency assessment. Furthermore, it
incorporates climate predictions, such as sea surface temperature and sea level rise, to
account for the multi-decade lifespans of SMRs. Additional relevant variables can be
integrated based on user requirements to maximize project resilience. In conclusion, our
approach accelerates the development and deployment of AMRs and SMRs to meet the
growing global energy demand. Through a holistic site selection process, our solution
provides an innovative framework for sustainable energy management.
The Rosatom Technical Academy experience in the field of
advanced personnel training for NNP with SMR

Speaker: A. Diachenko

Primary Author: Anton Diachenko [1]

[1] Rosatom Technical Academy

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 37


One of the key conditions for the NPP safe operation is the availability of qualified
personnel with appropriate specialized training and necessary certification and
permissions, including those obtained from national regulatory authority. In order to
provide facilities with operational personnel in a timely manner, the so-called advanced
training is carried out at the construction phase, directly related to the NPP construction
and commissioning schedule, based on the recognized systematic approach to training
(SAT) of personnel. However, the features of the design, construction and
commissioning of NPP with innovative SMR’s require a number of features on the
process of personnel training that are different from the classic SAT. Currently, the
Rosatom Technical Academy has been implementing an integrated approach to the NPP
operational personnel training, which consists of the development and support of a
personnel training system - from the development of management documentation to
training of licensed NPP personnel. This report presents the experience of the Rosatom
Technical Academy related to crew training for the floating nuclear thermal power plant
"Akademik Lomonosov", as well as the specifics of a personnel training system
development for Generation IV NPP with BREST-OD-300 reactor.
Analysis of the new RCC-MRx methodologies for creep-
fatigue damage

Speaker: A. Martin

Primary Authors: Vincent Barbe [1]; Jean Caio Macedo Alves De Lima [2]; Antoine Martin

[1] EDF; [2] Framatome

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 84


The design and construction rules for mechanical components of nuclear installations
(RCC Codes) published by AFCEN primarily apply to safety class components. RCC-MRx
code was developed for sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), experimental reactors and
fusion reactors but can be used, on condition that the rules applicability is justified, for
components for other nuclear installations including the others GEN IV reactors (gas-
cooled fast reactors, lead-cooled fast reactors, molten salt reactors, supercritical-water-
cooled reactors and very high-temperature reactors). Its specificities are to propose
rules for significant creep and significant irradiation domains. In the 2022 version, the
RCC-MRx code introduced new methodologies to calculate more precisely the creep-
fatigue damage of a loaded structure. In a first part, the article presents these new
methodologies and their characteristics. Then, they are tested on structures whose
design and operating loadings are representative of SFRs. Comparisons between the
historical and the new methodologies are performed. In conclusion, the results show
important gains on creep-fatigue damage by using the new methodologies, even if some
local areas still present damages higher than allowable limits for a long-life duration.
Nevertheless, it allows the designers to focus their work on these few areas.
The ARCHEOS heat unit to decarbonize the heat market with
proven technologies

Speaker: F. Morin

Primary Authors: Clément Liegeard [1]; Franck Morin [1]

Co-Authors: Philippe Amphoux [1]; Thierry Cadiou [1]; Laura Matteo [1]; Paolo Olita [1]

[1] CEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 1: Design and Technology Development of SMRs (A.1)

INDICO Abstract ID: 88


The ARCHEOS SMR is under development in the CEA. Currently under conceptual design
phase, the ARCHEOS objective is to decarbonize the heat market in Europe for low
temperature applications such as food industry, pulp and paper and chemistry. In 2024,
a new structure regrouping industrial partners will host the ARCHEOS development.
ARCHEOS is a Light-Water Reactor powering 50MW of heat to industrial networks. The
main compromise on the ARCHEOS design, allowing reaching the economic target, is
the supply temperature around 150°C. The reactor operates below 15 bar and uses new
inherent safety feature. The thermalhydraulic design use natural convection on the
primary and secondary circuits for normal operation. The primary circuit is an integrated
vessel connected to compact heat exchangers directly linked to the vessel. A second
vessel containing the secondary volume is around the primary vessel and contains a hot
zone and a cold zone separated by a thermocline. The secondary circuit is thus in
natural convection between the primary/secondary heat exchanges and the thermocline.
This particular design leads to new thermalhydraulic operation of the reactor and a very
high degree of safety: various accidents studied for LWRs do not exist for ARCHEOS and
a thermal inertia will absorb the vast majority of postulated accident for ARCHEOS.
Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and
decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology

Effect of changing the outer fuel element diameter on

thermophysical parameters of RITM-200 reactor unit.

Speaker: S. Alhassan

Primary Authors: Samiru Alhassan [1]; Sergey Beliavskii [2]

Co-Author: Vladimir Nesterov [2]

[1] African Young Generation in Nuclear; [2] Национальный исследовательский

Томский политехнический университет

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 6


Abstract – The thermophysical calculation on the RITM-200 reactor unit is conducted to

ascertain the possibility of optimizing the fuel element diameter without compromising
the thermal constrains. The calculations included temperature distribution profile of fuel
elements at various fuel element diameters, average coolant velocities and critical heat
flux for nucleate boiling crisis analysis. It is demonstrated from the results achieved that
an inverse relationship exists between fuel element diameter and maximum fuel
temperature. The average coolant velocity is directly proportional to fuel element
diameter at a constant flowrate of G =9.38 kg/s. It is also determined that decreasing
the fuel element diameter below 6.9 mm will lead to boiling crisis.

Speaker: B. Zlobenko

Primary Authors: Yuriy Zabulonov [1]; Borys Zlobenko [1]

[1] SI "Institute of Environmental Geochemistry" NAS of Ukraine

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 11


To mitigate global climate challenges, using Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) has an
interest in Ukraine to replace coal-fired generation. Ukrainian NAEC "Energoatom" is
considering deploying a series of SMRs with localisation of reactor installation and
components manufacturing in Ukraine. The signed agreements for cooperation in
concluding contracts, licensing, and constructing up to 20 LWR SMRs. The fuel and
materials selection process has a major impact on the feasibility of reactor concepts.
The fissile isotope enrichment levels will equal or exceed conventional LWR fuel.
Handling SNF during the implementation of SMR projects in Ukraine requires special
attention due to the uncertainty of the back end of the fuel cycle. The conceptual
handling of SMR SNF can be borrowed from technology currently known as SNF of
WWR-type reactors. Safety studies of new types of Spent Fuel will be required to assess
its behaviour for long-term storage. The most economical SF management approach for
LW SMRs will require integration with existing back-end technologies and facilities.
Participation in the European Joint Programme "EURAD-2" and IAEA CRP ‘’Challenges,
Gaps and Opportunities for Managing Spent Fuel from Small Modular Reactors” allows
collaboration towards safe SF and radioactive waste management in implementing
Geological Disposal.
Designing small modular reactors for a circular economy

Speaker: K. Gillin

Primary Author: Kristina Gillin [1]

[1] Vysus Group

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 16


As part of striving for sustainable development, awareness is growing that the world
needs to shift from a linear to a circular economy. A circular economy is enabled
through design and goes beyond the waste hierarchy, as it aims to eliminate waste
altogether. Things are also designed to last longer and be easier to repair, reuse,
repurpose and recycle. Given the ambitions to contribute to sustainability, the nuclear
industry now has a window of opportunity to ensure that the many small modular
reactors that are anticipated to be constructed over the coming decades are designed
for a circular economy. That is, to align with sustainability principles, small modular
reactors need to be designed not only for decommissioning but also for circularity. By
taking a lifecycle approach, the paper will present a set of design principles for small
modular reactors in a circular economy. Opportunities and challenges with designing
reactors for circularity will also be discussed.
Conclusions from SFM'24 Conf on challenges and issues in
managing spent fuels from SMRs

Speaker: A. Gonzalez Espartero

Primary Author: Amparo Gonzalez Espartero [1]

[1] IAEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 64


This is a place holder to include here a summary of the conclusions from the IAEA
International Conference on Spent Fuel Management 2024 to be held on 10-14 June
2024 where there is a TRACK dedicated to discussing the management of SNF from
SMRs including all technologies envisaged today.
Facilitating SMR fuel fabrication from HALEU UF6

Speaker: M. Sokcic-kostic

Primary Author: Marina Sokcic-kostic

Co-Authors: Christopher Reiser; Karl Froschauer; Georg Braehler

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 126


Sourcing oxidic high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) from down blended highly
enriched uranium (HEU) has no prospects. Therefore, correspondingly enriched UF6
must be considered as main input material for fuel production plants. NUKEM gained
experience as operator of fabrication plants for all common fuel types. Designs for
facilities can be offered based on this knowledge. Deconversion from UF6 into an oxidic
form is achieved via AUC conversion. This process yields UO2 with beneficial properties,
which can be directly utilized for light water SMR pellets. UO2 can be fluorinated to UF4,
which is ready to be applied in a molten-salt SMR. Finally, metallic uranium can be
produced via calciothermic reduction of UF4. Uranium metal can be alloyed to fuel SMRs
like the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). Alternatively, UO2 can be calcined to yield the
raw material of HTR TRISO-fuel production plants. Beginning from the dissolution of
U3O8, fuel compacts or pebbles can be manufactured. The prerequisite of a criticality-
safe process keeping state-of-the-art radioprotection standards is fulfilled for HALEU
material up to 20 % enrichment. Reprocessing of uranium and chemicals for zero
emission is included within the process. NUKEM is capable to design industrial scale
facilities with throughputs of several tons of uranium per year.
Empowering Emerging Nuclear Nations: Wastimate's Open-
Source Approach for Small Modular Reactor Radioactive
Waste Management

Speaker: H. Tohver

Primary Author: Hando Tohver [1]

Co-Authors: Marti Jeltsov [2]; Siiri Salupere [1]

[1] University of Tartu; [2] National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 134


Countries embarking on nuclear technology face challenges in evaluating waste burdens

due to limited expertise and tools. Government-level decisions are further complicated
when SMR’s enter the picture – the lack of large-scale fleet deployment limits already
lacking information on radioactive waste management. In order to provide more
information on waste quantities, characteristics, optimal management, and disposal
means, a novel and easy-to-use waste estimation software, Wastimate, has been created
using Python. The open-source waste package tracking software is implemented with a
large degree of automation, making it possible for radiation protection specialists and
other stakeholders to conduct general waste system studies. Its design allows for the
modeling of non-standard scenarios, including SMR deployment in emerging nuclear
nations. Recognizing the absence of benchmarks specifically tailored to waste disposal
systems, one is proposed with a focus on nuclear waste disposal and management.
Demonstrating its versatility, Wastimate is effective in modeling waste quantity, activity,
decay heat, and isotope flow over time, even under uncertain conditions. By providing
comprehensive insights into complex systems, Wastimate empowers policymakers to
navigate the complexities of nuclear waste management and make well-informed
choices regarding the adoption and implementation of SMRs in emerging nuclear
Investigation of hydrodynamic and scaling of TRISO coaters
for high temperature small modular reactors

Speaker: T. Aljuwaya

Primary Authors: Thaar Aljuwaya (nuclear Science Research Institute, King Abdulaziz
City For Science And Technology, P.o. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia [1]; [2]; [3]

Co-Author: Muthanna Al-dahhan [4]

[1] KACST; [2] A.A.A.; [3] A.S.A.; [4] Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department,
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 175


The quality of TRISO-coated nuclear fuel particles is crucial for ensuring operational
efficiency and safety of high-temperature gas-cooled small modular reactors (SMRs)
that utilize TRISO technology. This is why the TRISO particles must be uniform in size,
shape, and coating, as well as free of defects. The technique used for coating TRISO
particles are gas-solids spouted beds via chemical vapor deposition (CVD). It has been
reported that the quality of TRISO coated particles is strongly affected by the
hydrodynamics of the spouted beds. The gas-solid spouted bed coating technology,
integral to TRISO particles, is examined, with a focus on the impact of spouted bed
hydrodynamics on the delicate coating layers surrounding the fuel kernel. The intricate
interplay between successive coating layers and the scaling up of spouted beds, vital for
large-scale TRISO particle fabrication for SMRs, represents a significant challenge in
nuclear fuel particle manufacturing. In response to this challenge, our study presents our
newly developed mechanistic scale-up methodology for gas-solids spouted beds,
validated through an experimental examination of radial gas holdup profiles using
sophisticated measurement techniques. This methodology is a pivotal advancement in
understanding hydrodynamics and scale-up dynamics, crucial for the commercialization
of SMRs utilizing TRISO technology. In light of current nuclear fuel requirements for
SMRs, this research is of utmost importance due to the escalating demand for TRISO
particles. Furthermore, our work presents a comparative analysis between the
mechanistic scale-up methodology developed in our laboratory and traditional
approaches, demonstrating the enhanced accuracy of the former in predicting the
performance of spouted bed systems. The insights derived from this study hold
significant implications for the development and commercialization of high-temperature
gas-cooled SMRs employing TRISO technology, offering valuable contributions to the
broader context of clean and sustainable energy solutions.
Scoping calculation of spent nuclear fuel from NuScale’s
Power Module

Speaker: T. Yildirim

Primary Author: Martin Amft [1]

Co-Author: Tugba Yildirim [2]

[1] Sydkraft Nuclear Power AB; [2] WSP Sweden AB

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 252


The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company is tasked with the
construction and operation of geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and
radioactive waste from the existing fleet of Sweden’s nuclear power reactors. In the
Swedish government’s roadmap for a nuclear new-build program, both large-scale and
small modular reactors are envisioned. Amongst many other aspects, the management
and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste from these new reactors have
to be planned and financed. Scoping calculations for the expected waste types are a
crucial input to the decisions how to extend or adapt the current system for waste
management and disposal. In the present study, as an example, the amount of spent
nuclear fuel arising during the lifetime of a light water small modular reactor, namely,
NuScale’s Power Module, an integral pressurized water reactor with 160 MWth of
thermal power, was calculated. Serpent, a multi-purpose three-dimensional continuous-
energy neutron and photon transport Monte Carlo code, was used to model the
equilibrium core of a NuScale Power Module and to calculate the amount of spent
nuclear fuel and its discharge burnup. According to the performed scoping calculations,
a single Power Module would give rise to 96 metric tons spent nuclear fuel after 60
years of operation. The average discharge burnup was calculated to be approximately
37 GWd/t-U.
Characterisation of spent LWR fuel with SMR-relevant initial
compositions and operational conditions

Speaker: G. Žerovnik

Primary Author: Gaå¡per Žerovnik

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 299


Currently, there is a large number of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) concepts in different
stages of development. Among them, many are Light Water Reactors (LWRs). To
counteract their smaller size compared to the »classical« GEN II and III conterparts,
various design adaptations are being proposed, e.g. the use of High-Assay Low-Enriched
Uranium (HALEU) fuel and different reflectors. In addition, operational parameters may
differ, e.g. having a lower power density and an enhanced ability to operate in so-called
load-following mode. These modifications affect the composition of spent nuclear fuel
(SNF), which has implications with respect to high-level radioactive waste and resource
utilisation. The aim of this paper is to investigate some key aspects of fuel depletion.
Assuming a generic SMR-relevant design, it explores the relationship between neutron
multiplication factor and reactor core size, examines the maximum achievable burnup
considering different types of reflectors and initial U-235 enrichments. Additionally,
some important components of the SNF nuclide vector are compared, along with
integral parameters like decay heat and neutron emission. All calculations are performed
with Serpent neutron transport and fuel depletion code using the ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear
data library.
CAREM 25 fuel cycle optimization and ATF evaluation

Speaker: H. Lestani

Primary Author: Héctor Lestani [1]

Co-Authors: Juan Bergallo [2]; Edmundo Miguel Lopasso [2]

[1] CNEA - Argentina; [2] CNEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 309


The use of Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATF) is evaluated from the neutronics and
economics points of view as a means for enhancing reactor safety while maintaining
competitiveness of the CAREM 25 nuclear fuel cycle. The ATF evaluated consists on the
use of FeCrAl cladding and keeping UO2 and Gadolinia Burnable Poison (BP) as the fuel
it self. The FeCrAl cladding has the outstanding advantage of avoiding the Hydrogen
production that results from Zirconium oxidation of conventional Zircaloy claddings
undergoing overheating. However, the use of FeCrAl imposes a considerable increase in
absorptions that has to be counter balanced with an increase in Uranium enrichment.
Particular features of SMR cores, such as their small sizes and “boron-free” designs
along with a smaller amount of control rods available, impose tighter restrictions to
power distribution and reactivity control. The fuel design is hence optimized from the
neutronics point of view to comply with design requirements, which leads to a
concentration of BPs adjusted for every enrichment chosen, while the optimum
enrichment level results from an economic optimization. Therefore, results of burnable
poison and enrichment optimizations, as well as their consequence in the decrease of
the reactivity worth of control rods, are presented in this paper.
newcleo’s Fuel Cycle innovations for SMR-LFR including
transport of fresh and spent fuels

Speaker: J.-m. Marin [1]

Primary Authors: Jean-michel Marin [2]; Luciano Cinotti [2]; Dominique Favet [2]; Brian
Nixon [2]; Christian Dupont [2]

[1] TBC; [2] newcleo

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 391


newcleo is designing SMR-LFRs fuelled with uranium and plutonium mixed oxide (MOX).
A novel approach is envisioned to better use the fissile nuclear material from the current
fuel cycle. newcleo is planning to design, build and operate a state-of-the-art MOX fuel
facility versatile and modular in nature with an innovative concept to cope with
radiological and nuclear thermal effects in order to consume and re-use plutonium
bearing materials either already in separated inventories or to be reprocessed in the
future, with a focus on fissile material without an already established and existing
recycling scheme. In view of implementing its long-term vision, newcleo will also
reinstitute a complete supply chain adapted to Fast Reactors and as a part of it, newcleo
will develop innovative and adapted transport cask solution and logistics to support all
the globally needed shipments. In summary, newcleo is presenting a comprehensive
view of a closed fuel cycle encompassing multi-recycling in its LFRs with country
specific solutions to operate synergistically with existing nuclear fleets, with the overall
goal of moving towards a more sustainable nuclear fuel cycle and thus a reduction in the
radiotoxicity and volume of the final waste.
The Development of a Versatile Type B(U)F Transport
Package to Support the Front-End Fuel Cycle of Gen-IV

Speaker: A. Lever [1]

Primary Author: Sean Perry [2]

Co-Author: Adam Lever [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Nuclear Transport Solutions

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 2: Advanced fuels, reprocessing, waste management and

decommissioning aspects for SMRs – Safety, Design and Technology (A.2)

INDICO Abstract ID: 76


NTS is the leading global provider of safe, secure and reliable nuclear transport and
logistics solutions that help make the world safer and more sustainable. We support the
global nuclear market by providing standalone or end-to-end solutions to nuclear
transport and logistics challenges. NTS have been successful in receiving funding from
the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) Nuclear Fuel Fund (NFF) to
develop a new IAEA SSR-6 compliant transport package. The package shall be designed
to transport High Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) in multiple forms to support the
front-end fuel cycle of the UKs Gen-IV Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) development
strategy. Due to the UKs history of operating gas cooled reactors, the Gen-IV reactor
technology of choice is likely to be a High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor that utilizes
TRISO fuel. The HALEU Transport Package (HTP) has been designed with an
interchangeable basket to allow an array of contents to be transported. As Gen-IV
reactors are still in development, the fuel specification and design are not yet fixed.
Therefore NTS have focused on the transport of HALEU powder (U235 ≤ 20%
enrichment) in cans from deconversion facilities to fuel manufacturing facilities. The
package incorporates features from a number of existing NTS package designs and
utilizes both a Multiple Water Barrier and Commercial off the Shelf material to simplify
package licensing and manufacture. This paper provides an overview of the HTP design
with a focus on the challenges of developing a package with an assumed contents
Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation
and Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

Addressing SMRs safety I&C specific requirements

Speaker: A. Duthou

Primary Author: Arnaud Duthou

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 251


SMRs development is entering a critical phase where initial assumptions are challenged
by current operational constraints. Indeed, the combined requirements of safety and
computer security, industrial supply chain setup, varying local safety regulations and
multiple markets targeted besides electricity production is causing revaluation of their
standardization objectives and ultimately their business cases. We propose to
demonstrate that carefully designed architectures and technologies can resolve this
equation for SMRs safety I&C while guaranteeing safety and computer security. First, the
I&C systems provided shall be compact and modular to meet SMR footprint constraints,
for that scalable technologies that can adapt to both individual reactor and shared
functionalities between coupled reactors shall be used. To ensure limited footprint and
cabling, these technologies shall be able to provide remote IO capacities, compact form
factor and adaptable to multiple cabinets and enclosures format. To match SMR fleet
approach, the I&C components shall be manufactured/programmed in series to limit
costs and shorten production time, this implies a strong standardization strategy while
keeping room for customization to meet specific needs of various plant designers and
different nuclear authorities. In addition, to support licensing in all countries targeted, a
proven architecture, compliant engineering lifecycle covering design and V&V,
cybersecurity, HMI features and experience will facilitate acceptability. Leveraging more
than 60 years of international experience designing, manufacturing, and installing safety
I&C systems for various types of NPPs, Framatome has designed new safety I&C
technologies meeting SMR constraints, in particular: TXS compact, an FPGA-based
digital technology and Hardline, a purely Hardwired platform. We will present what key
characteristics make them optimized solutions for SMR safety and cybersecure I&C
Flexibility limits of SMRs using HALEU for enhanced load-

Speaker: S. Choudhury

Primary Author: Shiny Choudhury

Co-Authors: Michael Davidson [1]; George Tynan [1]

[1] UC San Diego

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 353


VRE sources like solar and wind have high intermittency and with large shares of them,
thermal generators would need to match the net load curve rather than the demand
curve or need to perform VRE-following. The French experience [2] and existing
literature, including works by Jenkins et al. [3] and Ponciroli et al. [4], primarily focus on
load-following in large reactors, in scenarios with low VRE penetration, revealing a gap in
the context of VRE-following, especially for SMRs. Current operational constraints limit
NPPs’ by allowing a shift from 100% to 50% and back to 100% of rated power once in 24
hours [1]. However, nuclear reactors inherently possess a substantial reactivity reserve,
enabling them to closely load-follow for a significant portion of their irradiation cycle. We
perform reactor physics numerics for enhanced VRE-following from beginning-of-life
(BOL) to end-of-life (EOL) for PWR-SMRs, considering burnup, enrichment, ramp limits,
declining reactivity, Xenon poisoning-induced deadtimes, and minimum power levels. We
use the insights in a modified Unit Commitment model with a large amount of renewable
energy. The objective is to establish a granular constrained operational space within
which a nuclear reactor, specifically a GW-class AP1000, and the newly unveiled AP300
SMR, can perform VRE-following. REFERENCES [1] AP1000 ARIS Specifications n.d. (accessed May 29, 2023). [2] Cany C, Mansilla C,
Mathonnière G, da Costa P. Nuclear power supply: Going against the misconceptions.
Evidence of nuclear flexibility from the French experience. Energy 2018;151:289–96. [3] Jenkins JD, Zhou Z, Ponciroli R, Vilim
RB, Ganda F, de Sisternes F, et al. The benefits of nuclear flexibility in power system
operations with renewable energy. Appl Energy 2018;222:872–84. [4] Ponciroli R, Wang Y, Zhou Z,
Botterud A, Jenkins J, Vilim RB, et al. Profitability Evaluation of Load-Following Nuclear
Units with Physics-Induced Operational Constraints. Nucl Technol 2017;200:189–207.

Speaker: J. Niepceron

Primary Author: Julien Niepceron [1]

Co-Authors: Manuel Corbin [2]; Boris Marquois [2]; Sophie Rallo-bremond [2]

[1] NUWARD; [2] EDF

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 66


Over the past few years, there has been considerable interest in the use of modular
steel-concrete composite structures for the construction of buildings for nuclear power
plant, especially out of Europe. Indeed, the use of steel concrete structures is known to
shorten the construction duration, as it enables to reduce the number of tasks such as
erecting the concrete formwork and installing reinforcements. There is also a major
improvement regarding the challenges for equipment anchoring. AFCEN, which is an
international association of companies from the nuclear energy sector, develop and
adapt advanced rules to fit the specificities in relation with safety of this industry. A
working group (WOG8 ) dedicated to Steel Concrete Structures has been created to write
dedicated chapters in the Code RCC-CW (Rules for Design and Construction PWR
Nuclear Civil Work). EDF’s experience regarding the use of the Steel Concrete Structures
through two European projects (SCIENCE & SCHEDULE) has allowed to draw some
fundamental design and construction principles of standard sections and connections
of steel concrete modules. In 2021, AFCEN has mandated EDF to produce a report
gathering the “Technical Status on the Design and Construction of Steel Concrete
Structures” (PTAN) to be used as a basis for the implementation of new chapters
dedicated to Steel Concrete Structures in the next revision of the RCC-CW (expected to
be issued on 2025). The Codification of the steel concrete technology strengthen the
opportunity for future projects such as NUWARD SMR to use it, especially in safety
classified structures. This paper aims to present the main outcome of the European
codification of SCS Structures.
Challenges for serial deployment of SMRs: A certification
body's point of view

Speaker: E. Dagorn

Primary Author: Erik Dagorn [1]

[1] France

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 114


Certification bodies and independent inspection agencies play a key role in

demonstrating the safety of nuclear projects. They provide Testing, Inspection,
Certification (TIC) services on a regulatory (mandatory) or voluntary basis, acting as
“Third” or “Second” Party. They are accredited by “Accreditation Bodies” and approved
by nuclear regulators who constantly audit their effective independence, their knowledge
of regulations and their operational conformity assessment procedures (including the
technical qualification of inspectors). Their roles and responsibilities are strictly defined
by regulators who may chose to involve them at various stages of the project
development, and for various technical scopes. In response to the anticipated strong
development of nuclear projects worldwide, certification bodies and inspection agencies
have to deal with numerous challenges. These challenges concern the number of
projects but also the variety of technologies and the industrial organization specific to
the serial construction of SMRs. Uncertainties about the regulatory environment remain
the most significant risk factor. This paper describes how certification bodies and
inspection agencies are now preparing to adapt their service offerings and processes for
the success of SMRs deployment worldwide.
Research on Digital Intelligent Operation and Maintenance
Technology for SMR

Speaker: L. Huang [1]

Primary Authors: Jianxin Chen [2]; Weizu Xu [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Hainan Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 158


Abstract: The SMR ‘Linglong-1’ (ACP100) developed by China National Nuclear

Corporation (CNNC) has been favoured by domestic and international markets due to its
inherent safety, flexibility of deployment and wide range of applications. This paper
introduces the application of digital technology in the operation and maintenance of
SMR on the premise of ensuring safety, improving the level of automation and
intelligence in the operation and maintenance of small reactors through the research of
intelligent operation and control technology, intelligent monitoring and diagnosis
technology, intelligent inspection and surveillance technology, and intelligent
maintenance and management technology, so as to enhance the advantages of SMR in
the new round of nuclear energy technological change and international industrial
Advancing an Increasingly Critical Canada-USA HALEU
Supply Chain for SMRs and Advanced Reactors

Speaker: R. Tscherning

Primary Author: Rudiger Tscherning

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 159


The IAEA has rightly been vocal about the need to develop alternative fuel supply chains
for next generation SMR and advanced reactors. This paper will discuss the potential -
and the barriers - to developing a strategic and coordinated Canada-USA HALEU supply
chain by drawing on the key advantages of the respective Canadian and US nuclear
sectors to secure alternative access to low enriched uranium, including HALEU supplies
for the global nuclear economy. What role will regulatory coordination and
harmonization play in fostering a scale-up of the cross-border HALEU supply chain? Is
there potential for FIRST Program partners to secure preferred fuel access from North
America and how can other new-nuclear countries secure their HALEU supplies from the
USA and Canada?
Development Strategy of HMI and Digital I&C System's
Emulator for Korean Innovative SMR Plant

Speaker: S. Lee

Primary Author: Sungjin Lee [1]

[1] Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 165


KHNP has developed an integrated emulator system for APR1400 MMIS based on
hardware virtualization technology. Korean innovative SMR (i-SMR) has been developing
now. Since new digital I&C platforms and various software systems will be adopted for i-
SMR, their performance shall be verified and validated through an integrated prototype
test-bed. One way to make the prototype test-bed is using virtualization and emulation
technologies. Even though final system design will be determined later, the prototype
can be implemented with generic I&C platform modules. This paper provide
considerations and applications of this approach.
Maintenance Strategy for i-SMR

Speaker: H. Nam

Primary Author: Hyunsuk Nam [1]

[1] Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Central Research Institute

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 191


The innovative-SMR (i-SMR) being developed in South Korea has maintenance

challenges due to its integral reactor design compared to conventional nuclear power
plants. To overcome these limitations, the i-SMR has been designed with maintenance
considerations. The maintenance procedure for the i-SMR includes several steps aimed
at optimizing maintenance efficiency. The maintenance procedure for the i-SMR
comprise the following steps : 1) Containment Vessel upper head disassembly &
inspection (CV head is maintained at laydown area), 2) Reactor Closure Head
disassembly & maintenance (Remove of CEDM/ICI penetration seal and increasing of
level of refueling pool), 3) Reactor Vessel Internals (inner barrel assembly → upper guide
structure → core support plate), 4) Transfer the fuel assembly to spent fuel pool, 5) Non
destructive testing inspection for main component (UT inspection for RV/CV welds).
These detailed steps allow the i-SMR to undergo maintenance in less time compared to
conventional nuclear power plants. By prioritizing maintenance considerations in its
design and implementing efficient maintenance procedure, the i-SMR demonstrates its
potential to minimized overhaul time and maximized operational efficiency.
Tailored MBSE Approach for SMR Gen IV Architecting

Speaker: J. Bourdon

Primary Author: Jeremy Bourdon [1]

Co-Authors: Lies Benmiloud-bechet [1]; Jean-françois Bossu [1]; Frédéric Cheneau [1];
Christophe Fournier [1]; Adrien Guerin [1]; Julien Jachmich [1]; Will Machin [1]; Robert
Plana [1]; Olivier Vincent [1]; Angelo Zoino [1]

[1] Assystem

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 245


he accelerating energy transition requires rapid access to decarbonized sources.

Although Gen IV SMRs present a potential solution, they face challenges such as
complex licensing processes and architectural issues, as they must align with diverse
global regulations and adapt to varied site-specific requirements, complicating
standardization and deployment. In the face of these challenges, the need for a scalable,
agile project structuring and organization is becoming increasingly apparent. This
structure must be able to support the rapid expansion characteristic of Gen IV SMR
projects, while also having the necessary flexibility to adapt to a dynamic reallocation of
responsibilities. The core of our approach is the initial structuring of enterprise data
models, core engineering processes and methodologies. By adopting a holistic Model-
Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach that integrates key domains, with safety
as the cornerstone, it is ensured that the resulting structuring of engineering data can
meet demonstration expectations. In addition, we are discussing the creation of a
nuclear-specific layer in numerical tools, enhancing the consideration of safety concerns
during architecture definition. This materializes in the creation of a customized profile in
an MBSE tool, which incorporates nuclear safety terminology and aligns with industry
usage. By focusing on digital continuity, our approach guarantees a seamless transition
between the various development phases, systems engineering processes and lifecycle
phases. This means preserving the reliability of information (traceability) and promoting
uniform communication (modelling). The presentation will conclude by illustrating the
potential benefits of our approach, particularly in safety demonstrations.
Process Instrumentation for New Generation of Reactors

Speaker: H. Hashemian

Primary Author: Hashem Hashemian [1]

[1] AMS

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 258


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs) are different in
their requirements for process instrumentation, especially sensors to measure
temperature, pressure, level, flow, and neutron flux. SMRs are generally water cooled,
low temperature and high pressure systems while AMRs are high temperature and
relatively low pressure. Therefore, the type of process sensors to be used in these new
generation of reactors are different and existing sensors from existing nuclear-grade
sensor manufacturers may not work in these reactors without modification,
requalification, and reconfiguration. This paper will describe how the new reactor
vendors may navigate their sensor requirements, what must be measured to control
these plants, and how to monitor for their safety and integrity. In addition, the paper will
present a review of the latest developments in sensor technologies for new generation
of reactors and will address the need for new standards for qualification and
performance verification of these sensors. Furthermore, the paper will emphasize how
liquid or gas flow rates may be measured in SMRs and AMRs as flow rate is among the
important process variables in most new plants and generally more difficult to measure
than other process variables.
AI for Design, Engineering, Construction and Operation of

Speaker: N. Prinja

Primary Author: Nawal Prinja [1]

[1] Jacobs Clean Energy

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 272


This paper highlights, through examples, how innovative applications of digital

technologies like AI/ML can help deploy SMRs in future. Examples are presented to
demonstrate how AI/ML can help reduce time and cost in qualifying new materials, in
improving efficiency in non-destructive testing during manufacture. Through real life
examples, it is shown how AI-powered cognitive search engine can help manage
knowledge flow from supply chain, extract data for effective Life Time Quality Records
and help make safety cases.
Nonlinear ultrasonic parameters to laser weld quality for
Small Modular Reactor

Speaker: H. Kim

Primary Author: Hyunmyung Kim [1]

Co-Author: Jongbeom Kim [1]

[1] FAINDUS Inc.

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 276


Abstract : Nonlinear ultrasonic testing (NUT) technique can be used to identify

microscopic material properties over conventional (linear) UT owing to its high
sensitivity in which the nonlinear parameters establish a set of signal pattern
recognitions such as forming higher harmonic waves. To replace conventional SAW,
ESW on cladding, implementation of laser cladding technique has been studied with
advanced robotics to minimize machining surface and welding quality. In this study, a
set of laser welding process was applied to stainless steel and the signals pattern
processing algorithms were determined to identify the weld quality (such as inclusion,
crack, incomplete fusion and penetration ) by means of nondestructive examination.
Experimental correlations between laser weld microstructure and NUT signals were
disccused in terms of the manufacturing SMR componenets. Keywords: Nonlinear
ultrasonic, Nondestructive test, Laser welding, Signal processing algorithm
The Status of Supply Chain for Small Modular Reactors
deployment in China

Speaker: S. Zhu

Primary Author: Sheng Zhu [1]

[1] Nuclear Power Operations Research Institute

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 281


SMRs have the characteristics of small size, light weight, strong application flexibility,
and low initial investment. They can be widely used in various scenarios such as power
generation, heating, and seawater desalination, and are one of the important choices for
achieving zero carbon energy. China began the technological research and development
of SMRs in the early 1980s, targeting the application needs of heating in cold regions,
power supply in remote areas, and seawater desalination in coastal areas. Various types,
power levels, and technical characteristics of SMRs were developed. Among them, the
200MWe high-temperature gas cooled SMR has been put into operation in 2021, and the
125MWe "Linglong 1" integrated multi-purpose water cooled SMR is under construction
,and is planned to be completed for power generation in 2026, and several SMRs are in
different research and development stages at current stage. China has established a
complete supply chain system through more than 30 years of research and
development, construction, and application practice in the field of SMRs, which can
provide strong support for the deployment of SMRs. This article will introduce the status
of SMRs supply chains in China from various aspects such as basic research and
development, equipment manufacturing, construction and project management,
operation and maintenance, and technical support. It will be helpful for the potential
SMR users to understand China's capabilities in SMR deployment, and promote the
large-scale application of SMRs.
The IEC Standard Series on Cybersecurity for I&C and
Electrical Systems For Operating and Small Modular

Speaker: T. Walter [1]

Primary Author: Tighe Smith [2]

Co-Authors: Edward Quinn [3]; Ludovic Pietre-cambacedes [4]; Thomas Walter [5];
Juergen Bochtler [6]; Michael Rowland [7]

[1] TBC; [2] Paragon Energy Solutions; [3] Technology Resources; [4] EDF; [5] Preussen
Elektra; [6] Siemens Energy; [7] Sandia National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 292


ABSTRACT This paper provides an overview of the existing and new cybersecurity
standards for I&C and Electrical Systems tailored for nuclear power plants, including
SMRs, around the world. The IEC 62645 is a standard by the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) focused on the issue of requirements for computer
security programs and system development processes to prevent and/or minimize the
impact of cyberattacks against digital instrumentation and control (I&C) systems. It was
approved in 2020 as a European Standard as well (EN IEC 62645). The IEC 62859 is a
standard, issued at the end of 2016, which coordinates the safety and cybersecurity
requirements. With an amendment this standard is also since 2020 a European one (EN
IEC 62859). The IEC 63069 adopts all controls from the ISO/IEC 27002 specific for the
nuclear field and was issued 2020. Several technical reports (non-prescriptive) complete
the standard. IEC TR 63415 on security modeling has been in issued in 2023. IEC TR
63486 was on security risk analysis was started in 2020 and will produce additional
guidance on these subjects as relates to the available analysis methods to be used in
the cyber security software development and operating cycle. An additional new project
on software vulnerabilities (patch management) and end-of-life management was
introduced in 2022 and will result in an issued technical specification in the coming
years. Perspectives regarding evolution of these standards and development of new
ones are provided in the conclusion. These standards define a common international
framework, consistent with the IAEA NSS series principles, and within which the evolving
country specific requirements can be developed and applied, depending on their own
contexts and installations (including SMRs). Such a converged and complete
international framework is a key success condition for SMR development. Keywords:
Cyber, Software, Digital, Security, Vulnerabilities
Recent Advancements of Metallic Materials for Integral
Molten Salt Reactors

Speaker: A. S. Alomari [1]

Primary Authors: Abdullah Alomari [2]; Alaa Milibari [3]; Mohammed Alhazmi [3]

[1] TBC; [2] King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology; [3] KACST

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 305


The Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) is a design for a type of advanced nuclear
reactor that utilizes molten salt as both the coolant and the fuel solvent, targeted at
developing a commercial product for the small modular reactor (SMR) market. This
innovative approach to nuclear reactor design offers several advantages over traditional
solid-fueled reactors, including enhanced safety features, improved fuel efficiency, and
greater operational flexibility. The status of metallic structural materials for IMSR is an
area of active research and development, driven by the unique demands that the molten
salt environment places on reactor components. One of the primary concerns with
metallic materials in IMSRs is their resistance to corrosion by molten salts. Furthermore,
materials used in these reactors must maintain their mechanical integrity, resist creep,
and avoid embrittlement under these conditions. High-temperature materials such as
nickel-based superalloys and advanced stainless steels are under investigation for their
suitability in MSR applications. The materials used in MSRs must also withstand the
effects of neutron irradiation, including displacement damage and transmutation.
Radiation can alter material properties, leading to swelling, hardening, and
embrittlement. In this paper, recent advancements of metallic materials for IMSRs
including advanced stainless stees, nickel super alloys and high entropy alloys are
thoroughly presented and reviewed in terms of corrosion resistance, high-temperature
performance and radiation resistance. Further, testing and standardization for code
qualification and regulatory and licensing considerations are also examined.
Design of a reusable Materials Irradiation DevIce (MIDI) in
High Flux Reactor in Petten for testing and qualification of
SMR materials

Speaker: N.j. Barron

Primary Author: N.v.v.r.m. Kolluri (nuclear Research And Consultancy Group) [1]

Co-Authors: N. Barron [2]; E. D'agata [3]; A. Hamers [2]; O. Martin [3]; F. Naziris [2]; D.
Verbruggen [2]

[1] Nuclear Research and consultancy Group (NRG); [2] NRG, Netherlands; [3] JRC, Petten,
The Netherlands

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 371


Irradiation testing of novel and established materials is a crucial step to enable the
deployment of SMRs utilizing new materials and/or manufacturing processes to meet
hypothetical SMR construction timeframes and realize the complex integrated features
of several designs. The High Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten has played a substantial role
in contributing to the irradiation testing of materials and fuels. Several hundred
irradiation experiments have been performed over the decades, including the LYRA
irradiations. LYRA was a re-usable irradiation facility in the HFR which has been
extensively used for irradiation of pressure vessel steels and other structural materials
to support LTO-research and qualification of new materials. After its 10th irradiation
campaign, the LYRA facility was dismantled and a project begun to replace it that
incorporated this multi-year learning. This new, reusable Materials Irradiation DevIce
(MIDI) is being designed and developed in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre
(JRC) Petten as part of the Dutch government funded PIONEER program. This paper will
present the work to-date in developing the engineering design and specifications of the
MIDI device, how learning from LYRA has been incorporated, and how the MIDI facility
will support the irradiation testing of materials for selected SMR concepts.
Interactive Graphic Simulator of the CAREM25 Reactor: A
Tool for Design Verification and Operator Training

Speaker: A. Hosid

Primary Authors: Francisco Alderete Tommasi [1]; Ariel Hosid [1]

Co-Authors: Norberto Abaurre [1]; Alfredo Breitenbücher [1]; Marcelo Castelao Caruana
[1]; Andrés Etchepareborda [1]; Fabián Lema [1]; Leonardo Mendieta [1]; Gonzalo Molina
[1]; Juan Pablo Pierini [1]

[1] CNEA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 3: Engineering, Codes & Standards, Supply Chain, Operation and
Maintenance of SMRs (A.3)

INDICO Abstract ID: 397


This paper presents the Interactive Graphic Simulator (SGI) of the CAREM25 reactor,
which is used as a tool for verifying its engineering and design. The development of this
SGI is part of the design and development of a Full-Scope Simulator (SAT), which will be
used for training operators of the CAREM25 nuclear power plant. The paper describes
the models of the systems included in the SGI, along with the graphical user interface,
the reactor control configurations, and the tool used for exchanging variables between
the different coupled codes involved. It also shows the types of simulations that can be
performed with this simulator and the results obtained when performing different
transition maneuvers between operating states, emphasizing the procedures and
actions carried out to perform these maneuvers. Finally, the paper concludes with the
results found and how they are used to support the reactor design. Keywords: CAREM25,
SMR, nuclear reactor, simulator, design verification, operator training, transient analysis,
safety analysis.
Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

Security Considerations for Floating Nuclear Power Plants

when Stationary

Speaker: R. Peel

Primary Authors: George Burnett; Ross Peel [1]

[1] King's College London

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 384


The nuclear industry is currently anticipating the start of a transition within this decade
from a technologically narrow set of gigawatt-scale reactors to a much more diverse
array of technologies, including many evolutionary and innovative reactor designs. Both
the security lessons of the past and today’s latest international guidance are being
applied to this suite of novel technologies with some success. One particularly unique
group of innovative nuclear technologies are floating nuclear power plants – floating
platforms which may be moved on water and operated as nuclear power plants to
supply energy to consumers. The unique context within which these technologies will
exist, operate, and be maintained and refuelled creates the potential for a range of
emerging security challenges, in part created by the likely requirement to comply with
established maritime law. These include new threat actor groups, intentions, and attack
vectors, designed to exploit the unique vulnerabilities of these technologies. The paper
details the range of unique physical protection, cyber and insider threat challenges faced
by floating nuclear power plants and operators, focusing on those encountered when the
plant is stationary during its various lifecycle, as opposed to in transport, when a
somewhat different set of considerations would apply. In doing so, it takes a non-
technology-specific approach, looking across the range of floating nuclear power plant
subtypes. It is recommended that developers consider security as a key design driver
from the earliest stages of the design process to address these issues effectively.
Features of application of IAEA safeguards during refueling
of spent fuel on floating power unit for foreign markets with
a reactor unit of the RITM type

Speaker: Т. Tagirova

Primary Authors: Vladimir Malev; Tatiana Tagirova

Co-Authors: Sergey Brykalov [1]; Sergey Dushev [1]; Nadezhda Salnikova [2]

[1] Afrikantov OKBM JSC; [2] JSC "Afrikantov OKBM"

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 119


After the successful commissioning of *Akademik Lomonosov* floating power unit with
the KLT-40S reactor unit, the next step of ROSATOM was the development of floating
power units for foreign markets with the RITM type reactor unit (FPU). The technical
solutions of the FPU are based on practical experience in the design and operation of
nuclear icebreakers and solving problems to ensure the safety of operation of nuclear
power plants in the harsh conditions of the North. The technology of refueling the RITM
series reactors has a number of features compared to the technology of refueling other
nuclear power plants with water-powered reactors. RITM-type facilities have never been
placed under IAEA safeguards, and their application requires additional analysis.
Assumed that the FPU will be operated at the operation site for a long period of time,
and all fuel handling operations will be carried out at a specialized enterprise in the
Russian Federation. The article will consider the main features of fuel management
using the example of FPU with the RITM-200M reactor unit from the point of view of
IAEA safeguards, and present the developers' vision of nonproliferation tasks regarding
technical features of FPU.

