Impact of Fortification With Honey On Some Propert
Impact of Fortification With Honey On Some Propert
Impact of Fortification With Honey On Some Propert
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El-Tahra M. A. Ammar1; Magdy M. Ismail *2; Abd El-Wahab E. Khalil1 and Mohamed Z. Eid2
Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, El-Mansoura, Egypt.
Dairy Technology Department, Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Received 29. 9. 2014 The effect of supplementation with honey on yoghurt quality was studied. Five treatments of yoghurt were made from buffaloe's and
Revised 31. 3. 2015 cow's milk mixture (1:1). Control yoghurt was made using classic yoghurt culture, whereas the other four treatments were made by ABT
Accepted 31. 3. 2015 culture and milk fortified with 0, 2, 4, and 6% honey. Changes in rheological, chemical, microbial and organoleptic properties of
Published 1. 6. 2015 yoghurt were monitored during refrigerated storage (4°C) of yoghurt for 15 d. Results showed that addition of honey to milk had no
significant effect on ABT starter activity. A curd tension increased, whereas curd syneresis decreased in bio-yoghurt fortified with
honey. Acidity, TS, WSN and TVFA contents of yoghurt supplemented with honey were higher than those of control. The contents of
Regular article
fat, ash and TN were similar in both. Addition of honey to yoghurt improved the viability of bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria counts were
similar to accepted threshold (106 cfu g-1) for a probiotic effect. Also, addition of honey improved the body, texture and flavour of the
Yogurt is an important dairy product, particularly for consumers with lactose Starter Cultures and Honey
intolerance. Yogurt is considered a healthy food because it contains viable
bacteria that are considered probiotics. LA and Bifidobacterium spp. also have A commercial classic yoghurt starter containing Streptococcus thermophillus and
been reported to increase immunity of the host animals (Hughes and Hoover, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (1:1) and ABT-5 culture which
1991), lower the level of harmful enzymes such as α-glucosidase and α- consists of S. thermophiles, LA + B. bifidum (Chr. Hansen’s Lab A/S
glucuronidase responsible for catalyzing the conversion of carcinogenic amines Copenhagen, Denmark) were used. Starter cultures were in freeze-dried direct-to-
(Reddy, 1983) and are beneficial for improvement in lactose utilization in lactose vat set form and stored at –18°C until used. Honey was obtained from local
malabsorbers (Shah, 1993). LA and bifidobacteria exert antagonistic effects on market in Damiette Governorate, Egypt.
the growth of pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella
typhimurium, Yersinia enterocolitica and Clostridium perfringens (Ozbas and Yoghurt Preparation
Aytac, 1995). Inoculums size of probiotic bacteria is an important and a key
factor to ensure sufficient viable cells in the final yogurt. Therefore, it is Yoghurt treatments were prepared from fresh buffalo's and cow's milk mixture
imperative for AB-yogurt manufacturers to ensure that at least one million viable 1:1 (acidity 0.17%, pH 6.61, fat 5.1%, TS 14.56% and total protein 3.87%) in
cells of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria g-1 are present at the end of Dairy Laboratory of El-Serw Animal Production Research Station, Animal
fermentation. If the required criterion is met, the number of probiotic bacteria Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center. Five yoghurt
should remain stable throughout the anticipated shelf life (Samona and treatments were made using classic yoghurt or ABT cultures. The first treatment
Robinson, 1994). was manufactured using classic yoghurt starter (control) whereas, treatments
On the other hand, the health benefits of honey have long been realized by from two to five were made by ABT culture and milk fortified with 0, 2, 4, and
humans to treat a variety of ailments. Besides its sugar composition, honey 6% honey, respectively. Fresh milk was tempered to 85°C for 15 min, cooled to
consists of a number of bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, 40°C, fortified with 0, 2, 4 and 6% (wt/wt) honey, inoculated with cultures (0.1 g
flavonoids, carotenoid-like derivatives, organic acids, Maillard reaction products, L-1 of yoghurt mix), transferred to 100-ml plastic cups, incubated at 40°C for
catalase, ascorbic acid, and other compounds which function as antioxidants fully coagulation, and stored at 4°C for 15 days. Yoghurt samples were analyzed
(Bogdanov et al., 2008). Several therapeutic and medicinal effects such as when fresh and after 7 and 15 days of refrigerated storage. Three replicates of
antibacterial, antimutagenic, antiproliferative, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, each treatment were conducted.
