Testing Framework For 4G Wireless Communication Systems
Testing Framework For 4G Wireless Communication Systems
Testing Framework For 4G Wireless Communication Systems
Abstract— With the increasing requirement of higher reproduce the issue required to define mitigation
data rates to support various multimedia applications, a steps
demand for an enhanced wireless communication perform minimal test condition suggested by
system has become a necessity. During the development- standard document for a commercial grade
stage of any such wireless communication system it is products
necessary to perform continuous functional and
Regular track of codebase if any new issue
performance tests for a reliable and efficient end-
product. It is also necessary to develop a cost effective introduced.
and easy to use framework. In addition, to meet the B. Testing Requirments and Understanding
reduced time to market requirement, the infrastructure
required for testing and validation needs to be A 4G LTE/LTE-A product selling point is not
automated in order to speed up the product only based on solutions, feature sets and use cases
development cycle and prevent errors due to manual but also on the different test aspects which are
intervention. In this paper we aim to introduce an covered to label its capabilities. When it comes to
effective and low cost test and validation framework testing it is invariantly true that an end to end system
that can be utilized for a 4G wireless system such as an testing is a crucial aspect in all possible real time
LTE/LTE-A. Considering the performance scenarios. However for solution providers who are
requirements specified in the 3GPP specifications, the primarily interested to test their LTE solution,
framework is enhanced to perform various levels of investing on very expensive equipment’s is defiantly
testing in a fully automated environment and a not always viable solution, also bearing in mind that
provision is included to generate different detailed level that such equipment’s will become obsolete in near
of reports based on the outcomes of the tests and future due to new requirement coming from
validations. This framework also keeps the track of the technology evolution.. To design an efficient testing
previous results and hence product health progress can methodology, it is required to gather and understand
be monitored quickly. the requirement specifications and performance
Keywords-LTE, system test design, 3GPP, test
In LTE/LTE-A systems a wide range of testing and
I. INTRODUCTION validation requirements are derived using
specifications provided by 3GPP standard document
A. Importance of Testing
[6-11].LTE/LTE-A systems are built using several
Over the span of a decade, demands for an logical and numerical network elements. The
advanced testing methodology and infrastructure for functional split between the EPC (evolved packet
emerging new telecommunication technologies have core) and E-UTRAN (Evolved universal terrestrial
become a major requirement. Following are the radio access) is shown in Fig 1. In testing and
driving factors for a low cost, easy to use and an validation, the framework focus is restricted to the
automated testing and validation framework PHY (Physical layer) functionality and performance
requirements: requirements. All layer elements such as RLC,
PDCP, RRC, S-GW etc. have very little scope and
Continues growth in communication system in are considered obsolete.
terms of new feature addition to meet the high
data rate requirements. From Fig1 it can be seen that the PHY is agnostic
Reliable, efficient and error-free products. to the rest of the layers except for the MAC layer.
An early detection of real time field issues by The PHY interacts with the MAC layer to obtain the
creating and testing such scenarios prior to the following details:
product release to the end users
During support and maintenance, there is a need
Sub-frame configuration parameters for UP-
of a testing and validation framework to quickly LINK.
environments to run. When configured, the system
will read the configuration file which lists the options
selected and performs the automation.
c Test Suite: Test Suites are a set of use cases e LTE/LTE-A Test Model: The LTE/LTE-A Test
which will validate specific feature, functions or Model is a tested and verified module, either
stability of a system under test. All the use cases are hardware or software based. In our case this module
written in a single or multiple xls. For example is a MATLAB module. The test module contains a
consider a Feature Based Test Suite which can wrapper code written in TCL used to read the
contains n number of features. In this case n different configuration file fromc. Based on the configuration
test suites can be defined containing x number of user settings specified in the file the wrapper will
cases. Hence a total of n * x use cases would ensure configure the test model to read the specified test
complete test of a suite. List of different types of suites to be executed. Once the use cases are listed in
suites identified are given below. the test model system the model is executed. The test
model will then provide the results of the test
Sanity Test Suite performed f along with test vectors g which will be
Regression Test Suite used by the different environment systems to perform
Feature Based Test Suite the test on the PHY development protocol under test.