Speaker: R.a. Beltyukov

Primary Authors: Roman Beltyukov [1]; Kirill Toropov [1]

[1] JSC Concern Rosenergoatom

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 52


Small modular reactors (SMRs) are demanding in many countries in the world. SMRs
have a range of advantages with regard to energy supply to remote areas. Russian
Federation has unique experience in the implementation of floating nuclear power plant
with KLT-40S reactor and advanced land-based modular reactors RITM200. FNPP has a
unique design. This small NPP is under operation in severe environmental conditions of
the Far North of Russia. Since 2019 to present days, several problems have been
identified in operation of FNPP equipment and systems. Structural and design
deficiencies have been analyzed. Then relevant action plans have been developed and
implemented in the following areas: • replacement of defective internals of steam
generators of FNPP; • handling of fresh nuclear fuel; • elimination of constructive and
design deficiencies of some FNPP equipment; • spent nuclear fuel handling; •
preparation for FNPP repair at the place of permanent basing without interruption of
electrical and steam generation • optimization of transport and technical ways of
removing solid radioactive waste and liquid radioactive waste. The results of the
analysis of the FNPP operating experience are used to identify future directions of
development as follows: 1. New core development with an increased power capacity
and a longer duration of the fuel campaign. 2. Implementation of a modernized steam
generator with straight-tube design to increase its reliability.
Risk-based Technology Qualification to address the
marinization of SMRs

Speaker: J. Esteve Otegui

Primary Author: Jose Esteve Otegui [1]

[1] Bureau Veritas

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 107


One of the proposed advantages of small modular reactors (SMRs) is that they could be
built in controlled factory environments and transported to power plant sites for
installation. This concept aligns with the nascent ideas of transportable nuclear power
plants (TNPPs) and floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs) that could be constructed in
shipyards specialized in building large, complex vessels. The proposition is that a
maximum of components outside the SMR itself are built by the yard and its supply
chain, using as much as possible the existing codes and standards that such industry is
used to apply, from the marine and the offshore oil & gas sectors. The author will
present a risk-based technology qualification approach demonstrated with floating
liquefied natural gas projects 10-15 years ago. This methodological approach helps with
the process of identifying those components that will be designed, built, installed,
operated, maintained and decommissioned considering a different environment, codes,
and supply chains to those of the nuclear industry and then assessing the technology
qualification activities that will be needed. The goal is to provide a methodology that can
help realize the promised deployment potential of SMRs through non-traditional
construction and siting approaches.
Shielding Systems for Nuclear System of Maritime SMR

Speaker: J. Kim

Primary Author: Jinho Kim (hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]

Co-Authors: Sungkon Han (hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1];
Byeongju Kim (hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Taewoo Kim
(hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Jekyoung Lee (hd Korea
Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Jeonghyeon Lee (hd Korea
Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Byeonghyeon Min (hd Korea
Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Dongbin Park (hd Korea Shipbuilding &
Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Sangmin Park (hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore
Engineering Co., Ltd.) [1]; Yeobum Youn (hd Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering
Co., Ltd.) [1]

[1] HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. (HD KSOE)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 156


Maritime Small Modular Reactor (SMR) products, such as Nuclear Propulsion Ships
(NPS) and Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPP) have been emerging as a game
changer in the shipbuilding and offshore industry. Success of the maritime SMR
development highly relies on the shielding systems, which are to be designed to
accommodate constraints for maritime applications. In the development the land based
concrete shielding system will be replaced with a viable alternative to be installed inside
the vessels, which secure crews a safe working environment. In addition to the shielding
systems, it is crucial in the marine application to efficiently arrange complex nuclear
reactor systems including the primary and secondary systems within the limited space.
A new operation philosophy will be developed to overcome the space limits. The present
paper will address how the land based nuclear power plant system can be designed and
arranged inside the marine vessels. Additionally, we suggest shielding systems based
on the arrangement of nuclear reactor systems that complies with annual radiation
exposure limits. The design of these systems primarily focus on replacing the concrete
structures of land based nuclear reactors within the limited space of NPS and FNPP,
with effective shielding against gamma rays and neutrons.
Classification Requirements for Floating Nuclear Power
Plants (FNPPs)

Speaker: M. Dowling

Primary Author: Meg Dowling [1]

Co-Authors: Derek Novak [1]; Jin Wang [1]

[1] American Bureau of Shipping

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 185


Increased interest in advanced nuclear technology for global decarbonization includes

commercial floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs). Like all vessels today, FNPPs will be
registered to a Flag State, which usually delegates some responsibility to Classification
Societies, such as the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), to perform engineering
reviews, inspections and surveys on their behalf. The role of Classification is explained
to provide an understanding of the marine regulatory framework and the integration with
nuclear regulatory regimes. Existing International Maritime Organization (IMO)
regulations apply to nuclear merchant ships using pressurized water reactors but may
not directly apply to FNPPs. To support the technology-agnostic production of FNPPs,
the ABS Requirements for Nuclear Power Systems for Marine and Offshore Applications
provide minimum requirements to obtain the **Power Service (Nuclear)** Classification
Notation. The provisions for Classification using these requirements are described,
including the risk assessment, Interface Document, integration testing and in-service
survey plans that are required to differentiate the verification activities of Classification
from the nuclear regulator for design and license approvals. These requirements may be
used for FNPPs and leveraged later for nuclear ships, to guide the collaboration of the
maritime and nuclear industries for successful implementation of commercial nuclear-
maritime applications.

Speaker: F. Puente-espel

Primary Author: Federico Puente-espel [1]

Co-Authors: Mathias Trojer [1]; Marcel Devos [1]

[1] Prodigy Clean Energy

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 195


Nuclear energy has the potential to substantially help resolve the three biggest energy
challenges faced today: mitigating both climate change and energy poverty while
bringing greater energy security to where the energy is actually needed. Small Modular
Reactors as well as Microreactors extend the applications of conventional large nuclear
power plants to electric and non-electric, present new deployment models, intend to
have shorter construction times, lower capital costs, served as the perfect combination
for a sustainable power mix supporting renewables as a baseload and/or load following,
and advanced technologies include safety, security, and safeguards by design (3S). One
of the most attractive concepts of SMRs & MR is the possibility of being transported to
places where energy is needed, remote places and industrial sites for example. Prodigy
is developing nuclear oversight and quality assurance models for shipyard fabrication,
transport, fuel handling and decommissioning to support sustainable project execution.
The paper presents a strategy for successful emergence of Transportable and marine-
deployed nuclear power based on realistic and highly replicable technologies, licensable
under current regimes, that can meet immediate commercial need with market entry
achievable in the short term needed. Several examples are illustrated; for SMR and
Microreactor, for several sites, and to replaced coastal fossil fired generation.
Evaluation of the Molten Salt Reactor technology for the
application of Floating Nuclear Power Plants

Speaker: I. Kourasis

Primary Author: Ioannis Kourasis [1]

Co-Authors: Scott Edwards [1]; Oscar Hamilton [1]; Phil Malone [1]; Jake Miles [1];
Mamdouh El-shanawany [1]

[1] Core Power

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 233


Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPP) present a promising pathway to broaden the
acceptance of nuclear power by addressing critical challenges faced by land-based
reactors, including high capital expenditures (CAPEX), prolonged construction timelines,
and societal resistance. This paper provides a thorough assessment of the applicability
of liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) within marine applications. It specifically
delivers a comprehensive examination of the current MSR designs under development,
evaluating their design attributes and capabilities in the context of the marine
environment and the operational profile of floating platforms. Additionally, the research
investigates the potential fuel cycles, focusing on the innovative approaches to refueling
liquid fuel reactors. The paper is aimed at enhancing the overall understanding of
advanced reactors suitability for marine deployment, paving the way for a more cost-
effective and easily deployable nuclear power solution.
Deployment and uses of Floating Nuclear Power Plants
powered by Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: W.s. Edwards

Primary Author: Scott Edwards [1]

Co-Authors: Bright Ahonsi [1]; Thomas Davies [1]; Rory Megginson [1]

[1] Core Power

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 235


Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) emerge as a pivotal solution for swiftly
deploying additional power generation capacity in a cost-effective and scalable manner.
Particularly suited for coastal regions facing energy access challenges or where the
construction of terrestrial nuclear power facilities is impractical, FNPPs offer a versatile
and innovative approach to energy provision. This paper delves into the technical
strategies for integrating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into these marine platforms,
featuring qualitative analyses of various hull designs to ascertain the most effective
configurations. Moreover, it presents a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted
applications of SMRs within FNPPs, including their role in powering desalination plants
and the production of e-fuels. This examination underscores the transformative potential
of FNPPs in addressing global energy needs, highlighting their flexibility, efficiency, and
broad utility in supporting sustainable development goals.
Reactor Plants for Nuclear Ships and Floating Nuclear Power
Plants. Development Experience and Improvement

Speaker: K.b. Veshnyakov

Primary Authors: Pavel Gorbunov [1]; Alexei Pakhomov [1]; Alexander Turusov [1];
Konstantin Veshnyakov [1]

[1] Afrikantov OKBM, JSC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 244


One of the most effective ways to ensure logistics and economic activities in the Arctic
region is to use nuclear-powered icebreakers having a high icebreaking capability and
navigation autonomy. From 1959 and to this day, four generations of reactor plants for
nuclear ships and floating power units (FPUs) have been developed and tested under
real operating conditions. Twenty-eight reactor plants have been providing reliable
operation of twelve nuclear ships and the FPU Akademik Lomonosov under Arctic
conditions, and there are plans to commission thirty more reactor plants on fifteen ships
and FPUs in the future. The operating experience with nuclear ships and the FPU
Akademik Lomonosov has confirmed that the technical policy is correct and promising.
Starting with the reactor plants for the world’s first nuclear-powered icebreaker, the
reactor technology and safety of nuclear ships and FPU have been continuously
improving. A special focus is on the safety of reactor plants. The safety measures
include both reactor plant inherent safety and a whole set of active and passive safety
systems. The said systems are designed for all types of design-basis accidents,
including a blackout, and they also ensure sufficient time margin in beyond-design-basis
scenarios. Being compact in size, the marine reactor plants have a high level of safety
and reasonable economic efficiency, which enabled developing a fundamentally new
class of energy sources—FPUs. The energy sources of this type are capable of
generating energy in remote and hard-to-reach regions without requiring regular fuel
supplies. The developed energy sources are universal and capable of operating in both
50 Hz and 60 Hz AC power grids, which allows the electricity needs of any consumer to
be met.
Enabling versatile nuclear deployments of the eVinci

Speaker: A. Spalding [1]

Primary Author: Agata Leszkiewicz [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Westinghouse Electric

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 333


Westinghouse is developing the eVinci microreactor, a 5MWe, 15MWth microreactor

with the intention of having the most versatile and flexible microreactor on the market.
The reactor will to be factory built and deployed fully fueled to the site, transported by
rail, road or barge. Westinghouse is also investigating deployment through a TNPP
together with their partnership with Prodigy Energy. The discussion will present various
aspects of the design which enable a transportable size and weight including utilization
of TRISO fuel, heat pipes and open air Brayton power conversion system. In addition, it
contains various passive safety features which facilitate deployment and operation in
remote locations which requiring minimal personnel for monitoring, maintenance or
operations. These design features are also coupled with a simplified site layout requiring
limited construction, above ground installation and return back to greenfield. The
discussion will also discuss the challenges from a social and regulatory pathway which
will need to be overcome to allow for a novel way of deployment for microreactors, in
order to enable a green-energy transition for remote and hard to reach locations.
Floating Nuclear Power Plants: Legal and Regulatory Gap

Speaker: H. Raza

Primary Author: Hamid Raza

Co-Authors: Noreen Iftakhar (pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority) [1]; Muhammad

Abid Aslam Meo (pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority) [1]; Jan Muhammad (pakistan
Nuclear Regulatory Authority) [1]

[1] Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 361


Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) present a novel approach to install small
modular reactors (SMRs) on floating barges or platforms to provide clean electricity and
heat for remote coastal locations, to decarbonize offshore oil and gas or mining
activities, or even to provide grid scale electricity production. Their mobility offers
advantages over traditional land-based plants, but also pose unique transport-related
legal and regulatory challenges. The international legal and regulatory framework for the
peaceful use of nuclear energy has evolved over time to govern the diverse applications
of nuclear technology and achieve nuclear safety worldwide. However, specific
requirements for floating reactors are still missing in the legal instruments governing
nuclear safety. For example, the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) primarily
addresses only land-based facilities. On the other hand, deficiencies also exist in the
legal regime of maritime safety regarding the definition of FNPPs as nuclear ships. In
addition, there is a need to evaluate the existing IAEA safety standards for nuclear
installations such as SSR 2/1 GSR Part 4, and SSR-6 in the light of peculiar safety
aspects of FNPPs. This paper will highlight the gaps in the existing international nuclear
safety regime with regard to FNPPs. Based on the gap analysis, the paper aims to
contribute to the safe and responsible deployment of FNPPs, facilitating their potential
as a clean energy source.
The Activities of INPRO in Transportable Nuclear Power

Speaker: A. Bychkov, G. Sayin

Primary Authors: Alexander Bychkov [1]; Gaye Sayin

[1] Private

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 368


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) through it’s forward-looking International
Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) assists Member States
(MSs) in formulating comprehensive long-term strategies for implementation of
sustainable nuclear energy. INPRO has several activities related to the deployment of
transportable small modular reactors (SMRs). The first activity, completed in 2012,
focused on legal, institutional, and ownership-related challenges associated with
deploying TNPPs, analysed various technological options and deployment scenarios,
identified challenges, and assessed the impact on recipient countries' infrastructure.
This activity explored two technical options for TNPPs. Option 1: involved a
preassembled TNPP with fuelling, testing, maintenance, and decommissioning done at
the supplier's factory. Option 2: was a preassembled TNPP with non-nuclear testing
done at the factory, and maintenance, fuelling, and refuelling done on site. A second
study, begun in 2015, delved deeper into some of the issues from Option 1, identifying
gaps and providing more detailed analysis of legal and institutional challenges related to
TNPP deployment. In November 2023, INPRO in collaboration with other departments,
held a symposium on Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs), which brought together
international experts and organizations to discuss the challenges of deploying
sustainably FNPPs.

Speaker: J.s. Choi

Primary Author: Jor-shan Choi (lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) [1]

[1] Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (retired)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 103


Global shipping uses ~300 million t of fossil fuels annually, producing 3% of CO2
emissions. In July 2023, the IMO set a net-zero emissions goal for 2050 (100% reduction
by 2050 comparing to 2008 level). Supporting this goal, the maritime industry is pursuing
deep decarbonization with nuclear ships, which is a ship provided with a SMR. Today,
some 200 nuclear reactors are operating on 160 vessels, mostly naval ships,
icebreakers, and submarines. The interests in FNPPs have grown since Russia deployed
the Akademik Lomonosov with 2 SMRs on board in 2020, and the interests in nuclear
ships have also grown since the IMO mandate on decarbonization. However, nuclear
ships could pose risks in the events of reactor accidents, terrorists attacks, or
proliferation threats, and the current legal instruments governing 3S (safety, security,
and safeguards) and civil liability for nuclear ships are not sufficient to address these
risks. Hence, the challenges in applying these legal instruments for nuclear ships
include: • The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) is currently not applicable to nuclear
ships. • The nuclear-security instruments by IAEA focus on transport of nuclear and
radioactive materials. And transport-security instruments by IMO need to extend to
include nuclear ships. There is also a need to harmonize these two sets of security
instruments for clarity and consistency. • The safeguards of many non-water-based
SMRs intended for nuclear ships by non-nuclear-weapons countries are not yet
developed. • Current Conventions on civil liability for nuclear damage may not be
applicable to damages a nuclear ship incurred in attack by non-state actors in open sea.
This study addresses the 3S-and-civil-liability legal instruments of the IAEA and the IMO
for marine-nuclear systems, with focus on the harmonization of these instruments
between the two.
Implementation of projects of nuclear floating power units
within the framework of maritime and nuclear law and
approaches to regulation

Speaker: V. Malev

Primary Authors: Vladimir Aptekarev [1]; Daria Sabusova [2]

Co-Authors: Sergey Brykalov [2]; Nadezhda Salnikova [3]

[1] JSC "Atomenergomash"; [2] Afrikantov OKBM JSC; [3] JSC "Afrikantov OKBM"

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 4: Transportable SMRs (A.4)

INDICO Abstract ID: 118


The world is facing growing global energy demands and the need to reduce reliance on
non-ecological energy sources. Floating nuclear power units can serve as a flexible and
sustainable option for generating power. The identification of FNPUs as nuclear vessels
and facilities underlines the need for adherence to international regulations of both the
nuclear and maritime law, because the deployment of FNPUs presents unique
challenges in terms of safety and optimal regulatory approach. There are no specific
nuclear safety regulations for FNPUs in the maritime and nuclear law, moreover the
standard scenario for licensing stationary nuclear power plants is not applicable to
FNPUs. Operating different types of nuclear vessels, including the FOAK FNPU
*Akademik Lomonosov*, has provided the unique operation experience. FNPUs comply
with safety and regulatory requirements for nuclear vessels, except for those specific to
the nuclear power unit, except the distinction that FNPUs are non-self-propelled. The
IAEA GSRs and SSRs seem also to be applicable in general. In the future when more
FNPUs operation experience is gained it would be possible to develop special nuclear
safety requirements and to adapt the practices of regulating nuclear vessels in relation
to FNPUs.
Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

NUWARD SMR cogeneration services

Speaker: C. Terrier

Primary Authors: Cedric Terrier [1]; Alexandra Menges; Jean-françois Dhedin


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 243


Since the creation of the French nuclear fleet, the question of adding a cogeneration
option (also known as Combined Heat and Power CHP) has arisen in connection with
the different crises on the price of fossil fuels. Leveraging the direct utilization of nuclear
heat for industrial applications emerges as a compelling alternative to relying on fossil
fuels, showcasing superior efficiency compared to generating heat through electricity.
Given Europe’s current objective to decarbonize energy consumption, the CHP appears
to be an interesting option for the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs),
especially for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and is part of NUWARD SMR features.
The pressure/temperature characteristics of NUWARD SMR are suitable for supplying a
range of industrial applications such as hydrogen production with high temperature
electrolysis, desalination, district heating, industrial heating or direct air capture. Besides
they are easier to build and can be placed close to industrial or urban areas where needs
are. Depending on the specific industrial application, the steam extraction location can
be adapted to find a compromise between electricity production and the required steam
characteristics. Integrating the CHP options also requires design specific analyses:
hazard assessments, operating impact, plot plan integration and design of new
equipment such as steam transformers. These development and analyses ensure a
seamless integration and operation of CHP systems, as a service provided by NUWARD
Simulation of flexible Small Modular Reactor operation with
a thermal energy storage system

Speaker: G. Masotti

Primary Authors: Guido Masotti [1]; Nicolas Alpy [2]; Stefano Lorenzi [1]; Marco Ricotti
[1]; Giorgio Simonini [3]

[1] Politecnico di Milano; [2] CEA; [3] EDF

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 307


The surging penetration of variable renewable energy sources into power grids
translates into an urgent need for dispatchable generators such as nuclear power plants
to effectively balance grid demand. However, nuclear reactors have been traditionally
operated as baseload power sources, leveraging the technical and economic
advantages of this operational mode. This paper explores the integration of a two-tank
thermal energy storage (TES) system with a light-water cooled Small Modular Reactor
(SMR) as an alternative to address the flexibility requirements and, at the same time,
minimise thermal power variation in the nuclear steam supply system. In this work, the
dynamics of the coupled SMR-TES system are examined across various scenarios by
means of dynamic models developed in the object-oriented modelling language
Modelica. The aim is to analyse the potential impact of a TES on the operational
strategies of a SMR in the context of highly fluctuating load demands. Through this
investigation, the study aims at demonstrating that nuclear energy systems can satisfy
the evolving grid requirements with minimal perturbations on the nuclear reactor’s
operation. The results show that the SMR is able to meet variable load demands by
exchanging power with the TES, ensuring reliable energy supply.
Stakeholder Perspectives on Challenges in Integrating and
Developing Infrastructure for Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs) in Kuwait

Speaker: S. Alsanad

Primary Author: Dr.shaikha Alsanad [1]

Co-Authors: Bader Almutairi [1]; Hussain Albaghli [1]

[1] Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 271


Kuwait endeavors to reduce its reliance on oil in alignment with the Kuwait National
Development Plan, diverting investments towards non-oil sectors. Concurrently, the
nation is committed to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Recognizing the nuclear
energy chain as a highly dependable and low-emission power source per unit, Kuwait
deems it imperative to incorporate various low-carbon energy technologies, particularly
nuclear power, to meet its climate policy objectives. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
emerge as promising contributors to climate change mitigation and bolstering energy
security. This study, an integral part of an ongoing research initiative, delves into the
challenges associated with integrating and developing Small Modular Reactor (SMR)
infrastructure in Kuwait, encompassing diverse stakeholder perspectives. Employing an
empirical-qualitative approach, incorporating expert interviews and discussions, the
research explores hurdles in nuclear infrastructure development, addressing regulatory
frameworks, technical considerations, and the necessity for capacity-building. Notably,
local political instability emerges as a significant risk, according to the majority of
interviewed experts, directly influencing the development of a national nuclear program.
This instability contributes to a lack of governance within various institutions across the
country, posing both direct and indirect risks to the nuclear program's progress. The
paper strives to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of these
challenges for informed decision-making.
Why SMRs are crucial for hard-to-abate sectors such as
shipping and what to do about it

Speaker: J. Emblemsvåg

Primary Authors: Jan Emblemsvåg [1]; César Hueso Ordóñez [2]; Terje Strand [1]; Cristian
Garrido Tamm [2]; Helge Thoresen [1]; Javier Santos Ortigosa [2]; Alejandria Perez [3];
Yolanda Mugica Colilles [2]

[1] Norwegian University of Science and Technology; [2] IDOM; [3] KTH Royal Institute of

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 18


The marine industry consumes about 300 million tonnes Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) annually
(Jacoby 2022), emitting 3% of total global climate gas emissions (King 2022). Worse, the
emissions are expected to grow to more than 10%. Then, add local- and regional
shipping using marine diesel oil. Currently, green ammonia is the focal point as a
possible alternative to HFO to decarbonize shipping (King 2022). Yet, the amount of
electricity required to produce the equivalent amount of green ammonia is about 7,800
TWh/yr, or more than 2.7 times the total EU electricity production in 2022 (Emblemsvåg
2024). The light water reactors have historically demonstrated that they are too costly
for this purpose, so here we present the Generation IV SMR technologies that have the
potential to commercially enable zero-emission shipping. Indeed, some Generation IV
SMRs may outcompete HFO on costs (Emblemsvåg 2021). The paper will end by
discussing the challenges to solve. References Emblemsvåg, J. (2021). "How Thorium-
based Molten Salt Reactor can provide clean, safe and cost-effective technology for
deep-sea shipping." Marine Technology Socieity Journal55(1):pp.56-72. Emblemsvåg, J.
(2024). Electricity is Easy – Fuels are Hard: Lessons from the Maritime Industry.
Handbook of Power Systems. M. Freunek and O. Doleski: Accepted for publication.
Jacoby, M. (2022). The shipping industry looks for green fuels.Chemical & Engineering
News, American Chemical Society.100:
gases/shipping-industry-looks-green-fuels/100/i108. King, A. (2022). Emissions-free
sailing is full steam ahead for ocean-going shipping. Horizon - the EU Research &
Innovation Magazine, European Commission.
Electricity and Water cogeneration using a Small 75MWth

Speaker: M. De Lourdes Moreira

Primary Author: Paulo Augusto Berquó De Sampaio [1]

Co-Authors: Maria Moreira [1]; Luiz Flávio Rodrigues Alves [2]

[1] Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear; [2] Eletronuclear

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 28


This paper investigates a hybrid desalination strategy, using both Direct Contact
Membrane Distillation (DCMD) and Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO), for
cogeneration of water and electricity using a small PWR of 75 MW(th). Blending the
water produced by SWRO with that produced by DCMD has two main advantages. One is
the improvement of the quality of the water produced, as compared to that obtained with
the SWRO plant. The other is the reduction of the cost of water production, as compared
to that attained by the DCMD plant alone. The SWRO plant uses the electricity generated
on site by the small PWR. The water production of the SWRO plant is determined using
the electricity consumption of 4 kW(e)h per cubic meter, which is a value typical of a
real-scale SWRO plant. On the other hand, we divide the steam produced in the steam
generator into two parallel Rankine cycles. The first of those cycles operates at
pressures and temperatures typical of a Rankine cycle optimized for electricity
generation. In the second cycle, steam expansion in the turbine is shortened to a
pressure just below the atmospheric pressure. Thus, steam condensation occurs at a
temperature just below 100 ºC, which allows heating the seawater in the second Rankine
cycle condenser up to 92 ºC. The external heating required for the DCMD desalination
process comes exclusively from cooling the two Rankine cycle condensers. So, a
specific electricity consumption of 8.47 kW(e)h per cubic meter has been obtained for
the DCMD process. These computations used the DE-TOP program, developed by the
IAEA, which simulates the Rankine cycles of PWRs, and the DESAL-PLANT program,
developed at IEN/CNEN, which models a DCMD desalination plant with heat recovery.
Finally, estimates of water and electricity production are presented, considering the
mean seawater temperature of the Brazilian northeast.
Poly-generation of power and desalinated water by Small
Modular Reactors

Speaker: M. Cioffi

Primary Author: Marco Cioffi [1]

[1] Ansaldo Energia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 54


The request for drinkable and industrial-use water is steadily increasing by following the
fast development and urbanization in areas such as the Middle East and by the effect of
climate change. The nuclear energy has been even recently confirmed to be one of the
key technologies required for the fulfillment of the Energy Transition targets. The Small
Modular Reactor concept is often coupled with the hybridization of Nuclear Power
Plants with other services, such as the concurrent generation of Power with Heat,
Hydrogen, or Water. This approach has the additional purpose of providing flexibility on
the NPP operation in a power grid influenced by not-programmable renewable energy
sources. One of the most promising uses of SMR is the desalinization of seawater for
agriculture, industrial or civil use. The desalination technology should fit with the inlet
water characteristics and output water requirements (Inverse Osmosis, Multi-Stage
Flash distillation) by utilizing SMR power and/or heat. This paper presents a technical-
economic analysis for the supply of water for the Abu Dhabi city. The analyzed 340 MW
SMR plant, hybridized with an inverse osmosis desalination system, is able to provide
1,000,000 m3/day of drinkable water, almost 1/3 of the water daily used by the city.
IDNES a CEA projet dedicated to SMR concept for
decarbonization beyond pure power generation

Speaker: P. Amphoux

Primary Author: Philippe Amphoux [1]

Co-Authors: Nicolas Alpy [1]; Fabrice Bentivoglio [1]; Luc Bertier [1]; Charly Boudot [1];
Jean-baptiste Droin [1]; Frédéric Ducros [1]; Pierre Gavoille [1]; Eric Hanus [1]; David
Haubensack [1]; Clément Liegeard [1]; Franck Morin [1]; Coralie Quadri [1]; Jean-michel
Ruggieri [1]; Nicolas Tauveron [1]; Claire Vaglio-gaudard [1]

[1] CEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 79


Launched in 2020 within the French Alternatives energies and Atomic Energy
Commission (CEA), the IDNES (Innovative Decarbonized Nuclear Energy Systems)
project aims to take a new approach to the use of civil nuclear power generation,
expanding its role beyond power production to provide other energy carriers by
developing energy system concepts that include Small Modula Reactor (SMR)
technology. After a first phase of the project, the development and study status are
presented in this paper. The work program was initially designed with a 15-year vision
aligned with the carbon-neutrality objective by 2050. It has focused primarily on energy
markets where decarbonization is a major challenge. This work has identified two
markets to be potentially addressed by SMR technology: heat and hydrogen, that can be
produced by cogeneration. After an introduction of the methodology used to draw up
technical specifications for new markets to be decarbonized, the main configuration of
the different concepts developed in the project are explained: - pure heating SMR
ARCHEOS concept, - coupled system between SMRs and High Temperature Steam
Electrolyzers (HTSE) for hydrogen production and kerosene synthesis, - SMR coupled
with massive heat storage for industry supply. Lastly, industrial prospects will be
Challenges in development of cogeneration module for

Speaker: P. Gilski

Primary Author: Pawel Gilski [1]

[1] Orlen Synthos Green Energy

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 95


Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE) is a Polish company that plans to deploy a fleet of
SMRs in Poland with use of BWRX-300 technology by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH).
BWRX-300 is designed to produce only electricity, whereas, the waste heat is discharged
to the atmosphere via cooling towers, as most of existing large-scale nuclear power
plants do. However, the waste heat could be used to supply district heating networks
(DHNs) and industrial facilities, therefore making the SMR a cogeneration plant.
Cogeneration is widely applied in Poland for coal and gas fired plants, however it is a
niche area for the nuclear industry. OSGE believes that nuclear technology is a key
solution for decarbonizing the Polish and European energy sector and nuclear
cogeneration can only enhance its effect. What is more, cogeneration SMR could be
used in wider range of applications than large-scale nuclear cogeneration. This paper is
dedicated to describing the challenges in developing the cogeneration module for
existing SMR technology in international environment in technical, business and
regulatory areas.
Comparison between a Small Modular Reactor and a
traditional nuclear reactor in water desalination cogeneration

Speaker: M. Kandil

Primary Author: Magy Kandil [1]

[1] Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, EAEA,Cairo, Egypt

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 109


Cogeneration applications of nuclear energy could present sustainable solutions for

several energy challenges current and future generations will have to face. There is
growing interest around the world in using nuclear energy for cogeneration applications
such as seawater desalination, hydrogen production, district heating, and various
industrial applications. Small modular reactors represent a key area of interest to
nuclear industry developers, which have been making significant progress during the
past few years. Generally, these reactors are promising owing to their improved safety
due to passive systems, enhanced containment efficiency, and fewer capital costs in
comparison to traditional nuclear reactors. The worldwide demand for potable water has
been steadily growing and is projected to accelerate while natural reserves of fresh
water are generally flat or diminishing. Desalination of seawater is expected to make up
the difference; however, the desalination of water is energy intensive, requiring large
amounts of electricity and/or thermal energy. Nuclear energy is an attractive option for
large scale desalination application since the thermal energy produced in a nuclear plant
can provide both electricity and heat for clean water production without the emission of
greenhouse gases or the variability of renewable sources. A particularly attractive option
for nuclear desalination is to couple a desalination plant with a new generation of
designs, small modular reactors. In this research, a comparison between a Small
Modular Reactor and a traditional nuclear reactor in water desalination cogeneration
application is represented. The NuScale small modular reactor design is especially well
suited for the cogeneration of electricity and clean water because of the enhanced
safety, improved affordability, and deployment flexibilities of the plant design, which
provides a cost-effective approach to expand a global desalination capacity, so it is
compared with a pressurized water reactor. through evaluate the technical and
economic considerations of coupling a NuScale plant.

Speaker: G. Fouga

Primary Author: Gastã³n Fouga [1]

[1] Bariloche Atomic Center/ National Atomic Energy Commission/National Council of

Scientific and Technical Research

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 127


The Physicochemical and Quality Control Department of the Argentina National Atomic
Energy Commission has been actively researching the application of the modular
CAREM nuclear reactor for cogeneration, specifically for the treatment of oil-based drill
cuttings (OBDC) generated from oil and gas extraction in the Neuquén basin, located in
the province of Neuquén, Argentina. These cuttings are classified as hazardous waste
under National Law 24051. The objective is to utilize cogeneration to supply heat for the
pyrolysis process of the cuttings. This process aims to produce a residue suitable for
safe disposal and, concurrently, liquid and gaseous fuels that enhance the intrinsic value
of the initial waste. In the initial phase of the study, samples of OBDC from the Neuquén
Basin were employed, collected at depths of 800 m (OBDC-1), 1100 m (OBDC-2), and
1300 m (OBDC-3). The oil content within the cuttings was quantified using Soxhlet
extraction (EPA9071B), while the water content was determined through azeotropic
distillation using the Dean-Stark method (ASTM-D95). To investigate the thermal
decomposition process and the associated energy, a simultaneous thermal analyzer
(DTA-TG, STA-409, NETZSCH) was utilized. Furthermore, the mineralogical composition
of the remaining residues was scrutinized employing X-ray diffraction.
Assessing Viability of Small Modular Reactors in Pakistan’s
Energy Landscape: Navigating Technological Diversity and
Challenges in Possible Integration with Renewables

Speaker: H. Ur Rehman

Primary Author: Haseeb Ur Rehman [1]

Co-Authors: Farhana Kausar (pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) [2]; Aman Ur

Rehman [1]; Waqar Riaz [1]

[1] Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences; [2] Pakistan Atomic Energy
Commission (PAEC)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 131


This paper explores the strategic future design, development, and deployment of Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Pakistan, considering the unique challenges and
opportunities presented by the country's energy landscape. Using the rigorous
International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Reactor Technology Assessment (RTA)
methodology, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to propose a specific SMR design
technology line (i.e., water-cooled reactors, gas-cooled reactors, molten salt reactors,
and liquid metal-cooled reactors). The analysis is rooted on expert considerations of 10
key elements and corresponding key topics as a sub-category of each key element of
RTA methodology. Furthermore, the assessment also includes an explicit investigation
of the potential applications of SMRs in both electricity generation and diverse non-
electric contexts within a nuclear-renewable hybrid energy system. The study is aimed to
provide a preliminary sketch to the policy makers in pursuing a specific SMR design for
the future deployment.
Nuclear Hydrogen Production Analysis for GT-HTR using
HEEP Software

Speaker: W. Dridi

Primary Author: Walid Dridi [1]

[1] Centre National des Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 161


Hydrogen demand is expected to sharply increase shortly as technology development

uses hydrogen as a new energy source. Currently hydrogen production relies primarily on
fossil fuels, which are neither environmentally friendly nor economically efficient. In
order to establish a hydrogen economy, it is imperative to produce a large amount of
hydrogen in a clean, safe, and efficient manner. Nuclear production of hydrogen could
enable a massive production of hydrogen at affordable prices while also reducing
environmental pollution by cutting down on carbon dioxide emissions. Otherwise, both
the need of using low-carbon energy sources and a significant advantage of SMRs as
their adaptability to be coupled with other energy systems, like hydrogen production
plants to generate a cogeneration plant. A Gas-Turbine High-Temperature Reactor (GT-
HTR300) is an efficient reactor that can be used with the thermo-chemical Sulfur Iodine
(SI) cycle to produce hydrogen []. To evaluate the economy of the nuclear hydrogen
production system, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has developed
software tools such as HEEP (Hydrogen Economy Evaluation Program) [2, 3]. This paper
uses HEEP to calculate the Levelized Unit Hydrogen Cost (LUHC) for a nuclear hydrogen
production plant consisting of two modules of 300 MWth GT-HTR coupled with the SI
Performance Analysis of SMR Plant with Steam Heating for
Multi-purpose Applications

Speaker: J.-s. Moon

Primary Author: Jongseol Moon [1]

[1] Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 168


SMR plants can be downsized by configuring fewer equipment and systems compare to
conventional nuclear power plants. In addition, SMR plants have versatile applications
beyond electricity generation, including hydrogen production, heat supply, etc. In this
study, a virtual SMR plant was selected and the plant heat balance was modeled using
PEPSE software. Based on the established heat balance model, the plant performance,
power output and efficiency, were assessed based on changes in design conditions.
Furthermore, a high-temperature steam heating model using an electric heater was
implemented for the multi-purpose utilization of SMR, and also the plant performances
were evaluated concerning the desired target steam temperature and the amount of
extracted steam. This study confirmed a significant decline in plant performance with an
increase in partial load operation ratio, and the absence of final feedwater heater
enhanced the power output of the plant, but it was accompanied by a decrease in
efficiency due to the lack of a regeneration cycle. Analysis showed that heating the
extracted main steam using an electric heater led to a decrease in plant power output as
both the amount of the extraction steam and target heating temperature increased.
However, when the target steam temperature matched the extraction steam
temperature, the plant electrical output decreased proportionally with the steam
extraction quantity, with minimal impact on efficiency. This was attributed to the
minimal load requirement of the electric heater.
Evaluating the Viability of Small Modular Reactors for Non-
Electric Applications in Kuwait: A Preliminary Assessment

Speaker: B. Almutairi

Primary Author: Bader Almutairi [1]

Co-Author: Shaikha Al-sanad [1]

[1] Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 188


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) stand at the forefront of nuclear technology innovation,
presenting a potential solution to the increasing energy demand while achieving net zero
emissions by 2050. The operational flexibility of SMRs is a key focus, providing power
for processing heat for industrial applications, desalination, hydrogen production, and
electricity generation. In the context of Kuwait, which presently lacks a nuclear power
infrastructure, SMRs emerge as a potential solution for meeting the nation’s specific
energy requirements and sustainability ambitions, including achieving the goal of net
zero emissions by 2050. Our analysis leverages the IAEA comprehensive database on
SMRs to provide policymakers with the latest advancements in SMR technologies if
Kuwait decides to pursue a nuclear power program. While acknowledging that a Reactor
Technology Assessment (RTA) requires an extensive, multidisciplinary effort and
continuous stakeholder engagement that can evolve over the course of developing a
nuclear power program, a preliminary RTA was conducted. This assessment aimed to
determine the most suitable SMR technologies for Kuwait, focusing on reactor types and
operational temperatures for cogeneration applications that could contribute to
decarbonizing the desalination and oil/gas sectors. Our findings indicate that
Pressurized Water SMRs (PWSMRs) are especially well-matched for lower-temperature
applications, making them an ideal option for Kuwait’s desalination industry. PWSMRs
can supply electricity for desalination plants employing reverse osmosis technology, in
addition to serving thermal processes in multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and
multiple-effect distillation (MED) plants. Concurrently, SMRs designed as high-
temperature gas-cooled reactors are recognized for their potential to facilitate high-
temperature industrial processes that can be utilized in the upstream and downstream
oil sectors and for hydrogen production.
Decarbonizing Refining Processes: SMR deployment paving
the way to Synthetic Fuels

Speaker: E. Lambridis [1]

Primary Author: Fabio Nouchy [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Tractebel

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 211


While petroleum-based products constitute a primary contributor to global carbon

emissions, our current lifestyle will remain reliant on them for decades to come. `
However, there is an opportunity to mitigate their environmental impact by focusing on
the decarbonization of the refining process. A more ambitious approach involves
repurposing existing installations to facilitate the production of synthetic fuels and
products with lower carbon footprints. The whole process can be planned in the
framework of an SMR deployment strategy, with the goal of colocalizing these advanced
technologies in proximity to refineries, capitalizing both on the benefits of high-
temperature steam for diverse applications and on a reliable supply of electricity. The
paper presents a case study focusing on a petrochemical plant, delineating the
challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning away from fossil fuels. After
a brief introduction on the challenge ahead, the study will describe key aspects such the
intricacies of typical streams, products, and processes within refineries. Then it will
address the considered scenarios for decarbonizing existing installations through SMR,
and include a few hazard-related considerations. This exploration provides insights into
the feasibility of transitioning towards sustainable alternatives in the petrochemical
NHR200-II Reactor: Characteristics, Development, and
Applications in Non-Electric Energy Systems

Speaker: W. Zhang

Primary Authors: Wenwen Zhang [1]; Wentao Hao [1]; Weihua Li [1]; Xingtuan Yang [1]

[1] Tsinghua University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 219


As the latest small modular pressurized water reactor developed by the Institute of
Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University, the NHR200-II
maintains all the technical advantages of its predecessors (NHR5, NHR200-I), including
integrated layout, full-power natural circulation, self-pressurization, intermediate loop
isolation, and passive safety. The off-site emergency measures are technically
unnecessary due to the elimination of large-scale radioactive release. Simplified auxiliary
systems and component design requirements make NHR200-II operationally more
straightforward, enhancing its economic viability. NHR200-II can meet various market
demands, such as residential heating, industrial processing steam, cogeneration,
seawater desalination, and centralized cooling. Currently, the industrial steam supply
system is in the design phase, with the reactor having a power of 200MW and a primary
circuit pressure of 8.0MPa, capable of providing superheated steam above 1.6MPa for
industrial processes. With increasing demands for greenhouse gas emission reduction
and air pollution control in China and globally, NHR200-II is poised for more emerging
Small Modular Reactors and cogeneration: impact of steam
extraction on power conversion performance

Speaker: G. Masotti

Primary Authors: Guido Masotti [1]; Stefano Lorenzi [1]; Marco Ricotti [1]

[1] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 277


The evolving energy landscape requires a shift in the operational paradigm of nuclear
power plants, traditionally employed as electric power generators, to meet the increasing
need for grid flexibility and leverage dispatchable and low-carbon thermal power to
decarbonise hard-to-abate processes. These requirements can be met by extracting
steam from the power conversion cycle to drive non-electric applications, such as high-
temperature steam electrolysis for hydrogen production, which is the reference end-use
considered in this study. In this work, the impact of different steam extraction and return
points in terms of pressure, temperature, and mass flow rate on the performance of the
balance of plant of a light-water cooled Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is investigated.
The power conversion system of the SMR has been modelled and optimised, aiming to
maximise cycle efficiency in response to different cogeneration requirements (up to 36
MWth), using the EBSILON Professional tool. The results show that the steam reinjection
points downstream of the heat delivery to the end-user have the largest impact on the
overall cycle performance. Such analysis offers a general overview of nuclear
cogeneration opportunities, providing a quantitative evaluation of the impact of
converting an SMR's balance of plant to drive non-electric applications.
Strategic Implications of the 10MW Experimental Power
Reactor (RDE) in Non-Electric Nuclear Power Generation
Applications in Indonesia

Speaker: G. R. Sunaryo

Primary Author: Geni Rina Sunaryo [1]

[1] BRIN

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 282


Indonesia, with its nearly 270 million inhabitants and an annual growth rate of 1% to
1.5%, faces significant challenges in meeting its rising energy demands, particularly in
densely populated areas like Java and major cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, and
Bandung. BAPPENAS outlined in the RPJMN that Indonesia aimed to have operational
nuclear power plants by 2019. Consequently, BATAN has led the development of the
10MWt Experimental Power Reactor (RDE) since 2014. RDE, utilizing High Temperature
Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) technology, differs from the HTR-10 (High Temperature
Reactor 10MW) developed by Tsinghua University China. Designed as a Small Modular
Reactor (SMR), RDE relies on local industries, particularly 7MW turbines, holding
strategic implications for Indonesia's nuclear energy development. The planned
construction of RDE in the Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi
(PUSPIPTEK) Serpong area promises local benefits, with surplus electricity earmarked
for public lighting. However, political funding cessation has stalled progress, limiting
activities to design. RDE design activities merge scientific research with innovative
technology, enhancing capabilities and fostering international collaboration, notably with
the IAEA and Tsinghua University. Sustainability is evident in the PeLUIts-150 project,
while internal collaboration with PT PERTAMINA and Nusantara Power focuses on
hydrogen production using steam and electricity. Aligned with Indonesia's commitment
to achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060, PeLUITs-40 emphasizes green energy
and local industry development. Despite sharing core dimensions with RDE, PeLUITs-40
boasts a higher power output of 40 MWth, resulting in a coolant flow four times that of
RDE. These advancements signify Indonesia's progress toward sustainable energy
solutions and technological innovation in the nuclear sector.
XAMR® a new energy solution for decarbonization

Speaker: D. Briggs

Primary Authors: David Briggs [1]; Louis Raymond [1]

Co-Author: Sec Naarea Naarea [1]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 287


NAAREA (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) is a French company
developing a new energy solution : the XAMR® (eXtrasmall Advanced Modular Reactor),
a mass-produced molten salt fast neutron microreactor. NAAREA's XAMR® will be
capable of generating electricity and/or heat from long-lived spent fuel produced by
current conventional reactors. This paper aims to present how NAAREA envisions
various applications for the purpose of decarbonizing human activities through its 80
megawatts thermal/ 40 megawatts electric reactor. Among these, the innovation of
advanced nuclear lies in its ability to attack off-grid markets, such as medium-
temperature (100-400°C) and high-temperature (400-600°C) industrial processes, district
heating, electro-fuel production or carbon capture technologies. Given its technological
choices, NAAREA will contribute locally to the construction of hybrid energy systems
capable of securing the energy supply in addition to the electricity grid. The combination
of molten salt technology and the miniaturization of the solution paves the way for a true
decentralization of energy supply. In particular, the use of process or waste heat is made
possible by the proximity to the consumer site. Besides, MSR's high safety standards will
not only help qualify XAMR for many industrial and urban markets, but also ensure its
acceptance and support by society.
Techno-Economic Analysis of SMR Cogeneration with
Desalination: A Case Study in Türkiye

Speaker: O. Y. Kutlu

Primary Author: Osman Kutlu [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 323


In the face of escalating global water scarcity, integrating Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs) with desalination emerges as a promising solution. This study assesses the
feasibility and economic viability of SMRs for cogeneration with desalination, focusing
on Türkiye. SMRs, compact nuclear reactors, offer a unique opportunity to generate
electricity and produce clean water through desalination. We evaluate SMR cogeneration
systems in various coastal regions of Türkiye, considering different desalination
technologies. Using the IAEA DEEP program version 5.1 and a computer simulation
model, we assess the economic efficiency of the system's annual operation,
incorporating revenue from electricity and water sales. We also consider seasonal and
daily variations in electricity prices and seawater temperature for a comprehensive
evaluation. We use the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) algorithm to identify
the best siting location, configuration, and operational strategies for the SMR
cogeneration-desalination system, aiming to maximize the net present value (NPV). This
study's findings offer valuable insights into SMRs' potential to address energy and water
challenges. It also provides essential guidance for policymakers, energy planners, and
stakeholders navigating the complex intersection of energy and water resource
management, which can help Türkiye progress towards energy security and water
sustainability amid increasing climate change pressures
FORCE: A modeling approach to increase the value
proposition for SMRs in non-electric applications

Speaker: A. S. Epiney

Primary Author: Aaron Epiney [1]

[1] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 330


Traditionally, nuclear power plants exist to make electricity, but they also must produce a
lot of heat. Today, roughly 40% of all energy is wasted. More efficient energy use would
be better for the environment and for the plant owner. The U.S. Department of Energy's
Office of Nuclear Energy supports a national laboratory Integrated Energy System (IES)
program. The program conducts research, development, and deployment activities to
expand the role of advanced nuclear energy including SMRs beyond supporting the
electricity grid. Expanded roles include supplying energy to various industrial and
transportation applications. The IES program has developed the FORCE computational
framework. FORCE is applied to conduct analysis of the technical and economic viability
of a range of possible nuclear energy IES configurations and, at the end, to optimize
those configurations within different markets. For example, energy arbitrage with
thermal energy storage or hydrogen production and storage has been evaluated using
FORCE. In addition, an evaluation of gas, diesel and jet fuels synthesis using nuclear
power has been completed. The full paper will detail the capabilities of the FORCE tool
suite and provide an overview of currently studied application cases.
Dynamic modelling of a nuclear hybrid energy system with
hydrogen production via high temperature steam electrolysis

Speaker: G. Masotti

Primary Authors: Guido Masotti [1]; Paolo Colbertaldo [1]; Marco Ficili [1]; Stefano
Lorenzi [1]; Riccardo Mauri [1]; Marco Ricotti [1]

[1] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 341


Integrating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into nuclear hybrid energy systems (NHES)
represents a promising approach to improving energy utilisation efficiency while
balancing the intermittency of variable renewable sources. In particular, by flexibly
allocating the SMR’s thermal power either for electricity generation or to drive industrial
processes, these systems can contribute to the energy transition and benefit from
revenue streams from multiple markets. However, the strong coupling among the
various subsystems leads to complex challenges in designing and operating the NHES.
In this context, it is of paramount importance to investigate the dynamics of the system
and to develop effective control strategies to meet variable load and industrial user
requirements while complying with the operational constraints of the system. In this
paper, an illustrative NHES architecture integrating a light-water cooled SMR with a high-
temperature steam electrolysis hydrogen production plant is studied. The object-
oriented modelling language Modelica is used to analyse the response of the system for
different demand variations. The results show the potential impacts of varying
commodity demands on the SMR’s balance of plant and on the nuclear island, indicating
that the NHES can meet highly variable demands while maintaining the reactor's power
at a stable level.
Integrating Small Modular Reactors into Hybrid Energy
Systems: the TANDEM Modelica library

