Cockle Shell Mining Process
Cockle Shell Mining Process
Cockle Shell Mining Process
Cockle Shell
Add: 500 West, cross road of Rizhao and Industrial road, Zhengzhou city, China
A cockle is an edible marine bivalve mollusk. Many small edible bivalves are loosely called cockles, true cockles are species
in the family Cardiidae.
A bivalve is an animal that has two hinged shells, which are called valves. All bivalves are mollusks. Examples of bivalves are
clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. Bivalves are found in both freshwater and marine environments.
Calcium oxide (CaO) is usually produced via thermal decomposition of limestones obtained through mining and quarrying.
However, this study manages to exploit the vast availability of natural calcium sources (Anadara granosa) or locally known
as cockle shell in Sea lines. The efficiency of the calcination process that transforms calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to calcium
oxide (CaO) was often depended on the variable involved. Therefore, we wish to demonstrate the effects of experimental
variables (calcination temperature, heating rates and particle sizes) on calcination of CaCO3 via thermos-gravimetric
analyser (TGA). Analysis of XRF, XRD and SEM were also conducted on the CaO produced after calcination.
Cockle shells were obtained from the local market. Refined palm olein of Tenera hybrid was purchased from Delima Oil
Products, Malaysia. The fatty acids composition of the oil was found as: myristic acid 0.8%, palmitic acid 41.3%, stearic
acid 3.6%, oleic acid 44.0%, linoleic acid 9.8%, and traces of other acids.
An estimate of the availability of shell for use in aggregates indicates that there is potentially around 103,000t/yr of shell
waste that may be suitable for aggregate applications & building materials application.
General Production
Calcium carbonate, CaCO3, commonly found in rocks occurs naturally as the main component of crustacean shells. Due to
its varied polymorph properties, the mineral is widely used in diverse applications such as an active ingredient in
agricultural lime, as a heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production, as a biomaterial for use in bone repair and as a
biosorption material to remove heavy metalions. Hengyang Industry Machines for the utilisation of CaCO3 from seashells
has been of recent interest, for example in the utilisation of the mineral from crab shells as a catalyst and a biosorption
material. Apart from highpriced crab and molluscs such as oyster, cockle is inexpensive and consumed as part of the daily
diet. In China, cockle contributes to about 14% of marine aquaculture production. Therefore, there is an abundant supply of
blood cockle shells. In addition, the shells do not have any other important uses and are normally discarded as waste. Due to
the abundance of these seashells, they have a high potential to be utilised as a cheap source of CaCO3 for industrial
Cockle Shell
Hengyang Equipments:
- Crushers
- Screens
- Dryer
- Kiln Furnace
- Milling Machine
- Packing Machine
Cockle shells or Anadara granosa has been touted as an alternative for the calcium carbonate sources instead of using the
limestone. Mining large quantities of rocks can contribute to the environmental damage and engage with the high cost for
environmental compliance. Hengyang’s Technology also proved seashells to have higher composition of calcium oxides
compared to the limestones. After use Hengyang Technology, blood cockle, Anadara granosa, were used as the starting
material. We was design to evaluate the influence of operating conditions on the minerals of Anadara granosa shells by heat
treatment at various temperatures, particle sizes and heating rates, and to subsequently use the resulting material for the
formation of calcium oxide (CaO). CaO associated with carbonaceous material has been of recent interest in applications
such as transesterification catalysts and sorbents for sulphur dioxide. The utilisation of the economic resources of waste
biominerals from blood cockle shells is expected to promote the commercial application of the resulting calcium oxides.
To the best of our knowledge, there are few reports on the exploitation of the vast availability of waste cockle shells from
marine aquaculture as potential natural resources for calcium oxide compared to other seashells such as scallop shell and
oyster shell. Therefore, this study was carried out with intent to determine the influence of different calcination condition
(temperature, heating rate and particle sizes) on the production of calcium oxide using cockle shell as raw materials based
on thermo-gravimetric analyses.
The roller crusher is powered by the V-belt pulley on the motor, and
through a couple of middle reducers, it drives the fixed roller to spin,
and relying on the long gear pulley installed on the other end of the
fixed roller, the dynamic roller is driven. The two rollers of the roll
crusher are moving towards each other for squeezing materials, the
material is crushed between two rollers, and crushed product is
discharged from bottom. Any change of technical parameters, there
is no further notice.
Working principle:
Roller crushers have a theoretical maximum reduction ratio of 4:1. If a 2
inch particle is fed to the roller crusher the absolute smallest size one
could expect from the crusher is 1/2 inch. Roller crushers will only crush
material down to a minimum particle size of about 10 Mesh (2 mm). A
crushes using compression, with four rollers rotating about a shaft,
towards the gap between the rollers. The gap between the rollers can be
adjusted to the size of product desired, with the realization that the largest
feeding particle size can only be 4 times of the gap dimension.
