Linear Motor 840D

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10.00 6 Parameterization of Control System
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.1 General information about starting up linear motors

Reader’s Note
For detailed information about linear motors, encoder and power con-
nections and configuring and assembly, please refer to:
References: /PJLM/ Planning Guide Linear Motors
Manufacturer/Service Documentation

Checks in The following checks must be made:
the de-energized
1. Linear motor in general
– Which linear motor is being used?
– Is the motor listed?
If yes Type: 1FN_ _ _ _ –_ _ _ _ _–_ _ _ _
If no Find out the manufacturer’s data for the “unlisted” linear
motor and enter
– Is the cooling circuit operational and is the coolant mixture correct? (Rec-
ommended mix: 75% water, 25% Tyfocor).
2. Mechanical components
– Can the axis move freely over the entire traversing range?
– Do the mounting dimensions of the motor and the air gap between the
primary and secondary parts comply with the manufacturer’s specifica-
– Vertical axis:
If the axis has weight compensation, is this functional?
– Brake:
If a brake is fitted, is it being applied and released correctly?
– Traversing range limitation:
Are mechanical limit stops installed on both sides of the travel path and
bolted securely in position?
– Are the moving cables installed properly in a cable trailing device?

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

3. Measuring system
Is an incremental or an absolute (EnDat) measuring system installed?
a) Incremental measuring system:
– Graduations _ _ _ _ _ _ mm
– Number of zero markers _ _ _ _ _ _
b) Absolute measuring system:
– Graduations _ _ _ _ _ _ mm
Determine the positive drive direction:
Where is the positive count direction of the measuring system? (see
Subsection 6.10.6)
––> invert the actual velocity value? j yes j no
4. Wiring
6 – Power section (connection with phase sequence UVW, CW rotating field)
– PE conductor connected?
– Shield attached?
– Various methods of temperature sensor evaluation
a) KTY84 evaluation via SIMODRIVE 611D only
b) Evaluation via SIMODRIVE 611D and external devices
c) Evaluation by external devices only
In case a) a temperature sensor coupling lead (dongle) must be con-
nected between –X411 and the measuring system.
(See also PJLM/CON/Connections: Section “Encoder connection”).
5. Measuring system cable
Check whether the measuring system cable is correctly attached to con-
nector –X411 or to the adapter on the temperature sensor coupling lead.
(See also PJLM/CON/Connections: Section “Encoder connection”).

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.2 Start-up: Linear motor with one primary part

Start-up procedure Linear motors with one primary part (single motor) must be started up using the
start-up tool as described below:

! For safety reasons, the pulse enabling signal on the closed-loop control plug-in
unit (term. 663) must be switched off initially before the drive is switched on.

1. Configure the drive:

– Select drive type: “SLM” (Synchronous Linear Motor) ––> Insert module
– Select the power section.

Fig. 6-25 Drive configuration for synchronous linear motor

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

2. Adapt the axis-specific machine data (MD) as for feed drive

Fig. 6-26 Minimum selection of axis machine data for linear motor

Please observe the following safety instructions:

The following checks must be made before the pulse and controller enabling
signals are set:

S Make sure that the encoder is correctly parameterized particularly if the

speed or velocity actual value needs to be inverted.
Move the motor manually to check whether the sign of the actual speed or
velocity value is correct and that the actual position value is being increm-
ented or decremented accordingly.
Remember that the speed inversion must also be parameterized at the NC
end (axis-specific data, MD 32110 – ENC_FEEDBACK_POL[0] = –1).

S For safety reasons, set a current reduction, e.g. to 10% (MD 1105 = 10%)
for the first tests with the motion-based rotor position identification proce-
dure. The reduction in current does not affect the identification process, but
only becomes operative once the rotor position has been identified.