Speaker: G. Simonini

Primary Authors: Nicolas Alpy [1]; Augustin Baudoux [2]; Viola Ferrara [3]; Youssef
Hammadi [3]; David Haubensack [1]; Dorian Jouret [2]; Stefano Lorenzi [4]; Guido Masotti
[4]; Sylvain Mathonnière [1]; Giorgio Simonini [3]; Raphaël Talpin [1]; Bernard Tourneur [2]

[1] CEA; [2] Tractabel; [3] EDF; [4] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 360


The rapid evolution of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology has triggered renewed
interest in exploring innovative applications within the framework of nuclear hybrid
energy systems. SMR, given their greater flexibility in terms of siting and power rates, are
one of the most suitable candidates to be integrated in energy systems aimed at
providing multiple energetic assets. In this context, feasibility studies as well as techno-
economics analysis should be supported by proper modelling tools able to facilitate the
integration of SMRs with other energy system components, such as renewable plants,
energy storage systems, hydrogen production, etc. This paper presents the TANDEM
Modelica library developed within the TANDEM Project – a Horizon Europe project
aimed at developing methodologies and tools to facilitate the safe and efficient
integration of SMRs into smart low-carbon hybrid energy systems. The TANDEM library
is based on several staple libraries (e.g., ThermoPower, ThermoSysPro, Modelica
Standard Library) from which the main components of a hybrid energy system are
derived, e.g., NSSS, BoP and power conversion systems, electrical and thermal energy
storage, electrical grid, conventional power plants, hydrogen production with low and
high temperature electrolyzers, district heating…. The library is meant to be a versatile
platform, offering a unified framework for the dynamic simulation and analysis of
complex interactions within nuclear hybrid energy systems. Key features of the library
include modularity, extensibility, and compatibility with existing library and simulation
tools, including safety codes. Possible applications enabled by the library include the
analysis of different operational strategies and the optimization of the hybrid energy
system configuration and components’ design in terms of efficiency, reliability and/or
CO2 emissions.
Mapping the hydrogen economy in Ghana: the strategic
contribution of Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: F. B. Quansah

Primary Author: Festus Brew Quansah (ghana Atomic Energy Commission) [1]

[1] Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (Nuclear Power Institute)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 375


The conversation about economic development in Ghana is co-evolving with

sustainability, technological innovation, and energy security through Nuclear Power. To
maximise Nuclear Power in Ghana, the economic opportunities that lie ahead require a
new and deep strategic focus, especially with the emergence of new SMR technologies.
Cogeneration allows SMR technology to be deployed to produce hydrogen, water, salt,
and heating beyond electricity. In the short to medium term, electricity demand appears
to be the key concern in Ghana as driven by population increase and economic growth
scenarios. In the longer term, however, the spotlight could shift to the potential of
hydrogen as an alternative source of energy. What are the prospects of nuclear
hydrogen in Ghana? What factors may drive these scenarios? What could be the
potential contribution to the Ghanaian economy? What recommendations can structure
or formalise the future hydrogen economy in Ghana? This paper attempts an analysis of
a hydrogen economy in Ghanaian context. It uses a systems approach to synthesise
critical elements that require consideration as Ghana transitions into a hydrogen
economy, especially with the emergence of SMRs. The analysis will present a ‘phased
framework’ which could inform policy from several perspectives: technical, social,
regulatory, and economic.
The Relevance of Nuclear Energy for District Heating

Speaker: C. Dulac

Primary Authors: Jan Bartak [1]; Cesar Dulac

Co-Author: A Vallée [1]

[1] Calogena

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 379


Modernisation and expansion of district heating and cooling infrastructure is one of the
most efficient measures to reduce consumption of fossil fuels in Europe. Today, district
heating (DH) systems use mostly fossil fuels, which account for 60% of total production.
Other low-carbon options, such as biomass and geothermal energy, have limitations due
to competing uses or local availability. As many fossil-fired district heating systems are
reaching the end of their life, they need to be replaced. Moreover, the EU aims to
increase the share of DH in total heat demand from 12% in 2023 to 30% in 2030 and 50%
in 2050. Nuclear reactors can be used for DH. The Calogena company proposes a 30
MWt small modular reactor designed for DH applications. The Calogena® water-cooled
reactor uses a very simple and intrinsically safe design inspired by pool-type research
reactors. It operates at low pressure of ~5 bar and temperature around 100°C.
Calogena® has a small footprint and adapts flexibly to heating networks of different
sizes. The DH infrastructure is deployed in urban or peri-urban areas, managed by
municipalities and local energy companies. Calogena is confident that the simplicity and
high level of intrinsic safety of the reactor will facilitate public acceptance. Currently,
biomass is the most common solution to decarbonize DH. Nuclear sources will also
allow to reduce the consumption of biomass to eliminate air pollution in cities and
reserve its use for other more noble applications.
The nuclear power plant with high temperature gas cooled
reactor and chemical process equipment as an option for
solving the problem of large scale production of low carbon

Speaker: V. Pavlikhina

Primary Author: V. Pavlikhina [1]

Co-Authors: T. Ishchenko [1]; N. Kodochigov [1]; A. Lazarev [1]; V. Petrunin [1]; I. Shmelev

[1] Afrikantov OKBM JSC

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group A: SMR Design, Technology and Fuel Cycle

Track: Track 5: Non-Electric Applications for SMR (A.5)

INDICO Abstract ID: 428


Nuclear power is a reliable and stable source of energy in context of global reduction of
carbon dioxide emissions. Nuclear power may be used for desalination of sea water,
production of low-carbon hydrogen, district heating and other industrial applications.
The development of nuclear hydrogen energy in Russia involves both large-scale
production of hydrogen and related products using thermochemical processes (for
example, steam reforming of methane) at specialized nuclear power plants with high-
temperature gas-cooled reactors, as well as local production of hydrogen by water
electrolysis at electrolysis facilities powered by electricity from nuclear power plants.
This paper will describe the progress in development of an innovative project of
Rosatom State Corporation, i.e. a nuclear power plant with the gas (helium)-cooled high-
temperature reactor (HTGR) (with thermal capacity of 200 MW) integrated with chemical
process equipment for hydrogen production. The purpose of the HTGR is to generate
high-temperature thermal power to be transferred to the chemical process equipment
for large-scale, competitive hydrogen production. The use of the HTGR as a source of
thermal power will provide for significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions that are
inevitably produced in hydrogen production processes that use methane not only as a
raw material for steam reforming of methane, but also as a fuel to provide heat
necessary for process running.
Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks
Participating Member States and International Organizations:

Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Finland, Indonesia, Kenya, Libya, Namibia,
Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Slovakia,
Sweden, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Key Words: convention, liability, standard, installation, cnsc, project, accident,

pakistan, legal, analysis,
Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs

Evaluation of Radioactive Waste Streams and Management

Options for Molten Salt Small Modular Reactor

Speaker: B. B. Acar

Primary Author: Banu Bulut Acar [1]

[1] Hacettepe University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 80


Small modular reactors as a strong candidate for the future of nuclear energy seem to
be the prospective contributors to the spent fuel inventory of the world. There are more
than 80 small modular reactor concepts with various core designs and fuel cycle options
including molten salt small modular reactors which will produce various amounts of
spent fuel with different radiological and chemical properties during the operation.
Therefore, the characteristics of spent fuel and radioactive waste generated from
proposed small modular reactor designs should be evaluated and the implications on
the back-end nuclear fuel cycle stages should be assessed. Since the molten salt reactor
fuels are completely different in form and design from the conventional fuels used in the
current reactor technologies, to develop the technologies needed for the back-end fuel
cycle stages, the characterization of spent fuel and the waste streams from a molten
salt small modular reactor is crucial for the deployment of small modular reactors based
on this technology. This work focuses on the evaluation of spent fuel inventory and
radioactive waste streams for a molten salt-type small modular reactor and the
identification of steps/technologies to be applied for the safe management of
characterised radioactive wastes.
Challenges and constraints related to the final stage of the
SMR fuel cycle in the light of plans to implement SMR
technology in Poland.

Speaker: A. Miśkiewicz

Primary Author: Agnieszka Miśkiewicz

Co-Authors: Irena Herdzik-koniecko [1]; Katarzyna Kiegiel [1]; Grażyna Zakrzewska-

koltuniewicz [1]

[1] Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 178


The Polish power sector is based mainly on fossil fuel combustion, of which more than
70% represent hard and brown coals. Current climate policy foresees a significant
decrease of CO2 emission to the environment implicating the need for urgent
transformation of power industry into a low-carbon sector. The strategic document of
the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (PEP2040), setting the framework for the energy
transformation, states that the decarbonization of the energy sector will be possible
thanks to the implementation of nuclear energy and offshore wind energy. Recently,
there is great interest to use small modular reactors which implies the need to carry out
a number of works aimed at checking the feasibility of implementing SMR technology in
Polish conditions. Among others, there is a necessity to conduct in-depth analyses
concerning the final stage of the fuel cycle. The paper presents a comprehensive
analysis of the possibility of deployment of SMRs in Poland including an initial selection
of SMR technologies most suitable for use in Polish condition as well as the fuel cycle
options for selected technologies. Challenges and constraints related to the
management of spent nuclear fuel and ways to counteract them are also taken into
account. Additionally, possible ways of management of spent fuel from SMR taking into
account the possibility of using innovative methods of reprocessing, including solvent
extraction for the separation of actinides has been considered. Acknowledgements: This
research was funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency for Coordinated
Research Project (T13021) entitled: “Analysis of Aspects Related to the Back-End of the
SMR Fuel Cycle as a Step Towards the Implementation of SMR Technology in Poland.”
Decommissioning By Design (DBD) Concept of Indonesia’s
PeLUIt 150 MW Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Model:
Challenge and Opportunity to Ensure Safety and

Speaker: R. B. Saragih [1]

Primary Author: Renaldy Bernardo Saragih [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Politeknik Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 224


The construction of nuclear reactors in Indonesia is moving towards a new phase

marked by the plan to build the first nuclear power plant (NPP) which is planned to start
in the near future, among the many existing nuclear power plant technologies, small
modular reactor (SMR) type NPP was chosen because it is considered to have a high
level of effectiveness and operational safety, so the risk of accidents can be very small.
The SMR currently projected in Indonesia is named PeLUIt and has been licensed by the
IAEA, SMR PeLUIt technology is 150 MW nuclear power plant based on the High
Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) technology, with the helium-coolant and output
thermal power of 150 MW. Before the implementation of the current PeLUIt NPP
Development, one of the tasks is to ensure that every nuclear power plant reactor
technology that will be built does not burden future generations and maintain the safety
of future generations, so it is necessary to design a scheme for the implementation of
decommissioning to waste management since the PeLUIt reactor was designed (before
Development), but the implementation of decommissioning by design (DBD) designed in
Indonesia certainly faces challenges ranging from Determination of relevant schemes by
considering future conditions, the dynamics of each process during nuclear reactor
operations, the absence of specific regulations, to the design of financing schemes. All
existing challenges become opportunities that Indonesia which is seriously working on
nuclear power plants to find new approaches that previously did not exist, especially on
the SMR technology itself through the implementation of decommissioning and waste
management since the reactor design was made.
The Channeling of Liability and Small Modular Reactors: is it
at all adequate?

Speaker: P. Nowakowska

Primary Author: Patrycja Nowakowska [1]

[1] Kubas, Kos, Gałkowski - Adwokaci

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 58


**The principle of channelling liability serves as a cornerstone of the regime for nuclear
damage liability.** Conventions offer limited exceptions for operators to escape liability.
However, despite leveraging established technologies, SMRs present a unique scenario
with first-of-a-kind commercial deployment. The question arises as to whether the
aforementioned circumstances warrant an augmented scope of liability for the supplier.
**Hypothetically assuming an affirmative response,** crucial questions arise regarding
the implementation of such enhanced liability: Should the channelling principle be
abandoned in favour of joint and several liability? Alternatively, could existing recourse
mechanisms be expanded, allowing operators to seek compensation beyond contractual
agreements, for instance, by proving supplier negligence as a causal factor in an
accident? The current regulatory landscape in the scope of the right to recourse may
create negotiation impasses, potentially favouring the supplier's position and hindering
the development of SMRs and its role in decarbonization. The outcome may also differ:
if the technology supplier is held liable even on a recourse basis. This could significantly
increase investment costs and render SMRs an uncompetitive market solution. **The
issue is inextricably linked to liability limits.** Current liability limits vary across
conventions and national legislation. Additionally, conventions offer different
possibilities for reducing liability limits based on installation characteristics. While SMRs
can currently be classified as low-risk installations, it is essential to consider
harmonising regulations across conventions to acknowledge this distinction and
potentially adjust permissible liability limits in conjunction with compatible channelling
solutions. **It is important to try to find an answer to this debate.** This requires not
only legal but also economic analyses of the potential costs for stakeholders. Any
changes must be introduced with respect to the legitimate interest of potential victims.
The impact on the process of technology development and clean energy transition must
also be a determining factor.
Small modular reactors to decarbonize the industry: the
impact of nuclear liability

Speaker: X. Vásquez-maignan

Primary Author: Ximena Vásquez-maignan [1]

[1] White & Case

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 160


Nuclear liability is a special regime that was adopted to ensure an adequate

compensation of potential victims having suffered nuclear damage caused by a nuclear
incident. It should also be considered when developing an SMR project to decarbonize
industrial activities, as it will have an impact on the financial scheme, risk allocation and
structure of the project. Among the provisions of the nuclear liability conventions that
would apply, the following are the most important ones: - the definition of "**nuclear
installation**". An SMR will be qualified as such, whatever its size and capacity.
Determining the site of the nuclear installation is also crucial as nuclear liability only
compensates off-site damage. - the definition of "**operator**". The operator is not
automatically the licensee, other entities may bear the nuclear liability based on a
number of criteria. It is also important to note that SMR vendors will have different
approaches, as some expect to own and operate the reactors, while others will sell them
to third parties who will take over or outsource the operator's role. - the definition of
"**nuclear incident**". If damage is caused jointly by an incident taking place at the
nuclear installation and at the industrial site, the nuclear liability conventions will
determine who will compensate the victims. The siting of the SMR will be important to
avoid such situation and to comply with the safety requirement applicable to both the
SMR and the industrial site. - the definition of "**nuclear damage**" determines the
financial consequences of an incident or of preventive measures. Finally, SMRs could be
considered as **low risk** based on the safety assessment and other criteria. If that
were the case, the operator would benefit from a lower nuclear liability and insurance
amount. It may also allow more alternatives to the nuclear insurance pools.
Dealing with Ignorance: Resilience for Nuclear Safety-

Speaker: J. Widyatmanto

Primary Author: Johanes Widyatmanto [1]

Co-Author: Rafaela Hillerbrand [1]

[1] Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 180


How should ignorance be addressed in conceptualising nuclear safety-security (NSS)

such that policymakers are better prepared in building new commercial nuclear power
plants (NPPs)? In building nuclear power plants (NPPs), reducing uncertainties plays an
important role in maintaining nuclear safety-security (NSS). Nuclear safety aims at
mitigating accidents, while nuclear security aims at preventing malicious acts from
individuals to access the equipment, both lead to radioactive hazards[1]. Nuclear safety
and security are approaches dealing with uncertainties about future hazards by factoring
in possible risks. However, it is difficult for these approaches to take the unknown
unknowns – also sometimes called ignorance about the future – into account[2]. As a
contribution from nuclear energy ethics, this paper proposes how to take ignorance into
account via resilience thinking. We do this by 1) showing how current NSS
conceptualisation and assessments emphasise on quantifying uncertainties; 2)
explaining the importance of realising that ignorance remains and needs to be
addressed as such beyond researches on reducing it; 3) suggesting how ignorance
consideration from resilience thinking can strengthen NSS’ emphasis on uncertainties;
4) showing how the strengthened NSS conceptualisation benefit nuclear policymaking
with the development and commercialisation of small modular reactors (SMRs) as the
example. **Keywords**: nuclear safety-security (NSS), uncertainties, ignorance,
resilience thinking, nuclear energy ethics **References** 1. IAEA Nuclear Safety and
Riesch H. Levels of Uncertainty. In: Roeser S, Hillerbrand R, Sandin P, Peterson M, eds.
Handbook of Risk Theory. Springer Netherlands; 2012:87-110. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-

Speaker: A. Dandi

Primary Author: Aiman Dandi [1]

[1] Libyan Atomic Energy Establishment

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 181


The study introduces a novel application of a burnable poison (BP) known as Double
Tube Burnable Poison (DTBP). Two design concepts of DTBP were tested in a small
modular reactor (SMR) to extend the operating cycle while maintaining low soluble
boron concentration. These concepts can be loaded in various locations in the fuel
assembly, providing greater flexibility in nuclear design. The design's adaptability allows
for an increased poison effect with the ability to control the depletion speed of its
absorber materials. Combining DTBP pins with Erbia pins resulted in a flat k-infinite
letdown curve and a substantial reduction in excess reactivity. DeCART2D and MASTER
codes were used for assembly and core calculations. The results indicated that the
DTBP and Erbia core combination achieved a cycle length exceeding 3.5 Effective Full
Power Years. Furthermore, the Critical Boron Concentration was reduced to 309 ppm,
staying within design limitations related to the moderator temperature coefficient and
maximum pin power peaking. This option's performance surpassed that of other

Speaker: C. Owino

Primary Authors: Joe Mwangi; Collins Owino

Co-Authors: Ruth Achieng; Joseph Nduma; Erick Ohaga; Queenter Osoro

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 209


**ABSTRACT** The advancement of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technologies has

garnered increased interest from embarking countries considering introducing nuclear
power in their energy mix. This is attributed to the unique characteristics associated with
SMR technologies such as: fitness for smaller electricity grids; suitability for non-electric
application; scalability; and site flexibility. Both the technology developers and the
technology recipient countries are developing and enhancing the existing and new
infrastructure to support the deployment of SMR technologies. Despite the efforts to
accelerate the deployment of the SMR, technology recipient countries face numerous
obstacles including legal and regulatory issues, standardizations and supply chain.
Kenya, an embarking country, has adopted the IAEA Milestone Approach for the
implementation of its nuclear power programme and it is currently in phase II. According
to the national energy master, Kenya plans to introduce about 300 MWe, SMR, to its
national grid by 2036 and two (2) additional similar sized units to be added in
subsequent years. To achieve the set timelines, Kenya initiated the development of a
new and enhancement of existing legal framework to support safe, secure and peaceful
utilization of nuclear technology. This includes development of the nuclear regulatory
act, drafting of the nuclear policy and ratification of the requisite treaties and
conventions. This paper assesses the adequacy of the aforementioned framework, the
Nuclear Regulatory Act, to determine its suitability to support the deployment of the SMR
in Kenya. The assessment identified areas of compatibility and gaps taking into
consideration the international standards and the novel aspects of SMRs. The findings
of this research shall form a basis for the development of a comprehensive legal and
regulatory framework for the deployment of SMRs in Kenya. **KEY WORDS:** Small
Modular Reactor, Legal framework, Technology Recipient Countries , Nuclear Policy,
Milestone Approach.
Readiness of International Legal Instruments to Regulate

Speaker: H.n. Naimbale

Primary Authors: Hilma Naimbale [1]; Joseph Eiman [2]

[1] Office of the Attorney-General, Windhoek, Namibia; [2] National Radiation Protection
Authority: Namibia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 213


**Problem** There is a new wave of interest for the generation of nuclear power using
SMR’s. The effectiveness and appropriateness of current international legal binding
instruments to regulate Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) needs to be assessed and
validated. There seems to be a consensus on the fact that international legal binding
instruments are not ready to regulate and control SMRs. It is, therefore, a challenge that
needs to be investigated and this study aims to unpack that. **Purpose** The purpose is
to find and analyze international legal binding instruments compatibility and
effectiveness in order to control SMRs. The authors will systematically study the
identified international legal binding instruments under the auspices of the IAEA in the
areas of safety, security, safeguards and nuclear liability, and highlight areas of alliance
of sustainability to control SMRs. All the findings will be listed, and all the gaps will be
identified. **Method** The analysis of identified international binding instruments with
the aims to identify shortfall and gaps to correct in order to effectively regulate and
ensure safety and security during the operational life of a SMR. **Conclusion** This
conclusion aims to show out all the gaps that the methodologies of analysis had
identified and also to propose possible solutions and amendments in order to become
effective and compatible with SMRs. The authors hope that funding will be covered by
the IAEA in order to write the full investigation study and present a paper at the
Legal and Regulatory Challenges in Introducing SMR
Technologies in Slovakia

Speaker: M. Turner

Primary Author: Mikulas Turner [1]

[1] Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 240


Updated Energy and Climate Plan The updated Integrated National Energy and Climate
Plan (Plan) is a strategic document in the field of energy and the environment until 2030.
Part of the Plan is the safe use of nuclear energy as a low-carbon source of electricity. In
terms of energy supply security and diversification efforts, the Plan confirms the
importance of new innovative technologies. With regard to innovative technologies like
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), the Plan sees potential in their ability to meet the need
for flexible energy supply in the form of electricity, hydrogen and heat for heating and
industrial purposes. It is envisaged that the updated Plan will be approved in 2024. A
feasibility study is under preparation to introduce SMR in Slovakia. Legal and regulatory
framework The legal framework for nuclear energy consists of several laws and
regulations. These legal instruments are based on EU legal instruments, international
treaties and agreements and on IAEA Safety Standards and WENRA Reference Levels.
Since in Slovakia only pressurised water reactors are in operation or are planned (PWR),
new SMR technologies with different designs and technologies represent a challenge for
the future particularly considering the possible impact of new technologies on the
existing legal framework. A new policy and strategy for the safe use of nuclear energy is
under preparation which will be a vision on how to face future challenges and
expectations. The paper will present the present situation and the possible ways forward
in the legal and regulatory framework to be ready for SMRs and new technologies.
Novel Organizational Models for Advanced Reactors’
Operations: the Implementation of A/CPPNM Obligations in
the Context of Multiple Jurisdictions

Speaker: M. Man

Primary Author: Madalina Man (pacific Northwest National Laboratory) [1]

[1] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 262


International commerce in small modular reactors (SMR) supplied from a state to

another state is poised to expand considerably in the near term. “While most advanced
reactors will likely be sited in conventional terrestrial locations, marine-based water
cooled SMRs have been designed for deployment either as a barge-mounted floating
power unit or as an immersible underwater power unit. In addition, underground
deployment of SMRs is under consideration. […] New organizational models have been
recently developed in connection with advanced reactors. Under the build, own, and
operate (BOO) model, the supplier remains the owner and operator for the life of the
facility. Under the build, own, operate, and transfer (BOOT) model, the supplier is initially
the owner and operator of the facility, but the contract includes arrangements for the
transfer of ownership and operation to the host country at a specified point in the life of
the facility.” (See Morris, Man, Marek, 2022) An advanced reactor may be transported
across multiple jurisdictions and operated using the BOO and BOOT models. Such
scenarios may pose challenges in the application and operationalization of Article 5 of
the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material as amended (A/CPPNM). This
paper analyzes the legal implications of multiple jurisdictions in the application of
A/CPPNM Article 5 in the context of an SMR built, owned and operated by State A on the
territory of State B. (Released under PNNL-SA-195388)
From unclear to nuclear – A more effective licensing
process in Sweden

Speaker: A. O. Mowitz

Primary Authors: Aino Obenius Mowitz (inquiry On Licensing Of Nuclear Power In

Sweden, Government Offices In Sweden) [1]; Pernilla Sandgren (inquiry On Licensing Of
Nuclear Power In Sweden, Government Offices In Sweden) [1]

[1] Inquiry on licensing of nuclear power in Sweden (KN2023:04), Government Offices in


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 359


The last decades the policy and decisions affecting nuclear power in Sweden have
shifted many times. Since the referendum in the 1980’s, setting a definite end time to
year 2010 which later was lifted, the possibilities and interest to invest in new nuclear
power has been very low. After the election in 2022, as in many other countries, policy
has made a U-turn and the Swedish Government has expressed short and long-term
goals for expansion of the use of nuclear energy in Sweden. As a step in the Swedish
process for legal changes, in November 2023 the Swedish Government decided to
appoint a Committee of Inquiry to perform analysis and propose possible legal changes
to clarify important pre-requisites and issues in the existing licensing process for nuclear
power in Sweden. This paper gives an overview of the assignment and issues to be
investigated by the committee, including an assessment of how the parallel and partly
overlapping licensing processes according to the Environmental Code and the Act on
Nuclear Activities can be made more effective and efficient, supporting international
cooperation and with due account to nuclear safety, security and safeguards.
Legal, institutional and policy instruments to facilitate
deployment of nuclear power plants in Poland, including

Speaker: K. Adamczyk

Primary Author: Kamil Adamczyk [1]

[1] Ministry of Climate and Environment

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 6: International and National Legal Frameworks and SMRs (B.6)

INDICO Abstract ID: 378


Introducing nuclear power is among the top priorities of Poland’s Energy Policy. The aim
of the paper is to present legal, institutional and policy instruments adopted by the
Polish Government and Parliament to facilitate deployment of nuclear power plants, with
focus on those instruments that are particularly relevant to SMRs. The particular
attention will be given to the special legislation adopted in 2023 aimed at reducing
policy, licensing and investment risks related to construction of NPPs. The paper will
present in particular the following regulations/instruments: (1) prelicensing instruments,
(2) regulations on Decision-in-principle (State’s approval of NPP investment project) (3)
regulations to streamline licensing procedures related to environmental impact
assessment, siting and construction of nuclear power plant (e.g. mechanisms of parallel
administrative proceedings) (4) regulations to facilitate investment process (such as
“fast-track” to construct accompanying infrastructure - energy lines, roads, railways etc;
instruments to facilitate preconstruction activities etc.). Many of the above instruments
reflect IAEA recommendations and special regulations that has streamlined various non-
nuclear large-scale investments in Poland over recent years, in such areas as aviation
(airports) or LNG industry. In addition the paper will give overview of the relevant
institutional and policy instruments (closely linked to the legal framework) such as
Committee for Nuclear Power acting within the framework of NEPIO. Conclusions
presented in the paper may be useful for every country planning to develop legal
framework for SMRs (as well as other types of nuclear power plants).
Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

Analysis of Neutronic Performance for SMART Reactor With

Uranium Nitride and Thorium Fuel

Speaker: M. I. Aziz

Primary Author: Moustafa Ibrahim [1]

[1] head of nucleae safety department

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 78


SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor), which is conceptually

developed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), is a small-sized advanced
integral PWR that produces 330 MW of thermal energy under full power operating
conditions. Maximizing the life cycle of fuel inside the reactor core has an important
economic factor. In addition, it reduces the volume of spent fuel and spent fuel storage
pools inside the reactor. In this paper, Uranium nitride and Thorium fuels in addition to
traditional UO2 fuel were used to increase the fuel cycle time inside the SMART reactor.
A model of the reactor core has been designed by using MCNPX Computer code
package. The multiplication factor was calculated for the fuel time period. The results
showed that uranium nitride of the same fuel enrichment gives a higher fuel cycle length
than uranium oxide. The breeding ratio was compared between the different types of
fuel that have been used. The isotopes produced as a result of burning and irradiating
the fuel inside the reactor core are calculated. Safety parameters such as fuel and
moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity were calculated for all fuel types. The
Prompt neutrons lifetimes and the delayed neutrons fraction were also calculated and
Regulatory Implications of Advanced Technologies for
Advanced Reactors

Speaker: R. Iyengar

Primary Authors: Raj Iyengar (u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) [1]; John Matrachisia
(u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) [1]; Thomas Scarbrough (u.s. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission) [1]

[1] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (United States)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 417


With the increased interest and activities in development of commercial advanced

reactors and their fuels, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is assessing
potential use of advanced technologies to minimize risk and uncertainties related to
reactors operations and maintenance, within its flexible regulatory framework. To aid
this assessment, the NRC staff is engaged in several research activities to expand their
understanding of the key technical and regulatory considerations of use of advanced
modeling and simulation and digital twins for condition monitoring of reactor structures
and components. The outcome of these activities is intended to ensure staff readiness
to review near-term licensing/certification actions, support pre-application
engagements, and inform guidance development, as needed. The paper will highlight
opportunities afforded by digital twins enabling technology, such as qualification
requirements for mechanical systems and components, verification and validation and
uncertainty quantification for advanced modeling and simulation, explainability and
trustworthiness for artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML). Further, the paper
will underscore the use of advanced technologies to enable effective integration of
safety, security, and safeguards (3S) to further inform NRC supporting activities to risk-
inform and better equip the agency’s readiness and posture to address applicants’ and
licensees’ regulatory needs. This paper will also provide an overview of the various
research activities and a summary of the recently completed reports.
Preparation of Regulatory Framework for SMR Deployment
in Ukraine

Speaker: O. Dybach

Primary Author: Oleksii Dybach (state Scientific And Technical Center For Nuclear And
Radiation Safety) [1]

Co-Authors: Oleksandr Pecherytsia (state Scientific And Technical Center For Nuclear
And Radiation Safety) [1]; Ihor Shevchenko (state Scientific And Technical Center For
Nuclear And Radiation Safety) [1]; Oleg Zhabin (state Scientific And Technical Center For
Nuclear And Radiation Safety) [1]

[1] State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 144


Small modular reactors (SMRs) is widely considered as an essential part of an energy

mix portfolio to reach the climate goals. In addition to their announced ability to
generate clean, affordable and reliable power, Ukraine looks at SMRs also for
decentralization the power system and to reduce its vulnerability to external impacts.
International experience shows the benefits of early involvement of the regulatory body
into the licensing process that could take different forms (design certification, generic
design assessment, pre-licensing assessment, etc.) and the necessity for the regulator
to advance prepare the framework for further regulating of new technologies. The
Ukrainian national regulator SNRIU has been implementing a set of measures to prepare
the national regulatory framework for SMR deployment. There are continued efforts on
revising the national regulations moving from prescriptive to performance-based and
technology neutral regulations. Furthermore, considering the current best international
practice, the specific guidance “Provisions for Pre-Licensing Review of Nuclear Facility’s
Design” (2023) was issued to outline a technical frame for pre-licensing review. The
guidance was developed under cooperation between the US NRC and the SNRIU. SSTC
NRS, as a SNRIU’s technical support organisation, is performing a basic study and pre-
licensing review of a SMR design promising for further deployment in Ukraine. SSTC NRS
applies the national regulations as well as international standards and safety
assessment methods for deriving principle judgments on the SMRs documentation. The
review enables SSTC NRS experts to acquaint with a SMR design and to reveal the
regulatory and technical challenges which could appear in the future licensing. The
paper presents the overview of the guidance on pre-licensing review, experience in its
application and respective lessons learned to be shared on the SMR Conference.
Adaptiveness of the US NRC Regulatory Framework to
Review Risk-Informed SMR Designs

Speaker: G. Bowman [1]

Primary Author: Sunil Weerakkody [2]

[1] TBC; [2] US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 208


The new generation of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have proposed safety strategies
whose reliance on PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment), and consequently use of risk
insights, have significantly varied. For instance, the Licensing Modernization Project
(LMP) endorsed by the NRC using its Regulatory Guide 1.233, “Guidance for a
Technology-Inclusive, Risk-Informed, and Performance-Based Methodology to Inform
the Licensing Basis and Content of Applications for Licenses, Certifications, and
Approvals for Non-Light-Water Reactors,” relies on PSA to classify systems, define the
licensing basis events, and determine the adequacy of defense-in-depth of the design.
Other approaches such as those proposed in ANSI/ANS-30.3-2022, “Light Water Reactor
Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Design,” has a lower reliance on PSA, however, relies
heavily on computed event frequencies to select key safety strategy attributes. Other
proposed approaches use defense-in-depth as its foundation to ensure safety and use
PSA to identify vulnerabilities and close any safety gaps. NRC has already reviewed
some SMR designs and has begun reviewing several other SMR designs and/or the
associated safety strategies. These SMR designers have developed innovative
approaches to use risk-informed and performance-based methods in a variety of safety
strategies. Applicants have attempted to develop these safety strategies to comport
with the US NRC regulatory framework while at the same time meet with key
components of other international frameworks such as the IAEA framework. US NRC
has been adaptive to accommodate innovative approaches by leveraging risk insights.
US NRC continues to optimize regulatory licensing and construction oversight pathways
using lessons learned during its reviews. The proposed paper will summarize numerous
ways in which the U.S. NRC has used risk insights, where appropriate, to innovate and
adapt its review approach.
Adapting to Innovation: The Role of Regulatory Oversight in
the Emerging Era of Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: E. Mayaka

Primary Author: Edward Mayaka [1]

[1] Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 5


Recently, there has been a surge in interest in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs),
especially in developing and newly industrializing countries. Recognized for their
potential as a low-carbon, competitive option in future integrated energy systems. A
critical aspect of SMR deployment is the development and implementation of a
structured regulatory oversight program. This is essential not only for ensuring the safe
and secure operation of SMRs but also for bolstering confidence in this emerging
technology. Moreover, the introduction of SMRs presents unique challenges. These
include their novelty and the significantly shorter construction time as compared to the
longer periods required for traditional nuclear power plants. This paper delves into the
strategic actions of the Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority (KNRA) in evaluating and
improving their regulatory framework, with a focus on the safe and secure use of SMRs.
As Kenya steps into the nuclear technology arena, it has initiated crucial steps such as
developing a leadership model that embodies the principles and values of a national
nuclear regulator, identifying and defining key processes crucial for the regulatory body's
efficient functioning. The paper also highlights the development of a tailored
organizational structure aligned with the current strategic plan and emphasizes the
importance of identifying and prioritizing essential competencies vital for effective
regulation and management of nuclear technology.
Regulatory considerations for SMR application: The case of
South Korea

Speaker: Y. Suh

Primary Author: Young-a Suh [1]

Co-Authors: Youn Young Jang [1]; Kyuntae Kim [1]

[1] Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 50


Small module reactors (SMRs) are in the spotlight worldwide as a means of carbon
neutrality primarily because of their safety and economic feasibility. South Korea is in
the process of developing an innovative SMR(iSMR), with a licensing goal of 2028. It is
necessary to reorganize regulatory requirements and improve the framework as the
development of domestic SMRs, including iSMR, increases rapidly. For the above
reasons, the KINS has promoted regulatory improvement R&D (2022-2028) aimed at
developing a safety regulatory framework specialized for SMRs and a pre-licensing
safety review (PLR) program. In addition, the Korean regulatory bodies (KINS and NSSC)
have prepared PLR procedures and policy statements for SMR regulation to improve
SMR licensing efficiency. Thus, this paper suggests the consideration of regulators
reflecting changes in the regulatory environment to SMR through the current status and
readiness of regulatory activities for SMR.

Speaker: V. Khlobystov

Primary Authors: Andrey Kirkin [1]; Valerii Khlobystov [2]; Anton Kuryndin [2]; Sergey
Sinegribov (scientific And Engineering Centre For Nuclear And Radiation Safety) [3]

[1] Scientific and Engineering Centre on Nuclear and Radiation Safety; [2] Scientific and
Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety; [3] Scientific and Engineering Centre
for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 61


Innovative technologies development in the field of atomic energy use, including small
modular reactors, is accompanied by development and implementation of new design
decisions as well as technical and organizational measures to ensure safety. This, in
turn, leads to the necessity to develop new safety requirements for small modular
reactors to ensure successful and safe functioning of the nuclear power industrial
complex. The above-mentioned activities should be preceded by the comprehensive
work, including assessment of the completeness and sufficiency of the national legal
and regulatory framework; analysis of the international experience; analysis and
evaluation of proposed innovative solutions; development of approaches to account the
specifics of small modular reactors when regulating safety. Over the past few years in
the Russian Federation, as part of the development of nuclear energy technologies, a
significant amount of work has been carried out on the creation of small modular
reactors, including the water-cooled reactors (RITM-200 and SHELF-M) and high
temperature gas-cooled reactors (VTGR). The report demonstrates the impact of the
development of small modular reactor technologies on the processes of improving the
legal and regulatory framework in order to establish additional specialized rules and
regulations that take into account the specifics of the most promising small modular
reactors. Among other things, the report includes information on approaches to
conducting pre-licensing analysis and evaluation of safety justifications for small
modular reactor projects close to implementation, as well as approaches to organizing
interaction between the regulatory body (Rostechnadzor) and the authorized body for
control of the atomic energy use, operating organizations, designers and other
organizations involved in the deployment of small modular reactors.
A new approach to regulation

Speaker: S. Stuttaford

Primary Author: Simon Stuttaford

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 63


Advanced nuclear technologies have a significant role in addressing the global climate
change challenge and decarbonisation efforts. But there is a pressing requirement for a
change in the regulatory approach. Licensing is a key topic that would benefit from a
more targeted approach. Licensing regimes are based on conventional large reactors
and this means that the innovative attributes of the wide range of SMR designs are most
likely to challenge the existing framework. The existing traditional nuclear licensing
processes are lengthy in duration, high in cost and adopt conservative and stringent
regulatory requirements. In addition, specific ownership/Licensee models may look
different for SMRs, presenting a challenge for Regulators. Harmonization or
Standardization may well be the ultimate goal, but until we get there we need to consider
a new approach. Our proposal is that under the supervision of the IAEA (or perhaps a
designated expert-led body of the IAEA), a design approval in one jurisdiction should be
capable of transfer to another jurisdiction, subject to any specific points that the
“adopting” Regulator wishes to examine. In practice, we are seeing a move in this
direction, evidenced by an increasing number of multilateral/bilateral initiatives and
numerous examples of cooperation between Regulators.
Safety Analysis of Small Modular Reactors in the context of
the Polish regulatory framework

Speaker: P. Darnowski

Primary Authors: Piotr Darnowski [1]; Dominik Rauchut [1]; Klaudia Reinert [1]

[1] National Atomic Energy Agency

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 77


Small Modular Reactors (SMR) gained a lot of interest in the Polish industry with their
potential to provide a baseload carbon-free source of electricity and other commodities
like process heat. Poland has a few nuclear facilities, including a research reactor
(MARIA) and a licensing framework with the regulatory body, the National Atomic Energy
Agency (Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki - PAA). Nevertheless, there are no commercial
nuclear power plants, and this creates specific challenges for both the regulatory body
and the nuclear industry. One of the challenges is applying the current licensing
framework for advanced reactor technologies, including SMRs. Another is to improve the
current framework or build a new framework that will be suitable for new technologies.
Safety analysis of innovative reactors (e.g., SMRs) is one of several critical topics within
regulatory process. This work focuses on the current Polish regulations related to safety
analysis in the context of advanced reactors and especially SMRs. In the paper, selected
topics related to safety analysis are discussed, potential obstacles are identified, and
conclusions that can be useful for PAA or other involved organizations are drawn.
Licensing Challenges for Risk-Informed Small Modular
Reactor Designs in European Deterministic Regulatory

Speaker: J. Rega

Primary Author: Jo Rega [1]

Co-Author: Philippe Dejardin [1]

[1] Tractebel

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 101


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) represent a promising advancement in nuclear

technology, offering enhanced safety features, scalability, and flexibility compared to
traditional large-scale reactors. The use of passive safety features combined with the
lower source term make an SMR inherently safer than a large Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
and opens the possibility for optimization of the design through a graded approach.
Explicit guidance for the grading down of SMR related requirements and
recommendations is lacking. Certain SMR-designs have used a risk-informed approach
to achieve an overall optimization of safety measures, supporting the effective and
balanced implementation of the defence in depth concept. However, their deployment
faces significant licensing challenges in countries with deterministic regulatory
frameworks, which prioritize prescriptive safety standards over risk-informed
approaches. This paper explores the complex interplay between risk-informed design
methodologies and deterministic regulatory requirements in the licensing process for
SMRs. It examines the tension between the desire for innovation and the regulatory
imperative for rigorous safety assurance, highlighting a balanced approach that
integrates risk assessment principles into existing regulatory frameworks. Through a
comparative analysis, this paper identifies key barriers and licensing challenges
associated with risk-informed SMR designs within deterministic regulatory
environments. Additionally, it underscores the importance of stakeholder engagement,
regulatory harmonization, and knowledge sharing to foster a conducive regulatory
environment that promotes the safe and efficient deployment of SMRs while ensuring
regulatory compliance.
Issues and Challenges of Regulatory Framework for
Deployment of SMRs ─ Pakistan Perspective

Speaker: M. Asghar

Primary Author: Muhammad Asghar [1]

[1] PAEC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 135


ABSTRACT The increasing interest in Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) is

primarily governed by the climate change. SMRs are unique in design in contrast to
existing fleet of nuclear power plants thus regulatory framework should be tailored in
areas of licensing, design, siting, manufacturing including emergency preparedness and
response. Nuclear regulatory agencies around the world including Pakistan Nuclear
Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is facing new challenges e.g. licensing of smaller-scale
reactor, different FOAK designs, factory production of units, innovative safety measures,
multiple-modules with one control center, deployment near populous areas with
application of co-generation (e.g. hydrogen production, district heating, desalination)
smaller site footprint etc. SMR designs concepts may challenge our existing national
laws and regulations and may need to be tailored to support graded approach to
facilitate the licensing process e.g. unique design, multi-modules, national/international
design certification, third party nuclear civil liability etc. There might be many legal
issues that need to be resolved among different countries such as Intellectual Property
Rights (IPRs), safeguard issues. The harmonization and standardization at global scale
is another challenge. The smooth licensing process for SMRs is the key to their
successful deployment. The safety requirements for design also facing new challenges
such as devising a mechanism for application of defense-in-depth (DiD) in parallel with
innovation, integration and modularity. Also, application of design extension conditions
and practical elimination of high consequences and low probability event with high
confidence level will be a principal challenge. Site specific conditions also pose
challenges in the deployment of SMRs. It includes, but not limited to, proximity of SMRs
to hazardous facility such as hydrogen, chemical industries, refineries etc., fulfillment of
exclusion area boundary and low population zone requirements near population centers,
feasibility of emergency planning zones and protective actions in close proximity of
cities etc.
Features and Principles of Regulatory Regulation for the
Project of Land-Based SNPP with RITM200N Reactor Plant

Speakers: I. Bykh; D. Shchekin; [1]; I. Yurina

Primary Authors: Iaroslav Bykh; Dmitriy Shchekin [2]; Inna Yurina [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Afrikantov OKBM, JSC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 137


Currently, State Corporation Rosatom is developing a wide range of SNPP based on

RITM-200-type reactor plants. The flagship project in the segment of land-based SNPP is
a nuclear power plant with 55 MW (el) RITM-200N reactor plant designed on the basis of
RITM-200 RP. Afrikantov OKBM JSC - an enterprise of nuclear engineering with many
years of experience in the development and operation of marine reactors. In order to
bring the technical solutions of the land-based SNPP into compliance with the RITM-
200N RP and the regulatory legal acts in force in the Russian Federation, as well as
taking into account the requirements and recommendations of international regulatory
documents, it was decided to create an intersectoral working group on regulatory
documentation used in the project of the land-based SNPP with the RITM200N RP. One
of the key areas of work is the alignment of the accepted design solutions of the RITM-
200N RP with the current legislation, the development of compensating measures for
identified deviations from regulatory documents, the adjustment of federal standards
and rules, development of standardization documents. Within the framework of these
activities, the developers of the project of land-based SNPP with the RITM-200N RP are
interacting with the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear
Supervision (Rostechnadzor) regarding the application of the requirements of the
current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use for nuclear
power plants to the RITM-200 project for SNPP. In the world community and
international organizations, such as IAEA, WENRA, EUR, there are also active discussions
on the possibility and features of applying existing regulatory requirements to the
regulation and safety of small modular reactors. The project of land-based SNPP with
RITM-200N RP is developed taking into account the requirements of international rules
and regulations.
Developing regulatory framework for SMRs

Speaker: E. Ahonen [1]

Primary Author: Minna Tuomainen

[1] TBC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 139


The current regulatory framework for power reactors in Finland is designed to regulate
large light water reactors intended for electricity production, located in relatively remote
areas and constructed and operated by well-established nuclear power companies with
extensive in-house competence. However, the growing interest in Small Modular
Reactors (SMRs), particularly for district heating purposes, challenges the validity of
these assumptions. The regulatory framework is being developed to serve varying
approaches to deploying nuclear energy and to enable emerging technologies, when
demonstrated to be safe. A comprehensive reform of related legislation is currently in
progress. Both the licensing process and safety requirements are being thoroughly
reviewed and adjusted as needed. Concurrently, STUK is adapting its oversight practices
accordingly. This paper outlines how SMRs are being considered in the reform. It
includes practical examples to illustrate the work. The first example involves revising
regulations to permit a case-by-case definition of emergency planning zones. The
second example addresses the establishment of a pre-licensing step for evaluating
designs before entering construction license phase. The third case discusses the
utilization of design evaluations, such as the joint early review of Nuward, to support the
development of the regulatory framework.
Regulatory Gap Analysis for i-SMR

Speaker: S. J. Yoon

Primary Author: Seok Jong Yoon [1]

[1] KHNP

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 177


Korea government and nuclear industry now have been developing the new SMR called
innovative SMR(i-SMR) by leading from the Korea government and KHNP(Korea Hydro
and Nuclear Power company). KHNP sets the top tier requirements to secure the high
level of safety, economic efficiency and flexibility. The i-SMR adopts the new plant
design including integrated modular reactor, fully passive engineered safety features,
and boron-free system. Due to the characteristics of i-SMR design, it will be anticipated
that there are difficulties to apply the existing light water reactor regulatory requirements
and guidance to achieve standard design approval by Korea nuclear regulatory body. In
this paper, the results of the KHNP gap analysis assessment are summarized. First, the
analysis involved a detail review of nuclear safety laws(including technical standards) of
the Korea regulatory body are performed. Afterward, the KHNP derives the "16 gaps"
inappropriate with the existing LWR-based regulations and technical guidelines. These
gaps are including system improvement and safety standards(aspect of safety analysis,
non-safety class electrical system, passive safety system etc.). The KHNP had published
the gap analysis report to prepare for pre-design review for standard design approval.
The KHNP will continuosly try to establish new regulatory standards and guidelines
suitable for i-SMR.
Small Modular Reactors - A Regulatory Perspectivein

Speaker: K.u. Rahman

Primary Author: Khalil Ur Rahman [1]

Co-Authors: Irfan Younus [2]; Muhammad Nouman Mayo [2]; Muhammad Zahid Hussain
[2]; Shahbaz Ali Nasir Bhatti [2]; Faiza Batool [2]; Mudassir Shah [2]

[1] Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority; [2] PNRA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 183


