Ordinances For Doctoral Programm2023
Ordinances For Doctoral Programm2023
Ordinances For Doctoral Programm2023
1.1 Doctoral Programme 1
1.2 Senate Doctoral Programme Committee (SDPC) 1
1.3 Department Doctoral Programme Committee (DDPC) 2
1.4 Office of the Dean (Academic) 3
1.5 Board of Academics (BoAc) 3
2.1 Regular Semesters 3
2.2 Summer Semester 4
2.3 Academic Calendar 4
3.1 Admission Calendar 4
3.2 Selection Committee 4
3.2.1 Institute Doctoral Selection Committee (IDSC) 4
3.2.2 Department Doctoral Selection Committee (DDSC) 5
3.3 Eligibility of admission 5
3.3.1 Ph. D. in Engineering 5
3.3.2 Ph. D. in Management, Humanities and Social Science 6
3.3.3 PhD in Sciences 6
3.3.4 Ph. D. In Geographic Information System (GIS) Cell 6
3.4 Admission Categories of Ph.D. Research Scholars 6
3.4.1 Institute Stipendiary Full Time Research Scholars (Course Code- 7
3.4.2 Sponsored Full-time Research Scholars (Course Code-12) 7
3.4.3 Sponsored Part Time Research Scholar (Course Code-13) 7
3.4.4 Faculty/Staff/Sponsored Project Fellow of MNNIT Allahabad 8
(Course Code-14)
3.4.5 Self-financed Full-Time Research Scholars (Course Code-15) 8
3.4.6 Students from Abroad 8 Sponsored foreign students 8 Self-financed foreign studetns 8
3.5 Admission Procedure 8
3.5.1 Admission under different Programmes Codes 9
3.5.2 Admission of Indian Nationals Residing Abroad (INRA) and 9
Foreign Nationals
3.5.3 Admission of Non-Degree Students 10
3.6 Cancellation of Admission 10
4.1 Late Registration 11
4.2 Academic Advising 11
4.3 Semester Load Requirements 11
4.4 Adding/Dropping of Courses 12
4.5 Change of Registration from Full-Time to Part-Time 12
12.1 Appointment of Thesis Supervisor(s) 22
12.2 Constitution and Appointment of Student Research Committee (SRC) 23
12.3 Constitution of Comprehensive Examination Board 23
12.4 Constitution of Thesis Evaluation Board 24
12.5 Constitution of Ph.D. Oral Board 24
12.6 Guidelines for Institute Faculty for Supervising / Co-supervising 25
students of other Institute / University
14.1 Award of the Degree 29
14.1 Withdrawal of the Degree 29
16.1 Code of Conduct 30
16.2 Disciplinary Actions and Related Matter 31
16.3 Unfair Means (UFM) 31
16.3.1 Constitution of Unfair Means Committee 32
16.3.2 The procedure to deal with the cases of Unfair Means (UFM): 32
Forms: DP-01 to DP-24 34-60
GL-1 61
The objectives of the Doctoral Programmes at the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad (MNNIT Allahabad) are:
• To carry out research in the frontier areas of science, technology, and management.
• To develop the scientific and engineering human resources of the highest quality to cater
the needs of the academia, industry, and society.
• With these goals in view, the Doctoral Programmes are designed to include Courses of
study, Seminars, Projects and Thesis through which a student may develop his/her
research skills, in different emergent areas.
The procedures and requirements stated in these Ordinances embody the philosophy of
the Doctoral Programme and ensure a high standard of performance at the Institute.
The Senate Doctoral Programme Committee shall have jurisdiction in the recommendation
of the following matters concerning the Doctoral Programme of the Institute:
The functions of the SDPC shall be of general policy determination, coordination and
review, but the Senate shall retain the power of final decision. In the discharge of its
responsibilities the Committee shall make full use of the appraisals and recommendations
of the DDPCs of various Academic Departments.
1.3 Department Doctoral Programme Committee (DDPC)
Each Department shall have a Department Doctoral Programme Committee (DDPC)
consisting of, the Head of the Department as ex-officio Chairperson, Convener,
DMPC/DUGC and three to five faculty members (with earned PhD Degree) to be chosen
from the Department, one Professor/Associate Professor from other Department and two
departmental Ph.D. scholars. One of the faculty members shall be nominated by head as
Convener, DDPC. The student members shall be nominated for a period of one year by
rotation. The DDPC shall be proposed by the Head of Department. The duration of the
Committee shall be two years starting from the beginning of the Academic Session. The
student members shall not participate when the cases of Academic Evaluation of the
concerned student is being considered, although the students' opinion might be sought
prior to taking any decision.
The proposed DDPC shall be approved by the Chairperson SDPC.
The DDPC shall be responsible for the following:
(ii) Proposing and implementing new Courses and desirable modification of courses
already approved.
(iii) Board of Academics (BoAc) of each department shall scrutinize the changes in
existing or new proposals. The recommendations of BoAc will be considered in DDPC and
SDPC and submitted to Senate for approval.
(iv) Attending to the problems of PhD students and advising them in academic matters.
The Department Doctoral Programme Committee (DDPC) shall ensure that all the Rules
and Procedures given in the Ordinance are adhered to and implemented without any
change. While considering an issue if the Ordinance does not specifically mention
something, the same shall be forwarded to Senate through SDPC for its consideration.
The Chairperson DDPC shall hold its meeting regularly, at least two meetings every
semester and keep record of the decisions/ recommendations.
(i) Receive, process and maintain all records related to the Doctoral Programmes including
Curricula, Courses offered, Academic Calendar, Registration, Semester Leave,
Examinations, Grades and Award of Degrees and Medals/Prizes,
The Academic Session, hereinafter, referred to as AS, of the Institute is divided into two
Regular Semesters - Odd Semester & Even Semester, and Summer Semester (optional,
as will be decided by the Department based on the availability of the faculty members and
other resources) and of nearly one year of duration. Additionally, each AS should be
documented through Academic Calendar.
