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ÂÂ This is a potentially dangerous
ÂÂ Coordinate the correct timing of ‘big event and great care must be
muscles before small’ taken in coaching and when
ÂÂ The back leg drives the hips to the
front ÂÂ With right-handed throwers the
most vulnerable area is to their
AIM: ÂÂ Grip
The objective is to propel the implement the greatest possible distance within the ÂÂ Let it rest in your fingertips. Straight
ÂÂ Whilst it is obviously safer if a
rules of the event. by side
throwing cage is used, this is
ÂÂ Avoid gripping the discus with an event which, with or without
thumb and fingers a cage, requires the strict
ÂÂ Discus is held in the last joints of the fingers ÂÂ Release off index finger higher into supervision
ÂÂ Ends of the fingers are wrapped over, not around the rim the sky ÂÂ Always ensure that non throwers
ÂÂ Wrist is relaxed and straight ÂÂ Does it roll away from you when it are positioned to the rear of the
ÂÂ Discus rests against the base of the hand lands? thrower, and are paying attention
ÂÂ Thumb rests on the discus ÂÂ Swing “Low to high watch it fly” to the whole action
ÂÂ Make sure the athlete does not cup the discus in the wrist ÂÂ Check it is a sling not a scope

ÂÂ Stand side on to direction of throw
ÂÂ Ensure feet are comfortably apart to ensure balance (slightly wider than
shoulder width)

ÂÂ Movement is from low to high – legs first then chest then arms
ÂÂ Discus is supported with free hand
ÂÂ Weight is on front foot – weight transfers to back foot as discus is taken back as
far as possible
ÂÂ Discus is visible behind the body (from side-view)
ÂÂ Legs and hips vigorously driven to face the front, pivoting on the balls of the
feet.- Back hip turns towards the front of circle
ÂÂ Arms last, once the torso is facing the front the throwing arm is brought round
ÂÂ The arm with the discus should be a slinging action not a scoop
ÂÂ Discus leaves the
hand at or slightly
below shoulder height
(shoulders are parallel!)

AIM: Throws at various targets with a rotational motion
PROCEDURE: You can use soccer goal posts or two poles (marked the
size of the soccer posts in width). The space between the posts is divided
equally into three zones (can use cones to mark zones): left zone, centre
zone and right zone.

Activity 1 From a lateral standing position 5m in front of the centre zone, the athletes
throw a ball (or any similar object) side arm (like in discus), with arm fully
extended, at the soccer goal.
HOOP IT The athletes get 3 points through the middle zone.
If the right-handed participant throws the object through the right zone, 2
AIM: Slinging, throwing for accuracy
points are scored and 1point is scored for throwing through the left zone.
PROCEDURE: For left-handed throwers, points are scored in the reverse sequence.
Athletes throw rings or hoops at a small flag pole, trying to land exactly
over it.
A round is finished when one team has achieved a certain number of “hits” Vary the distance that the athlete can stand from the goal post
or when the teams have thrown all their hoops. Increase or decrease the size of the throwing implement- change to hoop
Vary the distance of the target
Set a time limit to create pressure
Increase or decrease the size of the throwing implement
Increase the rotational action by facing away from the throwing direction,
then rotating to face the target, before release.

ÂÂ Javelin is one of the most
ÂÂ The javelin lies flat on the palm dangerous of all events
supported by the fingers ÂÂ Both head and tail are dangerous
ÂÂ Body facing sideways to throwing and hence it must be carried
direction vertically
AIM: A good throw is based on speed of Throwing arm is at shoulder height or slightly ÂÂ Hand higher than elbow, elbow ÂÂ The “all throw, all retrieve” rule
approach, speed of release and a stabilized higher after withdrawal. higher than shoulder must be in force
flight. Tip of the javelin is close to the head ÂÂ Elbow high, arm straight out the ÂÂ Establish a safe routine
The throw is made off a long base with the Impulse stride. back to start with, palm facing up ÂÂ Never run to collect a javelin
feet in line with the direction of the throw Back knee swings forwards (not upwards!). ÂÂ When throwing elbow bends (still ÂÂ There must be complete
and the throwing arm extended backwards Body leans backward. high) and should be in front of face supervision at all times
an parallel to the ground. Left shoulder and head face the direction of
ÂÂ Arm extends and javelin is released
The rear leg drives the hips to the front. the throw.
ÂÂ Snap your hips for power
The arm strikes very fast with the elbow Throwing arm and shoulder axis are parallel.
close to the javelin to produce a forearm TRANSITION:
whiplash effect. Back foot is placed flat at an acute angle to
GRIP: the direction of the throw.
Thumb and first finger grip Legs have overtaken the trunk.
or thumb and second finger Axes of the shoulder, javelin and hip are
grip parallel.
Javelin lays diagonally in Right knee and hip push forwards actively.
the hand Throwing arm remains extended.
Palm faces up POWER POSITION:
APPROACH: Placement of front foot is active and solid.
Javelin is held horizontally over the shoulder Trunk is raised and there is a turning
Top of Javelin is at head height movement around the front leg.
Arm is steady Throwing shoulder pushes forwards.
Acceleration run is relaxed, controlled and Throwing elbow turns inwards, palm remains
rhythmic up.
Withdrawal starts on landing of the front Throwing elbow draws forwards and upwards
foot. alongside the head.
Left shoulder faces the direction of the Trunk moves forwards.
throw, the left arm is held Back foot maintains ground contact until the
forward for balance. javelin is released.
Throwing arm extends backwards during first Throwing arm should be as close to vertical
and second strides. as possible at release

