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Games and Sports.
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Elongated start in races.
How to perform an elongated start.
a) During ‘’on your mark’’ command;
i. Place hands on the ground shoulder width apart and behind the starting line.
ii. Place one foot behind the starting line.
iii. Place the knee of the back leg slightly behind the heel of the front foot.
iv. Spread out the feet slightly wider than in the medium sprint start.
b) During ‘’set’’ command, lift the knee of the back leg off the ground ready for the
last command, ‘’go’’ and leave the starting point.
c) Drills;
▪ Push start.
▪ Pedal the bicycle drill.
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Safety measures observed while improvising Relay Baton.
▪ Paint and allow it to dry.
▪ Clean the working area.
▪ Burn or throw to the dustbin the waste products.
▪ Wash your hands.
Visual Baton Change.
When performing visual baton change technique;
a) Runners changing the relay baton must be in high speed.
b) The visual baton change should be done smoothly without dropping
the baton.
c) The runner receiving the baton should stretch his or her arm with the
hand being open and look at the runner bringing the baton.
● Positioning of the hand of the runner receiving the baton:
✔ Stretched out and behind.
✔ Open and facing up.
● How the runners changing the baton position themselves:
✔ Running in motion.
✔ Legs apart at high speed.
HURDLES (approach, take off, flight, hurdle clearance and landing.)
These include running and going over an obstacle at a speed.
Stages in hurdling.
a) You are required to go over barriers called hurdles when in high speed.
b) The following are the five stages in hurdling
i. Approach – runner sprints towards the first hurdle after the
start command.
ii. Take off – runner places the take-off foot about 20-35 cm from the top of
the hurdle and quickly lifts the thigh of the leading leg to the chest and to go
over edge appropriate hurdle.
iii. Flight – the body should be streamlined and take the shortest
time possible.
iv. Hurdle clearance – runner goes over the hurdle with the toe of the leading
foot pointing up and the foot of the leg behind being flat with toe pointing out.
v. Landing- leading leg touches the ground with the back of the
foot followed by the back leg.
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a) Long Jump – it is used by athletes as a field event.
Athletes combine speed, strength and ability to jump as far as possible from a take-off
The following are the sections of the long jump facility.
i. Runway – this is the sprinting or approach area.
ii. Take-off board – this is the point you jump from.
iii. Landing pit – this is a sand filled pit for safe landing.
The equipment found in the long jump facility include;
i. A 50 metre measuring tape.
ii. A rake for leveling the sand
pit. Long Jump Technique.
Stages in Long Jump.
a. Approach – the athlete runs along the runway using quick long strides.
b. Take-off – placing one foot next to the take-off board or line and then lift
the body off the ground.
c. Flight –cycling action of the legs in the air to move the body.
d. Landing – contacting or touching down on the landing pit area with both
feet and knees bent.
● The following are the important rules to be followed for a good long jump;
a. Takeoff foot must not cross the takeoff board or line.
b. Use quick long strides, when running along the runway during approach.
c. Land on the pit with knees bent and the head leaning forward with the
hands in front.
Standing Discus.
A discus is an equipment used for throwing in athletics field events.
A discus facility has a throwing sector with a diameter of 2.5 metres and a landing sector.
There are different weights for discus. Boys under 13 years throw discus weighing 1
kilogram, while for girls it is 0.75 kilograms.
Other equipment found in the discus facility include:
i. Marking flags or pegs – used to mark several throws made by players.
ii. Measuring tape – it is used for measuring length of the throws made
by players.
iii. Score cards – they are used by the teacher to record the scores and
other details of the players.
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Stages or phases of performing standing discus technique.
i. Stance;
▪ Stand with the feet shoulder width apart.
▪ The left or right shoulder should point to the direction of throw.
ii. Grip;
▪ The discus sits flat against the palm of the throwing hand.
▪ The fingers hold the edge of the discus.