The Odd Semester and the Even Semester usually commence in July and January every
year, respectively. Each regular Semester (Odd and Even) are twelve weeks in duration for
the purpose of instructions. In addition, two weeks of each Semester are earmarked for the
End-Semester Examination and one week during the Semester is for Mid-Semester
Summer Semester is the third semester in the AS and will be conducted with the discretion
of the Department. However, in exceptional cases, office of Dean (Academic) may take
decision in consultation with the concerned Department for the interest of the students. For
students, studying in Summer Semester is optional. Summer Semester runs between
declaration of results of even semester and the commencement of the classes of next AS.
Summer semester is of 3-4 weeks duration for teaching and evaluation and / or guidance
of the students. The mode of evaluation will be as per the regular semester, and only the
TA component (25%) will be carried forward. However, the upper limit for awarding marks
in the summer semester examination will be 70% of the maximum marks (i.e., maximum
52.5 out of 75) irrespective of marks secured in the summer semester examination.
The exact dates of all the important events, such as online registration, physical reporting
in the Institute/ Deeksharambh, Orientation, Registration, Late Registration,
Commencement of Classes, Adding and Dropping of Courses, Submission of Documents,
Mid semester Examinations, Submission of Grades, Holidays, Vacation, Mid-Semester
Recess, Official Students Activities, etc., during the AS are specified in the Academic
Calendar of the Institute as approved by the Senate. The Dean (Academic) shall notify the
Academic Calendar of each Semester or for an AS after approval of the Senate, before the
commencement of the semester. Any modification / change in Academic Calendar due to
an emergent situation shall be proposed by the Dean (Academic) for the approval by the
Chairperson, Senate and subsequently, to be reported to the Senate for ratification.
3.1 Admission Calendar
Admission shall normally be made for the Odd Semester. However, admissions on vacant
seats (if any) may be made for the even semester on approval of the Chairperson Senate.
The IDSC shall be constituted every year preferably in the month of January for
admissions to Doctoral Programmes for the ensuing session. The IDSC shall consist of F.I.
Admission Cell, F.I. Examination Cell, A.F.I Admission Cell, Registrar, SC/ST Nominee,
A.R. (Academic) as Convener of IDSC. Chairperson SDPC shall be Chairperson of
IDSC (ex
officio). The constitution of the IDSC shall be proposed by the Dean Academic and
approved by Chairperson Senate. The roles and responsibility of IDSC shall be to:
The DDSC shall be constituted every year in the month of April for admissions to Doctoral
Programmes for the ensuing session. The DDSC shall consist of at least four faculty
members, preferably on rotation basis (all with earned Ph.D. Degree), comprising at least
one professor, one associate professor and one assistant professor, one professor from
other department, and a SDPC nominee. Head of the department shall be Chairperson
DDSC (ex officio). The constitution of the Selection Committee shall be proposed by the
Head of the Department and approved by Chairperson SDPC.
Master Degree in relevant branch of Engineering/Technology with marks not below 60% or
CPI 6.5
B.Tech. with Research or equivalent with a minimum 70% marks or CPI 7.5, Bachelor’s
Degree in Engineering or Master’s Degree in Science/Applied biological
sciences/Computer Application or any appropriate discipline with a minimum 75% marks or
CPI 8.0.
3.3.2 Ph. D. in Management, Humanities and Social Science
Master’s Degree in Management/Technology/ Engineering/ Economics/
Commerce/Science/Computer Applications/Social Science/Humanities with a minimum
60% marks or equivalent CPI 6.5.
B.Tech. with Research or equivalent with a minimum 70% marks or CPI 7.5, Bachelor’s
Degree in Engineering with a minimum 75% marks or CPI 8.0. or Qualified Chartered
Accountant (CA) having minimum three years of professional experience as practicing
Chartered Accountant with minimum 60% marks at both graduation level, as well as CA
Master’s Degree in relevant discipline with a minimum 60% Marks or CPI 6.5.
B.Tech. with Research or equivalent with a minimum 70% marks or CPI 7.5, Bachelor’s
Degree in Engineering with marks not below 75% or CPI 8.0.
All the Departments offer full-time and part-time Doctoral Programmes under following
categories. The code for different admission categories is given in the Table 1 below:
II. Sponsored Full Time Research Scholar 12
For admission to course code 11, candidates must have successfully passed the
GATE/NET examination in relevant discipline. For admission to course code 12,
candidates must have fellowship from CSIR/UGC/ ICAR/ICMR/ DST/ DRDO/ NPCIL/
GPAT/similar national level entrance tests in relevant discipline. Candidates may also have
sponsorship from any other organization (refer Table1).
These scholars shall be eligible for financial assistance in the form of fellowship at the
approved rates and guidelines as notified by Government from time to time. The maximum
age limit of the candidate should be within 30 years. The fellowship shall be awarded to the
students of this code on a Semester–to-Semester basis on the satisfactory academic
performance of the scholar (DP-03) and clause 15.
The scholar shall be eligible for enhanced financial assistance in the form of fellowship as
per the guidelines notified by the Government of India from time to time (DP-23 & DP-24).
The sanction of enhancement of Ph.D. Scholarship may be considered w.e.f. due date of
enhancement of Ph.D. Scholarship, provided the performance evaluation is completed
within one month of due date of enhancement of Ph.D. Scholarship. For all other cases the
sanction of enhancement of Ph.D. Scholarship will be as per the date of performance
3.4.2 Sponsored Full-time Research Scholars (Course code-12)
Under this code those students who receive fellowship from other agencies such as UGC,
CSIR, DST, AICTE, etc are covered. Such candidates shall have to fulfil the eligibility
requirement as per section 3.3. It also includes QIP candidates. The candidate may be
allowed to continue his/her research work with sponsored fellowship even after submission
of the Ph.D. Thesis till the duration of the award of the fellowship.
(A) The candidate must have a total work experience of at least 10 years with a minimum
of 05 years continuous service with any employer.
(B) The candidate must submit a No Objection Certificate from the employer at the time of
Candidates may also be admitted under this code under MoU signed between the Institute
and other University/Organization/Institution/Industry. The eligibility criteria mentioned in
point (A), the requirement of GATE/NET, and the requirement of 10 years of standing of
industry/academic institution of repute will not be applicable to such candidates.
Under this code Faculty/Staff/Project Fellow of MNNIT Allahabad shall be admitted as part
time research scholar. Project Fellows include those who are working in the various
externally funded research projects undertaken by the Institute. Eligibility criteria shall be
same as per clause 3.3. Project fellows shall be registered under the PI (s)/ Co- PIs in the
same department where the Project has been sanctioned.
