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The Geekay World School

Sports & Games

Prepared by the Sports Department

HOD Sports

Mr. M.L.Manigandan
Table of Contents
1. Football Curriculum Overview

•Monthly planner for Football

2. Athletics Curriculum Overview

3. Skating Curriculum Overview
4. Swimming Curriculum Overview
• Monthly planner for swimming
5. Lawn Tennis CurriculumOverview
• Monthly planner for Lawn Tennis
6. Basketball Curriculum Overview
7.PE Curriculum Overview cum Monthly Planner
The Geekay World School
Football Curriculum

encompasses instructions in the development care of body, from simple callisthenic exercises to training in hygiene, gymnastic and
performance and management of athletic games.


1) To facilitate the value of physical education and to understand its relationship to healthy and active lifestyle.
2) To reach the optimum level of physical fitness for every individual.
3) To aware of movement as a creative communication, expression and aesthetic appreciation.
4) To develop the motor skills necessary to participate in various sporting activities.
5) To develop the social skills that reveals the importance of team work and cooperation in group activities.
6) To reach a high level of interest in showing initiative, enthusiasm, commitment and personal engagement.
7) To understand and evaluate to their own and other’s performance.
8) To demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to pass on to the others in the community the knowledge, skills and techniques
that have been learned.
9) To experience enjoyment and satisfaction through physical activity.
1) Knowledge and Understanding
2) Movement Composition
3) Performance and Application
4) Social Skills
5) Team working skills
6) Team-Leadership skills
7) Personal Engagement
8) Thinking skills
9) Analytical skills

Teaching Style and Strategies

Start with the short warm up activities to prepare children for what they are going to learn. Skills practice should be used as some of
the activities, especially when they are involve in gentle and move vigorous activity. End with the cool down activities. Give the
children opportunity to become confid
Grade 4-12
Month Skills to learn Drills Learning Outcomes
June- Aug, Dribbling/Foot Skills Obstacle Course Competition  This is a course using cones that the students will have to
• Keep the ball close to your dribble through in a certain amount of time, and could be
body used as a competition between students.
• Take a touch on the ball with
every step 1vs. 1 Dribbling  There will be a grid or a couple of grids set up with many
• Knees Bent different goals made by cones in the middle of it. The
• Head Up students will have a partner and one ball. They will play
• On the balls of your feet. one vs. one trying to dribble through as many cones as
possible in a certain amount of time while all the other
groups are doing the same thing. Then after a certain
amount of time they will all switch partners and continue
to improve their dribbling abilities.
Dribbling Within a Grid  In this very basic activity, the students will dribble around
in a grid trying to avoid running into anyone else. While
they are dribbling, they will practice specific moves or foot
skills to improve their dribbling.

Knockout  Within a grid marked off by cones, everyone will have a

ball, and everyone will be trying to protect their ball from
being knocked out of the grid. Each student will try to kick
other students’ balls out of the grid while trying to protect
their own ball. If a student is knocked out, they must
retrieve their ball and juggle it with their feet until the
game is over. The game is over when there is one
remaining student left with their ball.
Passing/Receiving Pass Through Cones to  There will be cones set up across the field, and the students
• Ankle locked Partner will stand across from their partner. They will receive the
• Follow through pass with one touch, and then they will pass it through the
• Turn foot to a 90 degree cones, working on accuracy, back to their partner. They
angle will then do it using only one touch.
• Knee bent
• Head Up  This will be set up by having 2 students with a ball, and the
• Square your body up to 3 Person Passing student without the ball will be in the middle. The student
where you are passing it in the middle will run to the first student who will pass
• Pass in front of the player them the ball, and then they will pass it right back to that
you are passing to student and then go to the next student. They will go back
• Eye Contact and forth for about 1 minute, and then they will switch. It
• Don’t lean back can also be used for one touch passing.
• Receive by giving in a little
(only for 2 touch passing)  There will be two teams of 6 per team. They will be in a
• Use inside of the foot grid that is marked off by cones. There will also be goals in
6 vs. 6 Through the Cones the grid, which will be marked off by cones, and they will
be scattered throughout the grid. The objective is to keep
possession of the ball by dribbling and passing to your
team until you have an opportunity to pass the ball through
one of the goals to a player who is on your team. By passing
it through the goal to another player on your team, that
team will receive one point. This gives the students an
opportunity to improve their dribbling and passing skills,
and it also creates some good competition.