and antioxidant effects have been ascribed to honey through last years (Erejuwa
et al., 2010 and Ghashm et al., 2010). Poorani et al. (2012) stated that honey, Chemical Properties
which is naturally available good product with high nutritive and medicinal value
can be used preparing a bifidiogenic milk product by assessing the content of Total solids, fat, TN and ash contents of samples were determined according to
bifidus growth factor and further incorporation will give a valuable product. (AOAC, 2000). Titratable acidity in terms of % lactic acid was measured by
Therefore, the aim of this study was the possibility of increasing the nutritional titrating 10 g of sample mixed with 10 ml of boiling water against 0.1 N NaOH
and health values of bio-yoghurt by adding honey and also possibility of using using phenolphthalein indicator to an end point of faint pink color (Parmar,
honey as a prebiotics for yoghurt cultures. 2003). pH of the sample was measured using a pH meter (Corning pH/ion
analyzer 350, Corning, NY) after calibration with standard buffers (pH 4.0 and
7.0). Water soluble nitrogen (WSN) of yoghurt was estimated according to Ling
(1963). Total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) were determined according to
Kosikowiski (1978).
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Ammar et al. 2015 : 4 (6) 503-508
Rheological Properties tension comparing with control. De Jong (1978) stated that slight differences in
moisture may cause major differences in rheological parameters. Also, Murad et
The curd tension was determined using the method of Chandrasekhara et al. al. (1998) and El-Nemer et al. (2003) showed that the hardness related to dry
(1957) whereas the curd syneresis was measured as given by Mehanna and matter of the product. In contrast to our results Ayad, et al. (2010) stated that
Mehanna (1989). For test of coagulation time during yoghurt making, milk was supplementation of yoghurt with honey and talbina (cooked barley bran flour) or
inculcated with starters and incubated at 40°C then coagulation was noticed at 30 with molasses and talbina decreased the hardness which could be due to the
min intervals. ability of polysaccharides in honey and molasses to bind with significant amount
of free water. However the same authors also cleared that a positive relationship
Microbiological Analyses was found between hardness and TS% which increased in honey or molasses
yoghurt. Regarding of curd syneresis, bio-yoghurt fortified with honey possessed
The count of bifidobacteria was determined according to Dinakar and Mistry lower syneresis values than those of control.
(1994). A mixture of antibiotics, including 2 g of neomycin sulfate, 4 g of
paromomycin sulfate, 0.3 g of nalidixic acid, and 60 g of lithium chloride Changes in chemical composition of yoghurt
(NPNL, Sigma Chemical Co.), was prepared in 1 L of distilled water, filter-
sterilized (0.22 um), and stored at 4°C until use. The mixture of antibiotics (5 ml) The effect of using ABT culture and supplementation of yoghurt with 2, 4 and
was added to 100 ml of MRS agar medium. Cysteine-HC1 was added at the rate 6% honey on the titratable acidity (% lactic acid), pH, total solids (TS%), Fat%
of 0.05% to decrease the redox potential of the medium. Plates were incubated at and Ash% during the refrigerated storage was illustrated in Table 3. Using of
37°C for 48 to 72 h under anaerobic condition. ABT starter (treatment B) decreased titratable acidity ratios and increased pH
values of fresh yoghurt and during storage period (15 days) as compared with
Organoleptic Analysis that made by classic culture (treatment A). Acidity percentages of samples A and
B at zero time were 0.79 and 0.62%, respectively. These results agreed with
Samples of yoghurt were organoleptically scored by the staff of the El-Serw Shihata and Shah (2002) and disagreed with Kehagias et al. (2006). Shihata
Animal Production Research Station. The score points were 50 for flavour, 35 for and Shah (2002) reported that the ABT cultures are known to produce yoghurt
body and texture and 15 for colour and appearance, which give a total score of with a fine, mild taste and low post acidification whereas Kehagias et al. (2006)
100 points (El-Shazly et al., 2008). stated that the addition of bifidobacteria to yoghurt starter increased acidity of
yoghurt which attributed to the formation of both acetic and lactic acids by B.