▪ The thumb rests on the back of the discus. The discus is held in loose grip.
iii. Swing;
▪ The non-throwing arm is extended towards the throwing direction.
▪ The throwing arm is extended back.
▪ Swing the discus and bring it on top of the palm of the non-throwing arm.
▪ Swing the hip, torso and shoulder while pivoting the back foot to the front.
iv. Release and recovery;
▪ Continue to hold the correct grip.
▪ Step forward with the opposite foot to the throwing hand
before releasing the discus.
▪ Release the discus from a comfortable height, not too high.
▪ As the discus is released, the non-throwing arm swings back for recovery.
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These are techniques in rope skipping.
Rope work involves skipping or jumping in different styles using a rope.
How to perform straddle and straddle cross rope skipping.
a) Stand straight, shoulders level and head looking forward.
b) Put the arms slightly forward and extend sideways.
c) Grip the handle of the rope firmly and comfortably with your fingers, ready to
make small circles with the wrists when swinging the rope.
d) With elbows close to the body and knees slightly bent, swing the rope from
behind the feet and jump to clear it.
e) In straddle rope skipping, jump the rope with feet apart on the first rotation of
the rope followed by jumping the rope with feet together on the next rotation.
Keep repeating this rhythm but in a smooth and relax manner.
f) In a straddle cross rope skipping, jump the rope alternating the right and left
foot in front and back. Repeat the rhythm.
This is a technique used in performing rope skipping. The balls of the feet are usedwhen
performing the skill.
How to perform skier rope skipping.
a) Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
b) Keep knees slightly bent and arms extended sideways.
c) Keep the body weight well balanced on the balls of the feet.
d) Grip the rope at the handle and lower it on the ground behind your feet. Swing
the rope overhead and jump over it using small jumps.
e) Continue with the small jumps but moving the feet when together and side
to side.
This is a style for performing rope skipping where the heel is used when performing
the skill.
How to perform heel taps rope skipping.
a) Stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart and arms
extended sideways.
b) With the body weight well balanced on the balls of the feet, swing the rope
from behind the feet and jump up and down over the rope.
c) As you continue jumping, begin to tap the ground with the heel of one foot and
then keep alternating the feet.
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SOFTBALL; Field, Equipment And Choosing Bat.
Softball is one of the batting games which is played between two teams on a large
field, with nine players from each team.
The aim of the game is for a team to score more runs (points) than the other team
by batting (hitting) a ball into play and running around the bases, touching each one
in succession. The defending team is referred to as fielding team.
Parts of the field.
a) Bases – these include 1st , 2nd , 3rd and home plate. The bases are made of
rubber material and are square shaped while the home plate is 5 sided.
b) Infield – this is the area around the four bases and the surface
is generally grass.
c) Outfield – this is the area outside the infield. It consists of left fielder,
centre fielder and right fielder.
d) Foul lines – two straight lines extending from the 1st and 3rd base lines
that mark fair territory.
e) Pitcher’s plate is placed at the middle of the diamond from which the
pitcher throws the ball.
f) Batter’s box – two long rectangular boxes marked near the home plate
where a batter player must stay while batting.
Softball equipment include:
i. Batting helmet.
ii. Softball balls.
iii. Fielding gloves.
iv. Catcher’s mitts.
v. Bats.
vi. Chest protector.
vii. Sliding shorts.
viii. Leg guard.
ix. Uniform.
The positions of the players at the start of the softball game are:
i. Pitcher – position 1.
ii. Catcher – position 2.
iii. 1st base fielder – position 3.
iv. 2nd base fielder – position 4.
v. 3rd base fielder – position 5.
vi. Shortstop – position 6.
vii. Left fielder – position 7.
viii. Centre fielder – position 8.
ix. Right fielder – position 9.
Note For the batting team, nine batters line up near the batting box ready to get into batters’
box in turns for batting. They must follow this order all through.
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Responsibilities of infield players.
❖ Catching or collecting ground balls.
❖ Catching high balls.