Two teams of athletes stand on lines 20m apart, with a basketball placed
on the ground equidistant from both teams. Each team throws volleyballs
at the basketball attempting to drive the basketball over their opponent’s
line. Allow one handed throws from above the head.
Accuracy Competition

Activity 1 AIM: One-armed throws for distance/precision

Basketballs or equivalent are placed on a box top and must be knocked
UP AND OVER off by athletes throwing tennis balls or softballs. Throwing distance is
appropriate to the age of the athletes.
AIM: Athletes perform a one handed throw over barrier
All athletes throw the same direction
PROCEDURE: The target throw is carried out from a 5m area.
A high barrier is set at a height of about 2m, with the target area set out MODIFICATIONS:
on the floor 2,5m beyond the barrier (See figure) this could be a hoop or Vary the distance of the targets from the throwing line.
A designated object (vortex, tennis ball or bean bag etc.) is thrown at the
target over the barrier as the participant throws from a selected distance
from the barrier.
Hitting the target area - or at least the edge of it - is considered to be
successful attempt 2 points.
Correct throwing technique 3 points
If the object is thrown over the barrier but misses the target area, 1 point is
Change the distance that
athletes are throwing from-
closer or further away.
Lower the barrier if athletes
are not getting the object
Start with athletes throwing
the object static, then
modify by allowing athletes
to do a run up before their

Shot Put
ÂÂ Allow space between throwers
ÂÂAllow enough time for athlete ÂÂ For all activities the following
system should be used
to become familiar with the grip
ÂÂ Throwers must throw from
ÂÂRemember for the grip and behind a line and only on a
placement “Clean palm, dirty signal from the coach
AIM: neck” ÂÂ When everyone has thrown the
To achieve the longest put possible within the ÂÂGain a ‘chin-knee-toe’ vertical coach then signals the group to
rules of the event. alignment in the power position retrieve their implements
When introducing shot, it is imperative that ÂÂCoordinate the correct timing ÂÂ The implements are carried back
great care is taken to ensure that participants of ‘big muscles before small’ to the throwing area they are never
are safely arranged and spaced. thrown back
ÂÂEnsure elbow with shot is kept
ÂÂ When shots are used there should
GRIP: be a clearly defined throwing area.
‘Punch a hole in the sky’ on  When not throwing all athletes
Shot rests on fingers and the base of the fingers-
release should remain behind and well clear
does not touch the palm.
of the throwing area
Shot is lowered to under the chin and the chin
ÂÂ Only those officials/coaches
pressed down on the shot. engaged in measuring a throw or
Elbow is out at a 45degree angle retrieving an implement should be
in front of the thrower
Look for a comfortable, balanced stance, with feet around shoulder width
and the thrower in front of the thrower standing sideways to the direction
of throw.

Step the back leg back while
the trunk is turned to face the
rear of the circle. Elbow must
be kept up.
Drive hard with the back leg
to face the front and pushes
out with the arm. holding the
Keep eyes on the back of the circle and the left arm across the chest for
as long as possible, allowing the torso to rotate and provide much of the