In recent years, small modular reactors (SMRs) based novel technologies had emerged
and become a center of attention in terms of a cost effective and flexible energy
solution, owing to their enhanced passive safety features, modularity in design, factory
fabrication and modern reactor concepts etc. Currently, traditional PWR based nuclear
power plants (NPPs) are being operated and regulated in Pakistan through a robust
nuclear regulatory framework that covers all stages throughout a life cycle of NPP (i.e.
siting, design evaluation, construction commissioning, operation and decommissioning).
With the advent of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) technologies in recent years, it is
realized that there is a need to verify the appropriateness of existing framework for
licensing of these technologies capable to supply power to smaller electrical grids or to
remote, off-grid areas. These SMRs are typically smaller than traditional nuclear power
plants and can also be located on sites that differ from those of traditional nuclear
power plants and have ability to generate flexible power as per electricity demand and
may be deployed on small grids or at off-grid locations. Deployment of SMR can also be
a future option considering energy mix of Pakistan. The novel approaches in the design
and deployment of SMRs can pose challenges to the existing regulatory framework.
Considering these novel design features with respect to conventional NPPs, there is
need to identify gaps in current regulatory framework / licensing approaches. This paper
will identify and discuss the areas that need to be considered for making necessary
changes in current regulatory framework of Pakistan.
Regulatory Readiness and Challenges for Small Modular
Reactors Deployment: The Philippine Perspective

Speaker: J.l. Sablay

Primary Author: Jeana Lee Sablay [1]

Co-Authors: Mary Gold Bulos [1]; Alfonso Singayan [1]

[1] Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 298


The Philippines faces a significant challenge in its efforts to incorporate nuclear energy
into its energy portfolio by 2032. In such a short time frame, the country looks at Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs) as a viable source of reliable baseload energy which can be
deployed to major islands not connected to the main grid or to regions utilizing
renewable energy sources. However, complex legislative and regulatory frameworks
need to be updated to accommodate new developments in this field, posing a
substantial hurdle to their implementation. With limited international experience in
licensing SMRs, the question of whether the Philippines, a newcomer country, is
prepared to implement this novel reactor technology arises. This paper explores the
regulatory readiness and challenges associated with introducing SMRs in the
Philippines. It examines the existing regulatory framework and its adaptability to SMRs,
as well as the unique challenges, including public perception and stakeholder concerns
around new nuclear technology. An in-depth analysis of international case studies offers
valuable insights that help in formulating strategies for regulatory body readiness. This
study also presents the importance of taking proactive measures, including training,
international collaboration, and legal and regulatory amendments, to ensure smooth
integration of SMRs in the Philippines.
Regulatory considerations for the transportable eVinci

Speaker: A. Spalding

Primary Author: Anthony Schoedel [1]

[1] Westinghouse Electric

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 331


The proposed licensing path and deployment model for the eVinci microreactor utilizes
various regulations and licenses. A deployment model will be presented which depicts
the Westinghouse plan to successfully and safely deploy multiple eVinci microreactors
in the future. The deployment model includes a nuclear test reactor to collect data and
support the safety case, including code verification and validation (V&V). Westinghouse
intends to pursue a Standard Design Certification (DC) with US NRC for the eVinci
microreactor. Several steps of the deployment model may require additional licenses
and are described below. An overview of the regulatory body lessons learned from
assessing eVinci microreactor deployment, regulatory challenges, and anticipated
regulatory framework innovations needed to support the unique deployment model will
be detailed in this submission. There are several paths available to acquire the requisite
regulatory approvals to enact the deployment model. Westinghouse plans to use Title 10
of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 52 for the licensing of the eVinci
microreactor standard design. A DC under 10 CFR Part 52 Subpart B will support
deployment and future license applications of standard eVinci microreactors within the
United States. In addition to a DC, Westinghouse intends to explore the various licenses
that could be used to support eVinci microreactor deployment including a special
nuclear material (SNM) license under 10 CFR Part 70, certificate of compliance (CoC) for
a transportation package under 10 CFR Part 71, as well as other potential licenses for
each stage of the eVinci microreactor deployment model.
Regulatory requirements for managing supply chain for
Small Modular Reactors in Canada

Speaker: D. Papaz

Primary Author: Dan Papaz [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 345


The primary role of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is to regulate the
use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security and the
environment, including setting regulatory requirements for managing supply chain
activities. The CNSC ensures that licensees effectively control the work of suppliers
through oversight and inspection activities. CSA Group standard N286-12, Management
system requirements for nuclear facilities provides requirements for the procurement of
services and items for nuclear facilities. CNSC activities related to supply management
include conducting technical reviews of the licensees’ and supplier’s documentation,
inspection of oversight activities, and, indirectly, inspection of suppliers’ processes.
CNSC staff stay current with challenges and opportunities in the nuclear supply chain,
offering guidance for regulatory improvement and staff skill development. For regulatory
work related to the deployment of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Canada, the CNSC
has launched several supply chain initiatives, including: • Conducting international
benchmarking to define best practices in regulatory supply chain oversight, • Creating a
work instruction for Long Lead Items, • Issuing SMR supply chain inspection guides, and
• Assessing manufacturing operating experience. These initiatives are discussed with
industry. CNSC staff continue work to improve regulatory oversight of the entire supply
The role of regulation as an obstacle or an enabler of the
SMR promise? Diverging industry and regulator views

Speaker: M. Lehtonen

Primary Authors: Matti Kojo [1]; Markku Lehtonen; Tapio Litmanen; Mika Kari

[1] LUT University

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 363


Regulatory reforms are underway, nationally and internationally, to streamline and

harmonise nuclear safety regulation, to facilitate the deployment of SMRs. While some –
both within and outside of the nuclear community – consider excessive and “fear-driven”
safety regulation as the main obstacle to the commercialisation of SMRs, others in turn
regard regulatory reform as secondary, blaming the nuclear industry for its inability to
harmonize industry standards as the main bottleneck. This paper analyses the distinct
views of industry, regulators, and politicians on the rationale and the role of the
regulatory reforms in facilitating SMR development and deployment. It does so by
examining the SMR reforms in Canada and Finland, two countries actively preparing for
the deployment of SMRs, and representing the somewhat distinct European and North
American regulatory regimes. The Canadian nuclear safety Commission (CNSC)
continues to collaborate with the US NRC to streamline its safety regulation in
preparation of the deployment of SMRs, whereas in Finland, a comprehensive reform of
the Nuclear Energy Act is underway, partly to prepare for the possible introduction of
SMRs. The paper first outlines the key elements of the regulatory reforms and regulatory
contexts in the two countries. It then analyses stakeholder views via qualitative text
analysis methods to publicly available government and industry documentation.
Regulatory agility through use of performance-based

Speaker: S. Belyea

Primary Author: Sean Belyea [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 377


Performance-based regulation offers flexibility for modern and innovative technologies

across many sectors, including nuclear. In Canada, like many other nations, nuclear
regulatory frameworks evolved during the design and rollout of its first commercial
reactors in the 1960’s to 1980’s. Canadian regulation at this time was heavily
performance based, coupled with reliance on scientific judgement to make decisions for
safety. In the decades that followed, regulations and standards evolved to include more
prescriptive-based elements. Informed by operating experience, industry teamed with
regulators to codify best practices on how to achieve safety. This approach, when
coupled with a common national nuclear technology (CANDU) led to excellent safety
standards that were prescriptive in nature. In recent years, the CNSC has focussed on
the development of performance-based approaches in its Regulatory Framework to be in
a better position to regulate new nuclear technologies that differ from its current CANDU
fleet. The CNSC is also fortunate in that it embraces the use of a graded approach for
regulation and allows the use of alternatives to meet regulatory requirements. This
paper examines the advantages of employing performance-based regulation using a
graded approach for advanced reactor designs. It also explores how prescriptive
regulations and standards developed for traditional nuclear technologies can be
effectively integrated into the regulatory framework for novel technology and newer
advanced designs.
New Nuclear Construction Compliance Oversight

Speaker: A. Mathai

Primary Author: Andrew Mathai [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 418


The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) plays a crucial role in safeguarding
public health, safety, security, and the environment by regulating nuclear energy and
materials. As the landscape of nuclear technology evolves, particularly with the
emergence of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), the CNSC is proactively preparing to
regulate these novel reactor technologies effectively. In anticipation of potential
licensing and oversight responsibilities for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), the CNSC
aims to establish a robust compliance verification plan. Specifically, should the
Commission grant a construction license for the Darlington New Nuclear Project in
Canada, the CNSC will need to implement a compliance verification plan to ensure that
licensees meet their obligations during the construction phase. This compliance plan
must be adaptable and responsive, drawing upon existing CNSC oversight mechanisms
such as the Risk Informed Decision Making (RIDM) process and incorporating both
national and international Operating Experience (OPEX). The development of this plan
involved a comprehensive assessment of various factors and a systematic approach to
ensure its effectiveness. Furthermore, the CNSC is committed to staying abreast of
advancements and challenges in advanced reactor technologies, integrating this
knowledge into its compliance oversight efforts. Looking ahead, the CNSC aims to
automate aspects of the compliance verification plan, facilitating its application to future
construction projects regardless of technology or type. This strategic approach and
ongoing efforts to enhance regulatory oversight will be shared with industry
The Brazilian Nuclear licensing process for disruptive and
innovative technologies

Speaker: A. L. Barbosa Sousa

Primary Authors: Anna Letícia Barbosa Sousa (national Nuclear Energy Commission) [1];
Nelbia Da Silva Lapa (national Nuclear Energy Commission) [1]

[1] National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 419


One of the biggest challenges of this century will be to adapt the energy production to
the country's needs. This production must harmonize low cost, reduced environmental
footprint and low greenhouse effect gases release. An interesting concept is the Small
Modular Reactor (SMR) which provides passive safety, low cost of operation and
installation and long cycles with duration that can reach 8 years. One of the biggest
challenges for Brazil to overcome is the necessity to rethink the licensing process and
the regulatory scope in order to not negatively impact the commercial costs and the
innovative projects production schedule. The SMRs bring challenges to the reactor
licensing process associated to the outsourcing, to the modular project´s approach, to a
strong decentralization of the project activities and to the safety analysis, building and
commission offsite. The article will present the Brazilian Nuclear Regulatory Body
initiatives to prepare safety requirements for SMRs in harmonization with the current
practices as well as cooperation among regulators, so that to provide a regulatory
framework to provide for effective oversight of the nuclear power.
Basis for Regulatory Requirements for Design and Safety
Analysis of Reactor Facilities

Speakers: H. Khouaja;

Primary Authors: Christopher Harwood [1]; Hatem Khouaja [2]

[1] Reactor Safety Insights Ltd., Canada; [2] CultureScapes Consulting and Training,

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group B: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

Track: Track 7: Regulatory Considerations for SMRs (B.7)

INDICO Abstract ID: 427


In this paper, we evaluate the current requirements and criteria for reactor design and
safety analysis in being risk informed. Specifically, we focus on high-level objectives
asserting that risks posed by a nuclear facility need to be comparable to the risks to
which people are normally exposed; and are lower than those from alternative methods
of generating power. We investigate the key metrics and elements for comparative risk
assessments to establish a benchmark for “reasonable risk” through modification of the
quantitative safety criteria. We emphasize the importance of comparing the reactor
facility risks and benefits per unit of output against those of alternative means of
producing that energy. Additionally, we identify that cumulative risks from design basis
accidents are not fully captured in current deterministic safety criteria. Based on the
arguments presented in this paper, we recommend the following: 1. Risk criteria should
be set in terms of energy output rather than “per reactor”. 2. Risks posed by reactor
facilities should be compared with those from other viable methods of electricity
generation. 3. A cumulative risk target should be established to account for the overall
risks from the number of postulated accidents within the design basis.
Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards
Participating Member States and International Organizations:

Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, EC JRC, Finland, France,

Germany, Ghana, GIF, IAEA, India, Indonesia, Italy, OECD/NEA, Philippines, Poland,
Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom, United States, WNTI

Key Words: security, safeguard, iaea, facility, risk, fuel, material, threat,
requirement, model
Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

Regulatory Research Activity on Safety Analysis

Methodology for Passive Safety Systems in Korea

Speaker: J.y. Park

Primary Author: Ju Yeop Park [1]

[1] Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 32


Recently, Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have been actively being developed around
the world and many of SMRs adopt passive safety feature as their safety systems. The
nuclear industry in Korea is also developing a unique SMR called innovative SMR (iSMR)
fully equipped with Passive Safety Systems. (PSSs) In light of these circumstances,
KINS has launched a regulatory research project in order to develop a new safety
analysis methodology given the PSS characteristics such as weak driving forces and a
possibility of the functional failure. In the present paper, we would like to share our
research results achieved so far, and potential improvement and its application of the
safety analysis on PSS. As for the achievement, we’ve developed the reliability informed
safety analysis methodology for the PSS. First, several potential factors affecting the
performance and may lead to the functional failure of the PSS were identified. Then, the
potential factors were incorporated into the REPAS (Reliability Evaluation of Passive
Safety System) method as its “critical parameters”. Next, the REPAS method with proper
failure criteria was applied and the functional failure rate of the PSS was quantified.
After that, the REPAS statistical sampling sets highly contributing to the functional
failure rate were single out. Finally, the REPAS critical parameters (i.e. some potential
factors) included in the REPAS statistical sampling sets are identified as additional
parameters for the safety analysis of the PSS. As for further improvement and possible
applications of our safety analysis methodology, items such as identification of
additional failure criteria of the PSS in relation to FMEA and stable long-term cooling, a
minimum safety margin to avoid the cliff-edge effect, and decision of optimal pre-
service/in-service tests condition including appropriate reliability level to support the use
of the PSS over the active system is scheduled to be investigated.

Speaker: F. Mascari

Primary Authors: Giuseppe Agnello [1]; Nikolai Bakuta [2]; Ahmed Bentaib [3]; Andrea
Bersano [1]; Jeremy Bittan [2]; Laure Carenini [3]; M.e. Cazado [4]; Nabiha Chaumeix [5];
Marin Constantin [6]; Silvia De Grandis [7]; Juan Carlos De La Rosa Blul [8]; Mirco Di Giuli
[9]; Stefano Ederli [1]; Florian Fichot [3]; Alain Flores [10]; Fabrizio Gabrielli [4]; Monica
Garcia Martin [11]; Rositsa Gencheva [12]; Fabio Giannetti [13]; Gianmarco Grippo [1];
Dmitry Grishchenko [14]; Pavlin Groudev [12]; D. Gumenyuk [15]; Luis Herranz [11]; Mikko
Ilvonen [16]; Ivan Ivanov [17]; Algirdas Kaliatka [18]; Teemu Karkela [16]; S. Kelm [19]; M.
Klauck [19]; Marco Koch [20]; Julia Krieger [20]; P. Kudinov [14]; Terttaliisa Lind [21];
Pietro Maccari [1]; M. Makarenko [15]; Mateusz Malicki [21]; Fulvio Mascari [1]; Philippe
Nerisson [3]; Marcello Principato [13]; E.-a. Reinecke [19]; Nils Reinke [22]; Marco Ricotti
[23]; Gregor Stahlberg [20]; M. Valincius [18]; Carlos Vázquez-rodríguez [19]; Yu
Yesipenko [15]; O. Zhabin [15]

[1] ENEA; [2] EDF; [3] IRSN; [4] KIT; [5] CNRS; [6] RATEN; [7] SINTEC; [8] JRC; [9]
TRACTEBEL; [10] SURO; [11] CIEMAT; [12] INRNE; [13] UNIROMA1; [14] KTH; [15] SSTC-
NRS; [16] VTT; [17] TUS; [18] LEI; [19] FZJ; [20] RUB; [21] PSI; [22] GRS; [23] POLIMI

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 83


Today, there is growing interest for light water integral PWRs (iPWR), that for their main
specific features are considered one of the key technologies for the short-term nuclear
technology deployment. In this framework, despite iPWRs show a reinforcement of the
first three levels of DiD due to the use of passive safety systems, independent features
for preventing or mitigating hypothetical Severe Accident (SA) sequences have to be
included in the design. Therefore, some scenarios that could lead to SAs need to be
postulated and deterministically studied along the design and the safety review process.
Considering that iPWRs technology comes from the Large LWR operational experience
including evolutionary modifications, in order to speed-up the European licensing/siting
process of iPWRs, the Horizon Euratom SASPAM-SA (Safety analysis of SMR with
Passive Mitigation strategies – Severe Accident) project aims at investigating the
applicability and transfer of the operating large LWR knowledge and know-how to iPWRs
taking into account SA and EPZ European licensing needs. The project, coordinated by
ENEA, started in October 2022 and involves 23 Organization. The paper aims at
describing the pillars and goals of SASPAM-SA and provide the main results of the
research activities performed in the first phase of the project.
Experimental testing of a large scale water-cooled RCCS:
observations and considerations for passive decay heat

Speaker: D. Lisowski

Primary Authors: Mitch Farmer [1]; Matthew Jasica [1]; Darius Lisowski [1]; Qiuping Lu [1]

[1] Argonne National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 94


The Natural convection Shutdown heat removal Test Facility (NSTF) is a large-scale test
facility constructed at Argonne built to generate validation data for passive decay heat
removal systems of advanced reactors. Reflecting key features of a ½ scale, water-
based, Reactor Cavity Cooling System, the facility and testing program has been on-
going since 2018. Over 60 test cases, performed over a wide range of operating
conditions, have been completed to study behavior and assess heat removal
performance. A majority of the test cases were performed at saturation temperatures
with natural circulation driven boiling flow, the operational and fluid state most
prototypic to a full-scale reactor. The characteristics of natural circulation phenomena
and two-phase flow can trigger complex thermal hydraulic behaviors, some of which
induce unstable flow mechanisms and degraded system performance. The following
paper summarizes some of the major observations and findings related to performance
and stability. Specific topics include the role of inventory level on RCCS behavior, impact
of changes in channel and steam discharge loss coefficients, and consequences of flow
blockages. Additionally, a discussion will be included on potential impacts of boiling
induced vibrations on structural components., along with recommendations for design
features that may improve system stability.

Speaker: J. Fontanet [1]

Primary Author: Luis Herranz [2]

[1] TBC; [2] CIEMAT

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 97


On the way to the decarbonization of human activities, most studies of energy scenarios
to mid this century highlight the key role nuclear energy is called to play in terms of
security, cost, environment, and reliability. In such a context, Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs) are seen as a promising technology to be deployed in the short and medium
term both in Europe and elsewhere. Regardless the local context of nuclear electricity in
Spain, CIEMAT, the national centre for energy, environment and technology research, has
been committed for more than a decade with research on safety of advanced reactors,
with a direct projection to SMRs. CIEMAT’s investigation on SMRs may be synthesized
according to the different technologies addressed: HTGRs, SFRs and LWR-SMR. In
addition to these studies, which describe roughly a decade of research, CIEMAT
developed capabilities closely related to the water-cooled SMR technologies related to
safety passive engineering features. In particular, CIEMAT developed phenomenological
models of the passive containment cooling systems of mid- and large-size nuclear
reactors that have inspired some of those included in the SMR designs. Nevertheless,
their implementation in SMRs might need specific research. In some cases, these might
mean to investigate enveloping conservative scenarios to prove their safe response
under the expected conditions.
Evolving PSA Methodologies: Towards Dynamic Reliability in
SMR Passive Systems

Speaker: M. Akmali

Primary Author: Masood Akmali [1]

Co-Author: Falak Sher [2]

[1] Assystem Energy and Operation, Courbevoie, France; [2] DGB Technologies

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 99


The emergence of new nuclear reactor generations, notably Generation III+ and IV,
signifies a significant advancement in the industry. These reactors aim to reduce waste
and enhance safety, driven largely by startups and private entities. However, their relative
immaturity and lack of testing pose challenges, especially for First of a Kind
Demonstrator projects. Additionally, the introduction of unfamiliar passive safety
systems raises concerns among regulatory bodies. Addressing these challenges
requires innovative licensing approaches from startups and private investors to expedite
approval processes. Updating traditional Probabilistic Safety Assessment
methodologies is crucial in this context. This work underscores the importance of
dynamic analysis in understanding and improving the reliability and safety of nuclear
power plants. In response to limitations in conventional PSA, our study introduces a
novel dynamic approach for the reliability assessment of Passive Isolation Condenser
System in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), a critical component in most SMRs,
overcoming the limitations of traditional PSA. Leveraging the capabilities of the SAFEST
tool to model and analyse dynamic fault trees, we enhance traditional PSA by
incorporating dynamic aspects of passive systems like common cause failures,
probabilistic functional dependencies, and failure ordering among components and
systems, into failure models. This advancement facilitates a deeper understanding of
the interactions and dependencies within the ICS, offering a significant improvement
over static analysis methods. Our findings reveal that by expressing instant failure
probabilities of components (including any external factors) as functions of parameters
like temperature, pressure, etc., a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation of
reactor safety can be done. By addressing the dynamic nature of these systems, our
approach allows for a more detailed and realistic representation of their operational
effectiveness. The results of our study contribute to the field of nuclear safety by
offering a more robust framework for the assessment of passive systems within SMRs.
A Qualitative Study on the Reliability of TMSR500 Passive
Cooling Design and Design Requirements Applicability

Speaker: D.h. Sukarno

Primary Author: Diah Hidayanti Sukarno (nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency- Indonesia)

[1] Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) - Indonesia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 113


Almost all advanced reactor designs, including SMRs, rely on passive cooling features in
the heat removal process. However, the reliability of the passive cooling system must be
carefully evaluated due to the limitation of experimental data. Advanced reactor designs,
specifically non-water cooled reactors, also face the challenge in terms of the existing
safety design requirement applicability. In this paper, a qualitative study on the reliability
of the TMSR500 passive cooling design has been performed. The applicability of the
existing safety design requirements to the TMSR500 cooling design is also discussed
here. The reliability of the TMSR500 passive cooling system is studied qualitatively
through four steps: 1) Identification of parameters affecting the operation; 2)
Identification of key parameters which may cause the failure; 3) Root diagnosis to find
deviation of key parameters for causing system failure (using fault trees); and 4)
Evaluation of system reliability. The result of the study informs that the flow resistance
especially which disturbs the access to the ultimate heat sink (environmental air), such
as air intake and basement pipe outlet logging, becomes the key parameter in causing
the system failures. The quantitative value of passive cooling system reliability can be
achieved if the failure rate of each component is known. For conservative analysis, the
cooling capability estimation in the absence of passive air cooling is needed. Using
simple analytical calculation supported by ORIGEN for decay heat calculation, the
availability of basement water as the time function can be estimated conservatively. The
applicability of reactor coolant system design requirements, listed on Requirements 47 –
52 of the IAEA Safety Standard No. SSR-2/1 (Rev. 1), to the TMSR500 cooling system
design is also discussed here. Supported by the IAEA Safety Report Series No. 123, the
identified gap will be more elaborated specifically on the TMSR cooling system design.

Speaker: M.o. Giménez

Primary Author: Marcelo Gimenez [1]

Co-Authors: David Alfredo Quiroga [1]; Mariela Grinberg [1]; Pablo Zanocco [1]

[1] CNEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 120


This work discusses the technological strategy adopted in CAREM25 to fulfil the
Principle of Defense in Depth and its assessment by Deterministic and Probabilistic
Safety Analysis (DSA, PSA). The strategy defined for levels 3A and 3B is based on two
stages and using passive and active systems. Moreover, the implemented DiD strategy
is the basis for setting graduated criteria for safety functions categorization and
structures, systems and components (SSCs) classes allocation, allowing to establish
coherent design requirements. Safety classification process is executed beginning from
the Fundamental Safety Functions and, using attributes, Low Level Safety Functions
(LLSFs) including monitoring ones were constructed for each DiD levels and stages.
Next, Safety Functional Groups -set of SSCs that fulfill a function- were identified for
each LLSF. Finally, categories and classes were allocated. PSA and DSA were used to
support this process, evaluating the SSCs relative importance. Moreover, both
methodologies were used to provide design feedback for DiD Levels 2 and 3, evaluating
different strategies to cope with the postulated initiating events. Findings are presented.
This integral approach based on DiD has facilitated engineering development and the
licensing process by providing a comprehensive assessment of systems design and a
balanced integration into the plant
NAAREA's XAMR® safety approach

Speaker: T. Kooyman

Primary Authors: Khalida El Ouarghi [1]; Timothée Kooyman [1]

Co-Author: Sec Naarea Naarea [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 193


NAAREA is a French startup currently designing a 80 MWth fast modular micro-reactor

fueled with a molten chloride. No such reactor has been designed or operated in the
past, the available experience return on molten salt reactors being limited to fluoride
based thermal reactors built at ORNL in the fifties and sixties. The current safety
framework which has capitalized on several decades of PWR operation is not readily
adapted to molten-salt reactors, and the solutions which were implemented in the sixties
are not adequate today. Furthermore, molten salt reactor design is strongly versatile due
to the very nature of the fuel used and the maturity of the various designs currently
under work is not enough to outline a general safety approach. Thus, this paper presents
the approach chosen by NAAREA for its safety case, and especially: * The main
differences compared to standard PWR safety approach. * The design options selected
to ensure decay heat removal, reactivity management and containment of radionuclides.
* The severe accident definition selected by NAAREA and its consequences on the
reactor design.
Flange Management Approach for Reliable SMR Reactor
Vessel Integrity

Speaker: G. Briggs

Primary Author: Gary Briggs [1]

Co-Authors: Martin Coulthard [1]; Ian Craven [1]

[1] James Walker

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 204


Small modular reactor (SMR) pressure vessels depend greatly on the integrity of a bolted
flange assembly. Whether subject to periodic refuelling cycles or through-life secure
closure, the reliability and security of Reactor Vessel and ancillary containment will
determine the overall safety of an SMR. This paper proposes the application of a highly
proven approach from heat exchanger integrity technology through calculation, to
enhance the safety of SMR Reactor Pressure Vessels. The “Flange Management”
approach utilises holistic appreciation of flange design & calculation, seal specification
and accurate bolt loading in the context of each specific application. Previous
technology in nuclear has used varying methods, such as hot bolting, hydraulic
tensioning and torque measurement. Whilst these have proven acceptable in some
instances, the utilisation of Flange Management has emerged within nuclear structural
inspection methodologies and offers a promising solution for the SMR community;
reducing uncertainty, reducing time and reducing exposure to active environments within
a plant. These integral elements of safety are achieved through practical elimination of
uncertainty in design and an offer of simplification drawing on highly proven techniques.
Analysis of DEC-A sequences in a NuScale-like SMR
considering ATF fuel performance using the system code

Speaker: J. Sanchez-torrijos

Primary Author: Jorge Sanchez-torrijos [1]

Co-Authors: Yago Martinez [2]; Amparo Soler [1]; Emilio Castro [2]; Cesar Queral [2]

[1] NFQ ADVISORY SERVICES; [2] Technical University Of Madrid

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 255


This analysis assesses the benefits derived from implementing FeCrAl cladding material
under DEC-A sequence conditions in a NuScale-like Small Modular Reactor, utilizing the
TRACE system code, in comparison to the conventional Zr alloy fuel rod case. In
collaboration between NFOQUE ADVISORY SERVICES S.L. (NFQ) and the research group
from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), an in-house version of the TRACE code in
which FeCrAl material properties and behavioral models code has been implemented
allowing to incorporate FeCrAl cladding performance into the simulations. The chosen
accidental scenarios involve LOCA sequences combined with various failures in the
Reactor Recirculation Valves, Reactor Vent Valves, and the Control Volume and
Chemical System. The results demonstrate an increase in the available times and a
general improvement in the behavior of fuel rods within the selected ATF concept, as
opposed to the case where conventional Zr-alloy fuel rods are considered.
Passive Safety System and Safety Demonstration of
innovative Small Modular Reactor (i-SMR)

Speaker: S. Lim

Primary Author: Sang-gyu Lim [1]

Co-Authors: Jong Cheon [1]; Sun Heo [1]; Han Gon Kim [1]; Tae Cheol Park [1]

[1] i-SMR Development Agency

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 273


In order to respond to the global climate crisis and supply sustainable clean energy, the
Republic of Korea has developing a new SMR named innovative SMR(i-SMR). The safety
goals of the i-SMR are that a core damage frequency (CDF) is less than 10-E9 and a
large early release frequency (LERF) is less than 10-E10. To achieve these safety goals, a
passive system design is applied and a non-safety active system design is applied to
back it up. The safety systems of i-SMR enable the emergency planning zone (EPZ) to be
within the site boundary, which will be designed to practically eliminate the need for
public evacuation during an accident. This paper discusses the design characteristics of
the passive system adopted by the innovative SMR. The safety system of the innovative
SMR consists of a passive emergency core cooling system to respond to LOCA
accidents, a passive auxiliary feedwater system to respond to non-LOCA accidents, and
a passive containment cooling system to cool down the steel containment vessel. Also,
this paper deals with examples of safety analysis results for the performance of those
systems during the accidents. Lastly, a demonstration plan of the safety system through
separated effect tests and integral effect tests is described.
A probabilistic safety analysis of the first level safety of
small modular reactors on the example of the SHELF-M
reactor facility

Speaker: P. Elistratov

Primary Authors: Stepan Andreev [1]; Pavel Elistratov; Gregory Pokidov [1]; Eugeniy
Shiverskiy [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 280


The current report is dedicated to the issues of probabilistic safety analysis of the first
level safety of small modular reactors on the example of a low-power nuclear power
plant with a SHELF-M reactor facility. Probabilistic safety analyses were conducted to
determine the possibility of accident pathways and final outcomes, including the
possibility of severe accidents. In this report, the probability of a severe accident for the
small modular reactor used in the SHELF-M reactor facility has been evaluated by
considering the main technical concepts used in the SHELF-M reactor facility and the
structural components of the reactor plant, a description of the main and auxiliary
systems of the reactor unit has been provided. And the dominant contributors to the
probability of a severe accident in case of exceeding the maximum design limits for the
fuel and fuel cladding temperature have been presented in the report. Based on the
designed PSA Level-1 model, preliminary conservative calculations were carried out to
identify dominant risk contributors, to evaluate sensitivity in relation to major design
decisions and to elaborate recommendations to improve reliability at the system level
and safety of the plant overall. The following initial events were shown to dominate the
risk indicators: - leading to loss of heat transfer medium by the first circuit; - leading to a
disruption of heat removal by the second circuit. At the system and element level, the
dominant contributors to plant non-reliability are: the hydraulic accumulator of the
hydraulic distributor, the fittings of the feed water system, emergency core-cooling
systems (ECCS), the check valves of the feed water system, and the valves of the
equipment cooling system. Implementation of the recommendations proposed based on
the PSA-1 results into the SHELF-M design allowed to bring its probabilistic safety
indicators in compliance with the regulatory requirements.
Challenges and Opportunities in Developing a Safety Case
for Small Modular Reactors: The Ghanaian Perspective

Speaker: F. Ameyaw

Primary Author: Felix Ameyaw [1]

Co-Author: Joshua Gbinu [1]

[1] Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 283


This review paper examines the safety objectives and application of defence-in-depth to
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Ghana, focusing on inherent and passive safety
features, design simplification, integration, and modularity. It explores safety challenges
and opportunities specific to SMRs, including severe accident mitigation, internal and
external hazard considerations, and fuel and core safety. The paper also discusses
materials and chemistry safety implications, risk-informed approaches for SMRs, and
novel deployment models. It emphasizes the need for a robust safety case to address
these challenges, highlighting the importance of leadership and management of safety
in the context of Ghana's nuclear power program. The novelty of this paper lies In its
comprehensive examination of the safety objectives and application of defence-in-depth
to SMRs in Ghana, focusing on specific challenges and opportunities unique to the
country’s nuclear power program. It provides practical insights into addressing these
challenges, enhancing the safety and success of SMR deployment in Ghana.The
conclusions drawn from this review paper provide insights into the practical
implementation of safety measures for SMRs in Ghana, contributing to the overall safety
and success of the country’s nuclear power development. Keywords: Small Modular
Reactors (SMRs), Safety Case, Ghana, Nuclear Power, Challenges and Opportunities
Small Modular Reactor Multi-Module PSA

Speaker: M. Obergfell [1]

Primary Author: Manuel Obergfell [2]

Co-Author: Florian Berchtold [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 316


Nuclear power plants (NPPs) with advanced reactor technologies, particularly small
modular reactors (SMRs) are planned to be built in various countries worldwide. Due to
the much lower power output of these reactor types in comparison to operating NPP
units, the plants with SMRs are intended to be realized by multiple modules of the same
type at a given site. Based on the type of the multi-module concept, the different SMR
modules may share some systems, structures and components (SSC, e.g., a joint
building, or electricity supply) and/or a common team of operators. As an example, the
NuScale VOYGR™-type SMR is developed to share SSC for up to twelve modules. For
analysing the risk of multiple modules at a common site, GRS has developed a multi-
module Level 1 PSA for a VOYGR™ SMR plant applying the commercially available PSA
code RiskSpectrum®. The model enables the analyst to compare the risk from a single
module to that of multiple, up to twelve identical modules located in the same building,
sharing several SSC and the operators´ team. The manufacturer´s PSA of NuScale has
been modified by an own analysis of initiating events (i.e., common cause initiators
(CCIs) affecting multiple modules) and applying reliability data for systems and
components from the German operating experience regarding single and/or common
cause failures (CCFs). As a result, the core damage frequencies (CDFs) for a hypothetic
site with only a single SMR single module site and with twelve modules have been
determined and compared. Multi-module cut sets with an important contribution to the
overall risk are identified. Inter-module CCFs and human failures have been observed to
be the important risk contributors. The analysis of significant contributors to the inter-
module risk appears to be beneficial for quantifying the main cut sets and the safety
balance of the reactor concept.
On some safety aspects in Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: P. Min

Primary Author: Petre Min [1]

Co-Authors: Dan Serbanescu; Bogdan Vamanu


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 327


The development of the new generation of nuclear power reactors is a result of

continuous improvement from efficiency and safety perspectives. Even if safety criteria
are very important, the nuclear reactor technology is targeting a development area of an
optimum between them and the performance criteria. As there is a large set of new
types of Small and Modular Reactors (SMR), the evaluation of the benefits and
challenges of each of them is very important in the strategic development of SMR. The
paper is presenting an approach from two perspectives on the criteria to be considered
in the SMR development: 1. Exegetics, i.e. evaluation of the impact of the reactor from
the maximum possible energy to be used in the existing thermodynamic conditions. 2.
Risk level, i.e. the evaluation of the risks as defined in the traditional existing safety
analyses. Exergy balance in nuclear power plants also indicates the plant risk map,
including the impact on the environment for the whole lifecycle. The methodology of the
exergy balance and risk analyses is presented for three cases of SMR types are areas of
potential risk: water, gas and molten sault cooled.
Assessment of the Safety Design Features of Small Modular
Reactors with existing demonstration plants using Reactor
Technology Assessment (RTA)

Speaker: U.a. Bautista

Primary Author: Unico Bautista [1]

Co-Authors: Mark Gino Aliperio [2]; Alvie Asuncion-astronomo [3]; Rinlee Butch Cervera
[4]; Neil Raymund Guillermo [3]

[1] Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute; [2]
Department of Science and Technology; [3] Philippine Nuclear Research Institute –
Department of Science and Technology; [4] Energy Engineering Program, University of the

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 337


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) represent a promising solution for nuclear power
generation, offering compactness and flexibility with capacities ranging from 10 to 300
MWe. This research aims to narrow the existing knowledge gap in the safety of SMRs by
conducting a preliminary analysis, focusing on their safety design features, particularly
those of operating demonstration plants. Building upon our prior technical analysis,
which focuses on SMRs with operational demonstration plants, this study delves into the
safety design features of these reactors with the aim of assessing their potential
deployment in the Philippines. Through a Reactor Technology Assessment (RTA), the
safety design aspects of shortlisted SMR designs are examined, with a focus on their
active and passive safety systems as reported in the reactor databases of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Thus, this study will provide valuable
insights for decision-makers in the Philippines' nuclear power program.
Aerosol evolution in a typical SMR containment under
hypothetical accidental conditions

Speaker: S. Anand

Primary Authors: Srinivasan Anand [1]; Jayant Krishan [2]; Mukund Kulkarni [1]

[1] Health Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai; [2] Health Physics
Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 356


Enhancing safety measures for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) necessitates a

comprehensive understanding of aerosol behavior within containment structures during
accidental conditions. This study employs the NAUA aerosol dynamics code (Bunz et al.,
1987) to investigate the dynamic evolution of aerosols in a typical SMR containment
(surface area to volume ratio = 0.022 cm$^{-1}$). Assuming a large-scale release of 2.2
g/s for 1-h in a containment volume of 3.5E+09 cm$^3$, simulations are conducted for
10$^4$ minutes. Results, depicted in Fig. 1, reveal gravitational settling as the
predominant deposition process, followed by diffusional deposition, while the
contribution of diffusio-phoretic deposition is negligible. However, NAUA does not
account for thermophoretic deposition, highlighting a need for future consideration. The
study focuses on elucidating the effects of various accident scenarios, such as loss-of-
coolant incidents, on aerosol distribution and concentration profiles over time. Ongoing
research aims to incorporate more realistic input conditions and additional physical
processes into the numerical code to improve the prediction of aerosol evolution and
radioactive source term during postulated accidental conditions. Insights gained from
this investigation can inform the design of emergency response strategies and optimize
containment systems for SMRs, thereby advancing nuclear safety engineering. ![Fig. 1:
Aerosol mass deposition on the containment surfaces][1] Reference Bunz, H., Kyoro, M.
and Schoeck, W. (1987) NAUA Mod 5 and Mod 5-M, Zwei Computerprogramme zur
Berechung des Aerosolverhaltens im Containmentsystem eines LWR nach einem
Kernschmelzunfall. KfK-4278, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe. [1]:
Accelerating international cooperation on SMR safety
research: the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) working
group on the analysis and management of accidents

Speaker: H. Nakamura

Primary Authors: Martina Adorni (oecd Nuclear Energy Agency) [1]; Ahmed Bentaib [2];
Fulvio Mascari [3]; Hideo Nakamura [4]; Pierre Ruyer [2]

[1] OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA); [2] IRSN; [3] ENEA; [4] Japan Atomic Energy

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 362


The Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) addresses
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) activities related to potential design-basis and
beyond design-basis accidents in nuclear reactors and related technologies. The
WGAMA addressed safety aspects of existing nuclear reactors and related technologies
as well as emerging challenges of evolutionary and innovative reactor designs and
nuclear technologies, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). The group initiated the
review of its past activities in the fields of thermal-hydraulics, computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) and severe accidents (SAs) to assess their applicability to SMR and
define what extra work will be needed. In particular, subjects of high priority were
identified as reliability assessment of passive system, modelling innovation in CFD,
severe accident management (SAM) countermeasures, advanced measurement
methods and instrumentation, and modelling robustness of safety analysis codes.
Furthermore, starting in 1993, the NEA initiated development of CSNI Code Validation
matrix (CCVM) that gathers up-to-date the largest set of test data in matrix for various
technology and reactor design including relevant phenomena dominating different types
of accidents and transients; phenomena occurrence vs experimental facilities; and
suitability of the experimental facilities, thus databases, for code assessment. The
construction of this internationally agreed CCVM for safety codes is great achievement
to systematically collect the best sets of openly available test data for code validation,
assessment, and improvement, including quantitative assessment of uncertainties in the
modeling of individual phenomena by the codes. To support validation of the codes to
be used for safety assessment of SMR significant efforts will be needed to update the
current CCVM and extend it to cover phenomena, experiments, and facilities specific or
even unique to AT-SMR designs. This paper aims at summarizing the recent
achievements of the WGAMA.
Coupled thermal-hydraulic and neutronic deterministic
safety analysis for the HTGR SMR research demonstrator

Speaker: M. Skrzypek

Primary Author: Maciej Skrzypek [1]

Co-Authors: Eleonora Skrzypek [1]; Dominik Muszyński [1]

[1] National Centre for Nuclear Research

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 373


Poland facing energy transformation considers large-scale PWRs, as well as SMRs.

SMRs can be seen as a potential electricity supply and beyond, i.e. district heating,
industrial process heat, and for hydrogen production. For past few years National Centre
for Nuclear Research, Poland (NCBJ) has been involved in several High Temperature
Gas-cooled Reactor projects: national (Gospostrateg-HTR, HTR-MEiN) and European
(Gemini Plus, Gemini for Zero Emission). Consequently, the small-scale, prismatic type,
research HTGR of 30 MWt - named HTGR-POLA, is considered to be built at the NCBJ’s
site. Its main mission is to serve as a demonstrator of HTGR technology for Polish
industry. In this paper, for the reference HTGR-POLA plant design, the capability of
coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics (N/TH), and its impact on the reactor safety
performance during selected Design Basis Accidents (DBA) will be investigated. The
introduced capability of a coupled N/TH phenomena for the reactor core over the whole
fuel cycle is a promising method, due to its possibility of approximation and
identification of the most relevant safety issues without the need for introduction of over
conservative assumptions. The results of the calculations for the coupled Serpent-
MELCOR 2.2. codes will be presented, from the selected accident groups representing
various types of Postulated Initiating Event (PIE) for HTGRs. The calculations performed,
were accompanied by the sensitivity study of the chosen parameters, evaluated as most
impactful on the safety and design acceptance criteria established (the Safety Systems
and Components - SSCs design parameters and Polish high level requirements). The
presented results were a supporting means for the Probablistic Safety Analysis of the
HTGR-POLA reactor for the assessment of the accident consequences and considerable
part of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR), which is a requirement included in
the legal framework of newly built Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and research reactors in
Context of Single Failure Criterion (SFC) Application for
Small Modular Reactor (SMR)

Speaker: I. Basic

Primary Authors: Ivica Bašić [1]; Ivan Vrbanić [1]

[1] APOSS d.o.o.