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

3. Select the motor

Before the motor is selected, message 300701: “Start-up required” must be
displayed. (Fig. 6–27)
a) Is the linear motor included in the list of linear motors?
If yes: Select the appropriate motor
(parallel-connected linear motors start with 2x1FN. ...)

Fig. 6-27 Selecting a motor for which the data are already listed

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

b) The linear motor is not included in the linear motor

list? ––> unlisted motor
“Motor” field ––> enter data

If a lower identification current is required (<40%), alarm 300753 must be con-
cealed with bit 5 in MD 1012.

Fig. 6-28 Entering a motor without listed data

Enter the motor data:

Fig. 6-29 Entered motor data for "unlisted motor"

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

4. “Measuring system / encoder” dialog

Selection of motor measuring system and entry of encoder data
a) Incremental encoder

Fig. 6-30 Input for incremental measuring system with rotor position identification

Enter encoder data

The following selection can be made in the “Linear measuring system” field:
– Incremental – one zero marker
An incremental measuring system with one zero marker is installed in
the traversing area.
– Incremental – several zero markers
An incremental measuring system with several zero markers is installed
in the traversing area.
– Incremental no zero marker
An incremental measuring system without a zero marker is installed in
the traversing area.
“Invert actual velocity value”: Yes/no (Subsection 6.10.6)
Enter “Graduations” of measuring system
“Coarse synchronization with” field:
– Rotor position identification: Yes (applies only to incremental measuring
Confirm acceptance of data with OK ––> “Save bootfile” and
select “NCK RESET”.

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

b) Absolute value encoder (EnDat)

An absolute measuring system (EnDat interface) is installed.

Fig. 6-31 Input for absolute measuring system, e.g. LC181

The following inputs must be made:

– In “Linear measuring system” field: Select absolute (EnDat interface)
– “Invert the actual velocity value” (Subsection 6.10.6)
– Enter “Graduations” of measuring system
Confirm acceptance of data with OK ––> “Save bootfile” and select “NCK
5. Fixed temperature?
If the temperature monitor is not evaluated via the drive, but by an external
device (see Subsection 6.10.5), the monitoring function must be switched off
through input of a fixed temperature > 0.
– MD 1608 e.g. 80_ Monitor OFF
– MD 1608 e.g. 0_ Monitor ON
6. Reduce maximum motor current for safety reasons
– MD1105 (maximum motor current) = e.g. enter 20%

! Linear drives are capable of significantly higher acceleration rates and veloci-
ties than conventional drives.
The traversing area must be kept clear of obstacles at all times to protect oper-
ating personnel and the machine itself.

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

7. Determine the commutation angle offset

The commutation angle offset is calculated as follows:
a) Select identification process in MD 1075. Adjust other
machine data for rotor position identification if necessary.
b) Save bootfiles and perform an NCK RESET.
c) Continue as follows depending on the measuring system used:

Incremental With an incremental measuring system:

measuring system


Yes, Hall sensor boxes Hall sensor boxes No, Hall sensor boxes not
installed installed? installed 6
A rotor position identification run is executed
immediately if enable signals are present. An
Coarse synchronization is
appropriate alarm is output if the rotor position
achieved from the Hall sensor
identificationrun is not executed. Once the error
signals (C/D track) on
has been eliminated and the error message
power ON
acknowledged, another attempt is made to
identify the rotor position

Zero markers? Set one zero


MD1017 (”startup help”)

to 1

No zero marker, Move axis over the zero marker,

several zero markers ”JOG” mode
or distance-coded
reference markers
When the axis crosses the
zero marker, the commutation
angle offset is entered auto–
matically in MD1016
The zero marker is not
selected and the commutation
Alarm 300799 is generated
angle offset is not
(”Save bootfiles and perform an

Save bootfiles and perform an



Fig. 6-32 Incremental measuring system

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6 Parameterization of Control System 08.01
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Absolute With an absolute measuring system:

measuring system


1FN1 linear motor Motor type? 1FN3 linear motor

If the EnDat serial number If the EnDat serial number read by

read by the measuring system the measuring system is not the same
is not the same as MD1025, MD1017 as MD1025, then MD1017 is not set and
is automatically set to 1 alarm 300604 is generated
(”Motor encoder is not calibrated”)

6 Yes, supplementary conditions fulfilled

(MD1075 must be set to 3!)
Supplementary conditions for
motion–based rotor
position identification fulfilled?

