EP4014659A1 - Priority Document
EP4014659A1 - Priority Document
EP4014659A1 - Priority Document
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Title of Invention: Mechanism for HARQ Feedback of Sidelink Resource Allocation Mode 1
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Title of Invention |Vlechanism for HARQ Feedback of Sidelink Resource Allocation Mode 1
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Mechanism for HARQ Feedback of Sidelink Resource
Allocation Mode 1
1. Background
For sidelink resource allocation mode 1:
2. Problem
In resource allocation mode 1 (note: mode 1 is that BS schedules SL resource(s)
the transmitter UE via Uu link to report HARQ feedback to gNB to indicate the need
for retransmission of a TB transmitted by the transmitter UE. Since the HARQ feedback
is transmitted via Uu link, UE may use PUCCH and/or PUSCH to transmit HARQ bits.
However, how to generate HARQ bits for SL is still unclear. For example, in current
HARQ codebook generation procedure (note: described in 3GPP TS 38.213 ch.9.1.2 for
semi-static HARQ codebook and 3GPP TS 38.213 ch.9.1.3 for dynamic HARQ
However, the DCI (e.g., DCI_SL) in SL resource allocation mode 1 may contain the
new designs to generate HARQ codebook for SL resource allocation mode 1 according
to new parameters KO_1, KO_2 and K1_SL. Furthermore, PUCCH resource for SL may
overlap with PUCCH resource for Uu, so we have to define the behavior when PUCCH
resources overlap.
Figure O(b), possible relationship between K0_1, KO_2, K1_SL, PDCCH, PSCCH,
Figure 0(c), possible relationship between KO_SL, K1_SL, PDCCH, PSCCH, PUCCH
3. Solution summary
1. PSSCH candidate: possible PSSCH resource allocation scheduled by DCI_SL/SCI.
There may be a PSSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-SCI (note: denoted
as KO_2, and it contains a list of possible values (note: Range of KO_2 may be
reported as UE capability or be (pre-)defined in the specification directly), and
SCI will indicate one of them. The Xth entry in the list is denoted as KO_2_x)
and/or PSSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-DCI_SL (note: contain a list
of possible KO_SL values, and DCI_SL will indicate one of them. The Xth entry
in the list is denoted as KO_SL_x) in RRC configuration, and they contain a list
of time domain resource allocation information. When generating HARQ
codebook, UE will consider resource indicated by each entry of the list as a
PSSCH candidate.
PSCCH candidate: possible PSCCH resource allocation scheduled by DCI_SL.
There may be a PSCCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-DCI_SL (note:
denoted as KO_1, and it contains a list of possible values, and SCI will indicate
one of them. The Xth entry in the list is denoted as KO_1_x) in RRC
configuration, and it contains a list of time domain resource allocation
information. When generating HARQ codebook, UE will consider resource
indicated by each entry of the list as a PSCCH candidate.
K1_SL: SL_DClcontrolToUL-ACK. It contains a list of timing (or timing gap/offset)
from a given SL HARQ feedback (on PUCCH resource) to the corresponding
PDCCH. The Xth entry In the list s denoted as K1_SL_x
K1_PSCCH: SL_SClcontrolToUL-ACK. It contains a list of timing (or timing
gap/offset) from a given SL HARQ feedback (on PUCCH resource) to the
corresponding PSCCH. The Xth entry in the list is denoted as K1_PSCCH_x
K1_PSSCH: SL_DataToUL-ACK. It contains a list of timing (or timing gap/offset)
from a given SL HARQ feedback (on PUCCH resource) to the corresponding
PSSCH. The Xth entry in the list is denoted as K1_PSSCH_x
The numerology of KO_1, KO_2, KO_SL, K1_SL, K1_PSCCH, and/or K1_PSSCH
may be based on numerology of SL or UL or DL BWP
The granularity of KO_1, KO_2, KO_SL, K1_SL, K1_PSCCH, and/or K1_PSSCH
may be symbol or slot or subframe or sub-slot
If the numerology of KO_1 is based on numerology of SL BWP and the
numerology of SL BWP is larger than numerology of DL BWP, KO_1 =0
corresponds to the first slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the larger SCS
which overlaps with the corresponding PDCCH (note : containing KO_1 which
indicates PSCCH).