Conformance Test Suite Certain output reference data are also provided as
System Test Suites reference data check points to perform extensive
testing e.g. unit level testing. Reference data can
Depending on the test suite being selected certain range from basic CRC checks to extensive level like
level of testing may or may not be possible for a test channel estimation data, equalized data, SINR,
environment. Manual intervention would be required measurement etc. f Result Logger: The result logger
at this stage to manage the test suites and understand is aimed to log all results obtained from the LTE Test
validity of the test suite for a test environment. Model. This data logs allow the user to log
However selection/de-selection of test suite is more information from PHY to MAC and MAC to PHY
or less a check box click via the configuration setup. message exchange, various computation such as
SINR, Measurements etc. These data act as a bench
mark to validate the PHY system when testing outputs with that of the intermediate vector outputs
commences with the different environments. Various generated via the Test Model. The results of the test
graphs can be projected on the system performance. will be stored captured and store in the Result Logger
More effective mechanism can be used to automate f The UTE can also perform different levels of
different types of xls which can provide extensive testing:
amount of statically data.
Configuration Test: Testing different L2
g Test Vector Storage: Through the LTE/LTE-A configurations and parameter sweeps.
Test Model various test vectors can be generated Channel & Algorithm Test: Testing different
depending on the test suite run. These test vectors can channel conditions e.g. EVA5, EPA5, and
further be utilized to drive the automation test system ETU70 etc.
to perform different levels of tests with different test
environments. Some test environments that can be INTEGRATION TEST ENVIRONMENT (ITE):
utilized in the automation framework are listed The ITE is a test environment that can be utilized to
below: perform an end to end PHY testing for a complete
UPLINK data/control path scenario or DOWNLINK
Black box Testing. data/control path scenario. ITE can be considered as
Unit Level Testing. one-step higher than that of UTE. Some different
Integration Testing. types of testing that can be performed using the ITE
are the following:
The test vector storage stores all the vectors under
the suite names which have been configured viab. Single sub-frame test.
The test environment may or may not use the test Multi sub-frame test.
vectors generated via the test model. For the test HARQ test.
environments that do use the vectors a wrapper code Complete UP-LINK data and control path test.
is written in TCL to read the input test vectors into Complete DOWN-LINK data and control path
the specific environment. test.
a constant watch on the code base to assure that REFERNECES
the basic functionality is not broken. Sanity level [1] Catherine Tsao, Automation Design for 4G Mobile Internet
testing can be performed at different levels as Communication Systems Testing, 2004 lEEE Autotestcon.
listed below: [2] Ray Dolan, The Mobile Broadband future, international
Engineering Consortium, Annual Review of Communications,
- Unit level sanity testing Volume 54. 2001
[3] Genichi Taguchi, System of Experimental Design,
- Integration level sanity testing. 1988, Kraus International Publications, New York
- System level sanity testing. [4] Catherine Tsao, Advanced Measurement System
- Algorithm Performance level sanity testing. [5] Design for 4G Mobile Internet Systems Structural and Behavior
Testing, IMTC 2004.
Defining a correct use case for a test suite [6] TS 36.211 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
Physical channels and modulation.
requires a considerable amount of effort. By [7] TS 36.212 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
using the automation framework one can Multiplexing and channel coding.
validating the correctness of the use case and [8] TS 36.213 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
save considerable amount of time. Physical layer procedures.
[9] TS 36.214 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
Physical layer; Measurements.
The automation frame work can be utilized to [10] 3GPP TS36.141 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-
check the performance of the overall system and UTRA); Base Station (BS) conformance testing.
can give a deeper insight on requirements such [11] 3GPP TS36.104 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-
UTRA); Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception.
has optimization scope, algorithm performance
etc. The automation framework can easily be
enhanced with very low cost for testing advance
In this paper an improved testing framework has
been proposed. The testing framework described here
has allowed a relative amount of flexibility to test a
system efficiently in different environment system at
a bare minimum cost. The effectiveness of this
framework design has been utilized in a complete life
cycle of commercialized PHY releases in the market
as of today.