191MA303 - P-S Unit 5
191MA303 - P-S Unit 5
191MA303 - P-S Unit 5
(An Autonomous Institution)
o level Level
Analysis of variance is a statistical method of comparing the of several CO5.1 CL1
1 populations
a)Means b)Variances c)Standard Deviations d) None of the above
The sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around CO5.2 CL1
2 their respective treatment means
a)Error b)Total c)Treatment d) Interaction
When the k population means are truly different from each other, it is likely CO5.3 CL2
that the average error deviation
a) is relatively small compared to the average treatment deviations
4 b)is about equal to the average treatment deviation
c)is relatively large compared to the average treatment deviations
d) none of the above
In a study, subjects are randomly assigned to one of three groups: control, CO5.4 CL2
experimental A, or experimental B. After treatment, the mean scores for the
three groups are compared. The appropriate statistical test for comparing
5 these means is
a) the analysis of variance b) the correlation coefficient
c)chi Square d) the t-Test
When conducting an ANOVA, F DATA will always fall within what range? CO5.2 CL2
6 a) between 0 and infinity b)between 0 and 1
c)between negative infinity and infinity d) between 1 and infinity
The sum of squares measures the variability of the sample treatment means CO5.1 CL1
7 around the overall mean
a) error b)interaction c)total d) treatment
If the true means of the k populations are equal, then MSTR/MSE should CO5.2 CL1
8 be
a) close to 1.00 b) close to -1.00
c) a negative value between 0 and – 1 d) more than 1.00
The error deviations within the SSE statistic measure distances CO5.2 CL1
10 a) between groups b)within groups c)both (a) and (b) d) none of the above
23 In case of LSD, each row and each column should be a complete CO5.6 CL1
a) column b) block c) row d) design
24 In LSD the number of treatment, rows and columns are CO5.6 CL1
a) seldom equal b) usually equal c) equal d) unequal
25 A Latin Square Design is a _____restriction design CO5.6 CL1
a) none of these b) two c) one d) three
26 In a k*k Latin Square Design, the error d.f in ANOVA is CO5.6 CL2
a) (k2-2) b) (k2 –k-2) c) k(k-1)(k-2) d) (k-1)(k-2)
27 If FC < FT , then the H0 is CO5.5 CL2
a)accepted b)rejected c)level of significant d)two tailed
28 When analysis of variance is performed on samples drawn from K CO5.3 CL2
populations, the mean square between treatment is divided by
a) K-1 b)K2-1 c) K(K-1) d)none of these
29 Analysis of variance is a statistical method of comparing the of several CO5.1 CL1
a)means b)variances c)standard deviations d) none of the above
30 The sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around CO5.2 CL1
their respective treatment means
a)error b)total c)treatment d) interaction
1. Describe the basic principles in the design experiments and uses of analysis CO5.1 CL2
of variance
2. State the identity for sum of squares for one –way and two- way analysis of CO5.2 CL2
3 The following data are per hectare yield for three varieties of wheat, each CO5.2 CL3
grown in four plots. Using one way ANOVA table test whether there is a
significant difference between the average yield in the three varieties of
Plots of Variety of wheat
Land A B C
1 6 5 5
2 7 5 4
3 3 3 3
4 8 7 4
Plote No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Treatment A B C A C C A B A B
Yield 5 4 3 7 5 1 3 4 1 7
2 Three varieties A,B,C of a crop are tested in a Randomized Block Design CO5.5 CL4
with four replications. The plot yield in pounds is as follows.
A6 C5 A8 B9
C8 A4 B6 C9
B7 B6 C10 A6
Analysis the experimental yield and stat your conclusion.
3 The yield of four stains of a particular variety of wheat was planted in five CO5.5 CL4
Randomized Blocks in K.gs per plot is given below.
1 2 3 4 5
A 32 34 34 35 36
B 33 33 36 37 34
C 30 35 35 32 35
D 29 22 30 28 28
Test for difference between blocks and difference between strains.
4 Analysis the following results of a Latin Square experiments CO5.6 CL4
1 2 3 4
1 A(12) D(20) C(16) B(10)
2 D(18) A(14) B(11) C(14)
3 B(12) C(15) D(19) A(13)
4 C(16) B(11) A(15) D(20)
The letters A,B,C,D denote the treatments and the figures in brackets denote
the observations.
5 In a Latin square experiment given below are the yields in quintals per acre CO5.6 CL3
on the paddy crop carried out for testing the effect of five fertilizers
A,B,C,D,E. Analyze the date for variations.
B25 A18 E27 D30 C27
A19 D31 C29 E26 B23
C28 B22 D33 A18 E27
E28 C26 A20 B25 D33
D32 E25 B23 C28 A20
6 Five doctors each test five treatments for a certain disease and observe the CO5.3 CL4
number of days each patient takes to recover. Discuss the difference
between i)the Doctors ii) the treatment
(LOS at 5% )
1 2 3 4 5
1 10 14 23 18 20
2 11 15 24 17 21
3 9 12 20 16 19
4 8 13 17 17 20
5 12 15 19 15 22
7 To study the performance of three detergents and three different water CO5.3 CL4
temperature, the following ‘whiteness’ readings were obtained with designed
Water temp. A B C
Cold water 57 55 67
Warm water 49 52 68
Hot water 54 46 58
Perform a two way analysis of variance, using 5% level of significant
8 HDFC bank had four sales representatives, each of which was sent for a CO5.3 CL4
week into three types of area. Central government office C, Primitive
companies P, Multinational Company M. Their taking in rupees/ week is
given below.
Types of area Sales representatives
C 30 70 30 30
P 80 50 40 70
M 100 60 80 80
Discuss the difference between a) sales representative b) areas.
9 Five varieties of wheat A, B, C, D and were tried. The gross size of the plot CO5.6 CL4
was 18ft x 22ft, the net plot being 14ft x 18ft. Thus, the whole experiment
occupied an area 90ft x 110ft. The plan, the varieties shown in each plot and
yields obtained in Kg are given in the following table.
B 90 E 80 C 134 A 112 D 92
E 85 D 84 B 70 C 141 A 82
C 110 A 90 D 87 B 84 E 69
A 81 C 125 E 85 D 76 B 72
D 82 B 60 A 94 E 85 C 88
Carry out an analysis of variance, what inference can you draw from the data
10 The following table gives sales (in thousand rupees) of a certain firm in CO5.3 CL4
three states by its four salesmen.
States I II III IV
A 6 5 3 8
B 8 9 6 5
C 10 7 8 7
Setup the analysis of variance table and test whether there is any significant
difference (i) between sales by the firm salesmen and (ii) between sales in
the tree states.