In another approach, If the numerology of KO_1 is based on numerology of SL
BWP and the numerology of SL BWP is larger than numerology of DL BWP,
KO_1 =0 corresponds to the slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the larger
SCS with end boundary aligned to the slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the
corresponding PDCCH (note : containing KO_1 which indicates PSCCH).
If the numerology of KO_1 is based on numerology of SL BWP and the
numerology of SL BWP is smaller than numerology of DL BWP, KO_1 =0
corresponds to the slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the smaller SCS which
overlaps with the corresponding PDCCH (note : containing KO_1 which
indicates PSCCH).
9. If the numerology of K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH is based on numerology of SL BWP
and the numerology of SL BWP is smaller than numerology of UL BWP,
K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH =0 corresponds to the first slot/symbol/subframe/sub-
slot for the larger SCS which overlaps with the corresponding PSCCH/PSSCH
(note : K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH indicates time gap from PSCCH/PSSCH to PUCCH).
In another approach, If the numerology of K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH is based on
numerology of SL BWP and the numerology of SL BWP is smaller than
numerology of UL BWP, K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH =0 corresponds to the
slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the larger SCS with end boundary aligned
to the slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot for the corresponding PSCCH/PSSCH
(note : K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH indicates time gap from PSCCH/PSSCH to PUCCH)
If the numerology of K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH is based on numerology of SL BWP
and the numerology of SL BWP is larger than numerology of UL BWP,
K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH =0 corresponds to the slot/symbol/subframe/sub-slot
for the smaller SCS which overlaps with the corresponding PSCCH/PSSCH
(note : K1_PSCCH/K1_PSSCH indicates time gap from PSCCH/PSSCH to PUCCH)
10. The UE may store UE capability in the RAN as part of UE context, UE inactive
context. In addition, the information may be forwarded to (at least) one target
cell by the source cell through backhaul connection for:1) handover procedure,
or 2) for RRC Resume procedure, or 3) for SCG configuration.
11.1f PSSCH and PSCCH is transmitted on the same slot by default, UE may
consider that KO_2 is “0” or there is no parameter “K0_2" in all embodiments
of this PV
12.KO_1, KO_2, KO_SL, K1_PSCCH, K1_PSSCH, and K1_SL may be dynamically
indicated with a minimum applicable value by DCI_SL/DCI/SCI/MAC-CE/MAC-
CE-SL (note: MAC-CE-SL is MAC control element, and MAC-CE-SL is transmitted
on PC5 interface or on SL channel).
Entries in the active table/list with KO_1, KO_2, KO_SL, K1_PSCCH, K1_PSSCH,
and/or K1_SL values smaller than the indicated minimum applicable values are
not expected by or not valid for the UE.
13. If the slot of PUCCH resource locates on the same time as or aftera slot for an
active DL BWP change on a serving cell or an active UL BWP change on a
serving cell and the slot of a PSSCH/PSCCH candidate is before the slot for the
active DL BWP change on the serving cell or the active UL BWP change on the
serving cell, UE may exclude the PSSCH/PSCCH candidates from generating
HARQ codebook bit.
14. If the slot of PUCCH resource locates on the same time as or after a slot for an
active SL BWP change on a serving cell and the slot of a PSSCH/PSCCH
candidate is before the slot for the active SL BWP change on the serving cell,
UE may exclude the PSSCH/PSCCH candidates from generating HARQ
codebook bit.
candidate), then UE may consider the PSSCHs scheduled by the SCI as
PSSCHs candidates according to all entries of KO_2 (i.e., PSSCH-
It is noted that these solutions may be applied for both semi-static HARQ
codebook and dynamic HARQ codebook
It is noted that these solutions may be applied for both dynamic SL resource
allocation mode 1 and semi-persistent resource allocation mode 1 (e.g., type
2 configured grant in SL mode 1 (note: type 2 configured grant is configured
by RRC and is activated by DCI-SL) or type 1 configured grant in SL mode 1
(note: type 1 configured grant is activated by RRC configuration))
UE reports SL HARQ-ACK information in a PUCCH only for one (or “X”) PSSCH
for all PSSCH candidates. Note: UE only expects to receive one PSSCH
successfully before UE reports the SL HARQ feedback. In one approach, X
may be reported by UE capability.