Sept- Oct Shooting (as well as Free Wall Pass Shooting  The students will pass the ball to the teacher or another
Kicks and Penalty Kicks) student, and then the ball will be passed back to them,
• Ankle locked and they will take a shot on goal one touch. This will be
• Land on foot that you shoot going on at 2 or 3 different goals so that students will
with not stand in line for very long.
• Follow through
• Head down  There will be 3 lines facing the goal, and the student will
• Don’t lean back Basic Technique Shooting
• Knee over ball
take one dribble touch in front of them and strike the ball
• Use the instep of your foot or using proper technique, and then they will get their ball
laces and change lines.
• Drive the ball
3 Goal Soccer  There will be 3 goals set up in a large area, and there will
be goalkeepers in the goals. Each team will be assigned a
goal. They will need to defend their goals, but the main
objective is to score as many goals as possible in a certain
amount of time in the other two goals.
Demonstrate Free Kicks  The teacher will demonstrate the strategy of free kicks
and Penalty Kicks and tell the importance of penalty kicks. The students will
then participate in a penalty kick contest. There will be 2
goals so that the students will not have to stand around
for a long period of time.
4 Goal Soccer
 There will be 2 goals set up on each side of a very wide but
short field marked off by cones. There will be one team on
each side and 4 goalkeepers. The teacher will throw the
ball out from the side. When the ball is thrown out, the
students will run out in groups of 4 only and play 4 vs. 4
until someone scores or the ball goes out of bounds. If the
ball is scored the team that scores keeps playing and new
team from the other side comes on, but if the ball goes out
of bounds 2 new teams come on the field.
Nov- Dec Defending 2 vs. 2 vs. 2  2 students will pass the ball back and forth while 2
• Zone defense students defend and run using the proper zone defending
• “J” runs principles. The 2 students passing the ball will try to pass
• Support it by the 2 defenders to the other side to the other 2
• Cover attacking players. Then after about 2 or 3 minutes all of
• Help defense the students switch positions.
• Running at angles
2 vs. 2  Have the students get with a partner and the students will
• Tackling
play 2 vs. 2 in a marked off grid. The grid will be very
narrow and long. They will play 2 vs. 2 using the proper
zone defending principles, and the students will score by
stopping the ball on the end line.

Bogey’s Blitz  Divide the students into 2 teams. One team will stand at
the post, and the other team will stand about 30-40 yards
out in the field. The balls will be with the team who is at
the post. There will be a goalkeeper. The students at the
post, who will be playing defense, will play a ball out to
the other team and run out with 2 players, and the
offensive team will also come out with 2 players. The
offensive team can pass the ball back and bring out as
many as 4 players, and if the offensive team brings more
players into the field, the defensive team can counter and
bring out as many as the offensive teams brings. Both
teams play offense and both play defense, and whichever
team has more goals wins the game. The amount of points
awarded for each goal is based on how many players are
on the field. This will allow the defensive team to work
together on the zone defending principles.
 The students will be in two lines. One defensive line and
1 vs. 1 to the End line one offensive line. The defensive line will pass the ball to
the offensive line and they will begin. They will play to
stop the ball on the end line.
Jan Goalkeeping Partner Throwing  Have each student get with a partner and roll the ball
to • Knees bent and throw the ball to each other practicing catching the
March • On balls of feet ball using the correct technique. Each student catches 10
• Hands out balls.
• Catch ball above head with
hands forming a “w”
Partner Kicking
• Catch anything in the mid-  After having the students throw the ball back and forth,
section and below with 2 they will kick the ball to each other and practicing
hands and bring in to chest catching the ball with the proper technique. Each student
• Secure the ball will catch 10 balls.
Shooting/Goalkeeping  Divide the students into 6 teams and have 3 goals. There
Competition will be 2 teams per goal. One team will line up on one post
and one team on the other post. There will be a student
who stands on the side and distributes the balls. The first
team will run out about 15 yards and shoot the ball one
touch from the student who distributes the balls. The
other team will run around three cones and then try to
block the shot. Each team will shoot for the same amount
of time and whoever has the most goals wins the
Goalie Wars
 There will be one student in each goal, and the goals will be
about 25 yards apart. The students will have to try to score
in the opposing goal, and defend using their goalkeeping
skills their own goal. Students will rotate in and out of the
goal, and we will keep track of points to see which team
Lesson Plan for Athletics

Grade Month Skill to learn Activity

G4 to 100mts,200mts to be observed
June & July
G12 Running events-

G4 to
August Team Events 100mts relay to be observed

G4 to Shot put, discuss

G12 Throwing events

G4 to
G12 Sparta practise Jumping, sprinting, Throwing
1st level practise
G4 to
November Sparta selection trail Jumping, sprinting, Throwing
2nd level and trials

G4 to
G12 Taisi selection trials Starting block practise
and practise Athletics techniques

* Rules & regulations for race

G4 to * Body contact movements
G12 Focus in Taisi * How to get starting and

G4 to * Complete level and

G12 race work out

* To showdown all
G4 to kind of skills and
G12 implement the work
show for tournament
Lesson Plan for Skating

Grade Month Skill to learn

* How to wear the skates and

Level 1 * Walking guards
* Step Walking
June & * Dragging * Falling down and get up
July * Balancing

* Sliding * Practing in the V-position

Level 2 * Maintain the gap between the
*Stopping legs while stopping

* Starting in V position to push

*Sitting the skate with hands forward
* Close the leg and stop in
All Level 3 *Zigzag position to the sitting
September * Hands forward while do
rolling start to zigzag open and
* Balancing with one leg