Statistical Analysis bifidum. In bio-yoghurt special attention should be given to avoid over
acidification since this could affect the stability of bifidobacteria during storage
The obtained results were statistically analyzed using a software package (SAS, period. No significant differences in TS, fat and ash contents between yoghurt
1991) based on analysis of variance. When F-test was significant, least made using classic or ABT cultures at zero time or within storage period. These
significant difference (LSD) was calculated according to Duncan (1955) for the results were confirmed by resulted of Ayad, et al. (2010) who stated that TS,
comparison between means. The data presented, in the tables, are the mean (± SNF, fat, F/DM and protein values in bifidus yoghurt-like products were not
standard deviation) of 3 experiments. affected by bifidobacteria incorporation with yoghurt-like products.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 Effect of adding honey to buffaloe's and cow's milk mixture on activity
of ABT culture (expressed as acidity percentage)
Changes in acidity during fermentation of yogurt Incubation time (min)
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
For measurement of starter activity as affected by adding 2, 4 and 6 % honey, the A 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.23 0.33 0.42 0.52
development of acidity values (as lactic acid percentages) of buffaloe's and cow's B 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.39 0.48
milk mixture inoculated with classic yoghurt and ABT cultures was determined
C 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.29 0.38 0.46
at 30 min intervals till 180 min. Results were tabulated in Table 1. As it is
D 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.29 0.37 0.46
expected, a gradual increase of titratable acidity values in control and all samples
was noticed during incubation for 180 min. Acidity percentages of treatment A at E 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.44
A- Yoghurt made using classic yoghurt starter (control)
the beginning and the end of incubation time were 0.15 and 0.52%, respectively. B- Yoghurt made using ABT
Both acidity ratios and the development of acidity rats within fermentation were a C- Yoghurt made using ABT + 2% honey
little bit higher in milk inoculated with classic starter (treatment A) than that of D- Yoghurt made using ABT + 4% honey
milk inoculated with ABT culture (treatment B). These outcomes are similar to E- Yoghurt made using ABT + 6% honey
that reported by Damin et al. (2008) who stated that milk fermented with
Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis had the lowest post
acidification. This behavior could be explained by the limited capacity of Table 2 Effect of using of ABT culture and adding of honey to buffaloe's and
Bifidobacterium to produce organic acids at low temperatures (Mattila- cow's milk mixture on rheological properties of yoghurt
Sandholm et al., 2002). Curd Curd syneresis (g 15 g-1 of curd)*
As shown from Table 1, the addition of various concentrations of honey to Treatments tension Time (min)
time (h)
yoghurt milk had no significant effect on the acidity values during the 180 min of (g) 10 30 60 120
fermentation. After 180 min of incubation time, the acidity level was 0.48% for A 3.00 32.55 1.52 2.99 3.97 5.16
yoghurt made by ABT (treatment B) and lowered to 0.46, 0.46 and 0.44% for B 3.20 32.73 1.76 3.11 4.14 5.37
yoghurt fortified with 2, 4 and 6% honey, respectively. These results are C 3.25 33.22 1.50 2.90 4.03 5.19
generally in harmony with those reported by Varga (2006) who found that the D 3.30 34.68 1.55 3.03 4.01 5.23
honey had no significant effect on pH and lactic acid levels of the final products. E 3.30 35.83 1.57 3.06 4.08 5.26
*Whey excluded (g) from 15 g of curd kept at room temperature after 10, 30, 60 and 120
Changes in rheological properties of yoghurt min.