HARQ codebook is generated per source ID/UE identity. For example, if
DCI_SL indicates UE to report HARQ feedback on a PUCCH resource, UE will
generates HARQ codebook by excluding PSSCH candidates and/or PSCCH
candidates which are not transmitted from the same source ID/UE identity
as source ID/UE identity contained in the DCI_SL (or specifically SCI
contained in the DCI_SL).
UCI: Uplink control information, which comprises SR, HARQ, and CSI
feedback on PUCCH resource
How to differentiate eMBB and URLLC service on Uu interface: UE may treat
a data in PDSCH as URLLC service if there is an indicator contained in the
scheduling DCI. In another approach, UE may treat a data in PDSCH as URLLC
service according to DCI format. In another approach, UE may treat a data in
PDSCH as URLLC service according to sub-slot numerology for HARQ
feedback. In another approach, UE may treat a data in PDSCH as URLLC
service according to RNTIL. In another approach, UE may treat a data in
PDSCH as URLLC service according to MCS table for the PDSCH.
cannot transmit on PUSCH.
Itis noted that if UE does not support SL HARQ on PUSCH, UE may transmit
PUSCH and drop SL HARQ when the PUCCH resource of SL HARQ overlaps
with PUSCH.
It is noted that if UE supports SL HARQ on PUSCH, UE may transmit SL
HARQ and drop PUSCH when the PUCCH resource of SL HARQ overlaps with
Multiplexing UCI and SL HARQ feedback may be a UE capability, and UE may
inform BS whether it supports multiplexing UCI and SL HARQ feedback
There is a new IE for-SL-HARQ, (note: T/F indicator) contained in PUCCH
resource/PUCCH resource set configuration in RRC/SIB. The PUCCH
resource/PUCCH resources contained in PUCCH resource set may contain SL
HARQ feedback if the for-SL-HARQ indicates “T”.
(for SL HARQ and UCI multiplexing case) if the payload size of PUCCH
resource cannot contain all SL HARQ and UCI bits, there may be a priority
rule to decide which information can be transmitted on the PUCCH resource.
For example, URLLC HARQ> eMBB HARQ > SL HARQ > SR > CSl part | > CSI
part Il (note: URLLC HARQ> eMBB HARQ means URLLC HARQ has higher
priority than eMBB HARQ ).
In one approach, the priority of SLHARQ depends on the priority information
indicator (e.g., PPPP) in the scheduling SCI.
In one approach, there is a threshold configured in RRC signaling for UCI of
eMBB (eMBB HARQ or eMBB SR or eMBB CSI feedback). If the priority
information indicator in the scheduling SCl is less than the threshold for UCI
of eMBB (note: smaller value of priority indicator means more important),
UE may drop UCI for eMBB. Otherwise, UE may drop SL HARQ.
In one approach, there is a threshold configured in RRC signaling for UCI of
URLLC (URLLC HARQ or URLLC SR or URLLC CSI feedback). If the priority
information indicator in the scheduling SCl is less than the threshold for UCI
of URLLC (note: smaller value of priority indicator means more important),
UE may drop UCI for URLLC. Otherwise, UE may drop SL HARQ.
