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AKTU Syllabus : Unit-5

 Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics

Natural acceptance of human values, Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct, Basis for
Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order, Competence in
Professional Ethics: a) Ability to utilize the professional competence for augmenting universal
human order, b) Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people-friendly and
ecofriendly production systems, technologies, and management models, Case studies of typical
holistic technologies, management models and production systems, Strategy for the transition
from the present state to Universal Human Order: a) At the level of individual: as socially and
ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers, b)At the level of society: as
mutually enriching institutions and organizations.
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Human Values, Unit-5 : Lec-1

 Ethics –
 What is ethics - Human conduct in terms of values, policies, and character is termed as
ethics. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions about what is morally right and wrong, good and bad, fair and unfair. It involves examining and establishing
principles and guidelines for behavior that help individuals and societies determine the best course of action in various situations.

Ethical Human Conduct:- Human conduct, or human behavior, is the way people act and conduct themselves, both physically and mentally

 human conduct means the definitiveness of human conduct.

 In other words, ethics (also known as moral philosophy) is a branch of philosophy, that
addresses questions about morality, questioning concepts such as –
 good vs. bad
 noble vs. ignoble,
 right vs. wrong,

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 Besides this, issues of measurement of traits like - justice, love, peace, and virtue also come
under the criteria of ethics.
 How ethics can be adapted-
 The ethics in the living of an individual can be imbibed only through the inculcation of values,
policies, and character, and this is possible through the process of ensuring the right
understanding through self-exploration.
 Professional Ethics - Professional ethics means to develop professional competence with
ethical human conduct.
 Professional ethics are accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values, and
guiding principles.
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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 In other words, we may say that the set of standards adopted by professionals is called
Professional ethics. Every profession like teaching, medicine, engineering, law, etc has its
professional ethics.
 The set of ethical standards that apply to an engineering profession is known as
Engineering ethics.
 Likewise, The set of ethical standards, that are applicable for a professional is known as
professional ethics.
 Need and utility of professional ethics-
 (1) Ethical conduct of profession implies the right utilization of one’s professional skills
towards the fulfillment of comprehensive human goal. It ensures our meaningful
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participation in the larger order.
Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 (2) Professional ethics concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specialist knowledge that
professionals attain, and how utilization of this knowledge should be governed when providing a
Professional ethics are the rules about right and wrong for people with special jobs because they know things that most people don't.
service to the public. These rules guide how they should use their special skills and knowledge when they are helping or serving others.

 Competence of professional ethics - The program to attain competency in professional ethics can
be discussed under the following points-
1. Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhan – Samridhi – Abhay – Sah-astitva, and its
fulfillment through universal human order.
2. Confidence in oneself: Based on the right understanding of oneself and the rest of existence.
3. Mutually fulfilling behavior: Clarity and confidence in ethical human conduct and its correlation
with sustained personal as well as collective happiness and prosperity.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 4. Mutually enriching interaction with nature: Self-sufficiency in fulfilment of physical needs;

ability to assess the needs for physical facilities for the family and their fulfilment through
production systems ensuring harmony in the nature. In the light of the above, one acquires the
ability to identify and develop appropriate (people-friendly and eco-friendly) technologies,
production systems etc.
 Definitiveness of Ethical Human conduct - How it can be ensured-The right understanding gained
through self-exploration enables us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct which may
also be called the ethical human conduct. It is the same for all human beings . So we are also able
to understand the universality of ethical human conduct which is in consonance with the universal
human values. Each one of us wants to have a definite conduct but presently we may not be able to
ensure that.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 This is because we are presently living on the basis of our pre-conditionings or assumptions which
are not in consonance with the truth or the right understanding. But, this situation neither gives
satisfaction to us not to others. This causes struggle and strifes between human beings and their
relationship at different levels and this way harmony is eroded.
 We also see people debating endlessly about what they consider to be ethical. But the fact is,
unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the definitiveness of ethical
human conduct. It can be understood in terms of the following:
 1. Values (Mulya) : Competence of living in accordance with universal human values or the
participation of a unit in the larger order- its natural characteristics or svabhava is known as values.
Values are a part of our ethical conduct.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 2. Policy (Niti) : Policy is the decision (plan, program, implementation, results, evaluation) about
the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the resources (self, body and wealth – mana,
tana and dhana).
 3. Character (Charitra) : The definiteness of my desire, thought and selection gives definiteness to
my living. Definitiveness of character is the outcome of the definiteness of my behaviour and work.
 Competence in Professional Ethics -
 Professional ethics means to develop professional competence with ethical human conduct.
Developing ethical competence in the individual (profession) is the only effective way to ensure
professional ethics. The development of ethical competence is a long term process to be achieved
through appropriate value education. As profession is only a subset of the life activities, the
competence in profession will only be the manifestation of one’s right understanding.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 The salient features characterizing this competence can be summarized as follows:

1. Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhan – Samridhi – Abhay – Sah-astitva, and its
fulfilment through universal human order.
2. Confidence in oneself: Based on the right understanding of oneself and the rest of existence.
3. Mutually fulfilling behaviour: Clarity and confidence in ethical human conduct and its correlation
with sustained personal as well as collective happiness and prosperity.
4. Mutually enriching interaction with nature: Self-sufficiency in fulfilment of physical needs; ability to
assess the needs for physical facilities for the family and their fulfilment through production systems
ensuring harmony in nature. In light of the above, one acquires the ability to identify and develop
appropriate (people-friendly and eco-friendly) technologies, production systems etc.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-1

 What is Universal Human Order –

 Universal human order (sarvabhauma vyavastha) is a feeling of being related to every unit including
human beings and other entities of nature. Having understood the comprehensive human goal, we are
able to be in harmony not only with human beings but also with the rest of nature. We can see that we are
related to every unit in nature and ensure mutual fulfillment in that relationship. On the basis of
understanding harmony, we get the notion of an undivided society and universal human order. The universal
human order will comprise of:
1. The five dimensions of human endeavor (education, health, etc) towards a fragmented society.
2. The steps of organization from family to world family, each anchored in the right understanding will
integrated in the following way: Family => family cluster => village/community => village cluster => => =>
world family..

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-2

 Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution, and Humanistic Universal

Order –
 These are based on the belief that all individuals have the inherent capacity for
self expression and self realization, and that it is the responsibility of society to
provide the conditions that support this capacity.
 The basis for this belief is rooted in the idea of humanism, which is a
philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of
human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical
thinking and evidence over acceptance of dogma or superstition.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-2

 Humanistic Education - Humanistic education is based on the belief that education should be
centered on the needs and potential of the individual student, rather than being focused
solely on the acquisition of knowledge.
 The goal of humanistic education is to foster critical thinking, creativity, self-awareness, and
self-expression in students, and to help them develop the skills and knowledge, necessary to
live fulfilling and meaningful lives.
 Humanistic Constitutions - Humanistic constitutions are based on the belief that the
organization and structure of society should be designed to support the dignity, rights, and
well-being of all individuals.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-2

 A humanistic constitution provides a framework for organizing society in ways that

promote individual freedoms, protect human rights, and provide opportunities for
individuals to pursue their goals and dreams.
 Humanistic Social Order - Humanistic social order is based on the belief that all individuals
are connected and that the well-being of one person is linked to the well-being of others.
 The humanistic Universal order is based on the idea that all individuals have a shared
responsibility to care for one another and to create a world that is just, fair, and

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-2

 Basis for humanistic education - Principles of Humanistic Education There are five
basic principles of humanistic education:
(1) Students should be able to choose what they want to learn. Humanistic teachers
believe that students will be motivated to learn a subject if it's something they need and
want to know.
(2) The goal of education should be to foster students' desire to learn and teach them
how to learn.
 Students should be self-motivated in their studies and should have a desire to learn on
their own.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-2

(3) Humanistic educators believe that grades are irrelevant and that only self-evaluation is
meaningful. Grading encourages students to work for a grade and not for personal
They also deny tests to judge students’ ability, because these all emphasize only memorization
and do not provide sufficient educational feedback to the teacher and student on what the
student is learning in life.
(4) Humanistic educators believe that both feelings and knowledge are important to the
learning process.
(5) Humanistic educators insist that schools need to provide students with an interesting and
creative environment so that they will feel secure in learning. Once students feel secure,
learning becomes easier and more meaningful.