The eligibility of students from Abroad shall be verified by DDSC as per Section 3.3 and
other relevant sections. Valid GRE score will be applicable for these candidates.
These students may apply to the Institute through DASA/ Ministry of External Affairs.
3.5 Admission Procedure
1. All admissions shall be made only after approval of the Chairperson, Senate on the
recommendations of the duly constituted Department Doctoral Selection Committee
(DDSC) and Chairperson IDSC.
2. After receiving the duly approved list of the selected candidates from the Office of the Dean
(Academic), Head of the Department shall issue the admission letter to the candidates,
who shall be required to accept the offer of admission by depositing the prescribed fee
before the specified date.
3. In case a candidate does not accept the offer by not paying the prescribed fee by the
specified date, the offer of admission shall stand automatically withdrawn, and the
admission may be offered to the candidates in the waiting list, if any.
4. The offer of admission shall also stand withdrawn if the candidate fails to register by the
last date of registration after accepting the offer of admission.
5. The selected candidate, who has completed all the pre-requisites of qualifying degree
before the date of registration but is unable to produce the certificate of having passed and
secured the minimum specified qualifying marks, shall be considered for provisional
admission. However, if admitted provisionally, he/she shall be required to produce the
evidence of his/her having passed the qualifying degree examination within six weeks from
the last date of registration, failing which the admission shall automatically be cancelled. In
special cases relaxation to this date may be given by Chairperson, Senate.
1. Admission to the Ph.D. Programmes shall be based on evaluation (i.e. written test and/or
interview, academic credentials) of the eligible shortlisted candidates by the DDSC.
2. The candidates under Code 12 must fulfil the additional requirements of their
sponsoring/funding agency, if any.
3. For code 13, the candidates shall be evaluated on basis of a Statement of Purpose (to be
submitted along with application form) along with interview.
4. Project Fellow shall be required to pursue his/her Ph. D. work in the area of research
project and with the PI and/or Co-PI only in the same department, where project has been
sanctioned. However, another supervisor may be added as per clause 12.
5. Foreign students shall also be admitted on basis of interview and a Statement of Purpose.
6. Eligibility criteria as specified in clause 3.3 shall also be applicable.
7. Reservation shall be applicable as per Government of India Rules.
3.5.2 Admission of Indian Nationals Residing Abroad (INRA) and Foreign Nationals
1. INRA candidates must have been residing abroad continuously for at least five years at the
time of applying for admission. They shall apply for admission through Indian Embassy in
their country. Their applications shall be processed by the DDSC along with regular
admission process during odd or even semester subject to fulfilment of eligibility
requirement as per clause 3.3. Such candidates will be required to complete residence
requirement as per Clause 7.
2. The applications of foreign nationals, who are sponsored by the Indian Council of Cultural
Relations (ICCR) /Government, shall be scrutinized by the Department concerned, to
assess their suitability for admission to the programme. Foreign students under this code
shall be admitted through Embassy of their countries after getting approval from the Ministry
of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
3.5.3 Admission of Non-Degree Students
1. A non-degree student is registered for a Degree in any other recognized Institute or
University in India or abroad, and is one who is officially sponsored by that Institute or
University to complete part of his/her academic requirements at MNNIT Allahabad. For that
purpose the non-degree student may carry out Research/Course work and use other
academic facilities including laboratories at MNNIT Allahabad.
2. The strength of non-degree students in any Programme shall not be more than
10% of the Programme strength. The fee structure and other modalities may be
decided by School for Non Formal and Continuing Education (SNFCE).
3. Students so admitted shall be governed by all Rules and Regulations of the
Institute during the period of stay.
3. All the students shall continue to register in the semesters till they submit their Thesis.
Those students who are on authorized leave shall also register as per institute norms.
4. Those students who after registering the Semester have to avail leave for more than as
admissible in the Ordinance must be either advised for Semester drop or for the reduced
credit units on pro-rata basis.
5. A student who has delivered his/her Open Seminar successfully shall register for zero
credits in subsequent Semester(s) till the submission of the Thesis, and pay semester fee.
6. A student who has submitted his Ph.D Thesis shall not be required to register in subsequent
The sole responsibility of registration shall rest with the student concerned.
4.4 Adding/Dropping of Courses
Adding and dropping of Courses after registration shall be permitted on the request of the
student in the prescribed format (Form: DP-04).
The last date of withdrawal of course work(s) will correspond to one-month calendar date
before the last date of end semester progress presentation of the student.
The Convener DDPC in consultation with the Course Coordinator and with the approval of
the Chairperson SDPC may allow a student at his/her request to add/drop from one or
more Courses during the semester. The subsequent maximum/minimum semester load
shall be as specified in Section 7.2.
(ii) A student requesting such a conversion must have completed the Coursework,
passed the Comprehensive Examination, given the State-of-the- Art Seminar which is
adjudged as satisfactory, and completed the residence requirements.
(iii) Such conversion, if approved by the Chairperson SDPC, shall be subject to the
following conditions:
The student must complete his/her Thesis within 7 years counted from the date of
his/her first registration in the Programme.
Provision of conversion from full-time to part-time status can be availed only once by the
student during his/her Programme.
Further, as per National Education Policy 2020 multiple exit points with some kind of certification
may be introduced by the Senate.
Full-time students may be granted leave on submission of application to the Head of the
Department concerned through the Supervisor and Convener DDPC, in the prescribed
format (Form: DP-06).
5.1 Annual Leave
1. A Ph.D. student may be allowed leave of 15 days in a Semester or maximum 30 days in an
Academic Calendar year, excluding Institute holidays.
2. The student may be allowed academic leave for a maximum of 7 days in a calendar year to
attend conferences/seminars/workshops/training/short-term courses.
3. The student going for any academic work related to the Thesis work for more than 15 days
and a duration corresponding to less than a semester duration may be sanctioned by the
chairperson SDPC for training within India, however for the training outside India, leave will
be sanctioned by the Dean (Academic).
(i) For extraordinary situations requiring the leave beyond 15 days, the application
may be recommended by the DDPC and approved by the SDPC on case to case basis.