Set MD1017 to 1,
Acknowledge alarm 300604 No, supplementary conditions
are not fulfilled

A rotor position identification run is executed The commutation angle offset

immediately if enable signals are present. An must be measured (see
aappropriate alarm is output if the rotor Subsection 6.10.8) and entered manually
position run is not executed. Once the error in MD1016
has been eliminated and the error message
acknowledged, another attempt is made to
identify the rotor position

The commutation angle offset Set MD1017 to –1

is automatically entered in
matically in MD1016

The EnDat serial number is read

out by the measuring system and
entered automatically in MD1025

Alarm 300799 appears (”Save

bootfiles and perform an NCK RESET”)

Save bootfiles and perform an

Execute NCK RESET.


Fig. 6-33 Absolute measuring system

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Distance-coded This measuring system is not supported by the SIMODRIVE 611D.

measuring system Several zero markers must be selected incrementally. (see Fig. 6–30)

The rotor position identification process for determining the commutation angle
offset cannot be performed on non-Siemens motors. Depending on the motor
design, it might be possible to use the following methods for both measuring

S The saturation-based procedure,

S The motion-based procedure,
S With an absolute measuring system: Measurement of the commutation
angle offset (see Subsection 6.10.8).
On completion of start-up, it is absolutely essential to perform a check mea-
surement on the commutation angle offset!

8. Check and set rotor position identification if a Hall sensor is not installed

If a Hall sensor is being used, a check measurement will suffice (see Subsec-
tion 6.10.8).

To check the rotor position identification routine, a test function can be used
to determine the deviation between the calculated rotor position angle and
the angle currently applied by the closed-loop control. The test sequence is
as follows:
– Start the test function several times and evaluate the deviation
Set MD 1736 (test rotor position identification) = 1
Deviation MD 1737 (rotor position identification deviation)
– Is the variation in the measured values less than 10 degrees electrical?
No: Increase MD 1019 (e.g. by 10 %) and repeat
If result is OK after repeat, then calculate the commutation angle offset again
as described below:
– With an incremental measuring system:
a) Incremental – one zero marker
see point 7. (Determine the commutation angle offset)
b) Incremental – none or several zero markers
Select “Save bootfile” and then “NCK RESET”
– With an absolute measuring system:
Switch off drive (NCK RESET)
Switch on drive, set MD 1017 = 1 with pulse or controller enabling
signal inhibited

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Switch on pulse and controller enabling signals

––> The angle offset is automatically entered in MD1016
––> Alarm 300799 appears
––> Save bootfile and then NCK RESET

Example of rotor position identification (see screenshot below):

Fig. 6-34 Result of rotor position identification run with absolute measuring system

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9. Traverse axis and perform function check

Does the axis traverse in the correct direction with a positive
velocity setpoint?
– No Change MD 32100 (travel direction)
Is the traversed distance correct? (Input = 10mm ––> distance = 10mm)
10. Set and perform referencing/adjustment
– Incremental measuring system:
Referencing (see Subsection 6.9.12)
– Absolute measuring system:
Adjustment (see Subsection 6.9.6)
11. Set software limit switches (see Subsection 6.9.11 under subheading
“Monitoring of positions via software limit switches”)
12. Optimization of axis controller settings
The automatic controller setting run does not produce any useful results for
linear motors since the measuring system mounting has a significant effect
on the control characteristic.
– Current and speed controllers (see Chapter10)
– Position controller (see Chapter 10).