❖ Throwing caught balls to various bases.
❖ Helping to cover the bases.
❖ Assisting each other (backing up).
❖ Tagging (touching using the hand holding the ball) the running batter.
Ready Position and Footwork.
Ready position is when the fielder player positions the body in a way that he orshe is
ready to move to any direction when the ball is released.
How to perform ready position and footwork in fielding.
a) Stand with legs apart and get the body low to the ground by squatting.
b) Balance the body weight by using the balls of your feet.
c) Wear a glove on the left hand. Stretch the gloved hand further towards the ball.
d) Bending low to the ground with the back straight and head up, face the batter,
stay alert and focused,
e) In that position move your feet forward, backward and side to side.
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THROWING: Overhand throw.
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The Swing Technique.
When performing the swing technique:
a. Stand with your feet apart. Knees bent and toes facing the home plate.
b. Stretch your arms with elbows out and use the correct grip on the handle of the bat.
c. Bend the upper part of the body slightly forward.
d. With hands firmly gripping the bat by the handle, move the bat up and above
the shoulder.
e. Swing the bat to hit the ball by the middle part of the barrel of the bat with
enough force.
f. Ensure the ball is hit towards the fair territory of the softball field.
g. Make the follow through by moving one step forward.
Base Running and Sliding.
Base running.
a. Take quick strides as you run to the next nearest base.
b. Use strong arm action as you run in order to have maximum speed.
c. Run straight to the base and then round it.
d. As you run around it, step on the inside corner of the base.
e. Run as close to the base line as possible.
Base running and sliding skill.
a) Run at full speed to the next base, when you are 4 to 5 steps away from the base,
bend your knees. Shift your weight to the left side of your body and get low to the
ground. As you get low to the ground, fold your left leg under your right leg to form
shape 4 as you slide on the ground.
NOTE: The thigh and shin of the left leg are the parts of the body used in sliding.
b) Lift up your hands past the head with arms stretched out to balance the body
while sliding. This will also help to prevent the defender from easily tagging your
c) Tuck your chin in your chest to prevent your head from flopping backward and hit
the ground.
Importance of sliding in softball.
▪ To prevent injury – players can slide to avoid collision with whoever is making a tag
at 1st , 2nd or 3rd base.
▪ Sliding is the quickest way to the base – running to the base might be slow;
so sliding will help the player get to the base faster.
▪ To avoid a tag – a player can slide away from the person tagging.
▪ To make a diversion – if a player wants to make a change of direction around
the base.
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fielding, Throwing, Catching and Stamping.
The Rounders game is played by players referred to as fielders and batters.
The fielders try to put out the batters by stamping the post they are running
The game should be played between two teams with a maximum of 15 players.
Throwing the ball in rounders.
There are two throwing skills in rounder’s. They include:
a. Over arm throwing – it is mostly used by the fielders to pass long balls to
other team members. The ball is passed to a teammate who is near the base
which is in front of the leading batter. It is mostly used for the balls which have
been hit far from the post.
i. While using the over arm throw, grip the ball in a way that your first and
second fingers are over the two seams.
ii. Direct your shoulder towards the teammates you are passing the ball to
and release the ball.
b. Under arm throwing – it is mostly used by the fielders when making short passes
to the teammate in order to stamp opponents. Grip the ball as it is done in an over
arm throw between the fingers and the thumb. The player swings the arm forward
as he or she steps in front to release the ball with a flick of the wrist.
Catching the ball in rounders.
Catching is done by the fielders when receiving a thrown ball in order to stamp the
post and put the batter out.
The golden rule of catching is to keep the eyes on the ball from the moment it leaves
the pitcher’s hands and follow it all over.
When catching the ball, stretch out your arms in front of the chest. Thumbs should
point each other. When the ball gets in your palms, close your fingers over it to
prevent it from bouncing out.