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 8: Demonstrating SMR’s Safety Case (C.8)

INDICO Abstract ID: 414


The Single Failure Criterion (SFC) ensures reliable performance of safety systems in
nuclear power plants in response to design basis initiating events. The SFC, basically,
requires that the system must be capable of performing its task in the presence of any
single failure. The capability of a system to perform its design function in the presence
of a single failure could be threatened by a common cause failure such as a fire, flood, or
human intervention or by any other cause with potential to induce multiple failures.
When applied to plant’s response to a postulated design-basis initiating event, the SFC
usually represents a requirement that particular safety system performs its safety
functions as designed under the conditions which can include: All failures caused by a
single failure; All identifiable but non-detectable failures, including those in the non-
tested components; All failures and spurious system actions that cause (or are caused
by) the postulated event. The paper provides an updated overview of the regulatory
design requirements for new reactors and small modular reactors addressing Single
Failure Criterion (SFC) in accordance to international best-practices, particularly
considering the SCF relation to in-service testing, maintenance, repair, inspection and
monitoring of systems, structures and components important to safety. The paper
discusses the comparison of the current SFC requirements and guidelines published by
the IAEA, WENRA, EUR and nuclear regulators in the United States, United Kingdom,
Russia, Korea, Japan, China and Finland. Also, paper addresses the application of SFC
requirements in design; considerations for testing, maintenance, repair, inspection and
monitoring; allowable equipment outage times; exemptions to SFC requirements; and
analysis for SFC application to two-, three- and four-train systems and applications for
small and modular reactors.
Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

A Method for Sizing Emergency Planning Zones around

Small Modular Reactors and New Reactor Technologies

Speaker: D. Hummel

Primary Author: David Hummel [1]

Co-Authors: Luke Lebel [1]; John Cui [1]; Sohan Chouhan [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 43


Off-site emergency protective actions are the fifth and final level of defence in depth
against the consequences of nuclear accidents. The area around the site where pre-
planned precautionary or urgent protective actions are ready to be taken in the event of
an emergency is the emergency planning zone (EPZ). Stakeholders for small modular
reactor (SMR) and advanced reactor technologies have advocated that, considering the
risks relative to contemporary large nuclear power plants, the EPZ around SMRs may be
reduced in size or outright eliminated. However, past investigations have revealed lack
of clarity or uncertainty in the technical criteria that determine the necessary EPZ size.
To that end, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories has been developing a decision-making
framework to identify the events that should be considered in the off-site planning basis
and what is the necessary extent of the urgent protective action planning zone. The
proposed method is based on some principals of Level 3 probabilistic safety
assessment as well as an evaluation of public health risks in units of adjusted life years.
This study develops the method and demonstrates its application with a simplified case
Regulatory Recommendation in Determining Adequate
Emergency Planning Zone for Multi Module Small Modular
Reactor in Indonesia

Speaker: M. R. Harahap

Primary Author: Muhammad Rifqi Harahap [1]

Co-Authors: Bintoro Aji [2]; Rahmat Harianto [3]

[1] BAPETEN - Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency; [2] BAPETEN; [3] INDONESIA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 111


In recent developments, nuclear reactor design has adopted a multi-module design for
small modular reactor (SMR). In this design, a single reactor unit consists of several
uniform reactor modules that are placed in an adjacent location inside the reactor
building with a shared structure, system, and component (SSC) between induvidual
modules. This configuration causes some deviation in the safety provisions that have
been established for conventional reactor. Therefore, Indonesia conducted identification
and review for existing safety provisions for determining the emergency planning zone
(EPZ) for power reactors. Identification and review are conducted by describing and
reviewing related safety provision for power reactors in Indonesia, applicable
international standards, and safety provisions from other international regulatory bodies.
From the review, it was discovered that independency between individual modules is the
key parameter to determine the multi-module SMR design source term and EPZ
acceptance criteria. BAPETEN, as the Indonesian regulatory body, needs to ensure that
there is no interconnection between individual modules. This paper also recommend
BAPETEN to implement a risk-informed, performance-based approach as an additional
tool to ensure that the EPZ determination also credited the technological advancement
of SMR without undermining the risk level.
Determining Emergency Planning Zone size through JRODOS
calculated radiation dose consequences in High-
Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors

Speaker: P. Kopka

Primary Authors: Piotr Kopka [1]; Aleksej Kaszko [1]; Eleonora Skrzypek [1]; Maciej
Skrzypek [1]

[1] National Centre for Nuclear Research

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 214


The conceptual design of the High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) research

reactor was developed by the team at the Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental
Analysis of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). Emergency Preparedness
and Response (EPR) analysis is essential, leading to the designation of an Emergency
Planning Zone (EPZ), which is crucial for advancing the project. Due to characteristics
like the effective heat removal by HTGR cores and the significant reduction of dust-
containing sorbed fission products by TRISO particles, the EPZ size is reduced. These
zones are established based on safety analysis results, considering potential emergency
scenarios with the worst possible consequences and probability of occurrence equal to
or greater than once in 10^7 years calculated using severe accident code (MELCOR).
Radiological analysis, utilizing JRODOS, was conducted for various accident scenarios
(e.g., D-LOFC), incorporating a range of weather scenarios. The analysis demonstrated
that the limited radionuclide inventory available for release and specific security-
enhancing rector design inherently mitigates the dose consequences. Statistical
analyses were performed for the surrounding NCBJ institute area, highlighting the
distribution and risk factors for populated areas. The observed decrease in
consequences indicates that smaller EPZs could be viable without raising risks to public
How Artificial Intelligence and Small Modular Reactors Will
Power Emergency Preparedness and Response

Speaker: R. Rockabrand

Primary Author: Ryan Rockabrand [1]

[1] United States National Nuclear Security Administration

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 279


The purpose of this research is to enhance requirements for personnel considering

Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities during the adoption of Small Modular Reactors
(SMR) in the context of nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) activities.
The goal is to understand how AI might integrate into the emergency response
organizations for SMR deployments to improve decision-making and crisis management
strategies. Approaches to EPR requirements must undergo a profound transformation to
adequately address the complex challenges as well as opportunities presented by the
deployment of SMRs and AI by specifically evolving current frameworks and response
plans. In the realm of SMR deployments, AI may serve as a crucial ally in enhancing EPR
measures while at the same time introducing new considerations including: • Remote vs.
on-site/In-the-vicinity operations • Staffing plans, qualifications, and training including
SMR engineering expertise • Scenario simulations to include digital twins of facilities •
Responding to communication challenges for remote operations centers • Management
of SMR maintenance and modifications
Benchmarking Near-field Radionuclide Dispersion with CFD
and Gaussian Model

Speaker: S. Lal

Primary Author: Sreeyuth Lal [1]

Co-Authors: Aneesh John [1]; Luke Lebel [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 314


There is increasing interest in locating small modular reactors (SMRs) closer to potential
end users for industrial or district heating applications, which is making it more
important to understand the near-field atmospheric dispersion behaviour of routine or
accidental radionuclide emissions. Traditional codes have known limitations in
predicting nearfield dispersion due to the heavy influence of the size and nature of the
built-up features as well as the topology of the near-field area. This work addresses
these limitations and complements existing practices by using high-fidelity
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for a realistic assessment of near-field
radionuclide dispersion on a complex site. The terrain and building geometries of the
chosen site are reconstructed from detailed aerial scans. The CFD results are compared
to those from RASCAL, a consequence analysis code which uses simplified Gaussian
dispersion models and empirical parametrizations of building wake effects to calculate
near-field dispersion. Finally, a discussion on the use of these two approaches, both
individually and complementarily, for calculating radiological consequences of
postulated SMR accidents is presented.
Release-Category-Based Emergency Planning Zone
Calculation Applied to a Light-Water Small Modular Reactor

Speaker: A. Guglielmelli [1]

Primary Authors: Juan Carlos De La Rosa Blul [2]; Antonio Guglielmelli [2]

[1] TBC; [2] European Commission Joint Research Centre

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 9: Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs (C.9)

INDICO Abstract ID: 357


Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) are areas around a nuclear or radiological facility
where arrangements to protect the public in case of nuclear emergency are planned.
This paper presents and discusses the calculation of EPZ distances based on a novel
approach for the analytical identification and classification of the source term for
accidents with total or partial fuel damage. This approach is deterministic in so far as it
starts with the postulation of a set of Plant Damage States (PDSs, rather than frequency-
based). This approach is complemented by a methodological application for the
analysis of the accident progression based on the facility response assessment, similar
to the logic behind Containment Event Trees. Such extension to the deterministic
postulation of PDSs stems from the recognition that deterministic approaches may lead
to incompleteness in the selection of accident scenarios due to strongly relying on
expert judgement. The case study applies to a 300 MWe integral Pressurized Water
Reactor SMR, which is one of the two selected designs by the European-Union-funded
SASPAM-SA project.
Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs

Recommendations for Design-Stage Safety and Security

Probabilistic Risk Assessment Co-Development

Speaker: A. Huning

Primary Authors: Alexander Huning [1]; Steve Reed [1]

[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 59


As many advanced and small modular reactor developers are entering the licensing
process and looking to expand their commercial offerings internationally, nuclear
security is a critical but often overlooked element as part of the design process.
Probabilistic risk assessments are being used to support risk-informed safety
assessments but have not gained significant awareness as highly effective multi-
purpose tools for a broad range of nuclear security applications. Designing a plant
protection system, and other barriers which may serve a security function, after a
conceptual or basic design phase may lead to higher total security costs and/or
redesign of other buildings, structures, system placements or components. This
motivates for a “security-by-design” approach. Probabilistic risk assessments can aid in
this approach by supporting the identification and quantifying the risk importance of
various target sets and assessing the impact or consequences of security scenarios
which will lead to an improved protection strategy that adequately addresses the risks
due to all design basis threats. However, there are many fundamental differences
between a probabilistic risk assessment used for safety and used for security events
(i.e., sabotage events). When these differences are identified and included in the
development processes, a safety and security probabilistic risk assessment can be
effectively constructed in tandem without significantly more burden placed on the
design and analysis teams. Using traditional probabilistic risk assessment elements as a
guide, this paper will provide technical recommendations for the integration of security
and plant protection features into a safety probabilistic risk assessment, which can be
easily turned on or off depending on the application. The goal is to create an effective
and integrated safety and security probabilistic risk assessment model without having
separate models leading to version control and consistency problems to which design
phase risk assessments are vulnerable.
Researching floating nuclear reactors from a 3S perspective

Speaker: S. Grape

Primary Author: Sophie Grape [1]

Co-Authors: Erik Branger [1]; Henrik Josefsson [1]; Vaibhav Mishra [1]; Debora Trombetta

[1] Uppsala University; [2] KTH

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 133


Recently, an interdisciplinary research project on floating nuclear reactors was initiated.

The overall goal of the project is to perform research related to the safety, safeguards
and security of such systems, and to support Safeguards and Security by Design. The
project, which will run for 3.5 years, will investigate challenges associated with
equipping ships with nuclear reactors. Such challenges could be a concern for e.g.,
nuclear infrastructure and transports of nuclear material, technical research on different
reactor concept and their intended operation; and research related to legal and
regulatory issues associated with the ownership/licensing, operation and maintenance
of the ships and reactors. The project is divided into three phrases. The first phase
includes an overview of floating reactor concepts, identification of common challenges,
assessments of to what extent existing safeguards and security practices can be
applied, and the identification of gaps for further research. In the second phase,
proliferation resistance studies and nuclear material assessments will be performed,
together with research on the legal frameworks. In the third phase, recommendations on
regulatory pathways for ship-based reactors will be presented, together with
suggestions concerning physical protection and the verification of nuclear material for
safeguards purposes. In this paper we will describe the project in more detail, and
elaborate on results from the first months of execution.
Title: 3Ss Approach for advanced SMRs designs in Belgium

Speaker: I. Sanda

Primary Authors: Irina Sanda [1]; Fernand Vermeersch [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 143


An integrated approach to the implementation of safety, security and safeguards (3Ss)

by design is an important concept for the new and advanced reactor designs, and it is
essential for an SMR, at an early design stage, in order to optimize its size and
performance. SCK CEN is starting, together with partners, a SMR-LFR project, looking at
constructing a demonstrator for the lead cooled technology. In Belgium, the law
stipulates that : “The operator of a class I establishment is required to apply the
obligations imposed on it by regulations in the areas of “Safety, Security and
Safeguards” in a coordinated, consistent, effective and efficient way, in the field, while
taking into account the different interfaces.” The paper will focus on the approach to 3Ss
by design, at an early stage of the reactor design, in order to optimize the
implementation of requirements and properly address all the interfaces, including
aspects related to radiation protection of the worker, the public and the environment. An
important focus will be put on the management of 3Ss in design and normal operation,
as the first lines of defense against initiating events, hazards and threats.
Approaches for Comprehensive Safety and Digital Risk
Management for Advanced Nuclear Technology and Small
Modular Reactors

Speaker: J. Mahanes

Primary Authors: Robert Anderson [1]; Mitchell Hewes [2]; Joseph Mahanes; Michael St.

[1] Idaho National Laboratory; [2] IAEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 154


Small Modular Reactor designs are likely to rely on complex digital technology novel to
nuclear industry applications while also leveraging passive systems and safety design
simplification. The result of current approaches may lead to a safety-driven system
design that lacks demonstrated robustness in the event of cyber-attacks against its
digital equipment. Information and computer security should be an integral part of
engineering and operational processes. Current safety and security thinking does not
encourage sufficient interaction. Teams are often separate and management structures
reinforce this separation. This paper provides a case for cybersecurity related safety and
security requirements to be considered together throughout design, licensing, and
operation. Safety envelope boundaries may be expressed using many variables and
suitably defined system theoretic models can be used to alert whether due to faults,
failures or malicious action. This provides a unifying “top down” framework for digital
systems safety and and approaches supporting and implementing safety and security
requirements. This paper will identify existing work supporting this closer
safety/cybersecurity relationship. However, new tools, techniques, and ways of working
need developing to enable SMR designers, regulators and operators to employ complex
digital technology in a way that remains both safe and secure.
Identifying sabotage risks and adversarial Threats to passive
Decay heat removal systems in advanced nuclear reactors

Speaker: D. Lisowski

Primary Authors: Matthew Bucknor [1]; Scott Ferrara [2]; David Grabaskas [1]; Alex
Hunning [3]; Darius Lisowski [1]; Douglas Osborn [4]; Curtis Smith [2]

[1] Argonne National Laboratory; [2] Idaho National Laboratory; [3] Oak Ridge National
Laboratory; [4] Sandia National Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 212


Advanced reactors, including aSMR, GenIV, etc. aim to enhance reliability by

incorporating passive safety systems into their plant design. These systems leverage
passive methods to provide a high level of reliability for removing decay heat from the
reactor core to achieve safe shutdown conditions or other safety functions. Since these
systems in some advanced reactor design could provide an ultimate heat sink for the
decay power, they serve a critical safety function. Given these systems reliance on
passive methods, they may present novel security risk and unique vulnerabilities to
radiological sabotage by insider threats and external adversarial attacks. Historically,
evaluation of acts of indirect sabotage focused on primary threats to active system
disruption or seizure, while considerations for passive systems (if present), were
secondary. Thus, at the current time there is limited existing literature on the threats
unique to passive systems. This paper presents a status and summary of an on-going
project tasked with identifying the envelope of possible security threats to passive decay
heat removal systems in advanced reactors. The project will determine which threats are
most credible and realistic, assess these threats for their potential consequences on
reactor safety, and establish recommendations to addressing the identified security
concerns. Included in this paper is a narrative of the approach and methodologies to
support threat determinations by reactor developers and other stakeholders. Results and
findings by the project will be documented separately in a full report once the overall
project is completed later this year, and issued to allow broad dissemination of the
knowledge gained.
A Path Toward Leveraging the Benefits of Safety, Security,
and (International) Safeguards (3S) for Advanced & Small
Modular Reactors(A/SMRs): Summary of the Institute of
Nuclear Materials Management’s Workshop on Advanced
Reactor 3S

Speaker: A. Williams

Primary Author: Adam Williams [1]

Co-Authors: Tina Hernandez [2]; Kimberly Lawrence [2]; Mark Schanfein [3]

[1] Sandia National Laboratories; [2] Institute of Nuclear Materials Management; [3] Idaho
National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 215


Efforts to improve knowledge and application of interfaces between safety, security, and
(international) safeguards—the so-called 3S—are important for advanced and small
modular reactors (A/SMR). Having been addressed across technical meetings and
professional conferences, the nuclear materials management professional community is
seeking to leverage the anticipated benefits of 3S. To continue this discussion, in
February 2024 the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) convened the
Advanced Reactor 3S workshop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The workshop welcomed
over 70 safety, security, and safeguards professionals from government, academia, and
industry. Participants heard from over 20 expert speakers, as well as discussed potential
3S engineered solutions and “by-design” concepts to address interfaces. The two-day
workshop brought together the experience of the INMM community to describe the
current state-of-the-art—and investigate potential future solution—of 3S for A/SMRs.
Workshop participants also provided insights into how effectively the INMM supports
current 3S efforts, where 3S gaps, challenges, and needs exist, and recommendations on
what INMM should do to support future 3S efforts. This paper synthesizes the 3S-related
thoughts, concerns, key needs, and opportunities identified by the INMM community—
and offers potential pathways for A/SMRs to leverage the benefits of 3S interfaces.
(SAND2024-02314A. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract
Consideration of a Regulatory Framework for Safeguards in

Speaker: S. Jeong

Primary Authors: Seung Ho Ahn [1]; Chul Heo [2]; Seungho Jeong [2]; Seungmin Lee
(kinac) [3]; Hosik Yoo [4]

[1] Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control; [2] KINAC; [3] KINAC(Korea
institute of nuclear non proliferation and control); [4] KOREA ONSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 217


This study proposes a legal framework to integrate Safeguards by Design (SBD)

principles from the design phase of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), addressing the gap
in current practices where safeguards are not considered early in the design and
construction phases. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) encourages early
cooperation among designers, operators, regulators, and itself to include detailed
nuclear facility information from the beginning of the design phase. However, the
existing process only mandates the submission of a preliminary Design Information
Questionnaire (DIQ) seven months before construction, with a final DIQ submitted seven
months before nuclear material arrival, missing early SBD adoption. The current legal
foundation and licensing process, based on the Nuclear Safety Act, outlines construction
and operation permit requirements but lacks integration of safeguards in the early
stages. The study suggests amending the Nuclear Safety Act to include safeguards-
related documentation in the licensing process, thereby facilitating SBD implementation.
This includes expanding the Material Accounting Regulation for Nuclear Facilities
(MARN) content to support SBD practices effectively. Additionally, utilizing subsidiary
documents and the Regulation on the Report of International Strategic Materials (RISM)
could enforce SBD principles by requiring the submission of design information at each
construction stage. This approach requires proactive collaboration from licensees and a
regulatory framework that includes specific penalties for non-compliance with design
change disclosures. The study concludes that incorporating safeguards into the
licensing process through legislative amendments or by leveraging existing regulations
could ensure SBD implementation from the initial design phase, emphasizing the need
for close collaboration among all stakeholders to overcome current challenges in
safeguard integration.
Safety and Security of SMRs in marine applications and the
Applicability of IAEA’s Safety Standards

Speaker: W.s. Edwards

Primary Author: Scott Edwards [1]

Co-Authors: Ioannis Kourasis [1]; Mamdouh El-shanawany [1]

[1] Core Power

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 234


Nuclear reactors have a longstanding history of safe operation at sea, with

approximately 12,000 reactor years of experience, underscoring their exceptionally high
safety standards. This track record suggests that Floating Nuclear Power Plants
(FNPPs) are capable of conforming to current international safety and environmental
codes and requirements. Nonetheless, the unique challenges and site-specific risks
posed by the marine environment, such as sea state conditions and the possibility of
sinking or capsizing, necessitate careful consideration and analysis. The paper
examines the applicability of IAEA’s Safety Assessment, Design and Security
Requirements to Floating Reactors. The IAEA Safety and Security Standards, which
represent international consensus on best international practices to achieve a high level
of safety and security, will be used in assessing the safety and security of SMR designs
for FNPPs.
Achieving resilience through the preservation of functions -
safety and security working together

Speakers: M. St. John-green; M. Hewes [1]

Primary Author: Michael Stjohn-green [2]

Co-Author: Mitchell Hewes [3]

[1] TBC; [2] Mr; [3] IAEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 238


Advanced nuclear reactors, including Small Modular Reactors, promise enhanced safety
and efficiency by harnessing complex digital technologies. However, these innovations
also introduce risk management challenges regarding the computer security
vulnerability of complex digital components to malicious action, faults and failure .
Current nuclear industry approaches to safety and security operate with system-centric
views, focusing on individual system robustness and redundancy. This approach
overlooks functional interdependencies, resulting in a less efficient and resilient
approach and potentially causing gaps in understanding and addressing threats and
vulnerabilities. This paper advocates a paradigm shift towards unified risk management
where safety, security, and operational integrity are complementary aspects of achieving
resilience through the preservation of functions. Although applying such a model poses
analytical and complexity challenges, it provides a path towards more resilient nuclear
infrastructure. Recognising that safety and security fundamentally aim to uphold
functional integrity facilitates collaboration between these domains. With the
development of advanced nuclear reactors, the industry has a rare opportunity to
develop new tools, techniques and working methods that foster cross-domain
partnerships from the design phase onward. Ultimately, this integrated perspective on
technological and organisational risk management will enable nuclear designers,
regulators and operators to leverage the benefits of new and complex digital systems
while ensuring robust safety and security.

Speaker: D. Kovacic

Primary Author: Donald Kovacic [1]

Co-Authors: Giacomo G.m. Cojazzi [2]; Guido Renda [3]

[1] ORNL; [2] Europan Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium
Elements; [3] European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium
Elements, Nuclear Security Unit

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 248


What is the meaning of risk as it applies to the design of advanced reactors in the
disciplines of safety, security, and safeguards? How can we find common terminology
for the concept of risk and how can we find synergies between these disciplines? These
are important questions that should be explored in order that they may be applied in an
integrated manner for the most effective and efficient design approaches. Eliminating or
minimizing risks is a key design driver that motivates and informs the development of
nuclear reactors. For safety, risk is well understood and applied in Probabilistic Risk
Assessments. For security, the risk-based concepts of vulnerability assessments and
vital areas are all considered in designing security systems. For safeguards, the concept
of risk is not formally defined, as it relates to the design and operation of nuclear
reactors. International nuclear safeguards seeks to reduce the risk of proliferation in the
nuclear fuel cycle and as such the concept of risk does exist. Therefore, the current
understanding of the “3S’ approach, which seeks to find the synergies and conflicts
between safety, security, and safeguards requires a thorough understanding of the role
that the reduction of risk plays in all three disciplines. The intersection of risk for safety
and security is now being developed as there is a strong correlation between reactor
design and operations and their vulnerability to sabotage. The intersection of risk for
security and safeguards has to date chiefly been focused on the nuclear material control
and accounting systems, which are relied on by both the operator (State) and the IAEA.
This paper explores the concept of risk in each of the three disciplines, how they interact,
potential conflicts and synergies, how these might be addressed and leveraged, and a
notional framework for how this could be achieved.
Safety, Security, and Safeguards (3S) Interface Identification
and Characterisation in Generation IV Advanced Modular
Reactors: A Generation IV International Forum Case Study

Speaker: L. Ammirabile [1]

Primary Authors: Luca Ammirabile [2]; Lap-yan Cheng [3]; Christopher Chwasz [4];
Benjamin Cipiti [5]; Giacomo G.m. Cojazzi [6]; Bryan Van Der Ende [7]; David Hummel [7];
Guido Renda [2]; Ryan Stewart [4]

[1] TBC; [2] European Commission Joint Research Centre; [3] Brookhaven National
Laboratory; [4] Idaho National Laboratory; [5] Sandia National Laboratories; [6] Retired; [7]
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 288


The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is a co-operative international endeavour

that was set up to facilitate the research and development (R&D) needed to establish the
feasibility and performance of the next generation (Gen-IV) nuclear energy systems,
establishing their performance goals and exploring technical feasibilities and designs,
with the objective of making them available for industrial deployment by 2030s. Gen-IV
reactor technologies will have to excel in four main areas: safety, economics,
sustainability, proliferation resistance and physical protection. With the development of
Gen-IV advanced modular reactor (AMR) designs, the GIF Proliferation Resistance and
Physical Protection Working Group (PRPPWG), the GIF Risk and Safety Working Group
(RSWG) and the GIF Very High Temperature Reactor System Steering Committee (VHTR
SSC) are performing a bottom-up 3S (safety, security, and safeguards) exercise on a
notional pebble-bed VHTR modular reactor. The objective of the exercise is to identify
and characterize 2S and 3S interfaces on the reference system, and to abstract some
technology neutral guidelines for 2S/3S interfaces identification and characterization.
This paper will summarize the progress and experience emerging from this activity,
together with some high-level findings and considerations.
Safeguards by Design process of LDR-50 concept with
consideration of safety and security

Speaker: T. Honkamaa

Primary Author: Tapani Honkamaa [1]

Co-Authors: Paula Karhu [1]; Olli Okko [1]; Ville Peri [1]; Marko Hänäläinen [1]; Jaakko
Leppänen [2]

[1] STUK; [2] VTT

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 354


Finnish LDR-50 is an SMR concept designed for district heating production. This paper
examines the important integration of Safeguards by Design (SBD) principles within the
development and deployment of LDR-50 design to ensure effective and cost-efficient
implementation of nuclear safeguards. SBD process and relevant considerations related
to 3S interfaces will be discussed. The concept of SBD involves integrating safeguards
considerations into the design phase of nuclear facilities. While traditional large-scale
nuclear reactors have well-established safeguards concepts, the unique characteristics
of SMRs necessitate tailored approaches to address safeguards challenges effectively.
A specific challenge is cost-efficiency from the perspective of both the IAEA safeguards
and the nuclear operator. Key topics to be discussed in the paper include: • Design
Integration: Examining strategies for seamlessly integrating safeguards measures into
the security and safety processes of SMRs, considering operational flexibility. •
Technological Solutions: Assessing the development of advanced technologies, such as
remote operation and monitoring, to assist in achieving the objectives of SBD.
Additionally, the reactor and its fuel handling processes should be designed with
safeguards in mind, to avoid costly problems during construction, commissioning, and
operation phases. • Regulatory Frameworks: Analyzing active role of regulatory body in
Finland (STUK) in promoting SBD for LDR-50 design and developing new regulatory
framework aiming at efficient implementation of safeguards in SMRs together with
safety and security. • International Collaboration: Highlighting the importance of
international cooperation and knowledge-sharing initiatives to facilitate the adoption of
SBD practices.
Applying 3S Lessons: Using Safety Concepts to Develop
"Risk-Informed Safeguards" for Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: C. Faucett

Primary Author: Chris Faucett [1]

Co-Author: Adam Williams [1]

[1] Sandia National Laboratories

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 365


A challenge in integrating security/safety/safeguards (3S) is how to communicate risks

given the vastly different technical competencies among subject matter experts in each
domain. Similar to conceptual parallels between safety and security (i.e., similar
perception of consequences and owner/operator responsibilities), safeguards could
benefit by leveraging alternative models to better communicate risk. More specifically,
developing clearer descriptions of the potential for incredible high consequence events
related to safeguards (including the importance of safeguards-by-design) could help
support the responsible development of advanced/small modular reactors. To this end,
this paper introduces an alternate perspective that borrows concepts from nuclear
safety to better communicate risks in the safeguards domains. Recently, the safety
concept of risk significance (defined as a level of risk exceeding a predetermined
threshold) and organizational gradients was used to develop a conceptual “insider risk
significance” framework for multi-insider threats. Using key similarities between State-
level diversion and subnational theft, this paper conceptualizes a similar “safeguards
risk significance” framework for better characterizing safeguards risks for SMR
deployment. While still conceptual, a "risk-significant" model could help inform and
optimize efforts to improve safeguards efforts aligned with future needs of A/SMR
deployment. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-
Implementation of 3S by INPRO

Speaker: C. Scherer

Primary Author: Nilormi Das [1]

Co-Author: Carolynn Scherer [2]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 386


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) integrates activities in safety, security,
and safeguards (3S) and promotes the concept of 3S by design. The IAEA objectifies to
harmonize the 3S interfaces in an integrated manner to avoid compromise of any one
realm over the others. The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel
Cycles (INPRO), a key programme of the IAEA, assesses innovative reactors and fuel
cycles for sustainability. In alliance with 3S, INPRO incorporates 3S concept through
three of the six assessment areas: safety, security through the infrastructure
assessment area, and safeguards through the proliferation resistance assessment area.
In the past several years INPRO initiated collaborative projects to assess the
sustainability of (small modular reactors) SMRs. The INPRO methodology is being
applied for successful and sustainable development and deployment of SMRs meeting
the global energy needs. The INPRO assessment identifies areas where criteria are not
fulfilled, and designers need to redesign to satisfy that the SMR is sustainable. Often
with innovative systems the assessment can identify gaps that need to be addressed
through research and development (R&D). INPRO activities supports the IAEA’s 3s in a
holistic manner for sustainable deployment of SMRs.
Reactor Designer Lessons Learned on the Approach to
Safeguards by Design for Small Modular Reactors;
Opportunities and Challenges

Speaker: J. Bredenkamp

Primary Authors: Jo Anna Bredenkamp [1]; Isaac Caretti [1]; Nancy Closky [1]; Emily Hunt
[1]; Jessica Levy [1]

[1] Westinghouse

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 412


The practical implementation of safeguards by design (SBD) in first-of-a-kind small

modular reactors presents a challenge to reactor designers because regulations and
policies are silent on safeguards measures, or if at all, specified during deployment
rather than during the design phase. Detailed requirements for domestic and IAEA
safeguards systems depend upon site, design, and country specific factors, however,
there is a need to standardize the applicable safeguards systems for all cases within the
standard design to reduce schedule, clearly define scope, and minimize budget risk. SBD
implementation for SMRs is especially challenging because existing tools and
methodologies applied to previous reactor designs do not meet the needs of new
reactor designs due to various design enhancements including smaller overall site
footprints and new nuclear fuel types. The application of safeguards technology and
processes provides an opportunity to implement the SBD as a more proactive stance
during the overall plant design and layout. The detailed requirements for safeguards
system depend upon site, the reactor design, and country-specific factors; however,
there is a desire in the industry to make a standard physical safeguards system
applicable for standard reactor designs. Despite support for industry incorporating SBD,
policies, procedures, State-specific laws, and regulations do not provide a clear or
consistent pathway for vendor and designer interactions for early safeguards
implementation. There are many hurdles regarding direct communication and
partnership with the IAEA and their delegates in the deployment of safeguards, including
requirements to work through owners, countries, and regulators. By proactively
incorporating the reactor designer and vendors into this process early, SBD can
streamline the implementation of nuclear safeguards systems throughout design,
construction, and operation, reducing the overall cost of safeguards programs. The
challenges of timing and managing budget and schedule risk can only be addressed by
inclusion of new partners in the implementation of safeguards and to achieve the
objective of SBD of the new fleet of nuclear reactors.

Speaker: M. Koppe

Primary Authors: Rã©gine Gaucher; Mélissa Koppe Regamoundjou; Thomas Languin [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 10: Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces related to SMRs (C.10)

INDICO Abstract ID: 431


The French nuclear regulatory framework comprises three distinct areas: Safety,
Security and Safeguards, each of which is overseen by different regulatory bodies. The
coordination among these authorities is crucial, with regular meetings held to facilitate
information exchange. This paper will present the current experience with this
coordination between the Nuclear Security Authority and the other two authorities.
Among other things, it will address the following issues: - Major safety enhancements
incorporated in the design of these SMRs may not be relevant to nuclear security; - As a
consequence, synergies between safety and security for SMRs could have limited
potential compared to normal reactors, as malicious attacks could have the potential to
destroy a more important part of the reactor at once; - The cost of nuclear security could
be proportionately higher and perhaps similar to the cost of safety, whereas for normal
reactors it is often significantly lower.
Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer
Security (C.11)

Transitioning Regulatory Oversight: Moving from Prescriptive

to Performance-Based Approach for Addressing Security
Challenges in Indian SMRs

Speaker: K. Ghoshal

Primary Authors: Kaushik Ghoshal (department Of Atomic Energy; Government Of India;

Csm Marg, Mumbai 400001; India); Anek Kumar [1]; Garima Sharma (department Of
Atomic Energy; India)

[1] Department of Atomic Energy, India

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 176


Abstracts: The deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) holds significant promise
for India's energy security and sustainability goals. However, the unique security
challenges due to their modularity, potential deployment in urban locations, and evolving
design characteristics pose unique security challenges. The existing prescriptive based
regulatory requirements (nuclear security), tailored for conventional reactors, might not
adequately address these SMR-specific security concerns. Therefore, it is imperative to
conduct a thorough evaluation of existing nuclear security requirements to ensure they
effectively address these concerns and facilitate compliance. This abstract presents a
study aimed at evaluating the adequacy of India's nuclear security requirements in
addressing security challenges associated with SMR deployment and proposes
recommendations for enhancing regulatory oversight and compliance. The study
employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative analysis of nuclear security
requirements documents and guidelines with stakeholder’s expectation and expert
consultations. The analysis focuses on key aspects of India's regulatory requirements,
including licensing requirements, security standards, emergency preparedness, and
regulatory enforcement mechanisms. Additionally, international best practices are
reviewed to benchmark India's regulatory approach against global standards.

Speaker: S. Marogulov

Primary Authors: Ruslan Baychurin [1]; Sergei Marogulov [1]

[1] Russian Federation, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 187


The responsibility for establishing its own physical protection regime of nuclear material
and nuclear facilities rests entirely with the State. As with other nuclear facilities, any
type of small modular reactors requires implementation of physical protection
measures. The establishment of a physical protection system for small modular
reactors should be based on the fundamental principles and categorization of nuclear
material defined by the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and
Nuclear Facilities. Based on the category of nuclear material used, the physical
protection system of a specific atomic energy facility is being established. New
technologies of small modular reactors have a number of differences, including their
compactness, mobility and the ability to be located in remote regions. The
compactification of nuclear technologies implemented in small modular reactors should
not mean an automatic and proportional reduction in the amount of funds and resources
required to ensure their physical protection (such as the installation of engineered
features, hiring and training of physical protection personnel, the cost of maintaining an
effective physical protection system). General approaches to and possible challenges
for maintaining physical protection of small modular reactors will be set forth in the
Development of a Robust Framework for Security
Assessment of Safety-Informed Siting Decisions under

Speaker: A. Adeniyi

Primary Author: Abiodun Adeniyi [1]

Co-Author: Olufemi Omitaomu [1]

[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 200


**Development of a Robust Framework for Security Assessment of Safety-Informed

Siting Decisions under Uncertainty** Abiodun Adeniyi a,b,*, Olufemi Omitaomu, PhD c a
Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge b
Energy Science and Engineering, Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville c
Computational Sciences and Engineering Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
*Corresponding Author: Abiodun Adeniyi, **ABSTRACT** *The
assessment of security vulnerabilities during the initial phase of locating a nuclear
reactor facility involves a process aimed at recognizing specific site attributes that could
expose the site to potential security risks. Early identification of such features is crucial
as they might increase the site's susceptibility to malicious attacks. Any security
incident or event could harm life, the environment, or property. Additionally, certain site
characteristics such as its location and the shortest route from the responders can
impact response to emergencies at the site. Features such as slope and extreme
weather events could influence the efficacy of implemented measures in reducing
security risks at the selected site. If an issue with a site's potential risk factor is
identified early, a more cost-efficient plan can be incorporated into the overall site
design. However, once a site is chosen and construction commences, any discovery of
natural or artificial features that render the site vulnerable to security threats could lead
to construction delays and additional expenses in designing and implementing
necessary security measures. This paper aims to emphasize the deficiencies in the
evaluation framework used to assess security risks at potential nuclear reactor sites
during the site selection phase. Our research underscores the necessity for establishing
a robust framework to assess security vulnerabilities in nuclear facility siting, aiming to
address these gaps effectively.* Keywords: site security, vulnerability assessment, siting,
nuclear threat, nuclear security, threat mitigation, OR-SAGE

Speaker: A. Malabirade

Primary Authors: Mélissa Koppe Regamoundjou; Thomas Languin [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 202


Security by design is of paramount importance for all nuclear facilities, but even more so
for SMRs. In fact, preliminary studies show that nuclear security could be one of the
main operating costs of SMRs. Security by design offers a unique opportunity to design
reactors that are more cost-effective and competitive. This paper will explain, based on
the French experience, why nuclear security should be better taken into account from the
beginning. While it is not possible to share confidential information in an international
conference, the historical example of the Opéra Garnier, one of the most famous
buildings in Paris, will be used to illustrate the concept of security by design. Who
remembers today that security was one of the concerns of this building? In fact, its
construction was decided after a bomb attack against Napoleon by Italian terrorists in
front of the Paris Opera. The principles applied to the Opéra Garnier are still relevant for
SMRs, including a global approach to the protection of the facility and the transportation
of nuclear materials, protection against stand-off attacks, and optimization of access to
reduce the insider threat.

Speaker: R. Gaucher

Primary Authors: Mélissa Koppe Regamoundjou; Thomas Languin [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 203


Following the launch of President Macron's 'France 2030' plan in February 2020, a dozen
SMR designers have contacted the Département de la sécurité nucléaire (DSN), the
French nuclear security authority, to seek regulatory support for implementing security
by design. SMR projects pose challenges for the DSN as the designers lack practical
knowledge of nuclear security and do not have access to classified information such as
the DBT. These projects are planned to be installed in great numbers in locations where
there are no nuclear facilities today and near populated areas. This represents a
complete paradigm shift from the current French nuclear location. The DSN had to adapt
and create a new process to support SMR designers. This paper will present the lessons
learned related to the challenges faced and how the DSN addressed them, including the
optimization of human resources, coordination with other competent authorities,
drafting a guidance on security by design for SMRs and a step-by-step approach for
technical dialogue on protected information, particularly for DBT.

Speaker: A. Evans

Primary Author: Collin Evans

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 216


Current small modular reactor (SMR) deployment use cases consider both rural and
urban deployments depending on the operational need and in-country needs for clean
and reliable sources of energy. Many studies have been conducted analyzing security in
more rural and remote deployment locations, but this study looks at the physical security
implications of an SMR placed in an urban environment and its uses for electricity
production, district heating, and process heating. SMRs used for electricity production,
district heating, and process heating may be key sources of both energy infrastructure
and commercial infrastructure within a city. Therefore, operators may consider further
security applications to protect an SMR plant from physical attacks against both
radiological sabotage and sabotage acts that could result in the SMR facility going down
for a significant amount of time. These long-term shutdowns of an SMR facility may
have a serious impact on the overall energy production or commercial production in a
country. In this study, the team will design and analyze a physical security system for
securing an urban SMR facility against acts of radiological sabotage and sabotage acts
that could disrupt the facility’s long-term operation. Additionally, this work will analyze
the nuanced security issues related to siting an SMR near an urban environment versus
in a rural environment. Finally, this work will include recommendations for physical
security for urban SMR facilities used for energy production, district heating, and
process heating.
Introduction of a cyberattack detection framework for safety
systems of NPPs

Speaker: T. Kim

Primary Author: Taejin Kim [1]

Co-Authors: Inhye Hahm [1]; Young-jun Lee [1]

[1] Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 226


As cyberattack becomes more complex and intelligent, an air-gapped computer or

network of nuclear power plants cannot guarantee 100% safety from cyberattacks. For
the Iranian nuclear facility in 2010, a malicious computer worm broke into the nuclear
program and disabled the key part although the target was located in the air-gapped
facility. In most small modular reactors(SMRs), the instrumentation and control(I&C)
systems are digitalized. They are designed to comply with codes and standards of
cybersecurity, but there are few detection systems for cyberattacks. Especially for safety
systems, no direct cyberattack detection system is applied because there is a big
concern about impacts of safety functions as new security system is introduced in the
I&C architecture. Thus, this study suggests a framework to detect cyberattacks in safety
systems without affecting direct safety functions based on the study of APR1400.
Research on Gaps in Domestic Regulatory Documentation
Based on Security Regulatory Cases of SMRs in Other

Speaker: S. Lee

Primary Author: Subong Lee [1]

Co-Authors: Kookheui Kwon [1]; Donghyuk Lim [1]; Sundo Choi [1]

[1] Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 239


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are defined as reactors of small to medium

size,producing up to 300 MW(e) (small-sized or small modular) or 300 to 700
MW(e)(medium-sized). More than 80 SMRs are under development worldwide, such as
the U.S., Canada, Russia, the U.K., China, and others. Under SMR development, nuclear
regulatory bodies in the U.S., U.K., and Canada have established close cooperation with
SMR developers and are proceeding with the review process. As an illustration, the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has initiated a rulemaking process referred to as
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 53 and Part 73.110, aimed at
suggesting a new regulatory framework for advanced reactors along with accompanying
regulatory guidance. During the pre-application reviews, the Design-Specific Review
Standard (DSRS) for NuScale Design has been developed to provide guidance to the
NRC technical staff for reviews not covered by the existing NRC standard review plan
(SRP). Currently, the Republic of Korea (ROK) is in the process of developing an
innovative Small Modular Reactor (i-SMR) capable of producing up to 170 MW(e). The
major milestones include finalizing the basic design and standard design by 2026 and
obtaining regulatory certification by 2028. Conducting a gap analysis between domestic
regulatory documents and international SMR security-related regulatory frameworks is
essential to prepare for the development of i-SMR. In this study, firstly, a review of
security regulatory documents applicable to i-SMR in the ROK is necessary. Secondly, an
analysis of regulatory documents developed and applied for SMR security abroad is
required. Then, this study derives a development strategy for security regulatory
documents through gap analysis between international and ROK security regulatory
cybersecurity matter for remote access of SMR

Speaker: S. Boulley, A. Benoit Rosario [1]

Primary Author: Olivier Dhenin [2]

Co-Authors: Abel Benoit Rosario [3]; Olivier Fichot [2]

[1] TBC; [2] IRSN; [3] Ministry in charge of nuclear security

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 249


Remote operation is a crucial aspect of the business model for some Small Modular
Reactor (SMR) operators, encompassing Physical Protection Systems (PPS) and I&C
systems. However, the reliance on digital technologies raises viability concerns related
to the growing potential for cyber attacks. This paper presents a study on cyber security
issues of remote communication and identifies technical vulnerabilities related to
potential unmanned teleoperated SMR plants. It proposes a new implementation that
complies with the defense in depth principle highlighted in NSS 17 that relies on nested
VPN tunnels for both PPS and I&C operation. This approach is compared with other
possible implementations, addressing their advantages and drawbacks. The study also
examines some of the implementable solutions in terms of encryption algorithms to
consider the whole lifecycle of SMR operations. The document proposes generic
recommendations for telecommunication hardware to take account of diversity and
segmentation of usage principles. This study also analyses the French regulatory
framework in order to identify the potential adaptations required for the development of
such systems.
Incorporating International Considerations into Systems
Engineering and Regulatory Lifecycle-Based Framework for

Speaker: A. Williams

Primary Author: Adam Williams [1]

Co-Authors: Alan Evans; Katherine Holt [2]; Steven Horowitz [1]

[1] Sandia National Laboratories; [2] National Nuclear Security Administration

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 253


The popularity of advanced and small modular reactors (A/SMR) is driving “security-by-
design” (SeBD) efforts. Current approaches range from applying traditional protection
strategies “early in the design lifecycle” to seeking “intrinsic security…as an integral part
of the organization” to making “security…[a] part of the facility lifestyle.” Yet,
international A/SMR considerations highlight an opportunity to recharacterize SeBD
options. In response, the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Office
of International Nuclear Security (INS) and Sandia National Laboratories have developed
a systems engineering and regulatory lifecycle-based framework for SeBD. This
framework has two goals. First, it identifies opportunities that exist for achieving
security goals at each A/SMR lifecycle stage. Second, it categorizes those SeBD options
related to which stakeholder (including the designer or utility) might have primary
responsibility. Consider, for example, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s safety
guide SSG-20. If SSG-20 is considered part of an engineering and lifecycle model of
A/SMR development, then this SeBD approach should identify opportunities to claim
credit for security performance that align with safety and operations-relevant A/SMR
decisions described in SSG-20. This paper will use demonstration cases to describe this
framework, as well as offer lessons insights for incorporating SeBD in—and improving
security for—A/SMRs. (SAND2024-02355A. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS
under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525)
Developing Regulatory Frameworks for A/SMRs: Security by
Design and Other Regulatory Considerations

Speaker: P. Eftekhari

Primary Author: Pegah Eftekhari

Co-Author: Madalina Man (pacific Northwest National Laboratory) [1]

[1] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 263


The diversity of advanced reactor and small modular reactor (A/SMR) designs,
combined with various modes of deployment and specific circumstances with respect to
a country’s threat assessment and design basis threat (DBT) or representative threat
statement (RTS), raise new regulatory challenges and the need to adapt existing
legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security to account for the
particularities of future A/SMR deployments. Establishing robust Security by Design
(SeBD) regulatory requirements is essential for regulators and future operators to
effectively address some of the potential security challenges posed by the future
deployment and operation of A/SMRs. This paper discusses some of the regulatory
challenges pertaining to the security of A/SMRs and embarks on a legal analysis of laws
and regulations that illustrate how some of these challenges may be addressed. Based
on open-source information, this paper analyzes legislative and regulatory provisions
that could be leveraged to support SeBD and other security considerations for A/SMRs
and identifies related references in IAEA nuclear security series publications. Based on
the results of this analysis, the paper discusses several regulatory provisions that
embarking and expanding countries may consider adding or enhancing in their
frameworks as they further develop or adapt existing regulatory documents to ensure
the secure deployment of future A/SMRs. Among other topics, the analysis will focus on
SeBD requirements and their consideration in the licensing process. (Released under
Study on Standard Design Review Areas for Security-by-
Design of SMR

Speaker: K. Kwon [1]

Primary Author: Kookheui Kwon [2]

Co-Authors: Donghyuk Lim [3]; Sundo Choi [3]; Subong Lee

[1] TBC; [2] Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control; [3] KINAC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 270


Nuclear security measures are required for nuclear power plants to prevent radiological
sabotage and unauthorized removal of nuclear materials. For this purpose, prevention,
detection, delay, and response security measures for physical protection and cyber
security are performed, and related systems are installed. As these security measures
and systems are related to the plant design and can affect plant safety and operations,
the IAEA Nuclear Security Series and Safety Standards require integrated consideration
from the plant design stage, as follows; - IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 13
(INFCIRC/225/Rev. 5) (Fundamental Principle E) For a new nuclear facility, the site
selection and design should take physical protection into account as early as possible
and also address the interface between physical protection, safety and NMAC to avoid
any conflicts and to ensure that all three elements support each other. -IAEA Safety
Standards No. SSR-2/1 (Rev.1) (Requirement 8) Safety measures, nuclear security
measures and NMAC for a nuclear power plant shall be designed and implemented in an
integrated manner so that they do not compromise one another. In particular, compared
to large nuclear power plants, SMRs have many novel aspects and limitations, which
may affect not only safety but also security. Therefore, it is essential to design SMR
holistically, by integrating physical security and cyber security, into an effective system.
As cyber threats evolve rapidly and the use of programmable digital systems increases,
integrated design of physical and cyber security is important to achieve robustness of
the SMR's security system. For these reasons, this paper will analyze physical protection
and cyber security areas that need to be reviewed from a security perspective for various
standard designs of SMRs and cover key references for review, interface with other
technical areas, documents required from vendors, and review criteria to consider.
Physical Protection Modeling and Simulation Tools to
Optimize Security for New Reactors

Speaker: R. Iyengar

Primary Author: Albert Tardiff [1]

[1] US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 294


In 2008, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a policy statement that
stressed the importance of considering safety and security requirements together in the
new reactor design process, so that security issues (e.g., newly identified threats of
terrorist attacks) can be effectively resolved through facility design and engineered
security features (Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 199, page 60612, dated October 14,
2008). Incorporating physical security into the designs of new nuclear facilities can
avoid future, costly retrofits. Numerous commercial- and government-developed
physical protection modeling and simulation (M&S) tools exist to help new reactor
designers and vendors design physical security elements into their new reactor facilities.
Those physical protection M&S tools can perform one or more of several functions
related to the design or evaluation of a physical protection program or protective
strategy, including facility characterization, adversary pathway analyses, combat
simulation, and physical security system effectiveness. The NRC is assessing the
appropriate uses of physical protection M&S tools for designing, validating, and
modifying physical protection programs and protective strategies associated with new
reactors for two primary purposes. First, the NRC wants its security staff to be prepared
to accurately review new reactor license applications, and conduct inspections at new
reactor sites, that may rely on physical protection programs or elements that have been
designed or modified using physical protection M&S tools. Second, the NRC intends to
incorporate lessons that it learns from the assessment into the guidance for industry
that it plans to issue within the next 2 years. A paper based on this abstract will describe
the details of the approach that the NRC staff is utilizing to form policy for the regulatory
oversight of physical protection M&S tools.
NRC Regulatory Efforts for Cybersecurity of Small Modular

Speaker: T. Rivera

Primary Author: Tammie Rivera [1]

Co-Author: Ismael Garcia [1]

[1] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 301


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, supported by cybersecurity experts from the
national laboratories, has proposed a technology-inclusive, performance-based, and risk-
informed cybersecurity regulatory framework for advanced reactor operators including
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). This regulatory framework aims to provide a process
that accounts for the differing risk levels within SMR technologies, while also providing
reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety, promoting the
common defense and security, and protecting the environment. A key outcome of the
regulatory framework is to provide an approach that would allow for the development
and implementation of a cybersecurity program to meet demands for protection against
the unacceptable consequences from a cyber-attack. The paper will discuss and analyze
some key assumptions and trends relevant to cybersecurity of SMRs. First, the NRC
expects SMRs to have increased reliance on digital systems, emerging technologies,
passive safety features, and other novel design features. Additionally, designers are
planning novel use cases, such as remote and autonomous operations, which demand
reassessment of the applicability of existing paradigms such as network isolation,
common in the existing power reactor fleet. Finally, harmonization of international
standards and approaches may support more sophisticated security concepts, including
security by design, customized control catalogs, and more performance-based
Machine Learning Solutions for Enhanced Security in Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs): A Comprehensive Approach

Speaker: G. Abdiyeva-aliyeva

Primary Author: Gunay Abdiyeva-aliyeva [1]

[1] Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 322


In the realm of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), ensuring robust security measures is
imperative to safeguard against potential threats to both physical infrastructure and
computer systems. This article presents a thorough investigation into machine learning
(ML) solutions to fortify security measures within SMRs. It begins with a detailed
analysis of the multifaceted security considerations, encompassing physical
infrastructure and cyber systems, essential for the safe operation of SMRs. Having
described the foundation of SMR, different ML algorithms are offered as a solution to
strengthen the security measures. Namely, anomaly detection algorithms, such as
Isolation Forest and tree-based classification algorithms, such as Random Forest, all
tailored for real-time monitoring and early detection of potential security breaches.
Clustering algorithms such as K-Means and DBSCAN are examined for their ability to
identify and analyze patterns within security incident data, aiding in the development of
targeted security protocols. By integrating these diverse ML solutions, this article
contributes to the advancement of security measures in SMRs, offering valuable insights
for practitioners and researchers involved in nuclear energy security and safety.
Insider Threat Security Considerations for Advanced and
Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: R. Peel