It is noted that eMBB and URLLC here refer to eMBB and URLLC service via
(for case that SL HARQ and UCI are independently reported) if the
time/frequency domain of SL HARQ PUCCH resource overlaps with UCI
HARQ PUCCH resource, there may be a priority rule to decide which
information can be transmitted on the resource. For example, PUCCH
resource containing URLLC HARQ> PUCCH resource containing eMBB HARQ
> PUCCH resource containing SL HARQ > PUCCH resource containing SR >
PUCCH resource containing CSI part | > PUCCH resource containing CSI part
Il. In one approach, the priority of SL HARQ depends on the priority
information indicator (e.g., PPPP) in the scheduling SCI. It is noted that the
priority of PUCCH resource depends on the highest priority of UCI contained
in the PUCCH resource
In one approach, there is a threshold configured in RRC signaling for UCI of
eMBB (eMBB HARQ or eMBB SR or eMBB CSl). If the priority information
indicator in the scheduling SCI is less than the threshold (note: more
important), UE may drop UCI for eMBB.
In one approach, there is a threshold configured in RRC signaling for UCI of
URLLC (URLLC HARQ or URLLC SR or URLLC CSlI). If the priority information
indicator in the scheduling SCI is less than the threshold (note: more
important), UE may drop UCI for URLLC.
4 Solution elaboration
4.1 generate HARQ codebook for SL resource allocation 1
n+3 (note: n+KO_SL_x). If one DL/FL symbol overlapped with the PSSCH
candidates scheduled by the DCI_SL, UE may exclude those PSSCH candidates.
The remaining PSSCH candidates are denoted as valid PSSCH candidates.
3 ifatleast one symbol of the PSCCH candidate time resource indicated by a DCI_SL
is configured as DL/FL, the PSCCH candidate is excluded from PSCCH candidate
lists. For example, if RRC configures KO_1={0,1,2,3}
and UE receives one DCI_SL in
slot n, the PSCCH candidate are located on slot n+0, slot n+1, slot n+2, or slot n+3
(note: n+K0_1_x). If one DL/FL symbol overlapped with the PSCCH candidates
scheduled by the DCI_SL, UE may exclude those PSCCH candidates. The remaining
PSSCH candidates are denoted as valid PSCCH candidates.
slot #n
5 e PO
Ko_1 KO 2 Ki_PSSTH
Figure 3. example of embodiment 2 of 4.1.2
In another approach, UE may consider the PSSCHs scheduled by the DCI_SL
as PSSCHs candidates according to all entries of PSSCH-
TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-DCI_SL as shown in Figure 4. For example, in
figure 4, if K1I_PSSCH={1, 2, 3, 4 slot(s)}and KO_SL = {0,1,2 slot(s)} are configured
in RRC signaling and UE is indicated to transmit SL HARQ feedback on PUCCH
resource 406 in slot #n according to DCI_SL contained on the PDCCH 400 in slot
#n-6 and SCI contained on PSCCH 402 in slot#n-2 (note: we assume UE only
receives SCI successfully on the PSCCH 402 is in the same slot #n-2 as PSSCH and
SClindicates that UE selects “4” from K1_PSSCH lists). Then, UE may further check
valid PSSCH candidates by assuming there are PSSCH transmitted on slot n-6+0,
n-6+1, and n-6+2 (note: n-6+KO_SL_x). Afterwards, UE may generate SL HARQ
information for each PSSCH candidate.
siot #n1
slot#n-6 PSCCH 402 PUCCH 406
Ko_st T xalesscn
Figure 4. another approach of embodiment 2 of 4.1.2
PSSCH candidate.
slot #n
K1_st slot #n
PSCCH 502 CCH 806
indicated to transmit SL HARQ feedback on PUCCH resource 706 in slot #n
according to DCI_SL contained on the PDCCH 700 in slot n-5, slot n-6, slot n-7 or
slot n-8 (note: slot n-K1_SL_x), UE may also check whether there are valid PSCCH
candidates on slot n-5+3+0, slot n-5+3+1, slot n-5+3+2,..., n-8+3+2 (note: n-
K1_SL_x+3+K0_1_x) on PSCCH 702 in slot n-5+0, n-5+1, n-5+2,..., or n-8+2 (note:
slot n-K1_SL_x+KO_1_x). Then, after excluding invalid PSCCH candidates, UE may
check whether there are valid PSSCH candidates on slot n-5+0+0, slot n-5+0+1,
slot n-5+0+2,..., n-8+2+2 (note: n-K1_SL_x+KO_1_x+K0_2_x). Afterwards, UE may
generate SL HARQ information for each PSSCH candidate.