1. Only those Ph. D scholars who have spent at least two Semesters, completed
Course work, passed comprehensive examination and successfully presented State of the
Art Seminar, are eligible to proceed as non-degree students elsewhere.
2. An eligible student shall make an application for approval to the Chairperson SDPC
through the Convener DDPC, HoD, and the Thesis Supervisor in the prescribed format
(Form: DP-07), duly supported by a statement of purpose to undertake the proposed work
and sufficient information about the Department/Institution and, acceptance from that
Institute/ Organisation.
3. A student who has presented his/her Open Seminar shall not be entitled for this
4. The duration of stay and the work completed shall be considered for academic
5. The performance of the student shall be evaluated by the SRC at the end of the
semester to fulfill the academic performance requirements of the Doctoral programme of
the Institute. The student shall also be required to produce a certificate of attendance from
the host institution/industry.
6. A student shall be entitled to receive scholarship on the condition that he/she shall
submit the proof that he/she is not receiving any financial assistance at the host Institution.
However, his/her financial assistantship shall be released (including that for the period of
absence) after he/she joins back the Department on recommendation of the DDPC,
through supervisor.
7. In case, the student is not able to physically report during registration, due to
his/her assignment at the host Organization/Institution, he/she may be allowed by Dean
Academics for physical reporting at a later date on recommendation of the supervisor, and
Head of Department.
The following table lists the minimum residence and maximum duration allowed in the
Ph.D. Programme, and credit requirements for graduation in the Ph.D programmes.
"Course Work" includes normally Masters’/Doctoral Course credits/ or any other theory
course/ laboratory course/mini-project unless otherwise stated. To satisfy the "Minimum
Residence" requirements, registration must be over consecutive Semesters; exception will
be made only
if the student is on authorized leave. "Maximum Duration" is counted from the student's first
registration date. SPI/CPI will be calculated on the basis of all Courses taken by the
Table 2: Credit Distribution and Residence Requirement
Maxim um
Min. Min Duration in
Min. through Credits Credits through Credits
Min Credits Duration Residence Semesters
Departm Qualifying Total Course through State of through
through (Full Time) Period in for
ent Degree Credit s work/Lab Comprehensive Art Open
Research in Semesters Full Time /
to be Course Examination Seminar Seminar
Semesters (Full Time) Part
earned /Mini-
M.Tech /M.E 80 16 8 8 48 8 6
B.Tech. with
Engine Research or 100 24 8 8 60 8 8
4 12 / 14
erring equivalent
120 32 8 8 72 8 8
MBA/MMS 80 16 8 8 48 8 6
B.Tech. with
Research or 100 24 8 8 60 8 8
4 12 / 14
ment B.Tech/
M.Sc./ 120 32 8 8 72 8 8
M.Com./MBA/M.Te 80 16 8 8 48 8 6
ch /MCA
Science B.Tech. with
4 12 / 14
/HSS Research or 100 24 8 8 60 8 8
B.Tech 120 32 8 8 72 8 8
1. Minimum 12/20/28 credits should be earned through Theory Course work out of 16/24/32
credits (as per table above in the column 4).
3. The theory Course and Laboratory/ Mini-project shall be considered as Course Work of
four credits each. The Mini Project shall be evaluated by the SRC (DP-22). On the
recommendation of the Supervisor(s), the Department may prescribe, with prior approval of
the Chairperson SDPC, additional credits of Courses/Thesis work, over and above the
minimum specified in the Table 2.
4. The student shall normally undertake course work of MNNIT Allahabad before the start of
the semester. If any relevant course is not running in the Institute in odd/even semester,
He/ She may complete course work under special circumstances through SWAYAM/
MOOCS/ any other online mode of instruction by MNNIT on advice of the supervisors and
recommendation by the Head of the concerned Department. Further, if any relevant course
is not running in the Institute in odd/even semester, He/ She may complete course work
under special circumstances from any other institution of repute. Evaluation process of
these courses will be made as per guidelines formulated by Dean (Academic). The student
may be allowed to undertake online courses up to maximum 25% of course work credits.
The SDPC on the recommendation of DDPC shall decide on the matters pertaining to
credits, duration and normalization of marks etc. of the online course.
5. Part time students shall be required to be present on the campus for physical registration,
course work (as far as possible), examinations, thesis performance presentation at the end
of every semester till submission of the thesis.
3. The performance credit shall be assigned by SRC in the prescribed format (Form:
DP-03) and the same shall be forwarded to Dean (Academic) through Convener DDPC
and Head of the department for recording the academic performance of the student.
4. The credit for course work shall be awarded and submitted by respective course
coordinator within the prescribed time limit for grade submission at the end of each
Grade Points 10 9 8 7 6 4 0
A student, who is not allowed to appear in the end-semester examination for any reason,
such as shortage of attendance / disciplinary action / or alike, shall be awarded N grade. A
student, who could not appear in end semester Examination for reasons other than
Shortage of Attendance/ Disciplinary Action/ or alike shall be awarded ABS grade.
In order to have appropriate evaluation correspondence with online courses / courses from
other institutions, etc., it is desirable that A+ may be awarded to the students securing
more than or equal to 85% marks and a student securing less than 30% marks may be
awarded grade F.
In addition, there are three Letter Grades, viz. S, X, and W which stand for Satisfactory,
Unsatisfactory, and Withheld temporarily, respectively.
2. The System of grading to be followed shall be Relative Grading System. The HoD
shall ensure that the course instructor/coordinator uses normal distribution curve to award,
ensuring that majority of the students fall in the middle range of the grades.
3. A student, who does not appear/is not allowed to appear in the End-semester
Examination for any reason, shall be awarded W grade irrespective of his/her performance
in the Mid- Semester Examination and teacher assessment and shall be treated as ACD.
Such student shall be required to clear his/her W grade by appearing in the subsequent
Grade Improvement examination.
4. An ACD student shall be allowed to clear his/her ACD by repeating the course in
which he/she has attained F/N/ABS/D/C grade; or may be advised to replace the course
with another course on the recommendation of the Supervisor and DDPC, subject to the
following conditions:
• His/her CPI is less than the prescribed minimum and the student is allowed to
continue in the Programme (as per provisions of section 8.1), and
• The SPI and CPI shall be calculated after replacing the old grades by better of the
old and new grades obtained by such a student to remove Academic Deficiency. All the
Courses attended by the student shall appear on the transcript.