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 Summary:
 The five basic principles of humanistic education can be summarized as follows:
 (1) Students' learning should be self-directed.
 (2) Schools should produce students who want and know how to learn.
 (3) The only form of meaningful evaluation is self-evaluation.
 (4) Feelings, as well as knowledge, are important in the learning process.
 (5) Students learn best in a nonthreatening environment.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 Issues in Professional Ethics -

 The issues in professional ethics are becoming very complex in the current scenario. The
unethical practices are rapidly increasing and their impact is also becoming far reaching.
Corruption in multiple forms is prevalent in all professions like a virus. A good number of
people have started developing the mentality that with money, everything can be
accomplished, any person can be purchased, and any system can be bent to one's
 As a result of these unethical practices, we frequently come across serious scams,
fraudulent practices, black marketing, and the like.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 This menace becomes even more serious as unethical policies are adopted
collectively by large industries, multinational corporations, and even national
 As a result, there is a sort of legitimization of these unethical policies by
projecting them to be in the interest of large groups of people.
 Drug mafia, builder mafia, and arms mafia are being exposed by the media almost
every month.
 We are also quite familiar with how misleading propaganda, and advertisements
are misguiding people.
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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 Some of the unethical practices are as follows –

 Corruption in multiple forms and at various levels, at various offices.
 Tax evasion, misappropriation and misuse of public funds.
 Misleading advertisement and unethical sales promotion.
 Cut-throat competition.
 Exploiting the weakness of consumers through various enticements.
 Adulteration and spurious production.
 Endangering the health and safety of public at large.
 Hoarding and over-charging etc.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 ………… the list could be much longer. How to Resolve Issues in Professional
Ethics –
The following measures can be proposed and implemented to prevent unethical
practices in professionalism -
 Employ data monitoring.
 Another effective way to prevent unethical behavior in the workplace is to
establish management review boards to investigate possible violations of the
code of conduct.
 Set up a code of conduct and strictly monitor it on a regular basis.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 Promoting awareness about professional ethics by introducing new courses,

refresher programs, seminars and workshops.
 Administering oaths and prescribing codes of ethical conduct is also a solution.
 Intensive audit inspection and monitoring the activities at sudden basis may
also check the problem.
 Laws and punishment for offences may be implemented.
 Sting operation may also check the problem.
 Setting up vigilance commissions, ethics committees, consumer protection
forums etc is also influential to check the problem.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 Filing public interest litigation etc may be introduced.

 Hire the right people. Work on building a loyal community. Appraisals,
increment, promotion should be given to those who are more dedicated,
honest , sincere and loyal.
Svarajya means self-rule or self-governance. It refers to both personal and collective autonomy, where individuals and communities govern themselves based on their true
principles and values. The path from Swatva to Svarajya is as follows:

Svatantrata translates to self-freedom or independence. It is a state where an individual is free from external and internal constraints, allowing them to live in accordance with their true self
(Swatva). Here's how identifying Swatva leads to Svatantrata: chat gpt pr jao

Swatva refers to one's true self or essence. It is about understanding and realizing who you are at the core, beyond physical, social, and mental identities.
This process involves deep introspection, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 How Identification of svatva leads to Svatantrata and svarajya –

self explorationn

 We are exploring our svatva and in the process of self-verification and living
accordingly, we are attaining svatantrata and svarajya. Having discussed the
content of right understanding, we can see how we explored our svatva (our
natural acceptance) at different levels of our living and how the dialogue that
started in us helped us get rid of our preconceived notions, dilemmas,
contradictions, and compulsions, either external or internal.
 Having explored our svatva, we are able to live accordingly and this way, we
swatantrata (self-organization) and swarajya (self-expression).
become svatantra.

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Human Values, Unit-5: Lec-3

 The more, we attain this self- organized state, we are able to live in harmony
with others and also we are able to help others attain this state. This leads to
our participation in svarajya.
 It is a natural process. It leads by itself, without any external force .
 From here we get an important message: the effort towards ensuring
orderliness in the society is possible and is sustained by ensuring orderliness in
ourselves. Every mechanism to bring order in the society needs to be based on
this. This is an important implication of right understanding when we go to
make policies for nations and the world.

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