Stamping in rounders.
a) Stamping is touching a post by the fielder using the hand with the ball.
b) Fielders stamp the nearest post that the batter is approaching so as to stamp him
or her out.
c) Once a batter is stamped out, he or she is out of the game.
Technical, tactical approaches and rules of the game.
Technical approaches are skills that the players apply to ensure they win the game.
These skills include; catching, throwing and stamping the post.
Tactical approaches are methods that are planned and used to achieve a particular
Examples of tactical approaches are; Spread all over the field of play,
Communicate with your teammates loudly and clear, Work as a team, Be quick
and alert.
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Rules of the rounders’ game.
a) It is played between two teams. One team bats while the other team fields and bowls.
b) The game starts when the bowler bowls the ball to the batter who hits the ball
forward on the rounder’s pitch. The batter runs around tapping every post before
the fielders can stamp the nearest post.
c) If the batter reaches 2nd or 3rd post in one hit. The team scores half a rounder. If
the batter reaches the 4th post in one hit. The batter scores full rounder.
d) A batter is put out when he or she leaves the nearest post and run to the next post
and it is stamped before he or she gets there.
1. Push pass.
When passing the ball in soccer using push pass;
● Use a flat ground which is free from dangerous objects.
● Wear a suitable sports kit.
● Perform enough warm up and cool down activities before and after the game.
● Follow your teachers’ instructions correctly.
2. Wall pass.
When playing wall pass skill;
● Communicate loud and clear ‘’wall pass’’ among your teammates involved in
the pass.
● A minimum of two teammates should be involved in the passing in order to
move the ball past an opponent player.
● One player makes a good pass and sprints into the open space in order
to receive the ball from the second teammate.
● The player who receives the pass should sprint behind the defender.
The teammate should then pass the ball in the space in front of him or
3. Outside of the foot pass.
When passing the ball using outside of the foot;
● Approach the ball with the upper body slightly bent.
● Bring the non-kicking leg to the same level with the ball but slightly away
from the kicking foot.
● Shift the body weight to the supporting leg and slightly bend it.
● Turn the toes of the kicking foot inwards to face the non-kicking leg.
● Swing the kicking leg and strike the ball with the middle of outside foot.
● Ensure the pass is directed at the intended target or teammate.
Facility, equipment and positioning.
A volleyball court is rectangular in shape. It
measures 18m long and 9m wide.
It is divided into two halves by a centerline.
Underarm serve.
✔ This is a type of service in volleyball where the player serving the ball holds it about
waist high.
✔ The player slightly tosses the ball up and hits it with the opposite hand using an under
hand motion.
✔ The hand hits the ball at the bottom with a closed fist.
✔ Tossing is throwing the ball upward above the waist before striking it.
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How to perform the dig pass;
a) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart for balance.
b) Put arms together and join the hands, locking the wrist and elbow joints.
c) Contact the ball with the part of the arms just above the hands.
d) Move the hands upward and forward to give the ball an upward motion.
The volley.
✔ This is a way of passing a ball that has been received at the full hand level.
✔ It is used to keep the ball in play, set the ball for an attack and for passing the ball over
the net.
Facility and Position of Players.
Kabaddi is also called a game of struggle because it is one player against 7players.
The aim of the game is to score points by raiding into the opponent court touching
as many defensive players as possible without being caught by any ofthe opponents.
Defensive players are called antis while attacking players are raiders.
The Kabaddi field of play measures 8 metres by 11 metres for junior boys and girls.
Each team has seven players at the start of the game.
Each team selects a raider who runs across the centre line to the other team’s court.
As the raider enters the opponent’s court, he or she chants ‘Kabaddi’, ‘Kabaddi’,‘Kabaddi’
and tries to tag any member of the opposing team.
Once the raider tags a member or members of the opponent team, he or sheruns back
to their court. A point is awarded.
● This involves getting into the opponent’s court chanting ‘Kabaddi,
Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ and trying to step or touch the opponent player.
● The raider tries to touch an opponent player while the opponent player puts
effort to prevent the raider from touching them.