* Lift right at the behind the

*Half camel left
Level 4
* Leg should be in T position

* Right leg cross over in

antivlock wise
Level 5
*Crossing * Left leg cross over in clock
* Crossing on the circle in 8

*Speed and Laps * Practicing with rope for speed

covering up
Level 6
All * Pushing & pulling
* Techniques in pushing and
hand swinging
* Race * Rules & regulations for race
Level 7
All * Body contact movements
* How to get starting and

Level 8 * Complete level

and race work
February out

* To showdown
Level 9 all kind of skills
and implement
March the work show
for tournament
Swimming Curriculum Overview
The Geekay World School
Swimming curriculum


1) It is our aim to give each student of The Geekay World School the best possible Coaching for Swimming so that they not only
learn to swim properly by picking up the correct techniques, but which will take them to higher level of performance in this
2) Enable our students to Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters.
3) Enable them to learn wide range of strokes effectively [for example, freestyle, backstroke, breast-stroke and butterfly].
4) Train them to be safe in water and even learn self-rescuing lessons in case of accidental situations.

10)Knowledge and Understanding
11)Movement Composition
12)Performance and Application
13)Social Skills
14)Team working skills
15)Team-Leadership skills
16)Personal Engagement
17)Thinking skills
18)Analytical skills

Teaching Style and Strategies

Start with the short warm up activities to prepare students’ for what they are going to learn. Skills practice should be used as some
of the activities, especially when they are involve in gentle and move vigorous activity. End with the cool down activities. Give the
children opportunity to become confident.

 Skills differ as students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and we
teach accordingly.
Swimming curriculum
Preprimary (Gr. Ks1-3)
 Skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and we
teach accordingly.

 LEVEL 1: Introduction to Water Skills.

1. Enter and exit water safely
2. Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
3. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
4. Front and back glides and floats
5. Recover to vertical position
6. Roll from front to back and back to front
7. Tread water using arm and hand actions
8. Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back
9. Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back
10. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
 LEVEL 2: Fundamental Aquatics Skills.
1. Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side
2. Fully submerge and hold breath
3. Bobbing
4. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
5. Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
6. Front and back glides and fronts
7. Recover to vertical position
8. Roll from front to back and back to front
9. Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
10. Tread water using arm and leg actions
11. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
12. Finning arm action
Swimming curriculum
Lower Primary (Gr. 1-3)
 Skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and we
teach accordingly.

 LEVEL 1: Introduction to Water Skills.

1. Enter and exit water safely
2. Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
3. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
4. Front and back glides and floats
5. Recover to vertical position
6. Roll from front to back and back to front
7. Tread water using arm and hand actions
8. Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back
9. Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back
10. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back

 LEVEL 2: Fundamental Aquatics Skills.

1. Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side
2. Fully submerge and hold breath
3. Bobbing
4. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
5. Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
6. Front and back glides and fronts
7. Recover to vertical position
8. Roll from front to back and back to front
9. Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
10. Tread water using arm and leg actions
11. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
12. Finning arm action
 LEVEL 3: Stroke Development.

1. Jump into deep water from the side

2. Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least 6 feet deep
3. Bobbing
4. Rotary breathing
5. Survival float
6. Back float
7. Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back
8. Tread water
9. Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front
10. Front crawl and elementary backstroke
Swimming curriculum
Upper Primary (Gr. 4-5)
 Skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and we
teach accordingly.

 LEVEL 1: Introduction to Water Skills.

Enter and exit water safely
Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
Front and back glides and floats
Recover to vertical position
Roll from front to back and back to front
Tread water using arm and hand actions
Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back
Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back
10. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
 LEVEL 2: Fundamental Aquatics Skills.
1. Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side
2. Fully submerge and hold breath
3. Bobbing
4. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
5. Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
6. Front and back glides and fronts
7. Recover to vertical position
8. Roll from front to back and back to front
9. Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
10. Tread water using arm and leg actions
11. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
12. Finning arm action
 LEVEL 3: Stroke Development.

11. Jump into deep water from the side

12. Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least 6 feet deep
13. Bobbing
14. Rotary breathing
15. Survival float
16. Back float
17. Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back
18. Tread water
19. Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front
20. Front crawl and elementary backstroke

 LEVEL 4: Stroke Improvement

1. Diving entry from the size in compact and stride positions in at least 6 feet of water.
2. Swim underwater.
3. Perform feet first surface dive.
4. Survival swimming.
5. Front crawl and backstroke open turns.
6. Tread water using 2 different kicks.
7. Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly.
8. Flutter and dolphin kicks on back.
Swimming curriculum
Lower & Higher Secondary (Gr. 6-12)
 Skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and we
teach accordingly.
 LEVEL 1: Introduction to Water Skills.
11. Enter and exit water safely
12. Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
13. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
14. Front and back glides and floats
15. Recover to vertical position
16. Roll from front to back and back to front
17. Tread water using arm and hand actions
18. Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back
19. Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back
20. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back

 LEVEL 2: Fundamental Aquatics Skills.

13. Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side
14. Fully submerge and hold breath
15. Bobbing
16. Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
17. Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
18. Front and back glides and fronts
19. Recover to vertical position
20. Roll from front to back and back to front
21. Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
22. Tread water using arm and leg actions
23. Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
24. Finning arm action
 LEVEL 3: Stroke Development.

21. Jump into deep water from the side

22. Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least 6 feet deep
23. Bobbing
24. Rotary breathing
25. Survival float
26. Back float
27. Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back
28. Tread water
29. Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front
30. Front crawl and elementary backstroke

 LEVEL 4: Stroke Improvement

9. Diving entry from the size in compact and stride positions in at least 6 feet of water.
10. Swim underwater.
11. Perform feet first surface dive.
12. Survival swimming.
13. Front crawl and backstroke open turns.
14. Tread water using 2 different kicks.
15. Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly.
16. Flutter and dolphin kicks on back.

 LEVEL 5: Stroke Refinement

1. Shallow-angle dive from the size then glide and begin a front stroke
2. Tread water two different kicks, 2 minutes
3. Learn survival swimming, 2 minutes
4. Survival floating, 2 minutes
5. Sculling
6. Water safety, non-swimming assists, calling for help, water park safety, helping others
 Perform the following:

 Standing dive, Shallow dive, glide two body lengths and begin any front stroke
 Sidestroke, elementary backstroke 25 meters
 Tuck & pike surface dive o Front and back flip turns
 Front and elementary backstroke, 50 meters of Breaststroke and back crawl 25 meters and Butterfly 15
Swimming Curriculum Overview
month vise
Swimming month wise planner
Grade Ks 1-3

Month Skills Activity

June • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can blow
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
objects  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
• Front and back glides and floats  Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
July • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can blow
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
objects  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
• Front and back glides and floats  Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
August • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable putting
front and back their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
front and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
September • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable putting
front and back their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
front and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
October • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
from the side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged their limits.
objects • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float
for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
November • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
from the side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged their limits.
objects • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float
for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
December • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Front and back glides and fronts to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Roll from front to back and back to front front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the
front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.

January • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Front and back glides and fronts to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Roll from front to back and back to front front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the
front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.

February • Roll from front to back and back to front  Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Change direction of travel while swimming on to a vertical position.
front or back

March • Tread water using arm and leg actions  Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the
Finning arm action front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
April • Tread water using arm and leg actions  Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Combined arm and leg actions on front andback to a vertical position.
Finning arm action
Swimming month wise planner
Grade Gr. 1-3
Month Skills Activity
June • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged blow bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
objects  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
• Front and back glides and floats  Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
July • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged blow bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
objects  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
• Front and back glides and floats  Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
August • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
and back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
September • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
and back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
October • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
the side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged their limits.
objects • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float
for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
November • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
the side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged their limits.
objects • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float
for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
December • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Front and back glides and fronts to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Roll from front to back and back to front front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the front
• Roll from front to back and back to front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front
or back
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
January • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the crawls
least 6 feet deep stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side breathing.
• Rotary breathing Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening kicking, proper
• Survival float body alignment, treading water and swimming in deep water.
• Back float  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with bilateral
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among the skills
and back taught in this level. Children continue to work on strength,
• Tread water endurance and proper techniques.

February • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the crawls
least 6 feet deep stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side breathing.
• Rotary breathing Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening kicking, proper
• Survival float body alignment, treading water and swimming in deep water.
• Back float  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with bilateral
breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among the skills
taught in this level. Children continue to work on strength,
endurance and proper techniques.

March • Change from vertical to horizontal position on  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with bilateral
front and back breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among the skills
• Tread water taught in this level. Children continue to work on strength,
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks endurance and proper techniques.
on front  Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities,
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke including in-water skills
 Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for
15 meters w/ face in the water and rhythmic breathing pattern
(to front or side), and maintain position by treading or floating
for 30 seconds, back crawl for 15 yards.
April • Change from vertical to horizontal position on • Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with bilateral
front and back breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among the skills
• Tread water taught in this level. Children continue to work on strength,
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks endurance and proper techniques.
on front • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities,
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke including in-water skills
• Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for
15 meters w/ face in the water and rhythmic breathing pattern
(to front or side), and maintain position by treading or floating
for 30 seconds, back crawl for 15 yards.

Swimming month wise planner

Grade Gr. 4-5
Month Skills Activity
June • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects blow bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
• Front and back glides and floats  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
July • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
August • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
September • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects their limits.
• Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front
float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
October • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides.
• Fully submerge and hold breath These skills provide the foundation for all other swimming
• Bobbing strokes kids learn about personal safety and how to know
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects their limits.

• Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front

float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds then
return to vertical position.
November • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Front and back glides and fronts to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Roll from front to back and back to front front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the
• Roll from front to back and back to front front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front or
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
December • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the crawls
6 feet deep stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side breathing.
• Rotary breathing Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening kicking, proper
• Survival float body alignment, treading water and swimming in deep water.
• Back float  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among
back the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work on
• Tread water strength, endurance and proper techniques.

January • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the crawls
6 feet deep stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side breathing.
• Rotary breathing Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening kicking, proper
• Survival float body alignment, treading water and swimming in deep water.
• Back float  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among
the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work on
strength, endurance and proper techniques.
February • Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
back bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among
• Tread water the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work on
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front strength, endurance and proper techniques.
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke  Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities,
including in-water skills
 Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for
15 meters w/ face in the water and rhythmic breathing pattern
(to front or side), and maintain position by treading or floating
for 30 seconds, back crawl for 15 yards.
March • Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
back bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are among
• Tread water the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work on
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front strength, endurance and proper techniques.
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke  Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities,
including in-water skills
 Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for
15 meters w/ face in the water and rhythmic breathing pattern
(to front or side), and maintain position by treading or floating
for 30 seconds, back crawl for 15 yards.
April  Diving entry from the size in compact and stride • Perform a feet-first entry into chest-deep water, swim
positions in at least 6 feet of water. front crawl for 25 meters, change direction maintain
• Swim underwater. position on back 1 minute in deep water (float or sculling)
• Perform feet first surface dive and swim elementary backstroke for 15 meters.
• Survival swimming. • Swim breaststroke for 15 meters, change direction and
• Front crawl and backstroke open turns. swim back crawl for 15 meters.
• Tread water using 2 different kicks

Swimming month wise planner

Grade Gr. 6-8
Month Skills Activity
June • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who can
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged blow bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
objects  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
• Front and back glides and floats  Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
July • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
and back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
August • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach the
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front furthest across the pool Children learn to get comfortable
and back putting their face in the water and practicing floating.
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the other
and back side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and sides. These
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back skills provide
• Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from
the side
• Fully submerge and hold breath
• Bobbing
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged
September • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
the side other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
• Fully submerge and hold breath sides. These skills provide the foundation for all other
• Bobbing swimming strokes kids learn about personal safety and how
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged to know their limits.
objects. • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front
• Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds
• Front and back glides and fronts
then return to vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position
• Roll from front to back and back to front
• Roll from front to back and back to front
October • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
• Front and back glides and fronts other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
• Recover to vertical position sides. These skills provide the foundation for all other
• Roll from front to back and back to front swimming strokes kids learn about personal safety and how
• Roll from front to back and back to front to know their limits.
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front
or back float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds
• Tread water using arm and leg actions then return to vertical position.
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
November • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then recover
• Front and back glides and fronts to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg actions on
• Roll from front to back and back to front front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds, and roll to the
• Roll from front to back and back to front front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front
or back
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
December • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the
least 6 feet deep crawls stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side
• Rotary breathing breathing. Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening
• Survival float kicking, proper body alignment, treading water and swimming
• Back float in deep water.
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
and back bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are
• Tread water among the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work
on strength, endurance and proper techniques.

January • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the
least 6 feet deep crawls stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side
• Rotary breathing breathing. Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening
• Survival float kicking, proper body alignment, treading water and swimming
• Back float in deep water.
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
and back bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are
• Tread water among the skills taught in this level. Children continue to work
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on on strength, endurance and proper techniques.
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke

February  Diving entry from the size in compact and stride  Perform a feet-first entry into chest-deep water, swim
positions in at least 6 feet of water. front crawl for 25 meters, change direction maintain
• Swim underwater. position on back 1 minute in deep water (float or
• Perform feet first surface dive sculling) and swim elementary backstroke for 15 meters.
• Survival swimming.  Swim breaststroke for 15 meters, change direction and
• Front crawl and backstroke open turns. swim back crawl for 15 meters.
• Tread water using 2 different kicks  Perform a shallow dive into deep water, swim front
 Shallow-angle dive from the size then glide and crawl for 50 yards change direction and minutes swim
begin a front stroke elementary backstroke for 50 meters.
 Tread water two different kicks, 2 minutes  Swim breaststroke for 25 meters and swim backstroke
 Learn survival swimming, 2 minutes for 25 meters.
 Survival floating, 2 minutes
 Sculling
 Water safety, non-swimming assists, calling for
help, waterpark safety, helping others

Swimming month wise planner

Grade Gr. 9-12
Month Skills Activity
June • Enter and exit water safely  Enter the water safely
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose  Blowing bubbles in the pool through their mouths. Who
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects can blow bubbles the longest with only one breathe.
• Front and back glides and floats  Move forwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move backwards for a distance of 5 meters
 Move sideways for distance of 5 meters
July • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back the furthest across the pool Children learn to get
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back comfortable putting their face in the water and practicing
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back floating.
 Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
sides. These skills provide
August • Tread water using arm and hand actions  Starting at the wall push and glide to see who can reach
• Alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back the furthest across the pool Children learn to get
• Alternating and simultaneous arm actions on front and back comfortable putting their face in the water and practicing
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back floating.
• Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side  Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
• Fully submerge and hold breath other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
• Bobbing sides. These skills provide
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
September • Enter and exit water by stepping or jumping from the side • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
• Fully submerge and hold breath other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
• Bobbing sides. These skills provide the foundation for all other
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects. swimming strokes kids learn about personal safety and how
• Front, jellyfish and tuck floats to know their limits.
• Front and back glides and fronts • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front
• Recover to vertical position float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds
• Roll from front to back and back to front then return to vertical position.
• Roll from front to back and back to front
October • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Push and glide this time when you slow down kick to the
• Front and back glides and fronts other side. Gliding and kicking on their front, back and
• Recover to vertical position sides. These skills provide the foundation for all other
• Roll from front to back and back to front