The effect of using ABT culture and adding different levels of honey to On the other hand, addition of honey to yoghurt (treatments C, D and E) slightly
buffaloe’s and cow’s milk mixture on coagulation time, curd tension and curd increased titratable acidity and decreased pH values which could be attributed to
syneresis were presented in Table 2. The contribution of bifidobacteria with fructooligosacchrides in honey (Akalin et al., 2007). Abd El-Salam et al. (2011)
yoghurt culture has slightly changed the rheological attitude. Similar observation cleared that the pH and titratable acidity of yoghurt supplemented with honey
was reported by Hassan et al. (2003). Coagulation time of control treatment (A) affected slightly compared with that supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis
was 3 h and slightly increased to 3.20 h as result of using ABT culture in yoghurt Bb.12. On the contrary, Varga (2006) reported that honey has the ability to
manufacture (treatment B). These results may be attributed to the slow acid decrease solutions sourness. This property might serve to increase consumer
production of ABT starter as compared with that of classic yoghurt. Saccaro et acceptability to acidic products such as yogurt. Yoghurt acidity and pH value
al. (2009) found that growth of probiotic strains, when grown singly or blends were affected (P<0.001) by treatments and the interaction of treatment × age
with yoghurt cultures affected the fermentation time and the rate of acidification. (Tables 3 and 7). Titratable acidity values of all yoghurt treatments were
No significant differences were obtained in curd tension values between acceptable according to Mehanna et al. (2003a) and Mortazavian et al. (2007)
treatments A and B. The results of curd syneresis indicated that slight increasing while were less than recommended by Egyptian Standards (2005). Fortification
in yoghurt syneresis was found in sample B. of yoghurt with honey increased TS content and the increasing rate was
Blending of honey with milk caused very slight increase in coagulation time of proportional to the honey ratios added. Total solids contents of treatments B, C,
yoghurt (Table 2). Values of coagulation time of treatments B, C, D and E were D and E after 7 days of storage were 15.60, 17.11, 18.51 and 20.09%,
3.20, 3.25, 3.30 and 3.30 h, respectively. Because adding honey raised the total respectively. Fat and ash contents were not affected by honey incorporation with
solids content of milk, the produced honey yoghurt had the highest values of curd bio-yoghurt. Generally, during storage titratable acidity values of all treatments
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Ammar et al. 2015 : 4 (6) 503-508
and control increased due to the activity of the starter culture. These results affect on the TS, TP, fat and lactose ratios of yoghurt, Bioghurt, Bifighurt and
agreed with Vijayalakshmi et al. (2010) who found that a significant increase in Biogarde.
acidity and decrease in pH were noticed in low fat yoghurt during the storage Using of classic starter increased WSN content of the resulted yoghurt as
period but within the permissible levels. Also, TS, fat and ash contents of all compared with using ABT culture (Table 4). This may be due to proteolytic
treatments increased due to the loss of moisture during storage period. Similar activity (endopeptidase) of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus which hydrolyzed
observation was reported by Farag et al. (2007). The statistical analysis of casein to polypeptides then; the later was hydrolyzed to amino acids with
variance (Table 7) showed that the differences in acidity and TS values between exopeptidases produced by S. thermophilus (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). In
treatments and the effect of storage time were significant (P<0.001). all yoghurt treatments, WSN contents significantly increased during storage
The contents of TN, TN/DM, WSN, WSN/TN and TVFA of yoghurt as affected period. WSN content of treatment B at zero time was 0.134% and increased to
by using various cultures and supplementation with honey were represented in 0.178% at the end of storage period. These results suggest some degradation in
Table 4. The effect of storage time on TN content was more significant (P<0.001) yoghurt protein during storage as also found by El-Shibiny et al. (1979) and
than those of starter type or incorporation of honey. As storage period advanced, Mehanna and Hefnawy (1988). Fortification of yoghurt with 2, 4 and 6% honey
TN values of all treatments raised while they nearly remained constant between (samples C, D and E) slightly increased WSN contents which may refer to the
different treatments. These results are in agreement with those obtained by stimulation effect of fructooligosaccharides in honey on bifidobacteria (Akalin et
Akalin (1996), who reported that the type culture used in the fermentation didn't al., 2004).
