Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree
Bee-loud glade
Lake water lapping with low sounds What pictures do these words create in your mind?
These words create the picture of the hive and honeybee humming all around. It is in the
Linnet is a bird with wings. When it flutters its wings, it looks beautiful. And when the bird
sits on a tree amidst beautiful natural scene, it leaves an indelible impression on the minds
of the beholder.
It Is an ordinary but bewitching scene. The waves strike the lake’s shore to create a pleasing
and soothing sound
Q2.peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket
What do these words mean to you? What do you think “comes dropping slow … from the
veils of the morning?” What does “to where the cricket sings” mean?
These words mean that peace surrounds that area at dawn. The pleasing and melodious
sound of cricket greets the morning. It adds sweetness to the serenity of the place.
Question 1.
The poet will experience ‘peace’ in the lap of nature at the Lake Isle of Innisfree. He will
observe the beautiful trees, insects, birds and bushes. The calm and cool atmosphere of
the forest will give happiness to him.
Question 2.
The poet says that the lake’s waves hit its shore and create a low sound. It gives him
aesthetic pleasure. He hears it and enjoys it. It also gives him solace and comforts. He
finds his peace of mind.
Question 3.
The poet wants to go to Innisfree to enjoy its natural beauty. Its morning, noon and evening
are different from the cities where high-rise buildings touch the sky. He hears the pleasing
sound of birds and gets peace of mind.
Question 4.
The poet is standing on the roadway or on the pavements of grey colour. This colour
epitomises decay. He compares that with the floral beauty of Innisfree. However, standing
even there, he can hear the sounds of the lake water lapping by the shore. He hears it in the
core of his heart.
Question 5.
The isle of Innisfree stands for unadulterated natural beauty. A visit to Innisfree gives
immense joy, pleasure and peace to the poet. The sounds of honeybees, crickets and the
lake water lapping by the shore tempt him to go there again and again. He will be contented
with living in a small cabin and working at a small farm.
Question 6.
Is the poet’s going to Innisfree merely an attempt to escape from the harsh realities of city
No doubt, Innisfree provides all what the poet yearns for. Even standing on the doorway or
on the grey pavement of the city, he escapes to the natural world of the lake isle of
Innisfree. The sounds of the birds and the lake water lapping by the shore echo in the core
of his heart. This escapism gives him immense pleasure and peace.