Principles of Hearts and Minds
Principles of Hearts and Minds
Principles of Hearts and Minds
What is Hearts and Minds?
Hearts and Minds?
Hearts and Minds – Material Available Online
HSE Performance - Understanding Barriers
Principles of Hearts and Minds
Highly motivated people feel in control or feel powerful, competent and high
on self-efficacy. These people are intrinsically motivated to do their job.
Less motivated people don't feel in control or feel powerless, less
competent and low on self-efficacy. These people show less initiative.
Extrinsic rewards can move the locus of control from internal to external,
praise and reward for quality of performance may increase the internal
locus of control.
Under certain circumstances rewards and incentives may change
behaviour, but it is also true that intrinsic motivation may be hampered..
Although behaviour may be changed, underlying beliefs may remain
unchanged. This suggests that reversion to old behaviour patterns is very
Belief is a crucial factor in determining how and why people will behave.
Values may be acceptable but expectations will be driven by beliefs.
Managing Rule Breaking
“One of the common causes of accidents is Rule Breaking”
What is our culture?
Question 1 2 3 4 5
1. Is management interested in
communicating HSE Issues with the
We will ask you some questions,
2. Who causes accidents in the eyes
of management?
decide which answer applies to
your operation
3. Competency / Training, are
workers interested ?
Fill in the score.
4. Is the company good at planning?
Answer honestly. There is will not
5. What is the purpose of be any requirement to share your
6. How is HSE monitored on a day-
to-day basis ?
Question 1. Is management
interested in communicating HSE
issues with the workforce ?
There is
frequent and
After incidents clear two way
shares a lot of There is a two
HSE rules are communication
information way process of
Management passed down about HSE
with workers communication
only from top issues in
and passes on about HSE
communicates management. which Mgt gets
a lot of HSE issues in
HSE issues by more
initiatives. place.
telling workers Management information
not to cause interest gets back than they
Mgt does a lot Management
problems less as things provide.
of talking but ask as well as
get ‘back to Everyone is
does not really tell.
normal’. told when
there is an
1 2 3 4 5
Question 2. Who causes accidents in
the eyes of management ?
machinery, poor Blame is not an
There are Mgt looks at the
maintenance issue.
attempts to whole HSE
and people are
Staff are blamed remove system,
seen as the Mgt accept
and it is ‘accident prone including
cause of most responsibility to
believed that workers’. systems and
incidents. remove
accidents are procedures
part of the job. It is believed when
There are causes.
that accidents considering
attempts to
Staff directly are often just cause of
reduce Mgt take a broad
involved in bad luck. accidents
personnel view of HSE,
accidents are
exposure to looking at the
often held Mgt often They admit that
hazards. overall
responsible. consider that management
interaction of
workers cause must take some
Accidents are systems and
the problems. of the blame.
blamed on ‘the people.
1 2 3 4 5
Question 3. Competency / Training, are
workers interested ?
records are
Workers don’t
available and Mgt fully
Training is standard understand the
aimed at the training is importance of
their working
person. “If we given. tested skills on Competence
environment for
can change the job. development is
a few hours “off
their attitudes, Knowledge seen as a never
the job”.
everything will gained in The workforce ending process.
be alright”. training is is proud to
HSE training is
tested. demonstrate The workforce
seen as a
After incidents skills in OTJ asks for training
necessary pain
extra money is Staff are keen to assessments. and forms an
in the neck.
available for show they have integral part of
training but this attended Some training the process.
Training is
decreases over courses. needs are
attended when it
time. identified by the
is required by
There is also workforce.
some OTJ
1 2 3 4 5
Question 4. Is the company good at
planning ?
There is a lot of
emphasis on There is a good
Work and HSE
Hazard planning
HSE planning issues are
Analysis and process with
is based on integrated in
There is no PTW. identification
what went planning.
HSE planning of problems.
wrong in the
and little other There is little
past. Plans are
planning. use of Employees are
feedback from trusted to do
There are through and
Work planning incidents to most planning.
informal work there is some
concentrates improve
planning evaluation of
on the quickest planning. There is less
processes the
and cheapest paper, more
focussed on effectiveness
way to do the People believe thinking, and
managing the of the planning
job. that the the planning
time taken for by supervisors
‘system’ works process is well
a job. and line
well and will known and
prevent discussed.
1 2 3 4 5
Question 5. What is the purpose of
procedures ?
trust in the
workforce to
The purpose of identify
The company There are many procedures
HSE procedure situations
develops HSE HSE spread ‘Best
is to prevent where the rules
procedures procedures Practice’ but
incidents from should be
only when serving as are seen as
happening challenged.
really ‘Barriers’ to occasionally
necessary. prevent inconvenient by
incidents. a competent
They are often compliance
Procedures are workforce.
written in with HSE
seen as limiting Some HSE
response to procedures
peoples procedures are Efforts are
accidents and goes through
activities in replaced by made to
their overall clearly defined
order to avoid training and remove rules
effect may not channels.
lawsuits or competency and procedures
be considered
harm to assets. requirements. that are hard to
in detail. Procedures are
updated for
1 2 3 4 5
Question 6. How is HSE monitored on a
day-to-day basis ?
There is a
reliance on
workers to
outside experts
Site activities check HSE for
to spot Everyone
There is no are regularly themselves.
problems. checks for HSE
formal system checked by the
for checking line for HSE Managers
Superficial looking out for
HSE problems issues, but not walking round
checks are themselves and
on a day to day on a daily are seen as
performed their work
basis. basis. sincere.
management mates.
when they are
Individuals are Inspections Internal
visiting, mostly Supervisor
supposed to aim to check inspections
after incidents. inspections are
take care of that between
themselves. procedures are departments,
There is no unnecessary.
being followed. take place,
formal system
for incident
managers and
follow up.
1 2 3 4 5
Question 7. Incident / Accident
reporting, investigation and analysis ?
The company
Many incidents There is an Investigation
There are has trained
are not informal and analysis is
investigation investigators
reported. reporting driven by a
procedures and follow up
system but good
producing lots checks to
Investigations investigation is understanding
of data and confirm
only take place aimed only at of how
action items but changes have
after serious immediate accidents
opportunities to taken place.
accidents. causes, with a happen.
address the
paper trail to
REAL issues Reports are
Analysis does show it has Issues are
are often sent company
not consider taken place. identified by
missed. wide to share
human factors considering a
or go beyond Investigation is wide range of
Follow up
legal focussed on incidents.
remedial There is little
requirements. finding WHO is Follow up is
actions creativity in
at fault. There is regular to check
concentrate on finding out how
Priority is to little follow up that changes
training and underlying
protect the and previous have occurred
procedural issues could
company and events are not and are
solutions. affect the
its profits. considered. maintained.
1 2 3 4 5
What is our culture?
Add up the
score and divide
by 7
Your average
score will show
you where your
organization is
on the culture
Perception is
Suggestion is
for you to take
this test with
your employees
and see how
they view the
Hearts and Minds
Achieving Objectives