Whenever a student is permitted to repeat or substitute a Course, the new letter Grade
replaces the better of the old and new letter Grades in the computation of the CPI, but,
both the Grades appear on his/her Grade Report.
The grades equivalence of the marks obtained (as stated in the marks sheet of the
student) by a student in a course work through online courses / MOOCs / courses offered
by other Institutions under MoU shall be adopted as given below.
Equivalent Grades A+ A B+ B C D F
The SDPC, on the basis on recommendation of DDPC shall decide on other matter
pertaining to credits, duration, normalization of marks etc. of the online course.
7.5.5 Grade Report
A copy of the Grade Report shall be issued to each student at the end of the Semester. A
duplicate copy, if required, can be obtained on payment of the prescribed fee.
7.5.6 Transcript
A Transcript contains the record of the Grades obtained in each and all Courses, Project
and Seminar registered by a student during his/her entire Programme. It will be provided
on request and on payment of prescribed fee.
2. A student who secures SPI less than 6.5 in the first semester shall be allowed to
register for second semester without stipend/fellowship. These students shall be
categorized as “Academically deficient (ACD)”. Such student shall be advised by the
supervisor to clear the same in Grade Improvement or makeup examination (if any).
(a) His/Her CPI is equal to or greater than 6.5 at the end of academic session.
(b) He/She does not have W / ABS or F grade in any registered course.
(c) He/She has not accumulated 10X since first registration or 4X in two consecutive
A student who does not fulfil any/all of the above conditions shall also be categorized as
“Academically deficient” (ACD).
4. If ACD is due to 3 (a) and/ or 3 (b), the student shall be allowed to clear the same in
Grade Improvement examination / make up examination (if any).
6. If a student secures more than 4X the Head of Department shall issue warning
letter and termination letter in case of 8.3.
(a) His/Her CPI is less than 6.5 at the end of academic session. OR
(d) He/She is not able to earn prescribed minimum credits in the Maximum duration as
specified in Section 7.1.
1. Students registered in the Ph.D Programme must pass a Comprehensive
Examination with ‘SS’ grades designed to test the overall comprehension of the student in
various subjects. A student can appear in the Comprehensive Examination only after
he/she has completed the Course Work requirement satisfying the minimum specified CPI
2. Students after the completion of the Course Work shall appear in the
Comprehensive Examination in the beginning of subsequent Semester but not later than
completion of that particular semester.
4. The Examination shall be in oral form but may be supplemented with a written part
if the supervisor (s) so desire.
6. If a student fails to clear the Comprehensive Examination in his/her first attempt, a
second Comprehensive Examination shall be conducted. A student shall not be allowed to
appear in the Comprehensive Examination more than twice. In case the candidate fails to
clear Comprehensive Examination in the second attempt, he/she shall be terminated from
the Programme. The Head of the Department shall issue the letter in this regard. All such
cases shall be brought to the notice of the Senate.
(i) Every Ph.D. student shall be required to present a seminar in the Department
covering the State-of-the-Art in the proposed area of research. A detailed research
proposal (two copies) shall be submitted by the candidate at the time of delivering the
of-the- Art Seminar. The State-of-the-Art Seminar shall be delivered within six months from
the date of successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination. The supervisor shall
notify the date of seminar at least five working days in advance.
(ii) If a student is unable to deliver State-of-the-Art Seminar within this period or has
failed to deliver the seminar satisfactorily, he/she may be given an extension of maximum
six months by the Head of the concerned department on recommendation of the supervisor
and Convener DDPC with valid reasons, failing which the registration shall automatically
stand cancelled. Head of the Department shall issue the termination letter.
(iii) State-of-the-Art Seminar along with research proposal shall be evaluated by
Student Research Committee (SRC). A report of satisfactory completion of this
requirement shall be communicated to Chairperson SDPC in the prescribed format (Form:
DP-10) along with the research proposal duly signed by the candidate and the supervisor.
3. One of the supervisors must be from the department in which the student has been
4. The candidate shall propose the list of faculty as preferred supervisor(s) in her/his
chosen area of research in the prescribed format (Form: DP-12(a)) along with consent of
the faculty/faculties on Form-12 (b) within two weeks from date of first registration.
Thereafter, the DDPC shall meet within one week to consider duly filled in Form DP-12(a)
and Form-12
(b) to forward the recommended Form(s) along with minutes of the meeting, to the
Chairperson SDPC for approval.
5. A student shall not have more than two Supervisors, including external Supervisor,
at any time.
6. A student can have a Co-Supervisor from outside the Institute (within or outside the
country) in addition to a Supervisor from the Institute on the recommendation of the DDPC
and the SDPC and with approval of the Dean (Academic). A copy of signed C.V. of the
proposed supervisor and No Objection Certificate from his/her Institute must be submitted
for consideration of DDPC and SDPC.
9. If a Solo Supervisor is proceeding on leave for more than one year, he/she in
consultation with the student shall propose an additional supervisor as per points 5& 6
above. Further, if the candidate has already presented Open Seminar satisfactorily and the
Supervisor proceeds on leave, the Convener DDPC shall take care of the formalities of
thesis submission and evaluation, such as providing the list of Examiners, conducting the
Oral Examination, etc. in consultation with the Thesis Supervisor.
11. A Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor shall not supervise more than
six scholars from code 11 at a given point in time, the upper limit shall exclude the students
who have submitted the Thesis.
12. Faculty Member having less than two years’ service left before retirement shall not
be allotted new Ph.D. student.
13. In case a Faculty Member is suspended /debarred for indulging in lowering the
prestige of the Institute, in any manner, he or she shall cease to be a Thesis Supervisor.
Student Research Committee (SRC) shall be formed within one month after the allotment
of supervisor (s) in the prescribed format (Form: DP-02). SRC shall consist of
Supervisor(s), one faculty member from the same Department and one faculty member
from any other Department, working in the same area or related area of research.
Supervisor shall be the Chairperson of the Committee.
