Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Solid waste refers here to all non-liquid wastes. In general this does not include excreta,
Although sometimes nappies and the faces of young children may be mixed with solid
Waste. Solid waste can create significant health problems and a very
unpleasant living
Environment if not disposed of safely and appropriately. If not correctly disposed of, waste
May provide breeding sites for insect-vectors, pests, snakes and vermin (rats) that increase the likelihood of disease
transmission. It may also pollute water sources and the environment
Associated risks
1.Disease transmission
Decomposing organic waste attracts animals, vermin and flies. Flies may play a major role in The transmission of faucal-
oral diseases, particularly where domestic waste contains farces(often those of children). Rodents may increase the
transmission of diseases such as Leptospirosis and salmonella, and attract snakes to waste heaps. Solid waste may also
provide breeding sites for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes of the Aedes genusLay eggs in water stored in discarded items such as
tins and drums; these are responsible for The spread of dengue and yellow fevers. Such conditions may also attract
mosquitoes of theAnopheles genus, which transmit malaria. Mosquitoes of the Culex genus breed in stagnantWater with
high organic content and transmit microfilariases (Médecins Sans Frontières,1994), appropriate conditions are likely to
arise where leachate from waste enters pooling Water.In times of famine or food scarcity, members of the affected
population may be attracted to
Waste heaps to scavenge for food; this is likely to increase the risk of gastro-enteritis,Dysentery and other illnesses.
2. Pollution
Poor management of the collection and disposal of solid waste may lead to leachate pollution Of surface water or
groundwater. This may cause significant problems if the waste containsToxic substances, or if nearby water sources are
used for water supplies.Where large quantities of dry waste are stored in hot climates this may create a fire hazard.
Related hazards include smoke pollution and fire threat to buildings and people.
3.Effect on morale
The effect of living in an unhygienic and untidy environment may lead people to becomeDemoralized and less motivated
to improve conditions around them. Waste attracts moreWaste and leads to less hygienic behaviour in general.
! Storage
! Collection
! Transportation
! Disposal
Generation of solid waste is the stage at which materials become valueless to
the owner and Since they have no use for them and require them no longer,
they wish to get rid of them.Items which may be valueless to one individual
may not necessarily be valueless to another.For example, waste items such
as tins and cans may be highly sought after by young children.
Storage is a system for keeping materials after they have been discarded and
prior to Collection and final disposal. Where on-site disposal systems are
implemented, such as Where people discard items directly into family pits,
storage may not be necessary. In Emergency situations, especially in the early
stages, it is likely that the affected population Will discard domestic waste in
poorly defined heaps close to dwelling areas. If this is the case, improved
disposal or storage facilities should be provided fairly quickly and these
Should be located where people are able to use them easily. Improved storage
! Small containers: household containers, plastic bins, etc.
! Large containers: communal bins, oil drums, etc.
! Shallow pits
! Communal depots: walled or fenced-in areas
In determining the size, quantity and distribution of storage facilities the
number of users,Type of waste and maximum walking distance must be
considered. The frequency of Emptying must also be determined, and it
should be ensured that all facilities are reasonably
Safe from theft or vandalism.
This is the stage when solid waste is transported to the final disposal site
There are various modes of transport which may be adopted and the chosen
method Depends upon local availability and the volume of waste to be
transported. Types of Transportation can be divided into three categories:
! Human-powered: open hand-cart, 8thhand-cart with bins, wheelbarrow,
! Animal-powered: donkey-drawn cart
! Motorised: tractor and trailer, standard truck, tipper-truc
The final stage of solid waste management is safe disposal where associated
risks are
Minimised. There are four main methods for the disposal of solid waste:
! Land application: burial or landfilling
! Composting
! Burning or incineration
! Recycling (resource recovery)
The most common of these is undoubtedly land application, although all four
are commonly Applied in emergency situations.
The technology choices outlined below are general guidelines for disposal and
storage of Waste on-site, these may be adapted for the particular site and
situation in question.
Transportation options
Where bins or collection containers require emptying, transportation to the
final disposal Point is required. As described, waste transportation methods
may be human-powered, Animal-powered or motorised.
Wheelbarrows are ideal for the transportation of waste around small sites
such as markets but Are rarely appropriate where waste must be transported
considerable distances off-site. Handcarts provide a better solution for longer
distances since these can carry significantly More waste and can be pushed
by more than one person. Carts may be open or can be fitted
With several containers or bins.
Animal-powered transportation means such as a horse or donkey with cart
are likely to be Appropriate where they are commonly used locally. This may
be ideal for transportation to Middle distance sites
Where the distance to the final disposal site is great, or where the volume of
waste to be Transported is high, the use of a motorised vehicle may be the
only appropriate option.
Options include tractor and trailer, a standard truck, or a tipper-truck, the final
choice Depending largely on availability and speed of procurement.
For large volumes of waste it may sometimes be appropriate to have a two-
stage transportation system requiring a transfer station. For example, waste is
transported by handcart to a Transfer station where it is loaded into a truck to
be taken to an off-site disposal site several Kilometres away
The technology choices outlined below are general options for the final
disposal of waste off-Site
Once solid waste is transported off-site it is normally taken to a landfill site.
Here the waste is Placed in a large excavation (pit or trench) in the ground,
which is back-filled with excavated Soil each day waste is tipped. Ideally,
about 0.5m of soil should cover the deposited refuse atThe end of each day to
prevent animals from digging up the waste and flies from breeding
The location of landfill sites should be decided upon through consultation
with the local Authorities and the affected population. Sites should preferably
be fenced, and at least one Kilometre downwind of the nearest dwellings.
Emergency programme.
Intervention levels
In different emergency scenarios.
Protective measuresIn order to minimise disease transmission there are
several protective measures that can be Undertaken. These concern
equipment for staff and the siting and management of disposal
It is important that workers employed to collect and transport solid waste are
provided with Appropriate clothing and equipment. Gloves, boots and overalls
should be provided wherever Possible. Where waste is burned, or is very
dusty, workers should have protective masks.
Water and soap should be available for hand and face washing, and changing
facilities should Be provided where appropriate.
That apparently unused areas are not in fact someone’s farm or back yard.