Primary Authors: Zenobia Homan [1]; Ross Peel [1]

[1] King's College London

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 381


The wide range of nuclear power plant technologies currently in design globally have a
range of unique characteristics that create novel security considerations compared to
large conventional nuclear power plants. Some of these characteristics create insider
threat considerations for nuclear security, where insiders are defined as individuals with
legitimate access to nuclear facilities and materials who use this access to carry out
sabotage or theft of nuclear material. These include a lack of mature security culture in
developer organisations, serial plant manufacturing in a production line environment,
plant siting in remote and isolated areas, minimised staff numbers, teleoperation of
plants by offsite staff, the increased reliance on digital instrumentation and control
systems, and the potential for greater involvement of foreign experts and third-party
suppliers, especially on short-term bases for, e.g, refuelling and maintenance. The paper
takes a technology agnostic approach to examine what these factors may mean for
insider threat risks and suggests that plant designers should be identifying and
minimising the opportunities of insiders to act throughout the engineering design
process. Doing so is anticipated to lead to much more effective insider threat mitigation
in deployed small and advanced reactors.
Nuclear Industry Views on the Security of Small Modular

Speaker: R. Peel

Primary Authors: Ronan Cavellec [1]; Nathan Paterson [1]; Ross Peel [2]

[1] World Nuclear Association; [2] King's College London

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 383


Small Modular Reactors (SMR) present a range of novel characteristics which have the
potential to create security considerations. These characteristics can be categorised
according to six areas: (1) Power Capacity and Modular Manufacture and Construction,
(2) Reduced Capital and Operating Costs, (3) Increasing Automation and Remote
Operations, (4) Advanced Reactors and Fuels, (5) Deployment and Siting Options, and (6)
Developer Business Models and Marketing Approaches. Prior work in this field has
identified a range of security considerations unique to novel advanced reactors and
SMRs. In order to build upon this, during March and April 2024, the World Nuclear
Association’s 65-member Nuclear Security Working Group was surveyed to collect views
on nuclear security considerations for SMR and other advanced nuclear power plant
designs. The Working Group’s members are distributed globally, with a wide range of
experiences and expertise in nuclear security. The paper will present and discuss the
results of this survey. A number of novel security considerations were identified by the
Working Group members, and these will be explored, with potential mitigation
approaches presented.
A review on Security in Small Modular Reactors and Micro
Nuclear Reactors

Speaker: J.c. Garcia

Primary Authors: Julia Garcia [1]; Elaine Aparecida Rodrigues [2]; Ricardo Vendramel [3];
Delvonei Alves De Andrade [4]

[1] Environmental Research Institute IPA; [2] Nuclear and Energy Research Institute IPEN-
CNEN | Environmental Research Institute IPA; [3] Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 11: Security of SMR: Physical Protection and Computer Security (C.11)

INDICO Abstract ID: 409


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) constitute an option for generating electricity and
processing heat from nuclear energy, with advantages over large-scale nuclear power
plants such as flexibility in location, improved safety, and reduced construction time.
SMRs can also be designed as microreactors, aiming at relatively low energy production
for industrial facilities, remote off-grid locations, military installations, and areas
recovering from natural disasters. Due to their reduced dimensions and the market trend
towards their large-scale use, additional security and proliferation aspects need to be
adequately evaluated. As physical security is a critical consideration for SMRs, due to
the protection of reactors, people, and the environment against a variety of potential
threats, the objective of this study is to analyze the existing literature, identifying
patterns, gaps, and trends to provide insights into the challenges and strategies related
to the physical security of these emerging technologies.
Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

Safeguards by Design and Advanced Reactors: Overcoming

the Catch-22 to Implementation

Speaker: N. Mayhew

Primary Author: Noah Mayhew [1]

[1] Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 10


Safeguards by design (SBD) is vital to ensuring “safeguardability” of novel, small

modular, and other advanced nuclear reactors and facility types, as well as maintaining
safeguards effectiveness and efficiency for such facilities. The IAEA encourages SBD
among facility designers and vendors, but it is not a requirement the IAEA can enforce
and instead the onus is on industry to deliver it. However, the practical application of
SBD is poorly understood for specific facility types and many advanced reactor
developers are new to safeguards and often unaware of safeguards requirements. The
few designers that do engage the IAEA often seek an IAEA’s “seal of approval” to make
designs more marketable, which the IAEA cannot give. However, the IAEA and national
governments are often constrained in their ability to conduct outreach to reactor
designers as this would be viewed as promoting one designer over another. This creates
a scenario where the IAEA looks to Member States and industry, Member States look to
industry and back to the IAEA, and industry often looks back to the IAEA, if at all. The
paper will describe this “Catch-22” in SBD implementation, describe some practical
implications of SBD, and suggest paths forward for effective implementation.
Integration of Small Modular Reactors in the Swedish
Nuclear Energy System: A Proliferation Resistance Study

Speaker: C. Olaru

Primary Author: Claudia Olaru [1]

Co-Authors: Erik Branger [1]; Sophie Grape [1]

[1] Uppsala University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 100


The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) has
developed a comprehensive methodology to assess the sustainability of nuclear energy
systems in terms of environmental impact, safety, proliferation resistance, waste
management, infrastructure, and economics. Within the framework of the newly-
established competence centre in Sweden entitled Academic-industrial Nuclear
technology Initiative to Achieve a sustainable energy future (ANItA), we apply this
methodology to explore the potential extension of the Swedish nuclear power
programme through the introduction of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). The analysis
takes into account several key factors, including reactor design, deployment units,
location, and mode of operation. Our primary focus is to evaluate the proliferation
resistance of the envisioned nuclear energy system from multiple perspectives. This
includes the non-proliferation legal framework applicable in Sweden, available nuclear
technology and materials, and implemented safeguards considerations in operating
procedures and SMR designs. Furthermore, we deliberate whether SMRs can still be
subject to safeguards approaches applied for large-scale reactors, and address
challenges associated with their future safeguards verification. Lastly, we explore
technical solutions and construct a set of recommended proliferation resistance
measures aimed at supporting designers, vendors, operators, and regulators in their
efforts to foster a sustainable and safe energy future.
Westinghouse Electric Company: Decarbonization of the
Electric Power Sector and the Challenges Facing Advanced
Reactors to incorporate Safety, Security and Safeguards

Speaker: I. Ezelarab [1]

Primary Author: Ibrahim Ezelarab [2]

Co-Authors: Thomas Grice [2]; Jo Anna Bredenkamp [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Westinghouse Electric Company

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 151


Reducing greenhouse emissions while expanding energy access for economic

development is an energy sector challenge requiring electrical power generation without
fossil fuels. The nuclear industry’s contribution can be enormous if the cost of new
nuclear plants can be minimized. However, novel technologies introduce inherent
financial, technical, and licensing challenges. System developers must understand the
safety, security and safeguards requirements, their interfaces, opportunities for
integration, and implementation challenges. Westinghouse Electric Company
(Westinghouse) is developing a corporate Safeguards by Design program for the eVinci™
Micro-Reactor, thus accepting risk into the reactor design process by addressing
requirements and costs traditionally borne by the facility operator and State and based
upon the facility location and final design. This fundamental change requires close and
meaningful interaction between State, regional, and international safeguards
stakeholders and industry. Shifting all, or part of this burden to the reactor designers,
without the customer and State identified will result in increased development and
production costs. While the economic costs and benefits of safeguards by design are
still unknown, the promise of overall cost savings and increased market access at the
deployment phase has tipped the incentives toward a safeguards by design program.
An overview of safeguard challenges and opportunities for
small modular reactors

Speaker: T. Aljuwaya

Primary Authors: Thaar Aljuwaya (nuclear Science Research Institute, King Abdulaziz
City For Science And Technology, P.o. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia [1]; [2]; [3]

Co-Author: Thaqal Alhuzaymi

[1] KACST; [2] A.A.A.; [3] A.S.A.

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 174


Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology is gaining momentum for its ability to provide
reliable, eco-friendly, and cost-efficient energy solutions. However, its adoption presents
distinct challenges and opportunities at the intersection of technological innovation and
regulatory considerations. This review explores key aspects, such as the nuanced
discussion of proliferation risk, challenges in safeguards implementation, resource
constraints, exploration of novel technologies and designs, and the necessary
adaptation of existing frameworks. SMRs pose challenges due to their inherent
characteristics, including potential concealability and intricate designs. The need to
tailor existing safeguards frameworks to accommodate these features adds complexity,
exacerbated by resource constraints hindering effective implementation. Despite these
challenges, SMR technology offers opportunities to enhance nuclear safeguards.
Proliferation-resistant fuel cycles, self-contained fuel designs, standardized reactor
designs, and remote monitoring technologies are avenues to fortify safeguards.
International cooperation is crucial in navigating SMR challenges and maximizing
benefits. Sharing best practices, collaborative technological advancements, and
exchanging critical information are essential for a cohesive global approach. Advanced
remote monitoring and data analytics become indispensable in this new era of
safeguards technology, overcoming resource constraints and facilitating the adaptation
of frameworks to novel SMR designs. In conclusion, while SMR technology introduces
challenges, it also presents avenues for substantial progress. Emphasizing opportunities
to enhance proliferation resistance, streamline implementation, and foster international
collaboration is vital. The global community's concerted efforts are essential for the
secure and responsible deployment of SMRs within the evolving future energy mix,
striking a strategic balance between technological advancements and rigorous
safeguards measures.
Nuclear safeguards assessments of molten salt reactor
spent fuel

Speaker: V. Mishra

Primary Author: Vaibhav Mishra [1]

Co-Authors: Erik Branger [1]; Zsolt Elter [1]; Sophie Grape [1]; Sorouche Mirmiran [2];
Debora Trombetta [3]

[1] Uppsala University; [2] Seaborg Technologies; [3] KTH

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 197


Molten salt reactors are a novel reactor design concept where the fuel is often used in a
molten form. These reactors are believed to be safer and more efficient than the
conventional light water reactors operating today. They also differ significantly in their
design and operation and pose unique safeguards challenges many of which remain to
be overcome. Some of these challenges arise from the fact that the safeguards
guidelines that exist today apply mainly to itemizable fuel whereas nuclear material from
these advanced reactors is usually in a molten matrix form. A deeper understanding of
these aspects applied to molten spent fuel is imperative to effectively implement
safeguards measures for these reactors. Traditional safeguards guidelines and
practices may not be directly applicable and could require significant changes,
something which motivates research on this topic. Over the last two years, under a
collaboration, researchers at Uppsala University have investigated nuclear safeguards-
related challenges of molten salt reactors using the Compact Molten Salt Reactor
developed by Seaborg Technologies as an example. The concept is envisioned to be an
alkali-fluoride fueled reactor that can be placed on a transportable floating barge
designed specially to house one or more units of this reactor. We present here results on
assessments of material attractiveness of molten salt fuel using a newly formulated
metric, the development of fuel isotopics datasets and implementation of machine
learning algorithms for the prediction of salt's burnup, enrichment, and cooling time. This
paper sheds some light on the research that has already been done and the ongoing and
future work planned for floating type molten salt reactors in general.
Systematic proliferation resistance analysis of Small
Modular Reactor designs

Speaker: R. Rossa

Primary Authors: Alessandro Borella [1]; Damien Gerard [2]; Greet Maenhout [3]; Riccardo
Rossa [1]; Matthias Vanderhaegen [4]; Klaas Van Der Meer [5]

[1] SCK-CEN; [2] ENGIE group; [3] Ghent University; [4] Federal Agency Nuclear
Control/University of Ghent; [5] SCK.CEN

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 198


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are defined by the IAEA as nuclear reactors with a
power capacity up to 300 MW(e). More than 80 SMRs designs have been proposed by
different vendors and the IAEA Advanced Reactors Information System (ARIS) database
contains information about 49 SMRs designs. Starting from the ARIS database, we
conducted a systematic proliferation resistance analysis of a set of SMRs designs using
the Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) methodology. Only SMRs
with a detailed design were considered for the analysis to ensure that enough
safeguards-relevant information is available. Each selected SMR design was evaluated
with the PR&PP methodology in terms of proliferation technical difficulty, cost, time,
material type, and detection resource efficiency. In addition, a comparison between SMR
designs and current light water power reactors was made in term of safeguards
inspection effort. The PR&PP analysis showed that most of the SMR designs achieve a
proliferation resistance similar to current light water power reactors, although some
points of attention emerge for some technology.
Safeguards by design: preparing for Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: J. Whitlock

Primary Authors: Jae-sung Lee [1]; Traci Newton [1]; Jeremy Whitlock [1]

[1] IAEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 300


Safeguards are a set of technical measures applied by the IAEA on nuclear material and
activities, through which the IAEA seeks to independently verify that nuclear facilities are
not misused, and nuclear material not diverted from peaceful uses. States accept these
measures through the conclusion of safeguards agreements with the IAEA, applicable
for most States to all nuclear source or special fissionable material in all peaceful
nuclear activities within the State’s territory, under its jurisdiction, or carried out under its
control anywhere. The IAEA’s capability to implement safeguards on new nuclear
technology must be ready before the technology is deployed. The innovative and
evolutionary technologies proposed in several small modular reactor (SMR) designs will
introduce unique safeguards challenges. This suggests the need for early awareness of
the technology design, requiring direct engagement with design companies – a
challenging prospect given the IAEA’s limited resources and the number and variety of
SMR designs in development. The process of early consideration of safeguards in the
design process is known as safeguards by design (SBD). SBD can not only avoid costly
retrofitting of safeguards equipment or modified facility features after construction, but
also potentially improve the efficiency of safeguards implementation throughout the life
of a facility, thus reducing the burden on all stakeholders (operator, State authorities,
IAEA). To manage the SBD process with SMRs, the IAEA has initiated tasks with several
Member State Support Programmes that allow direct engagement with SMR design
companies, with the goal of facilitating timely deployment and efficient safeguards
implementation during operation. The paper will summarize the status of this project,
including lessons learned, next steps and future needs, as the IAEA works with Member
States to jointly prepare for the timely and secure deployment of SMRs.
Canada's safeguards readiness for small modular and
advanced reactors

Speaker: M. Kent

Primary Author: Michael Kent [1]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 304


The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), as Canada’s safeguards regulatory

authority, continues to ensure its readiness for the effective and efficient
implementation of safeguards at small modular reactors (SMR). Canada has decades of
experience in applying safeguards to CANDU reactors, uranium bulk handling facilities,
and research and development, and hopes to leverage this knowledge in the application
of safeguards for these novel designs and technologies. These efforts include its pre-
licensing vendors design reviews, participation in the Member State Support Program
task on safeguards-by-design for SMRs, and submission of preliminary design
information for its first SMR. The CNSC has engaged with vendors, applicants, and the
International Atomic Energy Agency to consider appropriate safeguards concepts,
approaches, techniques, and equipment for these new designs. This paper will provide
the status of SMR licensing applications in Canada, an overview of the CNSC’s
engagement on safeguards-by-design in various forums, efforts to integrate safeguards
with safety and security, lessons learned and remaining challenges.
U.S. – U.K. Bi-Lateral Collaboration on a Material Flow
Safeguards Analysis for a Nominal Molten Salt Reactor

Speaker: R. Smith

Primary Author: Logan Scott [1]

Co-Authors: Ruth Smith [2]; Bego Aranguren [2]; Kees Jan Steenhoek [3]; Liberty Timewell
[4]; Mat Budsworth [5]; Seddon Atkinson [5]; Mike Edmondson [5]

[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory; [2] U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration; [3]
Oberon Three; [4] U. K. Department of Energy Security and Net Zero; [5] U.K. National
Nuclear Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 399


Advanced and small modular reactor technologies have an immense potential to change
power generation strategies worldwide. However, by utilizing advanced fuels and design
elements, these same technologies present novel challenges for securing and
safeguarding nuclear materials, requiring innovative solutions. Molten salt reactors
(MSR) represent one of the most challenging reactor design classes, using fuel
dissolved in the coolant to form a homogenous mixture that continuously circulates
through the reactor system. Future deployment and export of MSRs must be
accompanied by effective and efficient safeguards approaches and must meet the high
precedent set by the IAEA to ensure that global proliferation risks are mitigated. In
anticipation of this challenge, the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear
Security Administration and United Kingdom’s Department for Energy Security and Net
Zero recognize the need for cooperation and technical exchange to address challenges
relevant to IAEA safeguards. This conference paper will present collaborative efforts to
define key MSR design features and discuss their impact within a nuclear material
safeguards context. While this work is not meant to provide a comprehensive solution to
all anticipated safeguards challenges with MSRs, it should elicit dialogue and provide a
framework for future work.
U.S. – Canada Cooperative Nuclear Facilities and
Safeguards Experience (NFASE)

Speaker: Kj. Steenhoek

Primary Author: Bego Aranguren [1]

Co-Authors: Ruth Smith [1]; Kees Jan Steenhoek [2]; Logan Scott [3]; Michael Kent [4]

[1] U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration; [2] Oberon Three; [3] Oak Ridge National
Laboratory; [4] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 400


The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control

collaborated with its partners in Canada to advance awareness and acceptance of
safeguards for Advanced and Small Modular Reactors (A/SMRs). During cooperative
technical exchanges, several U.S. based A/SMR developers and vendors participated in
a Nuclear Facilities and Safeguards Experience (NFASE), where they learned how the
IAEA works with state regulators to apply safeguards in non-nuclear weapons states.
Vendors learned that considering operational safeguards requirements early in the
design and production process (safeguards by design, or SBD) can mitigate additional
cost or design changes necessary to comply with international requirements. Building on
Canadian expertise with developing safeguards methods for on-line refueled reactors,
these technical exchanges allowed designers that intend to use circulating fuel, like
molten salt or pebble-based fuels, to interact with subject matter experts and regulators
with knowledge of similar accountancy methods. In addition, participants learned that
early engagement with customers and local regulators is key to identifying and
mitigating development and deployment risks. This paper will share impressions from
participants of these cooperative efforts, identify lessons learned from international
collaborations between U.S. and Canadian partners, and discuss how these exchanges
contributed to the strategic objectives of each partner.
Identify Technical Challenges in Safeguards Measurements
of Advanced Small Modular Reactor Fuel Elements

Speaker: J. Hu

Primary Author: Jianwei Hu [1]

Co-Authors: Donny Hartanto [1]; Robert Mcelroy [1]

[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group C: Safety, Security and Safeguards

Track: Track 12: Safeguards for SMRs (C.12)

INDICO Abstract ID: 410


Advanced small modular reactor (SMR) designs use various nuclear fuel element types
that can be significantly different than conventional light water reactor (LWR) fuels,
including differences in size, composition, and chemical form (e.g., oxide, carbide,
metallic). Nearly all the proposed advanced fuels use high-assay low-enriched uranium
(HALEU), which can have much higher enrichments than those of LWR fuels (currently
limited to < 5 wt.% 235U). The overarching goal of this work is to identify the potential
technical challenges in safeguards verification measurements of these advanced fuel
elements. This paper focuses on using modeling and simulation to assess (1) the
performance of the existing instruments that are commonly used for safeguards
measurements of advanced fuel elements, (2) how such performance for advanced fuel
elements differs from that for LWR fuel elements, and (3) the potential challenges of
using the existing instruments in meeting technical safeguards objectives for the
advanced fuel elements. This paper will first present simulation results of safeguards
measurements of select fresh advanced fuel elements (e.g., pebble, prismatic fuel
bundle, and metal fuel bundle) using commonly-applied safeguards instruments
including a high-purity germanium (HPGe) gamma detector, Uranium Neutron
Coincidence Collar (UNCL) – II, and Fast Neutron Collar (FNCL). Results will also be
presented for irradiated advanced fuel elements using a fork detector, which has been a
primary instrument for spent fuel safeguards measurements. The performance of these
instruments for advanced fuel elements are then compared with that of LWR fuel
elements and the potential safeguards challenges of the advanced fuel elements are
summarized and discussed. Such findings are expected to be useful to the safeguards
community and the SMR developers as new or alternative safeguards technologies can
take a long time to develop and mature.
Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of
Participating Member States and International Organizations:

Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechia, Colombia, Egypt, Estonia,

European Commission, France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, IAEA, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Mongolia,
Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian
Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, United
Republic of Tanzania, United States, Viet Nam, WANO, WNA

Key Words: safety, study, heat, iaea, scenario, deployment, model, regulatory,
infrastructure, generation
Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation

Past, present and future of nuclear energy in Colombia from

the deployment of SMRs

Speaker: H. Llanes

Primary Author: David Galeano [1]

[1] Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 2


This presentation delves into the evolving role of nuclear energy, particularly Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs), in Colombia's electrical sector. It addresses the country's
increasing energy demands against the backdrop of climate challenges and the
limitations of traditional hydroelectric power and intermittent renewable sources like
solar and wind energy. Nuclear energy, especially SMRs, is presented as a viable, robust,
and sustainable solution. The historical context of nuclear energy in Colombia is
explored, charting its evolution and the shift towards sustainable nuclear technologies.
The focus then shifts to the technical feasibility of integrating SMRs into the National
Interconnected System (SIN), highlighting their scalability, safety, and operational
flexibility. SMRs are especially suitable for areas where large nuclear plants are
impractical, providing a stable electricity supply and complementing renewable sources.
The future potential of microreactors in remote areas like La Guajira and the Amazon is
also highlighted, considering their ability to tackle geographical and infrastructural
challenges, support autonomous operations, and contribute to water desalination and
local living conditions. The presentation concludes by envisioning the role of nuclear
energy in decarbonizing Colombia's electricity sector, including repurposing existing
infrastructures like coal plants. This strategic shift towards nuclear power aligns with
international commitments like the Paris Agreement and enhances Colombia's global
energy standing. Additionally, the innovative concept of 'pink hydrogen' production using
nuclear technology is examined. The potential of pink hydrogen in storage,
transportation, and industrial applications is discussed, positioning Colombia as a leader
in sustainable and innovative energy solutions while fulfilling its climate change
Relationship between SMR and Planetary Boundaries: A
mitigation strategy for the global environmental crisis

Speaker: C.a. Prieto Valderrama

Primary Author: Camilo Prieto Valderrama (pontificia Universidad Javeriana) [1]

[1] Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 8


**Relationship between SMR and Planetary Boundaries: A mitigation strategy for the
global environmental crisis** Scientific evidence indicates that of the 9 planetary
boundaries that have been defined, 6 have been exceeded. High CO2 emissions, land
use change, disturbance of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, damage to the integrity of
the biosphere, the effects on fresh water and the excessive emergence of new entities
are the geophysical bases of the global environmental crisis [(Richardson, 2023)][1]. In
this article, we analyze the future potential of SMRs modular reactors in mitigating the
global environmental crisis and its beneficial relationship with planetary boundaries.We
calculate the m2/MWhy indicator related to the areal intensity and we find that SMRs
can require between 0.06 m2/MWhy to 0.07 m2/MWhy. Additionally, the life cycle (LCA)
of the SMR is reviewed, comparing its variables with other types of generation sources
[(Vinoya, 2023).][2] Annually, fossil fuel emissions are responsible for the deaths of 1
million people in the world. The nuclear energy industry is the only one in its field that is
responsible for waste management and the emissions associated with its activity have a
low impact on air quality [(Freese, 2022)][3]. The implementation of SMRs in various non-
interconnected populations in LATAM, where energy based on coal or liquid fuels is still
generated, can be a very relevant step [(UPME, 2022).][4] Additionally, the desalination
with SMR can improve access to drinking water in communities vulnerable to climate
change [(Al-Othman, 2019)][5] In conclusion, SMRs are technologies that contribute to
facing the global environmental crisis beyond reducing CO2 emissions. They achieve
more efficient use of the land, demand less natural resources than other generation
sources and are a tool to improve air quality and the availability of drinking water. [1]: [2]:
1073/16/7/3224 [3]: [4]:
acion_PEN_2022-2052_VF.pdf [5]:
Evaluation of Potential Locations for Siting Small Modular
Reactors in Iraq to Support Clean Energy Goals

Speaker: M.d. Shnawa

Primary Author: Dr.muataz Shnawa [1]

Co-Author: Hayder Mohamed [1]

[1] Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 17


the study contains the feasibility of small modular reactors and an assessment of the
site selection process for small modular reactors in Iraq to produce electrical energy to
contribute to solving the problem of shortage of electrical energy in Iraq, where Iraq
needs (35000) MW to meet the actual need for energy while the total production (24000)
MW and Iraq seeks to diversify the sources of power generation and reduce the bill
Fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from power generation,
where the need arose in remote areas for small power plants.Where work was done
within the work methodology to choose sites for establishing a standard reactor station,
which is based on scientific literature published in the field of earth sciences, water
resources, environment, climate, satellite images, geological, topographical and
hydrological maps, etc. And adopting projective standards according to the literature of
the International Atomic Energy Agency. And working on advanced scientific programs
such as (GIS). These programs were used to analyze satellite and digital images to
choose the best sites. The first revealed multiple sites in different governorates of Iraq,
including (7) sites in Babil Governorate. (5) sites in Diwaniyah Governorate, (3) sites in
Muthanna Governorate, and (3) sites in Najaf Governorate, where a comparison was
made between them in terms of describing their geographical locations and their
distance from the center of the governorate, as well as the area available for each site,
the type of available water source, and proximity to transmission lines. Energy and
population density of the areas and their surroundings, as well as the topography of the
nominated areas, and the best reality was in Babil Governorate.
Small Modular Reactors in the Petroleum Industry: A
Sustainable Solution for Enhanced Operations

Speaker: A. Rahimian

Primary Author: Aref Rahimian (nuclear Science And Technology Research Institute) [1]

[1] Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI)

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 19


One of the most important factors in creating enthusiasm in oil-rich countries for the use
of SMRs is to find possible applications of these reactors in the oil industry. Refinery
industries are very energy-intensive and, in some cases, require a power plant of up to
tens of megawatts. On the other hand, in the areas where these refineries exist,
environmental pollution is very high, and the health of employees is very dangerous.
Therefore, it is very important to use a clean energy source. A small-scale modular
reactor can be one of the best options. In this article, an attempt is made to investigate
the effects of using this reactor on reducing the amount of carbon released into the
surrounding air.
Efficiency assessment of SMR development as a non-carbon
energy source in the Russian electricity and district heat
supply systems

Speaker: F. Veselov

Primary Author: Fedor Veselov (energy Research Institute, Russian Academy Of

Sciences) [1]

Co-Authors: Andrey Khorshev (energy Research Institute, Russian Academy Of Sciences)

[1]; Tatiana Novikova (energy Research Institute, Russian Academy Of Sciences) [1];
Tatiana Pankrushina (energy Research Institute, Russian Academy Of Sciences) [1]

[1] Energy Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS)

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 29


The paper discusses economic and technical possibilities and limitations of the SMR
development in large and small-scale power systems in Russia, incl. Arctic regions with
distributed electricity and heat loads. The results of the economic comparison of SMRs
with alternative conventional and low-carbon (CCS) thermal power plants and RES are
presented. The assessment takes into account the technological learning rates as well
as the cost of integrating power plants into the power system. The analysis of SMR
competitiveness was extended to coal and gas co-generation (CHP) technologies, as
well as to alternative combinations of heat boilers (fossil and electric) with various
sources of electricity. The sensitivity analysis made it possible to estimate the target
levels of SMR cost reduction and support measures (including carbon payments), which
are necessary for their mass deployment. Optimization of the low-carbon transformation
of the Russian electricity and district heat supply systems allowed investigating the
effective scales of SMR development on the horizon up to 2050. The optimization took
into account various levels of carbon emission quotas. The impact of carbon payments
on the efficiency of fuel substitution and the development of nuclear power, including
SMRs, was also studied.
Harnessing the Potential of Small Modular Reactors for
Climate Change Mitigation through Energy-Mix Optimization
and Hydrogen Generation

Speaker: A. Salman

Primary Author: Ahmed E. Salman [1]

[1] Egyptian atomic energy authority

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 35


Small modular reactors (SMRs) are gaining attention as potential contributors to climate
change mitigation, particularly in hydrogen generation. SMRs are smaller and more
flexible than traditional nuclear reactors, allowing for deployment in diverse locations
and integration into existing energy infrastructure. They offer low-carbon electricity,
reducing reliance on fossil fuels and supporting grid integration. This clean electricity
can power electrolyzers for hydrogen production, aiding decarbonization in
transportation, industry, and heating. The high-temperature gas-cooled SMRs also offer
a reliable and continuous source of heat, which can be efficiently utilized for producing
hydrogen using thermolysis through different processes. SMRs have inherent safety
features, standardized manufacturing, and simplified construction, potentially reducing
costs and timelines. They can provide continuous power with a smaller footprint,
benefiting remote communities and industries. However, deploying SMRs for energy
planning and hydrogen generation requires considerations such as regulatory
frameworks, public acceptance, waste management, and non-proliferation. Economic
viability and scalability must also be assessed compared to alternative low-carbon
energy solutions. Careful consideration of various factors is necessary to ensure the
safe and sustainable deployment of energy systems. In this work, the IAEA-MESSAGE
code is used to model the energy-supply systems to determine the optimum energy-mix
technology in addition to the hydrogen demand to meet future energy demands in the
Application of SMART to Achieve Net Zero Emissions

Speaker: J. H. Moon

Primary Author: Joo Hyung Moon [1]

[1] Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 51


SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) is an advanced integral reactor

developed by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. It is empathized that technologies
implemented in SMART had been proven through comprehensive technology validation
programs. Therefore, SMART can be deployed immediately. Alberta’s oil sands plants
are dependent on natural gas to meet requirements of steam and electricity. However,
they emit huge amount of greenhouse gas. SMART can provide carbon-free heat and/or
power for oil sands operations. If SMART is built in Alberta, it can significantly contribute
to net zero emissions in oil sands industries. Multiple units of SMART are expected to be
built in Alberta, which also contributes to job creation and GDP increase in Alberta.
Furthermore Canada will play a leading role in the emerging SMR market. In this
presentation, design characteristics of SMART will be briefly provided and recent
activities to deploy SMART in Canada are also presented.
Non-electric Application of Nuclear Energy in Korea

Speaker: J. Lee

Primary Author: Jihyeon Lee [1]

[1] Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 56


Nuclear energy has been considered as a carbon-free alternative of the unabated fossil
fuels for electric and non-electric applications. To replace various kinds of energy
consumption with it, a nuclear reactor is required to be multipurposable. A small
modular reactor (SMR) has an advantage in a site flexibility, which is possible to
construct the unit near a demanded site. The application of SMR as a energy source
make possible to achieve a carbon-free or carbon-less energy consumption instead of
the conventional petrochemical-based one. In recent, Korea struggles to secure a
renewable energy source for maintaining the socioeconomic development. The
government endeavors to reduce the emission of green house gas in a industrial part,
which is almost 62% of the national energy demand. The amount of own renewable
energy source is limited in Korea. In addition, the total production of green hydrogen is
still lacking compared to significant requirements in global countries, so it is hard to
import all national demand of green energy as a green hydrogen. In this context, the
integration of SMR with a industrial complex can be a viable suggestion for relieving a
burden on the carbon-tax and balancing the energy mix along with the renewable energy.
Herein, The overall demand for a thermal source on the industrial complex, which
include a petrochemical complex and a steel industry in Korea, is discussed. It will
introduce the application of a gas-cooled reactor as a thermal source for a industrial
complex, especially for producing hydrogen such as a reforming or other process.
Integrating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into Nigeria’s
Energy Mix. Prospect toward near-term deployment.

Speaker: R. Soja

Primary Author: Reuben Soja

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 67


With a population of over Two Hundred and Twenty Three (223) million, Nigeria remains
the most populated country in Africa and the sixth-largest exporter of crude oil in the
world. The country has a total installed capacity of 12,522MWe, with 83% contribution
from fossil fuels, 14% from hydropower and 3% from solar and other sources. The
country has been experiencing a lingering energy crisis that has negatively influenced
industrialization and hindered its efforts toward achieving sustainable economic growth.
Due to the frequent power outages and the need for self-generation by the industry and
other stakeholders, Nigeria has made it necessary to include nuclear power into the
country’s energy mix and has made tremendous progress towards building nuclear
power infrastructure. However, considering the realistic economic situation and high
construction cost associated with large scale nuclear reactors, such commitment is
experiencing some delay because of dwindling economic situation. Nuclear industry
expert’s inventiveness on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) serves as a means of
ensuring that both low and middle-income countries featured in the drive towards
including nuclear energy in the country’s energy mix as a step towards combating the
devastating effects of climate change. Such SMRs offers numerous benefits when
compared to large-scale nuclear reactors, in addition to its non-electrical applications.
The focus of this present study is on near term deployment of SMRs into the country’s
energy mix thereby boasting sustainable economic growth. With the help of IAEA energy
modeling tool, Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General
Environmental impacts (MESSAGE), analysis of various country’s energy resources will
be perform thereby presenting the need for integrating SMRs towards boosting
industrialization and promoting economic growth. The result of the analysis will present
optimal deployment strategies of SMRs into the country’s energy mix.
The Role of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Mitigating
Climate Change and Promoting Economic Growth in Africa –
A Case Study of Nigeria

Speaker: A. Ibrahim

Primary Authors: Abdulmajeed Ibrahim [1]; Yau Idris

[1] Nigerian Nuclear Regultory Authority

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 70


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are increasingly viewed as a promising solution to meet
the rising energy needs in Africa. They offer cost-effective, financially feasible, and
quicker completion options compared to traditional methods. Furthermore, SMRs hold
the potential to address critical challenges such as fostering economic development and
mitigating climate change. This study investigates the role of SMRs in electricity
generation, combat climate change, their potential to spur economic growth. The focus
is specifically on Nigeria, serving as a case study. In 2019, Africa accounted for around
4% of global CO2 emissions, with the largest contributors being South Africa, Nigeria,
and Egypt due to their significant industrial and energy sectors. Achieving the pace of
CO2 emissions reductions in line with the Paris agreement requires large increases in
efficiency and renewable investment. Investments in SMRs will contribute to climate
change mitigation by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas
emissions associated with electricity generation SMRs present numerous advantages
over conventional large-scale nuclear reactors. These include lower initial costs,
improved safety features, and scalability, which are especially beneficial for addressing
the challenges posed by poor and inadequate grid systems in Africa. Consequently, by
offering a reliable and sustainable source of electricity and will help countries in Africa
meet their climate targets under international agreements while promoting the transition
to a low-carbon economy. . Using Nigeria as a case study, this paper analyzes the
potential benefits and addresses challenges of developing and deploying SMRs in the
energy mix in Africa. It provides insights into policy implications, financing, operation,
and maintenance, as well as recommendations for maximizing the socio-economic and
environmental benefits of SMRs in the region. Overall, SMRs offer a promising pathway
towards sustainable development in Africa, with significant implications for energy
security, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability to achieve Net Zero

Speaker: A. Dicko

Primary Author: Aly Ag Mohamed Dicko [1]

Co-Authors: Adama Coulibaly; Youbba Ould Salem

[1] Agence Malienne de Radioprotection

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 75


More than 640 million people in Africa do not have access to electricity. Experts reveal
that the rapid proliferation of small modular reactors could transform the evolution
nuclear energy in Africa. A sall modular reactor (SMR) is a nuclear fission reactor,
smaller in size and power than conventional reactors, manufactured in a factory and
transported to the installation site for installation. Modular reactors make it possible to
reduce work on site, increase the efficiency of containment and the safety of nuclear
materials. SMRs (with a power of 10 to 300 MW) are offered as a lower-cost alternative,
or as a complement, to conventional nuclear reactors. Africa has significant potential in
nuclear energy According to 2022 data from the World Nuclear Association, four African
countries, namely Namibia, Niger, South Africa and Malawi, stand out as major uranium
producers. A real boon for improving people's access to electricity, but also for meeting
the challenge of climate change, according to experts. The International Atomic Energy
Agency estimates that nuclear power has avoided more than 70 gigatons of carbon
emissions over the past five decades and continues to avoid more than a gigatonne per
year. Additionally, replacing 20% of coal-fired electricity generation with 250 gigawatts of
nuclear power generation would reduce emissions by 2 gigatons of CO2, or 15% of
electricity sector emissions per year. On the continent, only South Africa currently has a
nuclear power plant. Yet experts say the new generation of reactors makes nuclear
power accessible to more African countries, offering lower cost, faster construction and
improved safety. WHO data shows that 3.2 million people die each year from conditions
caused by the use of polluting fuels and technologies, hence the urgent need to look at
nuclear power as a reliable energy source and durable. Keywords: reactor, fission, power,
Africa, reliable.
SMRs in Brazil: A Paradigm Shift in Energy Policy for Climate

Speaker: A. Carvalho

Primary Authors: Amanda Carvalho [1]; Elaine Rodrigues [2]; Delvonei Alves De Andrade
[1]; Jose Oscar William Vega Bustillos [1]

[1] IPEN; [2] IPEN/IPA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 86


Brazil is an extremely important country regarding climate change, both because it is

one of the biggest GHG emitters in the world and because it has the means to mitigate
these emissions. Brazil has considerable emissions in the energy sector, and power
plants that burn either coal or natural gas are increasingly being used to meet energy
demand in periods of drought to make up for insufficient hydroelectric production. With
the worsening of droughts due to the impacts of climate change, the energy sector is
likely to be heavily impacted; in 2023, several regions of Brazil suffered blackouts due to
a lack of energy supply. SMRs could represent a viable solution to the problems facing
the Brazilian energy sector. The use of a wide variety of energy sources is fundamental
to decarbonizing the energy matrix. To decarbonize energy systems efficiently and with
the necessary urgency, the sources need to be diversified and climate-resilient. When
considering the delay and bureaucracy involved in building nuclear power plants in Brazil
(the most recent, Angra 3, began construction in 1984 and is still not finished), it’s
understandable why Brazilian public policies have given less importance to nuclear
energy. Because their installation is quicker, cheaper, and less bureaucratic, SMRs key to
decarbonizing energy production in Brazil, replacing the construction of new coal or
natural gas power plants, and being allocated to meet local demands. They can also be
implemented as part of state policies, rather than federal ones. This study seeks to
understand Brazilian energy policy and suggest alternatives for the efficient introduction
of SMRs in Brazil.
The TANDEM Euratom project to study the integration of
SMRs into low-carbon hybrid energy systems: mid-term

Speaker: C. Vaglio-gaudard

Primary Author: Claire Vaglio-gaudard [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 89


Authors: C. Vaglio-Gaudard et al. The TANDEM project (2022-2025) is a European

Commission initiative funded under the Euratom program. The main goals of TANDEM
are to: - Develop an integrated vision of energy systems through the implementation of
Hybrid Energy Systems (HESs) incorporating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) to produce
heat, electricity and hydrogen, - Develop tools and methodologies to study these HESs, -
Show the role/benefits of multipurpose SMRs integrated into these HESs for the energy
transition. Considering SMR near-term deployment in Europe, the project mainly focuses
on light-water technologies. The project started 18 months ago. The goal of the paper is
to present the mid-term progress of the project. The first activities carried out
highlighted the stakes associated with the SMR deployment in Europe, directly linked
with European energy policies as well as energy markets and their evolution. Thus the
project provided the generic configurations of two HES to be studied, a District Heating
configuration and an Energy Hub configuration, within two timeframes 2035 and 2050.
These configurations constitute the input data necessary to start the safety and techno-
economics studies in the project. They are studied in the light of three different
European local contexts, in Finland and in Czech Republic for the first HES, and in France
for the second HES.
Techno-economic Analysis of SMR Deployment in the
Estonian Power System

Speaker: R.h. Ivask, A. Tkaczyk

Primary Authors: Roald Heinrich Ivask [1]; Alan Tkaczyk [1]; Mario Tot [2]; Henri Paillere

[1] University of Tartu; [2] IAEA

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 91


Energy production in Estonia has heavily relied on fossil fuels, namely 70% of electricity
generation in 2019 was powered by oil shale. Estonia has committed to contribute to
joint EU greenhouse gas reduction targets. Estonia’s Ministry of Climate, in order to
ensure preparedness and resilience to react to the impact of climate change, has set a
target to reduce Estonian greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Recognizing this,
the Estonian government's Nuclear Energy Working Group report published at the end of
2023 indicated that introduction of nuclear power into Estonia’s energy system could
significantly contribute to achieving climate neutrality goals. A suitable nuclear power
option to consider could be a small modular reactor (SMR) with a capacity of 300-400
MW. To further assess techno-economic aspects of the nuclear option, the IAEA’s
energy system assessment tool MESSAGE was applied. A case study is being developed
to understand how an SMR would integrate into the Estonian energy system, including
regional grid and market considerations. Existing and planned power generation
technologies were analyzed, including seasonal electricity and heat demand. Several
scenarios were simulated for the period up to 2050. The paper summarizes the results
and conclusions of this analysis.
Feasibility study of a hybridization of small modular reactor
with a solar power plant using molten-salt heat storage in
Algerian south

Speaker: M. Dougdag

Primary Author: Mourad Dougdag [1]

Co-Authors: K. Attari [1]; M. Haddad [1]; M. Halla [1]; N. Mellel [1]; B. Mohammedi [1]; M.
Salhi [1]; M. L. Yahiaoui [1]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 105


Owing to the growing future energy security challenges on the national and international
scale, it becomes necessary and urgent to set up a new and renewable energy policy in
order to respond to the increasing demand for electric power. Quests that involve the
exploring of all available resources of energy. Nowadays, in the world, there has been an
increasing interest in green energy, which provides climate-friendly decarbonized
electricity (neither greenhouse nor pollution effect). The coupling between renewable
energies and nuclear energy can be a promising way to enhance renewable energy
deficiencies and to reduce the dependency on fossil energy. While in Algeria, a country
which conceals inestimable resources of solar energy, there is an increasing interest in
renewable energy, while it seems that the coupling between solar and nuclear energy is
weakly prospected. In order to explore such ways and to respond to the concerns of
remote areas in southern Algeria not connected to the national electricity networks, our
choice has been made on the hybridization of a very small modular reactor with a
concentrated solar plant, taking into account the severe climatic environments of these
regions. The present paper presents the results obtained from different hybridization
Repurposing of coal power plants with Nuclear Methanol
hybrid energy system – A South African case study

Speaker: F. Panday

Primary Author: Farisha Panday [1]

[1] CSIR

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 108


As the world makes strides towards achieving climate goals and reducing carbon
emissions, it is worthwhile to consider the opportunities of repurposing coal power
plants that have been mothballed or are reaching it’s end of life. Coal still dominates the
South African energy mix by providing 80% of the total system load. Hybrid energy
systems are perfect candidates to address the current energy demands by reducing
carbon emission challenges caused by coal power plants. A Nuclear Methanol system is
investigated as a proposed case study for the repurposing of a coal power plant with
Small Modular Reactor (SMR) operation. Methanol is well known as ‘liquid Hydrogen’
which is more stable and less flammable and is thus a more attractive option because it
presents much lower storage and transportation risk. Factors that need to be considered
include, but not limited to, site zoning, multi-module plants, operational and safety
challenges, regulatory and licencing challenges, etc. The viability of the hybrid energy
system with specific focus on the South African landscape will be investigated along
with the challenges and opportunities presented for the deployment of SMRs to the
established sites. References: [1] Nils Haneklaus, Staffan Qvist, Paweł Gładysz, Łukasz
Bartela, Why coal-fired power plants should get nuclear-ready, Energy, Volume 280, 2023,
128169, ISSN 0360-5442,
The Role of Small Modular Reactors in Enhancing Global
Energy Security: A Comparative Analysis of Deployment
Strategies in Diverse Energy Markets

Speaker: L. Guimarães [1]

Primary Author: Leonam Guimaraes [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Eletronuclear SA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 128


The paper would explore the following facets: Global Energy Security Context: Examining
the concept of energy security and its critical importance in the current global energy
landscape. This part would contextualize the role of SMRs within the broader framework
of energy needs, sustainability, and geopolitical factors affecting energy policies.
Comparative Analysis of Deployment Strategies: Investigating various strategies for the
deployment of SMRs across different energy markets, including developed and
developing countries. This would involve an examination of case studies or hypothetical
scenarios, assessing factors like economic feasibility, regulatory environments, and
infrastructural readiness. Integration with Renewable Energy Systems: Exploring how
SMRs can complement renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, to create
hybrid systems. This section would assess the potential of SMRs in enhancing the
reliability and stability of renewable energy-based grids. Policy Implications and
Recommendations: Offering insights into the policy frameworks necessary for the
successful integration of SMRs into national and international energy strategies. This
would include discussions on regulatory standards, international cooperation, and
investment models. This topic not only aligns with current scientific and technological
trends but also engages with broader socio-economic and policy-related discussions,
making it a highly relevant and multidisciplinary subject for research.
Comparative Assessment of Small Modular Reactors versus
Large Nuclear Power Plants for Future Electricity Generation
in Libya

Speaker: T. Z. Malatim

Primary Author: Tariq Malatim [1]

Co-Author: Mustafa Ben Ghzail [1]

[1] Libyan Atomic Energy Establishment

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 138


This study comprehensively investigates the potential adoption of Small Modular

Reactors (SMRs) in Libya, contrasting their implementation with that of large nuclear
power plants (NPPs). It conducts a comparative analysis encompassing various crucial
aspects, including: **• Economic considerations:** The study evaluates the comparative
capital costs, operational expenses, and long-term economic viability of both SMRs and
large NPPs in the Libyan context. **• Workforce requirements:** An assessment is made
of the workforce requirements for each technology, considering existing expertise and
the need for potential training and development programs. **• Project timelines:** The
study compares the expected construction and commissioning timeframes for each
scenario, considering potential advantages of standardized modular construction
offered by SMRs. Three distinct scenarios are investigated to provide a nuanced
understanding of the potential applications of SMRs: **• Scenario 1:** This scenario
assumes the construction of a single large NPP equipped with a VVER1200 reactor,
situated in Sirt city, based on existing site selection studies. **• Scenario 2:** This
scenario explores the deployment of multiple ACP100 SMRs, also utilizing Pressurized
Water Reactor (PWR) technology, all located in Sirt. **• Scenario 3:** This scenario
investigates the feasibility of implementing multiple SMR-based NPPs distributed
geographically across Libya. The study outlines key factors to be considered when
selecting suitable locations, including: **Geographic considerations**: Geological and
environmental characteristics will be evaluated using data from national research
institutions. **Population proximity:** Siting near population centers will be prioritized to
minimize transmission losses and maximize grid efficiency. **Water resources:** The
study will assess the feasibility of utilizing the Great Man-Made River for water supply in
regions with limited resources.

