Love at First Sight
Love at First Sight
Love at First Sight
"Love at firt sight" is a phenomenon in which two individuals are falling passionately inlove with each other at their first encounter. Historically, "love at first sight" was understood within the context of a more general conception of love "madness from the gods". This love passion was described through an elaborate metaphoric and mythological schema involving "love's arrows" or "love darts," the source of which was often given as the mythological Eros or Cupid. At times, the source of the arrows was said to be the image of the beautiful love object itself. If these arrows arrived at the lover's eyes, they would then travel to and 'pierce' his or her heart, overwhelming them with desire and longing. But the situation on query here is if there is such a thing as "Love at first sight". We wil approach this problem from two diffrent angles. First we will discuss the scientific approach and then we will talk about a more romantical side of the matter. Firstly, we will disscus what the scientific world thinks about the phenomenon of "Love at first sight". Scientists study our brain activity and say that it quiet possible. s Some people claim that it happened to them and it was like you raise your head, meet those eyes and tell yourself "She/He is the one". Psychologists say that love at first sight depends on our psychological state at the moment. In some cases we wont even notice those charming eyes, but in another cases they can make a lasting impression on as. Also they say that it takes about 30 seconds to fall in love or precisely speaking to estimate whether the person is worth to fall in love with. An interesting fact is that psychologists claim that men fall in love first. "Love at first sight" is better stated as "attraction at first sight," said K-State's Gary Brase, associate professor of psychology. Brase said when it comes to love at first sight, he refers to psychologist Robert Sternberg's model of love, which consists of three components: passion or physical attraction, intimacy or confiding in another person, and commitment or intent to remain in the relationship. Commitment and intimacy would be unlikely to occur upon first sight of another person. However, someone may experience a strong "attraction at first sight," indicating that they have met a person who is a very good potential partner. This attraction may be based on features such as physical attributes, shared cultural aspects, psychological characteristics evident from the person's actions, or a combination of all three. Separate from attraction, a person also may feel "lust at first sight," which involves similar factors -especially physical factors -- but that lust is still a distinct emotion.
Very many factors act in the situation of falling in love from the first sight. These are our ideals, intuition or ast logic imagination etc. When you fall in love at the first sight you are f , usually ready and willing to fall in love, mainly if you have no feelings for anyone else or have a broken heart. Less possibility that it will happen if you are tired, stressed, solving problems in you mind. Of course the main part in falling in love is given to the appearance, voice, gestures, smell or any other small details that may catch you eye. One person intuitively searches in the other the qualities and the feature to complete him/herself. Beautiful people attract attention the most, but sometimes its wrong to fall in love with them easily because those people are experiencing much attention from the people of the other sex all the time and your delightful reaction may simply have no answers. In this other part of the paper Love at first sight might look like a coincidence, but to tell the truth, it is more than just a sensory overload. While most people would sideline it as a mere rush of pheromones, there are few dreamy dudes who wouldn't wink twice before jumping headlong into a relationship. But watch out, for all things that seem to be rosy in the beginning may turn out to be a real nightmare in the end. Remember, there is a thin line of difference in being attracted to someone and being head over heels in love. While it's easy to assume that you are in love after the first encounter, know that it might take you weeks or even months to figure out your feelings completely. Some people are quick to fall in love, and even quicker to fall out of it. So how do you know if love at first sight is for real? Most people think that love is purely psychological and always comes from the heart, but i disagree. Unlike what most romantics think, love isn't so much about heart as much as it is about the biochemical electricity or the physiological rush. Love at first sight may seem to be a far-fetched illusion, but it isn't a myth altogether. While it takes time to build a strong bond, it barely takes a blink to like a person. When you are truly, deeply, madly attracted to someone, it's hard to think of anything or anyone else. Despite of all your resistance, your entire thoughts start spinning around that one special person. This is what we call love at first sight. You know its love when you start yearning for the company of that person, when you want to learn everything about them, when you start noticing special things about that person. You don't always fall for someone who is beautiful. At times, you feel attracted to someone who is smarter, intelligent, innocent or simple. The simple theory behind this is your brain connection. Still the cases when people really had fallen in love from the first sight and lived long and happily after that are rather it. You may dream of a beautiful stranger that waits for you just around the corner but its wrong to name every slight sympathy and interest to a person the love at first sight. Maybe youre just a little tired of everything that surrounds you or trying to fill the emptiness inside, yet it doesnt mean everyone who looks nice will do. Sometimes it takes patience and time to find out the true nature of your feelings, mind that wonders do happen but not as often as we would like them too. If you suddenly have felt the wings behind you back still try to keep your feet on the ground because if its really love at first sight nothing will happen to it but if youre taking illusions for reality falling back on the ground can be really hurtful. Some theories say that we fall in love not from the first sight but from the first smell. Scientist claim that we pay much attention to what our eyes and ears tell us but on the subconscious
level the way the person smells play a very big part in his or her expression on us although we dont recognize it. Here is a real love-at-first-sight-story. It`s about two people who had fallen in love at first sight and eventually they got married. "It was a late evening, just from work and could not get a taxi home.Luckily, I saw a friends car parked outside a pub and decided to ask him to drop me. He agreed and asked me to give him a minute so as to finish up and tell his friends.I waited for him outside his car. Shortly he appears and behind him is The Most handsome man I have ever seen, everything in my imagination. Coincidence, they are together.When he looked at me and our eyes meet, there was no doubt ours was destined in heaven.He offered to drop me home, I had no worries, in my heart I knew he was the one I wanted to be with. HE was in town for just that week, and by the time he was leaving, both of us knew what we wanted. Today we are happily married for 19 months with a 1 year old boy.And I have never stopped thanking God for him, as I have never felt anything like love before I meet him. " As always therere as many opinions as many people. Each one has an equal right to exist because whatever the all those scientifical researches find out love still stays a sphere in which no one quiet sure in anything.