In case a particular member of SRC is not available during an examination, the supervisor
may seek permission to replace him/her with another Faculty Member from Chairperson
SDPC through Convener DDPC and Head of the Department. In case of any dispute, the
matter may be decided by Chairperson SDPC. Such substitution shall be applicable for that
particular examination only. In case a particular member of SRC is on long leave of more
than one year or has left the Institute, the supervisor shall propose a new SRC.
12.3 Constitution of Comprehensive Examination Board
The Comprehensive Examination Board shall consist of minimum of four Faculty Members
including Supervisor(s) (all having earned Ph.D. Degree) with at least one from the
concerned department (other than supervisor) and at least one from other department
(other than supervisor), preferably those who have taught the courses. Constitution of the
Board shall be proposed by the Thesis Supervisor(s) and forwarded by the Convener
DDPC and Head of the Department, to the Chairperson SDPC in the prescribed format
(Form: DP- 08), for approval. The Thesis Supervisor of the student shall be the
Chairperson of the Board. In case the Thesis Supervisor is on long leave, Clause 12.1(7)
shall apply.
4. The names of the members of the Thesis Evaluation Board shall be kept
confidential till successful completion of the Thesis Evaluation.
outside the Institute but are from within the country so that one of these examiners can be
included in the proposed list of the Members of the Oral Board.
The oral board shall consist of the following,
(iii) One examiner from among the members of the Thesis Evaluation Board from within
the country but outside the Institute.
If members as stated on points (i) and (ii) are not from SRC, proper justification may be
enclosed along with Form DP-16.
The Thesis Supervisor(s) shall propose the constitution of the Oral Board in prescribed
format (Form: DP-16), and Convener DDPC and HoD shall forward the same to the
Chairperson SDPC, who shall recommend it to the Dean (Academic) for approval.
12.6. Guidelines for Institute Faculty for Supervising / Co-supervising students of other
Institute / University
Category-III Institutions: Any other Institutions appearing within top 100 rank of NIRF
ranking published by MHRD in last two years.
c) The Research Scholar shall submit Rs. 10,000/- per semester in Institute as
supervision fee in lieu of facilitating the Institute faculty as his / her Supervisor / Co-
Supervisor. This fee will include fee for utilization of research facilities such as labs,
library, Software’s etc. to the Research Scholars on Saturdays only.
d) Charges mentioned at point No. 2 (c) would be raised by 20% every two year.
f) The registration record of these Research Scholars would be maintained at the Office
of Dean (Academic) and concerned departments.
g) Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor would be entitled for all the IPR points generated through
this activity.
In case the Supervisor / Co-Supervisor is required to travel to Parent Institute, then that
shall be considered under Special Casual leave. The Institute shall not borne any expense
incurred by the Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor in this regard.
Ph.D. Thesis can be submitted only after satisfactory completion of the Open Seminar,
satisfactory report from Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell (DP-14), and preferably one
paper in SCI/SCIE journals or two papers in Scopus journals accepted / published or
Patent applied /published or Technology Transferred from the thesis and submission of no
dues certificate. A soft copy of the Ph.D Thesis (prepared according to the prescribed
guidelines: GL-1) in CD (as approved by IPR Cell) shall be submitted to the Office of the
Dean (Academic).
The student shall be required to submit the Thesis within nine months from the date of
Open Seminar. If the candidate fails to submit the Thesis within the specified period, then
an extension of six months can be given by Chairperson SDPC on the recommendation of
Supervisor and Convener DDPC. If the candidate fails to submit the same within the
extended period, then he/she has to deliver Open Seminar again with approval of the
Chairperson SDPC.
Plagiarism and Undertaking
Plagiarism is a serious offence and the institute is committed to protecting IPR of everyone.
To ensure this the IPR Cell of the Institute is entrusted with the task of checking similarity
through software. The upper limit of similarity index is less than 15% for submission of
Ph.D. Thesis. The IPR Cell issues a certificate as per Form: DP-14 which is a pre-condition
for submission of Thesis. Duly signed DP-14 form shall be attached with the thesis as
per GL-1.
2. After receiving the consent of Examiners, the Dean (Academic) shall send the
Thesis for evaluation to the Examiners.
3. Examiners shall place their report in any of the following categories in the
prescribed format (Form: DP-17):
Category I: The Thesis is acceptable in the present form for the award of the Ph.D. Degree.
Category II: The Thesis is acceptable and the corrections, modifications and improvements
suggested by me would be incorporated in the Thesis and presented at the time of oral
Category III: The Thesis needs technical improvement/modifications, which must be carried out to
my satisfaction before I recommend the Thesis for acceptance.
Category IV: The Thesis is rejected.
4. After receiving the reports of all the Examiners, copies of the categorized reports
(without the identity of the Examiners) shall be sent to the Thesis Supervisor(s) and the
Head of the Department, by the Chairperson SDPC. The Supervisor(s) shall ensure and
certify that all the suggestions (if any) have been incorporated.
5. If the reports are either in Category I or Category II then Chairperson SDPC shall
intimate the Supervisor about the name(s) of Indian Examiner(s) and also request to
constitute the Oral Board as per Para 12.5. The Supervisor shall send the list of suggested
Examiners for Ph.D Oral Board along with the response of student on the comments of
Examiner(s), if any, to Chairperson SDPC who shall recommend it to the Dean (Academic)
for approval.
6. If one/or more than one Examiner(s) gives his/her report in Category III then
clarification/ modifications suggested by the Examiner shall be done by the candidate in
consultation with Supervisor(s). The Supervisor shall send the corrected Thesis along with
the responses and explanatory notes to Chairperson SDPC who shall advice the Dean
(Academic) to send the corrected Thesis along with the responses and explanatory notes
to the same Examiner with a request to respond within six weeks. If no response from the
Examiner is received within six weeks time or the Examiner gives his/her report again in
Category III then the matter shall be referred to Chairperson Senate for further course of
7. If one of the Examiner places his/her report in Category IV the matter shall be
referred to Chairperson Senate for the further course of action. If the reports received from
more than one Examiner are in Category IV then the Thesis shall be rejected and the
candidature of the student shall stand automatically terminated.
10. In case, Chairperson Senate and Dean (Academic) both are the Thesis
Supervisors, then the processing to be done by them shall be done by the Chairperson
11. In case, Chairperson Senate and Chairperson SDPC both are the Thesis
Supervisors, then the processing to be done by them shall be done by Dean Academic.