Table 3 Effect of using ABT culture and adding of honey on the chemical composition of yoghurt
Storage Acidity pH TS Fat Fat/DM Ash
period (days) % values % % % %
Fresh 0.79 4.70 15.47 5.9 38.14 0.88
A 7 1.09 4.42 15.56 5.9 37.91 0.91
15 1.25 4.21 15.70 6.0 38.22 0.95
Fresh 0.62 4.98 15.51 5.8 37.39 0.86
B 7 0.84 4.76 15.60 5.8 37.79 0.89
15 1.01 4.53 15.72 6.0 38.17 0.93
Fresh 0.69 4.87 16.98 5.9 34.75 0.89
C 7 0.90 4.64 17.11 6.0 35.07 0.92
15 1.08 4.46 17.25 6.1 35.36 0.92
Fresh 0.72 4.82 18.34 5.8 31.62 0.89
D 7 0.95 4.59 18.51 5.8 31.33 0.91
15 1.11 4.42 18.66 5.9 31.62 0.96
Fresh 0.73 4.80 19.91 5.7 28.63 0.90
E 7 0.97 4.56 20.09 5.8 28.87 0.92
15 1.11 4.41 20.28 5.9 29.09 0.95
Total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) are taken as a measure of the degree of fat slightly higher than those of yoghurt made using ABT culture. On the other side,
hydrolysis during storage (Table 4). As storage time increased, TVFA contents it could be seen that the yoghurt contained various levels of honey showed the
significantly (P< 0.001) increased in all yoghurt treatments. These increases may highest increase of TVFA. In supplementary, Chick et al. (2001) mentioned that
be due to small degree of lipolysis exhibited by L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, the organic acids production was enhanced when bifidobacteria were grown in
L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus. Lactobacillus produces more TVFA than S. the presence of honey, where various oligosaccharides found in honey may be
thermophilus. The increases of TVFA contents also may be due to oxidative responsible for enhancing organic acids production by bifidobacteria. Honey also
deamination and decarboxylation of amino acids, which convert the amino acids contains a variety of organic acids (0.17 to 1.17%) such as acetic, butyric, citric,
into its corresponding volatile fatty acids (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). Total formic, gluconic, lactic, malic, pyroglutamic and succinic acids (NHB, 1996).
volatile fatty acids of yoghurt manufactured using classic starter were very
Table 4 Effect of using ABT culture and adding of honey on TN, WSN and TVFA contents of yoghurt
period (days) % % % %
Fresh 0.694 4.49 0.151 21.76 6.0
A 7 0.701 4.50 0.173 24.68 6.7
15 0.722 4.60 0.185 25.62 7.7
Fresh 0.697 4.49 0.143 20.52 5.8
B 7 0.704 4.51 0.166 23.58 6.4
15 0.724 4.60 0.178 24.58 7.3
Fresh 0.695 4.09 0.146 21.01 6.0
C 7 0.703 4.11 0.168 23.90 6.6
15 0.719 4.17 0.180 25.03 7.6
Fresh 0.690 3.76 0.148 21.45 6.4
D 7 0.702 3.79 0.171 24.36 7.2
15 0.720 3.86 0.182 25.28 7.9
Fresh 0.696 3.49 0.152 21.84 6.5
E 7 0.704 3.50 0.174 24.71 7.5
15 0.721 3.55 0.187 25.94 8.6
* expressed as ml 0.1 NaOH 100 g-1 cheese
Changes in bifidobacteria counts of yoghurt improve the microbial balance of the intestine. Bifidobacteria, however, are
fastidious microorganisms. Keeping their numbers large enough to be meaningful
Data of counts of bifidobacteria of yogurts made using classic and ABT cultures can be a challenge to food manufacturers. Honey contains a small percentage of
are shown in Table 5. Counts of bifidobacteria gradually declined through oligosaccharides that could serve as a food source for these beneficial bacteria,
refrigerated preservation of yoghurt. Loss of viability of probiotic bacteria in thereby, making honey a “prebiotic” for the “probiotic” dairy food. Mehanna et
fermented milk was reported to be due to acid injury to the organisms (Shah, al. (2003b) and Sanz et al. (2005) found that as a prebiotic, honey contains
2000). However, slight increasing of acidity ratios of honey samples (Table 3) carbohydrates called oligosaccharides, which may improve gastrointestinal health
which have negative effect on probiotic cultures as low acid tolerance, by stimulating the growth of good bacteria in the colon. Honey has been shown
bifidobacteria count of samples contained honey were higher than those of to enhance growth, activity of bifidobacteria in fermented dairy food. Abd- El-
control which may be caused by oligosaccharides presence in honey. Salam et al. (2011) stated that supplementation of yoghurt with honey and B.