• Roll from front to back and back to front swimming strokes kids learn about personal safety and how
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back to know their limits.
• Tread water using arm and leg actions • Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds
then return to vertical position.
November • Front, jellyfish and tuck floats • Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to a front then
• Front and back glides and fronts recover to a vertical position.
• Recover to vertical position • Push off & swim using a combination of arm and leg
• Roll from front to back and back to front actions on front for 5 body lengths, float for 15 seconds,
• Roll from front to back and back to front and roll to the front then continue swimming for 5 body
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back lengths.
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
December • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least 6 performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the
feet deep crawls stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side
• Rotary breathing breathing. Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening
• Survival float kicking, proper body alignment, treading water and
• Back float swimming in deep water.
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
• Tread water bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are
among the skills taught in this level. Children continue to
work on strength, endurance and proper techniques.

January • Jump into deep water from the side  Arm Strokes: Learning to roll from front to back while
• Dive from sitting and kneeling positions, in water at least 6 performing arm strokes is the next step in mastering the
feet deep crawls stroke.
• Bobbing  Once kids are doing that we move on to teaching side
• Rotary breathing breathing. Kids also work on back stroke, strengthening
• Survival float kicking, proper body alignment, treading water and
• Back float swimming in deep water.
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back  Side Breathing and Whip Kick: Front Crawl Stroke with
• Tread water bilateral breathing and an introduction to whip kick are
• Flutter, scissor, dolphin and breaststroke kicks on front among the skills taught in this level. Children continue to
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke work on strength, endurance and proper techniques.
February  Diving entry from the size in compact and stride  Perform a feet-first entry into chest-deep water,
positions in at least 6 feet of water. swim front crawl for 25 meters, change direction
• Swim underwater. maintain position on back 1 minute in deep water
• Perform feet first surface dive (float or sculling) and swim elementary backstroke
• Survival swimming. for 15 meters.
• Front crawl and backstroke open turns.  Swim breaststroke for 15 meters, change direction
• Tread water using 2 different kicks and swim back crawl for 15 meters.
 Shallow-angle dive from the size then glide and begin a  Perform a shallow dive into deep water, swim front
front stroke crawl for 50 yards change direction and minutes
 Tread water two different kicks, 2 minutes swim elementary backstroke for 50 meters.
 Learn survival swimming, 2 minutes  Swim breaststroke for 25 metersand swim
 Survival floating, 2 minutes backstroke for 25 meters.
 Sculling
 Water safety, non-swimming assists, calling for help,
waterpark safety, helping others
 Perform the following:
 Standing dive, Shallow dive, glide two body lengths
and begin any front stroke
 Sidestroke, elementary backstroke 25 meters
 Tuck & pike surface dive o Front and back flip turns
 Front and elementary backstroke, 50 meters of
Breaststroke and back crawl 25 meters.
 Butterfly 15 meters
Lawn Tennis Curriculum
Grade 4-5
 These skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and
we teach accordingly.

 Level One
1. Use ofgrips
2. Racket and Ball
3. Footwork and movement
4. Basic forehand groundstroke
5. Basic backhand groundstroke
6. Underarm serve
7. Volley
8. Games

 Level Two

1. Punch serve
2. Forehand/backhand groundstroke
3. Intermediate Forehand / backhand volley
4. Basic drop shot
5. Basic fore/backhand lob
6. Returning the lob
7. Overhead smash
8. Games

 Level Three

1. Full swing serve

2. Return of serve
3. Advanced forehand / backhand volley
4. Intermediate Drop shot (with spin)
5. Basic fore/backhand ½ volley
6. Intermediate fore/backhand lob
7. Overhead smash
8. Games

Lawn Tennis Curriculum

Lower & Higher Secondary
 These skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level, and
we teach accordingly.

 Level One
1. Use ofgrips
2. Racket and Ball
3. Footwork and movement
4. Basic forehand groundstroke
5. Basic backhand groundstroke
6. Underarm serve
7. Volley
8. Games

 Level Two

1. Punch serve
2. Forehand/backhand groundstroke
3. Intermediate Forehand / backhand volley
4. Basic drop shot
5. Basic fore/backhand lob
6. Returning the lob
7. Overhead smash
8. Games

 Level Three

1. Full swing serve

2. Return of serve
3. Advanced forehand / backhand volley
4. Intermediate Drop shot (with spin)
5. Basic fore/backhand ½ volley
6. Intermediate fore/backhand lob
7. Overhead smash
8. Games

The Geekay World School

Tennis curriculum

encompasses instructions in the development care of body, from simple callisthenic exercises to training in hygiene, gymnastic,
performance and management of athletic games.