Speaker: S.f. Sawe

Primary Author: Shovi Sawe [1]

Co-Author: Leonid Nkuba [1]

[1] Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 148


The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) is currently expanding its rail network with the
construction of a Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), spanning approximately 2,000 km from
Dar es Salaam to Mwanza and Kigoma, and from there linking the URT to Rwanda,
Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The SGR's operations will rely on
electricity from The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO). According to
TANESCO, Tanzania faces power shortages due to various factors, including drought.
Given the need for a reliable power supply for the SGR, Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
are being considered as an alternative source unaffected by drought, unlike hydropower.
Reports indicate that Tanzania's power installed capacity is 1,938.35 MW as of
December 31, 2023, with 63% from natural gas, 32% from hydropower, and 5% from
diesel and biomass. With the ongoing climate change and the increasing power demand
which is growing at a rate of 10-15% per year, the introduction of SMR in the energy mix
is important. Clearly, the deployment of SMR in Tanzania will facilitate the
implementation of the country’s sustainable industrial development policy and the
country’s commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals. The potential for
deploying SMR in Tanzania is assessed and reported.
The green shift – extracting synergies from the oil and gas
sector when establishing nuclear in Norway

Speaker: N. Amosova

Primary Author: Steffen O. Saele [1]

Co-Authors: Havard Kristiansen [1]; Sunniva Rose [1]; Natalia Amosova [1]; John
Kickhofel [1]; Oyvind Aas-hansen [1]; Jonny Hesthammer [1]

[1] Norsk Kjernekraft AS

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 242


Today, the oil and gas sector is by far the main driver in the Norwegian economy but also
a main contributor to Norway’s CO2 emissions. To achieve the national goal of (close to)
net zero emissions by 2050, it is of paramount importance to the Norwegian economy to
identify and extract synergies from the oil and gas sector in the transition to competitive
clean energy systems of the future. In the present paper we emphasise that investments
in SMR technology can be an alternative to small- to medium sized oil and gas fields in
Norway. SMRs may also play a crucial role in decarbonization and electrification of the
oil and gas industry during the transition phase, while simultaneously enabling the use of
process heat for CCS and the production of hydrogen and synthetic fuels. Further,
similarities between the sectors may facilitate transfer of competence and work-force as
well as supply chains between the industries while creating new business opportunities
for the Norwegian oil and gas sector.
ESFR-SMR Requirements to fit into the future EU electricity

Speaker: S. Perez-martin

Primary Author: Sara Perez-martin [1]

Co-Authors: Evaldas Bubelis; Sebastian Ruck

[1] Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 254


This study reports various factors modulating the characteristics of the future EU
electricity grid and therefore establishing a basis for the European Sodium Fast Reactor
(ESFR) - Small Modular Reactor (SMR) requirements, namely: i) policy plans and
programs of the EU Commission for 2050, including EU Green Deal and national climate
targets, ii) low-carbon technologies available to achieve net-zero target and iii) methods
for providing stability to the grid and grid power balance. The European Green Deal aims
at transforming the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy,
ensuring no net emissions of GHG by 2050. The backbone of this transformation will be
low-carbon technologies as well as large-scale European electrical network.
Conventional power plants directly connected to high-voltage transmission lines via
synchronous-rotating-alternator contribute to system stability. This option is absent for
Variable Renewable Energies(VRE), although they can supply or absorb reactive power.
The large VRE integration will stress the problem of maintaining voltage stability and
new solutions have to be implemented to enhance the response of power electronics
inverters. Methods for providing grid stability and supporting the power balance, such as
flexible power operation and other grid stabilizers ( frequency response
technologies, kinetic energy supply systems and energy storage systems) are therefore
required to low-carbon technologies including ESFR-SMRs. Existing requirements
established for Nuclear Power Plants, both from the European Utilities Requirements
association and Electric Power Research Institute as well as the best operational
performance of currently designed advanced nuclear reactor systems are considered as
reference for ESFR-SMR operational requirements. In order to be competitive, ESFR-
SMRs have to offer load-following capabilities at least equivalent to conventional SMRs.
The integration of a Thermal Energy Storage system enables ESFR-SMR to provide wider
load-following capabilities, while maintaining safe reactor operation. The publication
belongs to ESFR-SIMPLE EU-project addressing the ESFR-SMR design (Grant-Agreement
Incorporating Small Modular Reactors with Solar and Wind
for Ghana's Sustainable Energy Transition Beyond
Conventional Nuclear Power Ambition Post-COP28

Speaker: M.a. Nyasapoh

Primary Author: Mark Amoah Nyasapoh (nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy
Commission& Department Of Renewable Energy Engineering, School Of Energy,
University Of Energy And Natural Resources) [1] [2]

Co-Authors: Nana Sarfo Agyemang Derkyi (department Of Renewable Energy

Engineering, School Of Energy, University Of Energy And Natural Resources) [3]; Felix
Ohene-fobih Ameyaw (nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) [4];
Archibold Buah-kwofie (nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) [4];
Seth Kofi Debrah (nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission& School
Of Nuclear And Allied Sciences, University Of Ghana – Legon) [5]; Hossam A. Gabbar
(smart Energy Systems Lab, And Advanced Plasma Engineering Labfaculty Of Energy
Systems And Nuclear Science, And Faculty Of Engineering And Applied Science Ontario
Tech University, Canada) [6] [7]; Joshua Gbinu (nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic
Energy Commission) [4]; Samuel Gyamfi (university Of Department Of Renewable Energy
Engineering, School Of Energy, University Of Energy And Natural Resourcesnergy And
Natural Resources) [8]

[1] GAEC; [2] UENR; [3] Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, School of Energy,
University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR); [4] Nuclear Power Institute, Ghana
Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC); [5] Nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy
Commission (GAEC) & School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of Ghana –
Legon; [6] SESL; [7] APEL; [8] University of Department of Renewable Energy Engineering,
School of Energy, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR)nergy and Natural

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 267

Purpose: The paper explores integrating Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) with solar and
wind energy as an alternative to conventional/traditional nuclear power plants/reactors
for Ghana's sustainable energy transition post-COP28. Methods: The study employed a
quantitative analysis to evaluate the effects of combining SMRs with solar and wind
energy in Ghana's energy landscape using HOMER and the IAEA MESSAGE tool.
Findings: The paper offers increased adaptability and expandability in fulfilling the
nation's energy requirements. Thus, Ghana has a good chance to attain a sustainable
energy mix by integrating SMRs with wind and solar power. Furthermore, this strategy
lowers greenhouse gas emissions and the reliance on fossil fuels while improving
energy security, grid stability, and resilience. Research Limitation/Implications: This
study concentrates on the technical planning and elements of combining solar and wind
energy with SMRs in Ghana. Hence, emphasis on the need for additional research on
public acceptance, regulatory frameworks, and socio-political factors that affect
adoption. Practical Implication: To speed up Ghana's energy transition after COP28, the
study’s findings highlight the significance of investing in integrated energy infrastructure
that combines SMRs with solar and wind energy. Such an infrastructure has the
potential to improve energy security, promote sustainable development, and mitigate
climate change.
Global Coal Plant Potential for SMR Siting with the Case of
Poland and Indonesia

Speaker: J. Shin

Primary Author: Jaejeong Shin [1]

Co-Author: Sunjin Kim [1]

[1] Korea Energy Economics Institute

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 285


The global goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 has led to a push for carbon-free
energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have the
potential to support this energy transition by repurposing retired coal plants. This study
identifies the size of coal plants in 54 countries where replacement with an SMR is
suitable in terms of site-screening criteria. Using population density, capable faults,
floodplains, and peak ground acceleration as siting criteria, we find that 108 GW could
be considered for SMR siting, out of the 899 GW of coal plants retiring (or retired)
between 2021 and 2050. The U.S. has 62.4 GW of coal plants available for SMR siting,
which is sufficient to cover its nuclear capacity requirements of the IEA's 2050 net-zero
scenario (NZE), 13.8 GW. In China, 2.5 GW of coal plants could be suitable for SMR
siting, which is less than its nuclear capacity requirements of NZE, 110.6 GW. Using a
power planning optimization model (WASP), we also examine the feasibility of i-SMR
(680 MW) in Poland and Indonesia, which have a high share of coal capacity. The results
indicate that Poland and Indonesia can deploy 11 and 85 units of i-SMR, respectively, by
Towards a Sustainable Future: SMR Smart Net Zero City

Speaker: J. Kang

Primary Author: Jinhui Kang

Co-Author: Youhyun Jang [1]

[1] KHNP

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 296


As cities globally strive for sustainability, the concept of SMR Smart Net Zero City
(SSNC) emerges as a pivotal solution. This paper explores the framework and strategies
for establishing SSNC, focusing on leveraging Small Modular Reactor (SMR) as a
foundational energy element. By integrating versatility of SMR with advanced
technologies like IoT and AI, SSNC can achieve efficient energy management, demand
response, and renewable energy integration. The paper discusses key components such
as smart grids, energy storage systems, and intelligent energy management systems,
emphasizing their role in optimizing energy consumption and reducing carbon
emissions. Several virtual cities created based on actual energy production and
consumption data simulate carbon reductions and energy costs to demonstrate the
feasibility and benefits of SSNC implementation.
Enabling factors for Small Modular Reactors (SMR) uptake in
Bolivian future power system

Speakers: C Mariani; M. Ricotti

Primary Authors: Marco Herbas [1]; Stefano Lorenzi [2]; Chiara Mariani [2]; Nicolò
Stevanato [2]; Marco Ricotti [2]

[1] Agencia Boliviana de Energia Nuclear; [2] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 385


To meet the global climate targets and decrease the consumption of fossil fuels, in
addition to increasing renewable energy, a dispatchable low-carbon energy source is
required. Nuclear power may represent a promising solution. The paper presents a study
on the integration of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in the Bolivian power sector in
2035. The Calliope optimization tool is used to model and analyze different energy
scenarios, considering parameters such as evolving energy demand, renewable resource
availability, as well as technological and economic constraints for each energy
technology. Two scenarios have been analyzed: a first one to assess the feasibility of
introducing one or more SMR units into the Bolivian energy mix, and a second one where
the competitiveness of nuclear power was tested, evaluating whether the introduction of
new renewable sources would compromise the tool’s choice to install SMRs. Results
demonstrate that SMRs are integrated into the Bolivian energy mix, even in the case of
an increased share of renewables. In addition, a sensitivity analysis revealed the
economic thresholds beyond which nuclear energy is no longer economically
advantageous. For example, with an interest rate of 11%, no SMRs are installed, while at
lower interest rates or investment costs, the optimal solution involves the installation of
at list one SMR unit.
Italian Scenario: reintroduction of new nuclear and benefits
for the system

Speaker: G. Caprioli

Primary Authors: Giada Caprioli; Lorenzo Mottura; Valeria Olivieri

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 394


Challenging European and Italian regulation aims at reaching carbon neutrality in Italy by
2050. A scenario totally fueled by renewable sources would be compliant with this
target, with strong drawbacks from economical and system security point of views. For
this reason, through a proprietary model an optimized scenario has been drafted,
starting from Italian PNIEC1 energy mix at 2030. Reintroducing nuclear technology2,
with the first plant in 2030-35 and one plant per year, at 2050 a pipeline of 15-20 plants
would cover the 10% of production. At 2050, ~20% of programmable capacity (nuclear
and decarbonized gas) will guarantee economic and adequacy sustainability of the
system. This optimized mix guarantees significant investment reduction (more than
400B€3). The introduction of new nuclear leads to positive impacts for the Italian
system: - Macroeconomic: 40+ B€ GDP increase, 36+ k AWU4 during construction and
3+ k AWU in operation - Environmental: reduced LC emissions, land occupancy and
water need - Strategic: revitalization of national industrial cluster, valorization of carbon
neutral Made in Italy and boost of high-technology export in Europe (benefit enabled by
the hybridization of electric and thermal applications) 1. Last version published in 2023,
with import hp by Terna-Snam scenario (flat 50 TWh/y) 2. New nuclear technologies:
SMR (commercially available after 2030) and AMR (after 2040) 3. Comparison vs 100%
RES Scenario over the period 2030-2050, considering key cost items: electric storage,
RES, grid and nuclear development 4. AWU: annual working units
Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems: Considerations
for Future Deployment in Ghana

Speaker: E. Boafo

Primary Author: Emmanuel Boafo [1]

Co-Authors: Hossam Gabbar [2]; Edward Shitsi [1]

[1] Ghana Atomic Energy Commission; [2] Ontario Tech University

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 13: SMRs in Energy Planning for Climate Change Mitigation (D.13)

INDICO Abstract ID: 44


Nuclear and renewable energy offer the potential for significant long-term supplies of
heat and power at relatively stable prices, and for producing lower GHG emissions than
alternative fossil-fuel sources. Owing to their large capital costs and low fuel costs,
nuclear power plants require a high load or capacity factor to be economically viable.
Renewable energy sources on the other hand have the benefits of strong societal
acceptance and the potential for smaller-scale, distributed installations. The integration
of nuclear energy and renewable energy into a single nuclear-renewable hybrid energy
system (NHES), using various coupling schemes, would enable a nuclear power plant to
run at high capacity while also addressing the need for flexibility of generation rates and
producing energy services, ancillary services, and low-carbon co-products. Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs) are designed with safety as a top priority, incorporating
advanced features and inherent safety mechanisms. These characteristics, coupled with
their modular nature, make SMRs an attractive choice for newcomer countries such as
Ghana. The opportunities in harnessing the benefits of both nuclear energy and
renewable energy systems through the deployment of an integrated hybrid energy
system are enormous. Despite the several benefits, however, several factors need to be
considered before making an informed decision for the deployment of NHES. Some of
these considerations include techno-economic analysis, regulatory aspects, stakeholder
engagement, system interconnections as well as policy and governmental
considerations. In this paper, these considerations will be discussed in detail and the
current needs analyzed in the Ghanaian context. Suggestions and recommendations
that are expected to facilitate the deployment of NHES will also be discussed.
Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs

Development of nuclear infrastructure based on different

contracting models and risks assessment

Speaker: Y. Chernyakhovskaya

Primary Author: Yulia Chernyakhovskaya [1]

Co-Author: Yulia Cherevko [2]

[1] RusatomService JSC, Rosatom; [2] Rusatom Service JSC, Rosatom

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 41


The scope of activities and responsibilities division for nuclear infrastructure (NI)
development is impacted by a chosen deployment model of a SMR project, which is
reflected in the set of the contractual arrangements between the project parties. The
range of common approaches in an embarking country encompasses a turn-key and a
concession (build–own–operate). It is possible to determine the optimal legal
construction for appropriate risks management based on parties’ risk profile and ability
to manage their risk. An insufficient NI is a framework for SMR budget overruns,
schedule slippage, licencing challenges and safety. The determination of relevant
obligations division in the project is possible based on the results of the (pre- ) feasibility
study and NI assessment. To optimize NI for SMR projects in embarking countries, one
of the backbone measures for NI development is assistance from the vendor state from
the beginning, including a bilateral NI plan with fixed commitments of parties and
cooperation between regulatory bodies on regulatory framework and safety assessment

Speaker: M. Constantin

Primary Author: Marin Constantin [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 42


At the horizon of 2050, free carbon energy supply may be ensured mainly by the
contribution of the renewables and nuclear plants. The deployment of SMRs contributes
to create the desired security of supply, stability of system, and adaptation to the
expected large penetration of intermittent renewables. However, despite the promising
concepts and the diversity of the designs, the implementation of SMRs is facing several
challenges leading, currently, to a modest level of implementation. A set of issues, such
as economic uncertainty, financing challenges, competition with other energy
alternatives, public perception, political context, regulatory hurdles, infrastructure
requirements, and insufficient standardization are acting as barriers for the near-term
deployment. The paper analysis the case of Romania with the peculiarities of the
responses to these challenges. discussing the drivers determining the short-term
implementation of iPWR SMR. A 6-modules plant is expected to be operational in 2030.
On the other hand, the efforts for the development of advanced SMR are constantly
supported by the national policies. Romania is the hosting country for ALFRED (LFR
technology demonstrator and also a key step for the LFR-SMR development). An
important progress is achieved by the on-going development of the experimental
infrastructure for licensing. The analysis will be completed by including considerations
on the regional context of the CEEC in terms of climate policies and energy strategic
Integration of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Ghana's
Energy Mix: A Pathway to Sustainable Development

Speaker: J. Gbinu

Primary Author: Joshua Gbinu [1]

Co-Authors: Felix Ameyaw [1]; Bejamin Emi-reynolds [1]; Mark Nyasapoh [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 62


ABSTRACT: The integration of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into Ghana's energy mix
presents a promising pathway towards achieving sustainable development goals
through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions while addressing the challenges of
meeting energy demand. This paper explores the key considerations and strategies for
establishing an enabling environment to facilitate the successful deployment of SMRs in
Ghana. Energy planning plays a pivotal role in aligning SMR deployment with national
energy demand and climate goals. Through comprehensive energy planning, Ghana can
optimize the integration of SMRs alongside renewables, ensuring a balanced and
resilient energy system. Furthermore, the development of robust nuclear infrastructure,
including capacity building and stakeholder engagement, is essential to build public trust
and support for SMR projects. Again, financing and economic appraisals are critical
aspects of SMR deployment, requiring innovative approaches to address investment
challenges and to demonstrate the business case for viable deployment. The paper will
explore various cost considerations, financing structures, and conditions that will
support SMR projects in Ghana. Additionally, Reactor Technology Assessment (RTA) will
be highlighted as a crucial component of SMR deployment, encompassing safety,
reliability, and efficiency evaluations. This assessment will inform decision-making
processes and ensure the selection of suitable SMR technologies for Ghana's specific
energy needs and infrastructure. In conclusion, the paper advocates for a holistic
approach to integrate SMRs into Ghana's energy mix, encompassing energy planning,
nuclear infrastructure development, technology assessment, financing strategies,
stakeholder engagement, and international cooperation. By addressing these critical
issues, an enabling environment will be created for future deployment of SMRs in Ghana.
Ghana can realize the full potential of nuclear energy to meet future energy needs and
support sustainable development objectives. KEYWORDS: Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs), Reactor Technology Assessment, Nuclear Infrastructure, Stakeholder
Engagement, Financing structures.
Small modular reactors and new technologies in the
generation capacity expansion: The Brazilian perspective

Speaker: G. C. Borges Leal

Primary Author: Gustavo Leal [1]

[1] Eletronuclear SA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 65


The energy demand increase challenges operators to deal with multiple aspects, such as
reliability, energy prices, power losses, and diversification of energy resources. In 2023,
the Brazilian generation capacity rose 10,3 GW to achieve close to 200 GW of power
generation under operation, and this behavior will continue. Currently under construction,
Angra 3 nuclear power plant will be the third unit in the Almirante Álvaro Alberto power
generation complex (CNAAA), all based on pressurized water reactors. This new plant
will generate up to 12000GWh/year, attending approximately 60% of Rio de Janeiro's
energy consumption and increasing the nuclear participation to 3% of the national
energy matrix. Following this path, small modular reactors (SMRs) emerge as a potential
new technology for new units in Brazil and a new opportunity for the national nuclear
sector. This paper analyzes the principal aspects of SMRs, hydrogen, ocean energy, and
other new power resources regarding the generation expansion studies for the Brazilian
2050 horizon. Furthermore, the study approaches the Uranium cycle and other issues
regarding nuclear fuel that impact the Brazilian nuclear area.
Assessing the Role of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in
Achieving Sustainable Industrial Growth in Africa:
Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Implications

Speaker: A. S. Aliyu

Primary Author: Abubakar Sadiq Aliyu (centre For Renewable Energy And Sustainability
Transition, Bayero University Kano.) [1]

Co-Author: Umar Farouk Ahmad

[1] Centre for Renewable energy and sustainability transition (CREST), Bayero University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 73


Africa is regarded as a significant and rapidly expanding hub for factories and
businesses, with a GDP of over 2.7 trillion USD, there is a growing need for clean and
reliable energy to sustain its growth. This paper examines how Small Modular Reactors
(SMRs) can be utilized to provide the necessary energy for Africa's factories and
industries. SMRs are small, safe nuclear reactors that can generate substantial energy
with minimal pollution. Africa's energy situation, including instances of insufficient
energy and its detrimental effects on the environment, will be discussed. The
advantages of SMRs, such as their ability to generate significant energy while producing
minimal pollution, will also be addressed. Furthermore, the necessary measures to
implement SMRs in Africa, including the establishment of regulations and waste
management strategies, will be explored. By considering the utilization of SMRs in
Africa, efforts can be made to ensure that the region's factories and businesses
continue to grow in an environmentally friendly manner.
Considerations for the More Viable Option in the Deployment
of Traditional Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and/or Small
Modular Reactors (SMRs) for the West African Sub-Region

Speaker: E. Obande

Primary Author: Patrick Akusu [1]

Co-Authors: Esa Obande [2]; Christiana Akusu [3]; Anthony Ekedegwa [2]

[1] Air Force Institute of Technology; [2] Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission; [3] Nigerian
Defense Academy

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 90


The need for enhancement of the energy sector in Africa as well as the current global
advocacy for carbon-neutral solutions to stem the adverse effects of climate change
inspires the consideration of a number of energy-supply alternatives to fossil fuel.
Nuclear energy has proven to be one of the most viable alternative energy solutions
given its superior energy density and near-zero carbon footprint; moreover, a nuclear-
driven energy sector serves as a fecund ground for the much needed technological
advancement in the diverse industrial sectors of the West African sub-region. Recent
advancement in the nuclear industry has resulted in the development of Small Modular
Reactors (SMRs), which aim to deal with concerns about cost/financing, construction
time, 3S, political and other factors as encountered with the traditional Nuclear Power
Plants (NPPs). A critical analysis of the pros-and-cons for the deployment of SMRs as
against NPPs in the sub-region is presented in terms of financing, 3S and prioritize local
needs, technical expertise, political considerations amongst others. Though, SMRs
remain a promising option that would sooth the current political atmosphere, traditional
NPPs are still the more technically viable option for the much needed socio-economic
development and affordable energy future of the sub-region.
Plans for building organizational and human capacity under
OSGE’s nuclear power program

Speaker: K. Kalend

Primary Author: Katarzyna Kalend

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 96


Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE) is a Polish company that plans to deploy a fleet of
SMR reactors in Poland using the BWRX-300 technology provided by GE Hitachi Nuclear
Energy (GEH). Poland has ambitions to decarbonize its energy mix using nuclear
technology, both large-scale and SMR. Currently, Poland shortage highly qualified staff in
the nuclear industry. Most Polish specialists gained experience abroad. To ensure the
availability of qualified staff, there is a need to develop a training program which will be
certified by our regulatory body in Poland. OSGE also plans to build a Training Center to
provide potential candidates with the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge and
experience necessary to safely operate future new nuclear power plants. OSGE works
closely with OPG (Ontario Power Generation), which plans to build FOAK (the first of its
kind), TVA from the USA and GE Hitachi (supplier of BWRX-300 technology) under TCA
(Technology Collaboration Agreement) too. Thanks to this cooperation, we can benefit
from the experience and conclusions of organizations with much longer experience in
the nuclear industry.
From Vision to Reality: Building Capacity and Bridging Gaps
in SMR Technology Adoption

Speaker: M. Ozerina

Primary Author: Milana Ozerina [1]

[1] International Atomic Energy Agency

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 98


This paper explores the transformative journey of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) from
conceptualization to practical implementation. It delves into the various aspects of SMR
deployment, emphasizing the critical need for capacity building and collaboration to
bridge existing gaps across multiple infrastructure issues specified in the IAEA
publication NG-G-3.1 (Rev. 2) Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure
for Nuclear Power. In the pursuit of sustainable and scalable nuclear energy solutions,
nations are increasingly turning to SMRs. However, this transition involves overcoming
several challenges, ranging from regulatory hurdles and technical complexities to
developing human resources capable of managing SMR technology. The abstract
examines strategies to turn the vision of SMR integration into a tangible reality. The
discussion revolves around the collaborative efforts required for successful SMR
deployment, emphasizing the importance of bilateral and multilateral engagements.
Regulatory frameworks play a pivotal role, and the abstract explores how nations can
cooperate to facilitate SMR reviews and deployment. It also sheds light on the
significance of technical cooperation in ensuring the seamless integration of SMRs into
diverse national infrastructures. Human resource development emerges as a key theme,
addressing the skills gap and capacity challenges in deploying SMRs in international
environments. The abstract outlines initiatives and approaches to enhance expertise and
knowledge sharing among nations. Furthermore, the abstract highlights the crucial role
of public engagement and stakeholder engagement in the developmental phase of
SMRs. Effective communication and collaboration with diverse stakeholders are
essential for building public trust and support, ultimately contributing to the success of
SMR projects. In summary, this article comprehensively explores strategies,
collaborations, and initiatives required to build capacity and bridge gaps in the adoption
of SMR technology on a global scale.
Sustainability assessment of infrastructure for small
modular reactor deployment in Vietnam using INPRO

Speaker: C. T. Tran

Primary Author: Chi Thanh Tran [1]

[1] Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 102


Small modular reactors (SMRs) are being considered as a potential solution that can
help Vietnam reach decarbonization by 2050. However, most SMRs are still in the design
or licensing stage, leading to challenges to assess their sustainability. According to the
INPRO methodology, comprehensive sustainability assessment of SMRs is necessary,
particularly if an embarking country plans to build and operate them for harnessing
nuclear power. Among the assessment areas for SMRs, assessment of infrastructure is
essential to ensure a country shall be able to deploy SMRs without excessively investing
in national infrastructure. Thus, this work performed a limited scope assessment of
infrastructure for SMR deployment in Vietnam using the INPRO methodology. It was
based on the infrastructure previously established for the former nuclear power plant
projects and aimed to pinpoint infrastructure issues which need to be solved to facilitate
SMR deployment in Vietnam. National energy planning and policy was also taken into
account to identify candidate SMR technologies which can be timely deployed for
supporting the decarbonization target. The results could provide policy makers with
initial recommendations on how to develop adequate infrastructure for future SMR
introduction in Vietnam. Future works are being planned for the respective full scope
Navigating the Energy Landscape: Considerations for
Deploying Small Modular Reactors in Saudi Arabia

Speaker: S. Alshehri

Primary Author: Salman Alshehri [1]

Co-Authors: Anas Alwafi [2]; Salman Alzahrani [1]

[1] King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology; [2] KACST

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 104


The article comprehensively focuses on various factors of Small Modular Reactor SMR
deployment in Saudi Arabia as one of the strategic decisions that the country needs to
make in its quest to have a sustainable and resilient energy future. The study explores
the opportunities, that stem from building nuclear infrastructure, as many SMRs would
be deployed. The article emphasizes how the elements of a favorable framework are
considered, which demonstrates the significance of strategic planning and prudent
allocation of financial resources in an endeavor to establish a stable foundation for the
safe and efficient integration of SMRs. To what extent does Saudi Arabia has to
harmonize its elevating energy requirements with a sustainability pledge, the article
explores the particularities of the Kingdom's energy environment. This highlights the
major SMR advantages and disadvantages in meeting the increased electricity demand
and makes it clear how they may be used in concert with renewables at scale and adapt
to different conditions quickly. Regulatory technicalities have a crucial role in dictating
how fast it is adopted. This article provides ways of creating a rule of law that will be
effective, of paying attention to international standards while keeping in mind local
details and specific features. Economic viability is one of the aspects that are
considered in the analysis, therefore, new financing mechanisms are to be looked into
and potential ways of international collaboration are highlighted. The study analyses the
long-term economic viability of SMRs in terms of operational costs, employment
creation, and revenue streams, to ascertain their domesticated economic contribution to
the Kingdom’s economic goals. This article attempts to provide a full-scale guide to the
policymakers, energy industry representatives, and the entire energy community in Saudi
Arabia, as a means of better informed and logical decision-making to achieve a
sustainable and diverse energy future.
International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure (IBNI) – A
comprehensive and multi-dimensional solution to enable
accelerated global scaling of SMRs

Speaker: D. Dean

Primary Author: Daniel Dean [1]

[1] International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure-Implementation Organisation Strategic

Advisory Group

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 106


[Article relates to Topic 4: Tracks 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17] The proposed multilateral nuclear
infrastructure bank, IBNI[1] embodies a set of comprehensive solutions addressing
unique multi-dimensional challenges impeding global scaling of nuclear technologies
(including SMRs). This article will expressly address how IBNI will support SMR
deployment within the specific context of ‘Topic 4’. IBNI Standards & Criteria (S&C),
together with IBNI funding and financing products, services and other support will
promote ‘best international practices', specifically related to: • Track 13: long-term
decarbonisation policies and energy system planning supporting sustainable
investments in low-carbon energy systems (including nuclear/SMRs); • Track 14:
supporting IAEA MSs in accelerating nuclear infrastructure, human resource capacity
development (and multinational resource pooling), institutions; • Track 15: optimal sets
of revenue, financing, commercial/business, contractual, risk-allocation and
project/program management models; • Track 16: diverse networks of political, industry
and civil society stakeholder engagements in nuclear power project and programs; and, •
Track 17: high degree of multinational alignment to a set of generally harmonised and
standardised regulatory, energy and financial markets, ESG and business model
frameworks. The article will further develop the unique value proposition of IBNI with
respect enabling accelerated global scaling of SMRs and other nuclear technologies. [1]
For additional details related to the proposed International Bank for Nuclear
Infrastructure (IBNI), please see:
Jordan’s SMR RTA Experience

Speaker: K. S. Hamdan

Primary Author: Khaleel Hamdan [1]

[1] Jordan Atomic Energy Commission

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 117


Jordan has been extensively studying using SMRs for electricity and water desalination.
Being highly dependent on imported natural gas for its power, the need for a local cheap
power source alternate is extreme. Since Jordan is a developing country, its abilities, and
resources are limited, an evaluation matrix presenting these limitations was generated,
in addition to the country's demands and needs to assess the compatibility of the design
to the program’s needs. Several problems were faced due to the special treatment that
SMRs demand forcing some modifications to the guidelines in the reference used No.
NP-T-1.10 “Nuclear Reactor Technology Assessment for Near-Term Deployment”.
Several technical proposals were challenged against it and a handful of reactors showed
some promise. This paper discusses the steps and methods used in this evaluation and
the result of this RTA as well as the challenges faced in the process such as migration
from large reactors to SMRs.
Challenges of SMR deployment in a Swedish setting

Speaker: Å. Linné

Primary Authors: Ase Waxell Linne; Nina Kivinen [1]; Maria Morgunova [1]; Marcus
Lindahl [1]

[1] Uppsala University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 145


Sweden is experiencing a new wave of interest in nuclear energy. This interest is largely
driven by the recently changed pro-nuclear political landscape in the EU and Sweden, the
emergence of new nuclear technologies and the estimated doubling of national
electricity consumption. Drawing on an ongoing study of the reintroduction of nuclear
technology in Sweden, this paper presents findings related to the main challenges
perceived in the potential deployment of SMRs in Sweden. In a qualitative study
connected to the ANItA (Academic-industrial Nuclear technology Initiative to Achieve a
sustainable energy future) competence centre managed by Uppsala University, we
investigate what the main nuclear actors perceive as the main challenges associated
with the future deployment of SMRs in Sweden. The preliminary findings indicate that
much of the challenges of deployment of SMRs are not related to technological
challenges per se, instead, the main challenges are tightly connected to the
organizational and regulatory context of embedding new technology; including lack of
licensing regulations, lack of competences within nuclear, uncertainty of financing and
cost estimates, as well as long-term political commitment.

Speaker: C. Mavag

Primary Author: Chadraabal Mavag [1]

[1] Nuclear Energy Commission of Mongolia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 169


Mongolia has a lot of potential for renewable energy. Addressing national energy
security, the Mongolia’s Long-term Development Policy, Vision-2050, aims to become
self-sufficient in energy production and addresses nuclear energy topics. In order to
support economic growth, effectively implement this policy, eliminating a pressure on its
electricity system and to introduce a number of new energy sources such coal-fired and
renewable energy sources to meet demands and expand the installed capacity is
necessity. Currently, Mongolia importing about 20% electricity supply from neighbors
and 80% of electricity comes from domestic energy sources, such as coal-about 80%,
wind-10%, solar-5.8% and hydro-1.7% respectively. Since the country’s needs to transit
its energy-mix into green energy-mix, the Government of Mongolia issued a joint order to
establish a working group to study possibility of use of nuclear power in Mongolia. A
working group determined, due to Mongolia's sparse population, vast landmass, and low
energy consumption, the use of a SMR is a potential alternative to diversify energy
sources and provide stable electricity which is reflected in the preliminary report, that
covers necessary activities and studies to be executed includes but not limited to the
establishment of NEPIO and preparation of pre-feasibility study. Preliminary report to be
submitted to the Cabinet Office for the further decision on nuclear power programme.
Norsk Kjernekraft and the advancement of nuclear in Norway

Speaker: O. Aas-hansen

Primary Author: Oyvind Aas-hansen [1]

Co-Authors: Steffen O. Saele [1]; Sunniva Rose [1]; Havard Kristiansen [1]; Natalia
Amosova [1]; John Kickhofel [1]; Jonny Hesthammer [1]

[1] Norsk Kjernekraft AS

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 241


Since establishing the company Norsk Kjernekraft (“Norwegian nuclear power”) in

summer 2022, the company has engaged with more than 45 interested municipalities
and public support for nuclear energy nationally has risen to more than 50 %. The rising
support stems from a huge need for clean energy to decarbonize existing industry, and a
strong public opposition towards establishing large wind-parks in the pristine Norwegian
nature. Although having never utilized nuclear energy, Norway has legislation and
regulation related to nuclear power plant licensing, and the country has decades of
experience with nuclear research reactors and associated R&D. In the present paper we
will present the Norsk Kjernekraft approach in Norway, working largely bottom-up
informing interested municipalities about nuclear and the possibilities with small
modular reactors. We will also present our work so far, including our assessment of the
IAEA milestones approach for Norway, and status of current initiatives for establishing
SMR-NPPs at several sites across Norway.
Possibilities for deployment of SMRs in Slovenia

Speaker: T. Zivko

Primary Author: Tomi Živko [1]

Co-Author: Tomaz Nemec [1]

[1] SNSA

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 312


Slovenia is a nuclear country with a NPP in operation since 1983 that in 2023 extended
its operational lifetime for 20 years until 2043. A project for a new GEN III PWR is
starting and according to plan it should begin its operation in 2037. In parallel, there are
some other interesting options for investors in SMRs available in the country. In 2023,
the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy started preparation of a
joint project with US Department of State for assessment of possibility to replace coal-
fired power plants with generation of electric energy by SMRs. The Ministry organized a
task group of possible investors into SMR projects and national grid provider as well as
regulator, the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) that will prepare the pre-
feasibility study concerning possible deployment of SMRs in Slovenia. The task force will
receive consultancy and technical help from prominent US energy services company.
The role of the SNSA is to provide information on licensing processes and legislative
requirements for SMRs, including assessment of site-specific characteristics such as
external hazards and functional requirements for SMR design and operation. The
Phoenix project is planned to be completed by mid-2025.

Speaker: C. Johari

Primary Author: Johanna Maria Christina Johari [1]

Co-Authors: Alexander Bychkov [2]; Galina Fesenko [2]; Sera Jeon [1]; Vladimir Kuznetsov

[1] IAEA; [2] Private

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 335


The IAEA’s International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)
supports Member States in their long-term strategic planning for deploying sustainable
nuclear energy. Over the past decade, INPRO developed methods and scientific-
technical analysis tools to support modelling and analysis of nuclear energy systems,
including global and regional scenarios. These analysis tools are available to Member
States and come in a service package called the “Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear
Energy Sustainability” (ASENES). The Task “Global Scenarios,” uses ASENES analyses to
develop a global vision of sustainable nuclear energy in the current century and beyond.
An ongoing collaborative project called ASENES-SMR, addresses sustainable
deployment scenarios for small modular reactors (SMRs) in evolutionary scenarios. This
project has 14 national and regional case studies, and the support of twelve Member
States. The project identified some preliminary factors for successful deployment of
SMRs: improving cost competitiveness and attractiveness for investment; introducing
innovations in technology; and implementing institutional arrangements. For favourable
economics, there needs to be a transition from economy of scale of reactors modules to
the economy of mass production. These scenarios aids in the future planning and
deployment of SMRs in strategic sustainable nuclear energy systems.
Feasibility Study for Deployment of Future SMR in IAEA
Member Country

Speaker: J. Best, S. Pecko

Primary Author: Joshua Best [1]

[1] Sargent & Lundy LLC

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 340


The abstract focuses on a feasibility study conducted in [reference county] where an

evaluation of the suitability of various sites for hosting a small modular reactor (SMR)
nuclear power plant (NPP) was conducted. The study assesses mature SMR
technologies and provide insights into the next steps for deploying an SMR in [reference
country]. The approach of the study is based on the guidelines established by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in NG-T-3.3, NR-T-1.10, SSR-1, SSG-35, and
SSG-79 and considers the priorities and needs identified by [country] stakeholders. The
feasibility study is divided into two phases. Phase 1 involves a "red flags" study of the
proposed sites to ensure their suitability for a new NPP. The outcome of Phase 1
confirms the suitability of multiple sites for hosting at least 1 market available SMR
technology for further assessment. Phase 2 of the study characterizes the complex
process of deploying an SMR in [country]. This phase includes a more detailed
examination of the potential sites and an evaluation of various reactor technologies that
best meets the needs of [country]. Various topics such as cogeneration, environmental,
natural and manmade hazards, waste management, and water usage are also
addressed in Phase 2. The feasibility study is a collaborative effort between [country]
stakeholders and subject matter experts from Sargent & Lundy LLC. The study provides
objective and defensible evaluations based on IAEA guidelines and reflect the priorities
and values of [country] stakeholders.
The Integration of Small Modular Reactors into a National
Nuclear Power Programme - A SWOT Analysis of Nigeria
INIR Mission

Speaker: M. U. Onwuhaka [1]

Primary Author: Uchenna Onwuhaka Madu [2]

Co-Authors: Chad Chinaemelu Anyaegbu [2]; Awwal Bisallah [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Abuja

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 348


The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted an Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure

Review (INIR) Mission for Nigeria in June 2015. The Member State requests an INIR
mission. The INIR mission is conducted by a team of experts to peer review, using a
transparent evaluation methodology, a member State's nuclear power infrastructure
development status. The INIR mission evaluated the IAEA's 19 infrastructure elements
needed to deploy large Nuclear Power Plants (NPP), which also applies to the SMR.
Through the lens of strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and threat (SWOT), this paper
examines the suitability of adopting the result 2015 INIR mission for application in SMR.
The SWOT analysis shows that SMR integration into the Nigeria nuclear power
programme is achievable with good planning and an effective implementation strategy.
CANDU Owners Group: Excellence through Collaboration for
an Evolving Nuclear Landscape

Speaker: S. Iqbal

Primary Author: Sonia Iqbal [1]

[1] CANDU Owners Group

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 374


The CANDU Owners Group (COG) has been supporting the Canadian Nuclear Industry
over the last 40 years to achieve operational excellence and bring clean energy to the
world. As the preeminent nuclear collaboration hub in Canada, COG is poised to support
its members and the industry at large as the nuclear landscape evolves to meet national
climate change goals and a shared vision of a sustainable and reliable power future. To
that end, COG has established a SMR Program consisting of the Small and Medium Size
Reactor Technology Forum (SMRTF) and the SMR Vendor Participant Program (SMR
VPP). These groups drive a collaborative effort to accelerate the development and
deployment of SMRs in Canada and worldwide, for both flexible on-grid and alternate
applications. This presentation will provide an overview of the COG SMR Program with a
focus on collaborative efforts with respect to fuel supply and security, radioactive waste,
security, nuclear liability, regulatory topics and workforce development. The presentation
will illustrate how the integrated and collaborative approach of the COG SMR Program
brings advantages by de-risking plans for all partners and providing support to new
entrants to the nuclear industry.
Considerations on the Accelerated Deployment of SMRs

Speaker: M. Ozerina

Primary Author: Milana Ozerina

Co-Author: Jing Wang

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 415


The global efforts towards sustainable and resilient energy solutions have fueled
interest in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as transformative elements in the nuclear
energy landscape. This paper discusses the need for accelerating SMR deployment,
emphasizing collaborative approaches involving stakeholders such as vendors,
Owner/Operators, and governments. Key considerations include economic benefits,
regulatory framework development, and collaborative initiatives to advance SMR
technology. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) plays a crucial role in
facilitating global collaboration on SMRs through two interconnected mechanisms: the
Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization Initiative (NHSI) and the SMR Platform. All
those elements are essential for realizing the full potential of SMRs in building a
sustainable energy future. Recognizing the potential economic advantages, this paper
highlights the need for a shortened timeline for the deployment of SMRs, especially in
Phase 2 of the IAEA Milestone Approach, including early engagement of vendors in this
process. The paper also describes incentives for vendors, Owner/Operators, and
governments, including job creation, investments, expanding market presence, ensuring
energy security, and carbon emission reduction goals. At the same time, the IAEA serves
as a cornerstone in ensuring a harmonized, monitored, and well-educated landscape for
SMR deployment. Hence, through strategic collaborations, early engagement, and
regulatory streamlining, the trajectory toward global SMR deployment is illuminated and
reinforced against potential impediments. As the world stands on the brink of a possible
new nuclear renaissance, the joint effort from various stakeholders promises not only
economic prosperity but also a resilient, low-carbon energy landscape. This shared
vision of prosperity through the accelerated deployment of SMRs necessitates
concerted and continuous efforts to pave the way for a promising and sustainable future
in nuclear energy.

Speaker: V. Nkong-njock

Primary Author: Vincent Nkong-njock

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 416


Energy continues to be a central constraint to the socio-economic development

prospects of the ECOWAS region. The current level of development of the energy system
is a bottleneck for the social, economic, and industrial development throughout the
region. This paradoxical energy circumstance in the ECOWAS region has sparked
interest in several Heads of States in the region who are keen to develop a common
regional vision and plan on how to harness the different energy resources in the region
so as to support their socio-economic development plans The paper is to take into
consideration the electricity demand for the study that was developed and analyzed
based on the expected/projected development of several influencing factors, showing
the importance of nuclear power in the countries’ energy mix. For the countries of the
ECOWAS region with very limited grid, undertakings to build the infrastructure for a
nuclear power programme will need to consider the implications and opportunities of
sharing infrastructure building efforts that is very challenging. Remains therefore for
countries that wish to build their own first nuclear power plant, the opportunity for
building a SMR. The paper aims to prepare a reference framework for a number of
studies that the ECOWAS States will need to have prepared, providing the technical
framework for studies and associated actions related to the following seven principal
infrastructure areas of consideration for the development of a nuclear power
programme including (1) Comprehensive studies for developing a strategy for
sustainable supplies of electricity, and the possible contribution of nuclear energy :
Energy planning; (2) Nuclear and radiation safety infrastructure; (3) Legal framework; (4)
Technological and industrial infrastructure; (5) Workforce planning for SMRs; (6) Fuel
cycle back end and waste management policies and (7) 2 Nuclear power plant siting.
Recent EU legislative proposals and the impact on SMR
technologies deployment

Speaker: G. Cardoso [1]

Primary Author: Andrei Goicea [2]

[1] TBC; [2] Nucleareurope

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 435


In recent years, the nuclear sector has started to regain visibility at EU level, mainly after
the energy crisis but also due to the still ongoing geopolitical situation. In this context,
nuclear in general and SMRs in particular have benefited from a series of enabling
measures in recent legislative proposals such as the Sustainable Finance - Taxonomy
and the Net Zero Industry Act. Likewise, the SMR deployment in the EU is now also
supported by the European Industrial Alliance on SMR launched at the beginning of this
year that aims at promoting the technology within future legislative proposals to be
issued by the EU institutions. The paper will dive into the recent and potentially
upcoming legislative proposals and the impact they will have on the SMR development
as from the early 2030’s.