● The raider should be done with tagging a member from the opponent team
within 30 seconds.
Foot work.
● This is the movement made by the raider with his or her feet during the course of the
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● It is guided by the stance, body position, speed and the ability to bend in
any direction.
Legal Touches.
In Kabaddi, legal touch means a raider touching any member of the defending team
by any part of their body including clothes, shoes and any other part of the body.
Cant is the chanting of “Kabadii” continuously once a raider is in the
opponent’s part of the field. If a raider stops chanting, he or she is out.
Cant is also the capacity of the lungs to hold the breath which is required
to maintain raid for a longtime.
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✔ This is the taking of turns in sending a player into the opponents’ court to try tagging
them and win a point.
✔ It is also a repeated clear sound of the word “Kabadii” in one single breath during raid
by the raider.
Roles of Raiders.
a) Try and touch as many players in the opponent team as possible in order to
score, tap them out and score points.
b) He or she must say “Kabadii” several times until a tag is made or he has faulted.
Ball carriage.
a. Carriage is holding the ball under the armpit firmly and moving with it. It is done
to avoid losing the ball to the opponents.
b. Lateral pass is when the player collects the ball from a tap or roll ball and
passes it to teammates on either side.
c. Hold the ball with both hands, turn to the receiver and swing the ball across the front
of your body.
d. Direct the ball to the chest level of the receiver.
e. Release the ball as the upper body turns and the arms extend.
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This is moving with the ball in your hands away from the opponent.
In Tag Rugby, players run sideways more since most of the opponents are focusing ahead. This
helps them to avoid being tagged.
Tagging and Offside rule.
▪ Tagging is pulling out one of the two tags or ribbons attached to the
ball carrier's waist or belt.
▪ Only the player with the ball can be tagged.
▪ The opponent should hold the tag above their head and shout “tag” after
removing it from the ball carrier’s waist. Then the referee shouts ”pass” to
confirm the tag.
▪ The ball carrier cannot defend the tags from being taken using hands, they can
only doge taggers.
▪ When the ball carrier is tagged, they have to pass the ball to the team mate
within three seconds.
▪ If tagged near the try line, they are allowed one step to score a try.
▪ When a ball carrier is tagged and passes the ball, he or she must take the tag and put
it back. No play without a tag.
▪ Offside is when a player is in a prohibited area during the game.
▪ The offside rule occurs immediately when a tag has been made.
▪ All defenders must go back to their side.
▪ A defender should not knowingly wait to block or intercept a pass from
the attacking team after a tag.
a) A score in Tag Rugby is called a try and is awarded 1 point.
b) To score a try, a player must carry the ball over the opposing goal line and place the
ball down on the ground.
c) Opponents must remove the ball carrier’s tag to stop them from scoring.
d) A player cannot dive over the try line to ground the ball.
e) If a player drops the ball over the try line, a try is not given. The ball is given to
the opponents.
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Cutting in Frisbee.
❖ Cutting is a technique used to confuse defenders or opponents.
❖ It involves running and changing direction so that you throw the disc safely to
your partner.
Marking in Frisbee.
Marking is a technique used to control the ball carrier and limiting them from
throwing the disc.
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Pivoting in Frisbee.
Pivoting is done with one foot maintaining contact on the ground while turning and
stepping with the other foot.
Pivoting is done to give the player a better chance of passing the disc to the teammates.
Note; Through “spirit of the game”, moral lessons like honesty, fairness, politeness,
teamwork among others are taught.
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A) Breaststroke.
Breaststroke is a swimming style that is performed with the body facing down in a
streamlined position.
The arms perform semi circular movements and the legs perform a frog like kick, the
head bobs in and out of water.
Arm Action.
a) for arm action, start from the streamlined position. Turn both palms outward
without bending the elbows. Then push them out and slightly down.
b) When your arms form a “Y” shape with your body, bend elbows and bring hands
down and back towards your face.
