Presentation6 UHV II Unit 5

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Universal Human Values and Professional


Implications of the Holistic Understanding of

Harmony on Professional Ethics
UNIT-5 Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of
Harmony on Professional Ethics Natural acceptance of human
values, Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct, Basis for
Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic
Universal Order, Competence in Professional Ethics: a) Ability to
utilize the professional competence for augmenting universal human
order, b) Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people-
friendly and eco-friendly production systems, technologies and
management models, Case studies of typical holistic technologies,
management models and production systems, Strategy for transition
from the present state to Universal Human Order: a) At the level of
individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers,
technologists and managers, b) At the level of society: as mutually
enriching institutions and organizations.
Definitiveness of ethical human conduct in terms of
values, policies and character

Ethics: The definitiveness of human conduct in terms of

values, policies and character. Thus, the ethical conduct is
self –satisfying, people friendly, eco-friendly and

The right understanding gained through self-exploration

also enables us to identify the definitiveness of human
conduct which may also be called the ethical human
Values (Mulya):Competence of living in accordance
with universal human values or the participation of a
unit in the larger order-its natural characteristics or
svabhava. They are thirty. They are …

1.Values in self (Jivan Mulya):

Happiness (Sukha): realization + selection/ tasting

Peace (Shanti) : realization + analyzing
Satisfaction (Santosh) : realization + imaging
Bliss (Ananda) : realization + understanding
2. Values in Human –Human Relationship (Sambandh

What we need to have is the established value; the expressed value is a natural
3.Values of a Human Being in its Participation in
Universal Human Order (Manav Mulya):
Perseverance (Dhirata): After understanding the system, patiently
participating in it.

Bravery (Veerta): Helping other in understanding and participating in


Generosity (Udarta): Using our mind, body and wealth in system.

Kindness (Daya): To give opportunity or thing to a person who have


Beneficence (Kripa): To give ability to a person who have opportunity

or thing

Compassion (Karuna): Providing both ability and thing to a person.

4. Values of Human Being in the Interaction with the Rest of the Nature
(Vastu Mulya):
Utility Value (Upyogita Mulya): To prepare a physico-chemical object for
nourish and protection.
Artistic value (Kala mulya): To ensure the long lasting utility of the object.

Policy (Niti): The decision (plan, program, implementation, results,

evaluation) about the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the
resources (self, body and wealth –mana, tana and dhana) have three parts:
Economic Value (Artha Niti): Enrichment of self, body and wealth
Political Value (Rajya Niti): Protection of self, body and wealth
Policy for Universal Human Order (Dharma Niti): Right utilization of self,
body and wealth

Character (Charitra): The definiteness of my desire, thought and selection

gives definiteness to my living.
Svanari, svapurush: Chastity in conjugal relationship
Svadhana: Rightful production, acquisition and utilization of wealth
Dayapurnavyavahar and dayapurnakarya: Kindness in behaviour (people
friendly) and work (eco friendly)
Understanding of harmony -Basis for humanistic education and
humanistic constitution

Humanistic education: Humanistic education will incorporate

appropriate integration of values and skills so that human beings are
able to understand their physical needs correctly and adopt suitable
techniques and production systems to cater to these needs in an eco-
friendly and people friendly manner.

Humanistic constitution: The right understanding also provides us

the basis for a humanistic constitution which is essential to provide
clear guidelines and policy framework conducive to the development
of an un-fragmented human society and a universal human order.
Working towards the comprehensive human goal and developing the
competence for ethical human conduct will be among the salient
directive principles of a humanistic constitution. It will safeguard the
social justice in true sense.
Professional ethics in the light of right understandingProfessional ethics
means to develop professional competence with ethical human conduct.
Ethical human conduct means definitiveness of human conduct. Ethical
human conduct is the foundation of professional ethics. The only effective
way to ensure professional ethics is through correct appraisal and
systematic development of ethical competence in the professional (the
human being).
Competence in professional ethics
Clarity about comprehensive human goal: Samadhan–samridhi–abhay–
sah-astitva, and its fulfillment through universal human order.
Confidence in oneself: Based on the right understanding of oneself and
the rest of existence.
Mutually fulfilling behaviour: Clarity and confidence in ethical human
conduct and its correlation with sustained personal as well as collective
happiness and prosperity.
Mutually enriching interaction with nature: Self-sufficiency in
fulfillment of physical needs; ability to assess the needs for physical
facilities for the family and their fulfillment through production systems
ensuring harmony in the nature.
Issues in professional ethics:
Corruption in multiple forms and at various levels.

Tax evasion, misappropriation and misuse of public funds.

Misleading propaganda, unethical advertisements and sale promotion.

Cut-throat competition.

Exploiting the weakness of consumers through various enticements

Adulteration and spurious production

Endangering the health and safety of public at large.

Hoarding and over-charging etc.

............ the list could be much longer.

Holistic Technologies, ProdutionSystem and Management
Right Understanding helps us to develop a vision for a holistic
approach. By holistic approach we means the processes and the
technologies adopted by us must be compatible with nature.
The three broad criteria to guide the development of such
technologies and system are-
In accordance to appropriate needs and lifestyle
People friendly

Evaluation criteria for technologies –

The technologies adopted must fulfill the following criteria
compatible with nature
It must promote the use of renewable sources of energy
Low cost and energy efficient.
Safe and people friendly
Does not harm health
Evaluation Criteria For Production Systems:

In order to decide the type of production system to be

adopted, we need to answer few simple questions-
1.What to produce
2.How to produce
3.How much to produce

Optimal utilization of local resources and expertise

Priority to local consumption
Should be user friendly
Safe to the health of people involved in production
For management models:

The management needs to focus at the

fulfilment of the people involved in the
production system as well as users of the
produce and not for profit.

1.The whole unit works as a unit

2.Ensuring correct appraisal of labour

3.Sharing of responsibility
Journey Towards the Holistic Alternative

1.Appreciating the Need for self exploration

2.Facilitating the Understanding of Harmony at Various levels
3.Steps for facilitating at the level of Family, Society and

Transition from present state to universal human order

1.Promoting mass awareness and moving toward humanistic

2.Developing holistic model of living
3.Implementing Strict policies and social system

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