1) To facilitate the value of physical education and to understand its relationship to healthy and active lifestyle.
2) To reach the optimum level of physical fitness for every individual.
3) To be aware of movement as a creative communication, expression and aesthetic appreciation.
4) To develop the motor skills necessary to participate in various sporting activities.
5) To develop the social skills that reveals the importance of team work and cooperation in group activities.
6) To reach a high level of interest in showing initiative, enthusiasm, commitment and personal engagement.
7) To understand and evaluate to their own and other’s performance.
8) To demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to pass on to the others in the community the knowledge, skills and techniques
that have been learned.
9) To experience enjoyment and satisfaction through physical activity.

1) Knowledge and Understanding
2) Movement Composition
3) Performance and Application
4) Social Skills
5) Personal Engagement

Teaching Style and Strategies

Start with the short warm up activities to prepare children for what they are going to learn. Skills practice should be used as some of
the activities, especially when they are involve in gentle and move vigorous activity. End with the cool down activities. Give the
children opportunity to become confident.

 These skills differ to students’ level. As per the performance of students we will select their level,
and we teach accordingly.

Grade 4-5
Month Skills to learn Activity/Discipline
Level 1  Use ofgrips  Explain the racquet (head, face, throat,
 Racket and Ball grip)
June  Footwork and movement  Toss and catch with 1 step
&  High five the ball
July  Bounce and Catch
 Bounce, catch, recover; bounce catch
side to side

Level 2  Basic forehand groundstroke  Throw ball into service box and keep
 Basic backhand groundstroke
August  Overheads
 Underarm serve  Ball toss on racquet
 Learningtorally
Level 3  Volley  Gettingtheballoverthenetandincourt
 Maintaininggoodcourtposition
 Games  Playingwithconsistency
 Movementaroundcourt
 Accuracyofshotplacement

Level 4  Punch serve  To be able to use a basic overhead

 Forehand/backhand serve (punch serve) to begin rallies.
October groundstroke  Groundstrokes on the fore and
 Intermediate Forehand / backhand should be played with more
backhand volley power and accuracy with sound basic
technique in backswing.

Level 5  Basic drop shot  Students should also be able to

perform basic drop shots, lobs and
 Basic fore/backhand lob smashes to outwit opponents, as well
 Returning the lob as being able to describe in their own
 Games words whether these are attacking
and defensive shots and why.
Level 6  Overhead smash  Students should be able to anticipate
 Full swing serve the serve of an opponent and use this
December information to prepare for returning
 Return of serve
the serve effectively.
 Students should be able to perform
more advanced volleying and lobbing
techniques and more intricate
strategic and tactical awareness
surrounding these shots should be
evident in general play.
Level 7  Advanced forehand /  Students should be able to perform
backhand volley more advanced volleying and lobbing
January techniques and more intricate
 Intermediate Drop shot (with
spin) strategic and tactical awareness
 Basic fore/backhand½ volley surrounding these shots should be
evident in general play.
 Students should also be able to
perform a basic ½ volley to return a
ball played close to their feet.
Level 8  Intermediate fore/backhand  Students should know how to and be
lob able to add spin to various shots and
February understand how spin affects the flight
 Overhead smash
 Games and bounce of the ball in particular
shots such as the drop shot.
 The overhead smash should be used
with greater power and an increase in
accuracy with more purposeful
direction to gain ascendancy in rallies
and enable them to start to
outwit opponents.

Assessmen  Demonstrate the ability to

outwit an opponent in a
game situation using the
appropriate skills and
techniques. The Students are
to develop their knowledge
and understanding of the
rules in tennis. To know and
use the different types of
shots. To demonstrate
avariety of tactics based on
the movements of others
andthe ball.

Grade 6-12
Month Skills to learn Activity/Discipline
Level 1  Use ofgrips  Explain the racquet (head, face, throat,
 Racket and Ball grip)
June  Footwork and movement  Toss and catch with 1 step
&  High five the ball
July  Bounce and Catch
 Bounce, catch, recover; bounce catch
side to side

Level 2  Basic forehand groundstroke  Throw ball into service box and keep
 Basic backhand groundstroke
August  Overheads
 Underarm serve  Ball toss on racquet
 Learningtorally
Level 3  Volley  Gettingtheballoverthenetandincourt
 Maintaininggoodcourtposition
 Games  Playingwithconsistency
 Movementaroundcourt
 Accuracyofshotplacement

Level 4  Punch serve  To be able to use a basic overhead

 Forehand/backhand serve (punch serve) to begin rallies.
October groundstroke  Groundstrokes on the fore and
 Intermediate Forehand / backhand should be played with more
backhand volley power and accuracy with sound basic
technique in backswing.