KI_SiL slot #n
SL HARQ codebook type may be the same as the HARQ codebook type of the
cell which containing scheduling information (i.e., DCI_SL).
For example, UE is configured to perform SL transmission on cell#0 and “pdsch-
HARQ-ACK-Codebook” of cell#0 indicates that HARQ codebook type on cell#0 is
“dynamic codebook”. Therefore, UE expects to generate dynamic HARQ
codebook, which means UE may expect that SCl or DCI_SL contains SL_DAI (i.e.,
downlink assignment index for SL) for dynamic SL HARQ codebook.
] SL-PUCCHresource
Indicate PUCCH resource dedicated for SL
UE is not expected that time/frequency domain resource of any SL-PUCCHresource overlap with
PUCCH-resource for UCI
i i not configured, UE will multiplex SL HARQ with UCI on PUCCH resource for UCI
OET MUK i Boolean
Indicate whether UE can perform UCI and SL HARQ multiplexing or not
fig d, the UE multipl SL HARQ with UCIby defaul
Indicate whether UE can transmit SL HARQ on PUSCH or not
{ If not configured, the UE cannot transmit SL HARQ on PUSCH
intraSlotFraaicncyiopplng ENOMERATED { enabled |}
BecondHopPRE PRE 1d
format CHOTCE {
farmato PUCCH: formatD,
Farmatl BUCOH format1,
Formar PUCOH: formet2,
Eoxmard BUCCH- Format 3,
formatd BUCCH- formatd
BUCGEH format-x iis SEOURNCT/
ShiEaICudlicBnitE INTEGER (% 0. x ),
prafsvnbels TNTEGER (v 0 v,
Btartingsinbol Todex TNTESER(L G. o2 ny
Indicate this PUCCH can transmit SL HARQ on PUSCH or not
It not configured, the UE cannot transmit SL HARQ on the PUCCH
5 (for SL HARQ and UCI multiplexing case) if the payload size of PUCCH resource
cannot contain all SL HARQ and UCI bits, there may be a priority rule to decide
which information can be transmitted on the PUCCH resource. For example,
URLLC HARQ> eMBB HARQ > SL HARQ > SR > CSl part | > CSl part Il
For example, UE is indicated to transmit SL HARQ feedback on PUCCH resource
#3 and UE is also indicated to transmit Uu HARQ feedback and CSI feedback on
PUCCH resource #3. If O_SL_ACK (i.e., number of SL HARQ bits) + O_ACK (i.e.,
number of Uu HARQ feedback bits)+ O_CSI (i.e., number of CS| feedback) + O_CRC
(i.e., total bits of CRC for SL HARQ, Uu HARQ and CSI feedback) is larger than
payload size of PUCCH resource #3 (note: payload size of PUCCH resource may be
related to number of PRB, number of symbols, modulation and/or code rate), the
UE may drop CSI feedback first and then SL HARQ until O_SL_ACK + O_ACK +
O_CSI + O_CRC is smaller than payload size of PUCCH resource #3
In one approach, the priority of SLHARQ depends on the priority information
indicator (e.g., PPPP) in the scheduling SCI. For example, UE is configured with a
threshold (e.g., “3”) for dropping eMBB UCI, and if PPPP in a SCl or a DCI_SL is “2”,
UE may drop eMBB UCI if the PUCCH resource of the eMBB UCI overlapped with
SL HARQ feedback of the PSSCH scheduled by the SCI or the DCI_SL.
6 (forcase that SLHARQ and UCl are independently reported) if the time/frequency
domain of SL HARQ PUCCH resource overlaps with UCI HARQ PUCCH resource,
there may be a priority rule to decide which information can be transmitted on
the resource. For example, PUCCH resource containing URLLC HARQ> PUCCH
resource containing eMBB HARQ, > PUCCH resource containing SL HARQ > PUCCH
resource containing SR > PUCCH resource containing CSI part | > PUCCH resource
containing CSI partIl.