12. In case, Chairperson SDPC and Dean (Academic) both are the Thesis Supervisors,
then the processing to be done by them shall be done by Chairperson SMPC.
2. The Supervisor shall be the Chairperson of the Oral Board and shall fix the date of
the Oral Examination in consultation with the members of the Oral Board and intimate the
date to the Dean (Academic) for official communication to all the Examiners.
3. If the external Examiner of the Oral Board communicates his/her inability to be
present in advance the Supervisor shall propose a revised Oral Board.
4. If external examiner fails to be present on the specified date and time, the Dean
(Academic) shall decide the further Course of action on recommendation of the Supervisor
and Chairperson SDPC.
(i) examine that necessary modifications, if any, suggested by the Thesis Examiners
have been duly incorporated,
(ii) judge if the presentation of the work by the student and the answers to the
questions asked have been satisfactorily replied,
(iii) submit a report of the Oral Examination in the prescribed format (Form: DP-18),
which shall be communicated by the Supervisor(s)/Thesis Coordinator to the Chairperson
SDPC through the Convener DDPC and Head of the Department.
6. The Chairperson SDPC shall recommend the report of the Oral Examination in the
prescribed format (Form: DP-18) to the Chairperson Senate for approval. The approval
accorded by the Chairperson Senate shall be reported to the Senate for the award of Ph.D
Degree to the candidate in forthcoming Convocation.
2. satisfied all the requirements specified by the Senate and the Ordinances (Sections
7 to 13).
3. paid all the dues of the Institute and has no pending case of indiscipline.
of the institute. The detailed norms and conditions for the award of various scholarships,
prizes and medals established by the institute or through endowments/grants received
shall be framed by the Senate from time to time and approved by the Board of Governor.
1. Stipendiary Ph.D. students shall receive financial assistance in the form of
fellowship/stipend at the approved rates and guidelines as notified by Government from
time to time. These fellowship/stipends are liable to be withdrawn partially or wholly, in
case of misconduct, deliberate concealment of material, facts and/or giving false
information, or inadequate academic performance.
3. A stipendiary Ph.D. student leaving the Institute on his/her own accord without
completing the programme of study may be required to refund the amount of
fellowship/stipend, received during the academic session in which he/she leaves the
programme. Dean Students Welfare shall initiate the process after receiving the
information from Dean Academic and Head of the Department.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and considered a serious criminal offence and
violation of the code of conduct. Involvement of a student in ragging and/or any of the
above mentioned activities and/or any other act of indiscipline shall invite disciplinary
action and may lead to his/ her expulsion from the Institute.
(i) Possession of mobile phones, Smart phones, smart watches, any device capable of
storing information and any relevant material.
(ii) Copying from the papers / mobile electronic equipment, or materials in the
possession of the student.
(iii) Copying from the answer book of other students and/or consulting fellow examinees.
(iv) Head of the Concerned Department
(v) Senate Member to be nominated by the Chairperson Senate
16.3.2 The procedure to deal with the cases of Unfair Means (UFM):
2. After the student is caught using UFM his/her answer book(s) along with question
paper and material used in UFM will be kept in a separate envelope and the student shall
be issued a fresh answer book and question paper on which he/she may continue for the
remaining period of examination. However, the mobile phone or other electronic storage
devices shall be returned to the student after a snap shot of relevant material and the duly
filled Form DP- 19 along with the answer book(s) and question paper shall be kept in an
3. Dean (Academic) shall send the sealed envelope to Head of the Department, who
shall issue a show cause notice to the student seeking his/her clarification on the charges
within three days of the reporting. The clarification of the student may be obtained within
three days and the same may be given to Course instructor for getting his/her comments.
4. The Course Instructor shall present the case to the Unfair Means Committee.
5. Unfair Means Committee shall meet after six days of the completion of Semester
Examination. The committee shall give opportunity to the student concerned and
recommend the award of punishment. The recommendation of the punishment may be
made on the basis of following:
II. If the course instructor reports similarity in the materials in the possession of the
student and content of the course shall also result in award of F grade in that subject
and/or may be debarred from appearing in the subsequent Grade Improvement
examination of that particular session.
III. Copying from the answer book of neighbouring student shall be treated on case to
case basis.
IV. If the student has misbehaved with invigilator the matter may be referred to the
Proctorial Board.
6. If the decision is not taken by the date of Grade entry the Grades entered shall be
‘W’ and the result of such student shall not be declared along with other students.
7. The recommendations of the Unfair Means Committee shall be implemented after
getting the approval of the Dean (Academic). A student who feels aggrieved with the
punishment awarded may, however, appeal to the Chairperson Senate stating clearly the
case and explaining his/her position, seeking reconsideration of the decision.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Ordinance, the Senate of the Motilal Nehru
National Institute of Technology Allahabad, reserves the right to modify/amend without
notice, the Curricula, Procedures, Requirements, Examinations, Admissions and Rules
pertaining to its Doctoral Programmes.
Form: DP-01
(Clause 4.2)
(Signature of Student)
Form: DP-02
(Clause 4.3, 12.2)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Student Research Committee
Area of Research:………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………
Form: DP-03
(Clause 4.3)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Semester Progress Report of the
(a) Attempted
(b) Earned
The candidate has to submit the progress report of the semester in one-page approved by the Supervisor(s).
If the candidate has given the open seminar then the presentation for assessing the progress is not required.
Form: DP-04
(Clause 4.4)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Adding/Dropping of Course
(Signature of Candidate)
Form: DP-05
(Clause 4.5)
Form: DP-06
(Clause 5.0)
Yours Sincerely
Registration No.
For Official use
Recommended/Not Recommended:
Form: DP-07
(Clause 6.0)
Justification: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(If required attach a separate sheet): ………………………………………………………………..…………………
Form: DP-08
(Clause 9, 12.3)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
List of Suggested Examiners for Ph.D Comprehensive Examination
Form: DP-09
(Clause 9)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Report of Examiners of the Comprehensive
Convener, DDPC may kindly advise the Supervisor to ensure that State of the Art Seminar is held
before….....................i.e., within six months of the Comprehensive Examination.