Technical details:
Two cavities
Model Feed Size(мм) Output Size(мм) Motor Power(KW)
4PG0404Ⅱ <20 0.3-10 2-30 2×7.5
4PG0605Ⅱ <30 0.3-15 5-60 2×22
4PG0806Ⅱ <40 0.3-20 8-90 2×30
4PG0809Ⅱ <60 0.3-20 12-120 2×37
4PG0812Ⅱ <60 0.3-20 20-180 2×45
4PG1012Ⅱ <80 0.3-30 30-220 2×55
4PG1212Ⅱ <90 0.3-50 45-320 2×75
4PG1216Ⅱ <90 0.3-50 55-400 2×90
4PG1218Ⅱ <90 0.3-50 70-500 2×110
Three cavities
Model Feed Size(мм) Output Size(мм) Capacity(t/h) Motor Power(KW)
4PG0404Ⅲ <20 0.1-10 2-30 7.5 11
4PG0605Ⅲ <30 0.1-15 5-60 22 30
4PG0806Ⅲ <40 0.1-20 8-90 30 37
4PG0809Ⅲ <60 0.1-20 12-120 37 45
4PG0812Ⅲ <60 0.1-20 20-180 45 55
4PG1012Ⅲ <80 0.1-30 30-220 55 75
4PG1212Ⅲ <90 0.1-50 45-320 75 90
4PG1216Ⅲ <90 0.1-50 55-400 90 110
4PG1218Ⅲ <90 0.1-50 70-500 110 132
Rotary Dryer
Despite the introduction of new technology, the long established Rotary Rotary Dryer is still
widely regarded as the workhorse of many process industries. The robust yet simple
construction combines flexibility with reliability, enabling this type of dryer to handle a vast
range of materials and to operate continuously under the most arduous conditions. The design
also permits the use of the highest possible drying temperatures and in contrast to other dryers
is not sensitive to wide variations in material size, moisture content or throughput.
Principles of Operation
In its simplest form, the Rotary Dryer consists of a slightly inclined rotating cylinder, fitted
with a series of peripheral flights arranged to lift, distribute and transport the material. The
flights are designed to suit the particular handling characteristics of the material, which may
vary with increasing dryness. The principle of operation is based on showering, or cascading
the wet material through a hot gas stream, flowing either co-current or counter-current to the
solids. The hot gas induces the evaporation of the moisture. The heat lost to the material and evaporation of water vapor
reduces the gas temperature rapidly, such that it leaves the dryer at a comparatively low temperature. The efficiency of the
dryer is largely dependent on the differential between the inlet and exhaust gas temperatures, although the heat transfer rate
is also influenced by the relationship between the design of flights and the speed of rotation. However, irrespective of the
gas and material temperatures the drying (or residence) time may be critical, as this is governed by the rate of diffusion of
water from the core to the surface of the material. For special applications, the rotary cascade design is adapted to provide a
shortfall, or ‘Cruciform’, lifter configuration.
Inner Surface is different upon various usage:
Grinding Media
Steel ball, as the indispensable consumable to ball mill, is a kind of wear-resistant material that made of carbon, chromium,
manganese, and molybdenum, etc. as the main added metal elements, and can be produced through forging, spinning,
rolling, grinding and casting.
Crusher Spare parts
Machined surfaces for a consistent fit with less hassle and
Large selection of tooth and curve configurations for optimum
performance in any application
Unsurpassed alloys for extended wear life and lower cost per
• Toggle Plate
• Cheek Plate
• Jaw Wedges
• Jaw Plate
Other parts which are available include Feed Tubes, Feed Disks, Table
Liners, Outer Table Liners, Upper Tub Liners, Lower Tub Liners, and
Pedestal Skirt Liners. We also make long-lasting wear parts for horizontal
shaft impactors, including Standard and Heavy Duty Impeller Bars,
We produce Hammers in One and Two-Piece styles, Grates, Breaker Blocks, Side Liners, Breaker Bar Sleeves, Rotor Hubs,
Complete Rotor Assemblies, Top Cover Liners and
Throat Collars.
• Grates
• Breaker Blocks
• Side Liners
• Breaker Bar Sleeves
• Rotor Hubs
• Complete Rotor Assemblies
• Top Cover Liners
• Throat Collars
Our ball mill linings are designed from rubber or casting steel or rubber composite materials according to your application
and throughput requirements.
A standardised design evolved during the first three decades of the twentieth century, allowing the great escalation in size of
kilns that then followed.
Girth gears mainly using in -
Ball Mills
Kiln drive system
Rotary Dryer
Steel re-rolling mills
Paper industries
Rod Mills
Ring Gears
Ring Gears are also known as starter ring and comprises medium carbon steel ring with teeth which comes fitted on
periphery of flywheel of internal combustion engine generally in
automotive applications. With the teeth driven by smaller gear
(pinion) of starter motor, its primary use is in transferring torque
from starter motor pinion to flywheel/flexplate for engine rotation.
Features :
Starter ring gear featuring precision construction support
These are made to undergo different heat-treatment including
tempering, normalizing and others for precision finish
Teeth of starter ring hardened for enhancing its strength and wear
Modern computer aided designing support using software like
AUTOCAD, SOLID WORKS for ensuring precision construction standards
Interference checks and dimensional accuracies carried out using these tools
Can also provide load analysis & stress analysis on gears using finite element analysis
Application :
These are mostly used in automotive applications including:
Rotary Dryer
Rotary Cooler
Three drum dryer
Ball mill
Ball Mill Head/Cover:
Henan Dajia Mining Company is professional manufacture in producing ball mill components and rotary kiln components.
Our components can meet the requirement of most kinds of mills. We supply components service not only for mill
manufacturer but also for whom in maintaining.
Main Advantage:
High strength, Excellent wear resistance,20 times more than commonly ceramic
ball of France or ceramic ball, keep the material high degree of purity.
High density, high grinding efficiency, shorten 50% grinding times.
Very good roundness, very smooth and shiny surface, long times of use.
Mechanical Properties:
Material: Polyurethane
Type: PU Screen Plate
Thickness: 15-120mm
Hole size: 0.15-120mm
Hardness: 85-100A
Tensile strength: >50 MPA
Extensibility: >500%
Tear strength: >70 KN/M
Akron wearing: >0.02 cm3/1.6km
Color Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, etc