Leg action.
a) For the leg action, begin by pointing the feet outwards from the body by rotating the
ankle. Bring the heels towards your bottom as you bend hands down and back
towards the shin.
b) Extend your knees slightly past the width of your shoulders. Push your
legs straight back behind you and bring them back together.
d) Backstroke.
It is a swimming style performed with the body lying on the back and streamlined.
The head is submerged above half level of the ears and the face is left off the water
surface at all times.
Body positioning.
e) Lie with your back on the water and streamline your body.
f) Put your head half way into the water.
g) Lower your legs and hips slightly.
h) Put your legs together and straighten them.
Leg action.
a) Once you are in a stable position, start kicking.
b) As you raise one leg, kick using the other leg. Keep alternating the kicks.
c) For best results, kick from your hips.
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Arm action.
a) As you start kicking forward, keep the arms at your side then stretch one arm in front.
b) When the hand contacts the water, bring it down and pull outward to
move yourself forward. Raise your other arm to do the same.
a) Sidestroke.
Sidestroke is a swimming style where the swimmer lies on the side in the water. It is
used for life saving , leisure and for swimming long distances.
Body position.
b) Start from a glide side position.
c) Lay one side of your body straight in the water.
d) Drop one shoulder in the water with your hip below the water surface.
Head positioning.
a) Position your head in line with your spine.
b) Half of your face should be in the water, the other half of the face above the water.
c) One side of the face and ear should be in the water.
Arm action.
a) Extend the leading arm forward with the palm facing downwards. Place your arm
on your side.
b) Palm of the leading arm pushes water backwards and downwards. The hand
then moves upwards and inwards.
c) Your other arm moves forward, bending at the elbow.
d) Your leading hand moves forward in a straight line with palms rotating
from upward to a downward facing position.
e) Your other hand performs a semi-circular backward sweep.
Leg action.
a) Bend your lower leg and move the foot towards your back. At the same
time, straighten the upper leg.
b) Make “scissors kicks” with your legs to move the body forward.
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Individual balances.
● Gymnastics include general categories of movement such as travel,
weight transfer, balance, jumping, flight or landing.
● These skills can be developed with integration of other body aspects and
movement elements. For example locomotors and non-locomotors
movements, space and effort aspects.
Hand balance into splits and hand walk helps us to develop the following physical fitness
a) Balance – the body is able to stay upright and in control of movement.
b) Coordinating – ability to move two or more body parts under control.
c) Reaction time – ability to respond quickly to a command or stimulus.
d) Flexibility – ability to move the joints easily without getting injuries.
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2. Shoulder roll.
This is a kind of roll that is performed over one shoulder.
It prevents you from hurting your head, hands or knees if you fall on the ground.
4. Side vault.
It involves jumping over an obstacle or object with the hands placed on the object
and the legs being moved away on the side of the obstacle while jumping.
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5. Cartwheel.
It is a sideways circle movement of the body.
It is performed by bringing the hands to the ground one at a time while the body
6. Round off.
This is a movement of turning the body parts from one point to another in theair.
The take off can either be off hands or off feet.
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Skill related fitness.
1) Balance.
Balance is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing
still or moving.
Fitness is a condition in which an individual has enough energy to perform a task
without getting tired.
These are some of the skills that can be done to develop balance;
a) T balance.
b) V balance.
c) Hand balance.
d) Crab walk.
e) Wheelbarrow walk.
f) Crouch balance.
Balance helps us to perform activities without falling and injuring ourselves.
2) Agility.
Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body
while maintaining a constant rapid motion.
Some of the activities that are performed to develop agility are;
a) Forward running.
b) High knee running.
c) Lateral running.
d) Shuttle running.
e) Pivoting.
f) Reaction time.
Reaction time is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see
or feel.
Good reaction requires one to;
i. Be alert and attentive.
ii. Respond quickly without delaying.
It is important in daily life because it enables us to perform activities like running,
walking and playing quickly when given command or signal.