Chairperson SDPC
Form: DP-10
(Clause 10)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Report of State-of-the-Art Seminar
Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Form: DP-11
(Clause 11)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Report of Open Seminar
Thesis Title…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Certified that the candidate has earned the minimum credits as per clause 7.1 and has successfully delivered
the Open Seminar required for submission of the Thesis.
For Office use only
Total Credits: (a) Attempted (b) Earned through Course Work (c) Earned through Others
The Thesis must be submitted on or before….........,….i.e, nine month from the date of Open
Form: DP-12 (a)
(Clause 12.1)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Supervisor Selection
(To be filled by the candidate)
Form: DP-12 (b)
(Clause 12.1)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Supervisor Selection
(To be filled by the Faculty)
I am willing to supervise the Ph.D student Mr./Ms…Digvijay Singh Yadav Registration No. 2024RCS02 and the
number of scholars currently registered under me is less than the maximum number as per the ordinances.
For Office use only
Name of allotted Supervisor(s):
Ref. No. and date of DDPC Meeting:
Form: DP-13
(Clause 12.1(7))
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Change / Addition of Supervisor(s)
Enclosures: In case of a Supervisor from outside MNNITA, consent of the Supervisor and NOC from the
Form: DP-14
(Clause 13.1)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
IPR Standing Committee
Copy to:
Dean Academic
Chairperson SDPC
Convener DDPC
Head of the Department
IPR Standing Committee
Form: DP-15
(Clause 12.4)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
List of Suggested Examiners for Ph.D Thesis Evaluation Board
Form: DP-16
(Clause 12.5)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad List of Suggested Examiners for Ph.D.
Oral Board
Form: DP-17
(Clause 13.2)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad (Thesis Evaluation Report)
1. Name of Student:
2. Reg. No.
3. Department:
(iv) Write at least 5 questions from the area of research to be asked in the oral examination.
6. Specific Recommendations
(Please place a tick mark at any one of following category)
Category I: The Thesis is acceptable in the present form for the award of the Ph.D degree.
Category II: The Thesis is acceptable and the correction, modifications and improvement
suggested by me would be incorporated in the Thesis and presented at the time of
Oral Examination.
Category III: The Thesis needs technical improvement/modifications, which must be carried out to
my satisfaction before I recommend the Thesis for acceptance.
Category IV: The Thesis is rejected. (Please provide reasons for the same)
Designation :
Address :
Form: DP-18
(Clause 13.3)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad Report of Ph.D Thesis Oral Board
Name of the Student:…………………………………………Reg No.:……………………………
Form: DP-19
(Clause 16.3.2)
Type of Unfair Means Material. : Copying from the papers / materials which is in the
possession of the student.
(B) Student’s Statement:
I have read the report of the instructor/invigilators/members of observer committee made against me as
given in column No. A and submit the following statements.
I undertake that this statement has been given by me under no pressure or fear.
If you do not agree with the report then give your explanation,
if any, in your defense against the report of the
3. instructor/invigilators/members of observer committee.
(Signature of Student)
(i) The student shall be given extra time, before leaving the Examination Hall in order to compensate
him/her for the loss of time spent during enquiry and filling this form.
(C) Statement of Witness if any:
Statement of the witness, if any, in case the student denies the allegations of the
instructor/invigilators/members of observer committee or refuses to give his/her statement on the
spot or runs away from the examination hall without giving his statement.
Form: DP-20
I declare that the work presented in this thesis titled “ ...................................” submitted to the
for the award of Doctor of Philosophy Degree is my original work. I neither have plagiarized any part
of the thesis nor submitted the same work for the award of any other Degree anywhere. In case this
undertaking is found incorrect, the Degree may be withdrawn unconditionally.
Place: Name:………………………………
Form: DP-21
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
This is to certify that all suggested comments of the examiner(s) have been duly incorporated in the
thesis title …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Name and Signature of the Student Name and Signature of the Supervisor(s)
Date Date
1. ………………
Form: DP-22
(Clause: 7.1)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Date of Examination:……………………………………………..
Thesis Supervisor(s):
Marks and Grade awarded by the Board: Marks: ……………… Grade: ………….
Examination Board:
Course Coordinator(s)
The candidate has to submit the report of the Mini-Project approved by the Supervisor(s) to the SRC Board.
The Marks & Grade sheet has to be submitted by the Course Coordinator to Convener, DDPC.
(Clause 3.4.1)
पत्र संख्या 1472 / Reg off. / 2015 दिनांक 10-11-2015 के अनुसार िो साल के
बाि स्कॉलर / फे लो के प्रिर्शन की समीक्षा करने के दलए दनिेर्क के
द्वारा समीक्षा सदमदि में नादमि के दलए अनुरोध।
Request for Director’s Nominee in Review Committee to Review the Performance of the
Scholar/Fellow after Two Years as per Letter No. 1472 / Reg. Off. / 2015 dated 10-11-2015.
No. Dated:
Dean (Academic)
Through: Head
The committee recommends for the continuation of Ph.D. programme without enhanced fellowship with
effect from ……………………………………………..…………
Examination Board:
1. Chairman, SDPC
3. External Member
4. Internal Member
5. Thesis Supervisor(s)
Approval of DEAN (Academic) with date
Note: The supervisor must submit this approved report to the Dean (SW).
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
(Guidelines for Thesis submission)
A. Four copies of the Thesis (Spiral bound) and one CD should be submitted for Thesis Evaluation.
The Thesis should be typed in double spacing using Times New Roman font with 12 font size.
Thesis should be printed back to back (both sides) but new chapter should start from a new page
on the right hand.
(I) Inner cover page, undertaking of the student, Certificate of the Supervisor(s), Certificate of the
IPR Cell, Acknowledgement, Abstract (not more than 8 pages), Table of contents, List of figures /
tables, Glossary.
(III) References, Appendix / Annexure brief CV of the research scholar, mentioning publications from
the thesis and other academic achievements during PhD work.
B. At the time of Oral Examination the scholar shall submit five hard-bound copies: Cover in maroon colour for
1. Institute Library, 2. Departmental Library, 3. Supervisor (s)] incorporating all the corrections suggested
by the Thesis Examiners.
CD containing the final corrected copy of the Thesis in PDF (SodhGanga format) is to be
submitted to the Dean (Academic) Office.