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.3 Start-up: Linear motors with two identical primary parts

General If it is certain that the EMFs of both motors have the same phase relation, then
the motors can be operated on one drive if they have paralleled connecting
The start-up procedure for paralleled linear motors is based on the start-up op-
eration for a single linear motor.
Initially only one linear motor (motor 1) is connected to the drive and started up
as a single motor (1FNx...). The commutation angle offset is automatically cal-
culated or measured (see Subsection 6.10.8) and noted.
Motor 2 is then connected in place of motor 1 and operated as a single motor.
The commutation angle offset is automatically calculated or measured (see
Subsection 6.10.8) and noted for this motor as well.
6 If the difference between the commutation angle offsets of motors 1 and 2 is
less than 10 degrees electrical, both motors can be connected in parallel to the
drive and started up as a parallel connection of two linear motors (e.g. 2x 1FN.

Procedure for The start-up sequence for paralleled linear motors is as follows:
starting up
1. Disconnect the paralleled motors
paralleled linear
motors Connect motor 1 only to the power section.
2. Start up motor 1 as if it were a single motor
––> Note information in Subsection 6.10.1
––> Start up the linear motor as described in Subsection 6.10.2
(up to and including point 7.)
––> Check and set rotor position identification
(see Subsection 6.10.2, point 8.)
3. Traverse axis and perform function check
4. Note commutation angle offset of motor 1
– MD 1016 (motor 1) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
5. Switch off and wait until DC link has discharged
6. Connect motor 2 to the power section instead of motor 1
In the case of a Janus configuration (see Subsection 6.10.7), interchange
phases U and V.
7. Switch on motor with pulse and controller enabling signals inhibited

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

8. Determine the commutation angle offset of motor 2

– With an incremental measuring system:
(see Subsection 6.10.2, point 7.: “Determine the commutation angle off-
– With an absolute measuring system:
Switch off the drive (NCK RESET)
(see Subsection 6.10.2, point 7.: “Determine the commutation angle off-
9. Traverse axis and perform function check.
(Subsection 6.10.2, point 9.)
10. Note the commutation angle offset of motor 2
– MD 1016 (motor 2) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
11. Deviation between point 4. (motor 1) and point 10. (motor 2)

if  10 degrees ––> OK 6
if  10 degrees ––> Check and correct mechanical assembly
(see Subsections 6.10.4 and 6.10.7)
Delete motor data of single motor ––> delete bootfile
12. Switch off and wait until DC link has discharged
13. Set up parallel connection of the two linear motors again
Connect both motors to the power section again.
14. Switch on motors with pulse and controller enabling signals inhibited
15. Start-up of paralleled linear motors
– Carry out the complete start-up procedure described in Subsection
– Select the paralleled motor (2x1FN...) in the “Motor selection” dialog
enter the data for the paralleled unlisted motor (as described under sub-
heading “Unlisted motor – parameters for SLM”).
16. Compare commutation angle offset between motors 1 and 2
– Check motor cable connection on power section,
adjust if necessary and determine the commutation angle offset.
– With an incremental or absolute measuring system:
Refer to Subsection 6.10.2, point 7. (Determine the commutation angle

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.4 Mechanical components

Check of Mounting dimension e1 or e2 can be checked by means, for example, of gauge

mounting blocks and feeler gauges before the motor is installed.
air gap
The applicable mounting dimensions can be found in the following documents:

S /PJLM/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide for Linear Motor

S The data sheet of the appropriate 1FN1 or 1FN3 motor.
Please note with respect to mounting dimension and air gap:
The electrical and system-related properties of the linear motor are guaranteed
6 solely as a function of the mounting dimension and not the measurable air gap.
The air gap must be large enough to allow the motor to move freely.


b l


Fig. 6-35 Check dimensions for motor installation illustrated by a 1FN1 motor

Table 6-22 Check dimensions for mounting dimension and air gap for a 1FN1 linear motor

Linear motors 1FN1 ...