Level 5  Basic drop shot  Students should also be able to

perform basic drop shots, lobs and
 Basic fore/backhand lob smashes to outwit opponents, as well
 Returning the lob as being able to describe in their own
 Games words whether these are attacking
and defensive shots and why.
Level 6  Overhead smash  Students should be able to anticipate
 Full swing serve the serve of an opponent and use this
December information to prepare for returning
 Return of serve
the serve effectively.
 Students should be able to perform
more advanced volleying and lobbing
techniques and more intricate
strategic and tactical awareness
surrounding these shots should be
evident in general play.
Level 7  Advanced forehand /  Students should be able to perform
backhand volley more advanced volleying and lobbing
January techniques and more intricate
 Intermediate Drop shot (with
spin) strategic and tactical awareness
 Basic fore/backhand½ volley surrounding these shots should be
evident in general play.
 Students should also be able to
perform a basic ½ volley to return a
ball played close to their feet.
Level 8  Intermediate fore/backhand  Students should know how to and be
lob able to add spin to various shots and
February understand how spin affects the flight
 Overhead smash
and bounce of the ball in particular
 Games
shots such as the drop shot.
 The overhead smash should be used
with greater power and an increase in
accuracy with more purposeful
direction to gain ascendancy in rallies
and enable them to start to
outwit opponents.

Assessmen  Demonstrate the ability to

outwit an opponent in a
game situation using the
appropriate skills and
techniques. The Students are
to develop their knowledge
and understanding of the
rules in tennis. To know and
use the different types of
shots. To demonstrate
avariety of tactics based on
the movements of others
andthe ball.
Basket Ball Curriculum
Assessment Criteria

 Knowledge and understanding

 Movement Composition
 Performance and Application
 Social Skills
 Team work skills
 Team leadership skills
 Thinking skills
 Analytical skills
 Personal Engagement

Teaching style & Strategies

Basketball Curriculum Based

S.No Month Skill to Learn Drills Learning

1. June - Dribbling Dribbling is the He can
August  Higher basic skill to response
Dribble implement the to handle
player to carry the ball
 Lower the game.
 Higher
dribble knees
down and
bounce the
ball to waist
 Lower dribble
student have
to knee down
and bounce
the ball
below the
2. Sept – Oct Passing Passing is
 Chest Pass  Chest pass, A most
 Bounce Pass student can important
 Overhead pass the ball skill
Pass towards the todeliver
 Hook Pass chest to his and
teammate outsource
eg. One the gasme

 Bounce pass
is one of the
pass to use
the floor to
pass to the
our player in
waist level.
3. Nov – Dec Shooting  A Player can Shooting is
 Jump – Shot try to most
 Lay – up implement in important
Shot vertical and skill to
Push the ball deliver
in practice. and
 Lay up shot , the game
Players can
practice with
feeding the
ball in
4. Jan – Feb Fake and Drive Hockey dribble , it Fake and
 A Player can be shift over Drive is
can fake the ball in body most
with the action and fake the important
ball and opponent.eg. man skill to
without to man deliver
ball. and
 A Player outsource
can fake the game
the ball
and drive
5. Mar –April Defense / on the Defense formation On the
court play court
 Man to man defense is
Defense defense to keep
skill is not get the  1 – 2 –2 – the team
opponent to shoot Zone more
the shot.  2–3 confidence
and lead
the game
The Geekay World School
Physical Education
Grade 1 to 3

Month Activity/Discipline Skills to learn Teacher to

June-  Travelling/Individual  Agility and As these skills
Aug, activities-(Space various are the
Awareness)Running, movements to foundation in
hopping, skipping, develop learning and
walking, stepping on coordination. performing
toes and on variety  Formation physical
and combination of ability in a activities,
body parts group to maximum
develop the time should
visual, auditory be provided
and tactile to acquire
sense. every skill
Sept-  Track and Field Locomotion/Space To keep
Oct awareness athletic day in
 Different types consideration.
of recess using
variety of
 Preparing
student for
athletic meet.
Nov-  Invasion Games-  Coordination The
Dec Using variety of balls ability of upper callisthenic
and object ( Lawn and lower limb. movement
Tennis Racket, Cricket Basic should be
Bat) techniques of involved in
 Cooperative games various skills training
like Douche Ball, involved in method.
Passing the pass, Mini sports and
Basketball games like
passing, etc
Jan- Team sports (Space  Putting efforts * Eye hand
Feb awareness)  Manipulation coordination
 Mini games with rules games which and space
applicable like involves giving awareness
basketball, circle force to the should be
football, Douche ball object eq. involved.
Mar-  Team sports like  Demonstrate * Develop a
Apr Basketball with rules the respect for wellness
application the abilities and program
feeling of demonstrating
others (eq. an
of exercise and
everyone in to
the group. principles to
 Follow the meet personal
rules of the fair wellness goals.
play in games
and activities
(eq. giving
everyone a
chance to

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