Classification of Adverbs
1. Adverbs of Manner
These adverbs describe how an action is performed. They often end in “-ly” and
provide information about the way or method in which an action takes place.
○ Examples: quickly, slowly, carefully, happily
○ Usage: She danced gracefully.
2. Adverbs of Time
These indicate when an action occurs, showing the time or duration of an event.
○ Examples: now, tomorrow, already, recently, before
○ Usage: They arrived early.
3. Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of place tell us where an action happens. They often follow the verb.
○ Examples: here, there, everywhere, outside, near, above
○ Usage: He looked around.
4. Adverbs of Frequency
These tell us how often something happens. They can describe a regular or
irregular occurrence.
○ Examples: always, never, sometimes, often, rarely
○ Usage: She seldom visits her friends.
5. Adverbs of Degree (or Quantity)
Adverbs of degree tell us to what extent or how much something happens. They
modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
○ Examples: very, too, enough, almost, completely, hardly
○ Usage: He is extremely talented.
6. Adverbs of Reason (or Cause)
These explain why something happens, showing the reason or cause behind an
○ Examples: therefore, hence, thus, because, consequently
○ Usage: He was late, therefore he missed the bus.
7. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation
These express agreement, disagreement, or denial of something.
○ Examples: yes, no, surely, certainly, not, never
○ Usage: He will surely win the race.
8. Interrogative Adverbs
Used to ask questions about time, place, reason, manner, or degree.
○ Examples: why, when, where, how
○ Usage: Where did you go?
9. Relative Adverbs
These introduce dependent clauses and relate to some aspect of time, place, or
○ Examples: when, where, why
○ Usage: This is the place where we met.
A) Manner
B) Place
C) Frequency
D) Time
A) Degree
B) Place
C) Time
D) Manner
A) Frequency
B) Time
C) Degree
D) Reason
A) Manner
B) Time
C) Degree
D) Place
5. Identify the adverb and its type:
The project is almost complete.
A) Manner
B) Degree
C) Frequency
D) Time
A) Manner
B) Time
C) Degree
D) Reason
A) Place
B) Degree
C) Frequency
D) Manner
A) Time
B) Manner
C) Frequency
D) Place
9. Identify the adverb and its type:
She worked very hard on the project.
A) Degree
B) Manner
C) Time
D) Frequency
A) Time
B) Degree
C) Manner
D) Reason
A) Manner
B) Time
C) Frequency
D) Place
A) Place
B) Manner
C) Frequency
D) Degree
13. Identify the adverb and its type:
He came to the meeting late.
A) Place
B) Time
C) Degree
D) Manner
A) Degree
B) Frequency
C) Manner
D) Time
A) Time
B) Place
C) Degree
D) Manner
16. Identify the adverb and its type:
I am certainly going to the event.
A) Affirmation
B) Frequency
C) Place
D) Time
A) Degree
B) Time
C) Place
D) Frequency
A) Degree
B) Manner
C) Time
D) Place
A) Manner
B) Time
C) Degree
D) Frequency
20. Identify the adverb and its type:
We will start the game soon.
A) Time
B) Degree
C) Manner
D) Frequency
A) Time
B) Degree
C) Manner
D) Place
A) Manner
B) Time
C) Frequency
D) Place
23. Identify the adverb and its type:
They seldom visit their relatives.
A) Frequency
B) Place
C) Manner
D) Time
A) Degree
B) Manner
C) Time
D) Frequency
A) Time
B) Place
C) Manner
D) Degree
A) Degree
B) Time
C) Place
D) Frequency
27. Identify the adverb and its type:
You can find the file upstairs in the drawer.
A) Time
B) Place
C) Degree
D) Manner
A) Frequency
B) Time
C) Manner
D) Degree
A) Time
B) Degree
C) Manner
D) Place
A) Degree
B) Place
C) Frequency
D) Manner