1FN1 07j 1FN1 12j
1FN1 18j
Check dimensions 1FN1 24j

Mounting dimension e1 [mm] 80.7  0.3 106.7  0.3

Mounting dimension e2 [mm] (without thermo-insulating bars) 76.7  0.3 101.7  0.3
Measurable air gap l [mm] (not including mounting dimension tolerance) 1.1 +0.3/–0.45 1.1 +0.3/–0.45
Distance b [mm] (not including mounting dimension tolerance) 13  1 13  1

For mounting dimensions of 1FN3 linear motors, see dimension drawings in

appendix of 1FN Planning Guide, mounting height hM or hM1.

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10.00 6 Parameterization of Control System
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.5 Temperature sensors for 1FN1 and 1FN3 motors

Description of The following temperature sensing system is integrated in the primary part of
1FN1 1FN1 motors:
1. Temperature sensor (KTY 84)
The KTY 84 temperature sensor has an approximately linear characteristic
(580 ohms at 20°C and 2.6 kohms at 300°C).
2. Temperature switch (3 series-connected NC contacts)
A switch with a two-position characteristic and an operating temperature of
120 °C is fitted for each winding overhang.
The temperature switch is generally only used for parallel connections or
protective separation.
The switches can be evaluated additionally by a higher-level external control
(e.g. a PLC). This option is recommended if the motor is frequently loaded at
maximum force at standstill.
As a result of different current levels in the 3 phases, different temperatures
(by as much as 15 K) may occur in the individual winding overhangs; only
temperature switches are capable of sensing them reliably.

Description of The following temperature sensing system is integrated in the primary part of
1FN3 1FN3 motors:
1. Temperature sensor (KTY 84)
The KTY 84 temperature sensor has an approximately linear characteristic
(580 ohms at 20°C and 2.6 kohms at 300°C).
2. PTC thermistor detector
A temperature sensor for each phase is integrated in the winding over-
The operating temperature of the PTC sensor is 120 °C.
The 3RN1 thermistor motor protection control unit is the preferred option for
evaluating PTC detectors.

If the temperature sensors or switches are not connected, they must be short-
circuited and connected to PE as protection against electrical damage and high
touch voltages.

When connecting up the temperature monitoring circuits, please read the spec-
ifications according to DIN EN 50178 regarding protective separation.
For information about protective separation, please refer to:
References: /PJLM/ Planning Guide for Linear Motor

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6 Parameterization of Control System 04.00
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

How are the The signal leads for motor temperature monitoring on 1FN motors are not
temperature installed in the encoder cable, but in the motor power cable. In order to sense
sensors the winding temperature of the drive, the temperature sensor signal leads must
evaluated? be looped into the encoder cable (temperature sensor coupling lead).

Linear scale
Case a)
–X411 The temperature is monitored
via the drive.
Pin 13

611 D
Case b)

Temperature sensor The temperature is monitored via the drive and

coupling lead an external device.
Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
S Temperature sensor via drive

6 S External temperature switch on 1FN1

+ black


+ red

S On 1FN3 with PTC resistors via

control unit
Linear scale




Pin 13

Pin 25
Power cable 611 D

1FN Temperature sensor

coupling lead
Drive A
Linear scale U2 V2 W2 PE External
+ black

+ red

611 D



Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
Power cable



Case c)
Power cable
The temperature is monitored via
an external device only.