Speaker: H.j. Kim

Primary Author: Hyo Jin Kim (world Association Of Nuclear Operators) [1]

[1] World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 14: Nuclear Infrastructure and Enabling Environment for SMRs (D.14)

INDICO Abstract ID: 429


This paper is to introduce WANO services to support safe and successful deployment of
new nuclear units of its member utilities. Since 2015, WANO and its members interacted
to ensure safe and reliable deployment of various new nuclear power plants. Majority of
new nuclear being large size, new technology reactors include the High Temperature
Gas Cooled Reactor – Pebble Bed at Shidao Bay, the Floating reactors on Akademik
Lomonosov, Beloyarsk Fast Breeder Reactors. WANO support has helped
commissioning and safe startup of about 60 new reactors in the last 10 years. WANO, as
a non-profit, member organisation of nuclear power plant operators in the world, is
providing new units with customised supports according the technology, size, and
experience of the new nuclear units. These services include multiple new unit assistance
visits, operational readiness assistance, roadmap to operational readiness, and pre-
startup peer reviews. Lessons learnt from new units started up in the last 10 years have
proved that WANO services had been effective in supporting safe and reliable
operations. The lessons learnt also highlighted that earlier engagement of new units
with WANO activities is essential to build highest level of operational readiness.
Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting
Approaches for SMR Projects (D.15)

Some Technical and Institutional Issues to Accelerate

Deployment of SMRs

Speaker: V.usanov

Primary Author: Vladimir Usanov [1]

Co-Author: Julia Kuzina [1]

[1] Institute for Physics and Power Engineering

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 48


V. Troyanov, Iu. Kuzina , A. Gulevich, V. Usanov, A. Verbitsky JSC State Scientific Centre
of the Russian Federation, Obninsk, Russia The vision on the development and
deployment of SMRs is presented in the paper. The first SMRs were built in Russia in
1954 -1989. After this stage, SMRs of various types were designed but not built until
early 2000s. New driving forces for the penetration of SMRs to the energy sector of the
country are discussed in the paper. The recent accelerated development of the
northeastern regions with rich natural resources but low population density and high
cost of energy generation has created favorable conditions for the use of SMRs.
However, it is necessary to revise the approaches used for construction of the reactors
of large capacities and find new solutions to meet specific requirements of the remote
regions. Comparison of the feasibility of these requirements for small PWRs of
generation 3+ and generation IV reactors is provided. The discussion on the tasks of
SMRs penetration is supplemented by consideration of their role as a large sustainable
component of the future national and global energy sector.
Innovative financing solution to scale nuclear investments -
The international Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure

Speaker: M. Kovachev

Primary Author: Milko Kovachev (international Bank For Nuclear Infrastructure) [1]

Co-Authors: Fabienne Pehuet; David Stearns [2]; Elina Teplinsky [2]

[1] International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure ( IBNI); [2] IBNI

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 49


The Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP28) to the UNFCC held in Dubai Nov-Dec
2023 has become the “Nuclear COP” as displayed in the media. The reason for that
informal title was the unprecedented reference to nuclear in the Global Stocktake
document known as “UAE consensus”. More than 25 countries signed the Ministerial
declaration setting the goal for tripling nuclear capacity by 2050 from the current 372
GW. The Nuclear industry as part of the Net Zero Nuclear initiative launched by WNA and
ENEC, made Net Zero Nuclear Industry Pledge supported by more than 120 companies.
Achieving these ambitious goals, requires adequate financing mechanisms for scaling
nuclear investments. The lending policies of IFIs as the World Bank and other MDBs are
lacking behind from the policies in support to all low carbon sources including nuclear.
This alignment remains priority for scaling nuclear, however additional innovative
financing mechanisms are critical for mobilizing the investments and supporting the
nuclear market expansion through the development of enabling infrastructure in
countries embarking on nuclear power. This importance has been recently underlined in
the IEA Electricity 2024, report. This article provides case study based on the initiative to
establish a multilateral international financing institution (“IFI”), named the International
Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure (IBNI). The case study elaborates on the use of different
financing tools foreseen in IBNI structure to demonstrate the SMR designs in the
technology exporting countries as well as developing or adapting the nuclear
infrastructure in technology importing countries and ensure the potential order book for
serial SMRs deployment. The article will further elaborate on the way the Special
Operation Fund is designed to address the funding gaps in countries embarking or
expanding nuclear power. In conclusion the study advocates for establishing IBNI as the
way to improve nuclear competitiveness and achieving scale.
Future Cost Projections of Small Modular Reactors: A Model-
Based Analysis

Speaker: J.k. Nøland

Primary Author: Jonas Kristiansen Nøland (norwegian University Of Science And

Technology) [1]

Co-Authors: Martin Nødland Hjelmeland [2]; Magnus Korpås [2]

[1] Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); [2] Norwegian University of
Science and Technology

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 57


Forecasting the future costs of innovative energy technologies, such as small modular
reactors (SMRs), presents a complex challenge due to a multitude of uncertainties and
variables. With over 100 SMR designs currently competing globally for commercial
viability, achieving cost-effectiveness is a critical hurdle, particularly given the smaller
reactors' inherent lack of economies of scale. This paper presents a model-based
approach for estimating the first-of-a-kind (FOAK) costs for SMRs across various sizes,
alongside determining the necessary deployment scale to achieve the supplier's
projected Nth-of-a-kind (NOAK) costs, considering expected learning curves. Our
analysis reveals that while smaller SMRs initially face higher costs, they possess
significant potential for cost reduction, primarily through enhanced modularization
strategies. The study demonstrates that SMRs can competitively match or surpass the
cost-efficiency of larger nuclear power plants and alternative energy sources, conditional
on the strategic deployment of a sufficient number of units. This work contributes to a
nuanced understanding of SMR cost dynamics and laying a foundation for future
research on their economic integration into the power market.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Small Modular Reactor Deployment
for Electricity Generation in West Kalimantan

Speaker: S. Suparman

Primary Author: Suparman Suparman [1]

[1] National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 93


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are indeed gaining increasing attention due to their
potential to be commercially available in the near future. The interest in SMRs has grown
because of their lower investment requirements compared to large Nuclear Power
Plants (NPPs). SMRs offer the promise of faster development and revenue generation,
which could help offset their higher capital costs and provide a generation cost
comparable to larger NPPs. However, the smaller size of SMR may lead to a loss of
economy of scale, which could impact the generation costs of electricity. Therefore,
conducting an economic cost-benefit analysis of an SMR program is essential for
decision-makers. This analysis helps in evaluating and predicting the value of the
project, determining its economic efficiency, and assessing its viability based on the net
benefit it generates. The research aims to critically analyse the SMR program and
conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) specifically focused on deployment program of
SMR in West Kalimantan. The results indicate that the NPP project does not offer
additional benefits over the Coal Power Plant (CPP) due to the high investment cost of
SMRs. The analysis points out that if the investment cost for SMR is reduced by 10%
(5,595 USD/kWe), SMR would have a higher Net Present Value (NPV) than CPP,
indicating a more favourable financial outcome for the SMR project. Furthermore at a
carbon tax rate of 20 USD/ton, the CPP would not be financially viable (negative Net
Present Value), making the SMR a more attractive option under these conditions. At a
discount rate of 5%, the NPV of SMR is higher than CPP. This information can be crucial
for decision-makers when considering the economic viability of investing in SMRs as
part of their energy strategy.
Extended assessment of nuclear and alternative electricity
generating technologies based on their impact on national
GDP (Cost-to-GDP concept)

Speaker: S. Rozhenko

Primary Author: Sergey Rozhenko [1]

Co-Author: Vadim Karle

[1] Kept

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 122


The Leveraged Cost of Electricity (LCOE) metric is often used to compare production
costs for initial planning to rank options and advocate solutions. The use of this metric
may be very misleading as it doesn’t tell about the affordability nor accounts for the
impact on the national GDP for a particular country. To account for this complexity, we
developed the new Cost-to-GDP extended cost assessment concept to estimate and
compare costs of production for various power sources by joining LCOE and
econometric methods within one parameter – called RealLCOE. The new method
estimates cost share of imports within traditional LCOE comprising of imported fuel,
equipment and services, adversely impacting GDP. The approach makes possible to
choose the most affordable option by based not only the absolute LCOE value, but rather
the actual cost to GDP for a particular generation technology depending for a country,
which helps get the highest multiplicator for local economic development. Our research
aims: • To describe the Cost-to-GDP concept; • To compare generating technologies
using the cumulative effects on the national economy • To estimate impact of supply
chain localization on RealLCOE for various generating technologies; • To illustrate
specifics of SMR position at merit order ranking for developing countries Overall this
helps to provide a more balanced approach toward nuclear and fossil technologies
compared to renewables alternatives considering, especially important for early stage
energy planning for developing markets considering SMR inclusion into energy mix.
Controlling Investment Risks by Integrating
Decommissioning by Design in SMR Development

Speaker: A. Van Heek

Primary Author: Aliki Van Heek [1]

[1] Nuclear-21

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 153


Nuclear-21 presents an innovative approach to Small Modular Reactor (SMR)

development, emphasizing end-of-life considerations ('Decommissioning by Design') as
not only a priority in the licensing and environmental assessment processes, but also in
determining investment risks in new nuclear development. Our methodology prioritizes
the meticulous planning of decommissioning sequences, aiming to minimize radiation
exposure and radioactive waste, thereby easing the load on waste facilities and future
generations. This holistic approach encompasses both physical design elements and
organizational planning strategies, ensuring that end-of-life considerations are integral
to licensing, environmental assessments, and investment decisions. We advocate for
clear decommissioning frameworks from the outset, including funding mechanisms and
responsibilities, to inform investment in both prototypes as well as the series plants.
Leveraging 3D modeling and Building Information Modelling (BIM), we aim to
significantly reduce decommissioning costs and associated investment risks. Our
presentation will outline how these strategies can mitigate common decommissioning
challenges. Examples of typical decommissioning issues which can be alleviated or
even eliminated when considering decommissioning in the design process will be
Economic Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Integration in
Small Modular Reactors Balance of Plant

Speaker: F. Tassone

Primary Authors: Giorgio Locatelli [1]; Stefano Lorenzi [1]; Marco Ricotti [1]; Federico
Tassone [1]

[1] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 199


The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in the electric grid intensifies
more than ever the demand for adjustable power outputs. Nuclear plants often find load-
following, though feasible, undesirable especially due to the associated thermo-
mechanical stresses placed on reactor components. To help absorb the load variability
and improve the overall plant economics we can integrate molten salt thermal energy
storage (TES) into a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) balance-of-plant (BOP). This study
assesses the economic viability of this approach through a discounted cash flow
analysis. In particular, we are considering lead-cooled SMRs with an electrical capacity
of about 100 MWe, 3 different TES tank sizes, and 6 BOP configurations for loading and
unloading the molten salt at different rates. By storing excess thermal energy during low-
demand periods and releasing it during peaks, it is possible to effectively meet
fluctuating energy needs and improve overall revenues. We provide net present values
and internal rates of return for the proposed systems by considering factors such as
capital costs, operating expenses, revenue streams, and discount rates. The results
show which configurations could be economically profitable, underlying the need to have
such preliminary analysis to drive the design of nuclear systems adopting TES.
EverGREEN 2045: An Energy Mix to Decarbonize Washington

Speaker: B. Tarufelli

Primary Author: Brittany Tarufelli [1]

Co-Authors: Samrat Acharya [1]; Dhruv Bhatnagar [2]; Allison Campbell [1]; Kevin Harris
[1]; Kaveri Mahapatra [1]; Patrick Maloney [1]; Bharat Vyakaranam [1]; Mark Weimar [1];
Ali Zbib [1]

[1] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; [2] Strategen Consulting, Inc.

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 207


The Washington State Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) transitions the state to
100% clean energy by 2045. We examined the potential for flexible resources, including
small modular reactors (SMRs), to replace existing fossil-fuel generation. We partnered
with X-energy, developer of a Gen-IV High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) –
the Xe-100, to gain access to proprietary cost data and develop realistic cost estimates.
We designed future resource mix scenarios compliant with CETA and included
deployments of SMRs and other flexible resources. We used power systems analysis
tools (production cost modeling and transient stability analysis) to examine the cost and
stability of the future resource mix. We investigated the economic feasibility of SMRs
using the value of services earned. With our integrated economic and engineering
modeling approach, we found that revenues earned are sufficient to cover variable O&M
costs, but capacity payments or power purchase agreements will likely be necessary for
SMRs to participate in the future resource mix. Other benefits from incorporating SMRs
in the future resource mix included reduced carbon dioxide emissions, and in some
scenarios, reduced congestion, and price volatility.
Demystifying a Contract: Why Contract Price is not the Cost
of the Project

Speaker: I. Pletukhina

Primary Author: Inna Pletukhina [1]

[1] Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 222


Cost-overruns are one of the primary concerns for all the main stakeholders in the new
nuclear projects: owners, contractors, and investors. Frequently, the projects are
described in terms of the amounts, i.e., a “$20 billion contract”. However, referring to the
“price of a contract” to describe the financial cost of a project is misleading. The price of
a contract is likely a reflection of a certain budgetary ceiling estimated by an owner, a
project price tag as hoped for by a contractor or some combination of both. That
number is at best an approximation - and at worst wishful thinking - until the precise
allocation of risks between an owner of a new nuclear project and a technology
vendor/contractor has been worked out during contract negotiations. The presentation
will provide a foundation of what is meant by “risk allocation” in a contract, identify a few
examples of common contractual provisions that contain “hidden costs”, and explore
the relationships between various provisions that have cost implications. The
presentation will be useful for anyone that may be drafting, negotiating, and/or
approving a contract for either a traditional nuclear power plant or advanced reactor
From Design to Deployment: Project Management for
Successful Completion

Speaker: G. Borovas

Primary Author: George Borovas [1]

[1] Hunton Andrews Kurth

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 223


Successful completion of a nuclear project, requires not only a competitive design, but a
right project management strategy and its early prioritization. While it is natural for
technology developers to prioritize research, development, and, perhaps, even testing of
their design, accounting for certain “implementation” variables early in the process
would lead to more realistic evaluation of both project financing and duration. From the
decades building and operating nuclear power plants - and complex, expensive, and
long-term projects in other industries - we can distill the “implementation” variables that
should be incorporated into development of the overall project management strategy.
The presentation will identify some of these variables from previous nuclear power
projects, analyze how they may influence deployment of advanced reactor technologies,
and suggest what technology vendors and customers/owners can do to minimize the
risk that such variables may carry for the success of a project.
Economic evaluation of SMR projects as an option to power
plants burning hard coal in Czech Republic

Speaker: P. Mach

Primary Authors: Bretislav Horak; Petr Mach [1]; Lubor Zezula


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 256


This paper presents general observations from development of the technical-economic

study of possibility to replace the existing heating plants and cogeneration power plants
burning mostly hard coal exploited in local deep pit mines with a nuclear option located.
The study specified nuclear option compiled from Nuclear Power Plants with Small
Modular Reactors with capacity to reduce emissions from energy conversion sources for
specific Region by approximately 80%. The Small Modular Reactors were sited in
compliance of nuclear safety rules for siting of Nuclear Power Plants, connected to the
Local District Heating Systems and the electric grids and located with consideration of
the planned development of residence centers and industry. The economic assessment
was carried out using the calculation of discounted cash flow for whole lifetime of the
plants considered in the nuclear scenario. Uncertainties in the parameters used in the
calculation were analyzed by sensitivity analysis to these parameters. Performed
Calculations demonstrated that positive discounted cash flow results of nuclear option
can be achieved with investment costs that correspond to credible construction price
assumptions and to the operation costs derived from the operated nuclear power plants.
The observations presented in the paper are focused on technical-economic elements of
conceptual study of wide deployment of Small Modular Reactors aimed at
decarbonizing the centralized heating plants. The final part of the study contains a list of
items that require solutions during the development of the study or need to be solved
with the permitting authorities.
Steel-Concrete modular construction. Economic impact on
the levelized cost of electricity in large reactors or SMRs

Speaker: P.m. Alliard

Primary Author: Pierre-marie Alliard [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 286


For nuclear power to remain an attractive option in the next decades, the cost of
electricity must remain competitive with alternative sources, whereas investors and
public acceptance have been eroded by new build projects costs overrun. Lots of reports
have been published on means to stop the construction costs escalation that was
observed for large reactors in the Western countries (OECD/NEA, IAEA). Regarding
SMRs, the challenge to develop a viable business model is bigger, especially how to
unlock cost reductions to compensate diseconomies of scale. Steel-Concrete Structures
(SCS) is one of the possible economic drivers, by reduced Interests During Construction
(IDC), indirect costs and owner’s costs from the shorter schedule. However, outside
generalities or technical evaluations, there is a lack of information on supplementary
direct costs that may lessen the savings; moreover, the expected gain compared to
reinforced concrete (RC) was not yet quantified in the literary in terms of reactor
economic performance, namely the cost of electricity (LCOE) all included (capitalized
cost, operation & maintenance, fuel, dismantling). From the feedback of the SCHEDULE
RFCS EU funded project 800732 (full-scale ultimate safety building in SCS), we
developed a simplified model to assess the construction method sensitivity in various
scenarios. Savings depends finally on the size of the project as construction &
commissioning schedules and costs breakdown are very different. For large reactors,
SCS offers substantial LCOE discount ~0.92. The higher is the cost of money (WACC),
the higher are savings. For SMRs, SCS is profitable in critical areas where it offers both
schedule and direct costs reduction (e.g replacement of the pools steel liners).
Elsewhere savings are generally smaller than for large reactors because civil works do
not represent the main part of the global schedule and costs. The “time to money”
exchange rate is -0.4% LCOE per removed month.
Facilitating SMR Deployment through Sustainable Project
Financing: Perspective of a Developer

Speaker: M. Shimofuji

Primary Author: Mitsuo Shimofuji

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 311


Financing nuclear projects is one of the major impediments to SMR fleet deployment.
There is much conversation about the role of governments in supporting financing of
SMR projects. Many governments, including in the US and EU, have launched grants, tax
credits, and other financing initiatives to facilitate at least initial demonstration projects
of FOAK reactor technologies. While government support for successful nuclear projects
has been essential, sustainable commercial fleet deployment of SMRs will require an
innovative project financing approach to fund nuclear projects. Our proposed project
finance model utilizes the best approaches common to the energy and mining
commodity sector. We assert that the bankability of the Small Modular Reactor (SMR)
sector and the widespread deployment of hundreds of SMR reactors hinges upon
securing long-term offtake agreements with clear industrial end-users boasting strong
balance sheets, as well as the availability of private funds and debt financing. Lenders
may require guarantees from project proponent until commercial production begins. To
mitigate this risk, project proponent must adhere to industry best practices for timely
and cost-effective project delivery. Additionally, initial support from financial investors
or, until a substantial number of SMRs are operational, governmental entities could
facilitate the provision of guarantees to maintain the momentum of SMR deployment.
Governmental and Multilateral Incentives for SMR

Speaker: D.l.dua

Primary Author: Douglas Dua [1]

Co-Authors: Colleen Grygier [1]; George Borovas [2]; Inna Pletukhina [1]

[1] Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP; [2] Hunton Andrews Kurth

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 320


The nuclear industry has been described as being in a “stalemate”, because constituents
facing first-mover concerns are trying to simultaneously generate orders for reactors,
create a record of successfully deployed projects and build out a supply chain to sustain
the industry’s scaling. Most participants agree that this triple-headed problem can only
be resolved with various kinds and levels of governmental and other support. This paper
will attempt to identify and explain the financial and other incentives which are
necessary or desirable to set the table for SMR project deployment in various
international markets. Covering existing and potential programs, the discussion will
touch upon legal regimes and developments in the United States, Europe, MENA and
Asia, and their interaction with contracting and financing approaches taken by project
participants. Some of the specific materials to be considered will include tax incentives,
loan guarantees, cost overrun insurance, utility asset-backed securitization, financial
assistance, fuel banks and capacity markets and other price support.

Speaker: D. Musyoka

Primary Author: Diana Musyoka [1]

Co-Author: Brian Nyawinda [2]

[1] NUCLEAR POWER AND ENERGY AGENCY; [2] Nuclear Power and Energy Agency

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 342


In Kenya, nuclear energy is poised to complement renewable sources, particularly

through the adoption of small modular reactors. Long-term national energy plans outline
incorporation of three units of nuclear power plants, each generating 291 megawatts,
into the grid by 2038. Preliminary assessments for Kenya's inaugural nuclear power
plant reveal a capital cost of approximately 500 billion Kenya shillings for a 300
megawatt plant. Financing hurdles such as high initial investment and public opposition,
driven by concerns over safety and waste management are the major challenges for
Kenya’s first nuclear power plant. Following COP28, calls were made for development
institutions like the World Bank to finance new nuclear energy projects. International
Finance Institutions, including the World Bank, have a successful track record in
financing capital-intensive energy projects like geothermal power generation in Kenya,
this is attributed to robust environmental and social safeguards. Kenya's strategic
environmental assessment for its nuclear program recommends adoption of
international finance institutions' guidelines for environmental due diligence to
complement the national environmental laws and regulations. Acquisition of financing
from international finance institutions presents multiple opportunities for Kenya's
nuclear power project: The financing challenge for the project will be met; leveraging the
international finance institutions such as World Bank's environmental and social
standards presents an opportunity to garner local community and stakeholder
acceptance of the nuclear project; and the national environmental and social framework
will be enhanced. These opportunities will expedite the deployment of advanced nuclear
power technology in Kenya
Mitigating FOAK Risk in SMR Deployment: Insights from
Contracting Approaches

Speaker: R. Duncan

Primary Authors: Ryan Duncan [1]; Phoebe Lind [1]

[1] Last Energy, Inc.

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 387


Small modular reactors (SMRs) offer a promising solution to the deployment challenges
of gigawatt-scale nuclear projects, yet concerns over first-of-a-kind (FOAK) risk may
deter potential customers. This paper proposes leveraging proven financing and
contracting strategies from the renewable energy sector to alleviate FOAK anxiety
among energy buyers. Through contracting strategies such as power purchase
agreements (PPAs) and fixed price engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
contracts, energy buyers only pay for the clean energy they receive, while developers can
ensure cost predictability and performance accountability, thereby fostering customer
confidence in the timely delivery of nuclear energy projects. Through a comprehensive
analysis of the potential benefits and practical implications of these strategies, we
contribute valuable insights on the deployment of FOAK nuclear reactors.
National Reactor Innovation Center Advanced Construction
Technology Program

Speaker: L. Voss

Primary Author: Luke Voss [1]

[1] Idaho National Laboratory

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 407


National Reactor Innovation Center Advanced Construction Technology Program Luke

Voss Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID Abstract. The National
Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) Advanced Construction Technology Initiative (ACTI)
supports a transformation in nuclear energy construction and deployment costs as
various nuclear energy economic studies have identified the major cause of cost
overruns are due to civil construction and schedule risks. Enabling this transformation
will increase the confidence of investors, energy system planners, policymakers, and
ultimately consumers in the capability of nuclear energy to meet future needs. The
initiative considers regulatory requirements for commercial nuclear implementation and
will incorporate strategies to develop regulator experience in review of the technology.
The advanced construction technologies explored have significant cost and productivity
impacts on the design, permits, construction, and operation of a nuclear facility and
NRIC seeks to further demonstrate these technologies. In 2021, NRIC awarded a cost-
shared, multi-year project to GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) and other key
stakeholders on the first ACTI project that aims to reduce the construction costs of
building new reactors by more than 10% and significantly lower the scheduling risks and
uncertainties associated with them. Included in this work are three key technologies –
vertical shaft construction, fabricated steel/concrete modular wall systems, and
monitoring and digital twins. Keywords: Advanced Construction Technology Initiative
GE-Hitachi National Reactor Innovation Center
Deployment of SMRs: a Risk-based Framework for “Public-
Private Investment Partnerships 3.0”

Speaker: A. Paterson

Primary Authors: Cyril Draffin [1]; Andrew Paterson [2]

[1] U.S. Nuclear Industry Council; [2] US Nuclear Industry Council

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 15: Financing, Cost & Economic Appraisals and Contracting Approaches for
SMR Projects (D.15)

INDICO Abstract ID: 425


Financing Advanced Reactors and SMRs must address not only economics, but the
critical risks (e.g., reactor and fuel technical performance, regulatory uncertainties, and
economics of construction, operations, and ultimately long-term disposal). Based on
structured survey results, private industry lacks the full capability to address all risks,
particularly regulatory uncertainties outside its control. The public sector (agencies,
communities) must be actively involved in negotiating approaches that enable optimal
financing for early build of advanced reactors – as was the case in the 1960s with the
first commercial reactor construction. Responses to the critical risks require multiple
mechanisms, under a banner of “Public-Private Partnership 3.0”, involving subsidies,
regulatory reform and assistance (including testing), and negotiated risk-sharing and
credit support between industry and government agencies. Subsidies and economics
alone are not sufficient; regulatory reform and public investment are vital, and
negotiation can lead most importantly to POSITIVE government budget results over the
life of the financing. Keywords: Financing, Advanced reactors, Critical risks, Public-
private partnerships, SMR
Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development
and Deployment (D.16)

Securing Small Modular Reactor Development in Remote

Areas: Case Studies and Cultural Analysis in Indonesia

Speaker: A. Meliana

Primary Author: Alfitri Meliana [1]

[1] National Research and Innovation Agency

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 81


Indonesia is committed to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060, and one of its
strategies involves the construction of a nuclear power plant (NPP). In collaboration with
the United States, Indonesia plans to commence the construction of a 462 MW facility in
2023. This facility will utilize NuScale Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology,
representing a significant step towards advancing the clean energy transition in the
country. Compared to conventional nuclear power plants, the construction of SMRs
offers several advantages, notably in terms of flexible land requirements and a smaller
footprint. Moreover, SMRs incorporate advanced safety features designed to withstand
extreme weather conditions and various seismic events. Importantly, these reactors can
be tailored to meet the specific needs of a country's power grid and scaled up as
required. One of the primary objectives of deploying SMRs in Indonesia is to ensure
widespread access to electricity across the nation. The initial phase of SMR
development is planned for West Kalimantan, with the intention of expanding into other
remote areas in the future. However, the implementation of SMR projects in remote
regions necessitates thorough security assessments. This paper aims to analyze
potential security threat scenarios associated with SMR development in remote areas of
Indonesia. Through case studies and cultural analysis of Indonesian society, the study
seeks to assess the impact of local culture on nuclear security and identify strategies to
mitigate potential risks.
ENEN contribution to the development of SMR human

Speaker: G. Pavel

Primary Author: Gabriel Lazaro Pavel [1]

Co-Author: Kateryna Piliuhina [1]

[1] European Nuclear Education Network

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 87


The European Nuclear Education Network – ENEN is an association of more than 90

representatives of higher education institutions, research organisations, technical
support organisations and nuclear industry. In recent years the Small Modular Reactor –
SMR technologies brought a new revival of the nuclear as environmentally friendly and
clean energy source. The SMRs represented the innovation that new generations
brought as a follow up of decades of safe utilization of well-known technologies used as
large scale energy sources. Today, the SMR technology is perceived as a solution to
replace other environmentally unfriendly technologies or as a solution to bring energy to
remote locations. Also, small communities can benefit of clear energy from a clean
source. In order to safely develop, build and exploit such technologies, qualified
workforce is needed. Some of these EC funded projects like TANDEM ( fitting SMRs into
hybrid energy systems) or ECC-SMART (joint EU-Canada-China related to SCWR-SMR)
are trying to set the base for future SMR development. The European Small and
Advanced Training Academy – ESTA, an initiative developed in 2023 by ENEN targets to
correlate the education and training initiatives at EU level in order to avoid redundancy
and increase efficiency in educational actions targeting SMR reactors.
The value of early engagement between stakeholders to
ensure successful deployment of SMRs in the Global South

Speaker: I. Kirsten [1]

Primary Author: Ingrid Kirsten [2]

Co-Author: Anthony Stott (vienna Center For Disarmament And Non-proliferation) [3]

[1] TBC; [2] VCDNP; [3] Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 184


There has been limited engagement between developers and potential end-users of SMR
technologies in the Global South. To ensure the successful deployment and sustainable
operation of these technologies, early engagement between reactor vendors and end-
users is essential. NGOs like the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
(VCDNP) are well positioned to provide a platform for dialogue in an environment that
enables frank and open discussion and facilitates better understanding of challenges
and priorities. The VCDNP, in collaboration with the African Commission for Nuclear
Energy (AFCONE) and other partners, is organising a three-day, multi-stakeholder
workshop in South Africa from 30 April to 3 May 2024. The workshop will focus on
challenges to deployment and to consider what can be done to better prepare African
markets for SMRs. It will also provide an opportunity for international financial
institutions, investment funds and philanthropic foundations to understand their critical
role in the successful deployment of SMRs. Regulators and policymakers from African
countries and international experts, including the IAEA, will participate. The VCDNP’s
paper will discuss the process and the outcome of this multi-stakeholder engagement,
drawing lessons learned for future engagement with vendors, investors, policymakers
and climate change and development assistance communities.

Speaker: M. Idzat Bin Idris

Primary Author: Mohd Idzat Bin Idris [1]

Co-Author: Muhammad Hannan Aziz [1]

[1] Department of Applied Physics, Faculty Science and Technology, Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 232


The application of nuclear energy is becoming more prevalent, especially to produce

clean electricity. While conventional nuclear reactors offer large-scale power generation,
their construction is time-consuming and expensive. Small modular reactors (SMRs),
with capacities up to 300 megawatts (MW), present an alternative for providing energy in
remote areas and aligning with the National Energy Policy's goals of efficient,
economical, and low-carbon energy use. However, public acceptance is crucial for their
feasibility in Malaysia. This study aimed to assess Malaysians' current perception of
nuclear energy, measure their knowledge and awareness of SMRs, and explore the
relationship between their perception of nuclear energy and their support for SMRs. A
quantitative online survey was distributed nationwide, with 200 respondents
participating. The results revealed a diverse demographic, with females constituting
56%, ages ranging from 14 to 74, and a majority holding bachelor's degrees. The findings
indicated a mixed public perception. Despite concerns about safety and environmental
impact, a general view exists of nuclear energy as a reliable source and a potential tool
in the fight against climate change. However, knowledge of SMRs was relatively low,
with nearly 58% of respondents demonstrating low levels according to the questionnaire.
Nevertheless, overall awareness was moderate, with 54% expressing a good
understanding of SMRs' potential for low-carbon energy production. While respondents
exhibited positive support for SMR use in Malaysia despite security concerns, these
concerns did not significantly affect their overall support for their development. These
results highlight the importance of strengthening public education through educational
institutions and social media to enhance awareness and foster a more positive
perception of SMRs in the context of Malaysia.
Education through science: NNSTU master’s program
«Nuclear power plants with SMR»

Speaker: A. Dobrov

Primary Author: Aleksandr Dobrov [1]

Co-Authors: Aleksandr Khrobostov [1]; Maksim Legchanov [1]

[1] Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 236


Since 2020, in cooperation with the Technical Academy of Rosatom, NNSTU (Nizny
Novgorod, Russia) implemented a project to prepare the short-term courses and a full-
fledged master's program «NPP with SMR» in English. The project consists of two parts.
The first one - a program of train-the-trainer’s courses "NPPs with SMR: Main Aspects
and Life-cycle" - a new educational product aimed at improving the qualifications of
specialists from foreign partner countries in this field of engineering. The second - two-
year master's program, whose graduates are preparing for research, design and
development activities in the field of nuclear engineering of NPPs with SMR. The main
topics of study of the Master's degree program are focused on innovative approaches in
the design and construction of nuclear power plants, SMR safety assurance,
hydrodynamics and heat transfer, methods for solving engineering problems of SMR,
Rosatom production system in the design and construction of power plants. In addition
to lectures, there are a large number of practical classes in laboratories. NNSTU has
several unique research test facilities that simulate thermal-hydraulic processes in
different type small modular reactors. Aerodynamic facility FT-50 for modeling the
coolant hydrodynamics in the core of the RITM-200 and KLT-40S reactors;
multifunctional facility FT-40 for studying mixing processes in the water-cooled SMR
pressure vessel; high-pressure stand FT-A1 for studying processes in HTGR; FT-4 test
facility with lead coolant for modeling processes in the equipment of the SVBR and
BREST reactors. The report will provide information about the structure of the
educational process, about the experimental facilities of NNSTU and information about
scientific researches conducted by students studying through this program.
Systematic Literature Review on the Risks of SMRs

Speaker: B. Kocsis [1]

Primary Author: Balazs Kocsis [2]

[1] TBC; [2] MVM Paks NPP Ltd.

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 313


There is a lot of research on SMRs, from technological developments to their

environmental impact. The aim of this presentation is to identify and synthesise, in a
systematic review, relevant literature from key international sources from around the
world, from the last 10 years (2013-2024). My research focuses on the dangers
associated with small modular nuclear power plants. In addition to the undoubted
advantages, there is therefore the social issue of the economic viability, the potential for
nuclear accidents and the management of the waste generated by their operation.
Initiatives in INPRO for SMRs

Speaker: N. Das

Primary Authors: Carolynn Scherer [1]; Nilormi Das [2]; Sera Jeon [2]; Gaye Sayin [2]


Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 389


The concept of sustainable nuclear energy development through strategic energy

planning is facilitated by the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and
Fuel Cycles (INPRO), a key programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA). The INPRO programme has various activities supporting Member States (MSs) in
strategic planning for sustainable nuclear energy incorporating small modular reactors
(SMRs). INPRO brings together technology developers and users in capacity building.
INPRO’s collaborative SMR projects, aim to formulate prospective scenarios and
success factors for sustainable nuclear energy systems deployment with SMRs,
including potential cooperation models. Additionally, INPRO supports MSs through its
nuclear energy system assessment (NESA) utilizing the holistic INPRO methodology,
which encompasses six key areas for sustainability: economics, safety, infrastructure,
environmental impacts, proliferation resistance, and waste management. INPRO is
working with several MSs in performing NESA’s for SMRs. Another project is the INPRO
Dialogue Forums (DF), which provides a platform for technology holders and users to
exchange knowledge on sustainable nuclear energy development and deployment;
specifically, the 21st and 22nd DFs addressed SMRs. The INPRO methodology assesses
nuclear energy systems to identify gaps in sustainability during design phases and
promotes advancing sustainable SMR deployment.
Systematic Review on Public Perception and Acceptance of
Small Modular Reactors: Challenges and Strategies

Speaker: B. R. Carvalho

Primary Authors: Delvonei Alves De Andrade [1]; Elaine Rodrigues [2]; Beatriz Rodrigues
De Carvalho [3]

[1] IPEN; [2] IPEN-CNEN; [3] UNB

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 408


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have emerged as a promising alternative for

decarbonization, with significant advantages in terms of flexibility, safety and cost. Their
success depends on technical feasibility, an adequate regulatory framework and public
acceptance. Based on a comprehensive systematic literature review, the aim of this
study is to analyze public perception and acceptance of Small Modular Reactors. For its
development, the PRISMA methodology (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses) was used in the scientific databases Scopus and Web of
Science, using descriptors related to the subject under investigation. The results were
synthesized systematically, identifying patterns, trends and gaps in the literature related
to public perception and acceptance of SMRs. The main concerns raised by the studies
were highlighted, as were the factors that positively or negatively influence the
acceptance of these technologies, as well as the implications of the evidence for public
policy, regulation and the practice of the nuclear industry.
Adding resilience features in new reactor designs to
adequately fulfil nuclear safety principles: Insights from
small modular reactors

Speaker: J.n. Widyamanto

Primary Author: Johanes Widyatmanto [1]

Co-Author: Rafaela Hillerbrand [1]

[1] Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 16: Public and Stakeholder Engagements in SMR Development and
Deployment (D.16)

INDICO Abstract ID: 364


Given the importance of safety principles from both nuclear energy ethics[1] and the
IAEA[2], how could we ensure that new reactor designs, particularly Small Modular
Reactors (SMRs), adequately fulfil these principles? Among existing SMR designs, the
ARIS (Advanced Reactors Information System) database notes that NuScale, an
American SMR company with approved designs by the US Nuclear Regulatory
Commission[3][4] distinguishes resilience features[5] from safety features[6]. This
distinction could provide insights on adequate fulfilment of safety principles. This is a
contribution from nuclear energy ethics to nuclear energy policymaking. By highlighting
resilience features, we argue that new reactor designs can adequately fulfil safety
principles when resilience features are added to safety features. We do this by 1)
showing that the addition of resilience features as exemplified by NuScale’s SMR
designs enhances nuclear safety; 2) explaining how adding distinct resilience features
on top of safety features ensures the fulfilment of IAEA’s safety principles, particularly
responsibility for safety (principle 1), prevention of accidents (principle 8), emergency
preparedness and response (principle 9), and reducing unregulated radiation risks
(principle 10). Finally, we 3) propose how readiness towards the unanticipated as the
core of resilience features are applicable to regulations for new reactor designs.
Keywords: Small Modular Reactor (SMR), safety features, resilience features, safety
principles, nuclear energy ethics. 1. Taebi B, Roeser S, eds. The Ethics of Nuclear Energy:
Risk, Justice, and Democracy in the Post-Fukushima Era. Cambridge University Press;
2015. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107294905 2. Fundamental Safety Principles.
Accessed December 26, 2023. 4. About Us | NuScale Power.
Published 2024. Accessed March 14, 2024. https://nuscale-prod-7ri9iy8kt-nuscale- 5. Palmer C, Baker G, Gilbert J. NuScale Plant Resiliency to an
Electromagnetic Pulse. Trans Am Nucl Soc. 2018;119. 6. VOYGR SMR Plants | NuScale
Power. Published 2024. Accessed March 14, 2024. https://nuscale-prod-7ri9iy8kt-
Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

Minilaterals for Small Modular Reactors: Cost Effective and

Environmentally Sound Energy Transition Towards Global
Net Zero

Speaker: H. Desai

Primary Author: Hely Desai [1]

[1] University of Cambridge

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 266


Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) endorsed as the au courant solution to the dire global
energy crisis are still in the incipient stage of its designing and deployment. While
developing countries like India have had SMRs on their policy line-ups for a couple of
years now, they haven’t translated to practical commercial options given the lack of a
standardized design, augmented investments and delayed profits, and major security
concerns. Minilateral partnerships with like-minded countries to homogenize SMR
design structures, regulation and safety approaches, with a shared goal of meeting
energy demands and achieving climate goals, will aid in facilitating a conducive
environment for SMR deployment by improving capacity-building, proposing shared
investment models, and subsequent global design standardization. This paper will make
a case for the importance of a ‘minilateral approach’ towards the deployment of SMRs
for developing and poor economies with collaborative endeavours, shared economic
burden and reduced financial risks, tech-support from their developed allies to reach a
green and sustainable future. SMRs will be key in increasing the nuclear energy share
into the global energy grid. This paper analyzing such the advent of minilateral alliances
that will focus on green taxonomies and the incorporation of SMRs into the developing
countries’ energy agenda, will also shed light on the need for an extensively elaborate
technology-neutral policy framework and international harmonization on achieving net-
zero. Further, for an India-specific case study from a policy perspective; inviting foreign
and private sector investments into its currently only government-run nuclear energy
sector, will prove to make India and asset to such collaborative partnerships.
NUWARD Joint Early Review: a pragmatic approach to
development of an internationally licensable standardized
SMR design

Speaker: K. Deknopper

Primary Author: Karel Deknopper [1]

Co-Author: Julien Drure [1]


Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 289


In the context of global decarbonization, nuclear energy and more specifically SMRs
present a significant potential. The NUWARD SMR is being developed to meet the
European and wider international market energy needs. From the early design phases,
development of a modularized and simplified standardized design has been targeted, to
be deployed internationally without significant re-design. In a global context where
nuclear regulatory frameworks can present differences between countries, a pragmatic
approach, called ‘Joined Early Review’ (JER), has been developed. While the (pre-
)licensing process is ongoing in France, where the first NUWARD SMR is expected to be
built, it was agreed to extend the licensing preparation to other European Regulators
through this JER initiative. The first phase of the JER was performed by French, Finnish
and Czech Regulators, running in parallel with the conceptual design phase. The second
phase started in parallel with the basic design phase and is performed by the same
group of Regulators extended with Swedish, Polish and Dutch Regulators. This paper
explains the JER initiative, its objectives, topical approach, and working methodology.
The experience feedback from the first phase will be addressed, as well as its
incorporation in the ongoing design. Finally, the importance of the JER initiative within
the global context of international harmonization initiatives will be discussed.
United States and Canada Cooperation on SMR Design
Reviews - Successes in Collaboration

Speakers: S. Eaton; G. Bowman

Primary Authors: Sarah Eaton [1]; Matthew Naraine [1]; Mohamed Shams [2]; Donna
Williams [3]

[1] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; [2] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; [3] US
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 303


Since 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and the Canadian Nuclear
Safety Commission (CNSC) have been collaboratively performing safety reviews of
advanced reactor and small modular reactor designs that are expected to be deployed in
both countries. This collaborative effort aims to gain efficiencies by making joint
observations or identifying and addressing where differing regulations regulatory
approaches may result in different outcomes. CNSC and USNRC leverage each other’s
regulatory reviews and make joint findings that can support licensing in both countries.
The effort focuses on strategic technical areas, both generic and design specific. Since
initiation, both regulators issued 9 work plans for collaborative projects, collaborated on
5 reactor designs, and issued 8 joint reports. In response to lessons learned, we
established processes to enable more efficient execution and optimize results including
identifying criteria to strategically select licensing projects, creating a strategic plan to
prioritize next projects, developing criteria to determine when additional regulators
should be invited to join, and developing administrative protocols and templates for
preparation, approval, legal review, and publication of joint reports. The feedback from
reactor designers has been positive noting that the engagements are constructive, and
that gaps are being identified early. The collaborative effort is returning value for
regulators and designers in the form of complex technical issue resolved, and resources
Collaboration – the key to standardized SMR deployment

Speaker: R. Tanguy

Primary Author: Ronan Tanguy [1]

Co-Author: Allan Carson [1]

[1] World Nuclear Association

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 326


The successful worldwide deployment of SMRs is fundamentally dependent on

developers’ ability to construct plants with factory produced modules that are as
identical as possible. Differences in approaches to national nuclear regulation however
currently demand significant changes to NPP designs when a reactor is exported. These
national approaches to regulation effectively reset projects outside the reactors’ country
of origin to first of a kind (FOAK) deployments. This is not only a regulatory challenge
and the presentation will also explore the role of industry in developing and utilizing
relevant good practice to support deployment of standardized designs To learn the
lessons from previous licensing, construction, and operation experience and support Nth
of a kind (NOAK) deployment of SMRs it is critical that greater collaboration between
stakeholders is facilitated as soon as possible. The nuclear industry and governments
came together during COP28 to sign pledges in support of tripling nuclear capacity by
2050. This will require the deployment of 40GWe nuclear capacity every year for the next
25 years, equivalent to a yearly addition of 70 SMRs and 20 GW NPPs. The recently
released joint industry association framework report outlines a 3-phase approach
moving towards towards greater efficiency and collaboration in regulatory reviews,
which is a critical component to support the scale of deployment necessary. Such a
framework requires a shift in mindset and approaches but there are many steps along
this journey and changes will not be overnight. The initial proposal would be to start
small and develop the process and bounding criteria for a small number of diverse
regulators on specific designs.
Nuclear business: shifting from supply chain to ecosystem

Speaker: V. Skliarenko

Primary Author: Valeriia Skliarenko [1]

Co-Author: Giorgio Locatelli [2]

[1] Politechnico di Milano; [2] Politecnico di Milano

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 338


According to (NEA, 2022) the potential market for small modular reactors (SMR) is 375
GW of installed capacity by 2050. However, the current supply chain configuration,
characterized by short-term contracts and limited suppliers, is a major constraint for this
vision, since on inside acts as a bottleneck and, on the other side, increases transaction
costs for the stakeholders e.g. vendors, suppliers, and utilities. The linear "supply-buy"
relations in the nuclear industry do not allow the flexibility and scalability required for the
large scale SMR deployment. Achieving such a large-scale deployment requires a shift in
the nuclear business from the traditional "supply chain" to a more flexible "ecosystem"
mindset and business model. The nuclear sector needs to reach a balance between the
nature of the business (e.g. the quality and regulation in components provision) and the
openness of ecosystem business model. A key strategy would be to shift the
perspective from “one-off projects” procured in a supply chain approach to a “program”
(ideally across countries and design) leveraging an ecosystem business model.
Establishing this ecosystem, particularly in the value-added segments of the business,
has already proved to be successful in other sector, such as the aircraft industry.
Therefore, the question is NOT if the nuclear industry should follow a similar path, but
HOW can it establish an ecosystem? NEA (2022), Meeting Climate Change Targets: The
Role of Nuclear Energy, OECD Publishing, Paris
Redefining international dialog: Invent innovative
frameworks for licensing Small Modular Reactors

Speaker: T. Buckenmeyer

Primary Author: Thomas Buckenmeyer [1]

[1] ASN

Presentation Type: Oral

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 366


Beyond the sustained efforts of the international nuclear community to promote

common safety principles and approaches, nuclear safety regulatory frameworks remain
very national specific at the implementation level. While many SMR designs are being
considered across borders, with the industrial imperative of minimizing design changes,
convergences of regulatory standpoint emerge as crucial. Sharing regulatory views and
practices is a first step to streamline regulatory processes, to facilitate efficient
licensing procedures across jurisdictions and at the same time to promote the highest
safety level reasonably achievable. Through the Joint Early Review (JER), six European
regulatory bodies are conducting a synchronised preliminary review of the Nuward SMR,
focused on a selection of key topics. This initiative enables the vendor to refine its
design in a very early phase but it also raises regulators readiness by considering
different regulatory approaches. Maturity of documentation, involvement of the vendor
and commitment of regulators have been key conditions for a successful collaboration.
The early outcomes of the JER highlight the benefits of such initiatives. It also confirms
the need to develop new frameworks to address the challenge of licensing a very large
diversity of designs, supported by new applicants, while ensuring the highest standards
of safety.

Speaker: E. Vieilletoile

Primary Author: Emmanuel Vieilletoile [1]

[1] EDF

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 433


Since 1991, the European Utility Requirements (EUR) Association has been developing
and promoting harmonized technical specifications for the new mid- and large-size LWR
designs to be proposed by the vendors in Europe. In 2024, it is composed of 13
companies involved in new nuclear projects or in electricity generation from nuclear
power in Europe. One objective of the Association is to keep strong interactions with
important stakeholders in the nuclear industry and regulation in Europe and worldwide,
mainly: IAEA, WENRA, ENISS, WNA/CORDEL, European Commission (EC). The EUR
Association issues and, from time-to-time, modifies and updates a report entitled “EUR
Document”. It consists of a comprehensive set of requirements covering the whole
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). It encompasses all aspects (safety, performance,
competitiveness) and all parts of a NPP (Nuclear Island and Conventional Island). The
paper describes the main results obtained in the following fields: 1. The last applicable
revision, Revision E, of the EUR Document was issued in December 2016. It includes:
Revised safety requirements taking into account the most recent European and
international safety standards issued by WENRA and IAEA; The lessons learned from the
Fukushima accident; and the most recent international standards, for example for I&C.
The Revision E of the EUR Document has been benchmarked by the EC against recent
safety standards. 2. The assessment of new designs. The Russian AEP’s VVER TOI and
Chinese CGN’s EU HPR1000 designs have been assessed recently. One new design
assessment is in progress (Korean KHNP’s APR1000 namely). The presentation briefly
recalls the EUR design assessment objectives and process and the progress of the
different assessment projects. 3. The evolution of the EUR document towards
integration of Small Modular Light Water Reactors (SMLWR). The paper presents the
dedicated report issued by the EUR Association about high level requirements for
SMLWR design.

Speaker: F. Taucer

Primary Author: Fabio Taucer [1]

[1] European Commission

Presentation Type: Poster

Group: Topical Group D: Considerations to Facilitate Deployment of SMRs

Track: Track 17: Cooperation for Harmonization and Standardization (D.17)

INDICO Abstract ID: 434


The Joint Research Centre (JRC), as the European Commission's science and
knowledge service, plays a pivotal role in integrating scientific research with practical
regulation through the Putting Science Into Standards (PSIS) initiative. In partnership
with CEN-CENELEC, the JRC leverages its pre-normative research capabilities to
forecast and address the standardization needs of emerging technologies. The 2024
PSIS workshop, focused on Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technologies, exemplifies this
foresight approach, uniting stakeholders across research, industry, policy-making, and
standardization to align on the path forward for MSR standardization. The paper, arising
from the PSIS workshop, details the collaborative effort to identify and prioritize
standardization areas crucial for the safe, secure, and efficient deployment of MSRs, a
technology increasingly recognized for its potential in contributing to the EU's energy
transition and climate goals. It underscores the urgency for harmonized safety
assessments, validated data on thermo-physical properties, fuel qualification processes,
and material and component standards, all of which are instrumental in enabling MSR
innovation. The workshop's outcomes signal a collective commitment to developing a
comprehensive standardization roadmap, aiming to catalyze MSR deployment in
alignment with the Net Zero Industry Act and to reinforce Europe's leadership in clean
and sustainable energy technologies.

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