Some of the activities that improve reaction time are; sitting and standing,
‘on to your marks', 'Set and Go’ command, run and stop. Reaction time is
very important when driving, playing sports and running away from
dangerous situations.
3) Sit and reach.
Sit and reach test is a simple measurement of lower back and arm string flexibility.
Flexibility is the ability to bend without breaking. To
measure the sit and reach test you require;
a. Sit and reach the test box.
b. Metre ruler or tape
measure. How to perform sit and
reach test;
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a) Sit on the floor with legs fully extended.
b) Place one hand on top of the other, slowly bend forward and reaches
far as possible holding the stretch for two seconds.
c) Record the distance that you were able to reach in centimeters. Do
this three times.
d) Calculate the average of the three distances to tell your flexibility.
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Management of sprain injury.
i. Rest, ice application, compression and elevation.
ii. Avoid vigorous activities until the sprain heals.
iii. For wrist, thumb, knees and ankle sprains, compress the area with an elastic
wrap or bandage. Crutches can also be used to give support for ankle and
knee sprains.
iv. If the sprain is serious, medical and surgical treatment may be required.
c) Strain.
A strain is an overstretched, torn or twisted tendon or muscle.
Strain mostly affects the lower leg muscles, thigh muscles, feet muscles, arm
muscles and back muscles.
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Outdoor activities are done outside class. They enhance learning through nature.
Suitable sites for these activities are mountain sides, rocky areas, near water bodies
like rivers.
● While choosing suitable places for outdoor activities, you should consider;
i. Accessibility for learners with varied needs.
ii. Services and amenities (toilets, water e.t.c).
iii. Cost.
iv. Security.
v. Weather (rainy or sunny season).
vi. Mode of transport.
vii. Location (convenience).
● Outdoor activities help us to find peace in nature, have fun, learn and relax.
● An outdoor activity should include all the activities from departure to coming back.
● The following is a two days sample of outdoor activity programme;
Days time programme
Day 1 8 am – 11 am Travelling to Masai Mara Park.
11 am – 12 noon Arrival and setting up tents.
1 pm – 4 pm Game drive
4 pm – 6 pm Visiting Masai Mara market.
6 pm – 8 pm Dinner.
8 pm – 9 pm A recap of the day.
9 pm – 6 am Sleeping and waking up time.
Day 2 6 am – 7 am Morning workout
7 am – 9 am (aerobics). Take bath and
9 am – 12 noon breakfast.
Hiking and team building
12 noon – 1 pm activities. Lunch.
Travelling back.
1 pm – 4 pm
Tracking signs.
● These are objects or markers used to help a group move without getting lost
during outdoor activity.
● It is a method of communication between different groups by giving directions in
an outdoor activity.
● The signs are made from small rocks, stones, wood and sticks.
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Roles and responsibilities.
These are duties or work each member does when in an outdoor activity. It is
important to be in groups with group leaders assigned.
Each member has a role to play in the group.
Conflict Resolution.
Conflict Resolution are ways a group settles their quarrels and disagreements during
outdoor activity.
People have different views about issues and all are entitled to be considered. Conflicts
should be settled in a friendly manner.
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Causes of conflicts in a group.
a) Poor communication.
b) Unfriendly relationships.
c) Lack of enough space for all team members.
d) Disagreements in power.
e) Unwillingness to share resources.
f) Lack of planning.
g) Poor selection of a leader.
h) Favoring some group members.
Food preservation.
Food preservation refers to how food is either treated or handled to ensure it stops
or slows from being spoilt.
If properly preserved or handled, food can go for a long period without getting spoilt.
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Methods of preserving food;
● Drying.
● Canning.
● Heating.
● Boiling.
● Bottling.
● Salting.
● Smoking.
● Fermentation.
● Sugaring.
● Freezing.
Different foods use different methods of preservation. During an outdoor activity,
you should use the correct method of food preservation depending on the food you
have carried.
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