For example, UE is indicated to transmit SL HARQ feedback on SL-PUCCH resource
#3in 10" and 11*" symbols of slot n and UE is also indicated to transmit Uu HARQ,
feedback and CSI feedback on PUCCH resource #2 in 9™ and 10 symbols of slot
n. Since SL-PUCCH resource #3 and PUCCH resource #2 are (partially) overlapped,
UE may drop SL HARQ and SL-PUCCH resource #3 but only transmit PUCCH
resource #2 for Uu HARQ feedback on slot n.
In one approach, the priority of SL HARQ depends on the priority information
indicator (e.g., PPPP) in the scheduling SCI. It is noted that the priority of PUCCH
resource is depended on the highest priority of UCI contained in the PUCCH
resource. For example, UE is configured with a threshold (e.g., “1”) for dropping
URLLC UCI, and if PPPP in a SCl or a DCI_SL is “2”, UE may drop URLLC UCI if the
PUCCH resource of the URLLC UCI overlapped with SL HARQ feedback of the
PSSCH scheduled by the SCI or the DCI_SL.
5. Tentative Claims
In this material, we propose methods for dealing with SL HARQ feedback for
The description in this application contains specific information pertaining to
present disclosure will occur to those skilled in the art. Unless noted otherwise, like
reference numerals. Moreover, the drawings and illustrations in the present disclosure
are generally not to scale and are not intended to correspond to actual relative
For the purpose of consistency and ease of understanding, like features are
identified (although, in some examples, not shown) by numerals in the example figures.
and thus shall not be narrowly confined to what is shown in the figures.
characteristic. Further, repeated use of the phrase “in one implementation,” or “in an
characterize that all implementations of the present application must include the
mean “at least some implementations of the present application” includes the stated
means “including, but not necessarily limited to”; it specifically indicates open-ended
such as functional entities, techniques, protocols, standard, and the like are set forth
the like are omitted so as not to obscure the description with unnecessary details.
Persons skilled in the art will immediately recognize that any network function(s)
computers with communication processing capability may be programmed with
corresponding executable instructions and carry out the described network function(s)
using one or more Digital Signal Processor (DSPs). Although some of the example
The computer readable medium includes but is not limited to Random Access
flash memory, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD ROM), magnetic cassettes,
magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage, or any other equivalent medium capable of
includes at least one base station, at least one User Equipment (UE), and one or more
communicates with the network (e.g., a Core Network (CN), an Evolved Packet Core
It should be noted that, in the present application, a UE may include, but is not
limited to, a mobile station, a mobile terminal or device, a user communication radio
terminal, etc. For example, a UE may be a portable radio equipment, which includes,
but is not limited to, a mobile phone, a tablet, a wearable device, a sensor, or a
configured to receive/transmit signals over an air interface from/to one or more cells
A base station may include, but is not limited to, a Node B (NB) as in the UMTS, an
evolved Node B (eNB) as in the LTE-A, a Radio Network Controller (RNC) as in the UMTS,
station in connection with the 5GC, a next generation Node B (gNB) as in the 5G-AN,
and any other apparatus capable of controlling radio communication and managing
radio resources within a cell. The base station may connect to serve the one or more
communications (GSM, often referred to as 2G), GSM EDGE radio access Network
Multiple Access (W-CDMA), High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA), LTE, LTE-A, elTE
(evolved LTE), New Radio (NR, often referred to as 5G), and/or LTE-A Pro. However, the
scope of the present application should not be limited to the above mentioned
area using a plurality of cells forming the radio access network. The base station
supports the operations of the cells. Each cell is operable to provide services to at least
one UE within its radio coverage. More specifically, each cell (often referred to as a
serving cell) provides services to serve one or more UEs within its radio coverage, (e.g.,
each cell schedules the downlink and optionally uplink resources to at least one UE
within its radio coverage for downlink and optionally uplink packet transmissions). The
base station can communicate with one or more UEs in the radio communication
system through the plurality of cells. A cell may allocate Sidelink (SL) resources for