AIM: Athletes perform push throws to reach a target on the ground.
PROCEDURE: Set out hoops about 20m apart around a field, with coloured
spots or cones 5m away from each hoop.
Each hoop represents a target (like at a golf driving range) and the spots
represent the T off.
Activity 1 Each athlete is given a bean bag. The athlete stands on a coloured spot
and throws their bean bag towards the hoop- using a push throw.
The athlete then throws again from where the bean bag landed (if it didn’t
THROW IT land in the hoop). They keep repeating this process until the bean bag
lands in the hoop.
PROCEDURE: Once it lands into the hoop they move to the next spot and try to get the
Two groups of equal size bean bag in another hoop. This is repeated until they have gone around all
face each other. Each athlete hoops.
has a bean bag. To keep athletes engaged allocate each athlete to a different hoop so there
On a signal, athletes throw is no waiting time.
their bean bags over a line in Athletes keep score of how many throws it takes to get around all the
the direction of the opposite hoops.
team. After a set period,
bags are counted to see MODIFICATIONS:
which side has the fewest Vary the distance between hoops
balls. and dots.
Play for a set period, e.g. 30 Focus outcomes on the
seconds. technique of the throw (minus
Encourage different strategies, e.g. Gatherers and throwers work together. points for correct throwing
Athletes should ‘throw fast and throw smart’! technique)

The winning team is the one with the fewest bean bags.
Additional Game
MODIFICATIONS: Bulls Eye – Use hoops as targets
for participants to aim for.
Athletes remain seated for the game
Aim is to get the shot to land
Look add points to teams for correct putting technique
in hoop. Add scoring points to
make it a competition.
A ‘no-go’ zone ensures athletes are separated.
Athletes should not cross the ‘no-go’ zone until the game stops.


AIM: To achieve maximum distance within the rules of the event.
ÂÂ The initial momentum is gained by
swinging the hammer round the
ÂÂ The arms are straight at the front of
the body
ÂÂ This is a potentially dangerous
event and great care must be
taken in coaching and when
ÂÂ With right-handed throwers the
most vulnerable area is to their
ÂÂ The knees are flexed
GRIP: ÂÂ Whilst it is obviously safer if a
ÂÂ As the hammer rises, the legs
Right handed throwers hold the handle with left hand and vice versa throwing cage is used, this is an
event which, with or without a
Handle is placed on the middle section of the fingers. ÂÂ There are 2-3 swings taken to set cage, requires the STRICTEST
Right hand covers the left hand. up an initial rhythm SUPERVISION
Grip is closed by crossing the thumbs or holding them parallel. ÂÂ With the arms straight, there is ÂÂ Always ensure that non throwers
Grip is strong but relaxed. a series of heel-toe runs used to are positioned to the rear of the
move across the circle thrower, and are paying attention
PREPARATION PHASE: ÂÂ At the end of these turns the arms to the whole action
Use legs for acceleration. and back lift to release the hammer
Keep back straight, arms extended. over the shoulder
Sling over the left shoulder.
Introduce implement and grip.
Stand with feet slightly more than
shoulder-width apart.
Swing hammer between the legs, to the
right side then left.
Swing several times without releasing.
After 2 swings throw the hammer over the left shoulder.
Remain in fixed position after release, follow hammer flight with eyes.
Legs are extended rapidly when the hammer reaches the low point of its orbit.
Push off of the back foot/leg is active, turning the back hip to the front.
Arms move upwards and to the left, in a whiplash movement.
Hammer is released when the shoulder axis points in the direction of the throw.

AIM: Two handed overhead throw with catch emphasizes the pivoting
action in the turn and in the delivery of the hammer.

Athletes throw the medicine ball overhead against the wall and then
quickly rotate to catch it on the rebound. When throwing the ball
Activity 1 backwards make sure the athlete uses their legs and back as powerfully as
possible to drive the ball backwards, lifting up high onto toes. As soon as
the athlete throws the ball backwards against the wall, pivot on the balls of
OVER THE HEAD their feet for a rotation to catch the ball.

AIM: Overhead throw for distance emphasizes not only the upwards thrust MODIFICATIONS:
of the athlete’s body, but also the backwards lean required in delivery of Change the weight of the medicine ball or use basketballs for young ones
the hammer. Vary the distance that the athlete can stand from the wall

The participant stands with legs parallel, heels on the foul line and back to
Large Balls
the direction of the throw. The medicine ball is held down at arms’ length
ÂÂ Overhead Throw
with both hands. The participant then squats down (to pre-tense the thigh
muscles) and quickly extends the legs, then the arms in order to heave ÂÂ Over Opposite shoulder
the medicine ball backward over the head for maximum distance into the
throwing area. After the throw, the participant may overstep the foul line Practice Hammers
(i.e. step backward). ÂÂSwing over opposite
The measurement is taken at 90° shoulder
(right angle) to the foul line and “Make a window”
recorded in 20cm intervals (taking ÂÂ2 swings
the higher figure when the medicine
ÂÂRelease over opposite
ball lands between intervals).
Change the weight of the medicine
ball or use basketballs for young
Set up a crossbar and see who can
hurl the medicine ball the highest
and farthest.

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