Fig. 6-36 Evaluation of KTY temperature sensor (black/white) and switch or PTC (yellow/red)
(whether temperature switch or PTC resistor depends on motor type, i.e. 1FN1 or 1FN3)

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

The outer and inner shield of the signal leads in the power cable and the shield
of the temperature sensor coupling lead must be attached two-dimensionally to
the shield connection plate.
Failure to connect the shield correctly can result in high touch voltages, mal-
functions and sporadic errors or irreparable damage to the closed-loop control

Table 6-23 Assignments of temperature sensor coupling lead

Signal Power cable Temperature sensor coupling lead –X411

(dongle) on drive
Temperature sensor +
Temperature sensor –
Black core
White core
Brown + black cores
Orange + red cores
Pin 13
Pin 25
Temperature switch/PTC Yellow core – –
Temperature switch/PTC Red core – –

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.6 Measuring system

Determine the The control direction of an axis is correct if the positive direction of the drive
control direction (= CW rotating field U, V, W) coincides with the positive count direction of the
measuring system.

The instructions for determining the drive direction apply only to Siemens mo-
tors (1FNx motors).
If the positive direction of the drive and positive count direction of the measur-
ing system do not coincide, then the actual speed value must be inverted (MD
32110) in the “Measuring system/Encoder” dialog during start-up.

6 It is also possible to check the control direction by parameterizing the drive first
and then moving it manually with the enabling signals inhibited.
If the axis is moved in a positive direction (see definition in Fig. 6-37), then the
actual velocity value must be counted positively.

Determine the The direction of the drive is positive if the primary part moves in the opposite
drive direction direction to the outgoing cable in relation to the secondary part.

+ Primary part Outgoing cable direction

Secondary part (solenoids)

Secondary part (solenoids)

Primary part Outgoing cable direction

Fig. 6-37 Determining the positive direction of the drive

Calculate the The method by which the count direction is determined depends on the measur-
count direction of ing system itself.
the measuring 1. Heidenhain measuring systems

The count direction of the measuring system is positive if the distance between
the scanning head and rating plate increases (see Fig. 6-38)

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Scanning head
Scale + Rating plate

Fig. 6-38 Calculating the count direction of Heidenhain measuring systems

2. Renishaw measuring systems (e.g. RGH22B)

The Renishaw RGH22B measuring system (graduations = 20µm) has com-
patible connections with the Heidenhain products from serial number
G69289 onwards. The zero marker on earlier scanning head models cannot
be evaluated. Since the reference marker on the Renishaw RGH22B has a
direction-dependent position, encoder signals BID and DIR must be para-
meterized such that the reference marker is output in only one direction.
The direction (positive/negative) is dependent on the geometric configura- 6
tion on the machine and the reference point approach direction.

Table 6-24 Signal and pin assignments, routing on 1FN linear motor

Signal Cable co- Circular Connected to

lor connector
12-pin +5V 0V

BID black Pin 9 Reference marker in Reference marker in

both directions one direction
DIR orange Pin 7 Positive directions Negative direction
+5V brown Pin 12
0V white Pin 10

The count direction of the measuring system is positive if the scanning head
moves in the direction of the outgoing cable in relation to the gold strip.

Gold strip

Scanning Measuring
head system

Fig. 6-39 Calculating the count direction of Renishaw measuring systems

If the scanning head is mechanically coupled to the primary part, the
outgoing cable direction must be different. Otherwise invert the actual value!

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Temperature This connection variant has proved to extremely interference-immune and

sensor coupling should always be employed.
lead (= dongle) If an incremental measuring system is used, the drive is roughly synchronized
using the rotor position identification routine.

Encoder lead

Linear scale
611 D 6FX2001-2CG00-xxxx (incremental)
6FX2002-2CH00-xxxx (absolute)

Drive A Temperature sensor coupling lead (dongle)

6 U2 V2 W2 PE 6FX2002-1AA14-xxxx

Primary part
Power cable

Fig. 6-40 Temperature sensor coupling lead (recommended standard connection)

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6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.7 Parallel connection of linear motors

Mechanical The distances between the motor primary parts must ensure an identical phase
construction relation of the motor EMFs.
All primary parts are therefore connected cophasally in parallel to the converter.

n S 2τM
Secondary part Primary part

Same outgoing cable direction
τM: Pole pair width (see MD1170)
n S 2τM
n: 0, 1, 2, ...