supporting Proximity Service (ProSe). Each cell may have overlapped coverage areas
while fulfilling high reliability, high data rate and low latency requirements. The
may serve as a baseline for NR waveform. The scalable OFDM numerology, such as the
adaptive sub-carrier spacing, the channel bandwidth, and the Cyclic Prefix (CP), may
also be used. Additionally, two coding schemes are considered for NR: (1) Low-Density
Parity-Check (LDPC) code and (2) polar code. The coding scheme adaption may be
frame, at least DownLink (DL) transmission data, a guard period, and UpLink (UL)
transmission data, the guard period, and the UL transmission data should also be
describing associated objects, and represents that three relationships may exist. For
example, A and/or B may indicate that: A exists alone, A and B exist at the same time,
and B exists alone. In addition, the character “/” herein generally represents that the
this application
Fig. KKK illustrates a block diagram of a node for wireless communication, in
accordance with various aspects of the present application. As shown in Fig. KKK, a
node KKKOO may include a transceiver KKK20, a processor KKK28, a memory KKK34,
one or more presentation components KKK38, and at least one antenna KKK36. The
node KKKOO may also include an RF spectrum band module, a base station
and power supply (not explicitly shown in FIG. KKK). Each of these components may
be in communication with each other, directly or indirectly, over one or more buses
KKK40. In one implementation, the node KKKOO may be a UE or a base station that
performs various functions described herein, for example, with reference to Figs. 1
through KKK-1.
different types of subframes and slots including, but not limited to, usable, non-usable
and flexibly usable subframes and slot formats. The transceiver KKK20 may be
readable media can be any available media that can be accessed by the node KKKOO
and include both volatile and non-volatile media, removable and non-removable
media. By way of example, and not limitation, computer-readable media may comprise
implemented in any method or technology for storage of information such as
Computer storage media includes RAM, ROM, EEPROM, flash memory or other
memory technology, CD-ROM, Digital Versatile Disks (DVD) or other optical disk
storage, magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic
storage devices. Computer storage media does not comprise a propagated data signal.
structures, program modules or other data in a modulated data signal such as a carrier
wave or other transport mechanism and includes any information delivery media. The
term “modulated data signal” means a signal that has one or more of its characteristics
example, and not limitation, communication media includes wired media such as a
wired network or direct-wired connection, and wireless media such as acoustic, RF,
infrared and other wireless media. Combinations of any of the above should also be
The memory KKK34 may include computer-storage media in the form of volatile
optical-disc drives, and etc. As illustrated in Fig. KKK, The memory KKK34 may store
that are configured to, when executed, cause the processor KKK28 to perform various
functions described herein, for example, with reference to Figs. 1 through KKK-1.
Alternatively, the instructions KKK32 may not be directly executable by the processor
KKK28 but be configured to cause the node KKKOO (e.g., when compiled and executed)
The processor KKK28 (e.g., having processing circuitry) may include an intelligent
hardware device, e.g., a Central Processing Unit (CPU), a microcontroller, an ASIC, and
etc. The processor KKK28 may include memory. The processor KKK28 may process
the data KKK30 and the instructions KKK32 received from the memory KKK34, and
information through the transceiver KKK20, the base band communications module,
and/or the network communications module. The processor KKK28 may also process
information to be sent to the transceiver KKK20 for transmission through the antenna
From the above description, it is manifested that various techniques may be used
for implementing the concepts described in the present application without departing
from the scope of those concepts. Moreover, while the concepts have been
in the art would recognize that changes may be made in form and detail without
departing from the scope of those concepts. As such, the described implementations
are to be considered In all respects as illustrative and not restrictive. It should also
substitutions are possible without departing from the scope of the present disclosure.
Memory KKK40
Data KKK20
KKK30 Transmitter
Instructions Receiver
Components -
KKK38 T nstructions |
- =
Fig. KKK
Remark: Priority document submitted or transmitted to the International Bureau in compliance with Rule
17.1(a),(b) or (b-bis)