Oligosaccharides were found to enhance the viability of starter culture as lactis improved growth of bacterial starter.
prebiotics (El-Baz and Zommara, 2007). Ustunol (2000) cleared that dairy However, a little decrease of bifidobacteria numbers was observed during storage
products are the favored food for introducing lactic acid bacteria and period. The recommended level of bifidobacteria is of 106 or 107 cfu g-1 as a
bifidobacteria into the human digestive tract. The purpose for doing this is to probiotic, while, this number was exceeded for all treatments of bio-yoghurt
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Ammar et al. 2015 : 4 (6) 503-508
around 106 cfu g-1 until the end of storage period. After 15 days of storage period, formulation with the highest concentration of honey (that is, 10% w/v) was too
bifidobacteria counts of treatments B, C, D and E were 1.7, 2.3, 2.7 and 3.5 x10 6 sweet and was evaluated as strong in honey flavour. However, the yogurt samples
cfu g-1, respectively. Ouwehand and Salminen (1998) stated that in order to containing 5% (w/v) of honey were found to have optimum sweetness. The
exhibit positive health effects of probiotics, they have to deliver in certain points allocated for colour, body-texture and taste showed that an increase in
numbers. As a guide, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) suggested a honey content brought about an improvement in the texture, flavour and aroma of
minimum of 107 cfu of probiotics g-1 product should be alive at the time of the products (P<0.05). Also, they cleared that the addition of honey had a good
consumption. Similar results and recommendations were obtained by Moreno et effect on sensory properties of fermented milk with bifidobacteria (P<0.05), and
al. (2006) and Jayamanne and Adams (2006). a particular noticeable yogurt or probiotic flavour was found. All the samples
gave a good total impression, were medium sour and did not have any marked
Changes in sensory evaluation of yoghurt during refrigerated storage off-flavour during the storage period. None of the sweetened fermented milks
were judged to be weak.
Organoleptic properties evaluation is an important indicator of potential
consumer preferences. The popularity of yoghurt as a food component depends Table 5 Effect of using ABT culture and adding of honey on bifidobacteria count
mainly on its sensory characteristics and addition of different flavours to yoghurt (cfu g-1) of yoghurt
has been found to increase options for consumers and helps in marketing yoghurt Treatments Storage period (days) Bifidobacteria (x 106)
and retaining consumer interests (Routray and Mishra, 2011). Impact of culture
type and incorporation of honey on sensory quality of yoghurt is given in Table Fresh -
6. Organoleptic profiles of yoghurt made using of classic starter were found to be A 7 -
comparable to those of yoghurt samples manufactured by ABT culture at zero 15 -
time and during storage period. Total scores of sensory evaluation for samples A Fresh 2.8
and B at the end of storage period were 89 and 88 respectively. Ayad et al. B 7 2.3
(2010) stated that using bifidus culture with yoghurt culture in yoghurt like 15 1.7
products manufacturing enhanced body and texture of all treatments. Fresh 3.3
Because of the sweet taste of honey, which is preferable for many consumers, it C 7 2.8
was not surprising that the flavour evaluation test of yoghurt supplemented with 15 2.3
different honey concentrations gained the highest scores. Addition of honey not Fresh 3.9
only improved yoghurt flavour, but also body and texture. All honey yoghurt D 7 3.4
samples were considered acceptable. Treatment E (6% honey) received the 15 2.7
highest total score, which may be attributed to the suitable firmness body and Fresh 4.7
sweet taste. Confirmation for these results, it could be seen from Table 2 that E 7 4.0
treatment E had the longest fermentation time (3.30 h) which may resulted in 15 3.5
greater firmness (Damin et al., 2006). Our results are in agreement with those of
Riazi and Ziar (2012) who stated that as for sensory properties, the product
Table 6 Effect of using ABT culture and adding of honey on organoleptic properties of yoghurt
Color & Body &
Storage Flavour Total
Treatments appearance texture
period (days) (50) (100)
(15) (35)
Fresh 13 31 45 89
A 7 13 31 45 89
15 12 29 42 83
Fresh 13 31 44 88
B 7 13 31 44 88
15 12 28 42 87
Fresh 13 33 47 93
C 7 12 33 47 92
15 12 31 46 89
Fresh 13 34 48 95
D 7 13 34 48 95
15 12 32 46 90
Fresh 13 34 48 95
E 7 12 34 48 94
15 12 33 47 92
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