Secondary part Primary part

Fig. 6-41 Parallel connection of linear motors (standard configurations)

Janus configura- With this type of parallel connection (Janus configuration), the outgoing
tion (special type cable directions of the individual motors are opposed.
of parallel
xx mm + n S 2τM

Different outgoing cable directions
τM: Pole pair width (see MD1170), 1FN107x: τM = 28.2mm, 1FN11xx and 1FN12xx: τM = 36mm
n: 0, 1, 2, ...
xx: Constant dimensions (see data sheet of motor manufacturer)

Fig. 6-42 Parallel connection of linear motors (Janus configuration, special type)

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SINUMERIK 840D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAD) – 11.02 Edition 6-177
6 Parameterization of Control System 04.00
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Temperature The temperature sensors can be evaluated, for example, as follows:

sensor and
electrical wiring
S Temperature sensor
(see Subsection – Motor 1: Evaluation via the drive
6.10.5) – Motor 2: Not connected
(shorted-circuited or connected to PE)

S Temperature switch or PTC

– Motors 1 and 2: External evaluation

Linear scale

Pin 13

Pin 25

611 D Temperature sensor External
coupling lead evaluation

Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
+ black

+ red




Power cable Power cable


Motor 1 Motor 2 1FN

Fig. 6-43 Wiring of parallel-connected linear motors

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6-178 SINUMERIK 840D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAD) – 11.02 Edition
10.00 6 Parameterization of Control System
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

6.10.8 Test measurements on linear motor

Why measure? If the linear motor has been started up in accordance with instructions, but inex-
plicable error messages still appear, it will be necessary to test all signals by
means of an oscilloscope.

Check phase When the primary parts are connected in parallel,

sequence EMF_U of motor 1 must be in phase with EMF_U of motor 2.
U-V-W The same applies to EMF_V and EMF_W.
This in-phase condition must be checked by means of test measurements.
Procedure for taking test measurement:

S Isolate terminals 48 and 63 on the NE module and terminal 663 on the

closed-loop control plug-in unit. 6
S Caution: Wait for DC link to fully discharge!
S Disconnect power cable from drive.
Separate any parallel connection of primary parts.
S Create an artificial neutral point using 1 kohm resistors.

Linear V

1 kΩ 1 kΩ 1 kΩ

Fig. 6-44 Arrangement for test measurements

The phase sequence must be U-V-W with a positive traversing direction.

The direction of the drive is positive if the primary part moves in the opposite
direction to the outgoing cable in relation to the secondary part.

+ Primary part Outgoing cable direction

Secondary part (solenoids)

Secondary part (solenoids)

Primary part Outgoing cable direction

Fig. 6-45 Determining the positive direction of the drive (CW rotating field)

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SINUMERIK 840D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAD) – 11.02 Edition 6-179
6 Parameterization of Control System 08.01
6.10 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

.Calculation of After the oscilloscope has been connected, the drive must be moved over the
commutation zero marker to synchronize it.

Ch2/Phase V
Ch3/Phase W
Ch1/Phase U


Fig. 6-46 Determining the commutation angle offset by measuring the EMF and normal-
ized electrical rotor position via DAC in a positive drive direction.

Definition of channels (Ch1 ... Ch4):

S Ch1: EMF phase U to neutral point

S Ch2: EMF phase V to neutral point
S Ch3: EMF phase W to neutral point
S Ch4: Normalized electrical rotor position via DAC measuring signal.

When the measuring signal “Normalized, electrical rotor position” is selected,
the SHIFT factor must be changed from 7 to 8 and the offset value from –1.25V
to –2.5V.

With a synchronized drive, the difference between EMF/phase U and the electri-
cal rotor position must not exceed 10_.
If the difference is greater, the position of the zero marker must be moved in the

 Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

6-180 SINUMERIK 840D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAD) – 11.02 Edition

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