Synchronous Motor Drives
Synchronous Motor Drives
Synchronous Motor Drives
V/f control and self control of synchronous motor:
Margin angle control and power factor control –
permanent magnet synchronous motor.
Assistant Professor
Two types of speed control methods are normally in use and are discussed
here. In one method, the speed is directly controlled by changing the output
voltage and frequency of an inverter or cycloconverter.
In the other method, the frequency is automatically adjusted by the motor
speed, and the motor is called a “self-controlled” synchronous motor.
If inverter is
inverter, then
V &F can be
controlled in
inverter itself
To obtain the same maximum torque over the whole range of speed variation, and
also to avoid magnetic saturation in the machine, it is necessary to change the
voltage with the frequency.
Figure: Torque speed characteristics of synchronous motor
Regenerative Braking
However, if the rotor position is sensed as the rotor slows down and the
information is used to decrease the stator frequency, the motor will stay in
synchronism. In such a scheme, the rotor speed will adjust the stator frequency,
and the drive system is known as a self-controlled synchronous motor drive.
Loss of synchronism
Note: Adjusting the stator frequency with
respect to Rotor position to avoid loss of
synchronism (i.e. Load angle > 90 degree
Figure - Self controlled synchronous motor drive (open loop)
Therefore, any change in the rotor speed due to change in load will
immediately change the frequency of firing of the thyristors, and hence adjust
the stator frequency at the correct rate to maintain synchronism.
A current loop is implemented around the supply end rectifier to maintain the
machine current at the desired value. The dc link current Id, being proportional
to the machine current Ia, is compared with the reference current, and the error
signal adjusts the firing of the supply end rectifier to keep the armature current
constant at the reference value
Closed loop control
Current loop(inner)
For firing angle range 90 < αs < 180, it works as a line commutated inverter
delivering negative Vds and positive Id
When the source side converter works as a rectifier and load side converter works as
an inverter (Vds > Vdl) , causing power to flow from ac source to the motor , thus
giving motoring operation.
For Vice verca, power flow reverses, machine operates in regenerative braking
When synchronous motor operates at leading power factor, thyristor of the load side
can be commutated by the motor induced voltages in the same way as the thyristor of a
line commutated converter are commutated by the line voltages .Commutation of
thyristor by induced voltages of loads (here load is a motor) is known as Load
At low speed motor induced voltage is insufficient , therefore at start for speed
below 10% of base speed commutation of load side converter is done by forcing
the current through conducting thyristor to zero. This is realized by making
source side converter to work as inverter each time load side converter thyristor
are to be turned off. This operation of inverter is called pulsed mode . This mode
of operation requires rotor position sensor.
Commutation overlap
When working as an inverter the firing angle has to be less than 180 to take
care of commutation overlap (which reduces average output dc voltage) and turn
off thyristor. It is common to define commutation lead angle for load side
converter as
ᵦ l =180-αl
Refer in Text books